Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 9 May 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 536 1 □naDanoQQna DaaanaDnn *****000 f IF YOU WANT W SHIP, buy OR SELL g i RUBB ID R. I D OR TO C forward GOODS l. TO ANY PABT 0* the WORLD 0 GO TO 1 ALLEN DENNYS Co., 7 UNION STREET. n 2 D g on nnna v j££3l SUN
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    • 59 1 EanannaMnananacnncancanua a FOR $3O d g X7OU can have the Pinang g X Gazette posted everv day for a whole year to your address. n (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27), Proj ortionate Quarleily and D Half-yearly rates. g Subscriptions are payable in advance and remittance should g g be addressed to n
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    • 303 2 {Specially Translated.) On the Ypres-Armeutieres front there is an enormous concentration of German troops. The Germans propose making an attack on a large scale on the British front. A Berlin communique states that in the neighbourhood of West Dixmude the German infantry penetrated the Belgian trenches and
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    • 121 2 The Governor-General of the Netherlands Indies and suite have announced their intention of being present at the forthcoming races at Batavia and Bandoeng. Five acres on the Moedjamoedjoe Estate, Java, were burnt out on Friday. The Medan agents of the K.P.M announce the sailing of their mail steamers
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  • 183 2 The Spanish Ambassador in Berlin is in charge of French interests, and the Americun Minister of our interests. Two months ago someone from England wrote personally to the King of Spain about some prisoners of war. He took up the case, and he now engages in
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  • 157 2 With regard to the visit of the eighty Japanese merchants, who are expected to arrive in Java by the first vessel of the new line of the Osaka Shosen Kaisha in the early days of May, a recent wire from Macassar says that a warship is to
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    • 404 2 Three young Cantonese lads were brought before Mr W. C. Michell, District Judge, to-day, charged with the theft of three electric torches belonging to a Japanese woman of No. 334, Chulia Street, on the Ist inst. According to the prosecutrix, Yuokay, about 3 p.m. on the day in
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    • 129 2 Charged before Mr. W. C. Michell with being in fraudulent possession of one bicycle pump Li Chang, who said he had only been one month in Penang having come from China, stated that he found the pump in a drain and took it thinking that it
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    • 82 2 The same defence was given by an Indian Mohammedan named Mustan when charged wiih being in fraudulent possession of some pieces of zinc piping. He found it in a drain at Penang Road. The detective who arrested him told the Court that when he arrested accused the
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    • 163 2 Viren, an old goal bird, was charged with being drunk and disorderly, to which he pleaded not guilty. Inspector John Frayne stated that yesterday afternoon he saw accuse! drunk in Penang Road and chasing some boys. When he told accused to desist he came in front
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  • 50 2 The following further contributions to the above Fund were forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on May 5 $2,217.36 The employees of the United Engineers Ltd, monthly subn 40.00 H De Z Lancaster 200.00 Balance on May 8 $2,457.36 Amount previously acknow- ledged .„$23,913.74 Total .„$26,371.10
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  • 278 2 Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Duncan are leaving for Home this week. We understand that Mr. V. G. Ezechiel will return to Penang on Thursday. The Rev. J. R. and Mrs. Denyes, after a stay on Taiping Hill, have returned to Penang. As successor to Mr. Robert Young,
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  • 313 2 Succrss in Hawaii. Marked improvement is apparent in the condition of about 30 inmates of the Kalih receiving station who, during the last four months, have been treated with chaulmoogar oil, which is derived from an East Indian plant, expensively grown in South America, and which
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  • 114 2 Two airmen had remarkable escapes from death or serious injury near Brooklands on March 27. In each case the machine was smashed to pieces and the pilots escaped with only slight injuries. In one instance a Royal Flying Corps man dropped outside the Aerodrome crashing into a
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  • 79 2 An Enactment to amend the Krian Irrigation Enactment, 1905, received the approval of the Perak State Council at a meeting held in Kuala Kangsar on April 17, and is published for general information in the current issue of the F. M. S. Government Gazette." The only change is
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    • 68 2 Oar Singapore correspondent telegraphs that the entries for the Singapore Race Meeting are good. Nothing remarkable was done at Saturday’s gallops. By the s.s. Klaug to-day, the second batch of Penang horses leave for Singapore in charge of Mr. W. H. Ross. Five horses left last week, those
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    • 21 2 The ladies' monthly medal competition will be pl iyed on Wednesday and Thursday 10th, and 11 th inst.
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    • 158 2 The fortnightly handicap shoot took place on Sa'urday afternoon, under difficult conditions, owing to a changeable wind. Result:— Mr Justice L P Ebden with H’cap '76 made 95 88 Pte L O Hargrave '76 9'2.52 Capt J G Allan .29 92 22 2nd/Lt DAM Brown -76
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    • 137 2 The shoot yesterday resulted of follows <n 6C ®TS ©TS 3 -g -2 o q 2 h Miss Mathieu 32 29 27 88 Miss M. Pritchard 30 30 27 87 Mrs Venning Thomas... 32 28 25 85 Mrs Sproule 29 22 20 71 Mrs Frayne 28
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    • 312 2 M S. V. R. v. Civil Guard. Considerable interest was manifested in the match between Ipoh Civil Guard and the two Ipoh Platoons, and several spectators turned up at the Range on Sunday morning to watch the shooting. The contest comprised 5 rounds deliberate at 200 yards, 5 rounds
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 408 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LET. NO 30, LOGAN ROAD, a European Bungalow fitted with Electric Lights throughout. Apply to M. M. NOORDIN. WANTED FOR small very healthy Estate in Central Kedah—next town and railway station, wanted a CINGALESE, experienced man as CONDUCTOR of tapping and responsible for factory. Salary not less
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    • 397 2 MEDICAL HALL (Zn Liquidation). "pHE Liquidator invites o ff ftPa 1 purebu. of th. tl. as a going concern, such offers to h ab on or before 31st May, 1916 Particulars and conditions'of salp had on application to the uudJ; yb to Donaldson Burkinshaw Of Singapore. 8ol ‘«toh i H.
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  • 908 3 THE “PUSHER” AND THE RAILWAYS. The opening days of the new session of Patna were marked by vehement attacks the Admini 9trat ou i and some of the s't severe strictures referred to the RailDepartment as it was administered under M. Rukhloff, recently retired. Even before the war
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  • 636 3 STRIKING COMMENTS BY EX-WAR MINISTER. Does Germany, anxious about the protection of her flank, desire a strengthening of Dutch defence forces towards the west this spring And is some such cause responsible for the decision to hold a CommitteeGeneral of the Second Chamber Is Parliament to
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  • 223 3 While pro-German Congressmen are vainly endeavouring at the sacrifice of America’s honour to induce a surrender of her national rights at the dictation of the Kaiser's agents, details of a conspiracy in America, organised by a wealthy citizen, against Britain, are revealed in the confession of
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  • 539 3 AN ALLIANCE ADVOCATED. In view of the unprecedented horrors and destructions of the present war, writes Dr. Charles W. Eliot, President Emetrius of Harvard Universily it is undoubtedly tbe interest of the Americas to protect themselves at all costs from invasion by Germany, supported by any possible
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  • 210 3 The Ford Motor Company was organised June 16th, 1903. The history of the greatest automobile production is given below, recording one of the most phenomental industrial developments in the world’s history. In 1903-04, to September 30th, there were made and sold 1,708 Ford Cars
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  • 87 3 San Francisco, April 11 —A well-laid plot to assassinate John Pierpont Morgan, the financier, Colonel Roosevelt, Charles M Schwab, head of the steel trust, Thomas W Lamont, the well-known banker, and other prominent American citizens has been discovered in this city. The plot is believed
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  • 745 3 BLUE FUNNEL BOAT CAPTAIN’S INDISCRETION. Before Mr. Hizeland, at the Hongkong Magistracy on April 27, Captain Rodway, of the Blue Funnel steamer Pyrrhus, was charged with leaving the harbour without his ship having first been examined by the police. Mr. A. M. Preston (for the defence) pleaded
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 175 3 WHAT HEADACHES POINT TO. When a patient mentions headaches the doctor seeks for the cause, and in most cases finds it in some derangement of the nervous or digestive system. Headache, as is well known, is one of the commonest symptoms of a weak disordered stomach, or exhausted nervous system
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    • 383 3 Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually check
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  • 523 4 With no prospect of success for Germany in tl e fighting sphere, it is only what was to be expected that a definite declaration has been made that the hopes of Berlin for peace are centred in America. The circumstance that His Holiness the Pope has simultaneously
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  • 924 4 Whenever there is a slump in rubber and economy becomes the order of the day shareholders look round for directions where savings may be affected. Directors and managing agents pub their heads together and the estate managers are called upon to reduce the expenditure on labour and other
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  • 1467 4 Is there any peculiar knowledge of Ireland and the method of reconciling Irish differences, and of promoting an Arcadian harmoniousness in the Green Isle to be gained by occupants of gubernatorial office in our Empire We offer an immediate and emphatic negative. Sir Matthew Nathan, who has
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  • 69 4 The change of programme at the Elec trie Polyscope to-night will include the following The Girl Detective ”in -1 P*’ 3 Simon the Jester ”in 5 reels and e Hand of Fate” with Pathe’s latest Animated Gazette." A Mother’s Atonement,” a three re-> drama, The Masquerader,’ in t
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  • 151 4 The B. I. ss. Fultala. with the out** English mails may be expected to ar from Negapatam at daylight on anr z the 13th current. She is schedue sail at 4 p.m, the same day r Swettenham and Singapore. Fillis’ Circus has been playing to cro ed houses
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 13 4 E. O.” SPECIAL DINNER AND DANCE ON Friday, 12th May. E. O. ORCHESTRA.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 258 5 APPEALS TO AMERICA. BATTLES AT VERDUN. titled rebels arrested. NEW IRISH UNDER-SECRETARY. Tbe Verdon district is still the only region of activity on the Western front, and the Germans are again the aggressors. The enemy’s latest infantry efiorts, which followed severe and sustained artillery preparations, were made on
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  • France and Belgium.
    • Article, Illustration
      342 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] STRONG GERMAN EFFORTS. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, May 8. On the left of the Meuse, tbe extremely violent bombardment, already incessant for two days, in the region of Hill 304, was followed to-day by a strong German attack between Hill 304 and Mort Homme. The
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  342 words
    • 286 5 Travellers who returned to Switzerland from Germany just before the frontier was again closed confirm the reports that the failure of the German army to capture Verdun has produced a pessimistic effect on the German public. A feeling of great uneasiness is abroad. The German Chancellor openly endeavoured
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    • 262 5 EYE-WITNESS’S NARRATIVE. Copenhagen, May 8. The destruction of Zeppelin L 7 by the British warships was witnessed by many p°ople. The airship was plainly observed from Horn’s Reef, an islet off the Danish coast. The Zeppelin was struck by the shots of the British cruisers and caught fire.
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    • 201 5 COUNTESS’S DEATH SENTENCE COMMUTED. London, May 7. Ti e Illustrated Sunday Herald announces that in Dublin, last night, Countess Markieviez was sentenced to death and that the sentence was commuted to penal servitude for life. Other Death Penalties Commuted. A Dublin message says the death sentence on George
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    • 49 5 IRISH UNDER-SECRETARY. London, May 8. Sir Robert Chalmers, late Governor of Ceylon, has been appointed Under-Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, in succession to Sir Matthew Nathan resigned. It is unofficially reported that the Rt. Hon. Lewis Harcourt succeeds Mr. Birrell as Chief Secretary for Ireland.
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    • 22 5 London, May 8. It is understood that the remaining Derby groups will be called up on June 13.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 61 5 SPOILS FROM THE TURKS. London, May 8. A Petrograd communiquĕ states that at the capture of Semalktrind, a position in the direction of Baghdad, the Turk?, who lost heavily, abandoned a large camp and important material. At the occupation of Trebizond, the Russians captured eight coast guns and
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    • 20 5 Petrograd, May 7. The Tsar received in audience the French Ministers M. M. Viviani and Thomas.
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 31 5 OFFICERS AT BAGHDAD. Amsterdam, May 8. General Townshend, and four other Generals, with Staff Officers, have arrived at Baghdad. The other officers and men will be brought there gradually.
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  • Italy's Campaign
    • 57 5 VISIT TO ISONZO FRONT. Rome, May 8. H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, accompanied by King Victor Emmanuel, visited the most advanced line on the Lower Isonzo, amid an incessant roar of artillery. The Prince received an enthusiastic welcome. His Royal Highness was the guest of
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 225 5 MR. WILSON’S ATTITUDE. Washington, May 7, The opinion in official circles is that President Wilson, ignoring the bullying insolence of the German note, will accept at its face value Germany’s concession that the submarine commanders will be ordered to observe the rules of cruiser warfare, but will
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    • 515 5 Lisbon, March 2u.—Dr. Sidonio Paes, late Portuguese Minister in Berlin, returned yesterday to Lisbon, via Zurich and Paris. Interviewed by the newspaper A Lucta,’’ he made many interesting statements relative to the present situation in Germany. Public opinion is very indignant at the fact that
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    • 338 5 There are many ways that the United States could “do its bit for civilization. First, by furnishing war munitions and supplies, the United States could do more toward crushing Prussian militarism than it could accomplish by sending twenty army corps to the western front. If the
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  • General News.
    • 63 5 THE BELGIAN CAMPAIGN. Havre, May 7. A Belgian communique states that following the occupation of Shangugu, the Belgians continued to progress on the southern shore of Lake Kivu, and attacked the enemy’s rearguard on April 21, and forced it to make a headlong retreat. The Belgians, on April
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    • 211 5 SUPPLEMENTARY BILL. London, May 8. The House of Lords passed the first reading of the bill supplementing tbe India Consolidation Act of 1915. The most important provisions of the bill are the following Clause 2 provides for the insertion in section 84 of last year’s act, after
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    • 69 5 TOKIO AND GERMAN REPORTS. Tokio, May 5. The Foreign Office at Tokio flatly denies the enemy reports of Japanese intervention in China. On the contrary, the Premier and the Cabinet unanimously declare Japan's fixed policy not to interfere in the crisis in China, but to endeavour to
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    • 41 5 VILLA BAND’S ATTACK. London, May 9. An El Paso telegram states that fifty of Villa's followers crossed the Rio Grande and attacked an American garrison, numbering ten men, at Glen Springs, killing four and wounding four. The band then escaped.
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    • 38 5 London, May 8. Ninety-six per cent, of the Lancashire cotton spinners voted in favour of handing in notices in the event of a refusal of their demand for a 10 per cent, advance in wages.
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  • 31 5 GOVERNMENT TO SEND RELIEF. London, May 8. The Daily Chronicle states that the Government has decided to organise immediately an expedition for the relief of Sir Ernest Shackleton.
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  • 628 5 Anxiety about the fate of Sir Ernest Shackleton is somewhat relieved by the statement of Sir Douglas Mawson, the leader of the Australasian Antarctic expedition, hat there is no cause for undue alarm and by the sanguine view taken by the explorer’s father. The Aurora, the
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  • 82 5 Messrs. Allen Dennys Co., advise ns that the undermentioned prices were realised for robber sold by them at oar auction sale to day, (26,500 lbs. offered, 19,400 lbs. sold): Smoked ribbed sheet $133 to $144 plain 127 128 No. 2 smoked sheet diamond 112 129 Unsmoked sheet
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  • 28 5 OUTPUTS FOR APRIL. The following are additional rubber outputs for April Alor Pongsu lbs. 15,915 Ayer Kuning 6,620 Brieh 6,479 Merabu 9,308 North Perak 1,469 Temerloh 4,789
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  • 43 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, May 9. A Chinese was charged at Singapore with being in possession of 160 five dollar counterfeit notes. The case was adjourned. It is believed that a fair number o! these notes is in circulation.
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  • 27 5 Obituary. DOCTOR DIRK BOS. London, May 8. The death has occurred of Doctor Dirk Bos, the Datch Liberal Democratic leader, an authority on the Dutch East Indies.
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  • 609 6 THE ANNUAL MEETING. Mr. William Duncan presided at the seventh ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Kuala Sidim Rubber Company, Limited, held at the Company’s registered office, No. 49, Beach Street. The others present were Messrs. G Stothard, W B Wilson, G N Saye,
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  • 124 6 Nanking, April 21.—The twelfth (northern) regiment have looted one of the main streets of Pukow. They had their baggage packed and were leaving when they took this method of bidding farewell. This regiment is part of the northern army sent down to keep peace in Shanghai and
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  • 89 6 Washington, April 12.—The vote }O Cook Country in the presidential primaries has been announced as follows Wilson 79,396 Sherman 63,823 Roosevelt 11,620 The vote in Cook Country in the last presidential election was as follows Wilson 130,702 Taft 74,875 Roosevelt 166,061 The small vote accorded
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  • 639 6 WHAT IS BEING DONE IN THE SOUTH. A correspondent writes to the Bangkok Times from the Peninsula Lately articles have appeared in the Pinang Gazette and in Australian papers drawing attention to mining activities in Southern Siam. So far as I have seen, nothing has yet
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  • 496 6 CARDINAL MERCIER’S WORK. The threat issued by the German Gov-ernor-General in Belgium against Cardinal Mercier, on account of a pastoral letter issued by the latter, naturally caused some sensation. The letter has now been published in full. Commenting on it and on the action of the German
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  • 412 6 Tokio, April 16 —A number of influential N. Y. K. shareholders, each having over I,GOO shares, held a meeting on Friday afternoon in the Nihobashi Club to discuss various questions concerning the company. It was believed that this meeting was for the movement to increase dividends, but those
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  • 503 6 The contention insisted on by so many circles jn Germany that their nation is far in advance of their enemies in moral?, and in the elevation of its sentiments in all that goes to make a people of Kultur, receives now and then a shrewd blow. In the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 197 6 SAYS NO ONE NEED REMAIN THIN NOW. Physician’s Advice For Thin, Undeveloped Men and Women. Thousands of people suffer from excessive thinness, weak nerves and feeble stomachs who having tried advertised flesh-makers, food-fade, physical culture stunts and rubon creams, resign themselves to life-long skinniness and think nothing will make them
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    • 124 6 "liquid FUEd FOR Diesel and Semi=Diesel Engines, Smelting Furnaces, Boilers, etc. KEROSENE FOR KEROSENE OIL ENGINES.. LARGE STOCKS ALWAYS ON HAND. For particulars and prices, apply direct to THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM CO.««LTD. {lncorporated in England) WELD QUAY, PENANG. I ALLEN DENNYS Co., w"*" 6 j RUBBER BROKERS, j a PROPRIETORS
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 283 6 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHTII the ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE Co, LYCEUM THEATRE, ARGYLL ROAD. Present Kalem’s Sensational Detective Serial THE GIRL DETECTIVE 40 Parts 50,000 feet A series of the most exciting and sensational detective dramas ever filmed. Full of exciting incidents and strong plots. Series Nos. 9 and 10. Parts XVII-XX. 5 Parts
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  • 1103 7 haR P TASK for AMERICA. it be true that German intrigue is to embroil the Washington Gov--1591 -uh Mexico, the move is indeed erDM Lit one. For the task of pacifysa her disorderly neighbour will go a ,D? toward deflecting the attention 'X’ United States from the European
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  • 491 7 Calcutta, April 24.—The Englishman" states that during his recent visit to Calcutta the attention of the Viceroy was drawn to the scheme drawn up by Dr. 8 K. Millick, the Hon. Secretary of the National Militia League, for the formation of a Bengal regiment. The scheme has
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  • 98 7 Lahore, April 22 The ninth Sikh Educational Conference opened at Tarn Taran, the holy town of the fifth Guru, Sri Guru Arjan Devji. The large pandal was filled by about 10,000 people, including about 2,000 ladies. Mr. King, Deputy Commissioner, Mr. Rehill, Superintendent of Police,
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  • 1119 7 T.O.M. SOME POPULAR THEORIES EXPLODED. The esse in which Messrs Jwi Fong Leong Co, Choon Hin Co, and Teik Chin Co Ltd, were charged and convicted by the Ipoh Magistrate in February, with offering for sale tinned provisions that were alleged to be unfit for human consumption, came
    “ T.O.M.  -  1,119 words
  • 495 7 Last October the Kedah government gave the Europeans in this district permission to form a volunteer corps, and that was as far as they went. They could give us no help, financially, nor in the way of arms, ammunition or uniform. However that difficulty was got over.
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  • 36 7 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $97 00 per picul buyers, no sellers—a decrease of 50 cents. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £2OO 10s spot, and £199 5s three months.
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  • 487 7 RUBBER AND TEA. In his recent paper at the London School of Economics, published in The Statist of February 5, Sir George Paish stated that the amount of British capital placed publicly in rubber plantations was £42,000,000, and that the amount of British capital subscribed for tea and
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  • 77 7 CLEARANCES. To-DAT. De Kock for Deli and Langsa. Cornelia for Port Swettenham, P. Dickson and Malacca. Trang for Trang. Hebe for Bagan Datoh Teluk Anson. Pangkor tor Dindings and Sitiawan. Klang for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Jin Ho for Asahan. Albiana for Hongkong. Colombo Maru for Rangoon Calcutta. Keelung
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  • 126 7 Penang, May 9, 1916. {By Courtesy ot the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 1/4 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 25/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 13/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days' sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174| Moulmein Demand Bank 17 3f 3
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  • 220 7 Penang, May 9, 1916. S P. Tapioca 58.75 sellers. M. P. Tapioca $9-00 sellers. Gold leaf 564.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers. Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $29.00 buyers. Trang Pepper $25 sales. Mace 5110 nom Mace Pickings $7O sellers. Cloves $4O buyers
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  • 81 7 May 12. —Legislative Council Meeting, Singapore. May 12.—E. &O. Special Dinner and Dance. May 13.—Parish Hall, Social Evening, 8 p.m. May 13.—Cricket Esplanade P.C.O. v. Nondescripts. May 13.—Penang Club, Club Night 8 p.m May 14,—Parish Hall Annual General Meeting, Parish Hall, 9-15 a.m. May 16, 18, and 20,—Singapore
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 141 7 UNION S. S. CO. OF NEW ZEALAND Ld., INCORPORATED IN NEW ZEALAND. Auckland, Wellington, Lyttleton and Dunedin ALSO CALLING AT Samarang and Fiji (if inducement offers). The Company’s Steamers maintain a regular four-monthly service between Singapore and New Zealand. Approximate Dates of Sailing from Singapore: For Sailings apply to Agents,
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    • 46 7 MARTIN’S Pa Pills in the house, so that on the first sign of any Irregularity of the System, a timely dose may be administered Those who use them recommend them, hence *their enormous sale. At all Chemists and store or post free &lMARTIN Chemist SOUTHAMPTON. ENGLAND
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2752 8 1T& o.~ b. i.— apcar“|N. Y.KJfex K. P. M. mail AND passenger services. Japan Mail Steamship Co. U. 1 PENINSULAR AN O ORIENTAL SAILINGS. INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAV. CQ In MAIL SERVICES. a 11/ (incorporated in England,. Uo, Homeward (for Europe). Outward (for China
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