Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 May 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 848 1 aooaae aoaaoDaaauuoaaaaaaaoa I IF YOU want w SHIP, g BUY °R SELL RUBBER I a OR TO c n FORWARD GOODS d n TO AMY Part of the WORLD n g GO TO g i ALLEN DENNYS Co., g 7, UNION STRBET. D S D g 0 aanno □□nano as
      848 words
    • 59 1 □□□□□□onnaan□□□□□□aaaaaaa FOR $BO D XTOU can have the “Pinang D Y Ga’/ette posted every day D for a whole year to your address, g (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). Proportionate Quarieily and g g Half-yearly rates. 9 Subscriptions are payable in Q advance and remittance should q be addressed to ex PINANG
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  • 746 2 In the past two years, and especially in the last six months or so, writes the U.S. Consul-General, George E Anderson, of Hongkong, there has been an immense increase in the imports of leaf tobacco form the United States into Hongkong, coincident with the extraordinary devlopment of
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  • 419 2 Messrs. James F. Hutton <fc Co, Ltd., writing on April 6, report Liverpool Cotton. Mid-American —Spot 7.58 7.82 Mid-American, Current Month 7.42| 7.67 F.G.F. Egyptian—Spot 10.41 10.91 F.G.F. Egyptian, Current Month 10.22 10.84 New York Cotton. Yesterday. Last week. Spot—Cents. 12.00 12.15 Current Month 11.76 11.95 London.
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  • 374 2 A Dane in the leather and fancy goods trade has just given in the Copenhagen Press some interesting impressions on his return from a visit to the Leipzig fair. There were only 2,700 exhibitors this year as against 4,200 in 1914. Some goods it was almost impossible
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1333 2 DaTnc TX7ANTED for office in Medan, ex MUNICIPAL NOTICE. KaICS 10l VV perienced short-hand typist. I a i j* ji rtinatilc Apply u P erBon A N ORDINARY MEETING of the V&SU&I AdVCruSCinCniS» Thk Asiatic p ETRO leum Co., (S.S.) Ltd., Municipal Commissioners will be held at the Municipal Office
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    • 107 2 TO Be Shot at Sunrise would seem a welcome relief to many who suffer the red h"t pain thrusts of neuralgia. These are the hopeless torture-wracked beings who live in the shadow of constant dre»d of <he stabbing, twisting, unb-arable sudden pain* and spasms of neu'aiuia. Little’s Oriental Balm, has
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    • 66 2 MARTIN’S •SPlOL&stbeu JPI LL S A French Remedy for all Ir reirularly Thousands of Ladies keep a box of Martin’s Pills in the house, so that on the first sign of any irregularity of the System a timely dose may be administered. Those who use them recommend them, hence their
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    • 586 2 CHARTERED BANK OF iMn, AUSTRALIA AND CHINa’ Incorporated in England by Royal Chart Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund SOO, OQq Reserve Liability of Proprietors Head Offi CB £l- BISHOPSGATE, LONDON Agencies and Branches Amritsar Hongkong D Bangkok Iloilo ekln g Batavia Ipoh p e^ an Bombay Karachi p u et Calcutta
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  • 410 3 FRIDAY’S MEETING. At the last meeting of the Legislative Council the Hon. Mr. W. W. Cook took the oath and his seat as a member of Council. The following papers were laid on the table. Schedule of Additions to the Estimates during the Quarter ended 31st March, 1916
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  • 411 3 F.M.S. Man’s Experience. A copy of the Bedford Standard for March 24th contains an account of a remarkably plucky fight by a British airman in which Mr. H. H. B. Cox, an assistant on Sungei Choh Estate until about a year ago, was concerned. The account
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  • 703 3 NATION’S BEST BUSINESS BRAINS EMPLOYED. Mr. Lloyd George’s portrait by Mr. Augustus John is bringing an inconveniently large number of important people to the little Chenil Gallery in Chelsea. The moment is opportune for a note about the work of the Ministry of Munitions from the point
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  • 167 3 German Naval Expert Warns His Countrymen In an article appearing in the Berliner Tageblatt on the "War of Starvation” Captain Persius comes to the conclusion that Germany has little cause to fear that she can be forced to conclude peace as the result of famine. On the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 672 3 NOTICE. WE beg to give notice that for the present the products of the Bernese Alps Milk Company will be imported by us under the “BEAK” Brand instead of under “Sledge” Brand as heretofore. THE MILK REMAINS UNCHANGED the trade mark alone lias been altered, and for the following reasons
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    • 433 3 I 1 B /z //Ji Tra for 3QS Wincarnis A? B ‘Wincarnis’ is the ONE thing you need g when you are g Weak, An«mic. “Nervy.” Ryndown. te Tub ‘Wincarnis’ is the one thing that will give you new rw' JME strength when you are Weak —new, rich blood when
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 60 4 DISQUIETING SYMPTOMS IN BULGARIA. Athena, May 5. The French occupied Florina, and arrested the Secretary of the Austrian Consulate at Monastir, who was returning from Athens. The Austrian Minister at Athens has protested against the arrest. There are many desertions from the Bulgarian Army. Great depression prevails
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    • 230 4 Athens, March 22. —Passengers arriving from Constantinople, having left 12 days ago, state that the Germans were then in full control of the situation. Four Turkish officers of high rank were publicly hanged because they had endeavoured to show disapproval of German rule, and had tried
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    • 275 4 LORD KITCHENEK’S EULOGY. London, May 5. In the House of Lords, Lord Kitchener spoke of the dogged determination and splendid courage of General Townshend and his troops, and of the excellence of his dispos tions for defence. He emphasised the strain upon the troops holding the positions
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    • 36 4 London, May 5. H.H. Zilles Sultan of Persia, who is in London, visited the Foreign Office and the India Office. Mr. Asquith, Sir Edward Grey Mr. Chamberlain, Lord Kitchener and diplomatists called.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 71 4 LIVELINESS IN ADRIATIC. London, May 7. A French submarine, on Thursday, in the lower Adriatic, torpedoed and sank an enemy destroyer. Austrian Torpedo Boats Chased. Rome, May 7. Four Italian destroyers, on Wednesday, chased ten enemy torpedo boats. The Austrians were shelled continuously, the Italians only giving
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    • 14 4 A Berlin communique mentions a Russian bombardment of the Courland coast.
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    • 181 4 GALLANT FIGHT WITH U BOAT. London, May 5. A fight took place between the steamer Clan Macfadyen (2,816 tons of Glasgow) and a submarine, the Clan Macfadyen making a gallant show. The submarine opened fire from fifty yards. The Clan Macfadyen’s big gun immediately replied. The steamer
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    • 26 4 London, May 6. The Glasgow steamer City of Lucknow, on may Ist was torpedoed without warning. All the crew were landed at Malta.
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    • 866 4 GERMANY’S REPLY. Washington, May 5. Mr. Gerard, the American Ambassador at Berlin, has cabled that he expects the German reply to-day. Germany's Definite Assurance. Washington, May 5. It is officially announced that the German reply to the United States promises that merchantmen, within and without the naval war
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    • 359 4 A closer study of the appendices attached to the German memorandum regarding the new submarine warfare, which were made public by the State Department, raises interesting questions as to the significance of the documents as compared with the German Fore gn Office’s description of them
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    • 136 4 Copenhagen, March 27. —The “Tidens Tegn states that during the war 96 Norwegian ships have been lost as a result of submarines or mines. It has been estimated that 2U Norwegian steamers have been destroyed by German submarines, and 77 Norwegian citizens have lost their lives. Germany
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  • General News.
    • 51 4 APPEAL FOR AMERICA’S AID. Washington,, May 7. It is understood that the American Ambassador at Berlin informed the State Department that there is mach talk of peace in Germany and that the Kaiser is anxious that the United States take the initiative in negotiations with the Allies
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    • 15 4 A Turkish communique reports that hostile aircraft bombed tne neighbourhood of Smyrna.
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    • 13 4 H. R. H. Prince Albert has rejoined his ship.
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    • 48 4 London, May 5. A billot of the Preston District Spinners shows that 98| per cent favour a strike to enforce their demand for a 10 per cent advance. The Spinners’ Executive will consider the result of this ballot along with the other ballots on Saturday.
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    • 32 4 London, May 5. The Dundee Spinners’ and Manufacturers’ Association has decided that unless the calenderers return to work by May 1 leb, all the calendering sections will close down.
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    • 50 4 RELIEF EXPEDITIONS NECESSARY. London, May 5. The organisers of the Shackleton expedition have practically given up hope of the Endurance arriving at Buenos Aires this season, therefore it is felt that steps must be taken immediately for relief expeditions, both to the Ross Sea and the Weddell Sea
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    • 21 4 London, May 5. Mr. Asqu th unveiled a memorial to the late Captain Scott in St Paul’s Cathedral.
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    • 33 4 VILLA BAND SURPRISED. London, May 7. A detachment of American cavalry surprised a larger number of Villa bandits. Forty-two of the latter were killed and many wounded. There were no American casualties.
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    • 101 4 London, May 7. Sir John Hewett and Mr. Hugo Hirst applied in the Chancery Division for an injunction restraining Mr. Walter Nockolds from publishing in any prospectus of the Nitrate of Thorium Company, a statement that the plaintiffs consented to join the board of directors. Defendant apologised,
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  • 1419 4 Dr. D. Bridges has been granted ten months and twenty days’ full-pay leave. AH the English Schools in Penang re-open to-day, after the Easter vacation. Mr. J. F. Ward is going to Kuala Lumpur from Pahang to act as Town Engineer. The Rev. Donald J Ross, m
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  • 43 4 The Band will play the following gramme of music at the Esplsna e 6 till 7 this evening:— 1. Selection The Siege oj 2. Galop Wings oj Love 3. Waltz Die Alpenhorn 4 Mazurka La Czarine ’’Mark» 5. March Adolphe
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  • 47 4 Shanghai, April 26 —There w "gj e h the fighting on the 23rd ult near gjiangyi o Government troops attacking t deci* 1 forts, the garrison of which recto trO opB ed independence. The Governine D ot routed the rebels, but the forts taken.
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  • 640 5 trouble in the trenches. Evidence, some of it of a first-class sort, continues to accumulate here, says Mr. C. E. Tripp, writing from Amsterdam, pointing to the fact that a period of extreme distress, disorganisation, corruption and depression is already setting in throughout people and army in Germany
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  • 287 5 To what an extent Germany has made war on Americans in order to injure the Allies was shown in a powerful leading article in the Herald’s New York edition on February 14. In open defiance of the laws that civilized nations obey even in
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  • 20 5 Pbnanq :—The E. A O. Hots’, The Crag. Runnymede Hotel. Singaporb: —Raffles Hotel. f Rangoon Strand Hotel.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 728 5 THE REAL TEST Of VALUE is not Whflt you PAY blit Whflt yOH GET. TRY WHITFAWAY’S. MMNHHMI HI a e— Stfffl o’ Hl»— *.m]b L ■.|r =B w «MfeMSaKi rPW r'- dH K" J M k U’Q 1 —-jl Jri 12 f*k “TALISMAN” “PERFECTION." WKIST WATCH suitable We haye ugt
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  • 981 6 While there are various opinions among planters in regard to the question of dealing with the problem of liquor for estate coolies, the view is very generally held among those who have the supervision of estates, that the matter necessitates definite action by the local associations, the
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  • 407 6 The answer from the German Government to the demand of the United States on the question of the submarine and merchant ships does not appear to us to entirely conform to the request by President Wilson. It seems likely, however, that it will satisfy the American Cabinet
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  • 1750 6 The flue work of the Galatea and Phaeton, and of the British Fleet at Salonika, which bagged two Zeppelins of the L type is a feature of the very scanty week-end wires, and, on reflection, it deserves even greater prominence than is accorded these achievements, which, we
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 225 6 IN PEACE 1W WAB HAS WON THE HAS WOK THE RAND PRIZE GRAND PRIZE AT THE AT THB Anglo-Japan Z$ Panama-Pacific Exhibition, 1910 /wQ.- International and Exposition, THE MOST POPULAR The Taisho (Japan DRINK IN THE EAST. California, Na,i ICB DI DIED U. S. A. 1915. Exhibition, 1914. DLIK OBTAINABLE
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    • 21 6 E. THE LATEST MUSIC BY THE E. O. ORCHESTRA.” Every night, during and after Dinner, AND AT TIFFIN Every Wednesday Saturday.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
  • 24 6 DEATH. Tan Peck Geok.—On 4th May, 1916, at the Tong Gak Chinese Temple, Bukit Purmel, Kampong Bahru Road, Singapore, Tan Peck Geok aged 42.
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  • 521 7 naval GUNS’ SUCCESS. GERMANY’S REPLY TO AMERICA. the compulsion debate. IRISH REBELS SENTENCED. The destraction of Zeppelin L 20 in Norway, which the crew admit was hit by the British guns in Scotland, has heen followed by the total loss of two more Zeppelins, one off the Schleswig
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 464 7 [Reutkr’s Telegrams.] west of the meuse. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, May 5. Th er e were only minor operations, v^ et west of the Meuse, where a very C( eDt erm an bombardment was sucbl d'l strong attack, which was 00 i*y repulsed, except at
      [Reutkr’s Telegrams.]  -  464 words
    • 304 7 Odessa, March B.—Any doubt as to the attitude of the majority of the Rumanian people towards the belligerents who surround them on every side is daily furt> er dissipated. When the Verdun news appears in the evening papers newsboys enter the restaurants and customers make
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    • 21 7 London, April 6. The increases in exports for April were £4,648,106 and in imports £2,046,780, against April, 1915.
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    • 70 7 DESTRUCTION OF THE AIRSHIP. London, May 5. A Stavanger telegram states that as Zeppelin L 20 was beginning to roll dangerously in a strong wind, a detachment of soldiers fired at it from a distance of 60 yards. The airship exploded with a great detonation, and was burnt.
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    • 113 7 LIGHT CRUISERS’ SUCCESS. London, May 5. The Admiralty announces that a British light cruiser squadron, yesterday, destroyed a Zeppelin off the Schleswig coast. The Zeppelin off Schleswig. Admiral Sir John Jellicoe, Commander of the Grand Fleet, reports that the ships which destroyed the Zeppelin were the light
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    • 335 7 SEQUEL TO SALONIKA RAID. Salonika, May 5. A Zeppelin raided the town of Salonika at dawn. The airship was heavily fired on, and is reported to have been destroyed. 29 Lives Lost. Salonika, May 5. The destruction of the Z-ppelin is confirmed. Only one of the crew
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    • 49 7 London, May 5. The Gazette states that General Sir lan Hamilton mentions the following in a despatch regarding Gallipoli: Colonel R A Carruthers. Majors C M MacMullin (15th Sikhs), R E Hogg (38th Central India Horse). Captain R E Coningham (10th Gurkhas) and Surgeon-General Sir W Babtie,
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    • 32 7 London, May 5. The Daylight Saving proposals will be debated in the House of Commons on Monday. Later. It is understood that daylight saving will be enforced from May 14th.
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    • 684 7 SECOND READING DEBATE. London, May 4. In the House of Commons, on the second reading of the Compulsory Military Service Bill, Mr. R. D. Holt (Liberal) moved the rejection of the bill. Two other Liberals supported him. The objections were mainly economic. Government's Views. Mr. Lloyd George
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    • 294 7 A VIGOROUS SPEECH. London, May 6. Mr. Lloyd George, at a great gathering at Conway, delivered a trenchant speech, defending himself against personal attacks from Radical quarters, rejoicing in the Cabinet’s compulsion decision, and exhorting the nation to unity and the vigorous prosecution of the
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    • 403 7 DEATH PENALTIES COMMUTED. London, May 5. Fifteen further Sinn Fein rebels were sentenced to death, but the sentences were commuted to ten years* penal servitude by Laid French, the Commander-in-Chief of the Home Forces. One death sentence was commuted to eight years’ penal servitude. Two rebels were
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    • 94 7 ENGLISH LADY’S OFFER. London, May 5. In consequence of Sir George Birdwood’s letter regarding a Moslem Cemetery in England, Miss Constance Faithfall of Tunbridge Wells, a former resident of India, has offered her freehold house and grounds of four acres at Walton-on-Thames, and to meet the
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 80 7 ENEMY FAILURES. Petrograd, May 6. The Russians made slight progress southeast of Olyka, and consolidated their gains. Violent counter-attacks were unsuccessful. Heavy enemy attacks in the region of the Tarnopol-Pezerna railway completely failed. Russian Pressure. Petrograd, May 6. South-East of Lake Nied, we captured enemy trenches. The
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    • Article, Illustration
      58 7 TURKISH ATTACKS FAIL. Petrograd, May 6. On the Caucasus front, in the direction of Baiburt (south by east of Trebizond) fresh Turkish attacks were repulsed. Turkish night attacks in the direction of Bitlis were also defeated. The Caucasus. On the Caucasus front we d slodged the enemy from
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    • 53 7 SERIOUS INDICTMENT. Petrograd, May 7. General Sukhomlinoff, the Russian exMinister for War, who is accused of the abuse of power, criminal negligence, concealment of truth, and high treason has, as a preventive measure, been incarcerated in the fortress of Peter and Paul, after interrogation by a Senator
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    • 212 7 Petrograd, April 4th.—All the available indications point to the intention of the new Minister of War to pursue the policy of his predecessor, based on the closest possible co-operation with the public organisations. In conversation with journalists General Shuvaieff personally confirmed the foregoing impression. Speaking
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  • Italy's Campaign
    • 95 7 ITALIAN AIR RAID. Rome, May 7. Five Austrian attacks in the Tonale and Adamello zones were repulsed with heavy losses. Two Italian airships dropped two tons of explosives on enemy positions east of Gorizia. One has not returned. Bombs on Durazzo. Rome, May 6. Four Italian seaplanes successfully
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  • 992 8 PREVENTION WORK IN 1915. Mr. F. W. South, in the current i?sue of the F.M.S. Agricultural Bulletin,” gives the following report on locust work during 1915 In Selangor there have only been from one to five flying swarms present at any time. These have, in most cases
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  • 355 8 Calcutta, April 15.—Commenting on the recent order placing the property of enemy firms and the concluding stages of their liquidation in the hands of Mr, J. S. Drummond, I. C. S., under the title of custodian of enemy property, the “Insurance and Financial Record ”of Calcutta
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  • 405 8 Barking Out thk German. Melbourne, April 3. Mr. Mahon, the Acting Federal Attorney-General, said today that the combination formed between the Broken Hill Mines (the Sulphide Corporation excepted) and the Associated Smelters for the smelting, refining, and realization of all their concentrates for a period of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 404 8 «jjniniiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiifiiu^T^<' in H u nitiniini mu mu inn mm V/aterniaiisl(!ea|FountainPen a Ready for Action! jai Instant readiness to act is half the battle. Instant fl| readiness to act is but one of many features of the fl I world-famous Waterman’s Ideal. There is no other pen fll E so reliable
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    • 323 8 Advice to H Nursing Mothers MANY mothers would like to feed their own children, but are denied the privilege of doing so, because they have not sufficient nourishment for them. The “Allenburys” scientific system of Infant Feeding has provided for all this. When a mother is partly able to feed
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    • 52 9 London, May 7. The race for the One Thousand Guineas Newmarket resulted as follows Uanycn Fifiuella Salamandra 3 There were ten runners. Won by thi ee-quarters of a length. Three lengths separated second and third. The Bettint. 9 to 2 Canyon, 11 to 10 Fifinella, 10 to
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    • 509 9 p C. C. v. PLANTERS. Onw of the most interesting game f cricket that has been witnessed 3 n t he Esplanade during the present eflS( n was certainly that on Saturday between PC C and a team of planters from the Province, captained by Air C Ebbels, of
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    • 188 9 The Monthly Medal competition for May •esulted as follows MrG B Eitzerald... 45 45= 90—12 =7B E R Henderson 46 41= 87— 9=78 Jlf T E Winfie'd... 47 +47 94—14 =BO Jr CH Mertz ...50 +54 104—22 =B2 J r G A Carmichael 45 43= 88— 6=
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    • 205 9 inf ecre tary of the Batavia Golf Club us the following results of the (<p er Conapetition held at Tjandi T»f.]? The Becket Cup, after being contested, went to J J Taylor, the t er er U P being L M McLean. The InSat j Shield, which
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    • 117 9 A football match, on Saturday, between “B” Company, Penang Volunteers, and a mixed team including several Crescent Star players, resulted in a draw of one goal each. There will be a football match on the Esplanade on Thursday afternoon between “A” Cov., and “B” Company of the Penang Volunteers.
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    • 16 9 The following ties have been fixed for Wednesday Championship.—Everest (Runner-up) v. Threlfall (holder).
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  • 269 9 The London representative of one of the leading Dutch dailies assured me (writes a correspondent) there was no question of trouble between Holland and England. There is no reason, for it,” ?ajd hs< But even if there a (reason, what would be the use of it? We
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  • 266 9 Realising the advantages of gaining a footing in the carrying trade between Scandinavian ports and China and Japan, the Norwegian Africa and Australia Line (East Asiatic Service) have decided to extend their regular service now in operation between Scandinavia and India to Singapore, Hongkong.
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  • 370 9 ANNUAL REPORT. The annual general meeting of the Parish Hall, will be held on Sunday, 14th May. at 9-15 a,m. For the transation of the following business:—(a) To confirm the minutes of the last general meeting, (b) To receive the committee’s report and Hon. Treasurer’s statement of
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  • 45 9 Saturday’s quotation for unrefined tin in in Penang was $97.40 per picul, buyers, no sellers. To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $97.50 per picul, business done. Tin was quoted in London on Saturday at £2OO 15s. spot, and 199 10s.three months.
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  • 28 9 London, May 6.* The following is the rubber quotation for to-day Plantation Ist Latex Crepe 2/9| Smoked Sheet 2/8| [♦By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co.]
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  • 54 9 The output, for April, of Ipoh Tin Dredging, Ltd., was 285 piculs. The output of Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging (N L) for the week ending 6th inst., was 24 tons. Messrs. Kennedy <fc Co., inform us that the output of the Ulu Piah Mine for the month of
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  • 95 9 Calcutta, April 26. A fire broke out on Monday night during an interval in the operating room on the Neikban Cinema theatre, The operator, a Burman, had removed a film from the reel to put it into a box when the film burst into flames In
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  • 77 9 The Chief of the Java Postal Service is now busily engaged on estimates for the establishment of a wireless station at Bandoeng, which he has been requested by the Governor General to draw up immediately. These will be completed with the least possible delay and forwarded to
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  • 63 9 Business for special meeting on 9th inst. 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. Some bills to be passed. 5. Plan of certain proposed buildings at the junction of Farquhar Street and
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  • 39 9 LATEST DIVIDENDS. (P. G. Special,) London, May 5. The following dividends of rubber companies are announced Sungei Buloh 30 per cent. Khota Tampan 10 Allagar 12| Chota 15 Interim Dividends. Garing 6 per cent. Narborough 5
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  • 127 9 OUTPUTS FOR APRIL. The following are additional rubber outputs for April Ayer Hitam lbs. 18,932 Beverlac 14,982 Blackwater 9,010 Bekoh 24,640 Burma Development 3,498 Batang Malaka 19,700 Bukit Cloh 10,000 Bukit Selangor 8,724 Clovelly 5,308 Chota 16,000 Consolidated Malay 49,589 Dusun Durian 47,875 F.M.S. 14,336 Henrietta 27,300 Hongkong 4,020
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  • 418 9 CLAIM BY ELECTRIC CONSUMER. In the District Court, Penang, on Friday afternoon, before His Honour Mr. W. C. Michell, Wan Chee Ariffin of Hutton Lane sued the Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Penang, claiming the sum of $341.50 being money had and received by defendants to the
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  • 616 9 A NEW SOCIALIST PARTY. The speeches of the German Financial Secretary and the spokesmen of the National Liberal Catholic, and Conservative parties in the Reichstag on the proof given by the result of the new loan of the confidence of the German people in victory
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  • 209 9 Difficulties of Military Operations in Russia. The principal factor which will decide the duration of Russian pressure will be the earliness or lateness of spring, wires the Petrograd correspondent of the Daily News,” at the end of March. Two and a half feet of snow
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    • 74 9 COUNTESS’S DEATH SENTENCE COMMUTED. London, May 7. Tf e Illustrated Sunday Herald announces that in Dublin, last night. Countess, Markievitz was sentenced to death and that the sentence was commuted to penal servitude for life Other Death Penalties Commuted. A Dublin message says rhe death sentence on John
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  • 54 9 May 12.—Legislative Council Meeting, Singapore. May 13.—Penang Club, Club Night 8 p.m. May 14—Parish Hall Annual General Meeting, Parish Hall, 9-15 a.m. May 16, 18, and 20 —Singapore Races. May 17.—Lodge Scotia, Penang—lnstallation. May 24.—Empire Day. June 9 and 11.—Cricket, Penang v. Perak, Esplanade July 27th and 29th.—Penang
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 322 9 RUBBER STAMPS. PINANG GAZETTE PRESS, Ltd., is now in a position to execute orders for all kinds of Rubber Stamps. Notice is hereby given that the word "IMPERIAL” is the Trade Mark used in connection with the goods below specified sold by Messrs. H. ifc W. Greer Limited of 43,
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  • 870 10 WANTED AEROPLANES. IAPPEAL TO THE SINGAPORE PUBLIC. 0 We have the authority of His Excellency the Governor says the Straits Times of ft Saturday, for stating that the Malayan Air- c craft Fund organised by Mr. Alma Baker v has his warm approval, and that he is most anxious to
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  • 274 10 In the Penang Municipality for the wees ended April 29, there were 56 deaths —25 males and 31 females, equal to a death-rate of 27.83 per mille per annum compared with 33.79 in the preceding week, and with 36.44 in the corresponding week of last year. The following
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  • 211 10 Penang, May 8. cis. Soup per catty 16 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat... 17 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 40 Tongue 60 Feot 20 Heart 40 Liver per catty 35 Pork Pork per catty 40 Pig’s Head 18 Feet 22 Tongue 32 Mutton per
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 569 10 Made in England for over 100 years. Cockle’s Pills Cockle’s Pills t A tried and trusted family medicine, prescribed by medical men for the common ailments of everyday life, f such as s ACIDITY, j INDIGESTION, < BILIOUSNESS, SICK HEADACHE, DISORDERED LIVER. i i These famous pills cleanse and regu-
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    • 63 10 NOTICE. LABOUR CODE. 1912, F.M.S. "INDIAN IMMIGRATION FUND ORDINANCE 1911." EMPLOYERS of Indian labour are hereby reminded that assessment returns for the preceding quarter must be sent to the Office of the Dy. Controller of Labour, Penang, during the mont s of April, July, October, and January. Forms for there
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    • 556 10 PETER WALKER BEER. Xft I Blotl reEBBteK Ml LITTLE PETER: Good Nows this Morning Sir!! JOHN BULL: Splendid Sonny and my word this is excellent beer AGENTS: SELLAR, MURRAY Co., Penang j insurance. MOMI CASES THE CORPORATION OF THE Size 30" x 18" x 15" Size 24" xl9 x 19"
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  • 1151 11 LORD HARDINGE’S BOLD ACTION. For fifty years Britain’s coolie labour system has been the subject of incessant inquiry, periodic Royal Commissions, and bitter political controversy both in India and the House of Commons, whilst reforms have been urged upon the India and Colonial offices with varying
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  • 207 11 The increasing attention devoted lately to tin shares, says a home paper of 4th April, must be largely attributed to the considerably improved outlook in the metal, the price of which has risen steadily up to about £202 a ton, the highest figure recorded for
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 600 11 BILIOUSNESS. There are many causes of this complaint, but they all spring from a disordered liver which does not properly fulfil its functions, especially in a warm climate, when it becomes sluggish in its action. The bile is turned from 1 its proper channel, and enters the blood, and the
      600 words
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2241 12 p. o.— b. I.— apcar N. Y. K. farx K. P. M. jb Ocean (INCORPORATED IN GREAT BRITAIN), II I STEAM snip t mail AND passenger services. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. K N N |s!iTscHAPpT PEN,NSUI A MA A I T S E Tvices. SAIL,N S /—a™ (incorporated CHIN*
      2,241 words