Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 6 May 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 281 1 nOß aDaooanDDDDoaDoonnooDDDoo IF SOU WANT TO SHIP, g BUY OB SELL RUBBER g OK TO E FORWARD GOODS E a TO ANY PART OF THE WORLD g GO TO 3 ALLEN DENNYS Co., 7, UNION STREET. a D oaaaDOD aDnaDDDaaaDaDaaaaDa<3 LIQUID FUEL High=class Cigarettes at Moderate Prices. Diese. Engines, Smelting
      281 words
    • 57 1 nanaanDtKjnDooaaaoaDaaaaaDa FOR $3O n X/OU can have the Pinang n 1 Gazette posted every day for a whole year to your addresa. n (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). Proportionate Quarleily and g g Half-yearly rates. T g Subscriptions are payable in n advance and remittance should g be addressed to a PINANG
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 26 2 DRIFTS FROM TENERIFFE. Teneriffe, May 4. The German steamer Telde drifted to seawards in a gale and was captured by a British cruiser.
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    • 40 2 London, May 4. The London collier Wandle, which fought a German submarine in the North Sea and caused it to disappear, had a triumphal progress up the Thames towards Wandsworth. The bridges were lined by cheering crowds.
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    • 33 2 London, May 3. The Spanish steamer Vinifreda was sunk. The Rio Dranco. Rio-de-Janeiro, May 5. The Brazilian Government has cabled for full particulars of the sinking of the Rio Dranco.
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    • 106 2 UP TO PRE-WAR STRENGTH. London, May 5. In the House of Lords, Lord Curz in said the Briti-h ships lost during the war had been exactly balanced by new ships added to the register. Government and Shipping. In the House of Lords, Lord Curzon stated that 43
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    • 342 2 I have had an interesting talk with a naval officer on leave from H.M.S. a warship whose name is not yet known to the public, regarding the prospects of a great battle in the North Sea shortly, says a London correspondent. Opinion in the Navy as to
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  • 63 2 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on April 26 ...$10,331.70 Chief Post Office, Penang, 16th instalment 51.15 R B Oiborne, Mav subn 25.00 Penang Band, 17th instalment 18.90 Municipal Staff,
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  • 27 2 Balance on May 4 $2,214.06 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank counter Box 3.30 Balance on May 5 $2,217.36 Amount previously acknowled ged ...$23,913.74 Total ...$26,131.10
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  • 94 2 PENANG VOLUNTEER PROMOTIONS (Frcm Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, May 6. In the Straits Settlements Government Gazette it is notified that Major the Hon. A. R Adams, Commandant, Penang Volunteers and O C. Troops, Penang, is promoted Lieutenant-Colonel. The Chinese Company, The Gazette also notifies that Lance-Corporal DAM Brown,
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  • 90 2 (Specially Translated.) The Amsterdam Handelsblad states that the evidence that the Palembang was torpedoed is conclusive, and demands satisfaction from Germany. The German Government acknowledges the truth of the Dutch Note regarding the sinking of the Tubantia. The Corriere della Sera has information which predicts a speedy
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  • 85 2 The following are the latest quotations in our share list t Yesterday. To-day. 00 OD CO OD Shares. —i, M m M tn Mining. K. Kamunting 39/- 40/6 38/6 40/Trong 35/6 37- 34/- 35/6 R -6ber (Sterling > A. Panas s9} s9} $9 s9} Changkat $lO slo}
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  • 57 2 OUTPUTS FOR APRIL. The following are additional rubber outputs for April Alma lbs. 20,800 Bukit Toh Alang 12,000 Kota Bahroe 28,413 Cluny 15,249 Chemor United 11,542 Kinta Kellas 28,369 Klian Kellas 2,187 Kuala Kangsar 28,813 Majedie 9,324 Old Kellas 16,540 Permas 18,980 Sekong 12,000 Sungei Duri 13,959 Shanghai Klebang
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  • 152 2 German Press Preparing for the Worst A semi-offijial German Note appended to General Smuts’ recent report of his successful advance in German East Africa attempts gradually to prepare the German public for the imminent loss of their colony in Africa. The Note says:— It can hardly be
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  • 72 2 The mails which left Penang on the Bth ulto, were delivered in London on the 4th inst. Mr. A. W. B. Hamilton, Superintendent, Fire Brigade, prosecmed five Chinese before Mr. E. E Colman, to-day, for storing matches without licence. One man, who said the cases seen by Mr.
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  • 1151 2 Mr. Fred J. Darby, of Sungei Gettah Estate, Semiling, is on a visit to Penang. The Rt. Rev. the Bishop of Singapore leaves Penang for the Southern Settlement on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Welham have left Penang for a holiday in India. They go to Ootacamund. Mr.
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  • 194 2 Manila, April B.—The contract for supplying the army with 60,000 tons of coal, and for which bids were opened on March 1, has been awarded to the Kailan Mining administration with head offices at Tientsin, China. The contract calls for the delivery
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  • 178 2 Bishop of Namur Wanted by Madrid Police. Religious persons of Calatayud, province of Saragossa, and the nuns of the convent of Benitas were not a little proud to have the Bishop of Namur among them. They showed their appreciation of this privilege and good fortune by flocking in hundreds to
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  • 36 2 [From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, May 6. Messrs Fraser and Co’s Share Circular says the week has been dull, but there was same sale of sterlings for investment in the British War Funds.
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  • 16 2 Tin was quoted in London yesterday at £2OO spot, and £l9B 15s. three months.
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    • 366 2 AMATEUR DRAMATIC [To the Editor of the Pinana a Sir Apropos of the account D nhr recently in your paper by the Si Committee in connection with ti n2apor formances of the above Co mpHDv in 6 p€f pore in February, 1916, la British Red Cross
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  • 343 2 At a meeting of the Board of Management of the Penang Presbyterian Church held last night—Rev. Donald J. Ross, ma, in the chair—it was unanimously resolved that in future, the congregation should be known as St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. A correspondent says St. Andrew's is much
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 480 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. Humber motor cycle 3| h. P. free engine 2 speed. In good fanning order. $250. Apply No. 189, c/o Pinang Gazette. BUNGALOW FOR SALE. ATTAP ROOF. PLANTATION. QUIET Family Residence, nicely situated on Babington Avenue, off Barrack Road. Apply No. 188, c/o Pinang Gazette. RUBBER STAMPS.
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    • 64 2 We have no intention o ouD t curtailing our advertising on t of the war. We do not bell0 r V eB1 j n ding is ever wise to cease __o[ ldr les customers of our existence. Churchill and Co., Ltd. We recognize the danger or ing our name to
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  • 1265 3 UNDER THE GERMAN YOKE. The New York World receive! the following first-hand description of condi tions in Bulgaria from its special curves pondent, after three weeks in Bulgaria Bukarest, March 22.—King Ferdinand is almost absolute He is suppored by prerogatives lavishly bestowed upon him by a
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  • 316 3 What Mr. Idenburo Has Accomplished in Java. Discussing the work of the ex-Governor-General of Netherlands India, the Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant writes Governor-General Idenburg has transferred his office to his successor and has left the country. An important period in the India’s history ended with his departure a
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  • 240 3 The Father of Nine Children. Private William Young, of the East Lancashire Regiment, whose winning of the Victoria Cross is announced is a Preston man. His home is in Heysham Street, and he has a wife and nine children, the youngest of whom was born after he
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 782 3 WANTED f°r office in Medan, ex- short- hand typist. Apply >n P erj, uto CONGO-never leak-ROOFING I The Asiatic Petroleum Co, (S.S.) Ltd., Weld Quay. s Congo Roofing is made for all Weathers. ĕ An unusually severe storm wont hurt it. s SITUATION VACANT. I "i” 11 >•»* it- j
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    • 456 3 MIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIUOMiIIIIUIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiIIIIIIHIiIIIIHIIB n |j|iiiniwyW|i||[ B di ,jll > *****1111 l 'II 4a i I' s^****—i r i I h jyy' I v b ■I i H I Don’t mix Milk with Baby’s Food ANY Baby Food that requires the same cow, varies to a remarkable xjl addition of milk is obviously
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  • 1157 4 Penang being a port its residents naturally take a more lively interest in ships and sailors than people living inland who are not in constant touch with them. At the same time, whatever one’s station in life and wherever one is located there can be no-one so
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  • 1813 4 The retention of Verdun, whatever was said about its value when the big battles commenced, will mean an enormous difference to the French Army when their offensive begins in earnest. This suggests itself at once on reading to-day’s account of the situation, the nearness of the German
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 104 4 f ALLSOPP’S t\ WORLD RENOWNED ABSOLUTE PURITY. SOLE AGENTS CALDBECK, MACGREGOR S Co., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, L PENANG. J NEW STOCKS. Allenbury s Foods Browne’s Chlorodyne Allenbury’s Feeders Rubinat Water Bengers Food Carabana Water Savory Moore’s Food Kutnow’s Powder Horlick’s Malted Milk Vibrona Wine Dinneford’s Magnesia Angier’s Emulsion Virol
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    • 203 4 E.j&O.” THE LATEST MUSIC BY THE E. S’ O. ORCHESTRA.” Every night, during and after Dinner, AND AT TIFFIN Every Wednesday Saturday. ORCHARDING IN TASMANIA. SADLIER KNIGHT Orchard Agents and Attorneys, LAUNCESTON, TASMANIA. We plant and manage orchards for Absentee Clients, with graduated payments, and under Government Expert supervision, until
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 404 5 RAIDER’S CREW INTERNED. COMPULSION BILL. the coming offensive. sir ROGER CASEMENT’S TRIAL. One of the Zeppelins that raided the British coast on Tuesday developed trouble on the homeward journey, and was blown so far out of its course as to reach almost to Stavanger, on the west coast
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 408 5 [Reutrr’b Trlrgrams.] FRENCH SUCCESSES [Copybight Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, May 5. There was a violent bombardment in the Avocourt sector. Our troops, by a brilliant assault at the close of the afternoon, carried German positions north-we’t. of Mort Homme, capturing about 100 prisoners, and four
      [Reutrr’b Trlrgrams.]  -  408 words
    • 212 5 [This sketch indicates the position of Metz, the great German stronghold which the civilian population are evacuating, and shows the French line around Verdun prior to the recent German attempt to take the French fortress British Line Quiet. London, May 4. General Haig reports that there
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    • 27 5 AT FRENCH FACTORY. Paris, May 4. A hundred persons were killed and a hundred injured bv an explosion at a State factory near La Rochelle.
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    • 105 5 A PRACTICAL QUESTION London, May 4. In the House of Commons, Mr. Asquith said he hoped to arrange an early date for a discussion on Daylight Saving. Mr. Herbert Samuel has written to Sir Henry Norman, who has given notice of a motion on the subject, emphasising the
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    • 571 5 DESCENT IN NORWAY. London, May 3. A telegram from Stavanger (Norway), says Zeppelin L2O descended in an inlet, near Stavanger, apparently damaged. Grew Jump Out, A later Stavanger message states that while passing Sand Ness, five or six of the crew of the L 20 jumped out into
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  • 45 5 London, May 4. Tn the House of Commons, Mr. Asquith said the Government had adopted the Commission’s recommendations regarding free diagnosis and treatment of venereal diseases. The Premier did not promise legislation affecting other recommendations by the Commiession owing to their controversial nature.
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  • 234 5 DUBLIN’S DEATHROLL. London, May 5. The dead taken to Dublin Hospital alone are 66 soldiers and 122 rebels and civilian’. The buildings destroyed or damaged by fire number 179. Lord French’s Report. London, May 4. Lord French annour ces that the situation in Ireland is quiet. The
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  • 56 5 London, May 4. In the House of Commons Mr. Asquith announced that Sir Roger Casement would be tried with the utmost expedition. High Treason Charge. London, May 4. It is expected that Sir Koger Casement will be tried for high treason, before three Judges presided over by
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  • 424 5 [A Reuter’s cable we received last week reported that Sir Roger Casement had been arrested in Germany. Sir Roger Casement was formerly a member of the British Consular Service, and had a fairly honourable record in that service until the war broke out. A Hon e-Ruler of
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  • 35 5 THE BERLIN PEACE RIOTS. Amsterdam, May 4. The persons arrested in connection with the disiurbances at Berlin include Heir Liebknecht, the Socialist. A resolution will be pressed in the Reichstag demanding his release.
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  • 391 5 Reuter gave the text of the speech of Dr. Liebknecht, which caused the wild scene in the Prussian Diet. The Cologne Gazette states that the debate was on Education, and the Socialist leader said Education to-day serves to strengthen militarism and capitalism. You act as if
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  • 283 5 THE NEW PROPOSALS. London, May 4. In the Hou-e of Commons, Mr. Asquith introduced the Military "ervice Bill. The bill extends compulsion to all male? from 18 to 41. It includes the minor provisions mentioned by Mr. Asquith on April 26th. [These minor proposals were as follows
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 93 5 GENERAL TOWNSHEND'S MESSAGE. London, May 4. In the House of Lords, Lord Kitchener eulogised General Townshend and his comrades. His Lordship quoted General Townshend’s last message to General Lake, reading “We are pleased to know you have done your doty, and recognise that the situation is one of the
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 66 5 ENEMY ATTACKS BEATEN. Petrograd, May 3. A Russian communiqoĕ reports the repulse of German attacks in the Vidza and Postavy regions, and a slight Russian progress south of Olyk. Advances in Asia Minor. The Russians captured an important section of the enemy’s position on the Upper Chorok,
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    • 207 5 According to one of the newspaper correspondents at Petrograd, the Russian offensive, which seems to have developed along the hundred-mile section of the eastern front that lies immediately below Dvinsk, was stirred up by a move of Hindenburg’s. If that is so, one wonders whether Hindenburg may
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  • General News.
    • 86 5 BELGIAN OPERATIONS. Havre, May 5. General Tombeur, commanding the Belgian forces on the eastern frontier of the Congo, reports, on May 3rd, that he turned the enemy positions defending the passage of the Ruzizi River, and landed on the German shore of Lake Kivu. Supported by gunboats,
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    • 33 5 FORCES TO CO OPERATE. Washington, May 5. An agreement has been reached providing for the co-operation of Carranza’s and American troops in clearing Northern Mexico of bandits. [Other Telegrams on Page 2.]
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    • 253 5 Messrs Guthrie Co., L d., in their weekly report dated Thursday, 4th inst., says The auction this week extending over two days saw a heavy slump in prices of all grades. The recent persistent decline in value* on the London market which had been resisted here for
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  • 56 5 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Golf Club from 5-45 till 7-15 this evening 1. Selection Anna Bolena ...Donizetti 2. Mazurka La Jolie Patineuse ...Maanen 3. Selection From Cox and Box ...Sullivan 4. Waltz The Cloister ...Prout 5. Romanze and Polacci ...Thiere
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  • 25 5 Obituary. ADMIRAL LORD JOHN HAY. London, May 5 The death has occurred of Admiral of the Fleet the Rt. Hon. Lord John Hay, aged 88.
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  • 2052 6 FRENCH EXPERT’S VIEWS. We publish below ao important article by M. Georges Prade, the French expert, who gives the latest scientific information about Zeppelins, based on an examination of the LZ 77, brought down at Revigny, and on private information received from Germany. Much has been written
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  • 473 6 Cast your eye over trie Eastern front. Look at the maps of it. Read the telegrams and the expert opinions. And then see what you can make of the names involved. You read as Hindenburg’s front—or back —as the case may be—extends from a mountain with a
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  • 53 6 The Government has introduced a Bill in the Legislature prohibiting the sale of liquor during the war, and providing that a vote of the people be taken after the war to determine whether the prohibition shall continue or not. The Act comes into force on September
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  • 898 6 VIVID IMPRESSIONS. The special correspondent in London of the “New York Herald,” visited the front, with other American correspondents, at the invitation of the British Government. The following are extracts from the despatch which he has forwarded I have just returned from a five
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 200 6 WOMEN IN THE TROPICS. Every Woman knows from experience the debilitating effect this Climate has upon her health, and difficulty she has in keeping her strength up to par. Men, who go out of the house to work and feed themselves better than women, are far less liable to suffer
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    • 158 6 ALLEN DENNYS Co., PENANG, I RUBBER BROKERS, (PROPRIETORS OF The Penang Rubber Auction Rooms, i I Sales Held Every Tuesday i Rubber Bought or sold by Public Auction I lop Private Tender. Forward Sales Arranged. Rubber Transhipped and (Insured to any Port at Minimum Rates. RUBBER SALE ROOMS at No.
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  • 1130 7 -HE TRUTH ABOUT A FAMOUS PHRASE. It is probable, says Mr. Spencer Leigh Hu.hef, M.P., writing in the “Daily News," •I at no phrase ever coined in the mint of olitics has been more widely circulated han the phrase Wait and see." And yet, though Mr. Asquith
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  • 327 7 Royal Commission’s Warning. The Press Association publishes the following —The Royal Commission on paper desire to draw the attention of the public to the consequences of the restriction upon the import of paper and paper-making materials they have been appointed by the Government to carry out. The
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  • 270 7 I am able to say on authority, which I have invariably found to be trustworthy, writes a London correspondedt that Lord Kitchener is making arrangements to resume his duties in Egypt in September next. The information which has come to me shows him in the
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  • 52 7 May B.—Penang Schools Re-open. May 13.—Penang Club, Club Night 8 p.m. May 14,—Parish Hall Annual General Meeting, Parish Hall» 9-15 a.m. May 16, 18, and 20—Singapore Races. May 17,—Lodge Scotia, Penang—lnstallation. May 24.—Empire Day. June 9 and 11,—Cricket, Penang v. Perak, Esplanade July 27th and 29th.—Penang Turf Club’s
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  • 20 7 Penang The E. <fc O. Hotel, The Crag, Runny mede Hotel. Singapore: —Raffles Hotel.’ Rangoon :—Strand Hotel.
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  • 284 7 How the Dutch Merchant Fleets is Constituted. Tho Official Gazette publishes comparative lists of the status of the Du*ch mercantile fleet on December 31, 1914 and 1915. It appears that on the former date the mercantile fleet of the Netherlands comprised 407 steamers, 52 schooners, 222 hoys,
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  • 393 7 Further evidence of the prosperity of industry is afforded by the announcement of an important capital scheme by the Orient Steam Navigation Company. The effect of the scheme will be, it is stated, to increase by 44 per cent, the income of the shareholders. The
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  • 171 7 The war, as the figures we append clearly shows, has not bad such an alarming effect on the shipping of Hongkong as to put below Singapore in the list says the China Mail.” Hongkong has in the past had the proud distinction of being io point of tonnage
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  • 548 7 PROBABLE DEADLOCK. A strike that may tie up the steamers in the entire China coist trade is threatened by foreign officers of these ships. The date of the showdown is May 1. An ultimatum has been delivered to the shipowners and the officers declare that they are
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  • 222 7 SUNDAY, MAY 7. Church of England. The Services on Sunday will be as follows: St. George’s Church.—2nd Sunday after Easter; 8 a.m Matins: Hymn 125 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion 5 p.m. Children’s Service, 6 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Preacher The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of the Diocese.
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  • 40 7 ST. ANDREW’S, Northam Road. Children’s Service —9 a.m. Public Worship—6 p.m. Preacher Rev. Donald J. Ross, m.a. Service of Devotion and Intercession on Friday evening at 6.30. There is no change in the other Church Services.
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  • 98 7 CLEARANCES. To-day. Atjeh for Langsa, Edi, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang. Pungah for Batu Bahra. Perlis for Trang, Tongkah and Pang Nga. Van den Bosh for Langsa, T. Semawe Segli Olehleh, Sabang, Padang, etc., Batavia. Kedah for Bagan Datoh Teluk Anson. Ipoh for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Rotorua
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  • 132 7 Penang, May 6, 1916. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). Loudon Demand Bank ...2/4 1/4 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 25/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 13/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 j Moulmein Demand Bank 174 3
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  • 248 7 Penang, May 6, 1916. S P. Tapioca $8.75 sellers M. P. Tapioca $9 00 sellers Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). 516 1/2 buyers Black Pepper 518.00 buyers. White Pepper 529.00 buyers Trang Pepper $25 sales. Mace fHO nom. Mace Pickings $7O sellers. Cloves $4O
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 105 7 THE NATIONAL MUTUAL JFE ASSOCIATION OFIAUSTRALASIA. LTD. (Incorporated in Australia) ESTABLISHED 1869. New Business 1914 £3,576,800 Funds £8,705,400 Income £1,473,583 Increase of Funds 705,000 No Shareholders. All profits divided »mongst Policy-holders. Claims, Loans and Cash Surrenders settled locally. General Agents BOUBTEAD Co. Penang and Singapore. MARTIN’S A French Remedy for
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    • 289 7 BROWN Co., Monumental Sculptors, CALCUTTA. Monuments and Tombstones of every description supplied. Inscriptions done in all languages, under skilled European supervision. The nest Italian and Carara Marble used William Edward sons, ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND. Granite Merchants and Manufacturers of Tombstones in various kinds of Aberdeen Granite. (Samples ol Granite to be
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2701 8 P. 0.-B. 1.-APCAR N. Y. K. fex K. P. M. MAIL AND passenger services. Japin Mail Steamship Co. Ld. appT 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. (MCOBPOBATED IMJBOLLAMD.) L 8 *»<. lt| MAIL SERVICES. (incobfobated in England.) Homeward (for Europe). Outward (for China and Japan). 5k Royal Packet
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