Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 3 May 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 736 1 aDQt jon nnnnnn aaooon g IF YOU WANT 10 SHIP, g BUY ok sell 5 RUBBER i 3 a OR TO c FORWARD GOODS l C TO ANY PAKT OF the WORLD 5 00 TO D ALLEN DENNYS Co., 7, UNION STREET. D D jooacDDO nDQDDnn aaaaaac SUN LIFE Z~
      736 words
    • 58 1 naannDDonnaanannaaDanaaaDa FOR $3O g a n VDU can have the Ptnang n I Gazette posted every day a for a whole year to your nddress. n (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). Pro| ortionate Quartet ly and Half-yearly rates. g Subscriptions are payable in advance and remittance should be addressed to Et u
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  • 902 2 THE EASTER VESTRY MEETING. The Vestry meeting of St. George’s Church was held to-day at noon in the Governor’s Office. The Bishop of Singapore, the Right Rev. Ferguson Davie, presided, and those present included the Acting Colonial Chaplain, the Rev. E N. Greenhow, the Hon. A. R.
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  • 745 2 Mr. and Mrs. D. Burton proceed to-day to Seremban from Ipoh. Mr. M. B. Shelley has returned from leave. He will be stationed at Ipoh. Mr. R. J. Falgar has returned to Kuala Lumpur to join Messrs J. A. Russell and Co. The new President of Penang
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  • 49 2 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 till 7 this evening:— 1. Selection Madame L’archiduc ...Offenbach 2. Court Dance Bucalussi 3. Waltz Ma Belle Adoree Roy 4. Romanza Non e Ver ...Mattei 5. March Drink With me Boys ...Carter
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  • 390 2 RUSSIAN WAR CONTRACTS. Russia has placed in America contracts for 32,000 machine guns, 10 million grenade-», and large quantities of automobiles, air machines and submarines. At a Congress of Captains and stewards of the Norwegian Mercantile Marine it was resolved to ask the Norwegian Government to secure
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  • 140 2 Field Marshal Baron Von der Goltz, the German Commander of the Turks in Mesopotamia, who had previously been reported as having died in hospital there, is now said to have been shot by a Turkish officer, named Ali Abdullah. Born in 1843, he was
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  • 78 2 The following are the latest quotations in our share list Yesterday. To-day. tn oq tn tn Shares. 5 M CO »72 Mxmng. K. Kamunting 39/- 41/- 38/6 40/6 Tongkah H. sl4f SL4J sl4| sl4| Rubber (Sterling.) Krian 2/l£ 2/6 2/4 2/7 Rubber (Dollar). A. Panas slof $ll
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  • 456 2 ATTEMPTED MURDER CHARGE. In the District Court, Penang, yesterday afternoon, the preliminary enquiry was held by Mr. W.C. Michell, into the charge of attempted murder brought against a Chinaman, named Goh Ki, at No. 33a Transfer Road, on 27tb March. Court Inspector C. H. Nicol conducted
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  • 175 2 The 40th annual general meeting of St. George’s Tamil Mission Association was held in St. Andrew’s Chapel on May 2nd. The Lord Bishop of Singapore was in the Chair, supported on the platform by the Rev. E. N. Greenhow, Rev. D. S. Ponniah and Mr. T.
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  • 86 2 Messrs. Allen Dennys Co., advise us that the undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them at our auction sale yesterday, (4',250 lbs. offered, 33,750 lbs. sold): Smoked ribbed sheet $159 to $169 ,> plain 152 153 No. 2 smoked sheet diamond 145 157 Unsmoked sheet
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  • 58 2 OUTPUTS FOR APRIL. The following are additional rubber outputs for April Batak Rabit lbs, 19,000 Bagan Serai 26,000 Foothills Malaya 6,977 Kurau 23,300 Malakoff 37,200 Merchiston 3,800 Muda Syndicate 4,479 Malakoff Plantations 8,500 Penang 141,000 Rubana 44,000 Straits 147,000 S S Bertam 78,000 Sungei Batu (Malaya) 15,466 Tali Ayer
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  • 321 2 John Anderson, my Jo, John When we were first sequent We little thought your riper years In Lanka would be spent You'll find the Spicy Island, John A toughish patch to hoe, But here’s the best of luck to you John Anderson, my Jo! 1 John Anderson, my
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  • 221 2 Something in the nature of a sensation in Ipoh, occurred last week when alleged money sboi tag s in the town office of the firm of the United Engineers, Ltd. led to the Police being called in on Saturday and the chief salesman of the
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  • 154 2 Bogus Advertising Agenci In November, 1914, a man. givio? name as R D Ritchie, and himself as the publishing agent or F.M.S. and S.S. Advertising Agency, 1 to Mr M D Maricar, of Mo.ul Street W* goou and telling him that he cou !8 full page advertising
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  • 148 2 .t Ha :toa The M. F. A., at a meeting the Lane Club, made rran g° me hip Cup Final of the Annual Champio y jj. Match to be held on S a i Referee Sergt. Syd bzSfl men Corpl Abdulkader, v r, ro(|[l d t 0
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 521 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GOVERNMENT OF KEDAH. Public Works Department, Alor Star. WANTED an Experienced CLERK OF WORKS for building and road construction. Salary $l7O/- to $215/- p.m. by annual increments of $7.50 p a r mensem, with free quarters and the usual allowances. 2. Applicants must possess a sound knowledge of
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    • 52 3 AHEAD OF THE MAIL London, April 22—A military writer of the Paris “Journal puts the enemy between the sea and the Somme at 500,000 consisting of the Fourth, Sixth, and Second Armies, The Fourth is greatly reduced. The Times Military correspondent recently estimated these forces
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    • 93 3 London, April 9. —The Daily Mail’s Rotterdam correspondent telegraphed yesterday :—“There will be a big battle on the Yser shortly, The Germans are making the most extensive preparations. Heavy and light guns, with immense quantities of ammunition, have been sent to Ostend. The whole line is strongly
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    • 89 3 London, April 22.—The newspapers publish from perfectly trustworthy sources evidence of the squandering of German effective at Verdun. The 11th Bavarian Division from Serbia was used and withdrawn. The 22nd R-serve Corps from Serbia were employed earlier than originally intended, after being held in reierve northward of
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    • 41 3 London, April 10—The Daily Chronicle’s” Amsterdam correspondent reports that Von Papen is now engaged in secret service work in Holland, where the German agency is amazingly widespread. The Dutch newspapers comment strongly in connection with the recent scare.
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    • 58 3 Amsterdam April 10,—The Cologne Gazette,” in a semi-cificial article complains that as the Allies are wholly unwilling to consider Dr. Von BethmannHollweg’s peace terms seriously, Germany has now only to make peace on her own terms. If the Allies do not abandon their plans to destroy Germany
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    • 67 3 London, April 19 —The Telegraaf gays;—The scarcity of wheat in Holland is due to its use in the manufacture of alcohol, enormous quantities of which are sent to Germany and used in motors. The Central News Zurich correspon dent hears that the shortage of milk
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    • 39 3 London, April 15.——The “Daily Telegraph’s Petrograd correspondent says In the region of Riga and Dvinsk the weather is warm and sunny. The Dvina is quite clear of ice. The Pripet marshes are however, at their worst.
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    • 113 3 London, April 5 —ln replying to a question in the House of Commons yesterday, Lord Robert Cecil said that as the War progressed it became clear that the list of contraband must be extended. It was proposed to add a large number of articles to the list
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    • 77 3 London, April 24.—Count Bernstorf! made on the Bth a formal demand to the State Department for the return of the Igel papers. The demand was without result. One document detailing the plot for widespread destruction will be handed over if Count Bernstorff admits it is an official document.
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    • 41 3 London, April 19.-A peace meeting arranged to be held in Trafalgar Square on the 23rd instant has been prohibited, me authorities are satisfied that even large force of police could not sufficiently assure the safety of the promoters.
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    • 27 3 London, April 15.—The “Diily News” Rumania correspondent contrasts the Teuton optimism touching Rumania with the fact that the Hungarians in Transylvania have been considerably reinforced.
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    • 66 3 London, April 20.—The Koelnische Zeitung says that the Lss of Trebizond, however painful, is nob decisive. It will only be so if the Russians are able to continue their advance westward of Erzerm and defeat Turkey’s main army and occupy Erzingan. According to most writers here
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    • 39 3 London, April 22.—The Telegraph’s Petrograd correspondent states the Staff believe the Turks to be less than one Army Corps iu Trebizond district, Corps between Baiburt and Erzb j m and 1| between Bitlis and Mush.
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    • 110 3 London, April 24.—The New York World’s special correspondent, quoting a diplomatist recently in Constantinople, says the Turks appear to be unable to withstand misery and starvation beyond another four months. Half-a-mil lion refugees from Erzerum, Bitlis and Trebizond have brought destitution and disease. Siva’s
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    • 30 3 London, April 24.—A wireless message says that King Constantine, having intimated a desire for M. Veniz-dos’ return to the Chamber, Government will not contest the Mitylene election.
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    • 91 3 London, April. 22.—Disorders at two recent Venizelist meetings have led to Police intervention. The Venizelist Press avers that the Police organised the disturbance to provide a pretext for prematurely ending the meetings. Two papers, described by the Morning Post’s Athens correspondent as Anti-Venizelist but independent, accuse the Government
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    • 73 3 London, April 22—The French General Staff at Salonika announces that a Greek, M. Curban, having entrusted to a Greek soldier, charged with the transmission of Bulgars’ letters, a letter concerning the French bivouacs and telephone lines, both were court-martialed and condemned to death. M. Curban was executed, but
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    • 40 3 London, April 20.—The Concordia learns from Berlin that the Greek Crown Prince is the Kaiser’s guest at Potsdam and has been charged with an important mission by King Constantine. He also visits Emperor Fraz Jo-ef.
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    • 104 3 Calcutta, April 24.—The following orders, which supersede all previous arrangements, are published :—All persons desiring to enter Egypt, whether neutral, allied or British subjects, and irrespective of sex, should apply to the nearest British Consul for passport authority in time to permit of the application, which
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    • 136 3 London, April 10th.—There was a remarkable scene in 1 rafalgar-square, when thousands awaited the procession of the Women’s Suffrage Federation, whose meeting was announced as a protest against the restriction of popular liberties. The crowd, suspecting that the demonstration was connected with the peace movement, rushed the
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    • 42 3 London, April 15 —The Austrians on the Italian front are handicapped by Italy’s superiority in the air. A wonderful invention makes the fi e of the Italian antiaircraft tuns piactically unerring. Austria has lust ten machines in a fortnight.
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    • 203 3 London, April 22.—A special correspondent at the Italian front writes to the Morning Post,” describing Gorz, as the heart of the Italian War and the main objective of the Italians, who are fighting heroically from Switzerland to the Adriatic. 200,000 picked Hungarian soldiers, with the
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    • 85 3 London, April 7.—The Daily Mail,” in a leading article entitled “Not to be Snubbed,” remarks Mr. Hughes statement regarding the date of his departure is a delicate and actual rebuke to the Government for its discourtesy to the Commonwealth’s honoured representative. Mr. Hughes declines to be
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    • 205 3 London, April 7.—Sir Thomas McKenzie (High Commissioner for New Zealand), Sir George Pesley (High Commissioner for Canada), and Mr. W. P. Schreiner (High Commissioner for South Africa) were entertained at luncheon at the National Liberal Club. The Marquis of Crewe in proposing the health of the guest’, said
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  • 146 3 Sarcasm is harsh, and even satire is severe, but their brother irony may be gentle, caressing. It may have all the sympathy in the world, only with it the memory of ages of experience. It has seen so many lives. It has seen such myriad times the heart of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 547 3 VV A Secretary f r Kiang ciub, khi g EM S Salary $3OO per mensem, .i,bo« Application to be in Zritir.n, »c«omp«o.ed by s element of "'alifiajtion,, d test. noouls, and to be addressed to E. B. PRIOR, Golden Hope Estate, Klang. 25th April, 1916 404— u c WANTED «POR
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    • 101 3 Haunted by Pain? Are your waking and sleeping houri haunted by th® awful dread or the worse reality of bodily pain Headache, backache, toothache, neuralgia, sciatica, rluumatiaiv, sore throat, and other external aches and pains are quickly soothed and cured by Little’s Oriental Balm Simply mb it in where the
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    • 366 3 I Baby is nourished only by what he digests —not necessarily by all the food he swallows. H For instance, the curd of unmodified cow's milk forms, in baby’s stomach, a solid, indigestible mass which causes him acute pain and gives both baby and his mother Ulf many a sleepless
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  • 14 4 Montier-Goode.—On April 28, to Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Montier-Goode, Singapore, a sou.
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  • 1337 4 In a recent editorial we commented upon an interesting article contributed to the Naval and Military Record by Mr. Hector Bywater on the subject of Germany’s shipbuilding resources, and the probabilities of the expansion of her fleet since the war started. It was asserted by Mr. Bywater that
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  • 1443 4 A Colombo contemporary, in welcoming Sir John Anderson to Ceylon, expatiates on his wide powers and prerogatives as the King’s representative in that Island, and remarks with what we deem to be a note of sadness and, almost, of inevitability that he is practically independent of public
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  • 452 4 The homeward mail closes at 10 am on Sunday. Registration till 6 p.m. on Saturday. The R. M. S. Khyber with ou’wnrd mails arrived at Port Said on Saturday last. 29th ultimo. Bombay, April 26th The R.M.S. Kashmere, which left London on the 7th ultmo. and has on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 23 4 E. O." THE LATEST MUSIC BY THE 66 E. O. ORCHESTRA.” Every night, during and after Dinner, AND AT TIFFIN Every Wednesday Saturday.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 326 5 SEVERE enemy defeats. RUSSIANS AND BAGHDAD. COLLAPSE OF THE REBELS FINAL SCENES IN DUBLIN. The battle of Verdun is not over, although the winning side was decided several weeks ago- The Germans resumed the offensive in the Dead Man hill and Cumieres regions west of the Meuse, and
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  • France and Belgium.
    • Article, Illustration
      262 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ENORMOUS LOSSES AT VERDUN. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, May 2. The Germans have sustained further heavy defeats at Verdun. The communique says the enemy attacked powerfully, a t dusk, in massed formation, against Dead Man hill. Our artillery and machine gun fire *nflicted enormous
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  262 words
    • 20 5 London, April 2. It is officially announced that the famous polo player, Captain Leslie Cheape, is missing.
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    • 31 5 London, May 2. Captain J. G. Cheney (Penang Volunteers) is gazetted temporary Captain, Royal Fusiliers. Lieutenant Puttick (Bombay Volunteer Rifles) is gazetted temporary Lieutenant, Royal West Kent Regiment.
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    • 36 5 London, May 2. Mr. William Hicks-Beach is Coalition candidate, and Mr. William Boosey, Independent candidate, in the by-election in the Tewkesbury division of Gloucestershire, created by the death in action of Viscount Qaenington (Unionist).
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    • 33 5 London, May 1. H.R H. Prices Albert, who has been undergoing a long course of treatment for gastric disorder, has completely recovered, and shortly resumes active duty in the Navy.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 26 5 ENEMY’S FAILURE. Petrograd, May 2. The Germans vainly attempted to debouch from trenches south-west of Lake Narotch in face of the Russian fire.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 49 5 U. BOAT DISAPPEARS. Lonnon, May 2. A disguised submarine attacked the collier Wandle (889 tons, of London), in the. North Sea, without warning. The Wandle was armed for defence and she exchanged shot for shot till the pirate disappeared. One of the Wandle’s crew was wounded.
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    • 45 5 London, April 2. The Glasgow steamer City of Lucknow (3,669 tons) was sunk. Three Other Victims. London, May 2. The latest steamers sunk are the Teal (British) and Moi (Norwegian) also the barque Niola (Swedish). The Teal s crew were picked up.
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    • 54 5 TWO NAVAL VESSELS. London, May 2. His Majesty’s armed yacht Regusa and the mine-sweeper Nasturtium were sunk y mines in the Mediterranean. Ail the officers were saved. Six of the Regusa s crew, and seven of the Nasturtium s, are missing. The Regusa was commanded by Captain T.
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    • Article, Illustration
      35 5 THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. Petrograd, May 2. On a front in the direction of Baghdad, th) Russians hurled back an important Turkish force westward, capturing a portion of the enemy’s artillery and many ammunition wagons.
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    • 44 5 A GERMAN MESSAGE. London, May 2. A Berlin wireless says the Turkish Commander, Valil Pasha, allowed General Townshend to keep his sword. Tiie message claims that among the prisoners are four generals, and 240 o'her British and 270 Indian officers.
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    • 472 5 The following telegram, dated the 22nd April, 1916, has been received from ‘‘EyeWitness,” in Mesopotamia Abu Roman, April 18th :—The Turkish counter-attacks after our capture of Beit Issa on the night of 17th and 18th were most determined affairs. The enemy were not relying on surprise. Their
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    • 40 5 SHOT BY TURKISH OFFICER. bukharest, May 2. Field-Marshal Von der Goltz was shot by an Anatolian officer, Ali Abdullah. Great Turkish discontent prevails against the Germans. There is a serious split among the Young Turks at Constantinople.
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    • 25 5 SPLENDID PROGRESS. Petrograd, May 2. On a front in the direction of Diarbekir, the Cossacks vigorously drove the enemy towards the west.
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    • 320 5 DUBLIN REBELS SURRENDER. London, May 1. It is officially announced that all the Dublin rebel commandoes have surrendered. Surrenders in Provinces. London, May 2. It is officially announced that all the rebels in Dublin have surrendered. The city is reported to be quite safe. The rebels in the
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    • 278 5 The following remarkable statement was sent from the head-quartars of the Irish With regard to the recent proceedings of the Government towards the Irish Volunteers, the Council of the Irish Volunteers, which met on the 26th March, wish to warn the public that the general tendency
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    • 74 5 Mr. Padraig O. Conaire, the well-known writer of Irish, and member of the Executive Committee of the Gaelic League, was arrested at Glenvar, near Rathmullen, Co. Donegal, at the house of Mrs. George Gavan Duffy, and is at present imprisoned in Derry Gaol waiting to be brought
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    • 107 5 It has been stated that Mr. Ernest Blythe and Mr. Liam Mellowes, organisers of the Irish Volunteers, who are in the custody of the military authorities in Arbour Hill Barracks, have been notified that within six days they will be sent to a district in the English
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    • 300 5 At a meeting in Dublin Mansion House to receive the report of the deputation of the Ali-Ireland conference which interviewed the Minister of Munitions on the 10th ult., with regard to Ireland’s share to munitions work, the Lord Mayor stated the manufacturers had received the balance of
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    • 101 5 On Shamrock Day in Dublin 1,60'1 Sinn Fein Volunteers paraded in College Green, most of them armed with rifles. They were inspected by Mr John McNeil, a professor in the National University and president of the executive of the Iri‘h Volunteers. During the Parade leaflets were
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    • 413 5  -  John Dillon. At a meeting of the Callan branch of the United Irish League, the following resolution was passed—“ Seeing that this country is already cruelly over-taxed, and viewing with alarm impending additional taxation, we, the members of the Callan branch of the United Irish League,
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    • 490 5 Dublin is situated on both banks of the River Liffey, at the point where that stream runs due east into the Irish Sea. The city proper is very compact, owing to the gre it economy of apace observed in the housing of the poor in the
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  • General News.
    • 62 5 RETURN TO THE NORMAL. London, May 2. An official statement says the situation in the Solium district of Egypt is rapidly returning to the normal. The British have occupied Moghara, and are making conrinual aerial raids from Kharga and Dakhla. A small body of the enemy are still
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    • 39 5 BOUGHT BY BRITAIN. Bukharest, May 2. A British Syndicate has bought all the Rumanian flour available for export, a most important success, as the Central Power were eager to purchase it and Turkey is absolutely without flour.
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    • 36 5 SWEDEN’S CO-OPERATION. Stockholm, May 2. In response to an urgent appeal by the Russian Government, the Swedish authorities are allowing the transport of enormous quantities of food for prisoners of war in Germany.
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    • 119 5 A “TIMES” COMMENT London, May 2. Commenting on the continued demand for silver for coinage, which is the cause of the recent rapid advance in price, the Times suggests that a check on the persistent expansion of currency in circulation is needed, and points out that while thrice
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    • 81 5 NATIVE EMIRS’ CONTRIBUTIONS. London, May 1. Mr. Bonar Law, the Colonial Secretary, has informed the Governor-General of Nigeria that the Imperial Government gaatefully accept the offer of the Nigerian Government to meet post-war charges for interest and sinking fund of 1 per cent, on £6,000,000 Imperial War Debt,
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    • 25 5 London, May 2. The Rev. Arthur Lionel Smith, M.A., Tutor and Dean of Balliol College, Oxford, has been elected Master of Balliol.
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  • 1034 6 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. At the annual general meeting of the Klang District Planters’ Association at the Klang Club on Saturday afternoon, Mr. E. B. Prior psesided. The report and accounts for the year 1915-16, were taken as read. Mr. Buxton proposed that Mr. Prior be re-elected Chairman. Mr.
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  • 359 6 Sengat.—lnt divd 6| p c. Bukit Kajang —lot divd 20 Langkat Sumatua —Final divd 17 j p c. making 25 pc for year, against 15 p c for 1914 for year. Benar (Selangor)—Report for year shows profit £1,779 Divd 5 pc, £9OO written off, and £253
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  • 308 6 Singapore women are very eager to do something that will prove their deep sympathy with victims of the war. A movement has already been started, as announced in our issue of April 19, for collecting women’s personal economy savings monthly with a view to handing
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  • 927 6 THE DAILY ROUND. Writing to a friend from Salonika, a Free Church Minister, now a Chaplain with the forces, says This is one of our wet days when I must sit in my dug-out and make a virtue of necessity. It at least gives me a
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  • 57 6 Calcutta, April 20 —For some days past an animated discussion has been carried on in -the Statesman concerning unrest among the Oraon immigrant labourers in Duars Tea Plantations. Meanwhile a special tribunal sitting at Jalpaiguri on Tuesday passed a sentence on seven accused. One was
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  • 485 6 The following is from the Orders for May, by Major the Hon. A. R. Adams, the Commandant The undermentioned having been enrolled are taken on the strength R Livingstone, D J Ross, L E Slowe, G F Turner, B B Rhode? and W J Whitehead ("A” Company); G
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  • 139 6 A programme of the seasports to be held at Johore on Friday and Saturday, May 12 and 13, in honour of the occasion of the investiture of His Highness the Sultan of Johore with the insignia of the Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of St.
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  • 117 6 Calcutta, April 19.—One of the worst hailstorms on record took place in South Sylhet district. Some of the very best gardens were cut to puces. The storm appears to have come from the West from Luakerpore Valley. During its progress it cut up Rusidpur, Daragaon,
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  • 86 6 Simla, April 20.—Mr T O Hughes, Acting Political Agent, Mekran, and Commandant of the Mekran Levy Corps, and Second Lieutenant G B Horst, i a r o, who had only recently bet*n attached to the Corps, have been shot dead at Mand in Mekran, by two Rind
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  • 58 6 The Aeronautical Society of Great Britain has sent a telegram to the War Office and the Admiralty saking that every effort be made without delay to raise the Zeppelin which sank in the Thames estuary. The society believes that it will be possible to use the
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  • 614 6 THE KEIL EGGLOFFSTEIN CASE. As Reuter will have informed you, the Governor-General has been requested to investigate the allegations made against the Germans Keil and Von Eggloffstein regarding the inciting of the natives to revjlt against Dutch rule. In a recent edition, the Soer Hande’sblad in
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  • 140 6 Malaya No. 17 (Fighter) The Alm* Baker No. 3. Presented by the organiser $19,195.90 Malaya No. 18—(“ Fighter.”)—The Singapore. Previously acknowledged $10,250 Malaya No. 19—(" Fighter")—The Anzac. Previously acknowledged $1,460 Malaya No. 20—(■' Fighter")—Subsscribed by all nationa’ities— Previously acknowledged 661.90 Mr G J Brand, B N
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  • 56 6 May 3.—St. Georges’ Church Easter Vestry, Governor’s Office, noon. May s.—Legislative Council Meeting, Singapore. 6.—Singapore Races, Entries Close a noon. May B.—Penang Schools Re-open. May 14-Patish Hall Annual General Meeting, Parish Hall, 9-15 a.m. May 16, 18, and 20 —Singapore Races. May 17 -Lodge Scotia, Penang-Installatioj. June 9
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 34 6 NO LAXATIVES are so gentle and effective as PINKETTES that’s why children can safely take them. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Dept. 6c, Singapore.
      34 words
    • 404 6 THE PERFECTED NERVE FOOD I SANAPHOS i 11 IE S THE IDEAL RECONSTRUCTIVE NERVE FOOD A VALUABLE RESTORATIVE IN NEURASTHENIA NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA AND ANEMIA Tempting, Palatable, Wholly Digestible. Earlier and inferior products, representing I Sanaphos is producing results which the effort to give the nerves directly the truly remarkable. 18
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  • 875 7 COL. REPINGTON’S EULOGY. Colonel the “Times’” military correspondent, who paid a visit to the Verdun font, pays a very high tribute to the valour of the Fiench troops and the mili'ary judgment of their commanders in the following interesting despatch We iwt render great homage to the
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  • 675 7 HALF-YEARLY REPORT. The Report of the Penang Harbour Board for the Half-year ending 31st December, 1915 states: The revised Tariff of Charges which in many items shows an increase has nob been issued as it is considered inadvisable to increase the charges during the continuance of the
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  • 18 7 Pbnang :—The E. O. Hotel» The Crag, Runnymede Hotel. Singapore: —Raffles Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel.
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  • 116 7 The output of Deebook Dreiging (No Liability), for April was Dredge No. 1, 30,379 cubic yards, 517 hours, 1)2 piculs. Dredge No. 2, 59,322 cubic yards, 601 hours, 313 piculs. Total output 425 piculs. The output from Malayan Tin Dredging L‘d., for April, is 1,660 piculs, valued at
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  • 70 7 CLEARANCES. To-day. Hok Canton for Port Swettenham and Singapore Fooksang for Singapore. China Japan. Kuteang for Calcutta. Kedah for Bagan Datoh Teluk Anson. Flying Dragon for Portweld and Taiping. MAILS. CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close. Tongkah Malacca 12-30 p.m. Friday. Hongkong Albiana 3-30 p.m. Sunday.
    70 words
  • 127 7 Penang, May 3* 1916. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 1/4 4 months’sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 25/32 i, 3 Documentary ...2/4 13/16 Oalcutta Demand Bank Rs. 1741 n 3 days' sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174| Moul mein Demand Bank 174
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 453 7 Rates for Casual Advertisements. fOH SALE. 10 LET. SITUATIONS VACANT. ETC. 2 insertions o 0.95 0.85 •> 4 0.75 9 6 ”12 or more insertions 0.50 Advertisements are charged by space A line of ordinary advertisement type in the Pinang Gazette occupies 6 words or Jth of an inch. A
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    • 131 7 gaiiiiiiiuiuuHfiKiiiinuiMUiMHuiiiiniwuttniMiiiHviniflwnininninmtitntiinf levinrudei g DETACHABLE ROWBOAT 1 MOTORS ragflgA are conceded to be the g most satlsfactor. rowboat motors on the market. ra EFFICIENT. 1 RELIABLE, RI.MAHKABLY POHLRrUL. g Fitted with built-in-the- ja| flywheel magneto iftj fgyygjgpj (patented!, ybjjyjSPjjl Automatic Reverse and Maxim Silencer SMflp Speed: 2 to 8 miles. Built
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    • 306 7 notice.XA/E beg to give notice that for the present the products of the Bernese Alps Milk Company will be imported by us under the “BEAR” Brand instead of under “Sledge” Brand as heretofore. THE MILK REMAINS UNCHANGED; the trade mark alone has been altered, and for the following reasons (1)
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2738 8 P. 0.-B. 1.-APCARJN. Y.K- K. P. M. fe mail and passenger services. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. maatschappij PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. (INCORPORATED IN J HOLLAND.) CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAV. CO |T|| MAIL SERVICES. ft zn Q V (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) Homeward (for Europe). Outward (for China
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