Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 2 May 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 608 1 aQCiaDa □□□□□uno fur YOU WANT TO SHIP, g buy ob SELL S Rubber| a OR TO PORWAR D GOODS g to AMY PART or tub WORLD g a oo to g ALLEN DENNYS Co., f 7 UNION STREET. a caoD° DDDDaDDDnnannnDaonnoaoD SUN LIFE .rZ A RUCHANANS g> W 1 Vs=s=«=
      608 words
    • 60 1 naaQonDDDnuuDa □□□□□□□□□nog FOR $3O g a c \7OU can have the Pinang Q I Ga?ette posted everv day q for a whole year to your address, q (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). Proportionate Quartet ly and Half-yearly rates. Subscriptions are payable in n n advance and remittance should be addressed to n
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  • 676 2 Mr. W. Kellie Smith has returned from Australia. Mr. and Mrs Gordon Brown and their children have left for Australia. Mr. R M. Crystall has left for New Zealand, wh a re he inten is to settle. Mr. D. Hazard is a corporal in the Army Service
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  • 153 2 The fourth annual general meeting of the Society was held on April 30 at the Society’s Hall, No. 1, Transfer Road. Mr K P Mohamed Madar Sahib presided. The report and the audited accounts for the year ending with 31st March. 1916, were read and pass
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  • 273 2 A fair amount of good work was gone j through on the Penang race course by our race horses who leave for Singapore, within the next few days Most of the owners were present showing great interest in the gallops Glorify, looking the picture of
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  • 121 2 The Penang Ladies’ Rifle Cub has suffered many los-es recently by the departure or resignation of such enthusiastic and efficient members as Mrs Lisbon, Mrs Wright-Motion, Mrs Hulm a -Sharpe and others. This may account for the poor attendance at yesterday’s shoot, in which only five
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  • 79 2 The second race in the Gibbons Cup Competitions was held at the S wimming Club on Sunday, with the following re?ult:— Ist S A Yell 2 secs, wins 5 points 2nd G M Terzano 3 3 3rd W H Threlfall... 10 1 There were 6 starters and
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  • 108 2 QUESTION OF FEES. (Front Our Oion Correspondent.) Singapore, May 2. At the annual meeting of Ayer Panas Rubber Co., Ltd., Mr. Sime, who presided, Slid the company had had a satisfactory year. The estate is in good condition and he expected the estimate of 440,000 lbs. to
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  • 61 2 The following are the latest quotations in our share list:— Yesterday. To-day. tn us uo oq Shares M M Mining. Gopeng C. 26/6 30/- 26/6 27/6 Rahman H.... $ll sll| $ll j $l2 R tbber (Sterling.) A.-Java 2/0- 25/ 20/- 25/Rubber (Dollar). Kedah $3.20 s3} $3 J
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  • 59 2 EXCLUDING ALIENS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, May 2 Singapore Chamber of Commerce passed rules excluding all but natural born British subjects from the Committee and all enemy subjects and firms, whether naturalised or not, from membership during the war. Singapore women will meet on Thursday
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  • 877 2 From Our Own Correspondent Alor Star, May 1. The Bishop of Singapore accompanied by the Rev. J. H. Smith, paid a visit to Alor Star last Sunday to consecrate the new Protestant cemetery and hold Divine service. Inspector Murphy, who has just returned from leave, is now stationed
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  • 43 2 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on April 29 $2,127.06 Anonymous 20.00 Balance on May 1 2,147.0 f Amount previously acknowledged. ...$23,913.74 Total $26,060.80
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  • 620 2 TWO VERSIONS OF DISASTER. Berlin, April 15th, —The Turkish Government publishes the following report of the Commander of the Turkish submarine which torpedoel the steamer Portugal. The steamer was sighted in the night of March 29th to 30th, when steering towards its landing place. At daybreak, it was
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    • 211 2 [To the Editor of the "Pinang Gazette." Sir, lam sorry my little plunge into ironies had so lamentable an effect on the minds of Benedict and True Love.’’ The former, when be first read the letter in your columns, appears to have had an inkling of the
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  • 551 2 RECAPTURĔ AND Sitting in thT p riz 7 c Admiralty Division with Trini, Sir Samuel E,au s had Sd claim by Cap am Henry L, k < I R.N.,and the officers and ere, „f light cruiser Yarmouth f ur re Si in respect of the alleged saly
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  • 332 2 The twenty-third annual report d Board of directors to the sharehouO-t was as follows The directors submit to the holders of the Bank the general and statement of profit w account for the year ending December, 1915. The net profits for Tefr a providing
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 383 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WAMTED FOR a Health? Estate in Kedah, CLERK DRESSER (Tamil or Cingalee preferred). Mast; have thorough knowledge of D nible Entry Book-keeping of Estate Accounts. Good salary to right man. Apply No. 186, c/o Pinang Gazette. FOR SALE. A LARGE HANGING ICE CHEST, ALMOST NEW. Measurements outside 7
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  • Article, Illustration
    1140 3 [BY AN ARTIST CORRESPONDENT.] April 6. Rally of London Slavs. Rarely have scenes of such enthusiasm been witnessed in the London streets as those which welcomed the Crown Prince Regent Alexander of Serbia. The mo?t 'nteresting demonstration of all was reserved for the occasion of the luncheon party
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  • 93 3 There has been an enormous increase in the price of drugs since the war began, as the following table, officially supplied, shows Pre-War Price Price Now (per lb.) (per lb.) Bromides Is 6|d. 255. Aspirin Is 10|d. 40?. Phenacetin 2s 6os. Phenazone 6? 53. 455, As an example
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  • 30 3 One Canadian Highlander was in the arrest barracks at Giessen, Hesse, when visited by the United States reprenstative in x’ebruary, because he had refused to wear trousers.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 574 3 VV ANTE O. Secretary t r, Kiang ciub, Kiang, F MS. Salary $3OO per mensem, «hhout quarters. Applications to be in r itb“ accompanied by statement of qualification?, a»d testimonials, and to be addressed to E. B. PRIOR, Golden Hope Estate, Klang. 25th April, 1916. |4o—u c Related Malay States
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    • 168 3 A STOMACH TONIC. A tonic dyspepsia is probably the commonest form of indigestion met with in the East. This lack of tone in the digestive organs means that the stomach is no longer able to do bs work as nature intended. The nerves that control it are weak, the glands
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    • 342 3 ebility I j feel limp and washed out, weary fl id with no inclination for exertion— U is in a run-down condition—you are A You need something to put fresh >u —you need a fortnight’s Iron ‘Jelloids’ g nglish price 1/11). Unequalled as a tonic SJ on ‘Jelloids’ are most
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  • 1099 4 There is evidence in to day’s telegrams that the unfortunate affair at Kut-el-Amara is not to he regarded too seriously by Great Britain and her Allies, although the lesson of the face of General Townshend and his gallant little force will doubtless be taken to heart. The
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  • 177 4 The mails which left Penang on the 31 March were delivered in London yesterday. The Easter Vestry of St. Geoige’s Church will be held in H. E. the Governor’s Office to-morrow, at noon. There will be a meeting of the Church Work Association at St George’s Girl Home
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  • 1808 4 The death is announced of Michael Edward Hicks-Beach, first Earl St Aldwyn, who was raised to the peerage when Mr. Balfour resigned in 1905. Earl St. Aldwyn made his first appearance in the House of Commons, in 1864, as Conservative Member for East Gloucestershire, where his country
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 146 4 IN PEACE CTA f 1W WAR BAB WON TSE Bi 9 WOK T RIND PRIZE £>OnLf<££Si e GRAND PRIZE AT THE iT TBE Anglo-Japan fZyT' Panama-Pacific Exhibition, 1910 International awn THE MOST POPULAR The Taisho Japan drink IN THE EAST. California, Nationai *£AM| Df.£|> Exhibition, 1914. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. 1 I
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    • 21 4 E. O.” THE: LATEST MUSIC BY KEvery night,:'during and after. Dinner, Z CZ" !M2 and ||ATr e ;TIFFIN Every Wednesday &JSaturday.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 328 5 FRENCH AIRMEN’S GAINS. german strength in RUSSIA. rounding up the rebels. the BLOCKADE OF GERMANY. jhe British have bed to deal with further attacks by the enemy in Flanders, and as in the previous German attempts, the failure of the enemy ia recorded. The principal attack was delivered
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 337 5 [Rectrr’s Telegrams.] ENEMY ATTACKS DEFEATED. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, April 30. A French success at Verdun is a feature ©f a communique. The Germans, at Lassigny, after a violent Br 'illery preparation, made a small attack south of Lassigny. The enemy got footing, but were immediately
      [Rectrr’s Telegrams.]  -  337 words
    • 295 5 Although the Fokker is temporarily King of the Air, I understand it will not be long befere British factories turn out a machine that will beat the enemy machine in speed and climbing power, says a London writer. As a man conversant with aeronautics remarked to
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 332 5 SIGNIFICANT AFFAIR. London, April 30. A Petrograd telegram says the enemy forces were compelled to retire in the Pinsk region, owing to floods. The Germans began to depart, leaving the Austrians to act as the rearguard. This customary procedure aroused the Austrians, who attacked the Germans, a
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 163 5 FRENCH COMMENT. London, May 1. The keynote of the comment cn the surrender at Kut is struck by the Paris Temps which says Great Britain accepts this check as an unfortunate which had become almost inevitable, but which, after all, was considered as a colonial enterprise
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    • 541 5 Lord Beresford (U) in the House of Lords on March 30th asked the Government whether the General Officer commanding the British forces now besieged tt Kut-el-Amara had recommended, or was responsible for, the decision to advance on Ctesiphon, or whether in carrying out that advance he was
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    • 285 5 Much anxiety was felt in London on April 3, concernig General Townshend’s position at Kut. It was known that strenuous efforts were being made to relieve him but itisnou°e disguising the fact that the Turkish lines which separate him from the relieving force are very strong, inasmuch
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    • 31 5 Salonika, May 1. The German Consul at Drama, who is an active organiser of espionage, was arrested and brought to Salonika, where he is interned on a warship.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 136 5 BRITISH ADMIRAL’S STATEMENT. London, April 30. Rear-Admiral Dudley De Chair,the Com mander of the British Blockade Squadron in the North Sea, in an interview with the London correspondent of the Brooklyn Eagle” detailed Great Britain’s methods of drawing a net around Germany. The Admiral said the blockade was
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    • 287 5 The Press Bureau issued in French the text of a Memorandum which was handed by the French Government to certain neutral Governments on the subject of the censorship of mails. The Memorandum states that the postal services have always had for their object the receipts, conveyance,
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  • General News.
    • 410 5 OFFICER CASUALTIES AT DUBLIN. London, April 30 The following casualties are reported from Dublin. Killed. Captain F C Diet'ichsen (Sherwood,). Lieutenants H C Draffen, W V Hawken, PC Perry (Sherwoods), and A L Ramsay (Royal Irish). Wounded, Lieut.-Colonel C Face (Sherwoods). Major H Haneson (Sherwoods). Captains P
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    • 35 5 THREE FOR CHILE. London, April 30. The negotiations of Brazil to secure three German interned liners have broken down, but Germany has now allowed Chile to take three liners for the coastal trade.
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    • 336 5 New York, March 16.—Breitung, the late owner of the famous Dacia and the millionaire mine-owner, announces the formation of a group of capitalists, including himself, which proposes to form a gigantic shipping corporation to purchase interned German vessels. He is convinced that he will obtain th°
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    • 22 5 BRITISH CAPTURES. London, May I. General Smuts reports further captures of quantities of live stock at Kondoairangi, also much ammunition.
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    • 376 5 It is now permissible to describe the opening moves of General Smuts’ campaign in East Africa. The Commander-in-Chief arrived shortly after a reconna-sance in force directed against the Sal ita Hill had revealed the enemy in great strength upon the southeastern slopes of Kilimanjaro. Making Nairobi the
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  • 105 5 The continuation chapters of The Girl Detective,” in 2 more episodes Nos: 7 and 8, in four parts will be shown at the E’ectric Polyscope to-night, with The Closing Net," in five reels and Gaumont War Graphic with Dolly Twain” in three parts. The Straits Cinema’s change for
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  • 56 5 Obituary. EARL OF ST. ALDWYN. London, April 30. The death has occurred of the Rt Hon. Michael Edward Hicks-Beach, Earl of St. Aldwyn, aged 79. Deceased had been for some time indisposed Viscount Qaenington, M.P., his heir,, was killed in action last week. A four year oid grandson of the
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  • 2553 6 THE KANGANY QUESTION. At the annual meeting of the Planters’ g Association of Malaya, at Kuala Lumpur Mr. J. R O. Aidworth, the Controller of g Labour, gave an address on labour topic?. He said t During my visit to India last cold weather I made several notes
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  • 504 6 CHINESE CLERK’S FATAL MISTAKE. In the Coroner’s Court, Penang, yesterday afternoon, before Mr. E. E. Colman and a jury, an inquest was held touching the death of Wah Chai Seng, late Chinese Clerk on board the steamer Rotoura, which ’ook place at the General Hospital on Apiil 20th,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 272 6 THN MEN AND WOMEN. Here’s a Safe Easy Way to Gain 10 to 30 lbs of Solid, Healthy, Permanent Flesh. Thin, nervous, undeveloped men and women everywhere are heard to say, I can’t understand why I do not get fat. 1 eat plenty of good, nourishing food.” The reason is
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    • 89 6 LIQUID FUEL FOR Diesel and Semi=Diesel Engines, Smelting Furnaces, Boilers, etc. KEROSENE FOR KEROSENE OIL ENGINES. LARGE STOCKS ALWAYS ON HAND. For particulars and prices, apply direct to THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM {lncorporated in England) WELD QUAY, PENANG. MOMI CASES Size 30" x 18" x 15” Size 24" x 19’x 19
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 260 6 ANOTHER GREAT TREAT FOR OUR PATRONS AT THE STRAITS CINEMA, Phone No. 628. EMPIRE HALL. PENANG ROAD. 9 TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! The Millionaire Paupers 3 Reels 3 Reels R' x 3 reel society drama, featuring Grace Thompson, Gretchen Lederer, Arthur Shirlev and Lon Chaney in delightful story, written by Ida May
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  • 1050 7 WHO ARE DOING THE KAISER’S DIRTY WORK. >Wo'ff" wftS being insinuated as a fjr unreliability when the 3 VD nt and England cut the cables, br ke tn’ close Germany’s mouth while of German militarism” and f h e r s c atrocities” to bias the «I
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  • 235 7 Per P and O Morea. London, April 1. To Singapore Mr C G Rust, Mr Howell, Mr Schoulers, Mr Werner, Mr aud Mrs Wishart, Mr Colwill, Mrs Hunt and child, Mrs Cullum and child, Mr Witford. To Penang Mr Feeny, Mr P Lavendar, Mr C J
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  • 35 7 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $97 00 per picul buyers, no sellers—an incerease of 20 cents. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £2OO spot, and £199 three months.
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  • 252 7 The output of Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Limited, during the month of April was 400 piculs. The output of the Rahman Tin, Co., Ltd., during the month of April, was 679 piculs. Mill Pls. 358.43 Tributes 320 26, Mr Khaw Joo Tok has received the following telegrams: Tongkah Harbour
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  • 341 7 Crop Estimati-s Exceeded. The sixth ordinary general meeting was held at 38, Eastcheap, E C., on March 29th, Mr. William Antrobus Luning (Chairman of the Company) presiding. A representative of Messrs. M. P Evans and Co. (Secretaries) read the notice c >nvening the meeting and the report
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  • 431 7 The area under cultivation was the same as last year—namely, 1,316 acres, of which 947 were either in bearing or partly in bearing; 157 acres were planted in 1912 and a further 214 acres in the following yeer, and they had given instructions to plant up a
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  • 368 7 At Liverpool-etreet Hotel London recently, the employees of Messrs. Alien and Hanbury?, Limited, presented his portrait to the vice-chairman Mr. Frederick Janson Hanbury, and a case of plate to his codirector, M. W. Ralph Dodd, with illuminated addressee. The presentation ce ebrated the 200th anniversary of
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  • 268 7 A Short-Lived Company. The Enggor (Perak) Rubber Plantation Co, Ltd., which was floated in Shanghai at the end of March, is to be terminated, and all those who have subscribed for shares will have their money returned. According to an announcement that appeared in the local press early
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  • 153 7 The members of the Teluk Anson Church Workers’ Association held a Garden Fete in The Residency grounds on Saturday, with the two-fold object of assisting Church funds and contributing towards the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Widows and Orphans’ Funds at Home. In regard to the first, the
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  • 391 7 A good deal of light is thrown upon the subject of the rather mysterious unrest among Oraons by a letter written to the press by Mr W. Lancelot Travers, the chairman of the Dooars Planters’ Associa 'ion. The Bishop of Chota Nagpur has given it as
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  • 213 7 Penang, May 2. cfs. Soup per catty 16 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat... 17 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 40 Tongue 60 Feet 20 Heart 40 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catty 40 Pig's Head 18 Feet 22 Tongue 32 Mutton per
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  • 89 7 CLEARANCES. To-day. De Kock for Deli and Langsa. Cornelia for Port Swettenham, P. Dickson and Malacca. Omapere for Tongkah, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy. Kaloma for Deli and Langsa. Providence for Rangoon. Ceylon Maru for Singapore, China Japan. Hebe for Bagan Datoh Teluk Anson. Pangkor tor Dindings
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  • 63 7 May 3.—St. Georges’ Church Easter Vestry, Governor’s Office, noon. May' s.—Legislative Council Meeting, Singapore. 6.—Singapore Races, Entries Close at noon. May B.—Penang Schools Re-open. May 14 —Parish Hall Annual General Meeting, Parish Hall, 9-15 a.m. May 16, 18, and 20.—Singapore Races. May 17.—Lodge Scotia, Penang—lnstallation. June 9 and
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  • 248 7 Penang, May 2, 1916. S P. Tapioca $8.75 sellers. M. P. Tapioca $9.10 sellers. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oc). $l6 1/2 buyers. Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $30.00 sales. Trang Pepper $25 sales. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $7O sellers. Cloves $4O buyers
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  • 127 7 Penang, May 2, 1916. (By Courtesy oj the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 1/4 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 25/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 13/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 1741 Moulmein Demand Bank 174 3 days’sight
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 51 7 Middle-aged people are often afflicted with that distressing ailment. Windy spasms, they seem to cut like a knife. Sufferers should get a bottle of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE The very first dose will bring relief and prove its value. Sold by Dispensaries and Stores everywhere a t 80 cents per
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    • 27 7 We recognize the danger of allowing our name to fade even in a slight degree, and are therefore carrying out our original advertising programme.—Avonlndia Rubber Co., Ltd.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2912 8 P. 0.-B. 1.-APCAR IN. Y. K. K P M mail and passenger services. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. maatschappij AND PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) CHIMA MUTUAL STEAM NAV. CO. LTD MAIL SERVICES A "««eward (for Europe).Outward (for China and Japan). 8i> *T'HK Companies’ Earner.
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