Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 1 May 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 875 1 ooaooo cnnaDDaQaaaDQaaoaaaoa I If TOU WANT IO SHIP, BUY <* b SELL v i RUBBER i C OR TO n a n FORWARD goods d a to ANY PART ok m WORLD g q GO TO g 1 ALLEN DENNYS Co., 9 7, UNION STNKET. D 2 c J aaaQo
      875 words
    • 56 1 nannnnDMtmunonnDDDnoaDnDn FOR $3O VTOU can have the Ptnang n I Gazette posted t verv day g for a whole year to your address. n (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). Proj ortionate Qnarteily and g Half-yearly rates. g Subscriptions are payable in n advance and remittance should be addressed to c PINANG GAZETTE
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  • 1594 2 THE GENERAL MEETING. The sixty-second ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China was held on Wednesday, March 29, on the bank’s premises, 38, Bishopsgate, E C, Sir Montagu Cornish Turner (chairman of the comrany) presiding. The Chairman said In
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  • 153 2 The largest order for Russian military boots ever given recently came to England. Tl anks to the wisdom of the War Office in entrusting matters to that well organised business bo iy, the Tanners’ Federation the boot and shoe trade in the important centres of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1209 2 Rates for wanted for sale. Casual Advertisements. A T wrtter or ’tvtodoX g ?od®S2JSg «tio»» wllh c °P le f t 0 be order. Owner going Home. FOR SALE, TO LET, SITUATIONS VACANT, ETC. ent t 0 n Apply A. Waterfield, Trong, Perak. No. 178, c/o Pinang Gazette. J >
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    • 120 2 Driving; Pain Have you a pain anywhere in your body Is it a little pain or a big pain Does it torcore a s ngle nerve or does it grind and rack your entire oeng Isn t it foolish then to be driven by pain* or ache*, big or little,
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    • 591 2 banks? CHARTERED AUSTRALIA AND CHIN* Incorporated in England by Royal Ch^ e Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors Pi' o?'’ 000 Head Office' 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON Pc Agencies and Branches U Amritsar Hongkong D Bangkok Iloilo ekln g Batavia Ipoh p ei aD g Bombay Karachi p iket
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  • 2576 3 The Palia Doray. n irj IN MALAYA-MENTAL PABULUMTHINNING OUT-EXPERIMENTAL TAPPING i-nooestion.My the Germ.n idea of pattmachinery and equipment tor the S .tment of the product, of the 'Zoeut on the spot wouldg.rea fillip to X planting industry of Malaya, because It .Laid not only be coconut-planting th« ffected
    The Palia Doray.  -  2,576 words
  • 189 3 Messrs. Guthrie Co., Ltd. in their weekly report, dated Singapore, Wednesday, 27th ultm., says A commencement was made to-day with the sale of 523 tons which were catalogued for this week’s Auction. Demand at the outset was fair, but fell away in the course of the day,
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  • 21 3 Calcutta, April 12.—T0-day’s opium sale realised Rs. 16,42,000, being an increase of Rs. 38,000 on last month.
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    • 204 3 Berlin, April 12.—“ Dearest Field Marshal” begins the telegram sent by the Kaiser to von Hindenburg, congratulating him on the occasion of his 50th military jubilee. The Emperor recalls von Hindenburg’s splendid career. With uuheard-of successes, it was granted to you to fulfil tbe most difficult and
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    • 72 3 Harbin, April 6h —A Petrograd Telegraphic Agency telegram says that, according to information from Budapest, a large demonstration took place there in favour of concluding peace The Hungarian newspapers are silent on the subject. The Zeit publishes a few lines, saying that a news agency issued notices
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    • 91 3 Berlin, April 11.—The Swiss paper Zuricher Post reports that the first consignment of 15 centimeter howitzers, with ammunition, which were ordered from Germany, will soon arrive in Swi zerland. These howitzers are of the most modern type, such as are used in the Germany army. The papers
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  • 162 3 Since the recent Dutch losses the premium on steamers' running to and from Holland have advanced to 455. per cent, as compared with 12s. 6d. a month ago. On all routes, indeed, quotations are higher than they were, although tbe State Insurance Department continues to accept
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  • 118 3 Three extensive fires occurred in the South and South-west of America. The total losses ate estimated at from $8,500,000 to $11,500,000. Just what proportion of this amount is covered by insurance is not known, but it is believed that it is more than 60 per cent. The
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  • 110 3 Important developments have marked the conflict between the Swidish war party and its opponents, following a resolution passed by the Radical Socialis s in Congress that peace muat be kept at any price The clamours of the pro-German newspapers against the leaders of the RadicalSocialist
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 376 3 GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY, Ltd.. THE LEADING CHEMISTS, PENANG, TAI PI NG IPOH. DEPOT FOR:— SIIPER-ODOL The British Substitute for German OdoL .——..——..-————l Sweetens the breath and prevents decay. In Bottles 85 cents. SUPER-ISOL Absolutely Identical with German Lysol and is an ideal disinfectant for all surgical purposes. In Bottles 85
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • Article, Illustration
      118 4 abortive effort. [Riutbr’s Tbleoram’. w London, April 29. An official message says an attempt was made on the night of April 24th to send a ship with supplies to the garrison at Kut. Though it was carried out with the utmost gallantry, unfortunately it failed. Our aeroplanes discovered the
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    • 347 4 Some pictures in a French journal, Les Annales,” bear out recent strictures in Truth upon the antiquated character of the equipment in use with the AngloIndian Expeditionary Force in Mesopotamia. One of the pictures represents a gun which is mounted in a lighter for river use,
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    • 79 4 GREECE AND SERBIAN ARMY TRANSPORT. Athen, April 29. The situation in Greece is more acute owing to the announcement of the Government's determination to continue to refuse the use of the railways for the transport of the Serbian Army. The Serbian Minister called on
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    • 22 4 London, April 29. Colonel the Honourable C. J. Coventry, commanding the Worcester Yeomanry in Egypt, is a prisoner.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 57 4 Petrograd, April 30. The German artillery was active in the Dvinsk region and farther south. The enemy followed with infantry attacks with massed formations, but these were abortive except for the recapture of small German trenches previously lost. Asia Minor. The Russians at Erzinjan, after repulsing Turkish attacks,
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    • 18 4 London, April 29. Captain T. M. L'oyd, of the Hampshire*, invalided from India, has committed suicide.
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    • 237 4 P. C. C. v. I. R. C. The challenge of the Indian Recreation Club to the P. C. C. at Cricket was played off on the E-planade on Saturday afternoon and resulted in a hollow defeat of the Indians The P. C. C. batted first and lost five good
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    • 75 4 The following ties have been fixed for Wednesday Championship—F W Harris v E H Everest (unfinished) (4). Doubles Handicap B—Goodrich and J Crabb-Watt v D L Adamson and Fell (5). The following ties have been fixed for Thursday Singles Handicap A—A W Harries v V G Savi
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    • 96 4 MONTHLY MEDAL FOR APRIL. This competition was played on 29th, and 30th, April and resulted as follows Capt P M Murphy 97 less 16 =Bl Mr C W Ballantyne 92 10=82 Mr J R Ferguson 107 20=87 Mr Alex Jack 93 6=87 Mr J Lamb 105 16=89
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  • 17 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $96 80 per picul business done.
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  • 21 4 The output of the Tongkah Harbour (N. L.) Tin Dredging for the week ending April 29, was 25 tons.
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    • 406 4 [To the Editor oj the “Pinang Gazette.”] Sir, I beg to concur with the opinion expressed in your Here and There column anent the Kuala Lumpur shooting CaBe “No onewill quarrel with the verdict.” I am also of opinion that this view will be shared by many
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    • 271 4 [To the Editor oj the Pinang Gazette.'] Sir.— Nothing would afford me greater plea-ure than to meet the gentleman who signs himstlf Free Love in your to day’s issue of the Pinang Gazette,” so as to tell him and show him exactly that I think
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  • 98 4 The Bodega is making a sound bid for increased patronage in these hard times by appealing to the pockets as well as the patriotism of Penangites. In spite cf the advance in wholesale prices in all liquors the Bodega has reduced its charges in
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  • 50 4 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 till 7 this evening:— 1. Selection... Un Ballo in Maschera ...Verdi 2. Polka Les Crenouilles Winterbottom 3. Waltz Bid Me Goodbye Camors 4. Mazurka Marien ...Kuhuer 5. March Out on the Hi-Ti-Hi ...Carter
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  • 20 4 The outward P. <k O. packet Novara, is expected to arrive here, from Colombo, at 6 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 633 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. GARGOYLE MOBILOILS. OWING to the unusaal and unprecedented demand for lubricating oils the high freights, doubled and trebled in many instances j the increase in Marine and War insurancej labor troubles and substantial increases we have been forced to pay all employees in our refineries and c
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    • 676 4 Valuable Property insurance Salc Royal Exchange, London BY ORDER OF THE LIQUIDATOR poMMENOED^usinese Tin AD UNDER THE ALIEN ENEMIES (WINDING UP) ORDINANCE 1914. period exceeding 190 years. ü blio or Agents, TO BE SOLD LIFE MARINE BUSINESS Ebown, Phillips Stbwart p BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ON The London Assurance Monday, the
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  • 368 5 German Subject Eligible for Election. The annual meeting of the Swimming D was held on Thursday at Singapore Mf l Halk the president, r A. Sims, occupying the chair. •u.nogt those present were Messrs W a e P eace i T C Hay, (hon. secretary), u Potts
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  • 400 5 S.T.” Officer’s Disgraceful Conduct. On Friday morning, before LieutenantCommander Cator, R N, in the Singapore Marine Court, E H Gibbons, first officer of the steamer Poh Ann, was charged with assaulting Captain F J Stack, the master of the vessel. He pleaded guilty. Mr. Dickinsun appeared
    “ S.T.”  -  400 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 28 6 Harrison.—On April 26, at Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Harrison, a daughter. Campbell.—On April 28, at Malacca, to Mr. and Mis. J. W. Campbell, a daughter.
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  • 1334 6 Regret will be general in all parts of the British Empire and throughout the countries of the Allies that General Townshend’s heroic little force of British and Indian troops, which, beleaguered in Kut-el-Amara since the first week of December, has had to capitulate. That no dishonour attaches
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  • 1730 6 The news of the surrender of General Townshend’s force at Kut will create a painful impression. It is quite unexpected, which is merely another instance of the general ignorance with regard to what has happened and is happening in Mesopotamia. The remnant of the little force of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 533 6 131 a dru g or stimulant, gives simultaneous nerve and body nutrition- A results from VITAFER in my own family, in a bad case of Insomnia. The patient took no other medicine. She is now feeling well. has be natural sleep, and is gaining flesh at the same time. VITAFER
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    • 22 6 E. O.” THE LATEST MUSIC BY THE E. O. ORCHESTRA.” Every night, during and after Dinner, AND AT TIFFIN Every Wednesday Saturday.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 293 7 TOWNSHEND’S SPLENDID DEFENCE. german gas recoils. the IRISH OUTBREAK. GREECE AND THE SERBIANS. Tie surrender ia announced of General Townshend’s force of British and Indian troops, (2,970 British and 6,000 Indians and followers) at Kut-el-Amara the remnant of the division which fought a t Ctesiphon. After that battle
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 351 7 [Reutkr’s Telegrams.] VERDUN CHAPTER CLOSED. Paris, April 29. The communiqud says a lively cannonade took place in the Bois Buttes and north the Aisne. There was an artillery duel *t Bois de Malancourt, west of the Mense. There was a violent bombardment °f our positions between Poivre Hill
      [Reutkr’s Telegrams.]  -  351 words
    • 270 7 BRITISH DARING. London, April 29. The British communique says The enemy early to-day tried to enter trenches at two points north of Roclincourt, after exploding five mines, followed by an artillery and trench mortar bombardment. The attack was repulsed. The day has been quiet in
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    • 271 7 A Paris telegram of a month ago said There is no ir.-clination in Paris to regard too lightly the possibilities of the success of the enemy’s attempt now in progress to encircle the French position of Mort Homme, which, if it succeeded, would inevitably involve a
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    • 479 7 The following is a translation of a letter written by a Frenchman serving on the lines of communication near Verdun March 15.—You must excuse me for this long silence. Know, in my defence, that for the last three weeks while camping in this big village we
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    • 186 7 A letter we have received from a neutral correspondent contains the following interesting passage:— Verdun is the greatest advertisement the Allies have ever had in neutral countries. In Germany it had a terrible effect. A Dutch friend of mine went the other day to Cologne to see
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    • 209 7 Some information on the huge concentration of artillery by means of which the Germans expected to beat down the French resistance before Verdun is given by the Petit Parisien” in a message of March 19. The whole of the available German artillery, it says, was transported
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    • 222 7 According to a New York despatch received by the Times,” American newspapers publish accounts of very serious popular uprisings which have occurred in Bavaria, Westphalia, Wurtemberg and other parts of Germany. In several Bavarian towns there have been manifestations in which many thous ands of men and
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    • 379 7 REBUFF TO GOVERNMENT. London, April 29. The pro-Government Press acknowledges that the Government has sustained an exceptionally sharp rebuff over the Military Bill. In the lobby the opinion is that the debate strengthened the Government’s hands in the direction of bringing in a Bill giving them general
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    • 70 7 THE CAMEROON CONQUEROR. London, April 30. The Gazette states that Major-Gene-ral Dobell, Commander in the Cameroon, becomes a Knight Commander of the Bath. Major G M Orr (11th Lancers) is appointed Assistant Adjutant-General, with the rank of temporary Lieut.-Colonel. Captains J S Marshall (35th Sikh«) and G E
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    • 47 7 STRIKERS WHO WANT MORE MONEY. London, April 29. The Dundee calender workers are still idle. Unless they resume soon it is believed the employers will seek Government intervention. Lancashire cardroom workers as well as cotton spinners are asking a ten per cent, advance in wages.
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    • 44 7 The Hague, April 29. Flight-Lieutenant Beare was rescued from a biplane in the North Sea, where he was for thirty hours. He was liberated, but his machine was interned. He is the officer reported missing after chasing a Zeppelin at Lowestoft.
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    • 268 7 SNIPERS OF SACKVILLE STREET. London, April 29. Viscount French in a communique says the military operations to suppress the rebellion at Dublin are proceeding satisfactorily. The rebels are confined to a few localities, principally in the Sackville Street district, with their headquarters at the Post Office.
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    • 443 7 London, later. The news from Ireland is reassuring. All is quiet at Drogheda. The disturbances in Dublin are being effec’ually quelled and the trouble is confined to isolated spots. The position in Londonderry is good throughout. The first mail from Ireland arrived in London to day. Dublin
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    • 112 7 WHAT HAPPENED AT EASTER. London, April 29. Monday’s Belfast "Northern Whig” received in London saya the Sion Feiners’ arrangements for Easter manoeuvre» throughout Ireland were suddenly cancelled on Saturday, though no reasju is officially given. It is believed the leaders feared the authorities were about to arrest
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    • 103 7 A PETITION TO THE KING. London, April 29. Sir H. Craik has given notice of motion for a petition to the King to suspend Earl Wimborne and Mr. Birrell and appoint a commission to enquire into their conduct and administration. Mr. Redmond’s Good Work. Mr. John Redmond made
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    • 37 7 KITCHENER SEES HIS MAJESTY. London. April 29. The Court Circular states that the King came to London in the afternoon and received in audience Mr. Asquith and Lord Kitchener, returning to Windsor iu the evening.
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    • 67 7 London, April 29. Messrs Montagu Co.’s report says that despite the establishment of a record price since November 1906, the market is still strong and even higher figures are possible owing to the exhaustion or stocks and continuous purchases for coinage. Any lull in demand would only
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 17 7 London, April 30. The Danish schooner Christian was sunk. The crew were picked up.
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    • 17 7 London, April 29. The British steamer Industry was sunk. The crew were picked up.
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    • 31 7 Washington, April 29. Mr. Lansing announces that another note has been despatched to Britain, asking for the release of thirty-eight enemy aliens, who were removed from the steamer China.
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  • 141 7 Amsterdam, April 29. Mr. Gerard, the American Ambassador in Berlin, has gone to headquarters from Berlin to confer with the Kaiser. A German Allegation. Copenhagen, April 30. The Kieler Neueste Nachrichten, the organ of Prince Henry of Prussia and the advocates of extreme submarine methods, makes a most
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  • 1535 8 THE COLONY’S PROSPERITY. A meeting of the Legislative Council •was held on Friday afternoon, at Singaproe at which there were present H E the Governor (Sir A H Youog, k c M o) H E the General Officer Commanding the Troops (Brigardiergeneral D H Ridout, C m g),
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  • 300 8 A Gazette Extraordinary issued on Thursday gives the text of several bills it is proposed to introduce into Legislative Council shortly. The Trading with the Enemy Amendment Ordinance incorporates the provisions of the Tiading with the Enemy Amendment Act 1916 except certain powers of the Board of Trade
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  • 533 8 WILLARD’S BIG FIGHI? WITH MORAN. By the consensus of opinion of the sporting writers present, Jess Willard was judged the winner in his ten round boxing contest with Frank Moran at Madisonsquare Garden, New York, on March 26. The fi st round belonged to Willard, who jabbbed Moran
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  • 363 8 The twenty-ninth annual report of the Manufacturers Life Insurance Company is a story of progress in every direction. The net premium incjme for the year was £664,158 7s 6d, an increase of £16,894 0s 8d over 1914. The total income amounted to £901,595 5s lOd, an
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  • 263 8 In the Penang Municipality for the week ended April 22, there were 68 deaths 39 males and 29 females, equal to a death-rate of 33.79 per mille per annum, compared with 34.29 in the preceding week, and with 24.96 in the corresponding week of last year. The following
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  • 214 8 Penang, May 1. cts. Soup per catty 16 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat... 17 Rump B;eak 24 Ox Tail each 40 Tongue 60 Feet 20 Heart 40 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catty 40 Pig’s Head 18 Feet 22 Tongue 32 Mutton per
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 110 8 WARRANTED FIFTEEN YEARS Packed Free. Carriage Paid direct from onr Factory to your Port. Ten Daya’ Fra W. WM Trial. Best British-made MEAD g-T" COVENTRY FLYERS M Mx Defiance Puncture-Resisting or Dunlop tpnrt Tyres. Coasters. Variable-Speed Gears, iMfcl til ul S A Free Wheels. Flyer or Brook's fl J ffifJlH
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    • 329 8 MOMI OASEs Size 30" x 18" x 15" Size 24" x 19' x Now in Stock. Expecting Shortly. Book Your Orders Now and do not wait till prices are higher. BOELEN CO., [SHERRY IB AN SXCBLLBNT DRINK AT ALL TIMES. INSI ST ON SANDEMAN’S ALLEN DENNYS Co., PENANG, RUBBER BROKERS,
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  • 1242 9 Mr. and Mrs.P. E. Laws are now staying at the Crag. Mr and Mrs. F Brooksbank leave for gome on holiday io the near future. Mr and Mrs. Hollyoak have left for HomeH H. Sir Pertab Singh was received by H. M. the King at Windsor, says
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  • 56 9 [From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, May 1. The Military Cross has been awarded to Mr E H A Huxtable of Tanjong Malim Rubber Co., Lieutenant in the Royal Artillery. This is the second decoration gained by their company’s employees, the other being the D S O
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  • 35 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 1. Mr. 0. G. Oliver, of Braemar Estate, Kajang, 2nd Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Devonshire’Regiment, has been killed in action. Both legs were shot off.
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  • 64 9 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on April 25 $1,967.06 Miss Gwen Gawthorne 10.00 Mr Ralph Gawthorne 10.00 Mr Lloyd Gawthorne 10.00 Miss Elisabeth Gawthorne 10.00 Supdt P and T and
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  • 2382 9 M. M.” A WIDESPREAD EVIL. At the annual meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya held on Wednesday in Kuala Lumpur, the question of the sale of intoxicants, and more particularly of toddy, arose on an address by Dr. Malcolm Watson, of Klang. Dr. Watson said he had
    M. M.”  -  2,382 words
  • 449 9 KIANGSI’S POSITION. Chengtn, April 15. Reuter’s Agency learn» from an authontativj s >urce that General Tsai Ao has fallen in line with the suggestion made by Clien Y CAuigchun of Szechuen, and is willing ihat Yuan Shih-k’ai shall remain as president provided a responsible Cabinet is appointed.
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  • 92 9 A Reuter’s telegram from Canton appearing in the Northern papers says The present problem facing the revolutionaries is a financial one. The treasury is empty, and the merchants of Canton are raising funds, which they will probably give to the Southern leaders instead of to Lung Chi-kwaog,
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  • 37 9 A Chefoo telegram reports —Two of the China Merchants steamers have been captured by a Chinese torpedo-boat. It is stated that the steamers will be employed to transport northern forces for Fukien or Chekiang.
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  • 27 9 Berlin, April 15.—During the month of March, sighty enemy trading vessals, of together 207,000 tone, wese eunk by German submarines or lost by mines.
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  • 125 9 Penang, May 1, 1916. (By Courtesy oj the Chartered Bank). Loudon Demand Bank 2/4 1/4 4 months'sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 25/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 13/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days' sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174| Moulmein Demand Bank 174 3 days' sight
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 258 9 RUBBER STAMPS. ’T'HE PINANG GAZETTE PRESS, Ltd., is now in a position to execute orders for all kinds of Rubber Stamps. NOTICE. LABOUR CODE, 1912. F.M.S. INDIAN IMMIGRATION FUND ORDINANCE 1911.'* EMPLOYERS of Indian labour are hereby reminded that assessment returns for the preceding quarter must be sent to the
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  • 527 10 Mr. A. N. Wyld, Tangkah Johore, writes to the Editor of the Straits Times There are a great many people in this coantry at the present time who look with a good deal of apprehension upon the system of usury permitted here. No sane person will gainsay for
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  • 259 10 A Proposed Amendment. The "F.M. S. Government Gizette” contain? the draft of a proposed Enactment to amend “The Mining Enactment, 1911.” The objects and reasons state This Bill owes, so far as the bulk of its provisions are concerned, its origin to the increased importance of and
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  • 150 10 The installation ceremony of Lodge St. George, No. 1152, was held in the Freemasons’ Hall, Singapore, on Tuesday, when Bro G R W Lawson was installed as Wor Master for the ensuing year, the installing master being Wor Bro C W Spriggs. Wor Bro Lawson invested his
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  • 506 10 The following poem, by William Winter, appeared in the New York ‘‘Times' 1 Magazine of February 27 My England Not my native land, But dear to me as if ehe were,—How often have I longed to stand With those brave hearts who fight for her Bereft by Fortune,
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  • 143 10 [ln thr East.] Not his, a limelit part to play, In trench, or on the sea Nor his, the burden of the day In grim activity. No V. C.” shines before his eyes, No dream of sudden fame For him, throughout the years, but lies The
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  • 110 10 Four Cases Reported. Some cases of the bubonis variety of plague are reported in Kuala Lumpur. The first suspected case was in a Chinese provision dealer’s shop in Ampang Street A further two cases are stated to have occurred in the same locality, while another is
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  • 41 10 Word has been received in Rangoon that the steamer Leicestershire, which left Rangoon about a month ago for England has arrived at Dover with her bow stove in. No details as to how the mishap occurred have been received.
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  • 111 10 CLEARANCES. To-day. Brandan for Asahan. I oong Ho for Alor Star (Kedah). Ban Whatt Soon for Deli. Jin Ho for Asahan. Anjow for Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan. Pungah for Batu Bahra. Rochussen for Singapore. Ban Fo Soon for bindings, Sitiawan Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson. Flying Dragon for Portweld
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  • 57 10 May s.—Legislative Council Meeting, Singapore. 6.—Singapore Races, Entries Close at noon. May B.—Penang Schools Re-open. May 14 —Parish Hall Annual General Meeting, Parish Hall, 9-15 a.m. May 16, 18, and 20 —Singapore Races. May 17.—Lodge Scotia, Penang—lnstallation. June 9 and I l —Cricket, Penang v. Perak, Esplanade July
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  • 250 10 Prnang, May 1, 1916. S P Tavioca 58.75 sellers. M. P. Tapioca J 9 10 sellers. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper 130.00 sales Trang Pepper $25 sales. Mace $llO nona. Mace Pickings $7O sellers Cloves
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 488 10 I I I W S5g y Tg*?w > SS yj Lithe Lectures w by Nurse ‘Wincarnis. (Lecture No i.)^ r •1 “Nerves’-’ < I Uiir nerves are similar to art I intricate network of telegraph A*, wires. Controlled and nourished by a portion of the brain —known as the nerve
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    • 294 10 PETER WALKER BEED, B j XL ■wMbwr' V m peterLm M OT- LITTLE PETER: Good News this Morning Sir!! JOHN BULL: Splendid Sonny and my word this is excellent bee r agh/vts. SELLAR, MURRAY <& Co., Penang r THE GENUINE ALL-BRITISH POLISH. NUBIAN JU LIQUID WATERPROOF s«if-poiishing. BLACKING No Brushes
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  • 422 11 A WAR NEWS CENTRE. At no time in history has Malta been so serviceable to the British Empire as during this critical period when the European war has spread on sea as well rs on land to the countries of the eastern Mediterranean, says an American writer. During
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  • 236 11 In the January number of the Vacuum Review, which is the house organ of the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., is given a list of the members of the staff who have answered to the call for men since the war began. It reaches to
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  • 46 11 Two hundred Serbian officers are going to Russia, where they will form the cadres of several thousand Austrian pr’soners of Serb race, who will be constituted into regiments destined to operate with the Russian army against the Austrian forces.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 592 11 biliousness. There are many causes of this complaint, but they all spring from a I I ~vd liver which does not properly fulfil its functions, especially in a '1 mate, when it becomes sluggish in its action. The bile is turned from B ai 1 i its proper channel, and
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    • 52 11 Your Morning Headache will disappear after a dose of the tiny laxatives which do not gripe. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Dept. sc, Singapore. Where to Stay, Pbnang The E. iO. Hotel, The Crag Runnymede Hotel. Singaporb: —Raffles Hotel. Rangoon
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2237 12 р. &o. b. I.— apcar N. Y. K. IK K. P. M. CEt MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. J,„. Staß.hi, U. U. “""ESSuSEI PBN.HBVLAB D O =B A.UNaa (INCORPORATED «I HOLLAND.) CHIHA 11«. Homeward (for Europe). Outward (for China and Japan). (Royal Packet S, N. Company), Due Penang. Steamer. Connecting
      2,237 words