Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 27 April 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1613 1 aoooa noaa nno annoonnaaoDnaon IF YOU WANT TO SHIP, g a buy or sell g ?RUBBER I a or to a forward GOODS d g TO ANY PART of tub WORLD a go to d s ALLEN DENNYS Ci., 7, UNION STREET. D 2 n g flQaa a a aaDDODaaaDaoac
      1,613 words
    • 65 1 nnaannaoannon□□□□□□aanaaaa FOR $3O D a g VOU can have the Pinnne; n 1 Gazette posted every day g for a whole year to your address. a (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). Pro; ortionate Quartet ly and u Half-yearly rates. g Subscriptions are payable in o n advance and remittance should £1 g
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  • 613 2 THE ST. GEORGE CONCERT. There was not a vacant seat at the Town Hall last night, and the concert organised to mark St. George’s Day, and to assist the Naval Relief Funds (Australian and English) was worthy of the audience, This leaves little more to be said,
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  • 112 2 At the meeting of the Legislative Council on Friday, the treasurer will move, That this Council approves the loan from Colonial Funds, from time to time during the current year, of sums not exceeding in the aggregate $2,500,000 to the Singapore Harbour Board to meet expenditure in connection
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  • 114 2 Telegraphic advice was received from Sourabaya that on the night of the 13th instant some 120 inhabitants of Bagong were threatening to molest the headman of Kali Bogor, for refusing a certain request. The police who were informed arrived immediately and succeeded in holding up the crowd,
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    • 245 2 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”] Sir, Apropos of what appeared in yesterday’s Gazette under what might have been headed as above, permit me to give from my Commonplace Book a few thoughts from Marion Crawford’s Soprano Strong natures that hark back to primi- tive types
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    • 77 2 [To the Editor, Times of Ma'aya.”] Sir, —May I correct an error in your otherwise accurate record of the results of the meeting You state in the prize list that The Kenion Cup was won by Mr AWW Walkinshaw, whereas the competition for which this cup was
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  • 226 2 Farewell! to our gallant Corporal! 1 Whose initials are C.T S. Whose sturdy figure, and cultured tongue His Corps has praised, his Section sung. But now also! all heads are hung Smiles have vanished, tongues are dumb, Farewell! to our gallant Corporal. The wishes and thoughts he
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  • 161 2 In the annual report of the Standing Committee of the P A M, it is stated that the F M S output of rubber for 1915 amounted to 44,524 tons, and the total output of the whole Peninsula was 70,214 tons, or roughly 73% of the world’s
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  • 49 2 We are notified by the Chamber of Commerce that the mails which left Penang on March 25 were delivered in London yesterday, the 26th inst. The outward mail will arrive at 7 a.m., to-morrow. The homeward mail closes at 7 p.m., on Saturday. Registration till 6 p.m.
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  • 851 2 Messrs. Sime, Darby and Co. have opened a branch at Muar. Lady Brockman has gone up Taiping Hill for a stay of several weeks. Mrs. F. N. Sanderson is expected bick in Ipoh next month. She has been staying in California. Inspector Hunter, of Klang, has been
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    • 728 2 The King and Queen on March 17, drove to the headquarters of the Irish Guards in London, and after the King, the Colonel-in-Chief of the Guards, had inspected the 3rd Battalion, the only battalion at present at a home station, sprigs of shamrock were presented
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    • 252 2 London, April 17, M. Skouloudis in the Chamber wholly repudiated the statements wired to Sofia bv the Bulgarian Minister concerning Russian sacks. The sicks were used by Greeee. There is some talk of the Minister’s recall. The Russian Consul at Salonik claims to possess documentary evidence that
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 448 2 LAST WEEK LAST WEEK! OF Col. Frank Pillis' Circus and Menagerie. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! Grand Change of Programme Over 15 New Items Over 15 New Items The only Circus that can give you a legitimate change. Don't Forget our Farewell Matinee on Saturday at 5 p.m. Geo. T. Batty, Manager. EUROPEAN
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    • 281 2 A Reputation of over !00y C<WJ? Cockle’s ANTIBILIOUS Pills FOR BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, HEADACHE, DEPRESSION. Of Chemitti throughout the world. Prices in England I/1J and 2/9, Janet Cockle 4C0.,4 Great Ormond It., London.W t After Illness After the racking effects of fever, dysentery, cholera, colic or bowel complaints, every part of
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  • 647 3 EMPIRE DAY. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, April 26. The Golf Championship meeting a thing of the past, Ipoh is now thinking about Empire Day. Id is considered that the day should not be allowed to pass without some form of celebration, and plans are already half complete
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  • 138 3 Riot in a Theatre. London, March 13.—The Weekly Dispatch states that 200 Canadian soldiers ridiculed and stopped a melodrama, entitled “The Love Thief,” at Queen’s Theatre, believing that it derided Canada and the Canadians. The disorder was not serious until the military police interfered. Many arrests were made
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  • 83 3 The following copy of telegram has been received at Singapore by the Consul-Gen-eral for China Except Yunkwei and Yuehkwei all provinces quiet. Chekiang assumes neutral character. Fengkuechaug in league with seventeen provinces discusses with five provinces future problems. A mandate organizing the government was promulgated twenty-first, thereby authorizing the
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  • 912 3 MAGAZINES AT SIAM NAVAL STATION WRECKED. The “Bangkok Times’’ of the 18th iust. says:— The magazines at the naval station at Bang Na exploded last night at a few minutes before midnight. The explosion was felt over a very wide area and people in Bangkok were generally
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  • 1233 3 ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING OF SINGAPORE FOLLOWERS. 1 I On Sunday, a large gathering o£ the Khoja Istnailiea Mohomedans, the followers of H. H. the Aga Khan, at the bungalow j of Messrs. R. Sajan, St. Michael’s Road, expressed hearty thanks to his Majesty the King-Emperor for honouring
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  • 124 3 The Traffic Manager of the Federated Malay States Railways sends us copies of the Up and Down sheet time tables, which will come into force on Ist May. The principal alterations in the Northern District are The 1-35 p.m. Penang to Taiping has been altered to leave 1-58
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  • 241 3 F. 0. R writes from London, to the I Times of Ceylon,” under date February I 24th: I have this evening met Sir Alfred and I Lady Lascelles just arrived in London from I J-r- rr l --r -L-J I year“ the matter of the proposed Kelantan
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  • 203 3 OFFICIAL MINUTES. Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal I Commissioners held on Tuesday, the 11th I April, 1916. Present :—Messrs. W. Peel (President), I P. T. Allen, Quah Beng Kee, A. F. Good-1 rich, and John Mitchell. Absent Messrs. Yeoh Guan Seok, and I Lim Eow Hong.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 372 3 SITUATION WANTED. r-'NGINKER with experience of rubber 1S manufacturing, well acquainted with and oil engine, and electric machinerv, d draughtsman, seeks billet from Ist July. Apply No. 180, c/o Pinang Gazette. 116—27-4 WANTED AT ONCE for Penang, Shorthand Writer and Typist. Applications with copies of testimonials to be sent to
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    • 658 3 BANKS. I CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, I AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. I Incorporated in England by Royal Charter. I Paid-up Capital £1,200,000 I Reserve Fund £1,800,000 I Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 Head Office 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.C. Agencies and Branches. I Amritsar Hongkong Peking I Bangkok Iloilo Penang I Batavia
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  • 836 4 Although there are still two days, after to-day, for further subscriptions to the F. M. S. War Loan, it is satisfactory to learn from Mr. W. G. Peter, on enquiry at the Penang branch of the Chartered Bank, that the response from Penang and district has
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  • 730 4 The activity by the Germans within recent days has not been confined to the fighting sphere. The American note has created a furore in the German political, military, and naval kenne s. That the activities on the ses. and in the air, and in the other spheres are
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  • 1202 4 Steady the Black pool You have I done mwy strange things in your time, 1 and all is forgiven, but for Heaven’s sake let us have no more killing of soldiers. Have your moods, and fight among yourselves if necessary but—the soldiers from the Curragh are not
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  • 33 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $96.00 per picul business done—an of $1.65. Tin is quoted in London to-day st £l9B ss. spot, and £196 10s. three mouths,
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  • 439 4 THE LATEST DIVIDENDS. London, April 26, The folowing rubber company dividends are announced Final Dividends. Sungei Kapar 47| per cent, Sungei Puruu 8 ,J Cheras 7j Kajang 6 Sungei Choh 15 Interim D.vidend. Sembilan 6 percent. Major the Hon. A. R. Adams is ou s I business
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 429 5 ATTACKS NEAR OSTEND. FLIGHT of the cruisers. the becruiting proposals, SERIOUS OUTBREAK IN DUBLIN. The hurried visit of the German warships to the English East Coast, on Tuesday morning, was preceded and followed by visits from Zeppelins, airships on Mondav night dropping about 70 bombs on Suffolk and
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 391 5 [Beutbr’s Telegrams.] enemy repulsed. .Copybight Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, April 26. Germans, in Lorraine, south-east of onvillers, after an intense bombard k StroDgly attac^ a salient at Chape--0 te. at noon, but were completely repulsed. a ffie the enemy gained a footing in ie 9a^ent But
      [Beutbr’s Telegrams.]  -  391 words
    • Article, Illustration
      599 5 Mr. Hilaire Belloc, in Land and Water” of March 16 gives some details about the Vaux positions north-east of Verdun, p" sitions which, with Douaumont, near where they are, the Germans have repeatedly thrown themselves with, practically no success. The well-known writer says The village of Vaux fas we
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    • 123 5 We have received the following communique from the British Legation says the ‘‘Siam Observer” of April 20 The Bangkok press published on April 6th a German Overseas Service telegram of March 4, quoting correspondents at the West front in regard to the battle in the neighbourhood
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    • 57 5 SEVENTY BOMBS. London, April 25. The War Office states that last night’s air raid on the Norfolk and Suffolk coa-ts was made by four or five Zeppelins, only two seriousjy attempting to pene rate in’and. Seventy bombs were dropped. One man was seriously injured. Further derails
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    • 52 5 ESSEX AND KENT VISITED. London, April 26. The War Office announces that hostile airships raided Essex and Kent, last night. The number is uncertain, but it cannot have exceeded four. Tbe airships were met by a brisk fire from the anti-aircraft gun», and retreated, after achieving little
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    • 347 5 SUCCESSFUL EFFORTS. London, April 26. The Admiralty announces that British naval aeroplanes bombed an enemy aerodrome at Mariakerke, on Sunday morning, with good result», and again on Monday morning, in co-operation with the Belgians The machines returned safely. Enemy Seaplane Sunk. A British aeroplanes on Monday, attack
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    • 86 5 OFFICIAL STATEMENT, London, April 25. An official British memorandum regarding the blockade quotes the opinion of Admiral Sir John Jellicoe, that the bringing of ships to British ports for examination is necessitated by the increasing size of the ship», German lawlessness and the misuse cf American passperts. The
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    • 157 5 SIGNIFICANT VIEW. Amsterdam, April 26 Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg had a long conference with Mr. Gerard, the American Ambassador, and he afterwards j mrneyed with the Chief of the Admiralty Staff to the German Headquarters. The German pipers are discussing the possibility cf avoiding a rupture with the
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    • 63 5 London, Apiil 26. The result of the ballot of Lancashire cotton-spinrers, on the question of a strike, will probably be known next week. It is believed the vote is practically unanimous in favour of taking all the necessary steps to secure the advance in wages, but before
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  • 77 5 AEROPLANES FROM SULTAN OF KEDAH AND MR. ALMA BAKER. London April 26. Mr. Bonar Law, the Colonial Secretary, has forwarded to the War Office a draft for $2O 000 from H.H. the Sultan of Kedah, for the purcha»e of an aeroplane, or for any other purpose useful to
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  • 33 5 DEMAND TO GREECE. Athens, April 26. The Entente Ministers are insisting on the use of Greek railways for tbe transport of Serbian troops. The Greek Cabinet is deliberating the matter.
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  • 47 5 London, April 25. Tn the House of Commons, Sir J. D. Rees asked whether it was proposed that European commerce with India would have only one representative on the Indian Trade Commission. Mr. Chamberlain said “So far as I am aware, this is so.”
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  • 30 5 London, April 26. Lord Hardinge was received in audience by His Majesty at Windsor Castle, where he was invested with the Insignia of the Oyder of the Garter.
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  • 24 5 Port Darwin, April 26. A prospector reports tbe discovery of a big copper field in the Victoria River district cf South Australia.
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  • 888 5 RECRUITING SOLUTION. MR. ASQUITH’S REVIEW. London, April 26. Huge crowds were in the vicinity of tbe House of Commons, where tbere was a record gathering of M. P’s. The Speaker, though indisposed, returned from Bath to preside. There were only a few questions, to which little attention
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  • 278 5 SERIOUS SINN FEIN OUTBREAK. London, April 25. In the House of Commons, Mr. Birrell, Chief Secretary for Ireland, announced that grave disturbances had broken out in Dublin, where the Post Office had been forcibly taken, and twelve lives lost. Mr. Birrell said the situation was well in
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  • 187 5 Various motives have been assigned for the repeated torpedoing of Dutch vessels about the North Hinder and the Galloper but none quite supplies an adequate reason. These outrages should be read in conjunction with the whole story of recent German activities at sea. Mine laying has been
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  • 119 5 Washington, March 15.—Congress has authorized the increase of the United States regular army to a footing of a total of 120,000 enlisted men. Only one vote was recorded against the increase. Under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1911, the United States regular army comprised 15
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  • 1002 6 M.M.” RECORD OF WAR SERVICE. The ninth annual general meeting of the Kuala Langat District Planters’ Association was held at the Banting Club on April 7th, Mr. R. W. Munro in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed, the Chairman, in
    “ M.M.”  -  1,002 words
  • 578 6 SUPPORT FOR LOAN. The annual general meeting of the Negri Sembilm Planters’ Association was held in the Sungei Ujong Club on Saturday, April 22nd. Mr. J. D. McCulloch presided. The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read and passed. Dealing with correspondence, the Chairman mentioned
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 468 6 Vitafer I t of aU Tonic Fo f/BRSTiSHX® g 31 ,1 p iH is superior to, and much cheaper than SANATOGEN B IriereTore (originated in Germany) and surpasses all other B BEST Tonic Foods. B 'Sji An absolute cure for functional nerve trouble of every kind BB from temporary debility
      468 words
    • 172 6 KINDS OF RHEUMATISM. In popular language the word rheumatism is a term which covers a multitude of ills, of which paiu is the chief symptom. Articular rheumatism, inflammatory rheumatism, and rheumatic fever are all names for the same disease. Muscular rheumatism affects the muscles and does not spread from one
      172 words
    • 225 6 THE most perfect shave you ever experienced I 1 with the finest old style razor cannot equal th° unique perfection of the Gillette shave. The with its curving adjustable blade of unmatched keenness smoothness, and durability gives a shave so free from al]' irritation, scratching, and dragging, that only by
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    • 197 7 the Seioni Court, Penang, to-day, 10 Mr E, E. Colman one Chinese and f efo MMavs were charged with gambling at J J e ‘oaine called Blankas ”in premises e I'7l Seang Tek Road yesterday. All oave various excuses as to their ftCCU e a in the house
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    • 279 7 Before ths same Magistrate Yiam Man, s young Cantonese, a fitter at Prye, was ■barged with the theft of a pair of K boots, valued at $l2. His arrest was brought about in the following manner. Accused had been seen by one of the tambies
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    • 98 7 The case against Awap, a tamby in a local Solicitor’s office appeared in the Second Court on the charge of theft of a pair of gold and diamond earrings valued at $l5O, the property of a woman named Che Jam, in a home at Dato Kramat on the 25th
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  • 168 7 the KANGANI—COINAGE—SALE OF INTOXICANTS. (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpu r April 26. At the annual meeting of the P.A.M., Mr. P. Aidworth, Controller of Labour, ?ave an interesting address dealing with the work of his department, especially as regards kangani recruiting, and recommending the gradual introduction of voluntary
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  • 30 7 undelivered cables lie at graph Co e the ESStern Extension Tele biovtin’ C P JaWD j°ekchong, from TeBonot 22nd, Thongguau, from 9 00 > 22ud, Seoghin, from Hongkong.
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  • 779 7 Yuan’s Methods Resested The rebel bn in China, writes the Peking correspondent of the Times ”on February 23rd, is no spasmodic outbreak, but a fulldress challenge of the man in whom the Government of the country is cen’red. It arises from two c vuses, of which the
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  • 56 7 The following are the latest quotations in our share list Yesterday. To-day. 2 2 5 5 o> o Shares >» i? M tn M X Mining. Deebook 14/- 15/- 14/- 14/6 Lahat J3| J4* M JO P. Bbaru 90C SI 80c 90c Rubber (Dollar). Malakoff $4.90 $5
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  • 66 7 PENANG SUBSCRIPTIONS. As we go to Press, M*-. P. T. Allen, Chinese Protec'orate, Penang, sends us the following I have the honour to ask you if you will mention in your paper the names of the following gentlemen who have liberally subscribed towards the Federated Malay States
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  • 47 7 Singapore, April 27. The Free Press states that the F.M.S Loan is going very wel'. It will probably be fjund that the Singapore applications will total half the sum asked, at least Tnere are also good resu ts from Java, from British merchants and estates.
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  • 52 7 PENANG WOMEN WORKERS. Amount previously acknowledged $1,872.28 Mr. M English Kuala Lumpur $l, K Taiping $l, Mrs McHutchison, Taiping (2nd don) $l. Total $1,875.28. Hospital garments fo" soldiers ready cut cut for workers will be given out at the Town Hall, on Fridays, from 9.45 till
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  • 26 7 The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow Championship—Everest v F W Harris (4) Profession Pairs—Rogers and Dunn v Martin and Harries (5).
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  • 40 7 The 2nd Race viz., IGO yards handicap in the Gibbons Cup Competition will be held on Sunday, 30th April at 11.15 a m The final event viz 22) yards will ba held on Sunday, 14. h May.
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  • 159 7 M. Puriskevitch, a Deputy who is very popular with the peasantry, has sent to the President of the Duma, the following letter I shall be happy if Your Exce’lency will include me in the list of candidates for the deputation of members of the Duma
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  • 214 7 Twenty Germans were ejected from a mass meeting in Carnegie Hall, New York, called by the American Rights Committee, in support of the cause of the Allies. When Mr. George Haven Putnam praised the Allies, interruptions began by the Germans. Forty detectives who were
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    • 138 7 [Reuter Service.] PREMIER’S STATEMENT. London. April 27. In the House of Commons, Mr. Asquith stated that troops from Belfast and England had arrived in Dublin,aud that Liberty Hall, and St. Stephen’s Green had already been occupied by the soldiers. Martial Law had been proclaimed in Dublin City
      [Reuter Service.]  -  138 words
  • 95 7 CLEARANCES. To-day. Malacca for Tongkah. Kaloma for Langsa. Ban Whatt Soon for Deli. Ban Fo Soon for Bindings, Sitiawan Bagan Datob and Teluk Anson. Padang for Trang. Hauroto for Rangoon. MAILS. CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close. Port Swettenham and Singapore Tara 2-SO p.m. Bagan Datoh
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  • 77 7 April 27. —Col Fillis’ Wild West Show and Menagerie Dato Kramat, 9.30 p.m. April 27. —Lodge Scotia, Election of Officers. 29. —F.M.S. War Loan, Applications Close. n 29.—Kuala Kangsar Plantations, Annual Meeting, Padang Rengas, 12.30 p.m. May 6.—Singapore Races, Entries Close at noon. May B.—Penang Schools Re-open. May
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 4 7 5 1 E rwJ
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    • 131 7 LIQUID FUEL FOR Diesel and Semi-Diesel Engines, Smelting Furnaces, Boilers, etc. KEROSENE FOR KEROSENE OIL ENGINES. LARGE STOCKS ALWAYS ON HAND. For particulars and prices, apply direct to THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM CO. ss LTD. {lncorporated in England) WELD QUAY, PENANG. "NIKKO" MODERN ART Photographic Studio, 21, PENANG ROAD. Experts sent
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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