Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 April 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1012 1 o □□□□no ootmnn□□□□□□□□□□□ana d g IF YOU WANT TO SHIP, g BUY or sell i RUBBER i OR TO FORWARD goods D TO ANY PART OF tub WORLD D GO TO g ALLEN DENNYS Co., S H 7. UNION STREET. E DDDDDDDDDDDCIDnODDnnaD “IHE PINANG gazette.” When Ordering 1 1 OFFICE
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    • 56 1 d annnnnoasaaa□nanDannnnana a FOR $3O a \7OU can have the Pinang JL Gazette posted every day for a whole year to your address, g (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). Pro, ortionate Quarteily and Half-yearly rates. n Subscriptions are payable in Q advance and remittance should q be addressed to n PINANG GAZETTE
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  • 918 2 CLOTHES AND NOISE. It is a rare thing these days to live in a restful atmosphere Many people indeed seem to banish the very idea of rest from their thresholds, and live in a state of rush from morning to night, attempting quite five times as
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  • 637 2 KEEPING THE SPIRITS GAY. A divisional order was recently issued that in future no reports were to be made to Headquarters in slang. Seldom has an order caused more scratching of heads or authors’ pains. In the trenches you cannot think except in terms of slang, if
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1039 2 SITUATION WANTED. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. ENGINEER with experience of rubber A N ORDINARY MEETING of the manufacturing, well acquainted with XX Municipal Commissioners will be held gas and oil engine, and electric machinery, at the Municipal Office at 4 P-m«, on good draughtsman, seeks billet from Ist Tuesday, the 25th instant.
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    • 45 2 We are proposing to carry out a large and vigorous campaign for the coming year in order to maintain our goodwill. We hold that it is waste of money spent in previous years to drop out of the Press in war time.—Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.
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    • 143 2 WARNING. REUTER’S SERVICE. A LL persons are cautioned against making unauthorised use of R-uter’s Service of News, and any person or persons found infringing the Copyright Ordinance of the Straits Settlements will be strictly dealt with in accordance with the provisions of that Ordinance. REUTER, PENANG. CQNGO-never leak-ROOFING I Congo
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    • 639 2 “F. M. S. 6°/o WAR LOAN NOTICE. THE Government of the Federated Malay States has made arrangements with t Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China for the Bank to accept payment h n with applications for Bonds in the Federated Malay States War Loan, in eases applicants desire to
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  • 1673 3 MAIN LINES DESCRIBED. The Turks and their German masters are operating on four fronts in Asia—namely, in Armenia, Persia, Mesopotamia, and Syria. As the sea is almost completely closed to them, they are forced to rely upon land lines of communication for the maintenance of their
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 447 3 Stimulates and 81 Restores the ''Y i Digestive Organs. jj /Tig Vitafer t nlu i IIW Invigorates the Nervous System J t Southall Bros. A I >5 «1 BIRMINGHAM Jfig' yjs VXS B British OwNEpfflTjl VITAFER restores strength, I nemory and the zest of life, when I lost by illness
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    • 670 3 giiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiuiiuiuiiHiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii» 0 ShijilliOi IS»? v V Y ..v < T z I s When Baby persistently brings up his Food jf is a mother’s most anxious time. Weary and worried, she tries one food after another until baby becomes a mere little skeleton. But if a mother in this predicament
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 1209 4 AMERICA’S SPECIFIC DEMAND. Washington, April 19. President Wilson has sent a note warning Germany that unless the attacks in violation of international law, against merchantmen carrying Americans, are stopped, diplomatic relations will be severed. Early Answer Demanded. Washington, April 19. The note is regarded as practically an ultimatum.
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    • 143 4 FURTHER DISCLOSURES. New York, April 20. The arrest on charges in connection with the Welland Canal plot, of Igel, Secretary to, and successor of Captain von Papen, at the German Embassy, led to the seizure of papers incriminating the highest Germans in the country, including Embassy
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    • 20 4 London, April 21. The British steamer Cairngowah and the barque Ravenhill were sunk. The crews were saved.
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  • 30 4 There will be special iss-ue of the “Pinang Gazette" on Monday, giving Reuter’s Telegrams of Sunday and Monday, which will be despatched to all subscribers to the paper.
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  • 72 4 For the period from the 21st to 27th April, 1916, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at three shillings and three pence per lb., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in
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  • 66 4 REMARKABLE FEAT. [Rbutbr’b Telegiiams. Rome, April 20. The Italians, in Col-di-Lana, after three months’ preparation, during which they dug a tunnel 1,100 yards long, under Mount Sief, blew up a large part of the mountain, on April 18th, destroying most of the position, occupying the remaining trenches, and
    [Rbutbr’b Telegiiams.-'  -  66 words
  • 680 4 An official statement from the Italian General Staff concerning the result of the operations on the Austro-Italian frontier at the beginning of the present year states In the Trentino, the conquest of the line comprising in the Daone and Ledro valleys, the Loppio depression, and the valley of
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  • 719 4 Mr and Mrs C B Mills are staying at Tanjong Bungah. Mrs Reeve-Tucker has returned to Selangor after a stay of six weeks up Penang Hill. M. Maurice Gourbeil, the Governor of Cochin-China, is expected in Singapore shortly Mr E H Haggard, of Bitu Caves, has obtained
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  • 635 4 SINGAPORE CHINESE V Pn,. CHINESE. It will be remembered that during Chinese Chap-Qoh-Meh the of the Penang Chinese Recreation m visited Singapore and played a series f matches—lawn tennis and football-l_ -°l the Singapore Chinese Recreation the Singapore Chinese Football Assj c i tion. As a result of
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  • 44 4 Nearly three thousand people witnessed the football match at the Dato Kraniat Gardens yesterday afternoon between the Anglo Chinese School, Singapore, and the Anglo-Chinese School, Penatg. visitors proved a little too strong f° r local team and won by one goal to nil.
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  • 206 4 There had not been so great a sensatico in Kuala Lumpur since tbe Proudfit case, when it became known last Saturday morning that Mr. J. G. H. Grey, tele graph engineer in the employ of the P° !t and Telegraph department, residing Kuala Lumpur, had been arrested
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 395 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Federated Malay States Railways. WANTED European Assistant Storekeeper. Applications are invited for the appointment of an European Assistant Storekeeper. Salary £250 per annum rising by annual increments of £lO to £3OO, with a duty allowance of £5O per annum. No free quarters. Applications in own handwriting, giving particulars
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  • 805 5 PREJUDICE TO FOREIGN LOANS. Mr. Sydney Brocks writes in the 51 Daily Mail 1 from New York: Two, if not three, members of the arm of J. P. Morgan Co., including the head of the firns, are now in Europe. Their departure hag excited here no little comment
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  • 631 5 ASTONISHING RESULTS. At a general meeting of the Association of Austrian Chemist®, held at Vienna, the president, Dr. Mansfeld, reported on analysis which had been made of 1,358 articles of food during the past year. The results of the analyses, he said, were appalling, and revelled
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  • 462 5 She must Capitulate within a Year.” Is Germany already ruined To answer this question M. Liakardopulo, a permanent contributor of the Retch (Pe‘rograd) has made a journey through Germany and Austria-Hungary. His revelations have produced a great impres»ion in Russia, and the Foreign Minister himself, M.
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  • 209 5 The Racing Calendar contains particulars of substitutes for the Derby, the Coronation Cup at Epsom, and the Oaks, to be ran at the Newmarket First Extra Meeting on May 30, 31, and June 1. The races are as follows:—First Day,—The New Derby Stakes, a sweep
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  • 89 5 Student Factions Fight. Lahore, April 10.—The M Sc. Student of the Government College, who was stabbed in Saturday night’s aftray, died last evening in the Medical College Hospital. It is said that he did not take any part in the affray, but was present as a spectator. Several
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 328 5 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW Co., Ltd., PENANG TAIPING. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). PUTTEES IN STOCK FOR TAILORING IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. .r,» DEPARTMENT. Have You Tried Our Tailoring Department IMPROVED PUTTEES If not, can we induce you to do so Our Materials are right. Our Prices are right and we guarantee all Garments made by
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  • 22 6 Cruttwrll—On April 18, at Fernhill, Orange Gr< ve Road, Singapore, the wi f e of C. C. Ciuttwel), of a son.
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  • 25 6 Cowley Brown—Yzelman—On April 18, at Singapore by the Rev. Mr. Hibbard, P. C. Cowley-Brown, to Eva, widow of Mr. L, R. Yzelman, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 983 6 To-morrow Easter Sunday, is the feast of St. George, the patron Saint of England, and it marks the Shakespeare Tercentenary, for on April 23rd, 300 years ago, England’s national poet died. It is unlikely that there will be a national demonstration to ce’ebrate the occasion, which, but
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  • 1952 6 Feelings of relief and satisfaction will be general throughout the Empire over the settling of the recruiting difficulties, which seemed likely to lead to the break-up of the Government. The words of the Premier could admit of no doubt as to the gravity of the situation, and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 116 6 Zry g J B SCOTCH_WHISKY. 0 ■B HH BULLOCH LADE 8 Co. Ltd., GLASGOW. E 1 svtUAiVtßr ou> i I Bit»ofD fu?o ua^es; WHITE LABEL Ml axd BHM GOLD LABEL. SOLE AGENTS CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. I Ml nil Ayl v I o j° |;W v x9>/ JJ 8. LAPOSTOLLE, Fondateur
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    • 184 6 “E. O.” AND “CRAG.” ORCHARDING IN TASMANIA. SADLIEK KNIGHT Orchard Agents and Attorneys, LAUNCESTON, TASMANIA. We plant and manage orchards for Absentee Clients, with graduated payments, and under Government Expert supervision, until it suits them to take personal possession this enables clients to invest gradually in this most profitable and
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
  • 15 6 DEATH. Dubois.—On April 20, Mr. W. H. Dubois, Second Officer s.s. van Riebeeck, age 23
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  • 547 7 RECRUITING solution. RUSSIANS IN FRANCE. AMERICA’S DEMAND FROM BERLIN FRENCH AND RUSSIAN SUCCESSES. The Cabinet has reached an agreement on the recruiting question, and the Government’s proposal will be explained and figures given to the Houses of Parliament io secret session on Tuesday. The settlement was apparently the
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 379 7 [Reuter Service.] AN ENEMY FAILURE. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, April 20. The enemv, in the morning, thrice successively attacked our positions at Les -parges. All attacks were repulsed. The a3t attack secured for the enemy a •momentary footing in our trenches, on a rent
      [Reuter Service.]  -  379 words
    • 93 7 London, April s.—The Morning Post’s Petrograd correspondent says it is reported that Germany is no longer able to maintain the lavish provision of machinery, particularly guns, of 1915. Then whatever losses the Germans incurred they had a full complement of guns the next day. Now they are unable
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    • 605 7 The Canadian papers to hand contain a description by Sir Max Aitken, the official observer with the Canadian Contingent, of a successful operation carried out by parties of the North-west and Vancouver battalions on the night of January 30-31. Wire-cutting parties, says Sir Max Aitken, cut lanes
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    • 140 7 FORCE ARRIVES AT MARSEILLES Paris, April 21. A picked Russian fores arrived at Marseilles to-day. General Joffre, in an Order of tl e Day, says he rej ices to welcome faithful and gallant Allies who will fi>ht by the side of ti e French on the Western
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    • 191 7 SPLENDID WORK UNDER FIRE. Lon ion, April 21. The Victoria Cross is awarded the Reverend Edward Mellish, temporary Chaplain, for conspicuous bravery daring heavy fighting. On three consecutive days, he repeatedly went backwards and forwards, under a con'inuous heavy shell ard machine gun fire, between our original
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    • 31 7 London, April 20, Tn the House of Commons, Mr. H. J. Tennant said, since January Ist, four pilots had been killed and one injured by the Zeppelin raids.
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    • 27 7 London, April 20. Mr. H. J. Tennant stated in the House of Commons that he understood the steel helmets were unsuitable for use in Mesopotamia.
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    • 29 7 London, April 20. In the Hou«e of Commons, Mr. McKenna stated that till the end of April over £16,000,000 Exchequer Bonds were sold to 500,000 applicants.
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    • 25 7 Ottowa, April 21. Since the beginning of this year, 102,500 have been recruited in Canada for overseas service, making the total 309,600.
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    • 44 7 London, April 20. The by-election in the Wimbledon constituency, to fill the vacancy created by the elevation of the Rt. Hon. Henry Chaplin to the peerage, resulted as follows: Sir Stuart Coats (Coalition) 8,970 Mr. Kennedy Jones (Independent) 7,159 Gov. Majority 1,811
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    • 1251 7 RECRUITING QUESTION SETTLED London, Apiil 19. The members of the House of Commons swarmed into the Lobby to discuss Mr. Asquith’s statement, bis announcement of a deadlock being the first official intimation of it. The Premier’s statement created a tremendous sensation. considered that Mr. Asquith acted sagaciously
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    • 148 7 INDIA’S POSITION. London, April 20. In the House of Commons, Mr. Austen Chamberlain said the Indian Government had been informed as to the scope of the Economic Conference in Paris, and had been assured that if, as a result of the conference, any action should be comtemplated,
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 142 7 A SEVERE TURKISH DEFEAT. Petrograd, April 20. The Russians, west of Erzerum, carried a strongly entrenched range of high mountains. Several hundreds of bodies were left on the field. Some Turkish detachment» from Gallipoli were annihilated, and others severely punished, with the rifle and bayonet. Turkish Force
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    • 54 7 The Times’ Petrograd correspondent says that the new War Minister, M. Shuvaieff, speaking to journalists on the necessity of augmenting the supply of munitions, expressed the view that Germany was showing exhaustion and added Don’t imagine that the war will soon finish. Continue to forge. You will fight
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  • Turkey and the Near East.
    • 86 7 THE FIGHTING SOUTH OF TIGRIS. London, April 20. The War Office gives details of the fighting, on the right bank of the Tigris, on April 16th, prior to the Turkish counterattacks, which show that the Turks left between 200 and 300 dead in the captured positions. We took 8
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    • 36 7 TURCO-BULGAR ATROCITIES. London, April 20. A telegram from Salonika says there was a series of massacres of Greeks,on April 9th, at Adrianople, Smyrna and Constantinople. Turks and Bulgarians co-operated in the massacre at Adrianople.
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    • 31 7 London, March 22.—A wireless message received in Rome states that bombs have been discovered under the place of King Ferdinand at Sofia. Several arrests have been made.
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    • 129 7 ALLEGED GERMAN INTRIGUES. Amsterdam, April 20. The Telegraaf says the GovernorGeneral of the Dutch East Indies presides at the inquiry into the conduct of tl e Germans, Egloffstein and Keil, ex-managers of the Straits of Sunda Syndicate, who are suspected of conspiracies against the Dutch Government, and
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  • 606 8 Bangkok Times.’’ USES OF THE RAILWAY. The worst part of the journey to Pitsanuloke is the long dreary stretch north from Paknampoh. For several hours the train passes through a level monotonous plain, at certain seasons of the year inundated and at others covered with waving
    —“ Bangkok Times.’’  -  606 words
  • 335 8 A correspondent writes to the Editor of the “Rangoon Gazette as follows: The caution which is heralded against the cure of leprosy is undoubtedly good, yet there has been no treatment so successful as the oil of chaulmoogra (acid gynocardic). For the past 23 years in resident
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  • 301 8 A BOYCOTT OF GERMANY. The Political Economy Circle of the National Liberal Club discussed the question, Shall political peace inaugurate economic war The subject was opened by Mr. Alfred Milnes, who, in a powerful argument advocating the Free Trade policy, pointed out that signs are not wanting that
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  • 175 8 As regarded proposed tariff arrangements which would either give a preference to the colonies over the Allies—thereby creating heartburnings among the Allies—or a preference to the Dominions and the Allies over neutrals, thereby driving neutrals to form special trade arrangements with Germany, they seemed to him one and
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  • 126 8 The result of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce ballot for a fresh board of directors has resulted in 18 being elected out of 22, who are definitely pledged to the policy of the shutting out of all Germanmade goods after the war. The election waa necessary
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 515 8 XJki W i W r■ ftgg SSS f rnH-b h T tr M I/-_■• -Cn* Fu. Cj Summer Days Are Flesh Building Days z Gain Healthy Flesh—lncrease Your Weight From Ten To Thirty Pounds—By Taking Sargol Thin Men and Women say “I’d give most anything to put on a little
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    • 76 8 A Clear Head a hearty appetite, sound sleep and good digestion are sure to follow an occasional dose of the tiny laxatives. Gentle as nature. Do not gripe. Of all chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Dept. Ic, Singapore. HOT BUNS Orders
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    • 652 8 JfotAeramf BabytM month», Ad fnm birth on th» Food». Are you Worried about Baby? HOW to feed Baby is often a great worry to mothers who are unable to nurse their babies themselves. Ordinary cow’s milk—however prepared at home—is not a suitable substitute for the mother’s milk. It is acid
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  • 1166 9 PRIZE distribution. prize distribution for 1915, of the 11 School took place on Thursday 8 <r The Headmistress, Miss Sellers, Reviewing the position of the School, Sa This is t he e ’S hth year f the cxisfcence Government Girls’ School, and the 01 1 rear of
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  • 430 9 AND SWELLED HEADS. During the hearing of an a a sault case in ttie second police Court, Singapore, on Tuesday, Mr C H G Clarke had occasion to read a Malay Volunteer a lecture regarding his behaviour in particular, and that of other Malay Volunteers who have recently
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  • 556 9 GERMAN INFLUENCE ON INDIAN REVOLUTIONARIES. The following report has been passed by the censor for publication On March 30 the Special Tribunal pronounced judgment in the Lahore Conspiracy Supplementary Case. Of the 74 accused six were sentenced to death, 45 to transportation for life, eight to various
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  • 116 9 Business for Special meeting on 25th inst. 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. Some bills to be passed. 5. Letter from Government asking for contribution to the Hospital Fund to meet
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  • 101 9 The homeward mail closes to-morrow at 10 a m. The B. I. Contract packet Tara, with the mails from Europe is expected to leave Negapatam about the 24th inst. To-day, the 22nd and Monday, the 24th instant, the Chief Post Office will be closed at noon, and only
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  • 93 9 COUNTER OFFENSIVES. Paris, April 21. The French attacks continued to make progress in the Deal-Man hill region, besides making many more prisioners The Germans, at dusk, after a violent bombardment, launched a powerful offensive, on a front of two kilometres, between Thiaumont farm and Vaux pond. The
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  • 49 9 HEAVY TURKISH LOSSES. London, April 21. The Turkish counter-attacks, on the Tigris, on April 17th, cost the enemy over 3,000 dr ad, including German officers. The British total casualties were much less than the number of Turkish killed. The floods are still hampering the relief of General Townshend.
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  • 21 9 FIVE LIVES LOST. London, April 20. The Dutch steamer Lodewyk Van Nassau was sunk. Five were drowned. —Reuter.
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  • 382 9 A Satisfactory Position, The report by toe directors to the fi th ordinary annual general meeting of shareholders to be held ou Wednesday, 26th inst,, is as follows Gentlemen, your directors have pleasure in submitting the balance sheet and profit and loss account for the year
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  • 280 9 Thb Registration Question Revived. The following circular letter, with form attached for filling in of certain particular?, has been sent out by Mr A C J Towers, of Ipoh: Having received numerous letters from ladies and gentlemen all over Perak urging that immediate steps be taken to ask
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  • 169 9 SUNDAY, APRIL 23. Church of England. St. George’s Church.—Easter Day, 7 a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil); 8 a.m. Holy Communion 10.30 a.m. Matins and Holy Communion; Processional Hymn 134, Responses Roberts, Easter Anthem, Humphrey 314, Psalm II Cooke 160, Te Deum 4th Selting, Benedictus Barnby 32 Hymn 138 Smart
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  • 205 9 In the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements. SETTLEMENT OF PENANG. In Bankruptcy. No. 7 of 1916. Re LIM SENG HUAT alias LIM ENG HUAH. Notice is hereby given that on a Creditor’s petition filed herein on the 4th day of March, 1916, a Receiving Order
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 202 9 BETTER HEALTH FOR WOMEN. From the languor and weakness of early girlhood to the headaches and backaches of later womanhood, the sufferings of the weaker sex call for constant watchfulness. Few women can boast that they never know a day’s illness, and few can say that they are always as
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    • 157 9 2 Km th» Blood Purs.** 1« thi Llfe 2_ iClarke's Blood. I Mixture If you luffer- from just such a medicine, any such disease as It is composed of mentioned below, ingredients which don’t waste time and quickly attack, overmoney on lotions or come, and expel from I ointments which
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    • 294 9 INVALUABLE for HEALTH’SmSAKE, /Ck Essence or Fluid Extract of RID JAMA ITO ’renouncedby ti.e HIGHEST MbDICAL The AFEBT and most RELIABLE fiemed* HAS OVER 75 YEARS’ WORLD-WIDE REPIITa.JM, SOLD BY The George Town Dispensary, Ltd. Come and see Something of Interest to you REVIEW AT PENANG BY BRIG-GENERAL D. H.
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  • 648 10 MR. RUNCIMAN EXPLAINS HIS POLICY. We must prevent Germany from again raising her helmet. We object to her using her resources and commercial relations with us for purposes of aggression, as she did in preparation for this war, declared M' Runcimao, President of the Board of Trade in
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  • 219 10 The official statement issued by the Manchester Ship Canal Company shows the traffic receipts for February to be £50,717, against £45,557 for the same month last year. The difference contributes to a comfortable increase for the two months of the present year of £13,700. a total
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  • 531 10 AUSTRALASIANS’ NEW FRONT. Mr. Malcolm Ross, the official press representative with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, in an article issued by the New Zealand High Commissioner, describes a visit to “The New Front”— somewhere east of the Suez Canal. In the course of this he writes
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  • 352 10 Bombay Shippers’ Views. A Press representative has interviewed members of the largest shipping firms in Bombay on the problem of freights. It was stated that India has been more particularly affected since the beginning of the operations in the ‘Mediterranean and the Middle East. With the beginning
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 597 10 BANKS. r' '1 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated in England by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 Head Office 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.C. Agencies and Branches. Amritsar Hongkong Peking Bangkok Iloilo Penang Batavia Ipoh Puket Bombay Karachi Rangoon Calcutta Klang
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    • 257 10 vtIII k You can reduce the running expenses of your car by using Michelin Tyres. Tyre bills are the heaviest item in the upkeep of a car; therefore every motorist who wishes to economise should ask himself this question: Am I using tyres which are the cheapest per mile run
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  • 788 11 OPTIMISTIC VIEWS. The Frankfurter Zeicung claims that the balance sheets which are being publish ed show that the German industry has successfully adapted itself to the altered circumstances. It is not expectei that the heavy demands on the part of the Army authorities will cease with the war.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 700 11 1 1 1 i RUCHANANS S U SCOTCH a W’ WHISKY v d \1 i r I—l 0 2 "SOMETHING TO '7 f ft CROW ABOUT” T 1 TV H I IwiBHSSilrtsi > S R IPStfe 11 r z I g BLACK&WHITE M ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY I L_ Wholesale
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2228 12 P. I.—APGAR N.Y.K.fex K. P. M. MAIL AND passenger services. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. fl maatschappij sd PENINSULAR AND OKBST4L SAILINGS. tNCORVORSTED IN JAPAN. (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) CHIHA Homeward (tor Europe). Outward (for China and Japan). JL (Royal Packet S. N. Company). n i Z'K 'T' HE Companies’ steamers
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