Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 April 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 644 1 DaaaQ Qa □□□□□□non g IF tOU WANT TO SHIP, g BUY or sell i RUBBER I a OR TO 0 FORWARD GOODS d S TO ANY PART or THE WORLD g 3 GO TO g s ALLEN DENNYS Co., 7, UNION STREET. H D aaaa Qn□□□□□□□□□□□□□nnnoonoD THE TAI SENG Ruchamam'c
      644 words
    • 58 1 cnnDaDDocD FOR $3O g y/ou can bave t,,fi pinan s I Ga'/Ptte posted t-verv day a for a who!* year to your address. D (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). g Pro) ortionate Quarteily and D Half-yearly rates. Subscriptions are payable in a advarcH and remittance should g be addressed to D PINANO
      58 words

    • 352 2 A Tamil woman named Moteh, a re gistered milk seller, appeared before Mr. V. G. Ezechieel to-lay, charged with adulterating milk at Jelutong Road on the 13ih inst. Mehat, P.C. 555, of Jelutong Station, who was the principal and only witness for the Crown, stated that on
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    • 133 2 Gopal, a Tamil living in Kampong Java Lama, was sentenced to six weeks’ hard labour, for voluntarily causing hurt with a knife to another compatriot. A short story of the case was that cn the night of the 10th instant, accused abused the complainan*’, one Kolussi.
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    • 57 2 Mr. F. Wiegmans, Manager of Hibernia Estate, Selama, this morning appeared before Mr. Ezechiel and applied that the case against Sengaya, tindal on the Estate for crimping two coolies from the Estate be transferred. He identified accused whom he arrested in the Hospital yesterday afternoon. The case was
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    • 316 2 Supaia was yesterday sentenced to pay a fine of $lOO or 4 months’ rigorous imprisonment for abetting seven coolies to leave the Colony without permits. The facts of the case are as follows In March, 1913, the coolies came to Penang to look for work in Perak. They
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    • 204 2 ANNUAL MEETING. The postponed annual general meeting of the Building Co., Ltd., was held at No. 8, Beach Stree 1- Penang, yesterday afternoon. There were present Messrs. W. H. Thorne (Chairman), A. Stephen Anthony, G. N. Saye, J. W. Hunt, and C. R. A. Goatly (for
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  • 133 2 The merchants of Nagoore and Negapatam who embody the above Society entertained the Penang Moslems last night to a sumptuous dinner at their Society Hall, Transfer Road, in honour of the anniversary of their patron Saint Shahul Hameed of Nagoore. The premises were tastefully deccrated with evergreens
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  • 103 2 The Hon. the Resident Councillor sends us the following regarding the anniversary of His Majesty’s birthday, on June 3rd I have the honour to inform you that a telegram has been received by His Excellency the Governor from the Right Hon’ble the Secretary of State for the
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  • 78 2 At the Straits Cinema, to-night, a strong Chinese drama, by Chinese, is the feature, and with it there are three other dramatic films, in addition to the u-ual comedy reels. The management announce a wrestling match for Monday evening. The continuation of The Girl Detective” in 2 more
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  • 59 2 The output of the Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging, Limped, for the first two weeks of April, was as follows No. 1 dredge, hours run 305, cubic yards treated 52,000, tin oxide produced, piculs 344 68 No. 2 dredge, hours run 328, cubic yards treated 58,000, tin oxide produced,
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  • 72 2 The following are the latest quotations in our share list:— Yesterday. To-day. to to QQ 00 Shares M «2 M «2 R ibber (Sterling.) A.-Java 19/- 21/. 20/- 23/8. Sembawang 2/6 2/9 2/6 3/Juru 10/- 10/6 Singapore P. 2/lj 2/6 2/4| 2/9 Rubber (Dollar). Jimah $1.15 $1.25
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  • 20 2 The following tie has been fixed for Thursday Profession Pairs—Martin and Harries v Sayers and Savi (4).
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  • 747 2 ACCUSED ACQUITTED. Mr. Jus’ice Twomey at Rangoon, on 11 inst, delivered judgment in Chambers on the appeal of Nga Tin, who was convicted and sentenced to five years’ rigorous imprisonment by the Second Additional Special Power Magistrate, Moulmein, on a charge of mischief by fire with intent
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  • 160 2 The are so many stirring events in these days, says a home paper, that many people have probably forgotten that' the tobacco supply in shortly to be restricted. They will be reminded of the fact by a notice which the Tobacco Licensing Committee ask us to
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    • 639 2 Tigris AdvanceSimla, April 9.—The following message has been received from 1 Eye-witness in Mesopotamia, dated the Bth April Falahiyah, sth April We to >k the Umm-el-Henna position this morning, on the left bank of the Tigris, between Suwekie marsh and the river. Toe preparations for the
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    • 120 2 After months of investment at Kut-el-Amara with General Townshend’s Force during which no message of any kind has been received from the members of the Bengal Ambulance Corps, the following telegram, dated April 3, from Havilda” A- C. Champati, the senior N. O. O. with the detachment-,
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    • 175 2 London, April 7.—A Daily Chronicle’s correspondent in an East Coast town is enthusiastic over the repulse of the Zeppelin on Wednesday. That the raider was worsted in the encounter with the defence is proved by the fact that the Zeppelin would not face the guns, searchlights
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    • 212 2 London, April 7 —The Daily Telegraph’s Milan correspondent says tha*-, despite the Bulgars’ de iial of reported distress and disorder in Bulgaria, travellers recently from there says the Press did not comment on the Paris Conference, but promised the speedy cap'ure of Verdm, which, the Balkan people
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    • 1238 2 London, March 17.—An interesting letter from an officer in the Egyptian Frontier Expeditionary force says Mersa Matruh, Jan 24. The Western Frontier Force has been successful in a third engagement of importance. This time the enemy, six thousand strong, and mainly composed of Sheikh Senussi, under
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  • 36 2 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin is Penang was $96,50 per picul buyers, no sellers—a decrease of 25 cents. Tin is quotated in London to-day *t £2OO 15s. spot, and £l9B 15s. three months
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  • 27 2 London, April 17.* The following is the rubber quotation for to-day Plantation Ist Latex Crepe 3 1| [*By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead <fc Co.]
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 107 2 BROWN Co., Monumental Sculptors, CALCUTTA. Monuments and Tombstones of every description supplied, inscriptions done in all languages, ander skilled European supervision. The nest Italian and Carara Marble H3od william Edward s ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND* Granite Merchants and Manufacturer! Tombstones in various kinds of Aberdeen Granite. Samples ol Granite to be seen
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  • 1245 3 IN THE ARMENIAN MASSACRES. And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not Am I may brother’s keeper History records few crimes more fiendish in conception, appalling in scope and merciless in execution than the coldblooded massacre, last summer, of
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  • 118 3 Figures compiled by the Municipal Police for Mr. Thomas Sammons, American Con-sul-General, show that Shanghai’s streets are among the most crowded in the world. The figures were secured for a statistical comparison that is to be made with cities in the United States and other countries. For
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  • 97 3 The prohibition movement in the various province of the Dominion has been so strong that it was hoped the Dominion Government would pass a measure for prohibition covering the whole country. The Government, however, has now decided against a Federal prohibition law, as it considers it
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  • 869 3 RUSSIAN WRITER’S IMPRESSION A distinguished party of Russian writers and journalists which has been in England lately pad a visit to the Grand Fleet. The following article, specially contributed to The Daily Chronicle by one of their number, vividly describes the impressions made on
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 461 3 FOR SALE. 15-20 H. P. Panhard 5 Seater Car. Windovet Body in good tanning order. Owner going Home. Apply A. Waterfield, Trong, Perak. 391— u c FOR SALE. 10 H P- HUMBER 4 seater only ran 3,650 miles only driven by engineer. Owner going Home shortly. Rs. 4,000, tyres on
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    • 252 3 THIn PEOPLE CAN INCREASE WEIGHT. Thin men and women who would like to ncrease their weight with 10 or 15 pounds of healthy stay there fat should try eating a little 8argol with their meals for a while and note results. Here is a good test worth trying. First weigh
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    • 20 3 BDBBEB STAMPS. PINANG GAZETTE PRESS, Ltd., is now in a position to execute orders for all kinds of Rubber Stamps.
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    • 817 3 Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually check
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  • 799 4 The decision of the Russian Red Cross to cease direct relations with the Red Cross Societies of the Central Powers, as a sequel to the infamous attack upon and destruction of the hospital ship Portugal, off the Eastern shore of the Black Sea, marks a further stage in
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  • 523 4 The telegram from Melbourne does not ac’ually say so, but it is to be inferred that the success of the Federal Government’s wheat scheme is assured. The war has been responsible for changes in the economic world, changes both far-reaching and novel. It is in keeping with the
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  • 1715 4 T.0.M.” The practicability, in certain circumstances, of a re-opening of the Gallipoli invasion, is the theme of one or two recent articles, but the longer the ordinary indi vidual ponders on it the more fully convinced is he that a continuation of the adventure would be received
    T.0.M.”  -  1,715 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 153 4 MARTIN’S WHISKY Are you interested in Scotch Whisky If so, may we send you our Price List? Highest Awards, Supeiioi Excellence Diplomas, and g London, Paris, 10 Gold Medals K W Brussels, awarded at I I Boideaux, W g Antwerp, Madrid, International Wl f g T Boyan, Mimes, Exhibitions for
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    • 4 4 “E. O. AND CRAG.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 248 5 FRENCH AIRMEN’S WORK. THE SMUGGLING OF RUBBER. ALLIES AND CRETE. RUSSIA AND THE “PORTUGAL. 1 The French anticipate further attacks by the Germans, after the reconstitution of the enemy’s depleted divisions. Ib is not surprising to have an expression of the confidence of France to defeat the
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 140 5 [Recter’s Telegram*.’ FURTHER ATTACKS POSSIBLE. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, April 17. A French semi-official report states that *t is probable that the Germans will again attack, when the troops have been re-constituted, but it is very doubtful whether they will fare any better. Cun Duels at Verdun.
      [Recter’s Telegram*.’  -  140 words
    • 520 5 A correspondent of L’lndependence Beige,” who has been in Namur since August 1, 1914, has succeeded in getting through an interest ng letter on life in the famous Meuse town. The car ier of the letter is the only person who has succeeded in leaving Namur. The
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    • 243 5 Public men and women from all parts of the country met at the Guildhall to support the National Organising Committee for War Saving in the inauguration of a great civilian campaign to win the war. Economy of consumption and increased production as the only weapons
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  • 74 5 EFFORTS AT COMPROMISE. Peking, April 17. A Cheng-Tc-Fu telegrana says it is reliably reported that as the result of negotiations between representatives of the Governor of Szechuin and Tsaiao, the Yunnanese rebel leader, the latter agreed to Yuan Shi-Kai’s remaining President, provided a responsible Cabinet is appointed whereby the
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  • 34 5 Christiania, April 17. The accidental bursting of a coffee bag, on board a liner from America, resulted in the discovery of 250 bags partially filled with rubber. The whole consignment was confiscated.
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  • 26 5 London, April 15. The House of Lords passed the third reading of the Imperial Institute Bill, transferring the Institute to the Colonial Office.
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 23 5 WARSHIPS IN SUDA BAY. Athens, April 17. Allied warships have anchored in Suda Bay (Crete.) No troops Lave been landed.
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    • 374 5 Herr Paul Hanns, who writes the weekly review of the political situation in the Berliner Tageblatt,” contributed a remarkably interesting article recently. He begins by expressing his scepticism at the so-called vote of confidence,” by which term the Prussian Conservatives explained away their attack on
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    • 122 5 ITALY AND THE SERBIANS. Rome, April 17. In the Dalian Chamber, in a debate on the foreign estimates, Baron Sonnino, the Foreign Minister, recounting Italy’s part in the war, said thanks to the co-operation of the Italian and Allied Navies, thousands of tons of stores had been
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  • 87 5 VILLA’S DEATH REPORTED. New York, April 17. An unconfirmed report says a nephew of General Carranza is bringing to Chihuahua the body of General Villa, who is said to have died after the amputation of a leg. The Parral Incident. The American commander reports that 300 followers of Carranza
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  • Italy's Campaign
    • 35 5 ADVANCE NEAR ADRIATIC. Rome, April 17. An Italian communiquĕ reports, generally, only minor operations. The Italians made daring attacks east of Monfalcone, and captured new advanced positions, a score of prisoners, and ammunition.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 78 5 RUSSIA’S SERIOUS STEP. Petrograd, April 17. The Russian Red Cro-s has resolved to cease direct relations with the enemy Red Cross Societies, in the absence of protests against the sinking of the hospital ship Portugal. The Russians have telegraphed provisionally cancelling the mandates to the Russian delegates
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    • 41 5 AMERICANS ON BOARD. Washington, April 16. Two Americans, one of whom was wounded, were on board the Russian steamer Imperator, from the United States to Marseilles, which, according to official advices, was shelled, without warning, by an Austrian submarine
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    • 12 5 London, April 17, The British ship Cardonia was sunk.
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  • General News.
    • 20 5 Melbourne, April 17. The Australian farmers have already received over £21,000,000 for wheat delivered under the Government scheme.
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    • 336 5 Delhi, March 13.—During the last few days there have been lengthy discussions in the Imperial Legi-lative Council, in which the recent taxation has been the principal topic of debate. The keynote of discussion has been the remarkable manner in which the Indians have warmly approved of general fresh
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  • 754 5 AT THE TOWN HALL. One of the most artistic and enjoyable entertainments given in Penang for a long time was that which Mr. Humphrey Bishop’s Company presented last evening at the Town Hall. There was a good attendance, including quite a number of people from the Province
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  • 57 5 The outward P. O. packet Nankin is expected to arrive here, from Colombo, at 5 a m. on Thursday. The outward mail steamer R.M.S. Morea arrived at Port Said on Friday, 14th inst. We are notified by the Chamber of Commerce that the mails which left Penang on
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  • 921 5 (Front Our Own Correspondent). Alor Star, April 17. The engagement is announced of Mr. Gibbings of the P. W. D, to Miss Sewell of Sungei Patani. Mr. Wills, the newly appointed surveyor to the P. W. D is surveying the country between Garun and the Jeneri river. His
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  • 1067 6 In the Stone Age, men were almost inarticulate. They communicated with one another mainly by sign 5 and they expressed their ideas and experiences by means of crude drawings. Time passed, and mankind became more proficient in language, and the sign-language became obsolete but the
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  • 237 6 London, March 13th.—The all-absorbing topic of conversation in financial circles here is the continued fall of the mark and krone. Experts regard the steady depreciation in values as foreshadowing AustroGerman collapse. The Westminster Gazette is publishing a diagram showing the fluctuations of thq mark since July,
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  • 216 6 The total of subscriptions received by the National Committee for Relief in Belgium up to March 10th, reached £1,500,000. This represents contributions from British sources only during the ten months which have elapsed since the formation of the National Committee. Generous as has been the response to
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  • 160 6 In an article under the heading Our Cavalry Is Ready,” the Petit Parisien says that since the time when the French horse regiments had an opportunity of showing their superiority over the German cavalry it has been necessary in order to keep pace
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  • 58 6 It wasn’t all jam being in the burying squad,” said the man from Anzac casually. “As often as not the shells would come along while the sky pilot was saying his bit." And then what I asked. Well," he said, still very casually, “the safest place was down among
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  • 1300 6 The 6 th annual meeting of the AngloDutch Java Plantations, Ltd., was held on March 31st at the offices of the concern, No. 13 Nanking Road, Shanghai. The directors present were Mr G Orayfigge (chairman), Mr S A Hardoon Mr R. N Truman and Mr
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  • 31 6 “Sure I’m a conscientious objector, too," said an Irish Tommy. I wouldn’t willingly kill a German, but the Lord help the German that thries to kill me 1”
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  • 155 6 The girl who returns home from school or work thoroughly tired out every evening may be beautiful, but her beauty will soon fade. She will be fortunate if she escapes a physical breakdown, because this getting tired so quickly is the first warning symptom of a thinning
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 162 6 ECONOMY being an imperial necessity, the use of British Avon Tyres becomes a patriotic duty. IS "HW C, The claim that Avon Tyres show lowest cost per mile rests upon disinterested records of actual service, EndurancV. open to investigation. It is further agents: supported by their exclusive SELLAR, MURRAY Co.
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  • 1101 7 •Ex. GREEKS’ NAME FOR ARMY SERVICE CORPS. Supply—a term which covers the provision of food, fuel, and forage for the army and its transport from the base to the front is a problem that is more difficult in the Balkans than in France, writes Mr. G. Ward Price
    •Ex.  -  1,101 words
  • 245 7 At the meeting of the Mohammedan Advisory Board, held at the Land Office on Friday 14th inst, the following items were discussed The chairman (Mr. H. C. Selle) informed the meeting that the Inspector of Schoi L had forwarded the letter about the teaching of religious knowledge
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  • 294 7 Messrs. Lamport and Holt and Messrs. Houlder Bros, and Co. have now to be added to the shipowning companies who show large profits for the past year. Messrs. Lamport and Holt, after providing for depreciation, have a prefit of £332,897, which apparen ly compares with £149,108 for 1914,
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  • 59 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Golf Club from 5-45 till 7-15 this evening 1. Fantasia Fox Hunting Scene ...Suckley 2. Two Step The Palm, ...Estella 3. Selection Ballet Music in the Opera Faust Gounod 4. Waltz Dream oj Spring O lerenshaw
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  • 105 7 CLEARANCES. To-day. Cornelia for Port Swettenham, P. Dickson and Malacca. Alma for Singapore. Glenogle for Rangoon. Hebe for Bagan Datoh Teluk Anson. Pangkor tor Bindings and Sitiawan. Klang for Port Swettenham and Singapore. De Kock for Deli and Langsa. Pungah for Batu Bahra. Anjow for Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan.
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  • 132 7 Penang, April 18, 1916. (By Courtesy q/ the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 1/4 4 months' sight Bank 2/4 5/8 «I 3 Credit 2 4 27/32 h 3 Documentary ...2,4 7/8 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days' sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 J Moulmein Demand
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  • 90 7 April 18 Wedgwood Classics,” Town Hall, 9-15 p.m. 19. —Col Fillis’ Wild West Show and Menagerie Date Kramat, 9.30 p.m. Mathiee, April 22, at 5 p.m. April 21, 22, 23, 24.—Straits and F.M.S. Golf Championship, Ipoh. April 26.—P.A.M. Annual General Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, 10 30 a.m. April 27.—Lodge
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 88 7 (JAPANESE CAMPHOR! (32 pcs. in a tin). I JAPANESE SLIPPERS (Lady’s or Gentleman’s Size). I DAIBUTSU No. 56, BEACH STREET. PENANG. s There is a reason for everything. Therefore let us tell you that the reason why WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE S 5 IS so popular throughout the Indies is,
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    • 166 7 TOWN HALL, PENANG. TO-NIGHT, TUESDAY, 18th April, AT 9-15 P.M. THE Humphrey Bishop LONDON STAR COMPANY Including the World-famous "WEDGWOOD CLASSICS.” A High-class Pot-pourri of Grand and Light Opera Classical Posing and Dancing. “Positively the most versatile and artis tic combination that has ever visi’ei the Orient.” (vide Indian Press).
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    • 9 7 P. MOIR CRANES' Cylinder Oil. Sfrndilands, Buttery d* Co,
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 460 7 GRAND OPENING: Wednesday, 19th April, AT 9-30 P.M., DATO KRAMAT GARDENS WITH A NEW WATERPROOF TENT. col. Franh Finis' wild west show and MENAGERIE. Headed by TEXAS JACK CARSON. Something New for the Penang Public. CARSON’S WILD WEST SKETCH Entitled TEXAS JACK in Two Parts. SPECIAL MATINEE on Saturday at
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2681 8 p. 0.-B. i.-apcar |N. Y. K. fex K. P. M. mail ANO J lPM S(eMllE i p C.U. KONIN^at K sck P a A ppu VAART PENINSULAR AND OmENTAL SAILINGS. INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. (WCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.! OH,MfI S^Em" E £Hi 1 Homeward (for Europe). Outward (for China and Japan).
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