Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 14 April 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 752 1 aaaa gQagoQaaaaaaaaaQaoaaaDa g 1F YOU WANT TO SHIP, g BUY OR sell g RUBBER I n OR TO D forward GOODS d g to ANY PART of m WORLD g go to g I ALLEN DENNYS Co., UNION STREET. D H n noannao nananoo SUN LIFE 1 I °f TALKING
      752 words
    • 63 1 naaaaanoanuaoannDaDnaaaang a FOR S3O g o u XTOU can have the Pinang g I Gazette posted every day Q for a whole year to your address. a a (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION. $27). Pro] ortionate Quarteily and o a Half-yearly rates. t; g SubscriptFotis are payable in n advance and remittance should
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  • 1225 2 Mr CE S Baxenda'e is a passenger by this week’s Homeward mail. Mr H N Marriott has been sent with his regiment to France.—“ M.M.” Dr. J. S. Rose leaves for Home by the Kitano Maru at 7 o’clock to morrow morning. L/C. C. S. Boyle of
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  • 85 2 The Electric Polyscope is showing tonight episodes 3 and 4 in 4 parts of The Adventures of Elaine followed by” The Secret Formula in 2 reels and latest Gaumont War Graphic, with the first two Episodes of The Girl Detective in 4 parts. ‘•Judge Not,” in 6 parts,
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  • 48 2 The Hon. Treasurer tends us the following list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on April 12 $1,558 34 H Waugh 50.00 A H Malet 25.00 Balance on April 13 1,633.34 Amount previously acknowledged. ...$23,913.74 Total $25,547.08
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  • 179 2 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 till 7 this evening:— 1. Fantasia Robert Le Diable Meyerbeer 2. Gavotte Saidie ...Amillon 3. Waltz Passing Clouds Prout 4. Polka /re You Engaged Hewitt 5. March Übique -..Elliott A football match between
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    • 203 2 The 11 Peking Gazette states tha*', although Tuan Cbi-jui has been appointed Chief of the General Staff, he has apparently not yet taken up his duties. It is stated that Tuan Chi-jui has expressed the view that, if he is to do any real work for
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    • 131 2 Canton, March 25 —The strict censorship prevents the press commenting on the mandate cancelling the monarchy. Leading persons interviewed, ridiculed the action as bei' g too late to save the situation or to recover confidence. Certain foreigners seem surprised that Yuan Shih-k’ai should yield in this
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    • 78 2 Hongkong, March 29. —Pursuant to instructions received from the military au'horities at Canton and the Taoyin of Chaochowfu, the Swatow police department has notified merchants and people to pursue their businese as usual and not to he disturbed by political affairs occurring outside the province. The Swatow
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    • 54 2 Chungking March 29.—The rebels have captured Peugshui, to the southeast of Fuchow Sze and are reported to be within seven miles of Luchow. Chengtu, March 29.—Hostilities in Southern Szechuen have been suspeoeded temporarily. Enormous damage is being done by bands of robbers, who are looting the cities
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    • 116 2 Hongkong, March 26.—Numerous barges heavily laden with soldiers, are being towed to Wuchow. It is rumoured that a large force of Cantonese soldidrs has concentrated at Tosing, either to prevent Kwangsi soldiers entering Kwangtung, or preparatory to a forward march and an attack on Wuchow. An unconfirmed
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    • 99 2 Shanghai March 29.—Mr. Liang Shihyi in a private letter to one of his close friends in Shanghai says that President Yuan Shih-k’ai has repeatedly expressed the thought that as he is old and his strength not sufficient for him to endure longer the burden of national
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    • 74 2 Hongkong, March 28.—Under the caption Yuan’s Reversion,” the Hongkong Daily Telegraph writes editorially “If these declarations are to be taken at their face va'u», there can be no justification for the continuance of the independence movement and those provinces which have cut themselves adrift from the Central
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    • 25 2 London, April 13.* The following is the rubber quotation for to-day Plantation Ist Latex Crepe 3/2| [♦By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co.]
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    • 26 2 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 14. The share market is active, especially rubber. A desire is shown to convert sterling into locals
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    • 80 2 The following are the latest quotations in our share list:— Yesterday. To-day. Shares B. a o s M 30 M </2 Mining. K. Kamunting 38/6 40/6 39/- 40/6 Kamunting... 34/- 35/6 33/6 34/6 S. Hydraulic $1.20 $1.40 $l.lO $1.25 Rubber (Dollar). A. Panas $lO $lO sloj $ll
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    • 134 2 Modified Restrictioss. Me s sr?. Kennedy and Company inform us that sales of shares to London through the medium of the members of the Stock Exchange are now permitted. Such sales to be made with the approval and at the discretion of the Stock Exchange Committee under
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    • 52 2 Messrs. Bous’ead Co., have cabled advices from London to the effect that after placing £2,000 to reserve for future development, the Directors of the above Company recommend a fiual dividend of 10 per cent, making 15 per cent, for the year, leaving £2,503 to be
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    • 50 2 The local agents have advices from Lon don, that after writing off all preliminary expenses and commission on shares, the directors of the above Company recommend a final dividend of 7.} per cent., making 10 per c-mt. for the year, leaving £2,172 to be carried forward.
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    • 75 2 For the period from the 14th to 20th April, 1916, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at three shillings and three pence one half penny per lb, and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad
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    • 18 2 OUTPUTS FOR MARCH. The following are additional rubber outputs for March Jendarata lbs. 43,500 Malacca Plantation 199,700
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  • 32 2 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $96.05 per picul, buyers, no sellers. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £199 ss, spot, and £l9B ss. three months.
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  • 34 2 The output for March, of Ipoh Tin Dredging, Ltd., was 380 piculs. The output of tin ore from the Ngow property of the Siamese Tin Syndicate, Ltd., for March, was 1,632 piculs.
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  • 76 2 Hongkong, March 31,—The Chung Ngoi San Pao states that Commander Mok King yu has declared the independence of Fuchow and Chuyang, Commander He Ming occupied Swatow and declared its independence on the 29th. The U. S. 8. Wilmington arrived at Swatow on the 29th. General Lung Shai-chui, Commissioner
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  • 394 2 BIG INCREASES. In addition to the restriction, a amounting to prohibit ion in -certain cl of paper exports from England pr i Ce up 150 to 200 per cent, and for some k‘ even more. Last year, 18,678 cwtsof British m factored paper valued at £19,676
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  • 157 2 ,Departurb from Delhi. Calcutta, April I.—H. E. the V.ceory and party, including the Hon. Diamond Hardinge, Sir James Du Bonlay, Colonel Maxwell, Captain Browne and the Hon. A. Hardinge, left Delhi by special train for Bombay last evening. His Excellency had a splendid send-off f om
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  • 87 2 Calcutta, April 4. At Bombay yesterday Lord Hardinge received farewell addresses from the Bombay Chamber of Commerce and the Indian Merchants Chamber and Bureau, and in evening the Bombay University conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Laws. Later in the evening His Excellency was
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  • 116 2 Messrs. Kennedy and Co., as Secretarie’ to the Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association inform us that they have receive’ the following subscriptions, which have been forwarded to the Central Fund Walbrook Estate, Sitiawan Rubber Estates of Krian, Parit Buntar 13. •> Brieh Estate, Bagan Serai
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  • 37 2 Bowringpet, April 4.—ln an air bias’ Champion Reef Mine six coolies have e killed, two rescued and eight are sti l aD covered. The Mysore Mine fire has checked at the 1,290 feet level.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 421 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. 15-20 H. P. Panhard 5 Seater Car. Windover Body in good running order. Owner going Home. Apply A. Waterfield, Trong, Perak. BUNGALOW WANTED. WANTED from Ist May a Bungalow, furnished or unfurnished, at Butterworth or in Penang. Rent must be moderate, and the house in good
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  • 640 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, April 13. Tbe Perak Nursing Association have done a very good thing in deciding to invest $6,000 in the F. MS. War Loan. It so happens that they have this sum in hand in connection with their scheme of erecting a Nursing Home,
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  • 320 3 Presentation from Members of the Local Bar. The members of the Singapore bar assembled in the library of the Supreme Court on Saturday morning in order to pay a personal tribute to Sir Evelyn Ellis ere he departs for home. Sir Evelyn has figured prominently in legal
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  • 428 3 ENVER AND TALAAT’S POSITION. Allahabad, April Ist—The Pioneer’s Cairo correspondent writes; The Minister of War (Enver Pasha), who used to drive in his car leisurely through the streets which were crowded with people who saluted him and hailed him as the great hero of Turkey, now dashes
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  • 334 3 Head Constable Murdered. Calcutta, April I—A dark narrow lane off Horogunj Squire at Howrah was the scene of the murd°r of a Head Constable of the Golabree Thana, named Shecmanga, Tewari, early yesterday morning. The deceased left the Golabaree Thana on night duty, and arrived at Horogunj Road,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1099 3 wanted. RUBBER STAMPS. T W 6 N or C r L H N p DB ro go°d°c R onJ?ion E 'J' HE PINANG GAZETTE PRESS, British make. Ltd., is now in a position to execute Box No. 176, c/o Pinang Gazette orders for all kinds of Rubber Stamps. 386-17- 4
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    • 161 3 A Cure that Cures Th «re »re men and women in every locality who are being racked te death with Rheumatism. Many of them have tried electricity, liniment», Turkish and mineral baths, massage, etc., while others have been doctored until they have lost all tiope and patience. Little’S Oriental Balm
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    • 708 3 Wh rurrTT 1 fe* 11 jo., PRODUCE OF FRANCE “Cordon solejmport E r7: T'Cqrdon n HIBBERT. WOODROFFE C° LT? K.OUGE. (Incorporated in England.) uAUNE. THE EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY I Which has now borne the Stamp of Public Approval for OVER FORTY YEARS. F ENO’S ‘FRUIT SALT’ Pleasant to Take,
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  • 19 4 Gray —At Langdale, Western Road, Penang, on April 13, the wife of Dr. J. Gray, of a son.
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  • 1442 4 One of the’principal features of the war is that the needs for the effective carrying I out of all that it demands seem to have no limit; at all events, in no direction can they be diecernedjat the present stage. No sooner has one problem been tackled
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  • 1631 4 The inhabitants of the western states of America have a queer idea of values if the cable defining their attitude to the war, which they appear to have forgotten, is not an exaggeration. Mexico claims most of their attention. Verdun is a long way off, of course,
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  • 221 4 The P. O. royal mail steamer Malta having left Singapore t r -day, is expecte to arrive here at 4 pm. to-morrow, an will leave for Colombo and Bombay midnight the same day. A German stowaway, landed at L-W-’ (Delaware) by a Biirish steamer, threatened the crew with
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 168 4 VmL. anfe-W v 1 Mg^Wßß>-J» n ’w® W' Special Extra Heavy Studded Pattern 26 x 21" to fit 26 x 2|" rim $15.50. GUTHRIE Co., Ltd., PENANG, SOLE AGENTS FOR The Dunlop Rubber Co. (Far East) Ltd. (Incorporated in Hongkong). WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED LARGE STOCKS OF QUININE TABLETS AND
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    • 12 4 E. &JD. Special Curry Tiffin ON Saturday, 15th April. E. O. ORCHESTRA.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 445 5 A LUU ON THE MEUSE. GERMAN REPLY TO U.S. army and air problems, the THREAT NEAR RIGA. In contrast to recent days, no infantry action is reported from Verdun, where the artillery continues active at various parts of the line. The enemy had evidently prepared an offensive for
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 344 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] attacks by both sides. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) London, April 13. A British communique reports: Last ni sht, we made a successful small raid into tnemy trenches near Richebourg-l’Avoue, killing ten Germans. The enemy, yesterday evening, thrice successively attacked west of the PilkemPres road.
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  344 words
    • 182 5 EXTENSION OF COMPULSION MOTION. London, April 13. The Members of the House of Commons were more optimistic, last evening, regarding the recruiting crisis, although Sir Edward Carson tabled a motion in favour of compulsion for all of military age. The concensus of opinion is that the Cabinet
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    • 73 5 DEPUTATION TO PREMIER. London, April 13. Mr. Asquith, receiving a deputation from a self-styled Married Men’s Union, indignantly repudiated the suggestion that the Government had broken its pledges. He said he was convinced that the married men were most loyal and deprecated the Union’s deplorable movement. The
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    • 93 5 LORD MONTAGU’S STATEMENT. London, April 12. Lord Montagu, speaking at Birmingham, said Lord Derby and he bad resigned from the Air Committee because the Committee was powerless to effect real reform. He emphasised the lack of unity between the Army and Navy on air questions. He had
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    • 406 5 London, March J 6—Lord Montagu was welcomed back to the House of Lords after his escape from the Persia, and devoted the occasion to advocating more effective measures for dealing with the Zeppelin menace. He urged the building of lighter-than-air rigid aircraft as the only
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    • 43 5 NON-COMBAtANT SOLDIERS SENTENCED. London, April 13. A District Court-Martial sentenced two privates of the Non-Combatant Corps to two jears’ imprisonment, with hard labour’ for disobeying a command in a manner showing wilful defiance of authority. They persisted in disobedience when cautioned.
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    • 365 5 USUAL ARMY PAY FOR CONSCIENCE MEN. A non-combatant corps has been formed to regularise the position of recruits, who. as conscientious objectors, have been passed into the Army by the local tribunals as noncombatants. In it they will be treated in the same way as other soldiers as
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  • Italy's Campaign
    • 91 5 EXCELLENT PIECE OF WORK. Rome, April 13. An official report relates a remarkable exploit by four Italian hydroplanes. After bombarding a point of the enemy coast on the Lower Adriatic, and chasing away the sentries, they alighted on the sea, and, having landed, set fire to a
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 22 5 ENEMY’S EXERTIONS. Petrograd, April 13. It is officially stated that the Germans are still battering the bridgehead of Ikskull.
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 37 5 THE ELEMENTS SUPREME. London, April 13. General Sir Percy Lake reports that the weather is very bad. There was a hurricane yesterday, with torrents of rain. The floods on both banks of the Tigris are increasing.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 323 5 GERMAN REPLY TO U.S. New York, April 13. A German note to the United States admits the torpedoing of the Dominion Line steamer Englishman, the Eagle Point, the Manchester Engineer, and Berwindale, and tries to justify these under the rules of war. The Sussex, The note further states
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    • 882 5 A telegram from Berlin gives the text of the new statement presented by Count Bernstotff, the German Ambassador at Washington, to Mr. Lansing, Secretary of State, on the subject of submarine and armed merchantmen. The most important passages of the statement run in effect as follows
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    • 212 5 Cask of the Arabic. New York. March 3. —According to a wire to the Evening News a serious charge has been made against the German Government, namely, that it had taken refuge in fraud in its official correspondence with the United States. The charge is supported by
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    • 157 5 SIR EDWARD GREY’S REPLY. Washington, April 13. Sir Edward Grey has sent a strong reply to the American representations regarding the removal of 38 Austrians, Germans and Turks from the steamer China, near Shanghai. He justifies the seizure on the ground that they were engaged in a
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    • 45 5 London, April 13. The Dutch steamer Colombia was mined in the Channel, and has arrived at Gravesend. A Russian Victim, The Russian sailing ship Imperator was sunk. Nine were saved and some injured. Swedish Steamer Sunk. The Swedish steamer Murjek was sunk.
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  • General News.
    • 131 5 PLEA FOR LARGER SHARE. London, April 13. The Morning Post” in an editorial on Indian finances states None can guess from the text of the financial statement that India is engaged in the war. It is not good for India to be too well sheltered during
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    • 80 5 London, April 13; The King-Emperor has sanctioned the grant to Sir Aga Saltan Mahomed Shab r the Aga Khan, of a salute of eleven guns and the rank and status of a First Class Chiefof the Bombay Presidency for life. Times’ Appreciation.” London,' April 13. Reviewing the
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    • 37 5 RELIEVING AMENDMENTS. London, April 13. The House of Commons agreed to amendments to the Finance Bill relieving from the match tax, matches made beforeApril sth and halving the tax on large boxes of matches.
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    • 22 5 London, April 1 3. Gold, silver, paper money and securities are included in the latest list of absolute contraband.
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    • 16 5 London, April 12. The Government has dropped the proposed railway ticket tax.
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    • 72 5 BRITISH SAILORS AND FIREMEN SENT TO PRISON. [From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, April 14. Ten British sailors and firemen of the steamer Ardangorm were sent to jail for six weeks for refusing to sail. The men alleged that the ship was over loaded, but a Government survey
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 28 5 Obituary. MR. RICHARD HARDING DAVIS. London, April 13. The death has occurred of Mr. Richard Harding Davis, f.k os the American novelist, playwright, and war correspondent, aged 51,
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  • 657 6 POLICE CHANGES. The Straits Settlements police force and •especially the Malacca police department will be losing the valuable services of Chief Inspector Evans shortly. John Richard Evans belongs to the old school of recruits; be joined the S. S. Police Force locally in September, 1888, and was promoted
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  • 141 6 Major Leib has received enquiries from ♦he Divisional Commander of the Salvation Army Work in Calcutta, regarding the following The wife and a daughter of Mr. Watson have been missing for twelve months. They left Allahabad in March, 1915, being seen in Rangoon, in September last. Mrs. Watson
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  • 115 6 There is a story current of a man who ♦iad delivery of goods from a manufacturer. Later he sent another order. The manufacturer replied that he would deliver when the first order was paid for. Customer wired back: Cannot possibly wait so long. Cancel order.” Mr.
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  • 511 6 VICTORY AND A LASTING PEACE. The Russian papers to hand give the full text of the statement issued by M. Sturmer, the new Russian Prime Minister, on Russia’s foreign and domestic policy, of which a scanty summary was telegraphed at the time to England. We print
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  • 363 6 TRICHINOPOLY TRIAL OPENS. Madras, March 31 —The preliminary enquiry into the murder of Mr HOD Hardinge, District Jadge of Trichinopoly, commenced before Mr Loddy Khan Sahib Bahadur, Magistrate of Trichinopoly, on the 27th ult. The prosecution was conducted by Kao Bahadur K S Ganapathy Iyer, Public
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  • 305 6 Allowances for Widows Bombay, April I.—The following Press communique has been issued The Seamen’s War Risks Compensation Scheme, brought into force by the British Government, has been made applicable to lascars, and to other Indians, including Goanese, employed as part of the crew of British merchant vessels, killed,
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  • 228 6 Quarrels Due to Over Eating. According to Dr. H Kress, says the New York American” meat is the great cause of divorce. The doctor claims that the eating of flesh foods produce», a quarrelsome disposition, and that quarrelsome people are those who most often get into
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  • 198 6 A Calcutta Decision. Calcutta, April I.—According to Brigade Orders issued yesterday the Calcutta Volunteers will be relieved from guard duty on and after Monday next, it apparently having been decided that the various guards required can, without difficulty, be furnished by the regular garrison. No reason is
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  • 488 6 X-Ray Apparatus. Sir William Taylor has written the following letter to Sir Edward Brockman Adverting to my letter of the 17th ult. on the subject of an X-ray installation and disinfector for the F.M 8. Hospital at Blackmore End, I have the honour to inform you that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 61 6 THE OFFICE MAN leads a sedentary life; his brain grows sluggish—so does his liver. His health suffers—so does his business. the tiny laxatives, gently stimulate the bowels, thus toning up the system and nerves which lead to sparkling good health. Do not gripe. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or
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    • 340 6 BpR AjiS? Sg jM/hr "Look at that pair of skinny scarecrows! Why don’t they try Sargol AN EASY WAY TO GET FAT AND BE STRONG. The trouble with most thin folks who wish to gain weight is that they insist on drugging their stomach or stuffing it with greasy foods
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    • 188 7 ahead of the mail peaking in London, Mr. Hughes, the a tralian Premier said Australia has h wn her earnestness in tearing out the 3bo of German influence, annulling conC#DC ts and prohibiting Germans from Sina shares in companies. If I speak ii tll warmth it
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    • 89 7 London, March 19th.—The prosecution of Thomas Rees, London, Secretary of the Associated Engineers, has been withdrawn. The District Committee of Engineers has admitted that they countenanced the strike, and are rescinding all resolutions on the lieeshid been summoned on a charge of declaring the output of munitions at
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    • 57 7 London, March 19 —The Auditor-Gen eral’s report on the army stores accounts discloses several instances of muddle, including a case in which £2,650 was paid for part-worn clothing which was subse jftntly found to be unwearable. It was resold to the same firm for £4OO. It further showed-that
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    • 17 7 London, March, 19 —The late Lord Alverstone, Chief Justice, left estate valued at £311,000.
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    • 27 7 London, March 19 —Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the Australian Metal Company, Leadenhall Avenue, has been ordered to wind up its affairs.
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    • 86 7 Official German telegram —Headquarters, March 27.—Western theatre.— The British sprang an extensive mine near Sr. Eloi, south of Ypres, damaging the German pcsition on a length of more than 100 sterner and causing losses to the company which occupied the position. North-east and east of Vermelles, in successful
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    • 82 7 London, March 31.—According to the Central News correspondent New York’s exports to Scandinavia, etc., in the second week of March bore approximately the tollowing ratios to the corresponding week of 1915;—T0 the Netherlands, 4 to 46; to Denmark, 2 to 24 to Norway, 2 to 10 and
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    • 39 7 London, March 30.—1 t has been announced in the Duma that a railway to the ice free port of Alexandrovsk, close to the orwegian frontier, will be completed at the end of 1916.
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    • 34 7 London, March 30, —A public meeting a Salonika to protest against the air raid a ,iro^ eQ up by the Police. A crowd nowed the funeral of two victims, shouting anti-German cries.
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    • 145 7 London, March 19.—The Morning Post’s Budapest correspondent states that a further 4,000,000 Austro-Hungarians have been moblised, representing a final effurt. They include men up to 55 years of age, though the men from 43 to 55 cannot legally be sent to the firing line. Of this total
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    • 36 7 London, March 30.—The Corriere d’ltalia’s Bucharest correspondent siys Two parliamentary parties have agreed to form a national Ministry in the event of Rumania’s belligerency, which is left in M. Bratiano’s hands. -sw
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  • 224 7 WEEKLY EDITION.' The following are the principal contents of the current issue of our Weekly Mail Edition, which will be published on Saturday, afternoon, price 40 cents. Editorials Page. President Wilson’s Critics 503 The Freedom of the Seas 504 The Economic Factor 505 Macedonia
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  • 41 7 The following were the results of the ties played yesterday Singles Handicap A—A W Harries —.3) beat SF B Martin —.3) by 6—l, 3—6, 6—3 V G Savi —.4) beat E H Everest —l5 2) by 7—5, 6—4.
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  • 84 7 The appeal of the proprietors of the Minto Mansions to the financial commissioner against the refusal of the collector of Rangoon town to grant them a hotel and bar licence for the property at the corner of Merchant and Lewis streets has been decided by that
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  • 29 7 The first race in the Gibbons Cup Competition, 50 yards handicap, will be held at the Swimming Club on Sunday, April 16th at 11.15 a.m.
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  • 286 7 Mr Alma Baker’s Services. The following is taken from the Straits Times We said a good word for the bold pushfulness of Mr Alma Baker’s Malayan Air craft Fund, and he was cynically asked next day in a famous club how much he had given us for our
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  • 179 7 Mention was recently made of a series of matches having been arranged between Perak, Selangor and Penang. The first of this series was to be played at Kuala Lumpur during the Easter Holidays and an interesting match was looked forward to by wielders of the willow. It
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  • 123 7 In the First Magistrates Court, Ipoh, be* fore Mr. D. W. Scott, onThuisday, further enquiry was to have been made into the alleged dastardly attempt at murder made early thie month when a Chinaman, it was averred, was pushed down a mine-hole, crushed down with stones and
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  • 159 7 Two Chinese mining coolies of Kampar, who were convicted on Wed. at the Ipoh Asssizes of the charge of a gang robbery at Kampar in February last, were produced before Mr Justice Farrer-Manby to receive sentence. His Lordship told the accused that they had been clearly guilty
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  • 129 7 CLEARANCES. To-dat. Aing Thy© for Alor Star (Kedah). Lian Choo for Alor Star (Kedah). Brandan for Deli and Asahan. Hok Canton for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Omapere for Tongkah, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy. Hong Moh for Rangoon. Kedah for Trang. Hebe for Bagan Datoh Teluk Anson.
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  • 94 7 April 17 and 18—Wedgwood Classics, Town Hall. April 21, 22, 23, 24.—Straits and F.M.S. Golf Championship, Ipoh. April 22 and 24.—Cricket, Selangor v. Perak, Kuala Lune pur. April 26.—P.A.M. Annual General Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, 10 30 a.m. April 27.—Lodge Scotia, Election of Officers. 29.—F.M.5. War Loan, Applications Close.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 265 7 4 Ruchanans M SCOTCH Q Jlv WH,SKY S' w zOi w MIWBWw H 0) w&wS/ r Z n something to S -ST CROW ABOUT” I] H O CQ w I i g BLACK&WHITE" W ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY Wholesale Distributing Agents for Penang and Kedah: ALLEN DENNYS Co., 6, BEACH
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 387 7 Showing on Tuesday, the 18th April, 1916, a Strong Chinese Drama SAT CHOO PAO.” TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT H THE STRAITS CINEMA, Phone No. 628. EMPIRE HALL. PENANG ROAD. PRESENTS Thab Great Broadway Favourite JULIA DEAN in that gripping and inspiring Drama, the Story by Peter B. Kyne. 6 Reels JUDGE NOT
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2643 8 P. 0.-B. I.—APGAR N. Y.K.tex K. P. M. w 1« e KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART |i (INCORPODATED IN ENGLAND mail and passenger services. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. IB maatschappij d PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. INCORPORATED IN JAVAN. (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND*) Homeward (tor Eu ro pe> MA Outward <lor China and Japan).
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