Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 April 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1178 1 n annncnnDnnnDDnnnnnaaaaaaaoa S IF YOU WANT TO SHIP, g I buy or SELL g !RUBBER g OR TO FORWARD GOODS I D TO ANY PART of THE WORLD d o H GO TO D g ALLEN DENNYS Co., Q 7. UNION STREET. 9 D ennanDnoannti□□□□□□□□□ oonanaD sun life banks npqppD
      1,178 words
    • 59 1 innnnnnnonononDanncananaDa FOR $3O a 3 XTOU can have the Pinang Q I Gazette posted every day j for whole year toy our address. 3 (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION. $27). Proportionate Quarieily and g j Half-yearly rates. j Subscriptions are payable in advance and remittance should g be addressed to a 3 PINANG
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  • 516 2 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The seventh annual general meeting of The Dispensary (Penang) Ltd., was held at the registered offices of the Company, No. 3, Weld Quay, yesterday afternoon. Dr. J. Kirk occupied the chair, and the others present were Dr C Henry Her z, Messrs J M
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  • 56 2 THE LATEST DIVIDENDS. [Special Cable London, April 12. The following rubber company dividends are announced Shelford Estate 8 per cent. Selangor Rubber Co, 37| Sungei Way 37| Straus Rubber 15 Seafield 45 Siak (Sumatra) 7| Alor Pongsu 15 The following are interim dividends: Sumatra Consolida ed 7|
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  • 40 2 [•From Our Own Correspondent.' l Singapore, April 13. At the Singapore rubber auctions, 150 tons were oft red. The sale is unfinished. The demand was good, and prices higher* Fine pale $lB2 Ribbed smoked 182 Unsmoked 167
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  • 82 2 SATISFACTORY HALF-YEAR. {From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 12. The half yearly report of Singapore Harbour Board states that the credit balance is $1,053,529, of which all but $345,012 will be expended on repayment of interest etc. on loans. The net revenue shows an increase of $210,146
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  • 309 2 TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH LINES INTERRUPTED. A very severe thunderstorm, such as has seldom been experienced in Penang, ac companied by a heavy downpour, visited Penang about 5 15 o’clock yesterday afternoon, and lasted about an hour. The storm, blowing with cyclonic violence, travelled about 80 miles an hour.
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  • 232 2 Dislocation of Traffic. A correspondent writing from Sou’hern Siam confirms the information contained in a telegram we published on the Ist inst. regarding another break down on the Southern Siamese Railway. It appears that on Saturday, the 25th ult., when the down train from Trang and
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  • 156 2 The following meisage of goodwill was received by His Majesty the King of Siam from the King George Von New Year’s Day. Ist April. His Majesty the King of Siam. At the commencement of the Siamese new year I desire to express to your Majesty my cordial
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  • 101 2 To turn kilometres into miles multiply by 5 and divide by 8. Thu*, 15 kilometres is practically 9| miles. There is a very simple method of turning francs into pounds sterling. The fequivalent of 1,000,000 francs is £40,000. In the esse of 50,000,000 franca, therefore, all that
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  • 308 2 DORCHESTER HOUSE HOSPITAL FUND. [To the Editor oj the Pinang Gazette"'] Sir,l beg to enclose full list of the subscribers to the Public Schools, Dorchester Hous», Hospital Fund, and shall be glad if you can find space for same in an early issue of your valued paper, in terms
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  • 272 2 All Night Work Across the Straits. There has been a steadily increasing amount of goods traffic between Singapore and the mainland for some long time past, and the task of clearing this became in consequence increasingly difficult. The wagen tran«poiters were unable to cope wi h the
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  • 156 2 Miss E iss Loubert, who has been with Miss Lena Ashwell’s concert party at the front, gives a touching account of the effect of the singing of ths “auld Scots sangs upon the Scottish soldiers. It was a wonderful experience, she says, to find men
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1060 2 Valuable Property c QI 'T'WIN CYLINDER MOTORCYCLE 101* wSllC* 6 or 8 H. P. io good condition. British make. ■kvT.namon Box No. 176, c/o Pinang Gazette. BY ORDER OF THE LIQUIDATOR ALIEN ENEMIES (WINDING UP) ORDINANCE 1914. 3 Second hand Ford cars com TO BE SOLD plete with Magnetos. niTD!
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    • 175 2 A TRUE NERVE TONIC. In many severe nervous disorders the most active tonio treatment is recommended by the highest medical authority to arrest the progress of sach diseases. It is impossible to reach the nerves directly with medicine Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are a nerve tonic, but they act on
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    • 473 2 COMING COM/iiig, With a New Waterproof Tent. Col. Frank Fillis’ Wild West Show AND MENAGERIE, Headed by Texas Jack Carsos Something New for the Penang p u |,|j Carson’s Wild West Sketch Entitled TEXAS JACK in two p lrt B Supported by A Circus Company of 40 performers INCLUDING CHEVALIER
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  • 448 3 THE ANNUAL MEETING. The third annual general meeting of the shareholder's of the Ayer Weng (Rahman) Development and Prospecting Co. Ltd., was held in the registered offices of the Company, Government Buildings, Downing Street, Penang, yesterday afternoon. Mr. R. P. Brash presided, and the others present were
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  • 371 3 AN EXCELLENT YEAR. The seventh annual report of Kurau Rubber Estate, Ltd., states The whole of the rubber area is clean and the condition of the estate is very satisfactory, There has been no difficulty in keepinz the labour force up to requirements, and the health of
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  • 354 3 Annual Meeting Aginda. The annual general meeting of the P.A.M. will be held at 10.30 am, on Wednesday, April 26th, at No 12, Market Street, Kuala Lumpur, Agenda (1) Minutes of meeting of January 31st (2) Affiliation of Central Pahang Planters’ Association (3) Absconders (a) Magis trate at
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  • 591 3 20 P. C. DIVIDEND. A final dividend of 20 per cent, was declared at the seventh annual meeting of the Kapayang Rubber Estates Co, Lto, held at 3G Peking Road, Shanghai, on March 27. Dr R J Marshall presided, there also being present Messrs W S Jackson and
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  • 441 3 The streets of Bangkok presented a bare appearance recently and the usual anxious look was missing from the faces of motor drivers, says the local Mail.” The reason was the absence of the übiquitous rikisha. Not one was to be seen on the streets. But
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  • 276 3 Much credit has been given to the Veteran Co. of the S.V.C. for the success of their team in the competition in which both Volunteers and Territorials took part on Sunday morning. The men mustered at the junction of Orchard Road and Grange Road, Singapore, in
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  • 76 3 April 17 and 18 —Wedgwood Classics, Town Hall. April 21, 22, 23, 24.—Straits and F.M.S. Golf Championship, Ipoh. April 22 and 24.—Cricket, Selangor v. Perak, Kuala Lumpur. April 26.—P.A.M. Annual General Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, 10 30 a.m. April 29.—Kuala Kangsar Plantations, Annual Meeting, Padang Rengas, 12.30 p.m. May
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  • 567 3 Craw’s Perilous Plight on a Rock. The Daily Press of April 3, says The Hongkong office of the Toyo Kisen Kaisha received a message through the naval authorities on Saturday night at 8-50 that the Chiyo Maru was flying distress signals and that the ship was being
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  • 275 3 OFFICIAL MINUTES. Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Tuesday, the 28th March, 1916. Present :—Messrs. W. Peel (President), A. F. Goodrich, Yeoh Guan Seok and John Mitchell. Absent :—Messrs. Qaah Beng Kee, P. T. Allen and Lim Eow Hong. 1. The minutes of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 833 3 s<.m U ui« «d 1 nd illness, and E 1 > while there is U'a i/>VV still a I VltJiCr >0 you need more an d better nourishment than at other times. sy...™ This does not mean a greater quantity of J food, but food of higher nutritive value. ifarciay
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  • 34 4 Clarke.—On April 10, at Wandarri, Oalvey Road, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Clarke, a son. Ogilvie-M itchrll. —On April 10, at Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. T. G. OgilvieMitchell, a son.
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  • 1312 4 While Britain’s diplomacy and strategy sincejthe’wsr started, especially in the Balkans, have had many critics, it is equally true that our ally Italy has also come in for a considerable share of hard knocks. Among others, Sir Arthur Evans and Mr. Herbert Vivian have vigorously denounced Italy
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  • 1444 4 The disaffection of several provinces of China and their declaration of independence is further proof thab the cancellation of the Monarchy, and the terms of the mandate of Yuan Shi Kai have not had the effect of scotching the rebellion. In a second mandate the Great President
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  • 34 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $94.75 per picul, business done—a decrease of $2.25. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £l9B 10s. spot, and £197 10s. three months
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  • 216 4 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on April 11 $1,^03.34 Mr and Mrs P Witford, March and April subn. 50.00 Balance on April 12 1.558 34 Amount previously acknowledged ...$23,913j4 Total
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 204 4 FIRE INSURANCE When you require your property insured, or before you renew your Insurance elsewhere see ALLEN DENNYS CO., 6, Beach Street. Penang, Get the benefit of their knowledge cf Fire Insurance business. Current rates combined with absolute security—None better than the Company they represent The Union Insurance Society of
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    • 17 4 E. &_O. Special Curry Tiffin ON Saturday, 15th April. E. S’ O. ORCHESTRA. PINANG GAZETTF. ■BTABLIBHID 1833.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
  • 33 4 DEATH. Edwards.—On April 10. at Paya Mas, Johore, Charles Walter Edwards. Obituary. London, April 12. The death his occurred of the Rev. Henry Montagu Butler, d.d., Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, aged 82.
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  • 418 5 NEW BASE OFF GREECE. the trade conference. PORTUGAL AND E. AFRICA. THE LOST DUTCH LINERS. General Haig reports farther fighting in the mine craters east of St. Eloi, of which the British hold three and the enemy two. Both sides lost one aeroplane daring the day. It is
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 471 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ENEMY COMPLETELY FOILED [Copybight Telegbams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, April 12. The Germans, east of the Meuse, after a violent artillery preparation, concluding with an intense discharge of tear shells, attacked our trenches between Douaumont and Vaux at four in the afternoon. The enemy gained a
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  471 words
    • 26 5 London, April 13. The Daily Chronicle” states that a difference of opinion has arisen in the Cabinet on the subject of general compulsion.
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    • 28 5 London, April 12. The Corporation of Brighton have published a souvenir of the Indian Hospital, which includes translations in Urdu and Gurmukhi, with splendid illustrations.
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    • 30 5 OPPOSITION WITHDRAWN. London, April 13. Half of the match manufacturers have withdrawn their opposition to the matchtax, and have promised to assist the Treasury to the utmost.
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    • 82 5 MR. ASQUITH ON ITS RESULTS. London, April 12. In the House of Commons, Mr. Asquith, referring to the recent g>eat Allied conference at Paris, emphasised that the results were to reaffirm the solidarity of the Allies, to establish the complete identity of their views, and to insure
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    • 331 5 Calcutta, March 31.—The acting consul general for France has received a telegram from M. Briand, premier and minister for foreign affairs, of which the following is a rough translation: Paris, March 29.—A conference held at Paris at the initiative of France, at which gathered the representatives
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    • 70 5 BRITISH EMPIRE’S PART. Loudon, April 12. The French Press, commenting on the King’s speech to the French Parliamentarians, pays tributes to especially the Colonies, for the splendid efforts to succour the French. Millions of men flocking to the colours, splendidly equipped, have aroused the admiration of the world.
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    • 44 5 London, April 12. Mr. H. J. Tennant in the House of Commons said it was understood two members of theAir-Committee had re-igned There had been differences of opinion, but no fricti n. He evidently referred to Lord Derby and Lord Montagu.
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    • 566 5 Westmir ster, March 2 Oh, God knows!” said Mr. Tennant, wearily; and by that phrase, says a Parliament correspondent, he has established himself in the hearts of members of the Commons for ever. They did not th'nk he was capable of it. Seeing that he
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 94 5 NOTIFICATION TO GREECE. Athens, April 12. The British and French Ministers have informed the Greek Premier of the intention of the Allies to land forces on the island of Kephalonia, west of Greece, to establish a naval base. They gave assurances that the Greek sovereign right would
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    • 529 5 GREEK KING ON ALLIES’ PIN-PRICKS.” Accord With Kitchener. Mr M H Donohoe, says: The King honoured me with an audience on February 24th. As on the previous occasion when I was privileged to see his Majesty, he received me in his study or private w den,” as we would call
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    • 48 5 THE FLOOD DIFFICULTY. London, April 12. The position in Mesopotamia is not yet dear, but the river is above the level of the land, and the water is probably percolating unevenly, causing the British much difficulty. The enemy may even have intentionally flooded certain areas at Sanna-lyat.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 38 5 ENEMY OFFENSIVE FAILS. Petrograd, April 12. The Germans unsuccessfully attempted an offensive against an important bridgehead at Ikskull. The artillery was lively elsewhere. West of Erzerum. The Russians continue to make pro gress west of Erzerum.
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  • Italy’s Campaign
    • 47 5 Rome, April 12. The Austrians opened with new heavy batteries between the Adige and Sugana valleys, to which the Italians effectively replied, causing b’g fires. There was intense artillery activity over the whole of the Isoi zo front, e-pecially on the heights north-west of Gorizia.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 84 5 London, April 12. The British steamer Ellaston (1,609 tons, of Glasgow) and the Italian steamer Unione (2,367 tons, of Sptzia) have been sunk. The former’s crew was rescued. Whitby Steamer Sunk, The Whitby steamer Smeaton was sunk. All were saved. The Italian Victim. Penzance, April 11. The Italian
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    • 62 5 GERMAN DENIALS DISPROVED. Amsterdam, April 12. An expert investigation by the Dutch Shipping Council resulted in the triumphant refutation of the German denials of the torpedoing of the Palembang and Tubantia. The evidence showed that both vessels displayed the Dutch colours very plainly. Torpedoes were seen approaching,
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    • 30 5 London, April 12. In the Hou=e of Commons, Sir Edward Grey said the effectiveness of the economic blockade of enemy countries was being fully maintained in every way.
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  • General News.
    • 150 5 TRANSFER TO COLONIAL OFFICE London, April 12. The House of Commons went into committee on the bill transferring the management of the Imperial Institute to h Colonial Office. Mr. J. D. Rees moved that four members of the Executive Council be appointed by the Secretary of State
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    • 39 5 P. O. Dividends. London, April 12. The Peninsular and Oriental S.N. Co.’s dividends are on Preference shares, five per cent, lees income tax, and on Deferred shares, an interim dividend at the rate of 12 per cent per annum.
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    • 184 5 GOVERNMENT’S ASSURANCES. London, April 12. In the Hou*e of Lords, Lord Courtney and Lord Bryce said they hoped nothing would be done at the Economic Conference in Paris which wou'd affect the absolute freedom of the people of Britain to determine their own fiscal policy. Lord Crewe
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    • 41 5 ADVICE TO NATIVE STATES. London, April 13. In the House of Commons, Mr. Chamberlain said if any Native State wished to have the advice of the Economic Commission he did not suppose the Government of India would object
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    • 26 5 PORTUGAL’S EXPEDITION. London, April 12.' A telegram from Lourenco Marquee states that a Portuguese Expeditionary Force occupied Kronga (German East Africa) on April 10th.
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    • 11 5 Lisbon, April 12. The Portuguese Cabinet has resigned.
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    • 86 5 ANOTHER PROVINCE SECEDES. Shanghai, April 12. The Chinese Province of Chekiang has declared it independence, without fighting. Notorious China Rebel. Shanghai, April 12. The notorious Cben-Chi-Mei of the 1913 revolution has returned to Shanghai, and is handling the more violent section of the opponents of President Yuan-Shi-Kai. Statement In
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    • 28 5 FASTEST IN THE WORLD. London, April 12. The new French aeroplane is the fastest in the world, and is declared to outmatch the Fokker easily.
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    • 13 5 London, April 12. A spy was shot in London to-day.
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    • 52 5 London, April 12. The following promotions and appointment in the Order of St. John of Jerusalem are gazetted Knight of Justice, Lord Chelmsford. Knights of Grace, Mr. C. H. Hill, Mr. O.V. Bosanquet, Major-General Sir Francis Lloyd, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir DunlopSmith. Ladies of Grace, Lady Carmichael and
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    • 84 5 London, April 12. Mr. Kennedy Jones is the Independent candidate at Wimbledon. _lt is proposed to raise a fund in Japan taSneet the cost of a year’s upkeep of a oecfo't beds in a British Red Cross Hospit'alp the fund (of which the British Ambassador is President)
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  • 1741 6 AMAZING STATISTICS ABOUT CRIME. THE VILEST NATION ON EARTH. Some time ago we quoted some statistics from Dr. Thomas Smith’s book The Soul of Germany.” The figures were so astounding that we hesitated to use them before we had made an independent check. Others have been equally amazed,
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  • 408 6 May a Christian Retaliate The conscientious objector and the subject of reprisals were referred to by the Dean of Manchester in a sermon at Manchester Cathedral. He said two questions were much on men’s lips and in their hearts just now. One was, May a Christian acting in the spirit
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  • 347 6 THE BRITISH INVENTION THAT SUPERSEDED GERMAN METHODS. Presiding at the annual general meeting of the Bovril Company held in London on 22nd February, Lord E roll, the Chairman, congratulated the shareholders on the satisfactory results of the year’s working. Excluding Government orders, the sales bad been the largest in
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  • 267 6 Recent Deals and Prices. There is said to be a steady revival of business in Ipoh in directions that point to a promising future for the town. A good deal of buying and selling of property has been taking place, and the prices paid have generally been in
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  • 196 6 PENANG WOMEN WORKERS. Amount previously acknowledged 1,788 28 Mrs Cleaver (4th don) $lO, Mrs Ritchie, Gedong Estate (sth don) $lO, Mrs Robert Young (3rd don) $lO, Mrs Pritchard (3«d don) $lO, March entrance fees for Golf Thimble Competition $lO, Mrs Voules (4th don) $5, Mrs Trengove
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  • 258 6 British Headquarters, March 5.—X certain soldier is now the pride of his regiment in consequence of the skill and daring with which he extricated himself from a very tight corner. The man was sent out on patrol duty with another. They were surprised by a party
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  • 119 6 The first cargo of cocoa from the ex-German Cameroons—4oo tons—has just reached London. This is the firstfruits of conquest. Cameroons was the chief German cocoa-producing colony. Germany obtained about 4,000 tons annually from Cameroons and Togoland— not a very large amount, when it is remembered
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 333 6 wV /7 w “Get the Bolt Valve smile* W I 1 1 Thanks to the x Michelin Bolt Valve Security bolts are z quite unnecessary The Michelin Bolt Valve it a great improvement over the cumbersome and super- Jy/gtSy/ fluous security bolts which it has rendered use- /yAßsfyy I less.
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  • 818 7 The Hon. the Resident Councillor returned this moraing from the Dindings. The J B Coppin, of Tpoh, is visiting Singap ore A. St Alban Smith has obtained a commission in the Irish Rifles. It is rumoured that one of the M.S.V.R. camps at least will be held
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    • 238 7 AHEAD OF THE MAIL London, April 4 The Times’ Military correspondent, who has visited Verdun, says the fight is not yet over, although a moral victory has already been won. The correspondent pays a high tribute to General Petain’s skill in reorganising the defence, and particularly in
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    • 202 7 British Fusiliers’ Aplomb.’’ London, March 31 The correspondents’ accounts of the taking of the German salient at St. Eloi by the Northumberland and Royal Fusiliers say the salient contained a mound partially commanding our position. Moreover, there was a mass of trenches and fortifications. There were entanglements, and an extraordinary
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    • 96 7 London, March 29.—Athens telegrams report energetic action by the Allies’ warships in different Greek ports. For supplying Teuton submarine», Germans have been arrested at Patros and taken aboard a French warship. According to The Times Athens correspondent, Candia (Crete) is blockaded in order to compel the
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    • 159 7 London, April 3.—The “Daily Chronicle” Amsterdam correspondent has just met a German soldier visiting Holland on special leave. He declared that the sight of a war-free land, amply supplied with food, gave him transports of joy. He felt unable again to face the trenches and, but for
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    • 88 7 London, March 29.—The Daily News Petrograd correspondent states that on the 180 miles Riga-Dvinsk front the Germans touch the Dwina for only fifty miles in all on either side of Friedrichstadt and northward of Illukst. The Russians hold broad areas on the left bank at Jacobstadt and Dvinsk.
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    • 295 7 London, April 3.—The Telegraaf’s London editor, and other neutral journalists, who have been permitted to interview Zeppelin prisoners, supply articles to the British papers. The crew of the Zeppelin stated that when spotted they were approaching the British coas\ They were hit three times before they had tbrown
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    • 110 7 London, March 29.—The Daily Telegraph’s Paris correspondent learns authoritatively that the Allies’ Conference has been remarkable for its confidence in success, its unity, unselfishness and expedition. Two hours sufficed for the examination and ratification of the military decisions, already worked out in fullest detail by the military
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    • 29 7 London, April 4. The Idea Nazionale’s Berne correspondent says that Germany launched eight submarines of a formidable type last week. There was great difficulty iu manning them.
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    • 48 7 London, April 6.—The Agenzia Libera’s Berne correspondent says that March was the most disastious war month for the Germans. The casualties were nearly half a million, half of which were at Verdun. The Austr’an bases were one hundred thousand, fully half on the Italian Front.
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    • 42 7 London, March 30.—A reports from the Rhine districts says that 1,500 Germans from Verdun had arrived for a rest. They were unwounded, but unable to endure further bombardment. They were deaf, speechless, and help'ess automata utterly useless for an attack.
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    • 43 7 London, April 3 :—The Sibrrian Press Bureau issues a statement to the effect that the Bulgars are desirous of exterminating Serbian patriots. Many prominent Serbians have been killed, or dekorted to Bulgaria. One organised peasant band is still fighting successfully.
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  • 158 7 Although Perak has been comparatively immune from epidemic diseaes for some time past, the need for continued vigilance on the part of the Sanitary authorities is evident by the fact that small-pox has broken out in North Perak. Rumours have been afloat for some time that
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  • 34 7 The following ties hive been fixed for to-morrow Mixed Doubles A—Mrs Phillips and Ihreifall v Mr and Mrs B Martin (5). Doubles Handicap A—Everest and Harris v Penny and Winfield (4).
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  • Article, Illustration
    274 7 The chief strategic importance of Gorizia (Gorz) lies in the fact that it is the second great bridge-head along the Isonzo and the junction of five very importrnt railways, two of these of Roman origin. As such, Gorizia is the strategic key to an advance upon Austria from the
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  • 231 7 “T O M.” Malay Losses His Case. A claim for $4,300 for alleged breach of contract repeated forty-three times came up for trial in the Ipoh Supreme Court last week, when Che Mamoot, a Malay, sued Ng Hoi, both of Ipoh, for alleged breach of contract in
    “T O M.”  -  231 words
  • 26 7 OUTPUTS FOR MARCH. The following are additional rubber outputs for March Ayer Tawah lbs. 18,000 Benar 2 996 Bujong 7,502 Hill Rise 4,033 Lenggeng 4,853
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  • 71 7 MAILS. CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Moorrw. For Per Close. Deli and Asahan Brandan 10 a.m. Rangoon Hong Moh 2-30 p.m. Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson Hebe 3-30 p.m. Saturday. Port Swettenham and Singapore Gregory Apcar 2-30 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Ipoh 3-30 p.m Ceylon, Australasia, x India,
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  • 128 7 Penang, April 13, 1916. {By Courtesy of the Chartered Lo idon Demand Bank ..2 4 1/4 4 months' sight Bank 2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2 4 27/32 3 Documentary ...2,4 7 8 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days'sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174| Moulmein Demand Bank 174
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 66 7 A Reputation of over 100 year». Cockle’s ANTIBILIOUS Pills are an invaluable corrective for sick headache, biliousness, depression, and all those minor indispositions caused by a disordered state of the liver or digestion. Made from a famous Doctor’s private prescription, they have won a world-wide reputation. Of Chemists throughout the
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    • 236 7 RUBBER STAMPS. THE PINANG GAZETTE PRESS, Ltd., is now in a position to execute orders for all kinds of Rubber Stamps. Hawaiian Pineapples Grown on Halifax Estate, Selama, can be obtained from HONG BEE Co., TAIPING. Delivery first week in April. Standing orders will have special attention. 285—15-4 UNION S.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2181 8 P. &0. B. I.—APCAR IN. Y. K. Itex K. P. M. mail AND passenger services. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Id. j K N N iAATOCH^mj VAART mD EWUW) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. (INCOBFOMATED IN HOLLAND.) CHIMA Homeward (for Europe).Outward (for China and Japan). X. Ray al Omp
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