Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 April 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1109 1 □□□□nnnanaaDDDnnDnnDnaaannDn a IF YOU WANT 70 SHIP n BUY or sell RUBBER g g *OR TO FORWARD GOODS n to ANY PART or m WORLD a o a oo to a I ALLEN DENNYS Co., 7. UNION STREET. c a o DO3QnDDDDDDDOnaDDDDDDnOnnOOD “THE PINANG GAZETTE.” nunnnnnnnnHnnHannannnnnnnnnHnn OFFICE AND PRESS q
      1,109 words
    • 62 1 nnannnDMnnnnaoDnDDnnnonng n FOR $3O g E XTOU can have the “Pinang I Gazette posted every day g for a whole year to yonr addreaa. n (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, STI). Pro) ortionate Quarterly and g Half-yearly rates. a Subscriptions are payable in q advance and remittance should g q be addressed to
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  • 1078 2 TRADE AND THE ARMY GROWING TOGETHER. There are some strange bedfellows among the parliamentary opponents of the Compulsion Bill says Sir Leo Chiozza Money, M.P. There are the sincere opponents of all war, on any grounds, at any time, or in any place—gentlemen who, presumably, if they had
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  • 461 2 Messrs. James F. Hu’ton Co, Ltd. writing on March 9, report Liverpool Cotton. Last Week. Mid-American —Spot 7.72 7.77 Mid-American, Current Month 7.59 j 7.52| F.G.F. Egyptian—Spot 11.63 11.75 F.G.F. Egyptian, Current Month 11.57 11.59 New York Cotton. Yesterday. Last week. Spot—Cents. 11.65 11.45 Current Month 11.46
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1161 2 TO LET. BOBBER STAMPS. *THORNLIEBANK,’’ ’No* 67,,Wes- HE p INANG gazeTTE PRESS, tern Road. Fitted with Electric Lights throughout. Ltd., is now in a position to execute E. A. MANASSEH, orders for all kinds of Rubber Stamps. 33, China Street. 1 1 3 7S mw9ae Hawaiian Pineapples FOR SALE. Grown
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    • 170 2 DO you Suffe. with Rheumatism Has this terrible, serve-racking, painful ailment fastened itself upon -»u? Don’t lose hope. Here’s tuccour for vou. Little’s Oriental Balm has cured thousinds of inveterate chronic cases of Rheumatism—among them hundreds of cases that were pronosnced hopeless by doc or*. Through this wonderful remedy sufferers
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    • 200 2 1 s r( rSUV' .7 OSS- Jl W rfi mb 11 imiplillNfe PRODUCE OF FRANCE “Cordon sole impor H|BBERTWOODROFFE&C?LT9 vn ROUGE. (Incorporated in England.) aJAUNE. Sdper-Odol The British Substitute for German Odol. PRESERVES THE TEETH SWEETENS THE BREATH. A Delightful Liquid Dentifrice and Mouth Wash which imparts a feeling of
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    • 666 3 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette."'] Sir, —The kindly interest which the readers of the the Pinang Gazette have displayed in the Fresh Air Fond in the past emboldens me to ask you to allow me to remind them once again of the need of
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  • 191 3 MARRIED v. SINGLE. A cricket match was played on the Esplanade, Penang, on Saturday afternoon, between teams representing Married and Single. A well contested game ended in a draw, in favour of the Benedicts. The following are the scores Single. R N Byatt c Jalleh b Ezechiel 9 A
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  • 513 3 FIELD OPERATIONS. The local Battalion and Cadets were engaged in the execution of a scheme of field operations, yesterday morning. The Orders were as follows The attacking force (comprising “A and Maxims) will assemble under Capt. Neubronner at Magazine Station at 6 45 a.m., proceed thence by tram
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  • 313 3 Building Programme of Danish Owners. Reports of an extraordinary development in motor-ship construction in Denmark, which were mentioned yesterday in a Reuter message from Copenhagen, are well founded. The East Asiatic Company, a leading Danish company for which the pioneer large motor-ship Selandia was built in 1912, is
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  • 297 3 AN EXCITING FIGHT IN SOUTH KEDAH; (From Our Own Correspondent) On the evening of the 6th inst., Mr. Francis Wright cf Batu Pakaka was travelling on a cycle over the Batu Blachan estate, in company with Mr. C. F. K. Moore, Manager of that property. As they
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  • 212 3 The annual general meeting of the Jeratn Kuantan Rubber Estate, Limited, was held on Friday at the registered offices of the Company, Winchester House, Singapore. Mr Leong Heng Toon presided, others present being Messrs Chean King and Liap Niap Tong (directors) Wee Koh Din, Chiew Woon Pol>,
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  • 177 3 At Macao on March 29 a preliminary enquiry was held, into the two charges of forgery against R. V. Ribeiro, a former clerk in the office of Messrs. Jardine, Matheson and Co., Ltd. Mr. G. N. Orme, the Assistant Crown Solicitor, represented the Hongkong authorities and asked
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  • 150 3 According to a Kirin despatch, dated March 17, to the Asahi, the Russian Minister in Peking suspects that German aeroplanes have been transported in parts to Mishan prefecture, in the province of Kirin, with the object of attacking Vladivostok and the railway track and bridges
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  • 974 3 ONE OF THE STRONG MEN OF THE EMPIRE. When last in England, William Morris Hughes, Australia’s Prime Minister, was the central figure in two episodes that made him lealise how sundered—even antagonistic—were the processes of Australim and English labour political thought, says Mr. Therold Waters in the P.M.G.”
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 692 3 AM MYSELF ALONE!” TERENCE RAMSDALE cSv* Character Actor, Z Raconteur, and AQuick change Ar- tiste After a la P s e -xA of nine years this ■HF known artiste al w* s revisiting the i Mala y States and (inducement offerfollowing stations: Penang, Taiping, Nibong Tebal, Ipoh, Kuala Lum p
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  • General News.
    • 100 4 ANOTHER GERMAN FORCE SURRENDERS. [Rbutir’s Tblegrams.' London, April 8. General Smuts reports that General Van der Venter’s mounted men on April 4, surprised and surrounded a German force, with machine guns, stationed in a mountion stronghold in the Arusha district. The enemy surrendered on the 6th inst. A
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    • 75 4 REAL ATTITUDE DISCLOSED. London, April 8. An official message says General Smuts reports that in the German Government archives discovered at Moshi was included a circular signed by the Governor of German East Africa, sent to all district commissioners months before the war suggesting a means of
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    • 60 4 London, April 8. Lord Hardinge wrote the British Patriotic Productions Company on February 26 heartily approving of its aims. The exViceroy is confident that the wide publication and splendid aid given so ungrudgingly by the Chiefs and other prominent per nonages in India in the war
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    • 31 4 CORDIAL FAREWELL. London, April 8. The Crown Prince of Serbia has departed’ He was accorded very cordial farewells by a brilliant gathering. He was ■delighted with his visit.
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    • 63 4 NEW ATTORNEY-GENERAL. London, April 9. Mr. J. Gordon, k c., Unionist M.P. for South Derry and Attorney-General for Ireland, has received an Irish Judgeship, in •succession to Mr. Justice Boyd, who has resigned. Mr. John H. M. Campbell, k c., Unionist M.P. for Dublin University, becomes Attorney-General
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    • 43 4 ANXIETY AT SHANGHAI. Shanghai, April 8. The opinion is universal that President Yuan-Shi-Kai must resign, but 10,000 Government troops are coming to Shanghai. Two trains, which are bringing quantities of munitions, are due to-day. There is great anxiety in the whole district.
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    • 26 4 MR. HENRY CHAPLIN, M. P. London, April 9. The Rt. Hon. Henry Chaplin, Unionist M. P. for Wimbledon, has been raised to the peerage.
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  • 384 4 IMPERIAL CHANCELLOR’S SPEECH. (Specially Translated.) The Imperial Chancellor Dr. von Beth-mann-Hollweg made a statement in the Reichstag anent the future of Belgium and Poland. Poland would never be returned to Russia. Belgium should never become a vassal state to England, so that she cou'd either economically or
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  • 94 4 The railway bridge between Kedong Gedeh and Krawang has been washed away by floods. The express now proceeds via Buitenzorg. The “Batavia Niewsblad states that the next meeting of the Riad van Nederlands che Indie will take place on May 22. A Batavia rumour is that a Dutch
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  • 141 4 With reference to the Prospectus of the Federated Malay States War Loan, inviting subscription to a first issue of $6,000,000, it has been brought to the notice of the Government that some persons propose to wait for the next issue possibly in the hope that
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  • 157 4 Business for Special Meeting. 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. Some bills to be passed. 5. Applications to join Provident Fund. 6. Declaration Under Section 136 (4) of land taken for
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  • 911 4 AN OMINOUS OUTLOOK. The action of the German Government, in confiscating all coffee, tea and chicory, as reported in a Reuter’s message, is predicted in the following article beaded La crise alimentaire (the food crisis), published recently in the La Gazette de Hollande which has
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  • 1191 4 Mr. R. C. B. Hay has gone Home to join the Army. Mr. Denny, of Teluk Merbau Estate, is leaving on a trip to Japan. Mr W Pry de is appointed to officiate as Assistant District Officer, Larut. The will of the late Sir Cecil Clementi Smith
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  • 386 4 Per P and O steamer Karmala. From London, March 18.—To Singapore Mrs H Hunt and child, Miss MFA Dare, Mr E D Lou, Mr King, Mr Shaw, Mr Clery, Mr Cappell, Mr Hodgkin. Per P and O steamer Kashmir. From London, April I.—To Singapore Mr C
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 578 4 TOWN HALL. April 17th «nd 18th, Monday anj Tuesday, at 9-15 p.m. Direct from the London Coliseum Palladium, and Principal West-End Theatres. Humphrey Bishop AND LONDON STAR COMPANY WIESENT A CONCERT-REVUE. Miss NORA MOON Prima Donna, from the Royal Opera Convent Garden, London. Miss KATIE HILL From the Principal West-End
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  • 37 4 Obituary. London, April 8. Sir Colin Campbell Scott-Moncrieff is dead, aged 79. SIR E. STAFFORD HOWARD. London, April 9. The death has occurred of Sir Edward Stafford Howard, k.c b., aged 64, Undersecretary for India in 1886.
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  • 823 5 ALL THE PASSENGERS RESCUED. The Hongkong Daily Frees of April 1, gives the following account of the wreck of the Chiyo Maru. Since it was written the vessel has broken in two The handiotne TK K liner Chiyo Maru, 22,000 tons displacement, while coming up from
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  • 167 5 His Excellency the Governor has appointed Mr R D Acton, an Officer in Class II of the Straits Settlements Civil Service, to act as Solicitor-General, Straits Settle ments, with effect from the 4th April. His Excellency the Governor grants to Mr A B Voules, Solicitor-General, Straits Settlements,
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  • 175 5 Mr W Pryde, is appointed to officiate as Aseitant District Officer, Larut, Class IV. Mr G D Lucas, Warden of Mines, Perak, is appointed to act as Senior Warden of Mines, Federated Malay States. Mr W E Kenny, Senior Warden of Mines, Federated Malay States, has been
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  • 316 5 The following examination results are announced Final Year. The following have been granted the L M.S. diploma —Tan Bin Chiang, Chee Peck Lian, H. S. Meenshi, P&ndak Ahmad, H. R Saravanamuthu and Lee Lian Hoe. Fourth Year. The following have passed in pathology, hygiene and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 533 5 The Post, Telephone, Telegraph—and—Whiteaway Laidlaw Co., Ltd., are at your service APost Card, ’Phone Message, or a Wire will bring you by Return —Gratis and Post Free —A Copy of our Illustrated Catalogue. THE “ORIENT" BRAND FOOTWEAR. THE “ORIENT”' THE “ORIENT” e ©UCTIt BRAND. BRAND. UUCTIL “/1 M /H” c
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  • 931 6 When the war first started exaggerated ideas prevailed as to the immediate effectiveness of the British naval blockade on the enemy. The cutting ofl of the main stream of imports and the almost complete cessation of exports from the Central Powers were commonly regarded as certain to
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  • 18 6 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in in Penang was $96.25 per picul, buyers, no sellers.
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  • 34 6 The output of the Ulu Piah Mine for March, was 370 picul?. The output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co, (N. L.) for the week ending Bth inst., was 22 tons.
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  • 256 6 The Perak tin exports for the month of March, were as follows Block Tin 2,613 piculs 81 katis Tin Ore 36,081 piculs 8 katis Duty $454,883.85 cents. The Governor has authorised the formation in Penang of a Chinese double company to form part: of the Penang Volunteers,
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  • 1299 6 It had escaped our memory that in recommending the inauguration of a school in which British mercantile assistants will be taught Chinese, the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce falls into line with the British Chamber of Commerce at Shanghai, which decided to inaugurate a school for this purpose.
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  • 65 6 A VETERANS’ VICTORY. [J’rom Our Own Correspondent. 1 Singapore, April 10. A competition was held yesterday between teams of twelve. The conditions were March four mile?, advance up the rarge from the 600 range at the double, and firing. The competition was won by the Veterans, who
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  • 58 6 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, April 9. The Hon. Mr. W. F. Nutt announces the inauguration of a fund to provide comfort? for the Malay States Guides in connection with the War Relief Fund. Subscriptions already received total $450, including donations from H. E.
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  • 101 6 It will be observed from our advertising colums that the Humphrey Bishop Company including the Wedgwood Classics who have had favourable receptions in CalcuttaRangoon, Singapore, and elsewhere propose giving a couple of entertainments at the Town Hall on the 17 and 18 h irst. Fro lll
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  • 164 6 Crescent Star was in such great form on Sunday, that the strenuous efforts of f h o fishermen proved quite unvailing. Th? big goal-keeper for once was nervou’, let a free-kick and a long ground-shot i&w the net, that might easily have been out, It was a struggle
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 485 6 3 The First Dose 3 If you suffer from Neurasthenia, Nervous Debility, Dyspepsia, Anosmia, Insomnia, are too easily overtired, or convalescent from Malarial Fever, etc., |§ffl |sk every dose of VII AFER you take will help you a good step on the road to health. gH| W VITAFER is super-nourishment.”
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    • 4 6 “E. O.” AND CRAG.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 514 7 LATEST GERMAN EFFORTS. EAST AFBICAN SUCCESS. THE P. Os LOSS HR. CHAPLIN A PEER. The German losses are estimated by the French at 200,000 at least, and are possibly as high as a quarter of a million. The enemy’s efforts in this quarter have not yet ceased,
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 771 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] VIOLENT ATTACKS WEST OF RIVER. [Copybight Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, April 8. The Germans continue to hammer away west o f the Meme. The Fiench make ground east of the Meuse. The communiq tie says: The Germans after a v iolent bombardment at Bethiucourt
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  771 words
    • 106 7 “ARTILLERY ACTIVITY.” Paris, April 8. A communiq ĕ says: Yesterday the enemy recaptured a portion of the ground we captured at Saint Eloi on March 27. Fighting continues. Lass night after a heavy bombardment a small enemy raiding party entered one of our trenches north of the river
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    • 403 7 Where does Germany draw her reserves from for this costly offensive against Verden How comes it that despite their terrible registered losses the Germans still continue to create new foi mations From what human material are these new formations formed These are questions that have
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    • 511 7 Travellers from Berlin report that whilst there was no flag-waving or cheering during the opening operatiors against Verdun, the people of the capital were in a mood of eager expectation. They believed, despite the official suggestion that the objective was merely to secure tactical advantages in anticipation of
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    • 44 7 London, April 8. The first groups of married men begin to join to-day. Young Recruits. London, April 8. It it reported that all single men of 18 years will be called up thia week-end, for home service till they reach 19.
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    • 206 7 Proclamations were posted on February 25th, calling to the colours Groups 25 to 32 that is, married men between the ages of 19 and 27. It applies to men who attained the age of nineteen in August last, the groups affected being:— Age. Group. Age. Group. 19—
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    • 97 7 CRUEL TREATMENT BY GERMANS. London, April 8 An official report of a typhus epidemic at the British Pri-oaers’ Camp at Wittenberg is a terrible indictment of German neglect, cowardice and inhumanity. The conditions made vermin and disease inevitable, and when the epidemic broke oat, the German
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    • 114 7 HEROISM AT BOULOGNE. London, April 9. A tale of rare heroism is revealed in the Court Circular by the award—an infrequent occurrence—of the Albert Medal of the First Class to L eut.-Commander Warden. A fire broke out at Boulogne in the ammunition ship Maine, which was abandoned by
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    • 33 7 London, April 9. A party of French Members of Parliament arrived at Victoria Station in the evening, to return the recent British visit. The visitors had an enthusiastic reception.
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    • 30 7 London, April 8. The London Gazette announces the award of the Distinguished Service Order to Flight-Commander Bone, who brought down a raider aeroplane on March 19.
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    • 16 7 Tha Daily Telegraph says Lord Montagu has also resigned from the Air Committee.
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    • 28 7 London, April 9. An Investiture at Buckingham Palace was attended by 15 Indian Army officers, with whom the King chatted for some time.
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    • 46 7 BRITAIN’S POLICY. The Hague, April 8. The British Minister in an interview emphasised that Britain would do nothing to prejudice the integrity and ind pendence of Holland, the maintenance and the strengthening of which would be a main point in British policy after peace.
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    • 23 7 Hague, April 8, A bill was submitted in the Dutch Second Chamber to authorise the calling up of the 1917 Class.
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    • 30 7 Amsterdam, April 8. The German Governor of Belgium has ordered that the German language must be used in official correspondence with the Belgians, but translations will be allowed.
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    • 24 7 TEA AND COFFEE CONFISCATED. Amsterdam, April 8. Owing to the growing scarcity the German Government has confiscated all coffee, tea, and chicory.
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    • 56 7 JAVA PAPER ON BLACK LIST. London, April 8. The London Gazette contains a further list of 37 firms in neutral countries, with wh m persona in the United Kingdom are forbidden to trade. The list includes 26 firms in Holland, and five in the Dutch East Indies,
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    • 34 7 MR. HUGHES TO ATTEND. London, April 8. It is stated that Mr. Hughes, the Australian Premier, in accordance with the wish of the Commonwealth Government will attend the Paris Trade Conference.
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    • 41 7 London, April 8. Trouble has arisen in connection with the new match tax, which manufacturers declare to be financially unworkable. They passed a resolution suspending all sales or deliveries. The manufacturers have made no sales since April 4tb.
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    • 26 7 large revenue. London, April 8. Mr. McKenna announces that the new import duties up to March 31 produced £1.000,000 including £500,000 on motor cars.
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    • 18 7 London. April 8. Increases for March in imports are £10,630,845 and in exports £7,422,053.
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  • Italy's Campaign
    • 168 7 AUSTRIAN COLUMN DEFEATED ON CARSO. London April 8. The Rome communique says fighting continued to the Italian advantage in the Canonica and Guidicaria valleys, and a fortified position in the Daone Valley was captured. The artillery was active on the entire front. A strong enemy column
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 144 7 ARTILLERY DUELS. Petrograd, April 8. The communique mainly records artillery duels, especially south-west of Lake Narotch, where in the evening the Russians occupied at some points enemy positions near Blizniki, taking 78 prisoners Germans’ Difficulties. Petrograd, April 8. At many places on the Baltic front, icy flood-waters
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 49 7 SEEKING TO ENFILADE TURKISH DEFENCES. London, pril 8. An official message from Mesopotamia says the Third Division on April 6, continued to advance along the south bank of the Tigris until positions were reached from which it is possible to enfilade the Turkish defences on the left bank.
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    • 20 7 ENEMY OFFENSIVE TO BEGIN. Athens, April 9. Germany has warned Greece that a Bulgaro-German offensive in Macedonia is imminent.
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    • 50 7 AN EMPTY TREASURY. London, April 8. M. Dragoumis, the Greek Minister of Finance, has resigned, despite all the entreaties of his colleagues. The Minister’s step is due to the emptiness of the State coffers, and attacks regarding the restoration to Turkish owners of certain properties in Macedonia.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 91 7 ELEVEN DROWNED. London, April 8. The P. O. steamer Simla of 6,000 tons was sunk. Eleven Lascars were drowned and the rest of those on board saved. Steamers Sunk. London, April 8. The latest steamers sunk are the Chantala and Braunton (British) St. Jeroeborg (Danish) and the
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    • 16 7 Paris, April 9. A French submarine sank an Austrian transport in the Adriatic.
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    • 27 7 GERMAN DISCLAIMER. New York, April 9. The newspapers state that Germany has disclaimed responsibility for the attack on the Sussex. [Other Telegrams on Page 4-]
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  • 388 8 Chinese Conviotbd for Handling Stolen Rubber. I A Chinese second-hand dealer named Foo YitSin, w«s charged before Mr. Ralph Scott, in the District Court, Singapore, on Thursday with breaking into a rubber store in Robinson Road and also with retaining stolen property in the shape of 349
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  • 365 8 Further Details. Authentic particulars are now to band of the circumstances in which Mr W B Lautour met his death. Mr. Lautour came up to Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday morning to get money and returned by the 4 o’clock train from Kuala Lumpur which arrives at Sepang Road
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  • 186 8 The Selaba Rubber Estates Company, has not only benefited by the higher price obtainable for its product but by an increase in the year’s output and a reduction in the cost of production. It is true that the crop, at 577,5951 b., was 22 4051 b. below
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  • 769 8 The congestion of cargo at San Francisco destined to the Orient, including Vladivostock, Shanghai and Dalnv, has become so great that Messrs. W. R. Grace and Co. San Francisco, have arranged for six voyages for transportation of the above cargo. In consequence, the ex P, M. s. s.
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  • 17 8 Pbnang The E. O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel. Singapore:—Raffles Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 593 8 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA, incorporated in England by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 II I» 4 n OwfPlf 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.C. Agencies and Branches. Amritsar Hongkong Peking Bangkok Iloilo Penang Batavia Ipoh Puket Bombay Karachi Rangoon Calcutta
      593 words
    • 57 8 Harsh Purgatives, Salts and Castor Oil, are old fashioned remedies more drastic than safe. the tiny laxatives ensure the same results, but in a perfectly natural manner. They do not upset the stomach, nor gripe, but gently assist nature. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the
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    • 189 8 PETER WALKER BEER. W Iw dOßffl 9 VT 111 x 1 WALKERIgg LITTLE ETEB: Good News this Morning Sir!! JOHN BULL: Splendid Sonny and my word this is excellent beer. AGENTS: SELLAR, MURRAY Co., Penang. FI SI SAFETY TYRES STOCKED BY ALL 'GARAGES. LARGE Reduction rJhliiiz in PRICES OS ®jr
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  • 764 9 A PENANG BOXING MATCH.” t rfo the Editor oj'the Pinang Gazette'' g IR) In the letter, A Penang Boxing Match contributed by Mr. R. B Bowman, and published in your paper of the Bth lost, the contributor wished to inform the public that there is no such person as
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  • 79 9 The following are the latest quotations jD our share list Saturday. To-day. n co an Sharks Mt» cu tn Mining. K Kamunting 42/6 44/- 42/- 43/6 Kamunting... 35/- 37/6 34/- 36/Serandah fl sl| $1.20 $1.40 ■Rufcfier (Dollar). Alor Gajah... $3.40 $3.60 $3.45 $3.75 K-Kepong 40c 45c 50c
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  • 32 9 OUTPUTS FOR MARCH. The following are additional rubber outputs for March F -MS lbs. 119,000 Ku ang 8,000 K L 95,000 Lower Perak 7,800 Tehran 72,059 Trafalgar 2,315 Tanjong Malim 53,700
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  • Article, Illustration
    1157 9 [BY AN ARTIST CORRESPONDENT.] March 17. More Russian Successes, Russia is following up one success after another, and the Grand Duke Nicho’as is proving himself a strategist of the first order. The fall of E’zerum has proved to be only the prelude to a series of striking advances
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  • 352 9 In the Third Court, Penan?, to-day Pakiri, a Tamil, was charged by Chief Det.-Inspector B. J Kirke wi‘h trespassing into the compound of No. 9, Logan Road, occupied by Mr. S. Wood-Hill, of Messrs, Huttenbach Bros. Co. On Saturday night, about 11.30 while two detectives were on
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    • 189 9 The Alcantara's Fight. London, March 27.— Press accounts of the Alcantara fight, claiming to be inspired, say that the raider eventually torpedoed the Alcantara. The Scotsman,” however mentions the presence of a submarine. It is not permissible, it ssys, to recount the happenings, but a submarine
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    • 135 9 London, March 18—The severe check which the Germans have suffered in their attacks on Verdun, and the low rate to which the German mark hss fallen in neutral countries, lend weight to the growing belief that the Germans will be unable to continue the
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    • 56 9 New Yoik, March 18th.—k Paris despatch states that on the night of March 17th, the French Finance Minister, M. Ribot, speaking in the Chamber of Deputies, stated that the end of the war wss in sigh* This is taken to indicate that the Entente Powers
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    • 197 9 San Francisco, March 14.—The American expeditionary force against Villa be divided into three armies. One army will proceed from Columbus, N. M. and another from El Paso. The force which will take the Juarez route will have to march through the street of that town,
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    • 44 9 San Francisco, March 14.—The U. S. Department of War has decided that the expaditionary force will march into Mexico from Columbus Trains carrying war munitions and provisions are arriving there day and night. Many Americans and other foreigners are leaving Mexico.
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    • 21 9 New York, March 18,—Russia has ordered 250 submarines, valued at 70 million dollars, from the United States.
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  • 63 9 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 till 7 this evening:— 1. Selection Doris ...Godfrey 2. Polka Merry Go Round Thierre 3 Waltz Ideala ...Bucalossi 4. Gavotte Wilhelmina ...Neumann 5. March Argandab ...Thompson The next meeting of the Ministering Children’s
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  • 808 9 OVERSEAS CHINESE AND REPUBLIC. A private telegram received in Shanghai on March 20, says that Hunan has joined the movement to maintain the republic. The present Chiangchun of the province is Gen. Tang Siangming, who was the unknown hero of the naval battle at the seven-mile creek in
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 41 9 We not only intend to carry on as usual, but we are endeavouring to do something better than usual.—Bees, Ltd., Liverpool. we have used, if anything, more space in the newspaper than in peace times, with excellent results.—Selfridge and Co., Ltd.
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  • 470 10 AN EXHORTATION TO PEACE. With the approach of Lent, the Pope addressed the following letter to the Cardinal-Vicar Pompilj As universal pastor of souls, we cannot, without failing in the duties inherent to the sublime mission of peaci and charity which God has confided to us, remain
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  • 106 10 The first poster issued by the National Organising Committee for War Savings is beaded Don’t” and reads 1. Don’t use a mortor-car or motorcycle for pleasure purposes. 2. Don’t buy new clothes needlessly. Don’t be ashamed of wearing old clothes in war time. 3. Don’t keep more
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  • 131 10 The lady from Great Littleton was talking to a friend who lived in Lesser Littleton. I’ve often wondered," she said presently, why you all combined to get your minister changed. What had the old one done The Lesser Littleton lady settled herself more easily in the chair.
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  • 100 10 CLEARANCES. To-day. Gorgon for Durban London. Perak (E. S.Co.)?ort Swettenham, M alacca Singapore. Ban Whatt Soon for Deli. Ban Fo Soon for Dindings, Sitiawan Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson. Un Peng for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis Setul. Tosa Maru for Rangoon, Calcutta Durban. Flying Dragon for Portweld and Taiping. Jin
    100 words
  • 129 10 Pbnang, April 10, 1916. (By Courtesy oj the Chartered B-ink). Loadon Demand Bank ..2 4 1/4 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2 4 27/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 7,8 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days’sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174| Moulniein Demand Bank 174 3
    129 words
  • 246 10 Penang, April 10, 1916. S; P. Tapioca $9.50 buyers. M. P. Tapioca $9.70 sales. Gold leaf $64,40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $4".00 sellers Trang Pepper $33 sellers. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $62 sales. Cloves $4O buye
    246 words
  • 109 10 April 10.—The Building Co., Ltd., Meeting, 8 Beach Street 4 p.m. 11—Town Club, Meeting, 2.15 p.m. 11. —Penang Club, Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 4 p.m. 12 —Ulu Piah, Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 11 a.m. n 12.—Ayer Weng (Rahman) Meeting, (Kennedy Co.), 2.30 p m 12.—The Dispensary (Penang) Ltd.,
    109 words
  • 212 10 Pbnang, April 10. cte. Soup per catty 16 Roast 24 Steak, 24 Stew or Curry Meat 17 Rump Steak >, 24 Ox Tail each 40 Tongue Feet 20 Heart Liver per catty 35 Pork Pork per catty 40 Pig’s Head 18 Feet 22 Tongue 32 M utton per
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 450 10 B Yr S S V< Wlk rjrfw?- W 1 Little Lectures by Nurse ‘Wincarnis. (Lecture No. 4.) EE: Weakness S jMf Every movement of the body ffla jf uses up a definite amount of =E vitality. When you overtax 2E yourself, or your vitality is undermined by illness, your S?
      450 words
    • 32 10 Diamond and New Stock Wedding and Gem Set Guaranteed Engagement Jewellery, Rings. N. D. De SILVA, MANUFACTURING JEWELLER AND ENGRAVER 74. BISHOP STREET. PENANG. Re-setting and ESTABLISHED Repairing and mounting, 1900 Re-glldtng.
      32 words
    • 180 10 THE TAI SENG Motor Repairing Co., 61 BURMAH ROAD. Phone No. 208. The Famous Automobile Hospital. The only repair shop that possesses proper repairing plants worked throughout by electricity. Only experienced mechanics employed, All work carried out under our expert personal supervision and guarantee. All accessories stocked, work done for
      180 words
    • 433 10 “Stelastic” Tyres Stelastic Tyres give Greatest xMileage and *most satisfaction. -ww Please call or write ancl ask for copies of W testimonials. Stelastic Tyres hold the record R.A.C. Certificate of 5,000 miles without cuts or punctures. PENANG STOCKISTS: TIANG LEE Co Beac i Street. Sole Importers: INTERNATIONAL TRADING Co., Singapore.
      433 words

  • 959 11 NOVELTIES IN HATS AND BLOUSES. The Spring fashions are appearing earlier this year than in any preceding year that can be recalled. We owe this, possibly, to the mild weather and the occasional glimpses of sun that show up the seamy side of winter costumes that have
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 214 11 NEW STOCKS. Allenbury’s Foods Browne’s Chlorodyne Allenbury’s Feeders Rubinat Water Benger’s Food Carabana Water Savory Moore’s Food Kutnow’s Powder Horlick’s Malted Milk Vibrona Wine Dinneford’s Magnesia Angier’s Emulsion Virol Beecham’s Pills Steedman’s Soothing Powders Cockle’s Pills Robinson’s Barley Groats etc. etc. etc. THE DISPENSARY (PENANG) Ltd., 2. BISHOP STREET and
      214 words
    • 877 11 A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. JN the best regulated families the little ills of life will creep in. Some member of the family circle may occasionally suffer from Biliousness and Indigestion, and one or the other will from time to time exhibit the well-known symptoms of Constipation. From these little troubles more
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