Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 4 April 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 194 1 □□□□□□DODoanoaoDODc FOR $30 R 2 Y-.. n X70U can have the Pinang a a 1 Gazette posted everv day g for a whole year to yonr address. a (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). g Proportionate Quartedy aud Half-yearly rates. g Subscriptions are payable in n advance and remittance should g g be
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  • 1472 2 Mr. J. Fetherstonbaugh is now the Government letter censor in Penang. Mr. S. E. Koek of the Malacca Rubber Plantations Head Office has left for England on one year’s leave. Mr. H. Tottenham, formerly of the Pahang Consolidated Plantations but latterly planting in Malacca has sailed for
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  • 1022 2 WHY NOT RAID BERLIN NEW POSSIBILITIES IN AERIAL ATTACK. When some twelve months ago an agitation was started for retaliatory raids into Germany, writes C. G. Grey in the Daily Express,” I confess I was not by any means enthusiastic on the subject. To-day circumstances have altered very considerably. It
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  • 35 2 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $92.87| per picul, buyers, no sailers—a decrease of 37| cents. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £198 spot, and £192 15s. three months.
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  • 61 2 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, April 4. At the annual meeting of Selangor Miners’ Association, Mr J A. Russell presided Mr. Yap Loong Lim was elected President, Mr. Ru sell, temporary VicePresident, and Mr. Choo Kia Peng, Secretary. Mr. Russell and Mr. Kia Peng were appointed
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  • 83 2 [From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 2. At the fourth annual;meeting of Bala Planting Syndicate, Mr. Nutt, who presided, said the profit was $26,228 A dividend of 18 per cent was recommended. The average price realised was 3/1 per lb. Toe all-in cost was l/6f. The
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  • 25 2 London, April 3.* The following is the rubber quotation for to-day Plantation 1st Latex Crepe 3/Q [♦By courtesy of Messrs Bjustead Co.]
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  • 44 2 The following are the latest quotations iu our share list Yesterday. To day. 09 tD Sharks Ji S3 2 CQ X S3 72 Mining. Cheuderiang 11/6 12/6 11/- 12/Kamunting... 34/6 36/6 35/- 37/6 R ibber (Sterling.) L-Java 12/6 17/6 19/- 21/-
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  • 36 2 OUTPUTS FOR MARCH. The following are additional rubber outputs for March Consolidated lbs. 24,694 Guala Kalumpong 61.023 Karan 6,057 Padaug 14,600 Padang Jawa 11,519 R E of Krian 23,500 Samagaga 7,000 S S Bertam 55,000
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  • 71 2 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the fol. lowing list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on April 1 $880.27 J McNeill, 2nd donation 20 09 H De Z Lancaster, monthly subscription 25.00 M Maude, monthly subn 15.00 Teoh Cheow
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 388 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. C. Large. P. P. C. THE EASTERN EXTENSION AUSTRALASIA CHINA TELEGRAPH COMPANY, LTD. Incorporated in England. NOTIOE. FROM 3rd April, 1916, Mr. J. A. THOMSON will be in charge of above Company’s station in Penang. By Order. KATOO DEEBOOK NO LIABILITY. NOTICE OF
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    • 155 2 PALE BEAUTY FADES, The girl who returns home from school or work thoroughly tired out every evening may be beautiful, but her beauty will soon fade. She will be fortunate if she escapes a physical breakdown, because this getting tired so quickly is the first warning symptom of a thinning
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    • 514 2 Rates for Casual Advertisements. FOR SALE. TO LET. SITUATIONS VACANT. ETC. Minimum Charge $2.00 For 1 insertion 1.20 per inch. 2 insertions 1.10 ii 3 0,95 it d m 0.85 ii 0.75 9 0.60 12 or more insertions 0.50 Advertisements are charged by space A line of ordinary advertisement type
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  • 277 3 AHEAD OF THE MAIL. Attack on New Mexican City. Sen Francisco, Mar. 9—Reports have been received from the commander of the American frontier garrison as to the attack on the city of Columbus, NM by the troops of General Villa. The invading troops were between 800 and 1,000
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  • 166 3 San Francisco, March 10.—President Wilson issued orders to-day to the commander of the frontier garrison troops to march across the border into Mexico to pursue and punish Villa’s troope, who invaded American territory and did violence to American citizens yesterday. Maj >rGeneral Scott, Chief of
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  • 128 3 London, March 20.—The German Centre, the National Liberal, and Conservative Parties recently introduced into the Reichstag resolutions advocating the most strenuous submarine warfare, and are now agitating against the Chancellor whose disagreement with Admiral von Tirpitz thereanent led to the latter’s resignation. Their candidate for the Chancelloiship
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  • 36 3 London, March 20.—The Daily Chronicle’s Amsterdam correspondent says that Holland has suddenly changed from a nation indirectly affected by the war, to one prepared and determined, if necessary, to play a very different role.
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  • 49 3 London, March 11.—A Petrograd official statement says that the coastal force has advanced ten miles beyond Rizeh. The ‘‘New York Times” Washington corres pondent learns that the objective of the Russians in Armenia is Alexandretta, in order to divide the Turkish Empire into two parts.
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  • 49 3 London, March 11.—“The Morning Post’s” Athens correspondent learns from a diplomatic source that the opposition organise daily demonstrations in Constantinople which the police are unable to disperse. Authentic details of the attempt on Enver Pasha cannot be obtained. It is currently reported that he is moribund.
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  • 35 3 London March 11.—King Constantine has abandoned the idea of visiting Salonika owing to the Kaiser’s telegraphing that he would regard such a demonstration of friendliness to the Allies as an unfriendly act
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  • 725 3 CHINESE MERCHANT ACKNOWLEDGES SERIOUS OFFENCE. Before Mr. R. Scott in the District Court, Singapore, a Chinese merchant named Lio Hong Sek, pleaded guilty to a charge of attempting to export Saigon rice to Batavia, in breach of the proclamation of January 31 last. Mr. C. I.
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  • 159 3 According to Dr. M. S. Inglis, a Canadian army surgeon, who arrived in New York on board the Anchor liner Cameronia from Liverpool, fifty-nine German submarines have been caught by nets and otherwise since the beginning of the German undersea warfare. He says he
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  • 390 3 17 AEROPLANES PRESENTED. Malaya No. 17, (Fighter) “The Alma Baker No. 3 presented by the organiser $19,195 90. Malay No. 18, (Fighter) “The Singapore" Mr CF F Wearne 5,000 i, TJ B Wearne 5,000 „A E Baddeley 250 $10,250 Malaya No, 19, (Fighter) The Anzac Previously acknowledged
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 545 3 AN ELDERLY ENGLISH SOLICITOR in practice in Hongkong wishing shortly to retire seeks young English Solicitor as junior partner with a view to early succession. Address with full particu lars as to age, experience and amount of capital available to “Nelson," Grand Hotel, Hongkong. ’339—6 4 FOR SALE. ANEW excellent
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    • 325 3 TO PUT ON FLESH AND INCREASE WEIGHT. A Pbysiouu'b AdVicb. Most thin people sat from four to six poundi of good solid fat-making food every day and still do not increase in weight one ounce, while on the other hand many of the plump, chunky folks eat very lightly and
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    • 580 3 The list will be closed on or before April 29, 1916. FEDERATED MALAY STATES GOVERNMENT. SIX PER CENT WAR LOAN, 1921. Issue of $6,000,000 Debentures to Bearer, part of $15,000,000 authorized by Enactment No. 1 of 1916. The entire proceeds of the Loan will be placed at the disposal of
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  • 1138 4 The arrest in New York of Captain Taucher, Krupp’s Agent in America, for complicity in a conspiracy to blow up the’(Welland Canal, following other exposures of German methods of frightfulness in the United States, serves as a reminder and illustration of the penalty which America has
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  • 93 4 Mr Khaw Joo Tok informs us that the outputs of the three following Companies were as follows The Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Coy, (N. L.) weekly output from 26th March to 1st April was 24 tons. Output for the month of March 101 tons. Katoo Deebook (No Liability)
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  • 1522 4 Is the war a species of dog-fight in which the neutral nations have no concern Some of them appear to think so, strangely enough, and in this respect there cannot be complete mutual sympathy and understanding between the Allies and neutrals. The former are convinced that they
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  • 216 4 Haji Mohamed Salleb, a a prosecutor in a theft case created not a little surprise in the Third Court, Penang, to-day, when on being sworn by the Malay Interpreter he said he preferred to speak in Chinese. The Chinese Interpreter thereupon swore him in Cantonese, which language
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  • 61 4 The Band will play the following p r0 gramme of music at the Golf Club fronc 5-45 til! 7-15 this evening 1. Fantasia /’ox //unting Scent ...Suckley 2. Two Step... The I alm ...Estella 3. Selection Ballet Music in the Opera Faust ...Gounod 4. Waltz Dream of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 223 4 U MMII lliii..- h 7. ..fjMm.mftffl PRODUCE OF FRANCE **C ord on sole F ’’Cordon T. J hibbert.woodroffe&c9lt? R.OUGE. 1 (Incorporated in England.! JAUNE. IN PEACE IH WAR HAS WON THE HAe WON THE RAND PRIZE GRAND PRIZE AT THE AT THE Anglo-Japan />§ Panama-Pacific Exhibition, 1910 International and Exposition,
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    • 4 4 “E. or AND CRAG.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 383 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] BATTLE NEAR DONAUMONT KRUPP AGENT ARRESTED. HOLLAND’S DEFENCE MEASURES, THE ITALIAN CAMPAIGN. British warships bombarded the Turkish fortress of Smyrna, on an inlet of the Aegean shore of Western Asia Minor. Two of the fort were completely destroyed, the Turks failing to reply to the British
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  383 words
  • France and Belgium. VERDUN.
    • 165 5 [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, April 3. The French artillery was particularly active between the Somme and the Oise, where German trenches were wrecked. The Germans made several attacks against a redoubt at Avocourt wood. All were repulsed. The fighting was very lively, all day, east
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    • 51 5 THE GOVERNMENT’S MEASURES. Amsterdam, April 3 The Dutch papers unite in urging calm, and they affirm that the measures taken by the Government are merely precautionary. The Telegraaf suggests that the Government believes an Allied ofiensive imminent and that it wishes to secure the Dutch frontier against the retreating
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    • 172 5 M. Take Janescu, Former!Rumanian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Pro-Entente Leader, interviewed at Bucharest on February 14, foretold the great German offensive. He said I believe that Germany must make a last desperate effort to force peace next summer by a stupendous effort on either the
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    • 373 5 Mr. John Buchan is a writer whose views are always worthy of attention. In a comparison of the present war position with that pertaining to the American Civil War, be says Our strategical objective is the same as that of the North, and our strategical plan is
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    • 395 5 A representative of The Daily Mail was the only British journalist authorised by the French Government to view the wrecked Zeppelin LZ 77 at Revigny. 1 found the debris of the Zeppelin lying in a field in a corner of a great snow-covered plain two miles west
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    • 142 5 A correspondent of the Bund who has witnessed the goings and comings of Zeppelins at the Friedrichshafen sheds, writes that the dirigibles have little by little undergone important transformations. They are longer their armament is in part metallic, their rudders are smaller and simpler, and their motors
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    • 453 5 At last a voice has been raised in the Central Empires against the baby-killing Zeppelin raids. The protest, such as it is, is on prudential rather than humanitarian grounds yet it shows that German enthusiasm in this matter is not shared by intellectual and official
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  • Italy’s Campaign
    • 61 5 AVIATORS CAPTURED. Rome, «April 3. The artillery actions continued in Vai Sagana and Rovereto. The Italians, by a bold turning movement, on the upper Rienz, seized three blockhouses and 31 prisoners. There was continued activity on the Isonzo and on Carso, where further trenches were captured. An Austrian
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 39 5 FORTS DESTROYED. London, April 3. The Times correspondent at Salonika says the forts of St. George and Sandjak at Smyrna were blown to atoms by a three hours’ bombardment by British warships. The Turks did not reply.
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    • 57 5 London, April 3. The British steamer Perth was sunk. Six were lost and eight landed. The Perth is either the Dundee, Perth and London Co.’s vessel of 1693 tons, or the Rankin Line steamer of Glasgow of 653 tons. Another Victim. London, April 3. The steamer Asburton
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    • 226 5 The Frankfurter Zeitung publishes from a correspondent the views of a high naval officer on submarine warfare and the questions connected therewith. The officer said The view which is shared by the majority of German naval officers is that a complete breach between Germany and America would
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 62 5 GERMANS REPULSED. Petrograd, April 3. A Russian communique reports, generally, minor operations. A German aeroplane bombed the station of Zamirie, on the Minsk-Baranovitchi Railway. The Germans were bloodily repulsed in attacks on the heights of Olyka, east of Aeutsk. The Caucasus. Some activity took place in the
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  • General Newss.
    • 101 5 THE PREMIERS’ STATEMENTS. Rome, April 3. Signor Salandra, the Italian Premier, gave a luncheon to Mr. Asquith, at which other Cabinet Ministers, Parliamentarians, and Allied diplomats were present. Signor Salandra reiterated Italy’s determination not to lay down her arms before victory. Mr. Asquith said the development
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    • 109 5 KKUPP’S AGENT ARRESTED. London, April 3. Captain Taucher, Krupp’s agent in America, has been arrested in New York, for conspiracy to blow up the Welland Canal. Stowaway Dynamitard. New York, April 3. A sensation was caused by the discovery of a German stowaway on board the British
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    • 407 5 German Plans to Capture American States. Revelations of a sensational character are made regarding Germany’s plots in Central and South America before the war. A story is told to the effect that the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations have received documentary proof that Germany was seriously
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    • 269 5 THE NEW VICEROYALTY. London, April 3. The Times in a leader, entitled, India under the new Viceroy” says “Lord Chelmsford, who is due in Bombay to take up the heavy burden of the Vice royalty, brings to bis great task a knowledge of present Indian conditions unusual to
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    • 202 5 ARRIVAL AT NEW ZEALAND. London, April 3. A message from Port Chalmers (New Zealand) says the Aurora has arrived. All are well. Aurora asks News. The first wireless enquiry from the Aurora was All well old country No news seventeen months reply latest war news.” This was given
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    • 226 5 SIR E. L. BROCKMAN’S LETTER. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 3. Sir E. L. Brockman, the Chief Secretary, in a letter in the Malay Mail,” expresses appreciation of the warm reception of the F.M.S. War Loan in the Press of the States and the Colony.
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    • 47 5 THE LAST INSPECTION. [From Our Own Correspondent] Singapore, April 4. H E. the Governor and H.E BrigadierGeneral Ridout inspected the Reserve Force yesterday, prior to its inclusion in the Volunteers. The Governor congratulated the men, and referred to Major Sir Evelyn Ellis’s forthcoming departure.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 226 5 TERENCE RAMSDALE. Various causes contributed to make the audience at the Drill Hall, last night, of meagre proportions. The chief reason for the paucity of the attendance war probably the tariff. It was too low for the class of entertainment served up by Mr. Ramsdale—a concession to khaki that khaki
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  • 770 6 THE PROSPECT OF DIVIDEND. The annual general meeting of the Batang Benar Rubber Company, was held at the registered offices of the company Singapore, Mr W Lowther Kemp presiding. Others prewent were Messrs. F. Adam, E. Mauldon and F. H. M. Goode (for the secretaries, Messrs F
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  • 536 6 Great excitement was caused in the Shanghai share market says a recent issue of the China Press when the statements and proposals contained in the sixth annual report of the Anglo-Java Estates Ltd.—to issue the remaining 50,000 shares of stock at par, Tls. 4.50, to the original promoters
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  • 156 6 One of the most curious series of bargains on the Stock Exchange witnessed for some time concern Kemenyih rubber shares. Until Thu rsday last says a Home paper of February 29, these were not known in the market, but some shares were then offered, and resulted
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  • 197 6 The directors of the New Crocodile River (Selangor) Rubber Company have just declared a final dividend of 10 per cent, for 1915, making 15 per cent, in all. The crop harvested, according to the monthly returns, was 62 348 lb but for further particulars of the working
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  • 396 6 Effect iw Java. As a result of the information received locally of the torpedoing of the Dutch steamers Tubantia and Palembang, and later of two other vessels, one being a mail steamer whose name is not yet available, has caused no little consternation in Java and the
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  • 847 6 The Chinese-owned ss. Devawongse, has been chartered for twelve months for Hongkong at the rate of $24,000 per month. The Norwegian ss. Breid has been finally chartered for Europe at the sum of £3,000. She is at present drawing $9,000 on a monthly charter. Leading shipbuilding firms on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 510 6 ECONOMY being an Imperial necessity, the use of British Avon Tyres becomes iSAwmagt a patriotic duty. IB9 KI "SF* C. The claim that Avon Tyres show W lowest cost per mile rests upon dis-' interested records of actual service, E»"aran c e.’ open to investigation. It is further agents: supported
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  • 1104 7 EYE-WITNESSES of the battle. A Meuse refugee who arrived in Paris from Verdun, interviewed by the Journal, stated I know what war is. I have been engaged in it in my time. You may take it that the Germans are not strong enough to take Verdun. In the first
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  • 262 7 Ipoh Penang Service Seriously Affected. On Saturday and Sunday, there was considerable delay to the train service between Ipoh and Penang, occasioned by somewhat heavy flooding of the line between Kamunting and Krian Road. Heavy rains in the district are said to have flooded ihe watercourses
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  • 185 7 THE McGREGOR CUP. The shoot at Kampong Bahru yesterday resulted as under 0D w CD r O ci no g 3 *3 cS aS £2 «2 Miss Mathieu* 28 31 21 80 Mrs Wright-Motion* 26 27 26 79 Miss M. Pritchard* 28 26 21 75 Mrs
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  • 818 7 DEFENCE MEASURES. The New York Herald’s correspondent, Mr H A Gibbon, writing from somewhere on the Suez Canal, early in February says:— A month ago I was able to see something of the movement on the Suez Canal from Port Said to X. Now I am enjoying
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    • 49 7 To-day. De Kock for Deli and Langsa. Brisbane for Singapore’ Cornelia for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Pungah for Batu Bahra. Yatshing for Singapore, China Japan. Calypso for Bagan Datoh Teluk Anson. Pangkor tor Dindings and Sitiawan. Klang for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Jin Ho for Asahan.
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    • 35 7 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Moorrw. For Per Close. Deli Will o’ the Wisp noon. Rangoon Hong Wan I 2-30 p.m. Thursday. Singapore, China and Japan Namur 8 am. Tongkah Malacca 12-30 p m.
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  • 129 7 Penang, April 4, 1916. (5y Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 1/4 (l 4 months* sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 i> 3 Credit ...2/4 7/8 3 Documentary ...2/4 29/32 Oalcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174} 3 days' sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174} Moulmein Demand Bank 173
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  • 249 7 Pbnang, April 4, 1916. S. P. Tapioca $9.50 buyers. M. P. Tapioca $9.70 sales. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $16 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $18.00 buyers. White Pepper $4 \00 sellers. Trang Pepper $33 sellers. Mace $110 nom. Mace Pickings $62 sales. Cloves $40
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  • 105 7 April 4.—Farewell Dinner to Hon. R. Young at Penang Club. 5.—“ St. George’s." Meeting P.C.C., 6-45 p.m. 9.—Penang Volunteers Field Operations. 9.—F.M.S. Chamberjof Mines—Visit to Gopeng Consolidated. 10.—The Building Co Ltd., Meeting, 8 Beach Street 4 p.m. h 11.—Penang Club, Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 4 p.m. 12.—The Dispensary
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 580 7 issitude of weariness, depression, fatigue, fl :cts equally men, women and child- M is most important that these signs tj iown condition be not neglected. S y easily lead to more serious ailments. Q f you are feeling exhausted, slack and 5j on't delay, start taking Iron ‘Jelloids’ to-day Z
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1328 8 P. 0.—B. I.—APGAR N Y K (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). A MAIL »ND PASSENGER SERVICES. <•„ y Homeward (for Europe). Outward (for China and Japan). 4R IP Due Penang Steamer. Connecting with Due Peuang. Steamer. Connecting with Apr. 1ft Malta Khiva Apr. 6 Namur Kashgar Apr. 29 Nagoya Mooltan Apr. 18
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    • 1464 8 K P M. M OcEAN I W.B STEAM SHIP CO., Ltd. KrvW koninklijke PAKETVAART NCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) MAATSCHAPPIJ cH(M M(JT(JAL 8T£ftM NW c() I/ (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) (Royal Packet S. N. Company). THE Companies’ steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits r n o__ii China,
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