Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 30 March 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 768 1 DB BBnDan aaBODDnDDDDnODnnnB n 1F YOU WANT TO SHIP, g buy or sell srUBBER i c or to a E D forward goods g TO ANY PART O* the WORLD g g GO TO g g ALLEN DENNYS Co., 8 o 7, UNION STREET. gnnnnaaD° anaDDnnanannDannnnn SUN LIFE PETER WALKER
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    • 59 1 □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□a a FOR $3O a n "VTOU can have the Pinang X Gazette posted every day n E for a whole year to your address. (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). u Proportionate Quarterly and n Half-yearly rates. Subscriptions are payable in advance and remittance should g p be addressed to 5 g
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  • 789 2 The Rev D. J, and Mrs. Ross arrive by the mail train this evening, via Singapore. Mr. V, G Ezechiel proceeded to Butterworth at noon to-day to hear Municipal cases. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. May, of Kampar, are leaving this week for a holiday at Home.
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  • 880 2 DEPARTURE FROM SINGAPORE. Major W. G. Sb. Clair, Editor of the Singapore Free Press,” and doyen of the Press of the Straits and F.M.S. has left) Singapore to-day on his way Home after a lengthy and distinguished career in the editorial chair of our esteemed
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  • 238 2 THE CORONER’S INQUIRY. An enquiry was held by Mr. E. E. Colman, Coroner, yesterday afternoon, in connection with the death of a boat coohe named Ismail, who died in hospital of tetanus on the 12 th instant. Kader Ibrahim, tindal of the water-boat Ena, stated that on
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  • 121 2 MR. D. A. M. BROWN WINS “A” CLASS FINAL. The remaining final for decision in the Penang Club billiards tournament was that in the premier class, which was played last night. The players were Mr. D. A. M. Brown, owe 200, and Mr. A. W. Harries, plus 25.
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  • 36 2 The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow Professional Pairs—Sells and Thrclfall v Hall and Evans (5); Penny and Gregson v Rogers and Dunn (6); Martin and Harries v Sayers and Savi (4).
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  • 67 2 ASSOCIATION FORMED. [From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 30. At a meeting of Pahang Planters at Raub on March 26th, it was decided to form a District Planters Association. Mr. F. H. M. Staples of Shanghai Pahang Estates, Ltd., was elected Chairman, Mr. P. J. A. Wil
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  • 31 2 [From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, March 30. At the meeting of the Serendah Hydrau lie fin, Ltd., a resolution was passed, reducing the capital frsm $850,000 to $170,000.
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  • 311 2 The gambling farmers of Bangkok are not gamblers apparently. They are faced with quite a new situation, the closing of the Lottery which, apart from what profit it may bring of the farmer, yields the Government a revenue of three and a half millions a year, and
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    • 73 2 Before Trebizond. London, March 15.—The Daily T i graph’s Rome correspondent say 3 Russian force has arrived before the envelopment of which has probahi begun. An army separate from that wh?? is marching towards Khauikffi j 3 nearing Mosul. The “Oentr»! New. Rome Mrre dent says
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    • 70 2 London, March 18.—It is unofficial], stated that Turkey has decided to witk draw the bulk of her forces at present Thrace and on the coast of the Sea Marmora and send them to Angora with view to the concentration of her who]» strength «gainst the
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    • 55 2 London, March 14,—The "Morning Post’s Petrograd correspondent says that the Russians may reach Khanikian, on the Turco-Persian frontier, at the end of the week. The Russian and General Townshend will then be equi distant from Baghdad. The Russians are not trying to reach the English, but to
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    • 34 2 London, March 15 —Mr. Tennant in the House of Commons, said that the noncombatant Corps would not be denied the opportunities of winning a hero’s crown in the tasks requiring physical courage.
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    • 48 2 London, March 15.—The ex-P.esident of Harvard University and a close friend of President Wilson writes to the "New York Times tha» the most prompt means of protecting America from a German invasion is openly to side with the European peoples now resisting military despotism.
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  • 480 2 Review of the Military Operations. The Italian Legation at The Hague publishes a communique reviewing the military operations up to the end of 1915. The review first of all emphasises the unfavourable position of the Italian frontier over its whole length of 800 kilometers, rhe situation of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 935 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hawaiian Pineapples PENANG VOLUNTEERS Grown on Halifax Estate, Selama, can be obtained from CHURCH PARADE SUNDAY 2nd APRIL. HONG BEE Co., TAIPING. “A Coy., Maxims and Veterans will Delivery first week in April, fall in on the Esplanade at 5-30 p.m. Standing orders will have special attention. W.
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  • 1430 3 THE DOGRA. Tigris Bank, February 19 The first v T g e knew of that trench the Xund Candler was when the blazed off into us at 300 yards heaven, our fellows were advance 1 i’> I smiled at the Subaltern’s conceit P a r iiB own men.
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  • 198 3 OFFICE-BEARERS APPOINTED. The Boy Scout movement in Penang is making rapid progress, and one of the signs of the advance is evinced by the formation of an Association for the purpose of co-ordinating the efforts of the three Troops in the Settlement, and generally to broaden
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  • 193 3 Higher prices ruled on the Amsterdam Tobacco Market on Friday. Deli Maatchappij again scored top prices with 485 bundles from their Poengei Estate which realised Fl. 471 per picul and 489 bundles from Tanj ing Dfatti Estate which changed hands at F 1.3.99 per picul. The The Senembah
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  • Article, Illustration
    773 3 EFFECTS OF RUSSIAN STROKE. Mr Sydney Whitman who writes the following was the distinguished representative of the “New York Herald” at Constantinople during the outbreak of the Armenian conspiracy in 1896, and at Moscow during the revolution of 1905-6. He visited Edhem Pasha in the same capacity at the
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  • 818 3 S.T.” INTERESTING LECTURE AT SINGAPORE. That the social and religious customs of the multitudes of the Middle Kingdom are vastly interesting to many people was evidenced by the crowd that attended Mr. Tan Teck Soon’s lecture at the Y.M.C.A., Singapore. The Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, k.c
    S.T.”  -  818 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • 1309 4 The sixtieth anniversary of the Treaty of Paris that adjusted the position at the conclusion of the last great war in which Russia, Turkey, France and Great Britain participated, seems an apt date on which to dwell shortly on the Crimean struggle, and also on Russia’s part
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  • 942 4 The Straits Government, notwithstanding its critics, who sometimes complain that its method of dealing with some vital questions that have arisen daring the war is not as virile as it might be, may jastly plume itself on the lead it has given to other Colonies on compulsory
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  • 782 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin i Q Penang was $94.50 per picul buyers, no sellers—a decrease of 25 cents. Tin is quoted in London to-Jay £2OO spot, and £196 three months. At the entertainment to be given at the Drill Hall to-morrow night by Mr. Terence Ramsdale
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 420 4 Vitafer ,l of T?siiSJCfi£3£> I I n 11 is superior to, and much cheaper than SANATOGEN 1 therefore (originated in Germany) and surpasses all other iW\ BEST Tonic Foods. H An ab»olute cure for functional nerve trouble of every kind K from temporary debility to long standing Neurasthenia. B I
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    • 49 4 NOTICE. /AWING to the enhanced prices o Whisky, Brandy and Gin and difficulties of getting shipments, on and after Ist April and until further notice, the price of Stengahs and Pahits consumed at the “E. <fc O.” and Crag Hotels will be increased by 5 cents. Sarkies Brothers, Proprietors.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 374 5 THE RUSSIAN ACTIVITY. NEW GERMAN EFFORT AT VERDUN. A ZEPPELIN FAILURE. THE LOSSES OFF SCHLESWIG. The Conference of the Allies at Paris unanimously adopted resolutions affirming the complete military, economic, and diplomatic solidarity of the Allie?, and their unshakeable determination to continue the struggle to victory, also establishing
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 117 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] BRITISH HOLD GROUND. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) London, March 29. General Haig reports that despite very heavy hostile artillery fire, last night, and at intervals to-day, the British infantry successfullv held the ground gained, yesterday, at St. Ĕloi. The British artillery was most
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  117 words
    • 144 5 A GERMAN OFFENSIVE. Paris, March 29. p* r Was directed on an enemy battery 019 Montfaucon, and caused a violent ex plosion. The bombardment of our positions from r J° COUr t Bethincourt was violently t Utne d. and about three in the afternoon 1 enemy
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    • 112 5 A BELATED ANNOUNCEMENT. London, March 29 The first mention o' a Zeppelin raid on the East Coast, which was attempted and frustrated, on March 19th, was made in the House of Commons when Mr. F. BennettGoldney asked if our aeroplanes drove off from the East Coast six Zeppelins
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    • 139 5 IMPORTANT DECISIONS. Paiis, March 29. The Allied Conference unanimously adopted resolutions, affirming the complete military, economic, and diplomatic solidarity of the Allies, and tht ir unshakeable determination to continue the struggle to victory, also establishing a permanent committee in Paiis to consider economic mfai s to prevent the
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    • 376 5 That M. Briand’s visit to Rome was intended to secure a closer co-operation between Italy and the Western Allies was obvious that he should have succeeded to the extent that from now onwards Italy will not only be substantially represented on the Allied war and
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    • 186 5 The “Journal des Debate,’ in an article headed Grants for Shipowners,” says Simple souls imagine there is nothing to do but to buy new ships, and that the State should provide the money so to-day there is talk of offering a hundred million francs to
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    • 117 5 From shipping returns compiled by “Fairplay,” a shipping journal, it appears that 585 ships owned by 100 shipping companies made profits of £4,742,103 in 1915. These companies were able to pay an average dividend of nearly llj per cent, and place to depreciation account £2,221,089. Among the
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    • 129 5 EXTENSION IN NEUTRAL COUNTRIES. London, March "29. In the House of Commons, Mr. Walter Runciman said the question of pre-erving and extending Btitish trade with neutral countries would be considered by C mmitteee, which would inquire into the problem of certain important branches of British industry
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    • 54 5 SINGAPORE’S LEAD TO THE COLONIES. London, M*rch 29. In the House of Common?, Mr. B?nar Law announced that he is communica'ing with the Governors of the Colonies, with a view to the general adoption of a policy of liquidation of enemy firms, by selling their assets, as had
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    • 55 5 London, March 28. In the House of Commons, in reply to Sir J. D. Rees, Mr. Chamberlain said he was not aware of any representations having been made to tbe Indian Government by the Government of Madras, regarding the admission to India of goods 25 per cent of
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    • 47 5 London, March 29. The London Gazette announces that Captains K. D. Murray (59th Scinde Rifles) and H. P. Currey (55th Coke’s Rifles) go to the General Staff. Temporary Colonel the Hon. Sir Arthur Lawley relinquishes his commission on ceasing to be a Red Cross Commissioner.
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    • 37 5 London, March 29. Generals Sir Will’am Robertson, Sir W. H. MacKinnon, and Sir George Wolseley are appointed Colonels in-Chief of the 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys), the King’s (Liverpool) Regiment, and York and Lancaster Regiment respectively.
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    • 22 5 London, March 28. The King received at Buckingham Palace ten Indian cavalry officers who are on leave.
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    • 13 5 London, March 29. The Budget will be taken on April 4th.
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    • 15 5 Amsterdam, March 28. The Editor of the Telegraaf,” Heer Schroeder, was acquitted.
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  • 21 5 London, March 22. Mr. F. 8. James, c m.g Administrator of Nigeria, is gazetted Colonial Secretary, Straits Settlements.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 126 5 THE RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE. London, March 29. A Berlin communiquĕ says heavy Russian reinforcements are attacking at Postavy, north-east of Vilna, where the railway is vitally important. The communique speaks of heroic resistance here by a Haarbrueck Corps. These, supported by a Brandenburg-Hanoverian-Halle Corps, met repeated onslaughts by
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    • 413 5 The announcement that the Tsar’s honour for the Grand Duke Nicholas, of Erzerum, is the title “Headman of the Cossacks” will lend additional interest to the achievements in the war of Russia’s frostcoated roughriders. In this country, writes a London correspondent, we are familiar with the
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    • 80 5 TURKS DRIVEN WEST. Petrograd, March 29. A Russian communiqeĕ states Alter artillery preparation from Russian warships, our troops broke a desperate resistance by the enemy, and expelled them from positions along the Baltatchi River, and occupied the town of Off, 30 miles ea-t of Trebizond. At dusk, the
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    • 57 5 TURKISH CAMP DESTROYED. Suez, March 29. A British air squadron dropped 40 bombs on the Turkish ba a e at Birel Hassanah, 100 miles from the Canal. The bombs burned the camp, and severely damaged the waterworks. The airman attacked Turkish infantry in the rear and caused
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  • Italy’s Campaign
    • 93 5 DESPERATE FIGHTING. Rome, March 29. Desperate fighting at Gorizia is announced in a communique. It lasted forty hours and was most fierce on the heights north westward of the fortress. The Austrians, after an intense artillery preparation against Grafenberg, which was already damaged by storms, launched a
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 128 5 THE ATTACK ON SCHLESWIG. London, March 29. Tl.e Admiralty announces that all the British vessels employed in the operations the German coast returned, except the destroyer Mrdusa, which sank. The crew were saved. Our light cruisers on Saturday night encountered a division of German destroyers. One German destroyer
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    • 88 5 AMERICA’S STRAIGHT QUESTIONS. Washington, March 29. Mr. Lansing announced that the American Ambassador at Berlin has been instructed to ask the German Government whether a German submarine torpedoed the Sussex, in the English Channel. U. S. and the Englishman. Washington, March 29. Mr. Gerard has also been instructed
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    • 24 5 London, March 29. The British steamer Empress of Midland (2,224 tons of Newcastle) whs sunk The crew were landed at Maasluie..
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    • 240 5 America and thb Future of Submarining. The Imperial Chancellor, in an interview with the Berlin correspondent of the New York World,” Herr Karl von Weigand, said What the American Government demands of us is an impossible humiliation. I have been prepared and am so still to give America
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  • 36 5 MAJOR-GENERAL TIGHE, k.o.m g London, March 29. Major-General Tighe is made a Knight Commander of tbe Older of St. Michael and St George in recognition of distinguished services, while commanding the forces in East Africa.
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  • 204 5 AN UNPRECEDENTED STORM. GREAT DAMAGE IN MANY PARTS. [Kbutbr’s Tblbgram*.] Londn, March 29. A blizzard in the United Kingdom caused much damage. Tbe combination of snow and wind is unprecedented. It will be some days before the fall effects of the blizzard are known, owing to tbe
    [Kbutbr’s Tblbgram*.]  -  204 words
  • 30 5 OFFICERS DECORATED. Loudon, March 29. The Duke of Westminster has been granted the Distinguished Service Order, and Lieutenant Rowden (Worcestershire Regiment) the Military Cross for gallantry at Solium.
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  • 19 5 Wellington, March 29. The Aurora has wirelessed that she expects to reach New Zealand on Friday.
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  • 142 5 AN APPEAL FOR CO OPERATION. [From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, March 29. At the annual meeting of Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Yap Loong Hin who preside 1 said the year had been satisfactory for Chinese. Business was slow at the beginning of 1915, but
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  • 169 5 (Specially Translated.) From Monday the Dutch ss. Atlas will be placed in the vicinity of the Noordbinder Lightship. She will be equipped with every appliance for saving life and material, will be frted with wireless, and have everything necessary for rendering aid in the event of shipwreck.
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  • 47 5 Obituary. THE MASTER OF BALLIOL London, March 29. The death is announced of Mr. James Leigh Strachan-Davidson, m.a., Master of Balliol College, Oxford, since 1907. MR. W. DELANY, M.P. London, March 28. The death has occurred of Mr. W. Delany, Nationalist M. P. for Ossory (Queen’s County).
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  • 1714 6 ANNUAL MEETING. RATES OF PAY. Minutes of the annual general meeting of the Kapar District Planters’ Association held at Kapar Rest House on Tuesday, March 21st. Present :—L Mooijaart (Chairman), Noel Fisher (Hon Pec), Messrs R K Walker, W P Okeden, N B Bevan, V Kinloch, G D
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  • 784 6 PROFIT OF OVER $ll,OOO FOR THE YEAR. The sixth report of the directors to the shareholders of the Batang Benar Rubber Co Ltd., states Your directors beg to submit a duly audited statement of accounts for the year ended December 31, 1915. The profit on rubber production
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  • 441 6 OFFICIAL MINUTES. Minuses of a Special Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Tuesday, th« 14th March, 1916. Prrsent —Messrs. W. Peel (President), Quah Beng Kee and Lim Eow Hong. Absent:—Messrs. P. T. Alien, John Mitchell, A. F. Goodrich, anl Yeoh Guan Seok. I. The minutes of the
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  • 279 6 In the Penang Municipality for the week ended March 18, there were 66 death? —46 males and 20 females, equal to a death-rate of 32.80 per mille per annum, compared with 28.82 in the preceding week, and with 33.45 in the corresponding week of last year. The following
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 325 6 teigh your car, front and back axle» separately, with all ordinary accessories, &c.. aboard, with all seats occupied, and all water and petrol tanks lull. If your tyres are insufficient for the weight borne, that is to say, if the weight per axle exceeds: 16 cwt. for 90 section tyres.
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    • 136 6 BRITISH MADE LYSOL CASH CHEMISTS Ltd., 52-54. BEACH STREET. PENANG.. TELEPHONE 454. DfJ.CollisJkowiie's/) The ORIGINAL and ONLY GENUINE. jjjjf Acts like a Charm in Checks and arrests and i. FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. the n V Specif,c n J The Best Remedy known for S S CHOlera and 'coughs, colds, I
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  • 1184 7 WAR LOAN BILL PASSED. TRIBUTE to LATE SULTAN OF PERAK. fhe meeting of the Federal Council at r Q ala Latnpur on Tuesday, although iu- giving an agenda which had accumulated »’n-e November last year, was important, ■rtjnfessive and a most businesslike function, The occasion was shorn of
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  • 503 7 Unanimous Approval of the Measure. The Hon Mr Belfield, Legal Adviser, introduced the F.M S. War Loan Enactment of 1916, which was passed amidst the unanimous approval of the whole Council, the Rulers or representatives of the various States joining the unofficial members in voicing their
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  • 60 7 The homeward mail closes at 7 pm. to-morrow. Registration till 6p m. The outward mail is expected to arrive here to-morrow morning. The next mail by the Namur is expected to arrive at Penang on Thursday, 6th inst. The P. i O. homeward mail steamers arrived at Marseilles
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  • 358 7 Early on Sunday morning the 19th instant, the rice mill rented out to the Yihaw Teck Lee in Klong Bang Luang was completely destroyed by fire. The mill had been running day and night for several months past and the fire was first discovered on
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  • 358 7 The General Managers and Consulting Committee in submitting to the Shareholders the Forty-seventh annual report of the Company say 1914 Account.— This account shows a net profit on working of $344,549.16. This sum, subject to the approval of shareholder?, it is proposed to deal
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  • 490 7 GERMANY’S AMBITIONS. Earl Curzon presided at a meeting of the Royal Colonial Institute, which Mr. J, L. Garvin, Editor of the “Observer,” addressed on the subject of the British Empire and the Near East. Mr. Garvin said that the Germans regarded the whole world as their oyster,
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  • 334 7 The best answer to those in England who still hope that a peace which does not crush Germany will bring about a general disarmament and permanent peace was given recently by a conference held in Berlin by the Society for tbe Promotion of the Increase of the
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    • 29 7 17 LIVES LOST. London, March 30. A telegiam from Cleveland (Ohio) reports that three trains collided during a fog. Hitherto, 17 are dead and 25 are injured.
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    • 67 7 SUPPLIES FOR THE TROOPS. London, March 29. In the House of Commons, Sir J. Jardine asked whether steps had been taken to supply the forces in Mesopotamia with drugs and appliances useful in cases of diseases likely to occur in hot weather. Mr. Tennant assured him that all the
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    • 59 7 London, March 29. In tbe House of Commons, Mr. Austen Chamberlain said he had not receive! any letter or memorial regarding compulsory military training of Europeans in India. He understood tbe Indian Government had been addressed on the subject but he had not been informed what
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  • 77 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March 29th. At Singapore r übber auctions, there were offered 402 tons sold 307 tons. Prices advanced, the demand being good. Fine pale $lB9, Fine Ribbed Smoked $lBB, Unsmoked $172, a very strong enquiry. Major St. Clair, Editor of the Singapore Free
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  • 138 7 Pbnang, March 30, 1916. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ..2/4 1/4 4 months’sight Bank ...2 4 5/8 3 Credit ...2 4 7 8 3 Documentary ...2,4 29/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 Moalmein Demand Bank 173
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  • 111 7 March 31.—Masonic Dinner to Wor. Bro. R, Young at O. Annexe. 31.—Presbyterian Church, Reception, Mayfield, 5-30 p.m. 31. —Entertainment by Mr. Terence Ramsdale, Drill Hall, 9-15 p.m. 31.—Penang Golf Club, A.G.M. Golf Club, 6-30 p.m. April I.—Cricket, “A Coy and Veterans v. “B Coy and Maxims, Esplanade. 2.—Church
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 175 7 A TRUE NERVE TONIC. In many severe nervous disorders the most active tonic treatment is recommended by the highest medical authority to arrest the progress of such diseases. It is impossible to reach the nerves directly with medicine Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are a nerve tonic, but they act on
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    • 18 7 Where to Stay, Pbnang :—The E. O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel. Singapore: —Raffles Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel.
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    • 89 7 L. Y. SWEE Coy., PENANG AND KUALA LUMPUR. STOCK HELD OF Acetic Acid, Japanese European. Sulphuric Acid concentrated. Formaline. Sulphuric Powder. Box-Strappings. Nails. Momi Chests. Powdered Alum, etc., etc. MARTIN’S A French Remedy for all Irregularities. Thousands of Ladies keep a box of Martin S Pills in the house, so
      89 words
    • 341 7 Made in England for over 100 years. Cockle s Pills Cockle’s Pills A tried and trusted family medicine, prescribed by medical men for the common ailments of everyday life, such as ACIDITY, INDIGESTION, BILIOUSNESS, SICK HEADACHE, DISORDERED LIVER* These famous pills cleanse and regulate the whole system, leaving it free
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2693 8 P. 0.-B. I.—APGAR N. Y. K. fex K. P. M. MA,L AND SERV'ces. J apj Mail Sle.mihip Cd. Id. jgggjl MAATSCHAPPU M PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. Ill (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. MAIL SERVICES. Pack At S N (eompany 1 Homeward (for Europe). Outward (for China
      2,693 words