Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 March 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 683 1 aaaaa oannnnDnnnnnDnnanaanna IF YOU WANT TO SHIP, g buy OB SELL RUBBERI G OR TO n forward goods g TO ANY PART OF the WORLD g GO TO g g ALLEN DENNYS Co., 8 7 UNION STREET. m □□□□□□□noDnon SUN LIFE BOOTS PURE 'I <* Molt Exlrm W Liver Oil
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    • 62 1 cCfHnnncnnnanL nnnoann n a d FOR $3O a a X7OU can have the Pinang q X Gazette posted every day a for a whole year to your address. F (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). Proportionate Quarterly and a Half-yearly rates. Subscriptions are payable in n advance and remittance should g be addressed
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  • 265 2 AN ARREST IN PENANG. On January 18, we published, under the heading of A Perak Crime, a report to the effect that at noon on January 14th a Corporal and Police Constable of the Perak Police left Kroh, the new headquarters of the recently acquired division of
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  • 145 2 In the Second Court, Penang, to-day, Goh Ki was charged wth attempting to murder a compatriot named Li Moi at premises No. 33», Transfer Road, yesterday. The facts of the case appear to be that the two men, who lived in the same house had a dispute,
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  • 79 2 PENANG CLUB TOURNAMENT. In the final round in the Penang Club’s Billiards Tournament in Class B Mr. L. M. Evans (scr) be«t Mr. E. H, Syer —6O) by 55 points. In the “C Class, the final was won by Mr. J. W. Van der Woule 60) who beat Mr.
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  • 68 2 CUP-TIES. To-morrow Stia Persenangan and Jamathol Horea meet for the third time. One goal all, and no score, were the former results. Five minutes extra each way will again be played, if required. On Saturday, Jamathol Moslem, winner of the Second Division League, meet Crescent Star who disposed of
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  • 37 2 The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow Ladies Doubles—Mrs Phillips and Mrs Harrop v Mrs Souter and Miss M Pritchard (final) (5). Singles Handicap Class C—J Tryner v L C Robinson (final) (4).
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  • 69 2 The following are the latest quotations in our share list t Yesterday. To day. 00 00 CD 00 Sharks ;2 3 O »5 tn M 02 M 72 Mining. K. Kamunting 40/- 42/- 41/- 42/Kamunting... 33/- 35/6 34/ 36/Trong 34/6 35/6 34/6 36/Rufcfeer (Sterling Nordanal 18/3 19/6
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  • 78 2 At the Straits Cinema this evening the new bill includes The Frame Up,” a political drama in five parts, "The Heart of a Tigress in three reels, another a strong double-reel domestic drama, besides the usual cheerful comedies. The chief feature at the Electric Polyscope to-night will be
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  • 593 2 BOMBAY DEMONSTRATIONS. Bombay, March 20. A great demonstration of Portuguese citizens in Bombay took place on Sunday, expressing satisfaction at the course taken by Portugal in joining the Allies in a common war against Germany. A big meeting was held in the hall of the Goan Union School.
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  • 279 2 Bombay, February 23.—The Bombay Government has issued the following Press note Last year 2,433 pilgrims proceeded to Jeddah cn the haji pilgrimage up to the beginning of December 1915, 1,309 pilgrims in all had returned to Bombay and it was reported that about 1,900 persons, in eluding
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  • 434 2 Doubts of Germany. The ruling Greek oligarchy is beginning to realise the failure of its foreign policy. The corner-stone on which this policy w built was belief in the ultimate victory of Germany. It is slowly beginning to be admitted that the belief rested on a foundation of
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  • 176 2 Memorable First Engagement. The South Africans had their first engagement in the western desert on the 21st Jan. On the day of the engagement a mixed force of dismounted South African cavalry, Anzacs, Si*h 3 and Yeomanry moved out against a large enemy force composed of
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  • 254 2 Engineers have long contemplated the sind banks separating India and Ceylon as a suitable foundation for the railway which must eventually connect the mainland and island. With this end in view a scheme has been elabora f ed whereby the connecting railway would be laid on a
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  • 117 2 March 29.—Resident Councillor At R 5 p.m. onj6 > l> 31.—Masonic Dinner to Wor R R. Young at E. ft 0. Annexe 31.—Presbyterian Church, Recentin Mayfield, 5-30 p. m PtloD > 31. —Entertainment by Mr. Ts Ramsdale, Drill Hall S-iK^ 1109 April I.—Cricket, “A Coy and Veter."’’ v
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  • 229 2 Pbnang, March 28, 1916. S P. Tapioca $9.50 buyer. M. P. Tapioca $9O 20 sellers’ Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyerr Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers White Pepper 140.00 sellers Trang Pepper $33 seller».' Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $62 sales Cloves $4O
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 949 2 Uli W A T\VI?DTTCI< IiVWTQ 'T'HE RESIDENT COUNCILLOR will Hvww AD VLKI IODMDH Iw« A be At Home at The Residency on 1 1 1 'BSS Wednesday, 29th March, at 5 p.m. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. h,.ed. 2Bo—to th s 28-3 STORE-KEEPER for Mining Company in Renong. Salary $5O per month and
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    • 231 2 INSURANCE. THE CORPORATION OF THE 80YAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE Royal Exchange, London COMMENCED business in A.D. 1717 snd was Incorporated by Royal Charter in a.d. 1710 and is therefore one of the oldest Companies in existence. It has granted the benefits of Assurance to the Public for period exceeding 190 years.
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  • 557 3 ’XpIAN MOHAMMEDAN’S SUICIDE. T n the Coroner’s Court, Penang, yester- afternoon, before Mr. E. E. Colman «rnner an d a jury consisting of Sergeant j Williams, Pte. W. B. Perkins and M Ooi Chye Hock, an inquest was held the death of an Indian Mohammenamed Abdul Ghanee, at
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    • 185 3 [To the Editor oj the Pinang Gazette,”] Sir —lt is very essential, for the convenience of the metal breaking coolies of Sungei Toh Pawang quarry, and the coolies of Tapioca Mills at the 3rd mile from Bedong Station, numbering nearly 250 people, to stop the
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  • 90 3 H>e following order is issued by the government of Madras With reference 0 the provisions of section 3 of the oreigners Ordinance, 1914, the Governor |n Council directs that every non-Asiatic ordgner visiting the Nilgiri district shall, iin twenty-four hours of his arrival in e district,
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  • 82 3 ,e following despatch is from the a ern News Agency (Japanese): The sum ce 9ar y to rebuild the railway as a broad v e b®tween Tokio and Shimonoseki en 254,000,000 while the estimate for e repairs o f the !ine is Yen 238,000,000 of '7.
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  • 697 3 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE. The number of Active Members on the books on 31st December, 1915, was 158 as against 210 on 31st December, 1914. The corresponding figures for Lady Members are 62 and 78. During 1915, 28 new members were elected, and 12 new’ lady members
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  • 213 3 Miniature rifle shooting is receiving most enthusiastic support in Taiping. At a meeting held recently it was decided to order rifles, ammunition, targets, and all the necessary parapherna'ia, and we hear that the order has already been sent home At this meeting Mr. Andrew of Trong
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  • 1078 3 EFFECT OF THE PIRATE POLICY. A year has elapsed since the Germans commenced their official submarine crusade against British merchantmen, says the Editor of the Syren and Shipping.” According to the German pronouncement, the under-sea campaign was to commence on February 13, but they anticipated
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  • 531 3 American Maniac’s Terrible Weapon. A noiseless explosive is disclosed by the arrest of Harold L. Severy, who has now confessed that he is the mysterious silent gunman who recently shot down four residents of Albany, says the Daily Express New York correspondent. The silent gunman used a cartridge
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 183 3 WET WEATHER RHEUMATISM. Why should rheumatism, a disease of the blood, be worse in wet weather than in dry The rheumatic poison in the blood is the predisposing cause of the disease. If you have the taint in your blood you may have rheumatism whenever the exciting cause stirs it
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    • 376 3 Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually check
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 1294 4 There will be disappointment in some quarters that what a telegiam from Athens yesterday described as an offensive by the Central Powers in Macedonia has proved to be no offensive, at all events not one in the real sense of the term. The French troops, apparently with little difficulty,
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  • 1561 4 Now that the greatest of newspaper proprietors has baen paid the greatest of compliments by the Army authorities of France and Britain, who by extending to him an uniqus opportunity (for a newspaper proprietor) of visiting the lines at Verdun and elsewhere along the big western front,
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  • 16 4 Tin is quoted in London to-day at £2Ol spot, and £196 three months.
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  • 230 4 The B I. s.s Fultala, with the outwar* 1 English mails from Negapatam, is expectel to arrive here at 9 a.m. on Friday, an’* sail the same day at 4 p.m, for P° Swettenham and Singapore. We are notified by the Chamber of Commerce that the mails which
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 48 4 NOTICE. /"AWING to the enhanced prices of Whisky, Brandy and Gin and difficulties of getting shipments, on and after Ist April and until further notice, the price of Stengahs and Pabits consumed at the “E. O.” and Crag Hotels will be increased by 5 cents. Sarkies Brothers, Proprietors.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 312 5 BERLIN’S VERSION AND admission. the SUSSEX DISASTER. THE MACEDONIAN ADVANCE. IMPORTANT allied conference. Germany announces in connection with the raid on Schleswig that, besides the loss of two German patrol boats sank by the British warships that accompanied the seaplanes, a German destroyer has not returned. Berlin
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 54 5 MINES AND GRENADES IN ARGONNE. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, March 26. West of the Meuse, it was relatively calm, while there was uninterrupted artillery fighting on the Donaumont-Vaux front, and a fairly violent bombardment in Woevre. Mine and grenade fighting in the Argonne was
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    • 100 5 GERMAN REPORT. London, March 27. The German wireless, referring to the British attack on the airship sheds in Schleswig, says the anti-aircraft guns brought down three British seaplanes on, R nd east of the islands of Sylt. The occupant», four British officers and one non-com-missioned officer, were
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    • 244 5 A correspondent of the Times says a eeling of disappointment prevails in more 11 Huential circles in Germany though the of final defeat is not yet admitted. "O interest is taken in the promised conquests, and only a heavy indemnity is deemed of any value. The
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    • 545 5 The renewed activity of German airships revives interest in what is going on at the birthplace of Zeppelins on Lake Constance. The Swiss St. Galles Tagblatt has an interesting article on the subject, although it is not without signs of pro-German inspiration. The writer says that, even
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    • 42 5 London, March 27. The formation is announced of a Mobile Dockers’ Battalion, composed of dockers at present in the Army, which will be used to relieve the congestion at British ports, receiving the u*ual dockers’ pay from the employers.
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  • 133 5 MESSAGE TO NEW ZEALAND Wellington, March 27. The Aurora sent a wireless message to the Rt. Hon. T. W. Massey, the New Zealand Premier, that she is proceeding to Port Chalmers in a disabled condition. Mr. Massey replied, assuring the party of a warm welcome. The New ZeaUnd
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  • 199 5 MR. ASQUITH IN PARIS. Paris, March 27. Mr. Asquith and other British delegates to the Allied War Conference received ovations on their arrival in Paris. Important Plans. Pari», March 26. The great War Council, representative of all the Allies, which has opened in Paris, is creating most
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  • 30 5 MR. BONAR LAW TO ATTEND. London, March 27. The Daily Telegraph says it is understood that Mr. Bonar Law will attend the Allies’ Trade Conference in Paris.
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • Article, Illustration
      46 5 GREE3E FREE OF ENEMY. Salonika, March 27. All the Germans and Bulgarians have been driven out of Greek territory by the French. Bulgarian Depot Blown Up. Salonika, March 27. A large Bulgarian ammunition depot at Middine was blown up. Thirty were killed and 150 injured.
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    • 421 5 On the Macedonian front the sending of detachments west of the Vardar is chiefly important as showing the rapidly increasing strength of the Allied forces behind the lines of Salonika, says Mr. Hilaire Belloc. As a base for a direct offensive northwards against the main enemy line
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 70 5 HEAVY LOSS OF LIFE. London, March 27. It is now believed that a hundred perished on the cross-Channel packet Sussex. Americans Missing, London, March 27. The missing from the Sussex include the leading American psychologist, Professor Baldwin, and Ids wife. Americans all Saved. London, March 27. The American
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    • 30 5 ELEVEN KILLED. London, March 27. The British 14,000 ton steamer Minneapolis (Atlantic Transport Co. Ltd.,) was sunk. AH on board were rescued, except eleven who were killed.
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    • 17 5 L »ndon, March 27. The British steamer Cecilia was sunk, the crew being saved.
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    • 247 5 Discussing the German and Austrian Notes en the question of armed merchantmen, which it regards as a sharpening of the submarine war, the Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant writes: Unless a great number of, submarines are sent out simultaneously with the introduction of the new measure, of
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    • 197 5 Louis Raemaekers, the cartoonist, was received by President Poincare according to a wire from Paris. The President, who met him with outstretched hands and warmly welcomed him, declared that he had followed his courageous and fine campaign in the Telegraaf since the outbreak of war, and
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  • 39 5 FLIGHT TO THE MOUNTAINS. Washington, March 27. The escape of General Villa from the Mexican forces is announced by the United States General Pershing. Villa is taking to the mountains near Mamiquipa, with American cavalry in pursuit.
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    • 216 5 German Peace Terms. London March 17.—The Exchange Telegraph Company’s Washington correspondent gives the following as the German peace t3rms which Colonel House was authorised to submit to President Wilson The restoration of German Colonies no indemnities by either side an autonomous Poland Serbia, Montenegro and Albania
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    • 61 5 London, March 17. According to the “Matin,” Germany, having used the anticipated number of reserves at Verdun, asked Austria for 150,00 J men and artillery. Austria proceeded to assemble the men from Serbia, the Rumanian frontier and Italy, whereupon Italy opened some days ago a lightning offensive on
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    • 38 5 London, March 16.—The “Secolo” learns from Swiss sources that the Germans planned to follow up the anticipated Verdun victory by an offensive at another point. Units intended for that offensive were all used at Verdun.
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    • 46 5 London, March, 13.—1 t is reported from different sources that a Russo-Rumanian convention has been concluded, Russia ceding part of Bessarabia. An Italian wireless quotes a Bukbarest message stating that Rumania has seized for the army’s use the cereals recently sold to Germany.
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    • 59 5 London, March, 15.—A Danish steamer reports having been stopped by the Moewe, in the Cattegat on 29ch February. The Moewe, did not appear to exceed 700 tons. Her guns were invisible and she had a big list. She was proceeding slowly and appeared to be making for a
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  • 330 5 A WIRE TO PENANG. Mr. L Ah Yain, filed a suit in the Court of the Eastern Subdivi ional Magistrate, Rangoon, on behalf of Tan Hock Chwan, the managing partner of Taik Aun Than, paddy merchants of Banya, Hpongyi Street, Kemmendine, charging Lim Keh Chaing, a broker,
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  • 516 5 Mr. J. R. Murray has gone into hospital. Mr. F. Hui me Sharp is in hospital» suffering from a poisoned hand. Mr. H. J. C. Large of the Eastern Extension Te'egraph Co. Ltd., leaves Penang next month. The Masonic bai quet to the Hon. Robert Young will
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  • 201 5 This popular artiste, who has been visiting the Parit Buntah an! Nibong Tebal districts, appeared on F<iday evening last at the Caledonia Club to a large and highly appreciative audience. For a space of two hours the entertainer succeeded in keeping the house in a state
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  • 59 5 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Golf Club from 5-45 till 7-15 this evening 1. Overture The Sapphire Necklace ...Sullivan 2. Polka Leite, du Susse Maus ...Morse 3. Selection A Greek Slave ...Jones 4. Waltz Luna Bella ...Aigrette 5. Two Step Grizzly
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  • 1862 6 IVANOFF AND THE PLAGUE OF SPIES. Mr. Perceval Gibbon, writing from South Russia over a month ago, aays the great war is being waged, at this instant, not between the men who stand waist-deep in the water in the first-line trenches, but between the Generals—von Linsingen
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  • Article, Illustration
    493 6 LAST GERMAN REMNANT. Reuter’s' -Agency has received from a well-informed source the following details in regard to the end of German rule in the Cameroons. At Mora, on an almost inaccessible height, which forms one of the most northerly spurs of the Mandara Range in the far north
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  • 125 6 CLEARANCES. To-day. Cornelia for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Trang for Trang. Rotorua for Tongkah. Perlis for Trang, Tongkah and Pang Nga. Luzon Maru for Colombo Omapere for Tongkah, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy. Fooshing for Calcutta and Durban. Calypso for Bagan Datoh Teluk Anson. Pangkor
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  • 123 6 Pbnanq, MarchJ2B, 1916. (By Oourt«By of th« Oharlortd Bank\. London Demand Bank ...2/4 1/4 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 7/8 3 Documentary ...2/4 29/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 Moulmein Demand Bank 173 3 days’ sight
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 269 6 A MESSAGE TO THIN, WEAK, SCRAWNY FOLKS. An Easy Way to Gain 10 to 30 lbl of Solid, Healthy, Permanest Flesh. Thin, nervou a undeveloped men and «omen everywhere are heard to say, “I isn’t understand why Ido not get fat. I eat plenty of good, nouri-hing food.” The reason
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    • 154 6 THE growing activities of our second year’s hostilities find Avon Tyres in increased demand for H.IVI. 1 ransport. Tried and proven in the fierce flame of War, as they have been tried in every sort of civilian service, Avons emerge as Seasoned Campaigners worthy of the highest place in the
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    • 69 6 4 Ruchanans M SCOTCH a Q WH,SKY 5 a 35 o 5 Q. SOMETHING TO H ABOUT” JnM j Z II <1 FX.'x'lk-- SCOTCHES V BLACK&WHITE I W ALWAYS THE HIGHEST QUALITY Wholesale Distributing Agents for Penang and Kedah: ALLEN DENNYS Co., 6, BEACH STREET, PENANG. NIKKO modern art Photographic
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  • 1204 7 SEA CUSTOM IN THE PAST. By the decision not to recognize the claim of Germany to torpedo armed merchant ships without warning, the United States Government acknowleJges the right of trading ships to carry weapons for their own protecion. This attitude is entirely in accordance with American precedent
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  • 267 7 Salonika, February 16—Bulgarian deserters, who still continue to arrive at Salonika in detachments of 10 or more at a time, report that relations are becoming more and more strained between their fellow-countrymen and the Germans. Recently, says a sergeant-major of the Bth Artillery Regiment which is at Monastir,
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  • 74 7 The Times of Ceylon London correspondent telegraphs that all candidates for commissions in the army if their papers are right will go for a four months’ course of training in the officers’ training corps; afterwards if they are any good they will receive a commission in
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  • 77 7 The daily newspapers, in the United States number 2,472, the weeklies 16,269 and the monthly and other publications bring the total up to 22,806. There is a newspaper to every 4,100 of the American population. In Great Britain there is a newspaper for every 4,700: in France
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 269 7 MANILA CIGARS FROM THE LA ISABEL FACTORY. fresh stocks of Londres, Reina Victorias, High Lifes, etc., Have naw arrived and can be obtained from the following r TONG JOO Co. JOO HOE Co. CHONG KEE Co. KEAN HUAT Co. HOONG KEE Co. JOO SEANG. And all other leading Stores and
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2678 8 P. &0. B. I.—APGAR N. Y. K. K. P. M. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). koninkujke paketvaart (INCORPORATED IN > mail AND passenger services. J a p an Mail Steamship Co. Id. maatschappu oHl ma MUTUAL NAV. co rPENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. j (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND..
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