Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 27 March 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 764 1 □□□□aD°nannDDDnnaonnannanjm g IF YOU WANT TO SHIP, g BUY or sell :RUBBER I n OB TO o a FORWARD GOODS a TO any part OF THE WORLD I GO TO g ALLEN DENNYS Co./8 7. UNION STREET. u gonannDanDDDonnannnnnnnnDaDD 4 THE TAI CFAin Motor Repairing Co., I I ESTATE SUPPLIES.
      764 words
    • 55 1 □□□□□□□onnnnc nnnaur n FOR $3O n can have the Pinang X Gazette posted every day for a whole year to your address. (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). n Proportionate Quarterly and n Half-yearly rates. Subscriptions are payable in n advance and remittance should g be addressed to n g PINANG GAZETTE PRESS,
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  • 1744 2 THE WESTERN FRONTIER. There has been no farther movement on the western frontier in the Mersa Matruh zone, whence the Bedouin appear to have withdrawn, writes the Cairo correspondent of the “Pioneer” on 23rd ulto., but hostile bodies have been reported in the Baharia and Farafra oases, to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1487 2 Bates for required immediately. WARNING. Casual Advertisements. R e han y dtymstreuters service. with good salary to suitable person. FOR SALE. TO LET. SITUATIONS VACANT. ETC. Reply Box 167, c/o Pinang Gazette. aLL persons are cautioned against ***** 3 making unauthorised use of R uter’s Service of News, and any
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    • 61 2 Harsß Purgatives, Salts and Castor Oil, are old fashion* ed remedies more drastic than safe. the tiny laxatives ensure the same results, but in a perfectly natural manner. They do not upset the stomach nor gripe, but gently assist nature. Of chemists, 50 cents per nhial «J P free from
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    • 592 2 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OFINm? AUSTRALIA AND CHINA Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital 0 Reserve Fund >t r.’‘ Reserve Liability of Proprietors Head Office; 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON EC Agencies and Branches.’ Amritsar Hongkong p ek Bangkok Iloilo pj Batavia Ipoh Puket Bombay Karachi Calcutta Klang Sai Canton Kobe Seremban Cebu
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  • 4798 3 RUBBER GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING. CHAIRMAN ON EXCESS PROFITS. fl e annual meeting of the Robber g r( wera’ Association was held at the Cannon Sr Hotel on February 18. The chairman, jj r E. L. Hamilton, said In moving the adoption of the report, I
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  • 317 3 The interview with Mr Lampard which wo published the other day and the criticism of them appearing in our correspondence columns deal with a problem that has long exercised the minds of rubber investors, says the Times of Ceylon.” For ourselves it is not a subject
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  • 198 3 Pension Arrangements. The “F. M. S. Government Gazette” states that in exercise of the powers severally vested in them by the Pensions Enactment, 1906, the Residents of Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pahang each in respect of the State of which he is Resident with
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  • 340 3 Mr. Owen Johnson, the American novelist, is in France, wher* he is driving a Red Cross ambulance. He his written a book of his experiences/ which will appear soon, and it contains a report of an interview he had with General Joffre. Peace to-day,” said the French
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 363 4 [Reutbr’s Telegrams.] RIVAL SHIPS DESTROYED. London, March 25. The Admiralty announces that an engagement occurred on February 29th, in the North Sea, between the armed German raider Greif, disguised as a Norwegian merchantman, and the British merchant cruiser Alcantara, resulting in the loss of both vessels,
      [Reutbr’s Telegrams.]  -  363 words
    • 345 4 TOWED TO BOULOGNE. London, March 25. The Cross Channel steamer Sussex (1,117 tons, belonging to the London,Brighton, and South Coast Railway Co., Ltd.) was attacked. Keeps Afloat. The Sussex was torpedoed in the afternoon between Dieppe and Folkestone. She carried 350 passengers, mostly French, and a crew
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    • 85 4 Landon, March 25. The Dominion liner Englishman (5,257 tons, of Liverpool) was sunk. Hitherto, 68 survivors have been picked up. Further Victims. Havre, March 25. The steamer Koning (Norwegian) was torpedoed in the Channel, without warning. The crew were saved. The steamers Fulmar and Salybia (British) and
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    • 117 4 A NAVAL INQUIRY. London, March 25. The Dutch naval authorities have ordered an if quiry into the sinking of the Palembang. U Boat’s Report,” It appears that the German submarine, which torpedoed the Tubantia, sent a wireless message saying that the vesssel struck a mine. Tubantia Torpedoed. The
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    • 49 4 CONVOYS AND TUGS FOR MERCHANTMEN. Amsterdam, March 26. It is officially stated that the Dutch Government, on behalf of Dutch merchant men, will place a vessel with wireless near the Noordhiuder Lightship, and will provide convoys of tugs and mine-sweepers for Dutch vessels to British waters.
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    • 42 4 ENTENTE AGAINST CHANGE. Washington, March 25. It is announced that the Entente, replying separately, have declined Mr. Lansing’s suggestion to disarm merchantmen. It is understood Mr. Lansing is prepar ing a circular, explaining the United States’ attitude on the question.
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  • General News.
    • 147 4 GERMANY AND MARK’S FALL. London, March 25, Reuter understands that the official view of the relative position of British and German credit is that whereas the depre ciation in sterling is comparatively trivial the mark has fallen between 25 and 30 per cent, throughout the world. This
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    • Article, Illustration
      301 4 ANOTHER BRITISH SUCCESS. London, March 25. General Smuts reports that on March 21st his forces ousted the Germans from strong positions on the Ruwu River, to which the enemy retired after their previous defeats, inflicting heavy losses, and capturing a 4.1 inch gun belonging to the Koenigsberg. Kitchener’s
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    • 90 4 TRANSFER OF CONTROL. London, March 25. A Bill, proposing the transfer of the management of the Imperial Institute from the Board of Trade to the Colonial Office, provides that the Execu ive Council shall consist of 25 members, including two each from the Board of Trade and
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    • 51 4 NEED FOR CO-OPERATION. London, March 25. An artie'e in “The Tndiaman draws attention to the need for a central authority, and a definite policy, to regulate emigration from India. The “Westminster Gazette” suggests that the Colonies be asked to co-operate with the Indian Government in finding such a
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    • 55 4 Melbourne, March 25. The Hon. Mr. Pearce, Minister of Defence, said 209,500 troops will have been sent abroad by June. An additional 60,000 were in training. Australia would undoubtedly not only be able to find reinforcements to keep the units up to full strength, but would be able
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    • 26 4 Amsterdam, March 25. In the Reichstag, Herr Helfterich announced that the subscriptions to the last German War Loan amounted to 10,600,000,000 marks.
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    • 33 4 London, March 25. A further long list of imports, which are prohibited, except under special license, includes mostly heavy, cumbersome good®, also various cotton and woollen manufacturers, cutlery, soaps and toys.
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    • 478 4 MISHAP TO AURORA. London, March 25. Reuter states that Sir Ernest Shackleton’s ship, the Endurance, is daily expected at Buenos Aires. If Sir Ernesb Shackleton is noton board, it means that he has probably succeeded in crossing the Antarctic Continent, then the first news of the explorer
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  • 189 4 The members of the Roman Catholic community of Penang met at the Parish Hall yesterday morning for the purpose of confirming and passing the proposed rules and regulations of the Penang Catholic Benevolent Association. There were present Mr J D Scully (President), Messrs J H Phipps,
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  • 1448 4 Dr J S Rose is still confined to the house. There was a large influx of Planters to the Settlement this morning. Captain Russell Grey has arrived at Basra. Mr Neely is with the same division. We regret to hear that Mr. J. R. Murray of Messrs.
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  • 65 4 GREAT DAMAGE DONE. [from Our Own Correspondent] Ipoh, March 27. Information has just been received of destructive tornado which swept over the Trong, Selama and Taiping districts. A large forest of trees was uprooted at Selama. One estate is reported to have lost over 800 trees. At
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  • 46 4 The Band will play the following p rc gramme of music at the Esplanade from 6 till 7 this evening:— 1. Selection The Gaiety ...Kappey 2. Mazurka Souvenir ...Brainier 3. Waltz Lullaby Lonth 4. Schottische Les Tolies Bergeres Morteff 5. March Qigerl ...Wagner
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  • 82 4 Obituary. LORD SCARSDALE. London, March 25. The death has occurred of the Rev. Alfred N. Holden Curzon, fifth Baron Scarsdale, father of Earl Curzon of Kedleston, aged 84. The ex-Viceroy succeeds to the barony. The Funeral, London, March 26. Earl Curzon was present at Lord Scarsdale’s funeral at Kedleston to-day.
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  • 830 5 25 PER CENT. DIVIDEND FOR THE YEAR. i Mr. C. Everitt signs the following directors’ report on the Chaogkat Serdang estates to be presented at the meeting, on Saturday, April I. Gentlemen, —Your directors submit herewith a duly audited statement of the ac counts of the company
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  • 375 5 Calcutta, March 14.—Calcutta is experiencing a shortage of coal consequent upon transport problems. Commenting on the situation the Englisman,” writes —The state of affairs promises to become serious very shortly unless quicker methods of transport are adopted by the railways concerned, On Saturday one of the
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  • 293 5 A paragraph in The Man of the World’s weekly column in the Rangoon Gazette seems to point to an actual incident in a Burma Government Office. Ah, well 1 Quandoque bonus dor mi tat HomeruB, and even classic and scriptural gods take forty winks on due provocation Every
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  • 24 5 we have used, if anything, more space in the newspaper than in peace times, with excellent results.—Selfridge and Co., Ltd.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 473 5 RED STAR Disinfectant Fluid An efficient creosote disinfectant, easily miscible with water in all proportions. 1 gallon drums $2.00 5 gallon drums $B.OO 40 gallon casks $45.00 THE DISPENSARY (PENANG) Ltd., 2 6, BISHOP STREET and 26, CAMPBELL STREET, PENANG. Telephones 398 and 568. Tel. Address: CHEMOPTIST. ITW L ji
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    • 20 5 we have used, if anything, more space in the newspaper than in peace times, with excellent results.—Selfridge and Co., Ltd.
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    • 464 5 i La'W W B Here ,s b New Health New Life for the Ailing. if you who are Weak, Anaemic, Nervy or Run-down ttvg could realize what a short course of Wincarnis’ would mean to you—you would not continue to suffer needlessly. You would get a bottle of ‘Wincarnis’ at
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  • 1111 6 Recent happenings recorded in the cables tend to show that the threats of greater frightfulness made by those responsible for the enemy submarine campaign were not all idle talk. It is true that during the early part of March the toll taken of Allied shipping appeared to
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  • 16 6 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $94.70 per picul, business done.
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  • 101 6 The output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging (N. L.) for the week ending 25th inst., was 23 tons. Mr A E Beavis, merchant of Singapore, is authorised to file a specification of an invention for collection of latex known as the Beavis Latex Spout. The Chinese Merchants
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  • 1386 6 The theory advanced in some quarters is that the capture of Erzerum was hurried on by the Russians to create a diversion from the Mesopotamian and Persian fiells. It is mentioned for what it is worth. At leas fc there should soon be a change in the
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  • 166 6 20 PER CENT. DIVIDEND. (From Our Otvn Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, March 25. At the annual general meeting of the shareholders of Bukit Kepong Rubber Co, Ltd., the Chairman said the profit, toge’he r with the amount brought forward from last year amounted to $33,245, allowing for the
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  • 122 6 THE ANNUAL MEETING. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, March 27. The annual general m a etiog members of the F M S Chamber of -l lDe was held at Ipoh on Saturday afternoon. On a request from Selangor, it decided to hold two Council meeting 9
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 386 6 GdzC i/me yctiA, ?MB gThen take a pick-me-up course of VITAFER —the great brain and body 11 building food. It combines Organic |l Phosphorus—perhaps the greatest gift of II science to the human race with the if rich protein constituents of pure milk. I? Vitafer 'i [~Th e* Gre ate
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    • 49 6 NOTICE. OWING to the enhanced prices o. Whisky, Brandy and Gin and difficulties of getting shipments, on and after Ist April and until further notice, the price of Stengabs and Pahits consumed at the “E. ifc O.” and "Crag" Hotels will be increased by 5 cents. Sarkies Brothers, Proprietors.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 457 7 fights in north sea. several vessels lost, more submarine victims, heavy FIGHTING IN RUSSIA. REPORTED offensive in MACEDONIA. British seaplanes, which were taken near to the German coast of SchleswigHolstein, by warships under Commodore Jyrwhitt, attacked German airship sheds east of Sylt Island. Three British ?eaplanes are
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  • France and Belgium.
    • Article, Illustration
      912 7 CALM AFTER A MONTH. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, March 25. -the most significant feature of the comoiunique is that, west of the Meuse, the D ight was calm, while east of the Meuse there was only an intermittent bombardment at Donaumont and Damloup, altogether the most tranquil
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    • 45 7 SIX AEROPLANES DESTROYED. Amsterdam, March 25. An aerodrome and six aeroplanes, near Ostend, were destroyed by the recent Allied air raid. German Torpedo Boat's Losses. A torp* do boat was towed into Zeebrugge, with six killed and 30 wounded on board.
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    • 122 7 GERMAN AIRSHIP SHEDS ATTACKED. London, March 26. It is officially announced that British seaplanes, yesterday morning, attacked German airship sheds in Schleswig-Hol-stein, east of the island of Sylt. The machines were conveyed close to the German coast by an escort of light cruisers and destroyers, under
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    • 23 7 London, March 25. Fcur more persons, injured in the last air raid on Kent, have died, making thirteen deaths.
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    • 294 7 Honest Fighting and Promiscuous Bombing. Commenting on the recent Zeppelin raids, the military correspondent of the Dutch paper Nieuwe Cou ant wri'es The object of a raid either from the air or by cavalry is to inflict as great damage as possible on the enemy at
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 501 7 ON NORTHERN FRONT. Petrograd, March 25. The main fighting is over a front of 60 miles from Drisviaty Lakes to Lake Narotch. A number of Caucasian regiments are participating. The experts say the initiative is clearly, in Russian hands. Severe Fighting. Petrograd, March 25. The Russians repulsed strong
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    • 376 7 The brief dispatch to the effect that the Russians have taken Kashan in Persia brings another romantic name into the theatre of war operations. Tradition says it was from Kashan that the Wise Men started on their pilgrimage to Bethlehem. Every step taken both by the
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • Article, Illustration
      55 7 AN ENEMY OFFENSIVE. Athens, March 26. The Germans started an offensive in the Doiran region, the French successfully resisting their attack. The Greek Government is doing its utmost to hasten the evacuation of civilians in the fighting zone, especially Ghevgheli, which Minister Dragumis described as of the eve of
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    • 28 7 FINANCIAL TROUBLES: Athens, March 25. Owing to financial difficulties, the Greek Government has allowed the demobilisation of the Army to the extent of 30 per cent.
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    • 16 7 London, March 25. The Rumanian Budget show an increase of £500,000 for war expenditure.
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    • 21 7 London, March 25. Lord Hardinge has been made a Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter.
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    • 63 7 NEWS FROM KUT. London, March 25. The British forces, operating on th» right bank of the Tigris, surprised and seized a small Turkish post at Fain Hiyeh on tbe night of March 15tb. Our casualties numbered four. General Townshend reports that enemy aircraft and artillery bombarded Kut -at intervals
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    • 89 7 Dehli, March 18 :—The following report has been received from General Lake on the operations in Mesopotamia On March 10th, information was received by the Tigris corps that the Turks had occupied an advanced position on the Tigris and a column was sent before dawn on March 11th
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    • 129 7 Delhi, March 19 —The following message dated 18th March has been received from the Mesopopotamian Eye-Witnesj dated Orah, March 16th There is nothing to record here since March Bth, save a few encounters of our posts in the neighbourhood of Abu Roman sandhills, on the right bank
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    • 52 7 SATISFACTORY SITUATION. London, March 25. In view of the satisfactory military position in Egypt, resulting from the Tar kish failure on the Western Frontier, the re-organization of the forces in Egypt has been effected. General Sir Archibald Murray has assumed sole command in Egypt, and General Maxwell has started
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    • 135 7 A FINE ACHIEVEMENT. London. March 25. It is officially announced that the rescue of the British prisoners in the hands of th» Senusgi was effected on March 17tb, entirely apart from the engagement on March 14th. Nine armoured cars, 26 others, and ten motor ambulances left Solium
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  • 48 7 Paris, March 26. Signor Salandra, the Dalian Premier, and Baron Sonnino, the F reign Minister, arrived in Paris in the evening. M. Briand, the French Premier, and other Ministers met the distinguished Italians at the station, a crowd giving the latter a tremendous welcome.
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  • 16 7 Petrograd, March 26. Prince Kondoscbeff has b-en appointed Russian Ambassador to China.
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  • 71 7 The Ukase of the appointment of M. Krupensky as Russian Ambassador to Tokio has been signed. Prince Kougacheff succeeds M. Krupensky. Prince Kougacheff, before the war, was Councillor of the Emba'sy at Vienna. He is at present Chief of the Chancellery of the Commander-in-Chief of the
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  • 40 7 SHORTAGE OF TONNAGE. Shanghai, March 26. Owing to the commandeering of all boats for the transport of troops, a cargo of piece goods and yarns, value four million taels, cannot be forwarder to Szechuan [Other Telegrams on Page
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  • 851 8 FURTHER IMPORTANT WAR MEASURES PROPOSED. The new session of the Legislative Council commences on Friday next, the 31st instant, when several new measures are to be introduced and carried through to the final reading. The acting Colonial Secretary will move that this Council approves a vote of $20,000
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  • 349 8 3,000 Wounded Soldiers. The Shanghai Rad Cross Society is now facing the hard problem of raising a considerable sum of money to meat the expenses of its branch hospitals iu the cities within the war zone in Szechuen, Hunan, Kweichow and Kwangsi. Every day telegrams are received
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  • 137 8 It appears from a judgment of Mr. Justice Rowlatt in Webster v. Webster that a husband cannot successfully claim an injunction to restrain his wife from pledging his credit. The reason is that the action is one founded in tort and is not competent under the
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  • 100 8 New York, Februury 22.—The Athene correspondent of the Associated Press telegraphs General Sarrail had an hour’s audience with King Constantine to-day. Afterwards King Constantine told the correspondent of the Associated Press that he was delighted with the result of the conference, which he was thoroughly confident was
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  • 134 8 Cinema Teas" in Calcutta. At the High Court, Calcutta, the rule obtained by the plaintiff in a suit brought by Mr. Arathoon Stephen against the Bandmann Varieties, Limited, and Mr. Maurice Bandmann whs disposed of before Mr. Justice Fletcher. In this rule the defendants were asked to show cause why
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  • 73 8 A merchant of Syracuse, who has returned to Sicily after a long residence in Venezuela, gives some interesting details of the manufacture of asphyxiating and lachrymal gases as employed by the Germans Before the war, Oermany imported, and probably still imports, a special kind of
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  • 18 8 Pbnang :—The E. <fc O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel. Singapore:—Raffles Hotel, Rangoon Strand Hotel.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 398 8 INSURANCE. THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE Co., OF CANADA, (INCORPORATED IN CANADA.) Reserves for the protection of Policy-holders over £3,000,000. All kinds of Life and Endowment Policies issued. Claims, Loans, and Surrenders settled immediately by the General Agents without delay for reference to the Head Office. GUTHRIE Co., Ltd., General Agents,
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    • 239 8 BL 1 SfeOWFii iu fa i h m Hu I Ml I 'Sfe Sffn ?r > ISi il la' of r The Best Quality in Brandy MARTELL’S If BLUE SILVER LABEL. To say that a Brandy is |i better than Martell is an Ba aul empty boast —to beat xS&i!
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  • 573 9 ANNUAL meeting. T annual general meeting of the share16 rf the Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd b ld he ld at u° OQ t0 dft y- at the Chamber of SS nrpp when there were present Hon. ?“vnung’ (Chairman), Messrs. Duxbury, Brown, J. W. Hunt, J. Allan,
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  • 209 9 The F.M.S. Government Gazette contains the draft of an enactment to amend The Forest Enactment, 1914.” The objects and reason state that the main object of this Bill is to extend Clause 3) the power of the Chief Secretary to authorize the compounding of forest ounces. Recourse
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  • 95 9 March 12.— 1t is announced that ilaa! a mation has been arranged bethe Alliance Bank of Simla, Limited, -j? die Punjab Banking Co., Limited. b e requisite meeting of the respective Q S shareholders will be convened in Cp < J° Ur Be to CoD firm the
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  • 436 9 A SUCCESSFUL EFFORT. The Tableaux Vivants entertainment, repeated by Mr. and Mrs. Wright-Motion on Saturday evening, proved even more successful than the earlier ones, encores being frequent. As a result of these the fund on behalf of the destitute Belgians should be augmented by a substantial sum
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  • 331 9 Stirring details have reached Capetown of a glorious encounter on Lake Tanganyika on Boxing Day between two British motor-boats, manned by naval men, and a powerful German gunboat, ending in the latter’s surrender and capture. At 8 a.m. (says the narrator who took part in the
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  • 77 9 ALIEN ENEMIES’ RESOLUTION. {From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, March 27. At the annual general meeting of the members of the Ipoh Club, held on Saturday evening, it was decided on the motion of Mr. J. A. S. Jennings that the resolution, that no alien enemies be members of
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    • 237 9 PENANG v. CALEDONIA. A strong team from the Caledonia Golf Club visited Penang yesterday, to play a series of Singles and Foursome matches against representatives of the local Club. Singles were played in the morning and Foursomes in the afternoon. The visitors were entertained to tiffin at the Swimming
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    • 78 9 MARCH MONTHLY MEDAL. This competition was played on 26th March and resulted as follows Dr W S Sheppard 97—14=83 nett Mr Alex. Jack 90— 6=84 Mr H T Earle 101—16=85 Mr J R Ferguson 107—20=87 Mr W B Penman 106—18=88 Mr E Beard 105—14=91 Mr G A
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    • 213 9 MR. MAY’S XI v. MR. REID’S XI." This match was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon and resulted in a victory for Mr. Reid’s XI by 7 wickets. Mr. May’s team batted first and made 80 runs of which the skipper himself made more than half. Mr. Reid
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    • 124 9 Cup Ties. After a great struggle, Sabrul Jamil failed on Sunday to equalize the goal scored by Kampong Jawa before half time, but either side might have won on the play. Result: Muthibol Ahzan, 1 Sabrul Jamil, 0. Referee, Mr. Shafee. Both sides played very well in the replay
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  • 935 9 SALE OF INTOXICANTS “CRIMPING.” A general meeting of the Kuala Lumpur District Planters’ Association was held in the P.A.M. meeting room, Mercantile Bank Buildings, Kuala Lumpur. Mr. F. G. Harvey was in the chair. Latex Thefts. The Hon. Secretary said that, as instructed, he had circularised the
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  • 303 9 CHINAMEN .CONVICTED, Id the Third Court, Penang, to-day, before Mr V G Ezechiel, a Chinese hawker was charged with being in fraudulent possession of a piece of zinc piping. Salleh, a detective, stated that yesterday afternoon he, together with anothar detective, were on rounds in Chulia
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  • 48 9 [From Our Own Correspondent] Singapore, March 27. The Chinese Consul-General forwards a long telegram from Peking announcing that the official acceptancs of the Throne of China on December 11th is hereby cancelled, and that petitions in favour thereof have been returned to the senders for destruction.
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  • 42 9 Business for Special Meeting. 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. Some bills to be passed. 5. Applications to join Provident Fund. 6. Plans.
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  • 92 9 Owing to rain, the fortnightly Handicap Shoot fixed for Saturday afternoon did not take place. Thia shoot will take place in April instead, time and date being notified later. Dr Fowlie has given notice that at the next meeting of the Singapore Municipal Board, on the
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  • 124 9 Pbnang, March 27, 1916. {By Courtesy of lha Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 7/32 4 months' sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 7/8 3 Documentary ...2/4 29/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days' sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 Moulmein Demand Bank 173 3 days'sight
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  • 48 9 March 29.—Resident Councillor At Home,” 5 p.m. 31.—Masonic Dinner to Wor. Bro. R. Young at E. O. Annexe. April 4—Farewell Dinner to Hon. R. Young at Penang Club. April 2L, 22, 23, 24.—Straits and F.M.S. Golf Championship, Ipoh. July 27th and 29th.—Penang Turf Club’s Race Meeting.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 152 9 ADVERTISING. Seven pages are filled in the current issue of “The Advertising World with the testimonies of leading general advertisers whom the war has not sufficed either to paralyze or to dismiy. Here are a few sentences culled from the letters published There is only one way to succeed in
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    • 314 9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .1 l 1 111 a WANTED. EUROPEAN ASSISTANT for Rubber Estate, Kedah. Commencing salary $2OO p.m. Apply Box No. 171, c/o Pinang Gazette. WANTED. FITTER to run motor-boat and stationary pumping set in Pahang. Salary $4O/- per month. Only men with thorough knowledge of repair work need apply.
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  • 2475 10 j. a a. -C j »p,U>. Paid up. v"«. S Jf M OQ g£ I l3ll 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 M «W I IM 1813 HOO,OOO 18J.000 80,000 1 J < hr n 41 O 1 ft cnm ISIS t lOOOOO 100 000 *****0 1 £1 5 1
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    • 419 10 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”] Sir,Will you p’eass allow me space in your columns to let it be known that the “Malayan” Air Squadron Fund is still open, and will remain open during the continuance of the war. Arrangements have been made by
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  • 423 10 Generosity of the Organiser. Mr. Alma Baker, who is in Singapore awaiting a steamer for New Zealand, has presented “Fighter, Malaya 17” to the War Office, to be added to the Malayan Air Squadron. This is the third aeroplane Mr. Baker has presented, and we cannot allow
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  • 903 10 A GLIMPSE OF THE TURK. February B—The Turk is as invisible a the Hun in Flanders. He is lying very snug in his ditch just under the thin mole scratchings we can see from our from trenches. We tease him some'imes with maxims and plump an occasional shell over
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 574 11 MOOR AND CAIRN LINES. The reports of two cargo steamship companies on the North-East Coast—the Moor Line and the Cairn Line—are now issued and show large earnings for 1915. In the report of the Moor Line (Ltd.), of which Sir Walter Runciman, m.p., is the head, it is
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  • 135 11 Commenting on the alleged settlement of the Lusitania incident, the Vaderland writes The Lusitania question has again been solved,” and we, co-neutrals, should rejoice at this fresh success of the President of the United State?. In Germany people have been so blinded by the heroic side of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 445 11 JAUNDICE ITS CAUSE AND CURE. This distressing complaint so common in all hot countries is caused by the Bile overflowing in the Blood. It is not an independent disorder but the symptoms of other complaints which cause the Bile to overflow’ in this manner instead of entering the intestines to
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    • 115 11 No*More Headaches Headaches, intermittent pains, sharp ■hooting apaame, or steady, dull aches, over the eyes, in the back of the bead, at the base of the brain or in the temples, quietly succumb to the shooting iaflueucs of LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM Every minute you suffer from a headache is lost
      115 words
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