Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 March 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 643 1 annDßO aananDonnnnnnnaaannon IF YOU WANT TO SHIP, g BUY or sell IRUBBER I OR TO FORWARD goods n to ANY PART ok the WORLD g GO TO g ALLEN DENNYS Co., 7 UNION STREET. D aDnnn n nnnDaoo aFiAimt SOLICNUM. Motor Repairing Co., The Marvellous Wood Preservative Protects 61 Burmah
      643 words
    • 51 1 c□□□□□□onnnnnanaauc□□□□□□a FOR $3O a a XTOU can have the “Pinang JL Gazette posted every day a for a whole year to your address. (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). Proportionate Quarterly and Half-yearly rates. Subscriptions are payable in n advance and remittance should n be addressed to n g PINANG GAZETTE PRESS, Ltd..
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  • 866 2 Captain Ferguson, Staff Officer, was in Penang yesterday. The Rev. L. W. Coleman, Ipoh, conducts the service in All Saints’ Church, Taiping, on Sunday night. Mr. W. Frew is Worshipful MasterElect of Lodge Kinta. The installation ceremony takes plac« on Saturday, April 1. Mr. A. H. Dickinson,
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  • 521 2 GERMAN-BORN AMERICAN AND REVOLUTION. Writing to the “New York Times,” one Julius Hopp says: Now that the European slaughter (mass murder called war by the mad rulers of the countries responsible for the monstrous crime) has continued for a year and a half and there is no
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  • 199 2 Calcutta, March 7.—A sensational trial is now proceeding in Calcutta High Court Sessions, in which Mrs. Dean Stewart Drummond, a European, is charged with an at'empt to murder David Donaldson, a Scotsman employed in an Anglo-Indian jute mill, on the morning of November 6th. Donaldson is a
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  • 112 2 The Sydney Marine Underwriters’ and Salvage Association has received a cable from London indicating a material increase in war rates for the Cape routes—-i.e via Cape Horn and the C«pe of Good Hope. The cable to the underwriters is as follows War steamers homeward to Suez or Port
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  • 62 2 The Daily Express has begun a series of articles dealing with Krupp’s armament factory at Essen, written by the journalist who furnished the Daily Mail with accounts of the Kaiser’s banquet at Nish. The writer claims that he obtained work in Krupp’s workshops, and learned the making of
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  • 58 2 THE LATEST DIVIDENDS. (P. G. Special) London, March 15. The following rubber company dividends are announced Harpenden (Selangor) Rubber Co Ltd., 40 per cent, (final). Interim Dividends. The undernoted are interim dividends Tremelbye (Selangor) 20 per cent. Rembia Estates Leodu Federated Selangor 30 Malay Rubbsr Planters 5
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  • 33 2 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, March 17. Singapore rubber auctions concluded with 350 tons so d of the 412 tons offered. There was a steady demand throughout, closing slightly lower.
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  • 52 2 OUTPUTS FOR FEBRUARY. The following are additional rubber outputs for February Ampat lbs. 13 093 Asahan 23,980 Anglo Sumatra 72,190 Bah Lias 5,409 Investment Trust 12,431 Jendarata 53,500 Mendaris 1,820 Rubber Trust Tea 164,830 Sialang 86,816 Sungei Kari 28,240 Toerangie 3,214 Taiping 10,525 Tandjong 97,201 Tanah Datar 9,011 United
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  • 56 2 The following are the latest quotations in our share list:— Yesterday. To-day. 0Q QQ oq tn Shares S SQ M Mxmng. Kamunting... 29/6 30/6 30/- 31/Malavan Tin 32/6 35/- 35/- 40/. Ronpibon 4/- 5/- 2/- 3/Trong 33/3 34/9 32/- 35/R d>&«r (Sterling N’borough 1/4J 1/7| 1/6 1/9
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  • 322 2 The report of the Vai d’Or Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the output of rubber amounted to 172,432 lbs., as against an estimate of 125,000 lbs and an output of 104.438 lbs. for the previous year. The cost of production, including a proportion of the estate
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  • 72 2 For the period from the 17th to 23rd. March, 1916, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at three shillings and eight pence per lb, and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an advalorem basis in accordance
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  • 36 2 The Electric Polyscope is showing a M P 6 r“. d »f 0u E r r S fro m Slue Blood and Yellow Baek," besides the Uo.eersal Weekly, and several oo.uelies will be shown.
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  • 437 2 THE PINANG GAZETTE PRESS, LTD. DIRECTORS REPORT. The Report of the to be mitted to the Shareholders at the Sixt Annual General Meeting of the Co to be held at the Chamber of Penang, on Monday, the 27th noon is as follows at Your Directors have the pleasure to n
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  • 321 2 The Report of the Committee of Management, for 1915, states The number of members on 31st Dec. 1915, was 320 as compared with 324 on 31st Dececmber, 1914. The falling-off was much less than had been anticipated and quite negligible compared with the experience cf loci clubs and
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  • 126 2 Stabbing Incident in Bombay. Bombay, February 29.—T0-day, before the Fourth Presidency Magistrate, Albert Stevens was charged with causing hurtto Haji Ali Zauker under the following c ir cumstances. Stevens is an Armenian an a Turkish subject, and Haji Ali is 4 Mahomedan German subject. Both r prisoners-of-war
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 949 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. wanted. Riley detachable'wire wheel and dicky seat for two-seater Straker Notice of Removal. Apply No. 161, c/o Pinang Gazette. 'THE GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY WANTED. Ltd. beg to give notice that from VERSEER for maintenance of bridle to-day—owing to Expiration of the paths and bridges in Larut District. Lease—the
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  • 1056 3 POINTS IN THE REPORT. r Tne Council’s report for the year 1915, «totes alia. Mfmbbrship. The membership of the Association is 662, 1 o f 412 Companies and 250 iudiviconsis increase( membership since the .of the last report is 24. The following the growth of membership since
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  • 270 3 Export Duty.—Through the Association’s local Committee, and with the co-operation of the 1 lanters’ A ssociation of Malaya, representations are being made for the establishment of a more equitable valuation of rubber for the purpose of paying export duty. Quit Rents.—Under the Country Lands
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  • 316 3 Mr. E. L. Killick, in a reasonable article in The Financier says that it is quite erroneous to suppose that the present price of rubber is high, and that it is equally foo'.ish to deprecate any advance in prices as inimical to the industry’s future. Recent increases are,
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  • 329 3 Mr. C Arthur Lampard, a fount of wisdom in rubber matters from which the London financial papers are constantly drawing supplies, has been interviewed on the question of forward selling, about which there seems to be a good deal of division of opinion. Of course, he strongly defends
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  • 872 3 NEUTRAL AND BELLIGERENT VIEWS Soulless Money Markets, they tell us, are swayed neither by sympathy nor sentiment. What happens there is controlled by hard, matter-of-fact business and by nothing else. It is on this account that, when torn by conflicting reports of the relative stayingpower of
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  • 693 3 DISMAY AMONG DEVOTEES OF THE HALF-PEG. The Statesman says:— Some dismay has been occasioned among devotees of the half-peg by the prospect of a possible elimination of this commodity from the market. Government first of all commandeered patent stills. Then a warning was issued to the
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  • 118 3 Pegs and Tobacco to be Cut Down. Calcutta, March 3 —The opinion of the Calcutta tea trade is that the proposed export duty of R 1 eight annas per 100 pounds is a reasonable method of obtaining revenue. The Calcutta hotel-keepers have already raised the price of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 61 3 THE OFFICE MAN leads a sedentary life; his brain grows sluggish—so does his liver. His health suffers—so does his business. the tiny laxatives, gently stimulate the bowels, thus toning up the system and nerves which lead to sparkling good health. Do not gripe. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or
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    • 170 3 cq oS3 ©i vj ii I ill W ißTiwm PRODUCE OF FRANCE! “Cordon sole„ lMPO rterT T “Cordon D HIBBERT. WOODROFFE C° LTP ROUGE. (Incorporated in England.) aJAUCSE. THE EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY I Which has now borne the Stamp of Public Approval for OVER FORTY YEARS. f ENO’S ‘FRUIT
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 200 3 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT!! The Last and Final Episode of the Sensational and Thrilling Universal Serial The Broken Coin.” Look Ahead 1 The Graft The Latest Serial of the Year is Coming A Record Thriller of the Serials ever Produced AT THE STRAITS CINEMA, Phone No. 628. EMPIRE HALL. PENANG ROAD. THE
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  • 14 4 Burton—On March 16, at Ipoh, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Burton, a son.
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  • 51 4 McArthur—Grey.—On February 26th, 1916, at H. B. M. Consulate, before A. M. Chalmers, Esq Consul-General, and afterwards at Christ Church, Yokohama, by the Revd. Wm. T. Grey, m.a., John McArthur, of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, to Frances Helen, second daughter of the late Richard Duffield Grey, of
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  • 953 4 Everybody who comes to Penang is familiar with Kedah Peak—from a distance. Even after years of residence, with very few exceptions, people living here know no more about the giant across the waters of the Strait, whose solitary figure domi nates the roadstead, than when its grand proportions
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  • 534 4 Prior to the commencement of the Verdun battle, the military correspondent of The Times.” by a lengthy process of reasoning, reached the conclusion that Germany had then two millions in resei ve for the fighting line It is probable that he had not sought to under-estimate the
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  • 1773 4 So the American Army is to undertake a big campaign in Mexico after all. If occupied until November of this year, t e Mexican revolution will be six years oldnot an insignificant record, even for Mexico. At the end of 1915, the list of events “worthy of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 156 4 > VI iii,imiHinii.!i,. Special Extra Heavy Studded Pattern 26 x 2 V' to fit 26 x 21" rim $15.50. GUTHRIE Co., Ltd., PENANG, SOLE AGENTS FOR The Dunlop Rubber Co. (Far East) Ltd. (Incorporated in Hongkong). PRITCHARD." PENANG IPOH. Reliable Time-keeping Watches MOERIS WATCHES, Strong and Accurate. Rolled Gold Half
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    • 29 4 E. O. HOTEL. SPECIAL DINNER ON FRIDAY, 17th MARCH. MISS MAY CLARKE OF Drury Lane, Lyric and Palace Theatres will sing during Dinner. DANCING AFTER DINNER. E. O. ORCHESTRA.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
  • 18 4 DEATH. Maxwell—On March 3, at Shanghai, Noel Maxwell, of the Asiatic Petroleum Co., (North China), Ld., aged 26
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  • 212 5 GLOOM in GERMANY. the fall of the mark, dutch liner disaster. CHIEF PIRATE’S RESIGNATION. The German offensive on Wednesday, northwest of Verdun, which was delivered over a front of three miles, met with Jittle success, the French subsequently counter-attacking, with the bayonet and grenades, and winning back al!
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  • France and Belgium.
    • Article, Illustration
      729 5 [Rbuter’s Telegrams.] GERMANS DRIVEN BACK. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, March 16. West of the Meuse, the Germans made no further attack. The French counter-attacked, between Bethincourt and Cumieres, with grenades and the bayonet, and re-took a portion of a trench occupied by the enemy, towards Hill
      [Rbuter’s Telegrams.]  -  729 words
    • 531 5 The military correspondent of “The Times says the net permanent loss of the German Army during the past 18 months of w.r may be approximately estimated at 2,€2<,080 total minus 790,000 wounded returned to the front, and plus 630,000 invalided and 150,000 sick in hospitals,^oi r on
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    • 175 5 LORD DERBY’S SPEECH. London, March 16. In the House of Lords, during a recruiting debate, Lord Derby said it was obvious that there must be exceptions to the rule that single men must go first but he was convinced that the new Cabinet Committee was doing
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    • 115 5 Royal Proclamations calling up the remaining “groups” (14 to 23 inclusive) and “classes” (13 to 23 inclusive) of single men were posted on February 14 night in London and throughout the country. Both reserves will begin to be called up for service on March 18. It
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    • 19 5 Ottawa, March 16 In the Senate, Lord Shaughnessy stated that many Recruiting Leagues favoured modified conscription.
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    • 63 5 London, March 16. The “Gazste” announces the award of the Distinguished Service Order to the following Captains S E Apthorp (96 h Behar Infantry) A H Jukes (9th Gurkhas). Military Crosses are awarded as under Captain H W Gol-'frap (103rd Mahrattas) Lieuts W A Hinds (103rd Mahrattas)
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    • 21 5 London, March 16 The London Gazette notifies that Colonel Cadell of the Indian Army is promoted temporary Brigadier-General.
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    • 50 5 BAROMETRICAL SIGNS. New Yoik, March 16. Another sensational decline in the mark brings it to 71 7/8. The New York Herald” says the continued decline, despite the efforts of German financiers to artificially check it, reveals the world’s perception of the Germans’ impenoiog financial and military collapse.
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    • 225 5 Berlin has been making desperate efforts to stop the rot in the value of the mark in neutral countries. The methods seem questionable. The Exchange correspondent at Copenhagen says on February 11. Germany is getting into grave difficulty with the Scandinavian countries owing to her attempts to maintain
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 98 5 IMPORTANT BRITISH SUCCESS. London, March 16. General Peyton reports that he occupied Solium yesterday. The enemy blew up their ammunition and stores on Monday, and offered yesteiday only a slight resistance. The enemy were pursued by armed motor cars, cava ry, and a camel corps, 28 being taken
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    • 50 5 THE BRITISH ATTACK. London, March 16. General Lake reports that the column sent on March 11th to drive out the Turks from the advanced position they had occupied on March 10th bayonetted a considerable number of Turk», and then withdrew, with two Tarkish officers and 50 men as prisoners.
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    • 13 5 Bukharest, March 17. The German Minister is returning to Berlin.
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  • Italy's Campaign
    • 68 5 HARD FIGHTING. London, March 15. Severe fighting on the Italian front, in consequence of Italian attacks, is recorded by the Rome and Vienna communiques; The Austrian communique admits that the Italians penetrated Austrian trenches on the Isonzo, after hard fighting, and mentions an Italian air attack on
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    • 299 5 Amsterdam, March 15. Austria is calling up the 1918 class, DISCONTENT IN AUSTRIA. A neutral correspondent reports that necessaries of life in Austro-Hungary are ever decreasing in quantity and increasing in price. The population, so far as it does not belong to the wealthy class, is greatly underfed
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 134 5 ASSISTANCE SENT. London, March 16. The Dutch liner Tubantia (14,000 tons) from Amsterdam for Buenos Aires, sent out wireless messages that she was sinking. Destroyers steamed out of Flushing and a steam-lifeboat left the Hook of Holland for rescue work. Torpedoed. Amsterdam, March 15. The Tubantia is
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    • 32 5 THE NEW NAVAL MINISTER. London, March 16. A Copenhagen telegram says Grand Admiral von Tirpitz, the German Minister of Marine, has resigned. Admiral Capelle has been appointed his successor.
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    • 20 5 Amsterdam, March 16. Germany will not negotiate regarding German ships in Brazil, of which there are thirty.
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  • General News.
    • 105 5 THE ENEMY'S RETREAT. London, March 16. General Smuts reports that the British troops occupied Moshi on March 13th, and are pushing on to Arusha, which it is believed the Germans have evacuated. The enemy appear to be retiring rapidly towards the south. Their movement is greatly assisted by
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    • 30 5 NATIONAL MINISTRY. Lisbon, March 15. A National Portuguese Cabinet has been formed, with Senhor Almeida as Premier. A Ministry of Labour and Food Supply will be created.
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    • 82 5 TO TRANSFER TO INDIA. London, March 16. A meeting of the Bombay Electric Supply Company passed a resolution, by a majority of 80,000, in favour of the transfer of control to Bombay. Sir Edward Ollivant, who presided, said the Board felt that the interests of the Company
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    • 11 5 London, March 16. Mr. A’quith passed a good night.
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    • 10 5 London, March 16. Lord Curzon is progressing slowly.
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    • 146 5 LONG CAMPAIGN EXPECTED. New York, March 16. The military experts predict a two years* campaign in Mexico. They anticipate thab thousands of troops will desert Carranza to fight against the Americans It is pointed out that 12,000 American troops are already mobilised on the border. Probably the whole mobile
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    • 22 5 RE-OPENING DATE. Washington, March 17. The War Department announces thab the Panama Canal will be re opened on April 15th.
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    • 19 5 London, March 16. Lord and Lady Chelmsford lunched with the King and Quten at Buckingham Palace.
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    • 14 5 London, March 16. The Civil Service Estimates show decrease of £1,500,000.
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    • 82 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Gajah, March 17. Mr. Alma Baker telegraphs as follows Photographs of reconnaissance aeroplane, Malaya No. 6, in The Choon Guan Peng Siang, Singapore have been received by me from the War Office, and will be sent to the Donors. Photographs of No.
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  • 31 5 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $93 per picul buyers, no sellers. Tin is quoted in London to-day ata £195 spot, and £l9O 10s three months.
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  • 81 5 The output of Deebook Dredging (No Liability) for the first fortnight of March, was 204 piculs. Katoo Deebook (No Liability) output for the first fortnight of March, was 135 piculs. Messrs. Sellar, Murray Co., advise us that the outputs from the following two companies for the first half
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  • 82 5 The Irishmen of Penang and Province Wellesley have decided that no public celebration of the day shall take place this yr ar owing to the war They have however subscribed about $5OO towards providing comforts for Irish Regiments at the front. This will be sent home by
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  • 68 5 The March Monthly Medal Competition, 200 yards handicap, will be held J at the Swimming Club on Sunday, 19ch March, at 11-15 a.m. Entries will be received up to within half an hour of the start of the race. A list of the handicaps can be seen
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  • 15 5 CUP TIES. Saturday, Bahrol Alam v. Crescent Star. Sunday, Tanjorg Tokong v. Mej i
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  • 563 6 GEN. CHANG RECAPTURES NACHI. Chengta, Feb. 29.—The main Government force is strongly pressing the rebels at Nachihsien. General Tsao Kan’s troops are fighting tenaciously at Chikianghsien. The casualties are rather heavy. Peking, March 3.—According to a Government report from Chungking, a divisional commander of General Chang Chin-yan’s
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  • 219 6 The extension by the Postmaster-General of the contract held by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company for the carriage of the mails to and from India and the Far East for another year will give time says the Manchester Guardian’s London correspondent, for the further consideration
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  • 26 6 She Just think, I Henry, we’ve never had a cross word.’’ ,'ir, He—“ No, Marne. Ain’t I the patient cuss ll Detroit Free Press.”
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  • 885 6 The Board of Trade calls the attention of shipowners and merchants to numerous cases of fire and explosion which have occurred in circumstances pointing to foul play, not only in British ships but also in neutral ships carrying cargoes on British account or to the United Kingdom. Great
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  • 254 6 Judge’s Decision that Steamer Deviated from Her Course. An action upon the result of which other claims for more than £200,000 depend was decided by Mr Justice Bailhache in the Commercial Court of the King’s Bench Division. The case was a sequel to the sinking of the
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  • 143 6 Washington, February 23.—The House Committee on Military Affairs has come to an agreement on the Army Bill which undoubtedly will be passed by the House of Representatives. The Bill provides for the increase of the regular army to 135,000, as asked for by the Administration,
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  • 63 6 The Japanese crew of 40 of the Yasaka Maru, sunk by a German submarine about four months ago, passed through Colombo on March 2 on board the Fushimi Maru, on their way back to Japan. It appears when their ship was torpedoed they took to
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  • 76 6 The “Shanghai Nippo” reports that the new Japanese Consulates at Chifeng, Tsengchiatung Nungau, Hailung Taolu and Tunghua in Manchuria and Mongolia will be opened on June 1. A Tsingtau message says that the total number of Japanese living in Tsingtau has now reached 15,000 Practically the whole
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 278 6 HOW THIN PEOPLE CAN PUT ON FLESH. A New Discovery. Thin men and women—that big, hearty filling dinner you ate last night. What became of all the fat-producing nourishment it contained You haven’t gained in weight one ounce. That food passed from your body like unburned coal through an open
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    • 367 6 During the last few years, Michelin has, by successive stages, lowered the prices of his tyres by nearly 50 per cent. There is nothing abnormal about these reductions, they result partly from the present price of rubber, but more especially from the increased production of the three enormous Michelin factories.
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  • 934 7 CHARGE of CHEATING BY TAMILS. 4 t the Ipoh Assizes on Wednesday Mr. .L Farrer-Manby was engaged in tryJ° 9tic j n which a Moor and three L Dg V ‘qtood charged with attempting to Chinaman of Ipoh, in respect of a C Tof $4,000. 8 According
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  • 966 7 THE GOVERNMENT’S AIM. The statement from Ottawa that the Recruiting Leagues of Canada favour modified conscription renders the following from Toronto specially interesting Canada has not argued whether Great Britain should not have conscription. We have had only admiration for the extraordinary results achieved under the voluntary system.
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  • 258 7 For the second time in the wir, the resignation is reported of Grand Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz, Germany’s Navy Minister. A recent telegram stated that he was ill. Fur over sixteen year von Tirpitz has been the leading spirit of the German Navy, which owes its
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  • 102 7 The Germans, says the Scientific American,” had 50,000 machine guns at the commencement of the war, and this number has since been enormously increased. They are virtually substituting machine-guns for infantry. They hold their vas; line with a few men armed with machine-guns. The infantry is brought up
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  • 47 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 till 7 this evening 1. Overture Poet and Peasant ...Suppe 2. Polka Lucky Dog Bayliss 3. Waltz Wedding Dance ...Gung’l 4. Gavotte True Love ...Resep 5. March The Devils Hartmann
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  • 24 7 Fair patient—What would you advise me to do doctor Family physician—Either go south for the winter or else pun on more clothes.
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  • 48 7 Student (writing home) How do you spell financially Other F-i-n-a-n c-i-a-l-l-y, and there are two R’s in embarrassed.’ Harper’s Magazine.” The P. O. Royal Mail steamer Nankin, having left Singapore isexpectel to arrive here at 4 pm. to-morrow and will leave for Colombo and Bombay at midnight.
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  • 712 7 DEPENDENCE ON OUTSIDE SUPPLIES. It may be quite reasonably doubted whether at least 80 per cent of the inhabitants of this country have anything but the haziest not ons respecting the immense value to the whole of the communities of Malaya of the sea power of Great
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  • 150 7 CLEARANCES. To-day. Lian Choo fo Alor Star (Kedah).' Aing Thye for Alor Star (Kedah). Brandan for Deli and Asahan. Hok Canton for Port S wet ten ham and Singapore. Kiangping for Rangoon. Jin Ho for Asahan. Kedah for Langkat. Pin Seng for Rangoon. lyo Maru for Durban London. Hebe
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  • 123 7 Penang, March 17, 1916. {By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank) London Demand Bank ...2/4 7/32 4 months’ 'sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 7/8 3 Documentary ...2/4 29/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 Moulmein Demand Bank 173 3 days’sight
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  • 112 7 Penang, March 17, 1916. 8. 1 P, Tapioca $9.30 sales. M. P. Tapioca $9.50 sales. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $41.00 sellers Trang Pepper $33 sellers. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $62 sales. Cloves $4O
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  • 103 7 March 18.—Menglembu Lode Syndicate, Annual Meeting, 1 Downing Street, 12.30 p.m. —P.C.C. v. Nondescripts, Esplanade, 2 p.m. —Penang Club Cinderella Dance. 20.—Penang Assizes Open. 21.—Penang Rural Board Meeting, 3 p.m., Land Office. 22.—Meeting Licensing Justices, District Court, 2-15 p.m. —Malakoff Plantations, Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 3 p.m. 23
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 176 7 THE CLOCK THAT HAS NO HANDS. NEWSPAPER advertising is to business, what hands are to a clock. It is a direct and certain means of letting the publ c know what you are doing. In these days of intense and vigilant commercial contest, a business man who does not advertise
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    • 37 7 NOBEL’S EXPLOSIVES. MAGAZINES AT PENANG AND IPOH. Iteeks always as kan«i of GELIGNITE. BLASTING GELATINE. SEXTUPLE DETONATORS. ELECTRIC DETONATORS. SPORTING BALLISTITE CARTRIDGES. Bandila ids Buttery Co., Sole Agents for Penang and Perak Kyleabury Garland, Ltd., Agents. Perak.
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    • 615 7 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDI/ AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1,200,6 0 Reserve Fund £1,860,0 0 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,0 0 Hkad Ornes 38, BIBHOPBGATE, LONDON, E.O Aoimoiim and Branohm. Amritsar Hongkong Peking Bangkok Iloilo Penang Batavia Ipoh Puket Bombay Karachi Rangoon Calcutta Klang Saigon
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2168 8 P. 0.-B. I.— apcar N.Y. Klirx K. P. M. MAIL AND passenger services. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. maatschappij PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. I '(IlfCOBPOBATEO IK HOLUIfB.) ,H,W “So MUo*" JL* «1 MAIL SERVICES. S a (fowil Paekfit S. N. Company). 'T'HK Companies’ .teamurs are Homeward (for
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