Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 March 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 668 1 acD anDaD aoaoDDanDDnnannnnn n S IF YOU WANT TO SHIP, g BUY OB SELL g IrUBBER I C OR TO D D g FORM ARD GOODS g TO ANY PART OF the WORLD g GO TO g g ALLEN DENNYS Co., 7, UNIOR STREET. fl g nnnnQD □□□□□deb nonnaon SUN
      668 words
    • 65 1 BDaaaaOuanaDaaaDUDaaaDaDa n a FOR $3O g i NZ 017 can have fche Pinan a X Gazette posted every day a B for a whole year to your address. n (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). 7, Proportionate Quarterly and g Half-yearly rates. j Subscriptions are payable in n advance and remittance should g
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  • 110 2 NAVAL MEN MENTIONED. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, March 15. The Naval men mentioned in despatches in the Gallipoli operations include the following Rear-Admirals Thtrsby, Christian, and Stuart-Nicholson practically all the Captains engaged, 15 midshipmen, eight trawler-skippers, while those mentioned in connection with the evacuation are RearAdmiral Fremantle and 32 others
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  • 95 2 REWARDS FOR ARMY OFFICERS. London, March 15. The “Gazette” announces the following awards and promotions in connection with the evacuation of Gallipoli. G.C.M G.—Lieut-General SirCC Monro. K.C.M.G.—Major-General Sir F J Davies. C.M.G.—Colonel Robert Tudway, Majors H E Street, (Artillery) A G McNalty, (Army Service Corps) C F Aspinall
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  • 192 2 LATIN AMERICAS INTEREST IN EUROPEAN LIBERTY. In Mr. R. B. Cunninghame Graham—who knows Latin America as few men not natives of it do—the National Liberal Club Political and Economic Circle found an ideal chairman recently for a house dinner, at which the guest was Mr. Perez Triana,
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  • 341 2 The following, from a letter from Mr. H. Hodson Burt, gives the details of the unfortunate death of the late Capt. L. H. Darke at Hull, and will have a melancholy interest for his friends and fellow members of the Straits Merchant Service Guild Feb. 4th,—l
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    • 184 2 J off res Order. Berlin, February 29.—The Deutsche Ueberseedienst reports Among the papers found by the German troops during the last few days, the following secret army order, signed by General Joffre, was discovered January 31, 1916,—Instructions for the chief commanders of the army groups. The
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    • 37 2 London, Februhry 29—According to a New York report, the American-Germans have completed plans to blow up the German ships (interned in U.S. ports.) Tne American Government regard the frustration of these plans as impossible.
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    • 36 2 London, February 28—The “Morning Post’s” Petrograd correspon lent, on the fall of Kermanshah, says that every day brings nearer the moment when the Russian and British Armies wdl join hands before Baghdad.
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    • 24 2 P. O. Maloja. London, March I.—The Chief Officer’s reason for believing that rhe Maloja was torpedoed was that the vessels following were also sunk.
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  • 273 2 9,000,000 More In Reserve. Dr. Philip Newton, of Washington, who returned to New York on the Baltic, wesr*ing the uniform of a B r igadier-General in the Russian Army and the Cross of St. Anne, which was bestowed upon him by the Czar, said that
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  • 205 2 The Brindisi correspondent of the Corriere della Sera telegraphs I have asked Montenegrins passing through here for details of the march of the Austro-Bulgarians in Albania and learned that, according to the accounts of Austrian prisoners captured recently by the Serbians near Ismi, the
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  • 825 2 MR. BONAR LAW CONFIDENT. Mr. Bonar Law, Secretary of State for the Colonies, gave an interview to a representative of the “New York Tinvs,” who says that the Minister is of quiet, genial manners, slender build, and quick movements. His shrewd face inspires confidence. He has
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  • 33 2 The homeward mail closes at 7 n m D The RMS e Bi«r»tio n till 6 p.m. ihe K.M S. Karmala, arrived at London on the morning of Monday 13th instant.
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  • 735 2 Captein R.S. Pitney Captain J. 8. Rose is out of Hospit a j Mr RE Smith, la.e of Se remb at Alexandria. 1 18 Ho» The Hon. the Resident Cou Qc iii 0r “At Home ”on Wednesday, 29th 06 5 p.m. lDB t. it Messrs E Healy,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 909 2 NFW phinese field conductor. HvW nV f XxIV 1 IOEJvIErH 10« Vacancy filled. Applicants thanked. l MANAGER, Sungei Ular Estate. The resident councillor win be At Home at The Residency on t Wednesday, 29th March, at 5 p.m. No separate invitations will be issued. Tennis. O NE GOLD WRISTLET WATCH
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  • 1989 3 LOWING PRESSURE OF GERMAN HEEL. The special correspondent in Athens of .< t aw York World states that travelthe i r 3 arriving from Constantinople declare *hat the situation in Turkey not only has nOt been improved by the arrival of the Germans— after crashing Serbia—but
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  • 323 3 An Aeroplane to Fight the Zeppelin. M. Louis Bleriot, who has opened a large new factory at Suresnes, Paris, has given his views to the Paris correspondent of The Times The famous airman thinks that Zeppelin attacks are to be warded off by producing a new light
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  • 219 3 The following are given by Reuter’s corresp on ients as the official rates on February 12, for ‘‘sight” exchange on Germany per 100 marks Saturday. Friday. Normal Amsterdam (guilders) 41 00 59.25 Copenhagen (kroner) 66.05 66.10 89.00 Berne (francs) 97.95 97.60 123.45 The Amsterdam rate
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  • 519 3 M. BARTHOU’S SCORN. Rousing speeches, reflecting the confidence and determination of the Allies, were delivered on the Kaiser’s birthday ab the Sarbonne whero a demonstration by the Allies in honour of Serbia, was held in the presence of President Poincare, the Ambassadors and Ministers of the
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  • 341 3 FINDS ON THE ROOF OF THE WORLD. Allahabad, February 27.—The “Pioneer” publishes an account of Sir Au'el Stein’s explorations since the 6th July last, in the Russian Pamirs and mountain north of the Oxus. The improvement in AngloRussian relations of recent years is strikingly illustrated by the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 172 3 MISERY AFTER MALARIA. The debility and depression following an attack of Malaria mean more than a fancied disorder. This condition is a form of neurasthenia or nervous exhausition that usually developes after Malaria and its seriousness is recognised by all medical writers. Lowering of nervous tone, with increased irritability, is
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    • 197 3 AM MYSELF ALONE!" TERENCE RAMSDALE ✓S-Q, A- pi A A X Character actor, ra- contour, and quick TrSmai J change artiste. After a lapse of nine years known H’ WK. BBHhI artiste is revisiting MaU y states a n (indiicement ife, nlj ottering) will visit following stations-. Pt'nang, TaiIpoh, Kuala.
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  • 1224 4 There was a tendency at the start of the war to lay the blame almost entirely at the door of what was termed the German military party,the powerful classes who surround the Kaiser, who sway the court, the upper regions of society, the army and navy, the
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  • 1883 4 The Verdun battle is not yet over though there is lull in the fighting French opinion is in agreement with the belief that it will be followed by thrusts elsewhere, and experts of our Allies in the wes regard the wings as the points in the long
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 323 4 9 The First Dose 1 If you suffer from Neurasthenia, Nervous Debility, tO tffr Dyspepsia, Anaemia, Insomnia, are too easily over- S|| tired, or convalescent from Malarial Fever, etc., O every dose of VITAFER you take will help you a TF iiiiA good step on the road to health. S
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    • 108 4 E. O. HOTEL. SPECIAL DINNER ON FRIDAY, 17th MARCH. MISS MAY CLARKE OF Drury Lane, Lyric and Palace Theatres will sing during Dinner. DANCING AFTER DINNER. E. O. ORCHESTRA. IN MEMORIAM. MAY. Taiping, F.M.S. 16th March, 1908. The path by which we twain did go, From flower to flower, from
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 236 5 ENEMY FAIL NEAR VERDUN army and navy honours. BRITAIN'S AIR DEFENCES. AUSTRIA AND PORTUGAL. The French expectations of another offensive by the Germans at Verdun proved to be correct, the enemy, after an extremelv heavy bombardment, making a verv strong infantry attack west of the Meuse north-west of
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 521 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] POSSIBLE RENEWAL OF THE OFFENSIVE. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, March 15. The lull at Verdun finds the position generally unchanged, compared with nine days ago. The French do not believe the Germans have definitely abandoned the offensive, a a they have still 100.000 of their
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  521 words
    • 97 5 The recent German attack south-east of Ypres occurred between the railway and the Comines Canal. Some military experts point out that if our position here contracts much further, and if we lose as much ground there this year as we did last year, this will mean the abandonment
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    • 17 5 London, March 2. It is reported that the Kaiser has returned to Germany.
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    • 164 5 MR. TENNANT’S STATEMENT. London, March 14. In the House of Commons, Mr. H. J. Tennant said the air defence of Loudon was now complete on an agreed scale, which was being applied to the provinces, but the standard of air defence would be continually improved. Supply of New
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    • 250 5 The seaplane being built by the Navy Department in the Washington Navy Yard will not be the largest in the world. Henry Woodhouse, Governor of the Aero Club of America, declared: “More than 120 aeroplanes have been built in this country already that eclipse the one building
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    • 22 5 London, March 14. Mr. Asquith is suffering from bronchial catarrh and was unable to attend the House of Commons.
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    • 125 5 GOVERNMENT MEASURES London, March 15. The War Office announces that a comI mittee is revising the starred occupations, except railways and collieries, and recommends that the exemption of men claiming to hold responsib e positions in occupations connected with the export trades be limited to married men
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    • 87 5 A LONDON MEETING. London, March 15. The Lord Mayor presided at a meeting at the Mansion House in support of the fijht for the right. The movement has the object of opposing a premature Deace. Mr. Balfour wrote expressing warm sympathy. Lord Fisher said the self-governing Dominions
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    • 76 5 SPEEDING TO DISASTER. London, .March 15. Neutral finarc’ers declare that owing to the pitiable condition of small capitalists, Germany’s new War Loan will be merely a banking afftir, namely, the conversion of Government Bills into Government Securities. They express the opinion that this system means fast progress to
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    • 87 5 The fourth German war loan has been issued. Like the preceding loans, the amount to be subscribed is not limited. The new loan is divided into treasury bonds at 4 1/2 per cent., issued at 95 and the Imperial loan at 5 per cent., issued at
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    • 98 5 London, March 14 In the House of Commons, Colonel Yate suggested that widows of temporary Ma jors of the Indian Army should be placed on the same footing as regards pensions and gratuities, whether their husbands were killed before or after September Ist, 1915 Mr. Chamberla’n replied
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    • 41 5 London, March 15. Mr. Gibson Bowles will contest Harborough, on behalf of the married attested men, in opposition to Mr. Percy Harris (Liberal) to fill the seat formerly held by Mr. J. W. Logan (Liberal) whose majority was 1,077.
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    • 28 5 London, March 15. Major General S.S. Long, C. 8., Director of Supplies and Transport, resigned owing to a difference of opinion on the question of administration.
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    • 15 5 Buenos Aires, March 15. The wheat harvest is estimated at 4,698,800 tons.
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    • 18 5 London, March 14. Four hundred tons of cocoa have arrived in London from the Cameroons.
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    • 12 5 Amsterdam, March 15. Grand Admiral von Tirpitz is ill.
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 246 5 THE MEDICAL SERVICES. London, March 15. The Times to-day contains a leading article animadverting on the arrangements in Mesopotamia, especially the medical defects. Supplies for Red Cross. London, March 14. The J int Committee of the British Red Cross and Order of Saint John have, during the past fortnight,
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    • 96 5 HUNGRY TRIBES SURRENDER. London, March 15. An official telegram from Cairo says Major General Peyton will occupy Solium to-day. The Senu-si camp at Mseai is reported to be unoccupied and no opposition is expected, The Bedouin, who joined Sayed Ahmed, are demoralised and suffering greatly from hunger
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    • 34 5 ANOTHER DANUBE INCIDENT. Bucharest, March 15. Rumania is enquiriog into the arrest by the Bulgarians of the Commander of the Rumanian Guards at Corabia, when on a tour of inspection on the Danube.
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    • 500 5 Bulgar German Measures. An account of a visit to the Rumanian bank of the Danube and an indication of the armed preparations on both side of the river are given in a letter from the special correspondent of the Paris Temps in Rumania. At
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    • 30 5 Amsterdam, March 15. A Constantinople telegram says the Bulgarian p ditician, M Tufekschiefl, the principal instigator of the Turco-Bulgarian agreement, was murdered at Sofia on March 10th.
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    • 23 5 Petrograd, March 15. The Persian Government has re-appoin-ted Treasurer-General Heinseas, who resigned last March as the result of German intrigues.
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  • Italy’s Campaign
    • 70 5 ITALIAN THRUSTS. Rome, March 15 On the Isonzo front, despite torrential rain and fog, the Italian infantry made sucful attacks at several points, notably in the San Martino district, where, after a rapid and violent artillery preparation^they carried a strong redoubt with the bayonet, capturing the defenders. South-east
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    • 524 5 Mr. Hilaire Belloc in a review of the operations in the Austro-ltalian theatre says “An exceedingly important document has been issued in Rome. This is the official account, under the authority of the Italian Com-man<ier-in-Chief, General Cadorna, of the results of the operations upon the Italian
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    • 31 5 Rome, March 15. The Governor of Bologna announces that Austrian air-raiders, on February 13th, dropped packages of sweets, which, when analaysed, were found to contain germs of contagious diseases.
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    • 219 5 Rome and the Vatican and all Italy ar» shocked at the Austrian air vandals’ outrage on the unique relic of early Byzantine Christianity, the church of Sant Apollinare, at Ravenna. Now fresh but vain attempts at Bergamo, Brescio, and Monza, and even on Milan—whose position is 100
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  • General News.
    • 89 5 SIR E. GREY’S STATEMENT. London, March 15. In the House of Commons, Sir Edward Grey justified Portugal’s action in requisitioning interned German ships. He stated chat at the beginning of the war Portugal declared that under no circumstances would she disregard her duties under her ancient Alliance with Britain.
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    • 26 5 MINISTER RECALLED. Geneva, March 15. Austria has recalled her Minister ia Lisbon, and has handed his passports to the Portuguese Minister in Vienna.
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    • 16 5 Lisbon, March 14. French sailors, who arrived at Lisbon,, received an ovation.
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    • 73 5 London, February 29. —Senhor Costa told, the Chamber that it was necessary that the requisition of German ships should be made wholesale, in order to prevent shortage which nevertheless had occurred in seven vessels. In the Buelow’s boilers, a contrivance had been discovered, designed to blowup
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    • 73 5 CARRANZA TO CO-OPERATE. Washington, March 15. General Carranza has acceptei American-co-operation against Villa, provided his troops are also allowed to cross the frontier in pursuit of the brigands. The United States has agreed. The War Department recognises that months must elapse before Villa’s band is broken up. Managers
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    • 22 5 London, March 15. The Du’ch Lnwer House adopted the War Loan of £'0,000,000. (Other Telegrams on Page 2. 1
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  • 41 5 (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, March 16. At the Singapore rubber auctions 400 tons were offered. There was a steady demand. Prices were higher, fine pale $lB9, ribbed smoked $lB7 and unsmoked $174. Th© auction was not finished.
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  • 489 6 WHY PEACE IS AT PRESENT IMPOSSIBLE. In celebrating the anniversary of a Socialist Mayor who died as a result of wounds received on the field of honour, M. Vandervelde, the Socialist Minister of State of the Belgian Government, and M Sembat, the French Socialist Minister of
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  • 371 6 Frank Picture by Hun Dramatist. Apostles of Kultur have been plunged into consternation and confusion by Germany’s premier dramatist, Herr Hermann Sudermann, whose newest play is a merciless indictment of the unhealthy intellectual, social and economic conditions prevailing in Greater Berlin before the outbreak of the war.
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  • 791 6 SCANDALOUS CONDUCT OK SHIPPING COMPANIES. A correspondent writes to the Editor of the Straits Times.” From a paragraph in a local paper last week we learn that the profits of the shipping companies for last year amounted to a clear £250,000,000 compared with about £20,000,000 in previous ye*rs Judging
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  • 111 6 The Japanese Financial Commissioner in Europe has given the following details to Reuier’s Agency of the arrangement between the Russian and Japanese bankers, by which the latter will issue Russian Treasury bills in Japan to the amount of £5,000,000 in yearling bills at
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  • 752 6 OUTPUTS IN 1915. The annual summary by Lloyd’s Register of Shipping says the rate of progress in merchant ship construction in the United Kingdom has been very much reduced in present circumstances, resulting in a corresponding decrease in the immediate output, Excluding all vessels not intended for merchant
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  • 278 6 In bhe Penang Municipality for the week ended February 19, there were 72 deaths 54 males and 18 females, equal to a death-rate of 35.78 per mille per annum, compared with 29.32 in the preceding week, and with 32.95 in the corresponding week of last year. The following
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  • 333 6 Championship Match Won in the 12th Round. At the National Sporting Chib, Jimmy Wilde beat Young Symonds in 12 rounds, Symonds retiring, ihe match was for the fly-weight championship, which Young Symonds won when he, beat Taney Lee, who 12 mouths ago compelled Wilde to retire after
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  • 113 6 Maximum Prices Fixed. The Ministry of Munitions has made the following announcement:— A notice has been sent from the Ministry of Munitions to all sulphuric acid makers and dealers fixing maximum prices for the sale of acid. The maximum prices per ton for acid delivered into railway trucks,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 614 6 BANKS, CHARTERED BANK OF INDI AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1.200,t 0 Reserve Fund £1,800,0 0 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,0' 0 Hi ad Omci: 38, BIBHOPBGATE, LONDON, 8.0 Aoimoiis and Branch». Amritsar Hongkong Peking Bangkok Iloilo Penang Batavia Ipoh Puket Bombay Karachi Rangoon Calcutta Klang
      614 words
    • 20 6 UVOVijlJr—--UVUUV-I DAIMLER1 Motor Carriages b CoMjHERaAL Vehicles 5 5 Agricultural Tractors c 5 DAIMLER COMPANY vu S J COVENTRY, ENGLAND. >
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    • 18 6 Where to Stay, Penang The E. &O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel. Singapore: —Raffles Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel.
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    • 336 6 Made in England for over 100 ye CocklesPii] s Cockle s Pills A tried and trusted family medicin prescribed by medical men f Or th common ailments of everyday ij 8 such as J 1e ACIDITY, INDIGESTION, BILIOUSNESS, SICK HEADACHE, DISORDERED LIVER, These famous pills cleanse and regulate the whole
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  • 925 7 SVOUEL TO DESERTION EROM SEy FORCE. Tn the District Court, Penang, to-day fre his Honour Mr. W. C. Michell, Atn ed Nur, P.c. 554, wag charged with from the Police Force on January Which he pleaded gmlty. was absent from duty that and though a search was ade
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  • 646 7 A STRIKING COMPARISON. Mr. J. L. J. F. Ezerman. Advisor for Chinese Affairs in Batavia, passed through Shanghai on his way to Peking, and in an interview which he had with a representative of the North China Daily News’’ had some interesting things to say on the
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  • 223 7 The Idea Nazionale, in an interesting article replying to comments in foreign newspapers concerning the failure of Italy to send a strong expeditionary force to the Balkans, sta’es: The present is an opportune time to explain that the fact that the greater part of our forces are
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  • 423 7 Committees Report. The Research Funds Committee of the R G A., in their report on the business transacted during the year 1915, state During the year twelve meetings have been held. The number of guarantors at the date of transfer of the organization to the Rubber Growers’, Association
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  • 118 7 Mr Cumming’s Fund. Mr C Malcolm Cumming, a member of the Council of the R G A, issued an appeal in November for funds to provide rubber boots for those branches of the service at the front not supplied with this kind of footwear, says the R G
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  • 133 7 Messrs. The East Asiatic Co. have chartered the s.s. Breid from about the beginning of May next to take a cargo of rubber to San Francisco from Singapore at the rate of £3,000 a monthThe voyage will take about four to five months to complete. From
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  • 90 7 The following are the latest quotations in our share list Yesterday. To-day. EE Shares So 3 o M CC M 72 Mining. K. Kamunting 36/9 37/6 37/- 38/Lahat $2.40 $3 s2} S3* Trong 33/3 34/9 Ronpibon 4/- R .66er (Sterling.) K.M.S. 5/9 6/9 6/- 6/9 Taiping Pl.
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  • 170 7 T EST Case. Before Mr R Scott in the Ipoh Magistrate’s Court (Tuesday) Mr C Cox, of Klabang Estate, Chemor, charged a Chinese rikisha coolie from Chemor with conveying liquor to the Tamil tindal of the Estate. Mr. J. McCabe Reay, Deputy Public Prosecutor, made a special
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  • 180 7 Rubber Stork Gutted. Some excitement was caused in the neighbourhood of the Roman Catholic Church in Brewster Road, Ipoh, when a shed adjoining the Mission House took fire, and threatened to burn down the whole bungalow. The fire originated in a little shed, where the Rev. Father
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  • 98 7 The following was the result of the tie played yesterday Mixed Doubles A.— Mrs L P Ebden and V G Savi —5) beat Mr and Mrs R O Wood by 6—4, 4—6, 6—4. The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow Mixed Doubles A.—Mrs Samuel and Gregson
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  • 254 7 OFFICIAL MINUTES. Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Tuesday, the 29th February, 1916. Prhsbnt —Messrs. W. Peel (President), A. F. Goodrich, and Yeoh Guan Seok. Absent:—Messrs. Quah Beng Kee, John Mitchell, P. T. Allen, and Lim Eow Hong. 1. The minutes of the last
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  • 118 7 CLEARANCES. To-day. Leong Ho fo Alor Star (Kedah). Calypso for Tongkah. Benoa for Langsa and Edi. Hong Moh for Singapore and China. Ban Fo Soon for Bindings, Sitiawan Bagan Datob and Teluk Anson. Pauginjfor Singapore. Mambang for Setul. MAILS. CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Moorrw. For Per Close. 1
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  • 124 7 Pbnang, March 16, 1916. (5p of Ohariertd Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 7/32 4 months* sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 7/8 3 Documentary ...2/4 29/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 i, 3 days* sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 Moulmein Demand Bank 173 3 days* right
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  • 74 7 Fultala, Brit., 2708, Cane, March 15, S pore, gen., H. Liebert Co. Ban Fo Soon, Dut., 230, Koenig, Mar 15, T. Anson, gen., E. S. Co. Pin Seng, Brit.. 378, Davidson, Mar 16| R’goon, gen., E. S. Co. Jin Ho, Brit., 93, Harding, March 16 Langkat, gen., E.S.
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  • 104 7 March 18.—Menglembu Lode Syndicate, Annual Meeting, 1 Downing Street, 12.30 p.m. —P.C.C. v. Nondescripts, Esplanade, 2 p.m. —Penang Club Cinderella Dance. 20.—Penang Assizes Open. 21.—Penang Rural Board Meeting. 3 p.m., Land Office. 22.—Meeting Licensing Justices, District Court, 2-15 p.m. —Malakoff Plantations, Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 3 p.m. 23
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 141 7 1 The Signature. H SW To distinguish the original and TOff r—> genuine Worcestershire Sauce from the many imitations, see that the signature of LEA PERRINS m appears in White across the Red 'forrfr ink® label on every bottle. ffllK No other sauce has such an exquisitely Bi delicate flavour,
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    • 148 7 By Order of the Mortgagee. TO BE SOLD By Public Auction, On Friday, 17th March, 1016 AT THE Central Sales Rooms, 21, Beach Street. 1. All that piece of land situate in the Northern District, Province Wellesley, comprised in Statutory Grant No. 9621 estimated to contain an area of 5
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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