Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 9 March 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1062 1 nimi ,y TIX? TO BH!P. H X UY BELL I IRUB B E R O* W ftetift'W A&O l&OCOW I w my ***LZ MIER MHMYS Co, «VPCMB VTM» SUN LIFE H. BO DOM. 1 -"I OF I CANADA. Northam House Photographic Studio, Penang. I Ep incOR PORATED 1868. THE ONLY
      1,062 words
    • 62 1 ■oaoaaßßooomn non a o wa a noaa g FOR ISO g can have .he Finang D b Gbaatta" posted every day for a wlMia year to your addreea. a (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, SS7). q PpufMMlionate Quarterly and g Half-yearly rates. a g BwbaoriptiMM are payable in g adtoaaae and reaaittancea should
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  • 664 2 Mr. Alan Wilson has returned to Penang after a trip to South African ports. Mr. W. Ha'-meton (of Harmston's Circus) has arrived from Johore where be had been detained for medical treatment. We regret to hear that Mr. Malcolm Duncan has been in Batu G*jah Hospital with
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  • 131 2 Harmston’s Circus continues to attract immense audiences and those who have not seen the show have few opportunities left, as the last performance is announced for Monday when the Circus goes to Medan. A matinee will be given on Saturday afternoon. In building up our merchant marine one
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  • 744 2 INVESTMENT STANDARDS. The increased prosperity of the plantation industry, due to the rise in price of the product, having attracted a large body of investors new to the Rubber Share Market, the time appears opportune for a brief recital of the essen ial factors to be considered where the
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  • 84 2 OUTPUTS FOR FEBRUARY. The following are additional rubber outputs for February Ayer Hitam lbs. 24.402 Beverlac 13,781 Blackwater 10,003 Bukit Cloh 18,000 Bukit Selangor 11,691 Chota 17,672 Dusun Durian 56,576 Gapi? Estate 24,885 Hongkong 5,221 Jeram 19,240 Kapar Para 54,148 Langat River 19,428 Pilmoor 19,550 Padang Gajah 4,900 Rosevale
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  • 474 2 The annua) general meeting of the Malakoff Plantations Company, Limited, will be held a-; the Chamber of Commerce, on March 22nd 1916, at 3 p.m. The Directors in submitting their annual report and statement of accounts for the year ended 31st December, 1915 say:— The result
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  • 96 2 The following are the latest quotations in our share list t Yesterday. To-day. Sharks »30 Z Mining. K.Kamunting 36/6 37,6 36/6 37/3 MengUmbu 30c 35c 25c 30c Rahman H $ll sll| $ll sll|ex Troaoh M. $ll $l2 $l2 $l3 General. Straits T. s49j s49| s49j $5O R
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  • 206 2 An Interesting Experiment, Duck?, the Wealth of India tel’s us, are a preventive of malaria, and, as duck?, occur in all regions of ttie globe, they are among the greatest enemies of mosquitoes and consequently of yellow fever and ma'aria. Their value in this respect has been
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  • 382 2 From all quarters come reports that the consumption of quinine is on the increase, while the output has been considerably curtailed. Stocks in London market are at least a million ounces less than they were at the outbreak of the war. A writer in The Pharmaceutical
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  • 165 2 Writing from France to a friend at Kingston-on-'l hames, Sergeant F. Milton, < f the A; S. C., says: Many and vsritd are the mascots adopted by British regiments in France and Flanders, but the— Batt, East Surrey Regiment, is probably the only one which has a
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  • 197 2 Karachi, February 24. A tragedy which resulted in the deaths of a gunner of the Royal Garrison Artillery and a Baluch ?ep iy is reported to have occurred at Manors, on the other side of Karachi Harbiur. It is s’atei that Gunner Dawson of the 101st Coy.
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  • 127 2 A general meeting was held n the English School, under the auspicious of the Kota Star Football Association." Mr. Stuart was in the chair. The following officers were elected:—Hon. Members H.H. the Regent H. H. Tunku Mahmood and G. A. Hall Esq, President, Mr. E. A. G.
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  • 126 2 S.F.P,” Advices from Bandoeng speak of f nr n misery as a result of floods ’f! tpoondoeng has overflown its banks much damage. Several d De der the Bandoeng electric being entirely disorganised. Several lCe qmkes are also reported from varion of Java and outlying islands. Two”
    S.F.P,”  -  126 words
  • 123 2 For the period from the 10th to 16 k March, 1916, inclusive, the value of th" highest gra le of rubber is fixed at three shillings and seven pence halfpenny n er b and the du f y on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable
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  • 196 2 Penang, March 9. cli. Soup per catty 18 Ro*’* 3 26 Steaks 26 Stew or Curry Meat 20 Rump Steak M 26 Ox Tail each 50 Tongue jq >. F«et 15 Heart <o Liver tt per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 243 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED FOR a reasonable price a second band small TWO SEATER CAR of 4 cylinders in good condition. State maker with full particulars to No. 155, c/o Pinang Gazette. WANTED. A TAMIL CLERK who understands estate accounts. Salary $35 a month. Apply No. 156, c/o Pinang Gazette. GOVERNMENT
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    • 61 2 fM ARTIN’S French Remedy for ties. Thousands of keep a J»? sign of Pills in the house, so that on the may w Irregularity of the System aum m end administered. Those who use th I m r r^ i sts5 t s a" d s hence their enormous
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 69 2 To-night! To-night I» HARMSiON'S CIRCUS AND ROYAL MENAGERIE. I'Bigger, Better, Brighter than ever. Location: Date Kramat Gardens. MEXT MATlNEE—Saturday 1 !th, AT 4 P.M. When Children will be admitted Half Price to all parts of the Circus. Prices of Admission. Full Box (6 seats) $l5. Single Box $3. First Chairs
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  • 1787 3 > A SATISFACTORY POSITION. 3 The sixth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Ayer Kuning Rubber r Estate, Ltd., was held in the Chamber of > Commerce, Penang, yesterday afternoon. Mr. C. W. Barnett, the Chairman of the i Directors, presided, and the others present
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  • 91 3 Bangkok Tians.” The golfing crow secured three balls on Friday evening. On Saturday owing to tbe races he took a day off, resuming hi? labours with zest yesterday,—Medal day—when he met wi’h considerable success both morning and evening. Players now instruct their caidies to field deep to
    “ Bangkok Tians.”  -  91 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1052 3 engineer i. B. o. t. certificate. Deutsch Asiatische Bank. K Dredging experience a years, bhop -harge 10 years, desires re-engagement. OTICE is hereby given that pursuant A.pply No. 149, c/o Pinang Gazette *-1 to The Alien Enemies Winding up Ordinance 1914” His Excellency Sir 203—10-3 Arthur Henderson Young K.CM.G. hss
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    • 362 3 Anaemia or Poorness of Blood, is far more prevalent than is generally supposed. Men, Women and Children are all liable to suffer. If neglected, serious consequences may result. If taken when the symptoms are first noticed, it is a very simple matter to enrich the blood and so effectually check
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  • 1325 4 When the first great effort by the Germans in the direction of Verdun was ebbing, we expressed the view that it was remarkable chat the enemy had confined their thrast to one front. They threw a quarter of a million men against a line about seven miles
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  • 1199 4 That the mercantile fleets of shipowners in neutral countries are seizing the openings in the cargo-carrying trade, made for them by the disappearance from the seas of the German vessels which formerly had so large a share in it, is patent. Existing fleets, too, are being steadily
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  • 82 4 The S.S. Government is calling f or tenders for the steel and iron work’ ani labour required for the manufactnre in Great Britain or America and the erectionin Province Wellesley of a steel bridge over the Muda River Province Wellesley comprising a centre span of 215
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  • 39 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 9. The report of Selangor Club states that therewere 124 new members during the year making at total active membership of 1,486. The profit on the year was $3,157.
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  • 420 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $90.50 per picul, business done—an increase of 50 c*-nts. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £lB7 spot, and £lB6 15s. three months. The 8.1. steamer Tara, will arrive here from Negapatam on Saturday with 650 tons of cargo
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 164 4 o !K*raTiE3fo3*fe^z o i jWMHMMtJML— <* .rwESQjßßw4j.r*fit ft ImMWmWny 1 posFĕU < I fi I M PRODUCE OF FRANCE "Cordon sole_im porters. "Cordon HIBBERT.WOODROFFE C° LT? ROUGE. (Incorporated in England.) JAUNE. 1 TRY HEINEKEN’S LAGER BEER BREWED IN HOLLAND. Obtainable Everywhere. SOLE IMPORTERS: BOELEN CO., -*££>£•* I BsiwyjMs EHXfI t<rt
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    • 13 4 “E. O.” MOTOR GARAGE. CARS ON HIRE $4 AN HOUR. Telephone No. 322.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 305 5 CHURCHILL AND LORD FISHER. the MOEWE’S escape. the NEW VERDUN BATTLE. TURKEY SEEKS PEACEP. 4 0. LINER ON FIRE. The Germans continue their efforts in the Verdun region, but their activities have been transferred from the Donaumont neighbourhood to west of the Meuse, about seven miles N. W.
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 604 5 [Rbcter’s Telegrams.] MANY INFANTRY ATTACKS. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, March 8. The evening communique was received m London incomplete, probably owing to storm causing interruption of the cables. The communique says west of the Meuse the bombardment with heavy guns continued intensely. The enemy, in
      [Rbcter’s Telegrams.]  -  604 words
    • 48 5 LORD DERBY’S STATEMENT. London, March 8. Lord Derby, at Manchester, said the married men were being called up long before they were expected, but he was sure they would respond patriotically. He had no doubt Britain would secure a sufficient Army, composed mainly of single men.
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    • 42 5 MR. BONAR LAW’S ACTION. London, March 8 In the House of Commons. Mr Bonar Law said he was approaching the Premiers of Canada and Australia with a view to a comprehensive scheme of land settlement for ex-scldiers and ex-sailors.
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    • 36 5 London, March 8. British trade increases in nnports are in grain and flour £1,425,51«. The increases in exports are cotton £2,443,690. lhe increases for February in imports are £2,147,771 and in exports £10,158,845
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 44 5 RUSSIA APPROACHED. Lindon. March 8. It is stated in New York that definite information has reached Washington that the backbone of the Turki-h campaign in the Caucasus has been broken. Turkey has approached Russia on the subject of a separate peace.
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    • 100 5 A SKIRMISH. London, March 8. Tn the H use of Commons, Mr. Austen Chamberlain said the situation at Adeu is unchanged. A small British column in flicted casualties on the Turks on Friday, the 24th ulto. N. W. Frontier He expected to receive from the Indian Government, shortlv. a
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    • 54 5 THE ITALIAN COMMANDER. Rome, March 8. A semi-official s atemer.t «ays Lieut.General Piacentine has been appointed Commander of a special Italian Corps in Albania. The appointment of a general of -uch high rank, and the despatch of several divisions to Albania, are consistent with tbe great military importance of
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    • 31 5 Cairo, March 8. A decree by tbe Sultaa of Egypt makes the rupee legal tender in Egypt, till further notice, at a fixed rate of 65 miliieme-’.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 174 5 SIR E. GREY’S ANSWERS. London, March 7. In a White Paper, Sir Edward Grey replies on February 25th to the German note telegraphed on January 15tb. Sir Edward Grey re affirms emphatically the details of the Arabic, the submarine and Ruel cases, and pours ridicule on the
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  • 119 5 P. O. Mail on Fire. PASSENGERS LANDED. London, March 8. Lloyd’s Malta correspondent says the British steamer Nellore, from Yokohama for London, is on fire in the main hold. Tugs are assisting tbe vessel. The passengers and mails have been landed. The Nellore called at Penang on the 12th February,
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  • 37 5 400 DROWNED. London, March 8. The disaster to the Spanish liner Principede Asturias took place in a fog. The liner sank in five minutes. Many cfficia’s are among the 400 drowned. Details are lacking
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  • 56 5 MR. BALFOUR’S STATEMENT. London, March 7. In the House of Common l Mr. Balfour announced that the Moewe eluded tbe British patrols going our, and she succeeded in getting back round tbe north of Iceland. He said the beflagging of Berlin for the Moewe showed that the enemy’s
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  • 814 5 SPEECH BY FIRST LORD. London, March 8. In tbe House of Commons, Mr. Balfour. First Lord of the Admiralty, introducing the Navd E-ttimates, dwelt on the international work of tbe British Fleet* The present Admiralty Buard had directly continued the work of its predecessors, including
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  • General News.
    • 99 5 MR. ASQUITH’S STATEMENT. London, March 8. Mr. Asquith, on receiving a deputation from the Chambers of Commerce of the Empire, promised to consider the establishment of a Ministry of Commerce* He hoped tbe Allies’ Trade Conference, which would probably be held in rhe next fortnight, would reach conclusions
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    • 401 5 EXTIRPATING GERMAN INFLUENCE. Calcutta, February 29.—1 n the course of bis Presidential speech at tbe annual meeting of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce, the Honourable Mr. F. H. Stewart referred to the year’s business as less in quantity, but showing a ma> gin of profit. The tonnage
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    • 261 5 ARRIVAL IN ENGLAND. London, March 8. The Rt*. Hon. W, M. Hughes, the Australian Premier, arrived at Liverpool. In an interview, he said he had come to exchange views with the Imperial Governing regarding the war. Australians would use every ounce of energy to assist to victory, not
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    • 175 5 The Germans for years have flooded their country wi’ih appeals to national sentiment. Here is a copy of what may be called the German Ten Commandments 1. In all expenses keep in mind the interests of your own compatriots. 2. Never forget when you buy a
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    • 192 5 The Australian Expeditionary Force,, daring the first 15 months of the war, cost the Commonwealth Government more than 75 millions. A return recently issued shows the following items of expenditure Nine hundred and thirty five thousand pairs of boots with laces, costing £557,000; 870,000 blanckets, £600,000 508,000 pairs
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    • 61 5 REPRESENTATIVES FOLLOW SENATE. Washington, March 8. The House of Representatives, by 276 to 143, indefinitely shelved the resolution by Mr. McLemore, which was similar to that of Senator Gore in the Senate, warning Americans not to travel on armed merchantmen. The figures, which show the increased strength
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    • 24 5 London, March 8. Lord Curzon has broken an arm. An Elbow Fracture,* London, Later. Lord Curzon has fractured an elbow.
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  • 81 5 [From Our Own Correspondent Kaala Lumpur, March 9. At the annual meeting, at Kajang, of Sungei Ramal Syndicate Ltd., Mr. Kindersley, the Chairman, said the profit, amounting to $14,768, was being carried forward. The all-in cost had been reduced to 46 cents. The average price was $1
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    • 27 6 London February 25 —The Pope has protested against the Austrian air raids on churches, asking for guarantees for the safety of St. Mark’s at Venice.
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    • 33 6 London, February 25.—Mr Hilaire Belloc, after a visit to the French headquarters announces that it is a certainty that Germany lost more than a million dead to the •nd of 1915.
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    • 39 6 London, February 25.—The Rheinische bank at Essen and the Mittelrheinische bank at Coblenz are in liquidation. The Palatinate bank and Rheinisches Credit bank are in bad condition. The Bavarian Commercial Bank no longer publishes balance sheets.
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    • 44 6 London, February 25.—There are interesting signs in England of the shaken free trade position, il ustrated by a letter by Lord Cromer to the “Spectator" praising the protectionist utterance and the vote of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce to re-consider the question.
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    • 48 6 London, February 6 —The Daily Mail asserts that the net earning of the British shipping trade has risen from £22,000,000 in 1913, to £250,000,000 in 1915. It urges that the war tax already imposed on shipping profits be raised to 75 or 80 per cent.
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    • 59 6 Cairo, February 25.—War time business in Egypt fully compensates for the losses sustained by native merchants during the earlier crisis. Flour and grain merchants are reaping rich harvests out of army needs, and many dealers are doing wel', while tobacco merchants have done such good business that many
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    • 155 6 London, February 2.—The economy campaign is proceeding apace tbroughou’ the United Kingdom. The Royal Commission on the sugar supply advises all classes to reduce the consumption of sugar, jams, biscuit- 1 sweetmeats, and chocolates, and thus assist to solve the problem of shipping tonnage and influence the
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    • 159 6 Milan newspapers publish heartrending details of the terrorising German rule in the conquered provinces of Poland and the wholesale seizure of foodstuffs by the German military. Thousands of women and children are dying of hunger. Their food allowance daily consists of one cup of simple broth
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    • 158 6 London, February 9.—The Business Committee of the Unionist party recent!* privately discussed with the President of the Board of Trade problems arising out of our restriction of imports. Mr. Runciman indicated that the War Office, and the Admiralty’s demands for shipping were so great that restriction was
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    • 530 6 London, February 10th.—The Committee of the Board of Agriculture on post-war settlement has issued its full report. The report comments interestingly on the Dominions* schemes of immigration and states For years many Dominions employed immigration agents in Britain who painted in glowing colours the attractive advanta ges
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  • 47 6 The following undelivered cables at the office of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co.:— Banhangbee from Tandjongbalu Findlay Hotel Kinkinga from Beaufort, B N Borneo; Banbianauu from Medan; Shimiza Bunta r s c/o Tanaka Hot a l from Singapore Adam from Madras Yuesang from Hongkong.
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  • 341 6 CORPS BUILDING ITS OWN MACHINES. Since Don Muang became the headquarters of the Aviation Corps’ activities Bangkok has not seen much of this side of the Siamese Army’s work but it is evident that it has been steadily developing along progressive lines. The corps (a Bangkok Daily Mail
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  • 385 6 —«‘S.T.’’ Pioneer Chinese Rubber Planter. Mr. Tan Chay Yan, of Malacca, has died suddenly from an apoplectic seizure. The deceased, who was about 46 years of age, was the pioneer Chinase rubber planter of Malacca and was very weil-known throughout the length and brea it
    .—«‘S.T.’’  -  385 words
  • 139 6 and they started first.—“ New York World.” Mrs L U Stafford Hon Secretary for above Society, Taiping, gratefully acknowledges the following donations $25 each. Messrs R F Stainer, and E W King; $lO each. Messrs E W Hedgehnd, C B Kloss and R L Naish $5
    and they started first.—“ New York World.”  -  139 words
  • 579 6 Captain Will Cox, known to all travellers by the Straits Steamship Company’s boats, writes an interesting letter to one of bis skipper friends here says the S.F.P s As skipper of the s.s Kinta, where he wa known as Barney Cox, amongst his more intimate friends, he
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  • 299 6 “Nearly all the Bitish residents of Hongkong are doing voluntary garrison duty, thus relieving all the permanent forces and men capable of bearing arms at the front," said Councillor J. G. Aikman, m L.C., who recently returned to Melbourne from a visit to the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 221 6 SIGNS OF DEBILITY. People who are tired all of the time and never feel rested, even after a long night in bed, who cannot regain weight and strength, whose step lacks elasticity and who feel no joy in living, are debilitated. An examination might show that every organ of the
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    • 20 6 DAIMLER®! Motor carriages S Cwerciai, Vehicles 5 5 Agricultural Tractors c J DAIMLER COMPANY£ 5 COVENTRY, ENGLAND. UYrAW'.' rw-w-i J
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    • 252 6 7 $w «Gfcwf p n not, it is a **<“ ttot the brain and bodily functions are out of harmony. The quickest restorative is VITAFER, which, although not a drag or stimulant, gives simultaneous nerve and body nutrition. A Doctor writes: “I have had Mood results from VITAFER in my
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 251 6 COMING! COMING!! COMING’!! THE WORLD’S LONGEST DETECTIVE SERIAL “The Exploits of Elaine” in 72 Parts. TO-NIGHT’S THE NIGHT AT THE ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE Co,, LYCEUM THEATRE, ARGYLL ROAD. It is Your Bouuden Duty to see the moat wonderful moving picture production ever brought to Penang. SIXTY YEARS A QUEEN 4 Parts
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  • 1174 7 VH aT the war will have TAUGHT. Amoog tb« crumbs—if not fall loaves—- jrofort which students of economic Ot iitioas are already extracting from the 0 r o p<-»“ r b t ief b a ,b ctions are learning greater efficiency and nomy in the management of enterprises
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  • 313 7 A few details of the seizure of German passengers from the American steamer China were received in letters that reached Shanghai from Nagasaki. The China had got about 23 miles from the mouth of the river, according to these accounts, when the British man-of-war appeared. She soon
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  • 183 7 Colony Armed to a Man. At the last meeting of the Hongko'g Legislative Council, H.E. the Governor in ’he course of a speech found him-elf enabled to make the following highly satisfactory statement:— “There is one other item I should like to mention while speaking on the War.
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  • 148 7 Bombay’s Coal Difficulty. Calcutta, Ferbuary 29 :—A short time ago the Admiralty, in response to an application by the Government of India, granted the use of two steamers as colliers to convey coal to Colombo, relieving to some extent the difficulties of transport by rail. In consequence
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    • 115 7 The following were the results of the tics played yesterday Championship.—R N Byatt beat A S Hall by 6—4, 6—3 E H Everest beat F C Giegson by 6—2, 7—5. Doubles Handicap B.—A F Goodrich and J Crabb-Watt (—l5) beat J Edmonds and CT J ahnson (scr.
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    • 258 7 The Ipoh cricket team, captained by Mr. Dunford Wood, travelled to Taiping on Saturday, and met the local eleven in a game that attracted much attention. Taipiag and District XI. Ist Innings. B E Elies cAh Ming b Mansur 16 F G Souter lbw b Man-ur
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    • 47 7 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following list of farther contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on March 6 $2,015.79 O B Pike (14>h contribution) 25.00 Balance on March 8 $2,040.79 Amount previously acknowledged „.$22,216.50 Total ...$24,257 29
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    • 82 7 PENANG WOMEN WORKERS. Amount prpviously acknowledged $1,685.28 Mrs Trengove (7th don) $5, S H (6ih doo) $2, Mrs Fox, Taiping (sth don) $2, Mrs Buckmaster, Taiping $2, Mrs J Dunford Wood, Kinta $2. Total $1,698.28. Bandages and Hospital garments for soldiers, ready cut out for workers,
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  • 151 7 March 9.—Harmston’s Circus and Menagerie, Dato Kramat Gardens. —Penang Nursing Association Annual Meeting, Town Hall. 5-15 p.m. n 10. —Engineers’ Institute G.M., at Institute, 6-30 p.m. —Ministering Children’s League Meeting, Free School 4-30 p.m. M 11.—Harmston’s Circus, Matinee, 4 p.m. 12.—P.V. Field Operations. n 13.—Sungei Gettah Rubber, A.G.M.
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  • 141 7 CLEARANCES! To-day. Calypso for Tongkah. Jin Ho for Asahan. Ban Fo Soon for Bindings, Sitiawan Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson. Trang for Trang. Providence for Rangoon. Kedah for Belawan and Pangkalan Brandan. MAILS. CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close. Alor Star (Kedah) Leong Ho 7 a.m.
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  • 129 7 Penang, March 9, 1916. (By Oourlesy of th« Chart«r«d Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 7/32 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 7/8 3 Documentary ...2/4 29/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days* sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 Moulmein Demand Bank 173 3 days*
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 176 7 Poor Health To face the dangers of weakness and disease with a weakened constitution, is to liken oneself to the captain w’ho sails a disabled ship to meet the perils of the stonn. In both cases disaster must surely follow. Failing appetite, nervous irritability, loss of weight and lack of
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    • 259 7 RENEW YOUR ENERGY w «h CEREGEN THK GREAT NEBVE-FOOD AND TONIC. BRITISH MADE. -QB/V7S CASH CHEMISTS LIMITED, S 2-54, BEACH STREET, PENANG. WHITE’S I HONEY’ I K* BRAND > I Bacon Hams. I Sole Proprietors: John VWte (SbCo., v Bristol, England —ll &nhin Bn Mi l i In iWI I"
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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