Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 March 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 849 1 r XXJLJTT-TY II WAHI TO SHIP. t &UY seLL IhU 3 R. f r* TV 0004» I ee Ml I aILEN M£3fflYS A Cot mmjwm m*» SUN LIFE —1 1 CANADA. ESTATE SUPPLIES. fQ D Q INCORPORATED 1866. Bulnessl force Dec. 31st, 1914 AcCtiC Acid (European aud Japanese) THE UNIVERSAL
      849 words
    • 69 1 tooootro laooan o on o ■aan d im FOB SBU a u can bare the Pinang U a X Qamette" poated «very daj a for a «bote y»ar to yonr address a (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, >27). Proportic&ate Quarterly and B Half yaeriy rates. y B Pubeuilpik/na are payable in 3 sit—
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  • 1291 2 “S.T.” THE OUTLOOK. The annual general meeting of the Tapah fiebber Estates, Ltd., was held at French Spank Buildings, Singapore on Saturday, Jdr. W. H. Macgregor presiding.* The Chairman said: The accounts now before you show a much more satisfactoiy state of affairs than those of the
    “S.T.”  -  1,291 words
  • 241 2 A Wolfram Find. We have frequently referred to the m ning activities at present developing along the course of the Royal Siamese Southern Railway. These remarks principally referred to Australian syndicates around Tongsawn and Rompibun we now learn that long before the-e syndicates came on the
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  • 143 2 S.F.P.” The Singapore Course was officially opened on Saturday, when there was a remarkabley good attendance including a good number of Chinese owners. The griffins generally can be set down as in very good shape but of coarse nothing can be said as to their speed
    “ S.F.P.”  -  143 words
  • 516 2 r.0.M." (Jne day last month, in the forenoon, a small party of four Police constables, two of whom were Sikh<, were in ambush at the 75th mile on Kampar-Kuala Dipang Road, when a band of robbers attempted to “hold up” a motor-bus. The Police sparang out
    —*• r.0.M."  -  516 words
  • 103 2 Rabies having apprared in the sub-dis-trict of Rembau, it is ordered that all dogs out of doors within the Tampin district shall he muzzled or tied up or led on a chain. Until thL order is cancelled any dog found at large within the area specified will
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  • 114 2 The Chief Police Officer would like attention drawn to the new regulations affecting motorists published in the Government Gazette” of last Friday. One point is that if dealers in motor-cars can prove that their cars are shipped out of the Colony within two months of registration
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  • 136 2 March B.—Harmston’s Circus and Menagerie, Dato Krarnat Gardens. B.—Penang Golf Club, Special General Meeting, 6-45 p.m. B.—Ayer Kuning Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 3 p.m. 9-—Penang Nursing Association Annual Meeting, Town Hall. 5-15 p.m. 10.—Engineers’ Institute G.M., at Institute, 6-30 p.m. 10.—Ministering Children’s League Meeting, Free School 4-30 p.m.
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  • 153 2 The following is the comparis >n of values of exports from Penang in 1915, referred to in the speech of Mr. John Mitchell, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce. The prices are those on the 31st of each month daring the year. j an Feb.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 114 2 Never too late to care Neuralgia If yee are suffering naw from the gripping twitching pains of neuralgia —if you suffered yesterday and expeel to suffer to-morrow— yes if you've suffered all your life from the agonies of neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, backache, toothache, earache, sprains, strains, or swellings, now ii
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    • 958 2 ENGINEER I. B. O. T. Certificate. NOTICE, Dredging experience 5 years. Shop charge 10 years, desires re-engagement. > kt P- THE BUSINESS of the George Town App y o. c/o a g J Bill p ost j O g and Advertising Agency, 203—10-3 which has hitherto been conducted by the
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    • 595 2 banks. CHARTERED BANK AUSTRALIA. AND CHlft*» Incorporated by R o> Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund g Reserve Liability of Proprietor, J J’?' 1 0 Hiad Offioi ,200 9 38, BIBHOPSGATE, LONDON Araom AMD Bbamchu Amritsar Hongkong p/.. Bangkok Il o il o p! kID Batavia Ipoh P r L an< Bombay
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  • 5317 3 the capture of enemy trade. appeal for extended membership. •pLe annual general meeting of the members of the Penang Chamber of Commerce was held in the Chamber yesterday afternoon. Mr Jo':m Mitchell (Messrs F W Barker and Co the Chairman, presided, and the others present were
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  • 1309 4 The speech from the chair by Mr. John Mitchell, at yesterday’s annual general meeting of the members of the Penang Chamber of Commerce was on the whole couched in a cheerful strain. The year that has passed was one of war over the full twelve months
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  • 1296 4 The thoughtful Turk who refl sets on the pass which his country is rapidly reaching through the blundering of the headstrong Young Turks must entertain feelings of pronounced hostility to that numerous faction which has played ducks and drakes with the Ottoman Empire in tbe pursuit of
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  • 33 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin it Penang was $90.00 per picul, business done—a decrease of 40 cents. Tin is quoted in London to-day £lB6 spot, and £lB6 ss. three months.
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  • 14 4 The output for February of Ipoh Tic Dredging, Ltd., was 350 piculs.
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  • 54 4 The outward mail is expected to-morrow morning at daylight. The B. I. Contract Packet Tara, having left Negapatam with the Oafward English mails at 9 a m. yesterday, is due to arrive here on Saturday morning. She is scheduled to sail for Port Swettenham and Singapore ar 4
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  • 330 4 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 till 7 this evening 1. Selection Falka ...Cha saiguei 2. Two Step Billy Possum ...Thurban 3. Waltz Bayadere ...Bncalossi 4. Polka Blumen Franc Ziehrer 5. March Bersaglieri ...Eilenberg Daring February 9,123 Chinese grants
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 201 4 we are SOLE AGENTS for PERRIER WATER 1“ Xalje Qfjampagne of Xsabh '(Vaters” CALDBECK, MACGREGOR 6 CO., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, 31. BEACH STREET. PENANG. IN PEACE 1W WAB HAS WON THE W 9 HAS WON THE R,NL> PRIZE •Son'iygS' 5 GRAND PRIZE t ths AT TBE Anglo-Japan Panama-Pacific Exhibition,
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    • 15 4 “E. S’ O." MOTOR GARAGE. CARS ON HIRE S 4 AN HOUR. Telephone No. 322.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 310 5 ATTACK N.W. OF VERDUN. advance to tdebizond. the ZEPPELIN RAID. SPANISH LINER LOST. Baulked north, north-east and south-east of Verdun, the Germans have transferred their activities to the west of the Meuse. They delivered an offensive against the French positions north-west of Verdun, in the region of Forges
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 793 5 [Kbutbr’s Tslboram».] IN VARIOUS SECTORS. [Copyright Tblbgrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, March 6. The Germans, in Champagne, delivered an attack, preceded by jets of liquid fire, on our positions near Maisons-de-Champagne. While the enemy on our right was held up by our curtain of fire and was unable
      [Kbutbr’s Tslboram».]  -  793 words
    • 27 5 London, March 7. Lord Desmond Fitzgerald has died in France. Lieut.-Colonel C. Davidson Houston is unofficially reported killed. He was previously reported missing.
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    • 16 5 London, March 7. Their Majesties invited two thousand wounded soldiers to tea.
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    • 195 5 UNFAVOURABLE WEATHER. London, March 7. At lea«t 90 bombs were dropped by the Zppelins on March 5 h and 6th, apparently indiscriminately in the mral districts Possibly owing to the rough weather, the Zeppelins were uncertain of their whereabouts, and were anxious to get rid of their
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 111 5 RUSSIAN LANDING FROM BLACK SEA. Petrograd, March 6. Protected by heavy fire from the Russian Fleet, a troop on Saturday night landed at Anna, 65 miles east of Trebizond. Extending rapidly to the south, they forced the Turks to evacuate positions in this district, capturing 282 prisoners two
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    • 51 5 INFLUX OF GERMANS. London, March 7. A Salonika telegram says Constantinople is full of German soldier», of whom fresh contingents are continually arriving, besides large quantities of heavy guns, munitions, and motor vehicles, with coal and flour from Bulgaria. New heavy guns have been placed on the Goeben and
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    • 26 5 NO CHANGE TN CABINET. (London, March 7. An Athens telegram says the Government newspapers deny the reports of the impending reconstruction of the Skouioudis Cabinet.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 29 5 IN MEDITERRANEAN. Amsterdam, March 7. The Dutch steamer Bandoeng, homeward bound from Tnd 'a w«s fired on in the Mediterranean, without warning. Lifeboats were damaged.
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    • 23 5 London, March 6. The Board of Trade announces that stewards on passenger ships are not exempt from military service.
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  • 35 5 FEARED HEAVY DEATHROLL. London, March 6. The Spanish liner Principede Asturias, from Barcdona for Buenos-Aires, struck a rock on the South American coast. 338 passengers and 107 of the crew are missing
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  • 19 5 Washington, March 7. Colonel House conferred with President Wilson on the results of his mission to Europe.
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  • General News.
    • 78 5 SUIFU TAKEN FROM REBELS. Shanghai, March 6. The Government troops captured Suifu on March Ist, the rebels fleeing in disorder. Fierce Fighting Near Suifu. Peking, March 7. The re-capture by Government troops of Suifu was the result of fierce fighting, in which the rebels suffered heavily. It is reported
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    • 26 5 MR. GARRISON’S SUCCESSOR. Washington, March 6. President Wilson h*s appointed Mr. Baker, formerly Mayor of Cleveland (Ohio) to be Secretary for War,
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    • 85 5 Mr. Lindley M. Garrison, Secretary of War in the Cabinet of President Wilson, tendered his resignation. Recent cables state that in the statement accompanying the resignation. Mr. Garrison calls the Philippine policy the ‘‘abandonment of our duty and a breach of trust.” They also say that opposition
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    • 81 5 New York, February 16.—1 n the State convention Mr. Root delivered a strong speech in which he denounced the pre ent government and its foreign relations with other countries during the European war. He claimed that the administration should have protested against the German invasion of Belgium
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  • 63 5 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, March 8. The report of Haytor Rubber Co., Ltd shows a net profit of $69,418. A final dividend of 20 per cent is proposed, making 25 per cent for the year. The sum of $9,416 will be carried forward and $15,000 placed
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  • 290 5 Mr. H C. Zacharias Kuala Lumpur, has received the following letter from the Hon. Fin. Sec. of the Serbian Relief Fund in London 5 Cromwell Road, S. W., January llth, 1916. Dbar Sir,— l beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 9tb ult. enclosing draft
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  • 615 5 We are glad to bear that Dr. Rose’s condition is much improved. The British Resident of Perak is staying at “The Box on Maxwell’s Hill. It is stated that Towkay Loke Yew has subscribed one million dollars to the F M S war loan. Mr Kenneth Woodhouse,
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  • 116 5 The shoot at Kampong Bahru yesterday in the McGregor Cup resulted oT 5 on oo =8’1« o 08 9*o aS £2 e 2 Miss Mathieu 23 31 28 82 Mrs Liston 25 32 21 78 Mrs Wright-Motion 20 31 27 78 Mrs Duiege 20 23 16
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  • 41 5 The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow Doubles Handicap A.—Gregson and Savi v Prentis and Harries (4). Singles Handicap B.—E J Bennett v G M Terzano (6). Doubles Handicap B.—Sinclair and Smith v Byatt and Hay (1).
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  • 200 5 There was a complete change of pro gramme given by The Scamps on their second appearance at the Town Hall last evening, and the fare proved equally as pleasing to the audience as on the previous night. In some respects the new programme was even more enjoyable. This
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  • 195 5 Washington, February 15—A message was received from Detroit, Michigan, to day stating that Henry Ford, the automobile manufacturer of that city, had announced that he was prepared to expend millions of dollars in order to defeat the purposes of the preparedness campaign now
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  • 80 5 Messrs. Allen Dennys Co. advise that the under-mentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them at their auction sale yesterday (88,000 lbs. offered, 47,900 lbs. sold); Smoked ribbed sheet $174 to $lB2 plain 161 No. 2 smoked sheet diamond 148 171 Unsmoked sheet 157 161 Crepe,
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  • 25 5 OUTPUTS FOR FEBRUARY. The following are additional rubber outputs for February Ayer Kuning lbs. 7,540 Majedie 10,528 Permas 21,225 Sekong 13,562 Singapore Para 38,852
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  • 193 5 A correspondent somewhere in the Midlands, writes One man hearing the whirr of engines was on the point of going to his garden to watch the airship, when a bomb fell at his feet. A fragment struck him on the head and be died immediately.
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  • 76 5 It is understood that a general meeting of the Peiak Chamber of Cemmerce will be held on the 20th instant, at which the bch Q me for the formation of a Central Chamber of Commerce for Perak, Selangor, and Negri Sembilan will be considered. The
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  • 1326 6 ACCOUNT OF THEIR FIRST ACTION A FINE PIECE OF WORK. A letter has been received by H. E. Brigadier-General Ridout, c.M.a., from Col. Lees, Commandant of the Malay States Guides, which tells a stirring story of the Guides’ first action, and shows how splendidly they bore
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  • 330 6 Anticipated Delay in the Clearing of Import Cargo On the 14 January, the Committee of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce forwarded to the Calcutta Port Commissioners a letter from the Calcutta Import Trade Association, with reference to certain diffi culties which it was feared would
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  • 172 6 Precautions at Rangoon. The following Press Note is issued by the Government of Burma: A number of cases have recently occurred in which persons suffering from small-pox have been found among the passengers on board vessels arriving at Raugoen and there is reason to believe that the disease is
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  • 935 6 THE POLICE COURT SEQUEL. The case against Shaik Ahamat was continued in the Second Police Court, Penang, before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel yesterday afternoon. Cross-examined by Mr. Samuel, Mr. Manasseh said when the Chinaman went to take delivery on Sunday he wished to know first whether the delivery
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  • 357 6 VOLUNTEER CONCERT DANCE. There was a fairly large gathering at the concert and dance given by the members of “B” Company of the Penang Volunteers at the Drill Hall last night. Major the Hou. A. R. A iams, and all the officers of A Company were present, also Mrs. Rose
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 325 6 RED STAR Disinfectant Fluid An efficient creosote disinfectant, easily miscible with water in all proportions. 1 gallon drums $2.00 I 5 gallon drums $B.OO I 40 gallon casks $45.00 THE DISPENSARY (PENANG) Ltd., 2 6, BISHOP STREET and 26. CAMPBELL STREET, PENANG. Telephones 398 and 568. Tel. Address: CHEMOPTIST. JUST
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  • 1325 7 ADMINISTRATION REPORT. H. E. the Governor Mr. C. W. C. Parr in his report for the-year 1914, states: The total revenue receipts fur the year 1914, were $1,789,911, shewing a decrease of $4,454,00 from the figures in 1913. Comparing the Revenue and Capital Receipts with the corresponding
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  • 106 7 CLEARANCES! To-day. Will o’ th© Wisp for Deli. Atjeh for Deli, Langsa Edi, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleb and Sabang. Pangkor tor Dindings and Sitiawan. Flying Dragon for Portweld and Taiping. Kedah for Belawan and Pangkalan Brandan. Hong Wan I for Singapore and China. MAILS. CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE.
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  • 132 7 Pbnang, March 8, 1916. (By Oourteey of the Chartered Bank}. London Demand Bank ...2/4 7/32 4 months* sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 7/8 3 Documentary ...2/4 29/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days' sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 Moul mein Demand Bank 173 3
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 555 7 By Order of the Mortgagee. TO BE SOLD By Public Auction, On Thursday, 9th .March, 1916, AT 11*30 A.M., at the Central Sales Rooms, 21, Beach Street. All that piece of laud and hereditaments ate on the North eide f Hutton Lane being part of the land compr.aed Grant No.
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    • 34 7 NO LAXATIVES are so gentle and effective as PINKETTES that’s why children can safely take them. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Dept. 6c, Singapore.
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    • 285 7 Nervous Ailing Little Girl Made Bright and Well by Dr. CasMfl’t Tablets, the World-Famous Remedy. Mr. Geo. F. Burley, a 134, Highgate road, Birmingham, En<laud, says:— “A few years ago my little daughter. Roeina, had rheumatic fever, which left her with shattered nerves and quite broken in health; and in
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    • 167 7 TOWN HALL. To-night! To-night!! MONDAY, March 13th, at 9-30 p.m. HARMSTON’S SPECIAL niDPI IC RETURN FAREWELL VISIT C I RG U OF AND ROYAL MENAGERIE. m The SCAMPS. Jf I Bigger, Better, Brighter than ever. in Location: Dato Kramat Gardens. An Entirely New MATlNEE—Wednesday, the Bth, Programme. AT 4 F
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 252 7 COMING COMING 11 COMING 1!! THE WORLD’S LONGEST DETECTIVE SERIAL “The Exploits of Elaine” in 72 Parts. TO-NIGHT’S THE NIGHT AT the ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE Co., LYCEUM THEATRE, ARGYLL ROAD. It is Your Bounden Duty to see the most wonderful moving picture production ever brought to Penang. SIXTY YEARS A QUEEN
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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