Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 March 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 841 1 vou WA’f TO SHIP. s( jY O« SELL i USJ R L -HI TO **o utf MSTT. W*U» I AlL£fi I>E*NHVS Co, J" *reir Til CEWP BODO M. THE TAI SENG "iam quality’s limit Motor Repairing Co., Northam House Photographic Studio, Penang. x nM ju /1 h Road and attain
      841 words
    • 59 1 ■uoaßOSftaDoniDonDoanao£ g FOB $BO g g MD have the Pinenj g a I Ganatto posted every d*j a far a wbeia year to your addreM. g a (local wmcrifhon, san. Pvqportxuoate Quarterly and g Half-yaariy raUa m B®6oeirip4ieoe are payable in g adramea and reaaittencea should g WaMwiadto a a
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  • 695 2 A FLYING VISIT. Scamps, Pimpernels, Mr. E.’s, Komedy Koncert Kompanies—it’s not the name that matters, but the programme. Mr. Wolseley Charles has seen to that. The Company who were good enough to call on Penang last night made no mistake. They found most people at home—at the Town
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  • 62 2 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Golf Club from 5—45 till 7-15 this evening 1. Overture Oberon ...Wever 2. Two Step Mr Hicks oj New York ...Raymond 3. Selection Les Cloches de Comevills ...Planquette 4. Waltz Roses Red and Whits ...Meissler 5.
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  • 47 2 The following are the latest quotations in our share list:— Yesterday. To-day. qq x n e Shares g, 2 s’© s K 72 C 9 72 General. M. Collieries $2 dis slf dis $2 dis sl| dis Rubber (Dollar). Mergui $4? $4.70 $4.60 $4.75
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  • 662 2 The Hon. Mr. Payne Gallwey has postponed his trip Home till the end of the year. Sir John Hewett and Lord Cecil Manners left Bombay, on the 29;h ultimo for London. Dr. Sutherland, when the last mail left was at the R. A.M.C. training centre No. 1
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  • 165 2 T.0.M." Schemk Practically Decided Upon. The many business questions of common interest to the various States of the Federation that have recently been calling for action that would be uniform in effect, such as the matter of enemy trading has resulted in a scheme having
    —“ T.0.M."  -  165 words
  • 930 2 TO-DAY’S COURT SEQUEL. In the Third Court, Penang, to-day, a Mohammedan named Shaik Ahamat was charged with abetment of the offence of criminal breach of trust in respect of 40 tins of castor oil and 20 tins of coconut oil, the property at Messrs. McAlister and Co Ltd.
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  • 412 2 (By New York University Candidates.) Following are some replies received by the University of the State of New York in examinations for regents certificates Among those who wrote the replies were candidates for teachers’ positions, for qualification as law and medical students and for admission to colleges. The chamois
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  • 303 2 Mbeting in Bombay Bombay, February 23.—A meeting of the committee of shareholders of the Bank of Burma was held on Tuesday evening, Dr. K.B. Engineer presiding. Various letters and telegrams received from Rangoon and England were considered. Since the last meeting further telegrams were received from their
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  • 62 2 The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow:— fsV h F a r i a n3hip R N Byatt v A S Hall (o), F C Gregson vE H Everest (4). (WKWh a^jCR P —Goodrich and Cra )b-Watt v Edmonds and Johnson (1); WeX'(2) n M K
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  • 107 2 When the Centenary of the F re celebrated th« year, the 01? Kedah and Peril, ii|, ot brethren in Penang. The art include the presentation to the of a shield costing s’oo, called •< r^ 1100 Challenge Shield” (presented bvT° Br 7 boys in Kedah and
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  • 112 2 The exodus of Dutch people, many continues, says the G a an Hollande.” The greater part .re r, because they are unable to find f u r S work in Germany or on account o f 7 excessive costliness of foodstufls th At Enschede a town
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  • 152 2 Chinaman’s Narrow Escapb. A fatal accident at the Ipoh Railway Station was just averted by the prompt action of the station staff on Sunday evening says the T.0.M.” The train coming in from Kuala K &n? sar shortly after 7 p.m. was slowing down at the
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  • 221 2 Mr. Alma Baker, Batu Gajah, announces that fifteen aeroplanes have been presented to date. Although the smallest air squadron is composed of 16 units, a squadron need not be limited to this number, further aeroplanes, (Fighters, or Reconnaissance,) can be added, thus increasing the fighting value of
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  • 47 2 [/Vom Our Own Correspondent] Singapore, March L G. D. Neubronner appealed ag»i“ Bt sentence of nine months passed on intentionally deceiving one: Mahome thereby inducing the latter to deliYe him certain jewellery. Mr. Justice Earnshaw dismisse appeal, remarking that the case w 93 clear.
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  • 38 2 Wednesday, March 8, Ash Wedne 8 a.m. Matins; 8-30 a.m H °ly munion 6 p.m. Evensong b-ov p. practice T raQ y; Friday, March 10, 10-30 gr 6 p.m. Service of Intercession fort e
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  • 32 2 Colombo, February 28. lb o f fO i# Batbampton, with a cargo of J 1 o f Colombo to Calcutta, has gone Pamban. A total loss is feared. were saved.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 341 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. 1915 STUDEBAKER CAR, Electric starter and lights. Excellent condition. Apply to Box No. 154, c/o Pinang Gazette. FOR SALE. Ronisch Upright Grand Piano AND One sized Billiard Table complete. Full particulars from CUNNINGHAM, CLARK dr Co. 235—3 7 9-3 NOTICE. A LIST of applications for public
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 75 2 TOWN HALL. TO-NIGHT At 9-30 “The SCAMPS.” FAREWELL PERFORMANCE. To-night! To-night!! HARMSTON’S CIRCUS AND ROYAL MENAGERIE. Bigger, Better, Brighter than ever. Location: Dato Kramat Gardens. MATlNEE—Wednesday, the Bth, AT 4 P.M. When Children will be admitted Half Price to all parts of the Circus. Prices of Admission. Fall Box (6
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    • 395 3 The Baralong Affair. London, February B.—The Daily Telegraph "in what it describes as the full story of the Baralong affair states that the Nicosian carrying a cargo of mules, had a crew, captain, mate, and half a dozen men, apart from 11 or 12 Americans of
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    • 186 3 London, February B.—An illuminating article has appeared in the Daily Chronicle in regard to the sea power of the Allies. The writer says Captain Perseu* in the Berliner Tageblatte reviews the naval and maritime gains during the war and shows the losses sustained by th* British merchant
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    • 116 3 New York, February 10,—It is reported here that a British cruiser captured the German cruiser Roon off the Bermuda island after a fight which lasted three hours. It is further reported that the Roon previously seized two British merchantmen. The British Embassy at Washington is unable
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    • 121 3 Athens, February 4.—Details of the sinking by an Austrian submarine in the Adriatic of the Italian steamer Brindisi crowded with Montenegrin refugees is furnished by Mr- Donohue, the Daily Chronicle’s” correspondent. He obtained the story from Miss James, an American passenger by the Brindisi who
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    • 674 3 London, February 9.—Cheers greeted the British officials in their launch when they approached the Appam, to inform the captives that permission to land had been granted. The German guard vainly tried to quell the outburst of joy. The captives eagerly demanded news of the war and supplits
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    • 127 3 Paris, February 6.—Details of the capture of the famous French aviator Garros, whose machine was brought down by the Germans some time ago were given by a fellow prisoner who has been released. He relates that after his machine took fire and came down Garros,
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    • 120 3 London, February 9.—French aeronauts are now being accompanied by operators who take cinematograph films of the enemy lines, these proving immensely useful to the French Staff. The photographers volunteer and must have nerves of steel and be willing to accept great risks The pilots fly their aeroplanes
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    • 209 3 Loodon, February 25.—A British Press correspondent at Salonika, dealing with the comments on the useleesnees and inactivy of the large forces there, expresses the opinion that if the enemy do not attack, the Allied War Council will not prohibit General Sarrail from taking tne offensive. This will
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    • 94 3 London, February 25.—The “Tribuna’s” Athens correspondent says that the (fugitives from Constantinople state that the Turkish official world is keenly alarmed to learn that Kurdish chiefs are aiding the Russian advance. The Commander of the Turkish Caucasian Army, prior to the fall of Erzerum, sent a mission to
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    • 36 3 London, February 21.—According to the Patris,” Btron Von Schenck, who has suddenly left Athens, has been summoned to Berlin to justify the expenditure of 3| millions marks on German propaganda in Greece.
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    • 41 3 London, February 21 —The Berliner Tageblatt says that proposals for new taxation amounting to 600 million marks were sent to the Federal Council on Saturday. Numerous petitions have been sent to the Reichstag in favour of peace.
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    • 37 3 London, February 22.—The Daily Telegraph’s Paris correspondent says all commanding officers on this front are agreed that the enemy's losses this year greatly exceed our*. The longer he continued the spasmodic attacks the b tter.
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    • 171 3 Paris, February 7.—A French communique reports: Our battleplane attacked and “downed” a German Dragon machine near Peronnel. This feat is due to the pilot of the battleplane, Sergeant Guymener, aged only 21 years. He obtained a pilot’s certificate in April and this is the fifth German aeroplane
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    • 152 3 London, February Bth.—Large parties of wounded British soldiers from Germany have arrived at Tilbury. Many lost limbs st Mons and Charleroi; some are in an advanced stage of tuberculosis. One had related an astounding story of German frightfulness. Two thousand Russian prisoners of war were taken to
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    • 41 3 London, February 7th —According to an official wireless message several important mountain factories at Neuchatel (Switzerland) employing a hundred workers have received threats of being blown up if they continue to deliver certain supplies to the Allies.
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    • 598 3 London, February 9,—Two warships searched the vicinity of the Zeppelin disaster but did not find the wreck. It is believed the craft has sunk. Denny, mate of the King Stephen, which sighted the LI9, states there was no chance of saving the Zeppelin. The task
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    • 106 3 London, February 10th.—There have been many public protests against the insufficient air protection being afforded the Midlands. Mayors and other prominent citizens insist upon the adoption of a more vigorous policy. The Home Office notifies that Lord French is pushing forward a system of warnings
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    • 160 3 Lord Ros-bery in a letter to the Times advocates that Britain should initiate raids on German urban centres in reprisal for indiscriminate Zeppelin raids on unfortified towns in England. We, in the United Kingdom,” he said, have too long displayed a passive and excessive patience. To
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    • 44 3 London, February 9.—Lieutenant George Cordere has been sentenced to death for the murder of Sergeant Czanne near A’dershot. The victim of the tragedy was secretary of a canteen and had entrusted Cordere with the sum of £2BO sterling change.
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    • 114 3 London, February 6.—The Observer strongly advocates the appointment of Mr. Churchill to the position of Minister of Air Services, as the defences of the United Kingdom need his mental freshness and executive energy. It also takes up the demand made recently that Lord Fisher be
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    • 102 3 London, February 10.—The Minister of Munitions, Mr. Lloyd George, recently paid an unexpected visit to a Welsh Battalion in France. Standing by the roadside with a General of the division the Minister took the salute. The Welshmen were delighted to recognise the little man in
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    • 54 3 London, February 10th.—The War Office has sanctioned the raising of two overseas Battalions of London Regiment for men of the Dominions now in Britain. The Lord Mayor of London supports the scheme and has opened a fund to assist in equipment, appealing to the city
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    • 62 3 London, February 11,—The Baptist Union Handbook for 1916 shows a decline in church membership of 3,176, partly owing to the war. Many Anglican clergy training colleges have been closed for a similar reason. A movement is now on foot, at Dean Welldou’s instance, to enable the
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    • 118 3 London, February 9.—The English newspapers, discussing the present boom price of copper, attribute it chiefly to American operations. The Financial News remarking that the present price is the highest since the 1907 boom, says: While it is very distasteful for the Allies to have to pay such
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    • 79 3 London, February B.—The Amsterdam correspondent of the London Daily Chronicle states that tens of thousands of pounds of British money is regularly finding its way to Germany through Dutch firms, who are selling coupons of foreign bonds in London and making false declarations. Reuter’s correspondent states
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    • 67 3 Berne, February 9.—The German Emperor has composed words for a new German National Anthem, and has commanded Herr Richard Strauss, conductor of the Royal Opera House, Berlin, to compose music to suit it. The German people are gratified, for they resent the fact thab the existing
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    • 87 3 Amsterdam, February 10—Information received in Vienna confirms the reports that the great Austrian armament works ata Skodra have been blown up in addition to other enormous damage. The explosion was caused by a melanite bomb and was undoubtedly due to criminal intent. Over 400 factory
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 454 3 ■ENGINEER I. B- O. T. Certificate. K Dredging experience 5 years, bhop harge H) years, desires re-engagement. Apply No. 149, c/o Pinang Gazette 203—10'3 Pi \NTER English Public School man aged 29, seeks billet with better tg Can handle all classes of labour Languages, Tamil and Malay with Uair knowledge
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    • 94 3 WARRANTED FIFTEEN YEARS S Packed Free. Carriage Paid direct from our Factory to your Port. Ten Daye' Free Trial. Best British-made MEAD COVENTRY FLYERS Defiance Puncture-Resisting or Dunlop Tyres, Coasters, Variable-Speed Gears, B. S. A. Free Wheels. Flyer or Brook's Saddles, etc. MODELS 3 IOSe to £9 Tyres and accessories
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  • 1088 4 The heated speech of Dr. Liebknecht in the Prussian Diet lifts the curtain for a momentary glimpse at the true state of affairs in Germany. As contrasted with the lying Wolff agency reports, intended for enemy and neutral consumption, we get an impression that the British blockade
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  • 231 4 The outward mail on the Malta, is expected at daylight on Thursday. The outward mail steamer arrived at Port Said on Saturday morning. The Chamber of Commerce notify us that the mails which lefc Penang on the sth February were delivered in London yesterday. At the Straits Cinema
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  • 1113 4 i Verdun has seen the Prussian* before, and the name counts for a great deal with our French Allies. They have waited long for the chance of turning the tables, and this i 9 what they are doing. The Prussian, the Bavarian,Saxon, and the rest are getting
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  • 268 4 [Specially Translated], A case which would gladden the heart of any lawyer briefed in it will come up f or trial in the Raad Van Justicie at Medan on May 9th when a former Collector of Belasting (Income Tax) at Arnhemia wi be charged with misappropriation of Goven*
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  • 34 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $90.40 per picul buyers, no sellers—an increase of $1 65. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £lB7 spot, and £lB7 three months.
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  • 27 4 London, March 6.* The following is the rubber quotation for to-day Plantation Ist Latex Crepe 3 8 [♦By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead i Co.,
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  • 20 4 The output of the Tronoh Mines, Ltd., from all sources for the month of February, was piculs 2,525.
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  • 34 4 The Perak tin exports for the month of February, 1916, excluding Upper Perak figures, were as follow Block Tin 2,721 piculs 94 katis Tin Ore 30,927 piculs 10 katis Duty ...$375,018.64.
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  • 31 4 OUTPUTS FOR FEBRUARY. The following are additional rubber outputs for February Ayer Tawah lbs. 21,000 Henrietta K M S Laras (Sumatra) Nellmay 2,4 i Perak River Valley Sungei Matang 12,0*9
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  • 46 4 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the o lowing list of further contribution 8 t 0 above Fund, forwarded to the Chartere Bank, Penang. Balance on March 3 $1,995 Mrs Tan Choo Lian Balance on March 6 $2,015.7 Amount previously acknowledged 2—. Total ...$24,232-3
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 163 4 v i J .WW O yZ.'jAv 1 u PRODUCE OF FRANCE Cordon sole-importers. "Cordon HIBBERT.WOODROFFE C° LTP ROUGE. (IncorporatedinEngland) JAUNE. I I JUST UNPACKED BLUE PORCELAIN VASE, PLATE and BOWL. Amateurs’ Work, Printing*, and Developing Promptly Executed. “DAIBUTSU” 56, BEACH STREET, PENANG. Pritchard Co., Ltd. PENANG IPOH. For Travellers Homeward
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    • 13 4 “E. O.” MOTOR GARAGE. CARS ON HIRE $4 AN HOUR. Telephone No. 322.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 364 5 SOLID FRENCH LINES. the german losses. LIEBKNECHT’S DISCLOSURES. ZEPPELINS IN THE COUNTIES. Although the Germans make further claims to regard to captures of guns and prisoners, north and north-east of Verdun, the situation there is entirely satisfactory, two more days of German attacks having cost the enemy very
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 938 5 [Hsutbr’s Telegram*.] NEW GERMAN CLAIMS. [Copyribht Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) London, March 6. Berlin communique claims the capture another guns, and 75 machine guns at er d° D > and 1,000 prisoners at Donau•nout, Germans Completely Held. Paris, March 6. semi-official report states that the saf n L^ore Verdun
      [Hsutbr’s Telegram*.]  -  938 words
    • 21 5 Pari?, March 4. It is estimated that the Germans are hurling 400,000 projectil s daily on Verdun.
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    • 786 5 EIGHT COUNTIES VISITED. London, March 6. An official announcement says it is believed three Zeppelins participated in las' night’s raid. They took various courses, and were apparently uncertain as to their bearings. The area visited inc’udei Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Ru land, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Essex, and Kent. About
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    • 166 5 SOCIALIST’S DISCLOSURES. Amsterdam, March 6. In the Prussian Diet, Dr. Liebknecht, in a fierce ou*burst against the censorship, said any mention of trials of peace demonstrators and food-rioters was prohibited. The population were ignorant how these were growing. He denounced the atrocities by German troops in tbe
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    • 519 5 Evidence of the dis res? among the wives and dependents of German soldiers and of the depressing effects on the m< n at the front of the sta'e of things at home is aLordrd by an appeal and a warning, addressed by Field Marshal von Hindenburg to
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    • 58 5 ANOTHER APPEAL Rome, March 6. The Pope, in a new appeal for peace, says he cannot witness in sil- nee Europe tearing itself to pieces. H's Holiness repeats his proposal that each belligerent declare its desires, but say* all should be ready to make sacrifices that would
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 175 5 A RECONCILIATION. London, March 5. A Cairo telegram says, according to private information from Athens, M. Venezelos had several interviews with King Constantine, with whom he has become reconciled. A political crisis at Athens is considered imminent. Turkey Seeks Peace. Paris, March 6. The French official daily
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    • 72 5 PREPARED FOR ANYTHING. Cairo, March 6. Members of the Egyptian Assembly visited the Suez Canal defences and the great military camp. They admired the splendid dispositions and installations and returned with an ineffaceable impression of the solidity of the defences and the adequateness of the force?, should
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    • 297 5 Bombay, February 18.—The Times of India writes as follows in a comment on Eye-Witnes?’s account of an attack by Arabs on a place near Nasiriyah We believe the attack occured some time ago and as the result was eminently gratifying to our forces, there seems to be
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    • 27 5 Petrograd, March 5. Russian destroyers bombarded Trebizond on tbe Black Sea, and destroyed several vessels in the harbour. The Turkish batteries replied, without doing damage.
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  • Naval Operatings.
    • 62 5 IRON CROSSES AWARDED. London, March 6. A Berlin telegram says Commander Count Dohna is on board the Moewe, which has 103 Indians among the captured sailors. Commander Dohna received the Iron Cross of the First Class, and the crew tbe Iron Cross of the Second Class. Commander Dohna
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    • 38 5 London, March 6. The British steamer Rothesay (2,007 tons, of Cardiff) was sunk. The Glasgow steamer, Masunda (4,952 tons) was tunk. All were saved. The British steamer Teutonian has been sunk. The crew were landed.
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    • 20 5 London, March 6. The Italian steamer Giava (2,6 )1 tons,, of Palermo) was sunk, not the Java.
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    • 16 5 London, March 6. Portugal has seized four German ste a mere in Madeira.
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    • 163 5 The following is a list of enemy vessels interned in Portuguese ports. Where nob otherwise mentioned the vessels are German. The figures are the tonnage. Lisbon -Achilles 943, Antares 2,512, Arkadia 1,781, Casablanca 1,650, Cheruskia 3,245, Electra 1,261, Energie 2,762, Enos 1,911, Euripos 2,763, Galata
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  • General News.
    • 61 5 GERMAN SHELLS IN A WELL. Shanghai, March 6. The French Concession Police discovered at the bottom of a well, on the premises of a German, eight cases of Hotchkiss shells of a size useful for arming merchantmen. This German was recently prominent in connection with the seizure
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    • 56 5 New York, March 6. The *pro-Germans are much discomfited by the Senate vote, especially a? a aimilar defeat is likely in the House of Representatives. The comment, summed up, is that the Senate has shown that the foreign affairs of the United States are still in the hands
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    • 28 5 London, March 6. The Daily Telegraph correspondent in New York says arrangements have virtually been concluded for a new big. British loan in America.
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    • 18 5 Paris, March 5. Vice-Admiral Lebon has been appointed Chief of the Naval Staff.
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    • 16 5 London, March 6. Mr. Lloyd George announces that there are now 3,052 controlled establishments.
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    • 22 5 Paris, March 5. 22 were killed and 66 injured by an explosion in a powder factory at Courneuve.
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    • 17 5 Paris, March 6. M. Clemenceau’s newspaper I’Homme Enchaine has been suspended for a week*
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  • 768 6 AN INDIAN OFFICER’S STORY. Captain Steele-Perkins, who has been engaged on war service for a short time and has just returned to Calcutta, has brought with him the latest news of Lieutenant T. S. Apcar (a brother of Mrs. Stephen Anthony) who was reported to
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  • 263 6 The 1916, musketry course, particulars of which were issued with musketry orders, is so very much easier than the 1914-15, course that marksmen should be as plentiful as blackberries, this ye*r, says the M.S.V.R. Magazine.” A very useful innovation is the introduction of the 300 yards range.
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  • 282 6 Oa the initiative of the clergy the F.M.S. has recently developed an interest iu the psychology of club life. That may provide a harmless enough topic of conversation but Penaag, we see from one of the local papers, says the Bangkok Times is taking the matter too
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  • 159 6 Paris, February 11—Professor Masaryk, formerly a member of the Austrian Parliament, but exiled at the outset of the war, has emphasised the necessity for wiping out the Hapsburg dynasty. If Germany was deprived of the Austro-Turkish support, the professor says, she would be too
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  • 161 6 March 7. —Harmston’s Circus and Menagerie, Dato Kramat Gardens. 7.—“ The Scamps,” Bandmann Co., Town Hall, 9-15 p.m. 7. —Penang Chamber of Commerce, A. G. M. 3 p m. 7. —Concert and Dance, “B Company, Penang Volunteers Drill Hall, 8 p.m. B.—Penang Golf Club, Special General Meeting, 6-45
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  • 135 6 Penang, March 7, 1916. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 7/32 4 months' sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 u 3 Credit ...2/4 7/8 h 3 Documentary ...2/4 29/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 it 3 days' sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 Moulmein Demand Bank
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 528 6 Russell’s Light Dry Stout. BREWED from the finest Malt and Hops only, by a process, the result -of much experimenting and research, whereby is produced a Stout, as its name implies, with all the valuable, nutritious qualities of Ordinary Stout, but without the heavy body,” thus rendering it Light and
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    • 197 6 SAYS NO ONE NEED REMAIN THIN NOW. Physician's Advice For Thin, Undeveloped Men and Women. Thousands of people suffer from excessive thinness, weak nerves and feeble stomachs who having tried advertised flesh-makers, food-fads, physical culture stunts and rubon creams, resign themselves to life-long skinniness and think nothing will make them
      197 words
    • 172 6 ECONOMY being an Imperial necessity, the use of British Avon Tyres becomes a patriotic duty. fgg M <L The claim that Avon Tyres show lowest cost per mile rests upon dis- r Symbols of interested records or actual service, Endurance. open to investigation. It is further agents: supported by their
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  • 568 7 POLICEMEN HEAVILY FINED. The case «gainst the three policemen of the Central Station—(l) Slaymanshah, for receiving an illegal gratification of two cents from a bullock cart driver (2) Koh Ah Nooand (3) Pihee for obstructing a public servant, D.P.C. 519 in the execution of his duty
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  • 90 7 Wilhelm 11. To his dark minions under sea Flashed the Imperial decree Sink Everything 1 Spare naught Sink everything that floats Merchantmen, liners, fishing boats Sink ships on Mercy’s errand sped, Dye Christ’s jed cross a deeper red Sink Everything I Sink honour, faith, forb c arnance, ruth
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  • 28 7 London, February 22.—The Times military correspondent advocates the further use in eastern fields of Indian troops and the fighting races of the Crown Colonies.
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  • 177 7 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Trang, Brit., 73, William Pithie, March 7, Trang, gen, E. S. Co. Klang, Brit., 732 Fawcus, March 6, iS’pore, gen., A. G. Co. Pangkor, Brit., 94, Caswell, March 6, Bindings, gen., E. S. Co. Lai Sang, Brit., 2224, Mooney, March 6, C’cutta, gen., B. Co. Hong Wan
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  • 143 7 Pbnang, March 7, 1916. 8; P. Tapioca $8.30 buyers. M. P. Tapioca $9.00 sellers. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $41.00 sellers. Trang Pepper 533 sellers. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $62 sales. Cloves $3l selie
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 446 7 ct S^oS^^^ss^s* < g I a IfalnlWfe* w 1 ft X s EilmL— *«3s g lOifl n s#3l s —Cczr— Tru' {£r~~ z- >r -7-7 tZAa I I ‘Wincarnis* offers you f New Health and New Life. > What a comfort »o know that you need not r emain Weak,
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    • 181 7 ARE YOU MIDDLE-AGED Forty is the age of greatest effort with most people. Vitality is u e ed up at the most rapid pace. Often the struggle in work or business produces nerve strain, or the failure to succeed causes worry, nervous breakdown, neurasthenia. Middle-sged people find that they cannot
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    • 57 7 A The Ceylon Manure Works A. BAUR PENANG. COLOMBO. U9KHBK OM WMWKffIB s,Fm yf GOOOffl® SAFETY TREAD TVD E C 11 sc g o STOCKED BY ALL garages. large REDUCTKJN Ai n prices as from lst J anuap y* 1916 ft i SOLE AGENTS «J1 ADAMSON, GILFILLAN Co., Ltd., (Incorporated
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 182 7 TO-NIGHT 7th MARCH, 1916. TO-NIGHT I! FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY. Latest Songs and Step Dances and also Latest American Coon Songs as Sung by the Darkies of America to be given by Mr. C. W. WILLIAMS, the middle-weight Champion Boxer. at THE STRAITS CINEMA, Phone No. 628. EMPIRE HALL. PENANG
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2342 8 P.&o. -B. 1.-APCAR N. Y. K. Kx K. P. M. |EU?«“ mail j> P a M l iis tM S bi P c .u. i g®> koni^sch7 P pT 4ART PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. Z.VCO«ZW?4T£D Ztf (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) n o" ITS MAIL SERVICES. Aw PM S. N. Company). T
      2,342 words