Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 24 February 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 840 1 Rur OB SELL. Ml u B B E R O« TO r&rwARD p00p?.,, ■I s, Afl S H. BODOM, IsmKIIIIHIMH Northam House PhotographiclStudio, Penang. 4 SUBSCRIPTION. fiMM .n Town. THE ONLY STUDIO IN THE COLONY PRODUCING S FETY W F,RST k: per annum or $3O post free. Refined Portraiture of
      840 words
    • 69 1 ■aooaaa n n r.a n a c a d FOB $BO g g ean bare the Pinang g a Gaaatte" posted every day a for a wriboio year to your address. a (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION. »27). 0 a Proportionate Quarterly and g Waif y—rjy rates. a O Boboariptiooe are payable in
      69 words

  • 2372 2 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Perak Chamber of Commerce was held in the Chamber, Hale Street, Ipoh on Monday afternoon. Mr ETC Garland (Messrs. Aylesbury and Garland) presided, and the others present were :—Messrs J T Donald 1 Eastern Smelting Co Ltd), F
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  • 189 2 The official Wolff Telegraph Agency, which has suddenly begun to reveal unprecedented activity by wireless from the station at Sayville, Long Island, New York, furnished to German papers of January 16 a lengthy message on America’s rising indignation with England’s trade policy.” The impression is conveyed by a
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  • 118 2 “On the Road to Kapar writes to our Federal contemporary Cannot Government be induced to spend a small portion of the very large income that they now derive from the sale of toddy in having the liquor shops constantly visited and reported on by competent officials.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1002 2 Dates for wanted. Casual Advertisemen ts. details of experience, salary required, etc., FIR SALE, TO LET, SITUATIONS VACANT, ETC. Osborne Chappel, Ipoh. 183—28 2 Minimum Charge $2.00 For 1 insertion 1.20 per inch. _PIj A !\l TTR 2 insertions 1.10 3 0.95 I6| years practical xperience, strong in 4 0.85
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    • 449 2 Pe -«n« QOME OLD FREES are O meeting, to be held at i on Saturday, 26th inst at U e Ki AU OH f“ 5 f r All Old Frees are cordially THIS is to inform the> although I alone, have business hitherto in P enaQ( l6(i oa name
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  • 927 3 CHARGE by SIKHS AND NEW A CHA ZEALANDERS. nf the fight on Christmas Day, De X honil.At.b force w.. disiD 4 «ith severe losses near Mersa r I (where the Western Egyptian M Ls tire concentrated) are given r 7" r foii»» i “B d<Kpi,tch fro,n
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  • 1062 3 THE RULE OF THE AIR. A British aeroplane of a new and powerful has entered the field against the fighting Fokker, the machine which has been the subject of boastful comment in recent German official communications, writes Mr. Percival Phillips on January 21. The result has been highly
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  • 303 3 Fourteen aeroplanes have been presented to date, and No. 15 is party subscribed. The F M.S Service Gun Biplane complete the f>ur Fighters. One more Reconnaissance Aeroplane No; 16 is now required to c?mpl-te the Malayan Squadron of 16 units. Malaya No. 15 (Reconnaissance) Previously acknowledged $1,413
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  • 255 3 PENANG WOMEN WORKERS. Amount previously acknowledged $1,409 Offertory Intercession Service 2nd Jan 1916, $197.28, Mrs Ritchie, Gedong Estate (4th don) $lO, Mrs Heim (6ch don) $lO, Mrs Marples-sa’e of Limes (3rd don) $lO, Mrs Trengove (6th d< n) $5, Mrs Wilson, Caledonia (sth don) $5, Mrs
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 26 3 T. JO NO, ARTISTIC TATTOOER. Speciality—Tiger of the F.M.S. Willing to take Outdoor Work. OFFICE: Nikko Photo Studio, Penang Road t Penang. 1256—tu th s 31-3
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    • 711 3 ♦□nnnnnnnannnnnnannnnnnnannnannnnnnnnnnnanny n a n 1916 n s $2,130 I Electric Lights Model S 3 Touring Car Q Electric Starter. Roadster (Price) $2,130. O r a n v n n n n g In All the World n No Value Like This This newest Overland has Beauty— a long, low It
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  • Italy’s Campaign
    • 90 4 [Rbutbr’s Tblrgram».] HEIGHTS CAPTURED. Rome, February 23. The Italians successfully concluded an action initiated on February 9th, capturing the mountainous Collo zone, in the Sugana district. The Alpinists, advancing in snow and fog’ reached the summit of Collo, and adjacent heights, and drove out the Austrians and
      [Rbutbr’s Tblrgram».]  -  90 words
  • General News.
    • 151 4 LC.C. FELICITATIONS. London, February 23. At a meeting of the London County Council, a resolution was passed with acclamation, congratulating Lord Chelmsford on his appointment as Viceroy of India, and assuring him of the esteem of his colleagues, and their confidence that he would fully maintain the
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    • 121 4 SPEECHES AT OTTAWA. Ottawa, February 20. H. R. H. the Duke of Connaught, Governor-General of Canada, gave a banquet to the Rt. Hon. W. M. Hughes, the Australian Premier, who said that in spite of disappointments and disillusions he would never be in doubt as to the ultimate
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    • 71 4 ASSISTANCE TO MUNITION MAKERS. London, February 23. Mr. Lloyd George has sent a letter to Vice-Admiral Sir David Beatty, warmly thanking the Fleet for the splendid work of officers and men in the making of munitions for the Army. The output is already most striking. The
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    • 41 4 ALLEGED FOUL PLAY. Rio de Janeiro, February 23. The Lamport-Holt steamer Tennyson has arrived at Maranhao, seriously damaged, through an explosion in the bunkers. Three were killed. It is said the explosion was caused by an infernal machine.
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    • 26 4 The Hague, February 23 Bills have been introduced in the Dutch Chamber to raise 210,000,000 florins to cover extraordinary expenditure till August Ist.
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  • 37 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, February 24. At the Singapore rubber auctions 500 tons were offered sold 260 tons. The market opened dull but improved slightly. Fine pale $lB2. Ribbed smoked $lBl. Unsmoked $165.
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  • 1000 4 Mr. G. T. Lamb, late of the Straits Trading Co., who enlisted in the Royal Fusiliers, has now obtained a commission in the R.F.A. Mr. E. A. Ash, who is a captain (not a major) in the Middlesex Regiment, is attached to the DCL I. He arrived
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  • 61 4 [From Our Own Correspondent.'] Singapore, February 24. The annual report of the Tapah Rubber Co., Ltd states that the net profit was $157,933. A final dividend of 15 per cent, is recommended, making 25 per cent, for the year. It has been decided to surrender only
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  • 343 4 In his speech at the annual meeting of Lumut Rubber Estates, the chairman remarked that in ordinary circumstances a final dividend of 15 per cent, might have been paid, but, conditions being what they are, and in order to make provision for the excess-profits tax, it is thought desirable
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  • 1029 4 WOMAN’d MYSTERIOUS DEATH. In the Coroner’s Court of Penang, yes terday afternoon, before Mr. E. E Colman and a jury consisting of Messrs. T. J. Williams, W. B. Perkins and Ooi Chye Hock, an inquest was held regarding the circumstances attending the death of a Cantonese woman
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  • 243 4 First Message Tj Si SG A POBg On Saturday, says the B traih T we asked Mr. Goodwin, managin/JS" the “Pinang Gazette”, to d tOr to send us the first public me W 8 the new arrangements f, r wireleg» 8 tion between Penang and Singapore 0 last
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  • 151 4 The following were the results of the ties played yesterday Mixed Doubles A.— Mrs Striven and CO Newton —.30) be*t Miss M Pritchard and A S Hall (scr) by 1— 6, 6—3, 6—4. Mixed Doubles B—Mr and Mrs E J Bennett —.15) beat MrandMrsCDD Hogan —.15) by
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  • 43 4 Members are hereby reminded that a Club Handicap Shoot will take place on Saturday afternoon the 26th inst, shooting commencing at 3-30 p m The competition is Rapid 1 a t 200 yards Wautags j Rapid at 500 y»rds
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  • 266 4 In his speech in the two Chambers 0 the Riksdag, M. Hammarskjold, the P'* o36 Minister, declared that neither at 0[^ e nor abroad was there any valid reason •o doubt that the policy of the was one of sincere neutrality. )jU which had arisen on the subject
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 298 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HOMEWARD BOUND. LADY travelling to England, MarchApril, is willing to assist invalid, or with children, io return for passage. Apply M. Q. c/o Singapore Free Press. WANTED. First class estate clerk mast be able to typewrite apply in writing to the undersigned. (Sd.) Brown, Phillips Stewart, Agents, Juru
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    • 223 4 THE FOLLUW-UP SiSTEM. Advert sing is, after all, a master of bitting the eye of the public. If you allow too great an interval to slapso between insertions of copy the effect of the first advertisements will have worn away by the time you hit again, ion may continue your
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 127 4 H ARMS lON'S CIRCUS AND ROYAL MENAGERIE. Bigger, Better, Brighter than ever. Grand Opening Night, Wednesday, Ist March, AT 9-15 P.M. Location: Date Kramat Gardens. New Artistes. New Acts. ‘HARMSTON The Apex The Crux The Acme The Alpha and Omega of all that stands for perfection in the Circus World.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 2436 5 nun □nnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnannnnnnnnnnnEinnnnannnnnnEinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnntinnEinnnnntinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnrinnnA HABRAKOL SYNDICATE, LTD. I 'J 0 0 Incorporated in the Straits Settlements under the Companies Ordinance 1915. 0 g AUTHORISED CAPITAL S 15,000 Ordinary Shares of $lO each $150,000. 8 a Issue of 15,000 Ordinary Shares of SIO each payable as follows: g 0 ft n On
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  • 33 6 McLban.—On February 21, at Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Y. McLean, a son. Rowley.—On January 19, at Oxford, wife of T. W. Rowley (late F.M.S. Civil Service), of a son.
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  • 41 6 Gbievb—Christie.— On January 17, at St. Columba’s, Church of Scotland, Fontstreet, S.W., John F. Grieve, of Seafield Estate, Batu Tiga, Selangor, to Ethel Frances Christie, daughter of the late Col. E. T. Christie, A.S.C., and Mrs. Tolfrey Christie, Richmond, Surrey.
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  • 1186 6 Iq the coarse of an admirable address, in’fpresenting the presidential report to the Perak Chamber of Commerce, Mr. E. T. C. Garland, while speaking with natural elation upon the continued pros perity of the tin, robber and coconut industries, uttered a word of warning about the,unwisdom of having
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  • 1090 6 The liner Espagne, mentioned in to-day’a telegrams, is one of the Compagnie Gĕuĕ rale Transatlantique's fleet, which was the object of attention by the authorities at Washington. The reason is not known by I the gen ral public, and the fact may not have any special significance
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  • 423 6 What is Habrakol Many readers will bs asking this question m?' on the appearance of the pro 8 p ectin A f 7 Habrakol Syndicate, Limited which just been issued. Enquiries have eli c iS the information that the word Habrak 1 hybrid term derived from the
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  • 116 6 The homeward mail closes at 11 on Sunday. Registration till 6 pm. Saturday. The next outward mail is expected to leave Negapatam on Saturday. The P. O. outward mail steamer Khiva arrived at Port Said on 21st instant. The s.s. Kamo Maru, which left Penang on Christmas Day,
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  • 129 6 The following are the latest quotation 3 in our share list: Yesterday. To day- s Shares. §1 s I 5 'Ji W ac Mining. Siputeh H- 35 Il w Rubber (Dollar). A. Panas $9 $9 50 hl Changkat $9 s9j K -Sidim $lO slo| j„jO Malaka $2
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 330 6 S.—UU. .nd ''ls i” illness,and ZT."Z~ while there is ifi C IK GC*’ iz>%V still a l °f vilify, VltaiCFiM >0 you nee< l m ore and better Mgt I <' nourishment than at other times. =F j does not mean a greater quantity of i >~,. ,y food, but
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    • 42 6 LEAP YEAR DANCE AFTBB A SPECIAL DINNER AT THB E. O. HOTEL On Tuesday, 29th Feb., 1916. E. O. Orchestra and Town Band. Successful Proposals will have the privilege of a free week's Honeymoon AT THE CRAG HOTEL. PINANG GAZETTE. ■BTABLIBHBD 1833.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 247 7 minister appointed, battles in fbance. TUBKIsa FORCES AT ERZERUM. aUSSIAN MINISTER'S SPEECH. gtfong offensives by the Germans in Artois, and on both banks of the Mease, north of Verdun, are the features from t he Western front. The enemy attacked with seven battalions at Bois-de-Given-ohv. oast of Souchtz,
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 131 7 Reutbbs Tb LEG BA MS.] MINES AND SHELLS. Copybight Tblkgbams.] By Suomarine Telegraph.) London, February 23. General Haig reports that last night the enemy sprang a mine east of Givenchy. Ws bad qo casualties. They also shelled Popennghe at dawn. Wa sprang a mine near Hohenzollern Redoubt
      Reutbbs Tb LEG BA MS.]  -  131 words
    • 65 7 London, February 23. < 1 Daily Telegraph states that are nearly complete for the a 3 tan{ jj Q g Joint Committee, p Gr naval and military aviation. r j Lord Derby will take charge of Omai iitee, of which the technical head j). eit her Major-General
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    • 419 7 BY SEVEN GERMAN BA TTALIONS Paris. February 23. In Artoi°, at the Germans attacked in force at Bois-de-Givenchy. The enemy succeeded in penetrating our first trench, which was completely wrecked over a front of 800 yards, and at several points they reached our second line, from which
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  • 44 7 Quebec, February 23. The historic Roman Catholic Church a’ Beaupo-t was burned. The loss is estimated at. $400,000. It is believed the church was fired by German sympathisers. There is a German concentration camp at Beauport. A priest bad been warned.
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  • 154 7 DEADLY FRENCH SHELL. Paris, February 23. A Bar-le-Duc telegram states that Zeppelin L 77 was struggling in the wind, with lights out, 6,000 feet up, when French guns fired incendiary shells, one penetrating the Zeppelin’s side, and going through, flames spread to the whole airship, which slowly
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  • 428 7 Th- 1 Ge man military authorities, contrary to the prac ice ia oth *r countries do not include in their of casualties men wno-e Wounds are of a ligh" nature. If these be added to the figures recently quoted by Mr. Tennant the aggregate must be
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  • 94 7 London, February 22. Major the Honourable J C. Lyttelton (Unionist) has resigned his seat in Mid Worcestershire, owing to the absorption of his time by duties at the front. Chester’s M.P. Resigns. London, February 23. Mr. R. A. Yerburgh, Unionist M.P. for Chester, is retiring, in consequence
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  • 23 7 London, February 24. It is expected that further restrictions of imports will shortly be announced, both of necessities and luxuries.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 586 7 LORD ROBERT CECIL. Loudon, February 23. It is stated that the Government thinks that for the purpose of enforcement of the blockade of Germany, it is desirable to leave to a single Minister the task of coordinating the powers held by the Foreign Office, Admiralty, Board of Trade,
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    • 31 7 WARNINGS TO AMERICANS. New York. Fobruary 23. Anonymous letters warn Americans booking by the liner not to embark, in view of Germany’s determination to attack armed merchantmen.
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    • 28 7 Rotterdam. February 23. The British steamer Onsal has arrived, with the Second Engineer and a sailor of the Dutch steamer La Flandre, which was sunk.
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    • 92 7 SEVEN VICTIMS. Athene, February 24. Reports from various sources state that an Allied submarine, which passed through the Dardanelles and reached the Bosphorus on February 15th, torpedoed a tug and six munition-laden transport». The usual panic occurred at Constantinople. Danish Steamer Released. London, February 23. A Copenhagen
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    • 53 7 PARIS CONFERENCE. Paris, February 23. At the first meeting of the British and French Inter-Parliamentary Committee, Lord Desart and M Choumet explained the work of the British and French Fleets respectively. M. Guarnier discussed the mercantile marine problem. Lord Balfour of Burleigh made a statement on
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    • 32 7 London, February 23. The latest casualties include five naval aviators killed or drowned, including the well-known fliers, Commander Neville Usborne, and Lieutenant-Commander, W. P. de Courcy Ireland killed.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 117 7 THE TURKISH LOSSES. Petrograd, February 23. The Turkish losses at Erzerum were forty thousand. Enver Pasha on Erzerum. London, February 23. A Turkish communique states that for military reasons the Turkish Army was withdrawn from Erzerum to a position west of Erzerum, which is not a fortress, and militarily
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    • 203 7 Petrograd, January 14 —Prisoners taken on the south-western front unanimously bear testimony to the irresistible character of the Russian attacks in Galicia and Bakovina, and speak of the Russian bayonet charges with unfeigned horror. These prisoners include numerous German non-commissioned officers who were specially assigned to
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    • 81 7 AMBASSADOR’S STATEMENT. Paris, February 23 The new Japanese Ambassador, Mr. Matsui, in an in*erview on his arrival at Marseilles, said all rhe Japanese factories were working for the Russians, and had not yet reached the maximum, but they were already furnishing material of all sorts, which the Japanese
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    • 189 7 ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION. Petrograd, February 22. The Tsar paid a surprise visit to the Duma on the re-assembling. His Majesty received a warm ovation, the members repeatedly singing the National Anthem. Enthusiasm prevailed throughout His Majesty’s stay, and he was again given an ovation on leaving. Remarkable
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    • 490 7 RUSSIA’S WILL TO CONQUER. London, February 23. M. SazonoS, the Russian Foreign Minister, in the courss of a great speech in the Dam#, expressed the unshakeable determination of Russia and her Allies to conquer. He said this war was the greatest crime against humanity, and Germany’s
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  • 1072 8 FURIOUS WITH THE ENTENTE. The Athens correspondent of the Associated Press of America has had an interview with King Constantine. King Constantine,” he cables, sent for me to express through the American Press his profound indignation at what he termed the unheard-of high-handed-ness of the recent
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  • 297 8 Showers of Violets and Roses at Gala Performance. Parisians have not many opportunities of hearing a crack British military band, but when the occasion comes their way they take full advantage of it. The band of the Grenadier Guards, conducted by Lieutenant A. Williams, has reached Paris
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  • 325 8 In the Marine Court Singapore, on Monday morning, before Commander Cator, Mr F C Townsend, Chief Officer of the steamer Hong Wan I, was again brought up on the three charges preferred against him by Captain L V van E;dom, master of the vessel The charges were
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  • 41 8 The following undelivered cable lies at the office of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co.:— 17th, Aleef, from Negapatam 19th, Sulsman Kasam, from Calcutta; 21st’ Sultan, from Negapatam 22nd, Bahedersingh c/o Sundersingh, Contractor, Ballast Train, Kelahor Store, via Penang,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 515 8 V Mether mJ Child. If[ Baby 6% months. jlf J Special I f Appeal i 'i' 1 1 Fed /rem birth an the •Allmbnrys' Feeds. I' on Behalf of Baby Naturally a Healthy Mother W should feed her own child, and no cause, save inability, m 'l' should prevent her
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    • 327 8 ifejj Qi r*7 A Doable Safeguard. When buying Worcestershire Sauce, always look for the signature in White />\W m I I 1 on the Red label, and see also that the name LEA PERRINS is embossed in raised letters on the glass bottle. LEA A PERRINS’ label and bottle are
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  • 1291 9 SOME EXPERIENCES The following are extracts from an interesting letter which has just been received by Mr A Grant Mackie from Captain Sir J B Campbell, Bart:— Thanks so much for your delightfully newsy letter and for the F.M.S. list and paper. There are several S
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  • 152 9 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. M. Austin, Brit., 97, Cawary, Feb 24, Trang, gen., E. S. Co. Ban Watt Soon, Brit., 199, Taylor, Feb 24, Be'awan, gen., E. S. Co. Kedah, Brit 94. Manus, Feb 23, T. Anson, gen., E. S. Co. CLEARANCES! To-day. Calypso for Tongkah. Ban Lee for Belawan and
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  • 129 9 Pbnano, Fbbruary 24, 1916. (2fy Courtssy 0/ CAaHsrsd Bemh}. London Demand Bank ...2/4 7/32 4 months’ right Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 7/8 3 Documentary ...2/4 29/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’right Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 Moalmein Demand Bank 173 3 days’sight Private 175
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  • 121 9 Feb. 25.—Leap Year Dance, Engineers Institute, 9 p.m. 26.—Cricket P.C.C. v. Planters Esplanade, 11 a. m. 26,—P.V.R.C Shoot, 3.30 p m. 26 —Meeting Free School Old Boys, Free School 5 p.m. M 29.—Leap Year Dance, E. 0. Hotel. M 29.—Penang Chamber of Commerce. A. G. M. 3 p.m.
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  • 256 9 Pisano, February 24, 1916. 3. p. Tapioca $7.90 sales. M. P. Tapioca 58.20 sales. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $35.00 sellers Trang Pepper 26 buyers. Mace llO no Mace Pickings $62 sellers. Cloves -31 94lie
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 596 9 Acute Kidney Disease. stones caused keen agony. Completely guroo gt 52 by Dr. Cassell's Tablets, the World-Famous Remedy. M- de Grey. *n old (82), of Cl ••tea-terrace, Queen street, Sparktook, Birmingham, England, saya:— A few viars ago I began to have a gnawing »n‘across my back. At all times
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    • 61 9 NOTICE. LABOUR CODE. 1912. F.M.S. ••INOIAH IMMISSATION FUIO ORDINANCE 1911.” EMPLOYERS of Indian labour are hereby reminded that assessment returns for the preceding quarter must be sent to the Office of the Dy. Controller of Labour, Penang, daring the months of April, July, October, and January. Forms for there turn
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    • 160 9 PETER WALKER BEER. I WALKER X (rV X] LAGER r 4 PA Art JOHN BULL: Here’s to you my lads in good English Ale. LITTLE PETEB: It’s Peter Walker Cheero. agents. SELLAR. MURRAY Co., Penang. UNION S. S. CO. OF NEW ZEALAND Ld., INCORPORATED IN NEW ZEALAND. Auckland. Wellington. Lyttleton
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    • 145 9 BOOT’S PURE Molt Extract cod Liver Oil the FINEST flesh forming FOOD IN ITS MOST PALATABLE FORM wl NO “OILY" FLAVOUR. Large Size Bottles 65 cts. Extra Large Bottles SI. Malt Extract without 0i1... 50 cts. Note the Prices. PENANG STOCKISTS: EASTERN TRADING COY. Sole Importers: INTERNATIONAL TRADING Co., Singapore.
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  • 1085 10 RUSSIA’S RECENT SUCCESSES. Sir George Buchanan, the British Ambassador, speaking at the annual dinner of the New English Club at Petrograd, said I bad hoped when I last addressed the club a year ago that Christmas would have brought the world a message of peace, but
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  • 336 10 r Naturalised Subjects in Australia. There is every likelihood that when the Federal proclamation dealing with the exclusion of persons of enemy origin from the share lists of companies incorporated in Australia is issued, provision will be made for discountation so that all naturalised aliens will not come
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  • 297 10 St. Paul, January 19.—Mike Gibbons to-day knocked out Young Ahearn in one and a half minutes in the first round of a ten-round bout with a right swing to the jaw. The sensational defeat of Young Ahearn, one of the most talked-about boxers of recent years,
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  • 409 10 ATTRACTIVE PROGRAMME OF EVENTS. Some eighty members of the Penang Chinese Recreation Club and the Penang Amateur Dramatic Company, says the “8. T.” of Tuesday, arrived in Singapore yesterday and to-day will see the commencement proper of a very busy week. Considerable interest has been aroused
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  • 25 10 Penang The E. &O. Hotel, The Crag Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Noman, Singapore: —Raffles Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel. Java.— Hotel Beau Sejour Lembang.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 304 10 A Reputation of ovtr 100 y«ar». Cockle’s ANTIBILIOUS Pills ENSURE GOOD DIGESTION and a HEALTHY, ACTIVE LIVER. Of Chemists throughout the world. Prices in England. 1 li and 2/9. James Cockle i Co.. 4 Great Ormond St., London ,W.«. In f A Cooling and Refreshing Drink. The trying Climate makes
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    • 20 10 DAIMLER 3 Motor Carriages b Cwercial Vehicles d 5 Agricultural Tractors c J DAIMLER COMPANY I’j J wvvv^ WEWW wclA,ai>
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    • 483 10 Weigh your car, front and back exle. •epar.tely. with «11 ordinary acceworie.. Ac.. aboard, with all B a occupied, and all water and petrol tanks full. If your tyres are insufficient for the weight borne, that is to say, if the weight per axle exceeds: 16 cwt. for 90 section
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  • 538 11 THE STANDARD MARKET. The position of this market is quiet bat steady, and, if anything, somewhat stronger than for some time past says the Ironmonger ”of Janaary 220 d. A steady business is being done with America, bat trade is necessarily restricted owing to certain evasions of the regulations
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  • 523 11 la comparison with what happened during the c'osing months of 1914, when the holding up of ’applies, the need for a reorganization of the trade, and the closing of heavy Continental commitments were iisturbing factors, the tin market daring the past year followed a somewhat
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  • 214 11 Penang, Febbcart 24. cfs. Soup per catty 18 Ro ant 26 Steaks 26 Stew or Curry Meat 20 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail each 50 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart fj 40 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head M 20 Feet w 24
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  • 215 11 Some people are naturtlly thin. TLerr is also a natural pallor but caoit peopk who are b°th thin and pale ar~ far from well aad they need a tonic. Manv people negl-c; to take a teniu until the» <*t »0 tick that a tonic is n<> luttcient ]u<t
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 583 11 banks. rH ARTERED BANK OF INDIA AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA. Incorporated Charter. oil.rve Liability of Proprietor»... £1,200,00* Hiad Offiob 3« BIBHOPBGATK, LONDON, I.C Asivcna AMD Bbajtohm. 4 „rit*ar Hongkong Peking i n.kck Hoi lo Peo Ipoh Puket £.b.y Ka hi Rangoon Klang Saigon cc Kob 8 erem bar 'r; Koala Lumpur
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    • 625 11 FORD THE UNIVERSAL CAR PRICE FULLY EQUIPPED $1,485. A FEW REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY A“FORD” BECALsE (1) It is British being made throughout in Canada. (2) It is the most economical four passenger Touring Car in coat per mile in the world. (3) It has been OFFICIALLY certified in
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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