Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 February 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 840 1 ij fQU WA»T TO &HIP. »UY O» BELL 5 1< ÜBB E R s ©«to 1 FORWARD QOOM i jjn war 0» wssto M> VO jj >ll-f.N DENNYS Ca, J, WIW «X»L SUN LIFE OF I 1 mJ Canada. Mnfnr Cfit- 1 I INCORPORATED 186 S. V >VZ LVZ 1
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    • 72 1 Mumoouu lannan wo n n a o a d d g FOIC $3O c g VTOU can bars the Pinang a a X Gtontto R posted every day n fw»wM.ywr to yonr O (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION. $27). n Proportionate Quarterly and g Hilf ysnrjy rates. g Bobaui igAhpus are payable in
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 32 2 Reuter’s Telegrams.] BY FRENCH WARSHIPS. Paris, February 17. Th Echo de Pari» states that during the last three days French warships in the Adriatic sank two, perhaps three, enemy submarines.
      Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  32 words
    • 191 2 BERNSTORFF’S STATEMENT. Washington, February 17. Count Bernstorf! conferred with Mr. Lansing, with reference to the advisability of postponing the application of Germany’s new submarine order, with a view to further negotiations. Count Bernstorff said Germany did not intend to sink liners. Germany’s Threat. Mr. Lansing welcomed
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    • 451 2 Even in Washington the neutrality delusion is fast being dispelled. On every hand one now hears frequent expressions of regret, not to say disappointment, that the United States has not entered the great world war. The reason for this new growth of interest is anxiety in
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    • 23 2 London, February 16. The Dutch steamer Bandoeng, from Batavia to Rotterdam, is being towed to Nurthfleet in a damaged condition.
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    • 77 2 AHEAD OF THE MAIL. London. February 11.—The Morning Post” Petrograd correspondent says that the Russians from Hamadan control the situation southwards to the 34th parallel and westward well into the great mountain range. They are engaged in clearing the flanks of the force at Hamadan for the march to
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    • 71 2 London, February 11—Although the Berlin Tageblatt recently endeavoured to justify the German Fleet’s remaining in the Kiel Canal, it now remarks Unless German sea power has been absurdly over rated our sea dojjs cannot much longer content themselves with merely showing their teeth and remaining hidden in the
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    • 84 2 The Muenchener Neaeste Nachrichten describes the Z°ppelin attacks on England and Salonika as co-ordinated advances against the gaoler of the seas, and does not doubt that this year’s fighting will be mainly directed against British maritime supremacy and will involve placing of trump cards in Gejman hands against the
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    • 216 2 Toe Morning Post’s military correspondent discusses the prospects of attack on Salonika and is of opinion that the Germans are on the horns of a dilemma it is not to be supposed that the Allies will be content to sit in the lines at Salonika indefinitely if the Germans
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    • 63 2 San Francisco, January 27.—Telegrams from Brownsville, Texas, state that following the capture of two American soldiers by Mexican bandits, their companions, without orders, crossed the Rio Grande under fire to attempt a rescue. General Funston has ordered the arrest of Lieutenants Mort, Payton, and Waldron. The authorities
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    • 59 2 Washington, January 26—Authentic telegrams from Mexico state that the reports of General Villa having been captured by Carranza and executed, are found to be untrue. He succeeded in eluding capture and is busy reorganizing his scattered forces. He has settled down on an extensive ranch owned
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    • 44 2 Washington, January 24.—Testifying before the military committee in the Senate, Senator Macomb stated that the Monroe Doctrine, the policy of the Open Door, the supremacy of the Pacific, and Asiatic exclusion from the United States could be upheld by force only.
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  • 91 2 The Kuala Lumpur, Malay jockey Noor, has, the “M. M.’’ hear-, been arrested in connection with injuries he is alleged to have inflicted on another Malay named Hussain. It appears that some time previously Hussain had assauked Mat Noor with a hoe, and it is now alleged that
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  • 26 2 PATALING’S BIG DIVIDEND. (P. G. Special Cable.) London, February 17. Pataling Rubber Co., Ltd., will pay a final dividend of 115 per cent.
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  • 302 2 The Directors in submitting a general statement of the affairs of the Bank, and balance sheet for the year ending 31st December, 1915, to be presented at meeting at Hongkong to-morrow statel: The net profits for that period, iocludicg $2,607,274.51, brought forward from last
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  • 32 2 The Grand Duke Nicholas, Commander-in-Chief in the Caucasus, whose Central Army has captured the important Turkish fortress of Erzeruro. The Grand Duke is also Viceroy of the Caucasus.
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  • 166 2 Police Raid on a Cave. Our Kampar correspondent, says the ‘‘T.O.M.” forwards detail of r big haul in a cave and the narrow escape of gang robbers from being captured. On information received by the Protector of Chinese, a police force, under the superintendence of the
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  • 75 2 The following programme will be rendered by the Town Band on the Esplanade to-night, 9 till 11 o’clock. 1. March The Heroes oj England ...Bidgood 2. Waltz The Dancing Mistress ...Higgs 3. One Step In the Night ...Gilbert 4. Selection lIM S Pinajore ...Sullivan 5. Intermezzo The Home
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  • 817 2 Mr H C B Peck of Kuala Tn left for Home. Lum P ar h M Mr C W C Parr has arrived fr Om and gone on to Pahang. The Rev J D Bolton i s now Army in Egypt. W Wltb tb« Toe Rev K
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1033 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Auction Sale of Launch. NOTICE. TTHE sea going steam launch “Yotha” will be sold by public auction on FriLo Beng Quang at Peak View, in day| March 10, 1916, at 3 p. m. at the Cantonment Road will take place on Tues- Harbour Office, Bangkok. The vessel was
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  • 2902 3 rjjE ANNUAL REPORT. flie thirtieth annual general meeting a pemn? Chamber of Commerce will 3 «'heldiu the Chamber on Tuesday, 29th February at 3 p.m. BcsiME” L To receive anl P*” the aal Report aad Ac3oaata for 1915 2 t e e’ca C lairmao, Vice-Chairman and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 230 3 f“Make it Better is the standing order in every Michelin manufacturing department. a*. u Good enough n never has been, and never will be, a IVllchelill opinion ot Michelin Tyres. Research work and exhaustive tests are constantly being carried out in the Michelin factories with a view to the improvement
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    • 123 3 HEINEKEN'S LAGER BEER BREWED IN HOLLAND. Obtainable Everywhere, SOLE IMPORTERS: BOELEN <&. CO., 49 S N T et THE EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY I Which has now borne the Stamp of Public Approval for K OVER FORTY YEARS. ENO’S ‘FRUIT SALT’ Pleasant to Take, Refreshing and Invigorating. IT IS VERY
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  • 1283 4 With the exception of the evacuation of the Gallipoli Peninsula, the latest news from the Caucasus records the most important event of the war, since the troops of the Central Powers made their second crossing of the Danube, and Bulgaria took sides against the Allies, which
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  • 1431 4 The incidents which occurred on the Padang last evening in the course of the football match between P.C.C. and C.RC. teams were unedifying and very regrettable. Players on both sides were distinctly blameworthy. Io the recent history of football in this Settlement ic has happened more than
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  • 164 4 We regret to announce the death of the Rev. D. M. Toomey, Vicr-Principal of the Angle-Chinese School, Penang, which took place last night in Singapore Hospi al. Although not feeling well. Mr. Toomey proceeded to the Southern Settlement to attend the annual conference of
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  • 21 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined hr in Penang was $87.15 per picul, buyers no sellers—a decrease of 85 cents.
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  • 26 4 London, February b* The following is the rubber quotation b’ to-day Plantation Ist Latex Crepe 3 7. [♦By courtesy of Messrs. Bouetead C°.l
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  • 126 4 The homeward mail closes at 6 F m to-morrow. Knvars The P. O. Royal Mail steamer. g having left; Colombo is expected here at daylight on Monday, and for Singapore, China and Japan the same day. teaßl? r The P. 0- Mal Dect ed Sardinia, having left Singapore
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 149 4 illIB Mfewwßw !Bm BELTS j 8“ Special Extra Heavy Studded Pattern 26 x 2J". to fit 26 x 21" rim $15.50. GUTHRIE Co., Ltd., PENANG, SOLE AGENTS FOR The Dunlop Rubber Co. (Far East) Ltd. (Incorporated in Hongkong). Pritchard Co., Ltd. An Attractive Display of NOVELTIES. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. A NEWLY
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    • 38 4 LEAP YEAR DANCE AFTBB A SPECIAL DINNER AT THE E. O. HOTEL On Tuesday, 29th Feb., 1916. E. O. Orchestra and Town Band. Successful Proposals will have the privilege of a free week's Honeymoon AT THE CRAG HOTEL.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 266 5 grand duke and the VICTORY. PIERCE RUSSIAN ASSAULTS. THE battle near ypres. enemy submarines sunk. The Radian Central Army of the Caucasus has captured the important strategic fcrtre33 of Erzerum, in Eastern Asia Minor, after what the Graod Dake Nicholas describes as a five days’ unprecedented assault. Earlier
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 149 5 [Bbftbr’s Telegram-.] CONTINUOUS FIGHTING. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) London, February 17. General Haig reports a reciprocal artillery bombardment, and heavy grenade fighting, in the past 24 hours, between the Ypres-Comines Canal aud the Ypre?Comines railway. Fighting is continuous. Otherwise the day was quiet over the
      [Bbftbr’s Telegram-.]  -  149 words
    • 28 5 London, February 16. ir Churchill has been Tenna le t, 'C°lonel was mentioned by Mr. day nt ln e H° UB e of Commons yester-
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    • 27 5 U Loudon, February 17. z etted H MiK? QCe A,exander of Teck is Bri &adi er General SecreUry and tem P orar y
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    • 192 5 STATEMENTS IN COMMONS. London, February 16. The House of Commons discussed an amendment to the Adiress, regretting that the Speech from the Throne did not mention mea.-ures to strengthen the Air Services, Mr, H. J. Tennant siid the Air Service was intended for offensive, not for defensive
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    • 66 5 THE ALLIES’ ASSURANCES. Havre, February 17. Ti.e Italian Minister and the representative of Japan have associated. themselvr s with the a durances given to Belgium’s Foreign Minister by the Russian Minister, on behalf of blie Triple Entente, that hostilities will not cease before Belgium’s political and economic independence
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    • 54 5 Lindon, February 17. Mr. Lloy 1 Geoige a cessation of building, aud t e temporary transference of labour to the building of munition factories. Alcohol for Explosives. Mr. Lloyd Georg-} and Mr. Walter Ruuciman conferred wit t distiller 3, wi h a view to increasing the output
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    • 28 5 London, February 17. The Daily Telegraph states that Mr. Asquith on Monday will ask fora vote of credit, possibly fur £100,000,000, the largest in history.
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    • 42 5 COMPARISON WITH CENTRA! POWERS Loudon, February 17. The Board of Trade Labour Gazette states that the prices of food in Great Britain have increased 47 per cent, compared with 83 per cent in Germany, and 112 per cent in Austria.
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    • 331 5 Since Mr. M’Kenna and Mr. Montagu may be presumed to be looking about for fresh sources of revenue, it may again be suggested to them, writes a London corresponlent, that they shou'd direct their attention to the ships belonging to fore gu companies which enter
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 860 5 GREAT RUSSIAN SUCCESS. Petrograd, February 16. It is officially announced that the Tuikish fortress of Erzerum, in Asia Minor, has been captured by the Russians. An Important Event. London, February 16. The capture of Erzerum by the Russians is welcomed enthusiastically, as it may mean that Turkish
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 68 5 ENEMY’S SLOW ADVANCE. Rome, February 17. Italian reports show that the Bulgarian and Au~trian advance in A bania is very •1 .w. the Bulgarians especially being hampered by lack of transport roads. Montenegrin 3 who have arrived at Brindisi state that Austrian attempts to discover the hidit g p'aces
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    • 21 5 Corfu, February 17. The Austrians have ceased their offensive at Durazzo, owing to the arrival of Italian troops.
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    • 26 5 Salonika, February 17. Thirteen French aeroplanes dropped 158 bombs on the town and camps at Strumnitza, causing fires. All the machines returned undamaged.
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    • 36 5 FIGHT ON THE FRONTIER. Amsterdam, February 17. The Greeks, after a two hours’ fight, routed another band of Bulgarian Comitadjis, who penetrated into Greece. The Greeks are now vigilantly guarding the whole frontier.
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    • 25 5 London, February 17. A correspondent of the prO-German Zurich Zeitung gives a long description of the Salonika defences. He says they are impregnable.
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    • 12 5 Salonika, February 16. General Sarrail will shortly visit King Constantine.
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    • 15 5 London, February 17. The Serbian Generalissimo, Patnik, has joined the Serbians at Corfu.
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  • 30 5 DISAPPROVES WAR POLICY. London, February 17. Sir Wilfred Lawsen, Liberal M. P. for Cocker mouib, has resigned his seat, as he disapproves of the Government’s war policy.
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  • General News.
    • 73 5 TWO LIVES LOST. Toronto, February 17. Two persons perished in a fire at the American Club, one of them an American. Two 18 lb. shells were found. The firemen heard three explosions. Indignation at the outrage is intense. Toronto, February 17. Following an explosion on
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    • 702 5 New York, Jan. 10—Methodically persisting in their efforts to cripple American industry—in their fanatic determination to wreak revenge on the Allies for the blockade of Germany and Austria, Teutonic plotters to-day wrecked the newest and one of the largest plants of the Du Pent de Nemours Powder Co.,
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    • 144 5 RENEWAL OF INUNDATIONS. Amsterdam, February 17. A storm lasting two days again threatens the districts of the Zaider Zee, especially Monnikendam. Hundreds of workmen toiled all night to prevent a fresh breach in the dyke. Huge waves toppling over the dyke swept off the material immediately laid
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    • 116 5 CONFLAGRATION AT BROOKLYN. New York, February 16. Fire, believed to be incendiary, destroyed the steamers Bolton Castle and Pacific, scores of lighter?, and a 900 feet pier at Brooklyn. The steamers were loading for Vladivostok. An explosion of the boilers forced the seamen to j imp into the
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    • 72 5 SOUTH AFRICA’S ASSISTANCE. Cape Tcwn, February 16. General Botha, in the Sou’h African Asseinb’y. emphasised his absolute loyalty to tne Empire. He sail he wis prepared, if necessary, to ta‘<e up arms, aud do his utmost to conclude the war successfully. He stated that about 7,000 Union soldiers
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    • 79 5 Loudon, February 17; In the House of Commons, replying to a Labour amendment to the Address, demanding pensions for those who contracted disease while serving with the colours, Mr. H. W. Forster, Financial Secretary to the War Office, announced that the Government had established a new body to
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    • 18 5 London, February 17. Germany starts butter tickets on March Ist. {Other Telegrams on Page 2)
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  • 66 5 The following were the results of played yesterday:— Doubles Handicap A.—Sells and Sayers (—.14) beat F N Syer and A W Blackford (—.2) by 6—l, 6—3. Single Handicap C.—J Seath (—.15.1)beat C T Johnson (Scr) by 6—l, 6—l. Doubles Handicap B.—Adamson and Fell walk-over T«yner and Lewis.
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  • 105 5 The February Monthly Medal Competition, the 100 Yards Handicap, will be held at the Swimming Club on Sunday at 11-15 am. Entries will be received up to within half an hour of the start of the race. A list of the handicaps can be seen at the
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  • 1278 6 THE LOCAL CONTROL. Tie fourth ordinary general meeting of tM* shareholders of the Eastern Smelting Company, Ltd., was held Dec. 22, at the Canooo-srreet Hotel, E, C„ Sir Ernest W Birch, k c M o (Chairman of the company), •residing. The Secretary (Mr. F.C. Bell) having
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  • 265 6 Out of Stock." Growing Scarcity of Some Goods. The shopman’s formula, Sorry, but we are out of stock just now,” is becoming in creasing familiar to customers. Boots and shoes,” said the manager of a large firm of boot dealers have risen from 25 to 30 per cent, in price
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  • 256 6 Delhi, February I.—The Archaeological Department of India have made a discovery of extraordinary interest amongst the ruins of the ancient city of Taxila. It consists of a casket cout’ining bones with an inscription indicating that they are those of the Buddha himself. This the third find
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  • 26 6 Penang :—The E. i O. Hotel, The Crag Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Norman, Singaporb: —Raffles Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel. Java. —Hotel Beau Sejour Lembang.
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  • 788 6 COCONUT ESTIMATES EXCEEDED COSTS REDUCED. The fifth ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of Kong Lee (Perak) Planta tions. Limited, was held at the registered office, 22, Benfield Street, Glasgow, the chairman of the company (Mr. Lawrence Dougal) presiding. The Chairman said No extensions were undertaken during
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  • 950 6 LIFE ON A P. AND O. LINER. Not another berth was to be had. The liners were sailing with full complements of passengers every time. This I discovered w beo—in a vast hurry to reach home from the Antipodes—l sought to book for London. No fear
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 115 6 To end Sciatica •••ms too g»»d to be true, doe»’nt it 7 It s good to be sure, bat it's trae, TOO. ioothes the (tub bin?, biting nerves. LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM Srlngs instant relief to pain and continued -tie brings permanent relief, lake a little n year band and mb
      115 words
    • 85 6 ENGLISH ACETIC ACID Guaranteed 99 l /s 0 chscooh In Earthenware Jars containing 45 lbs. Commercial SULPHURIC AGIO In Earthenware Jars containing V/ 2 gallons, THE DISPENSARY ram ltd,. 2. BISHOP STREET, PENANG. Telegraphic Address: CHEMOPTIST. Telephone 398, „O T< v Obtainable a Vs or a,/ Hotels oA< 0 «''l*
      85 words

  • 1474 7 treating and chits. fh lecture .t Ipoh recently delivered by I ne p l Dan-00, Seremban, on Club :be East, writes a correspondent of ife l MM ba9 created a B ood deal of tbe t and it will be surprising if from it i° !ere V A
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  • 216 7 WEEKLY EDITION. The following are the principal contents of the current issue of our Weekly Mail Edition, which will be published on Saturday, afternoon, price 40 cents. Editorials P&ge. General Smuts’ Chance 193 Destroying German Trade 194 The Mastery of the Seas 194 Tbe
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  • 662 7 DEBATES IN THE SENATE. CLARK AMENDMENT WILL BE ACCEPTED.” Washington, January 26.—After bolding several conferences with tha leaders of the Senate, Senor Quezon and the members of the Cabinet, it is understood that President Wilson decided to accept the Clarke amendment to the Jones bill granting
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  • 673 7 AMAZING UTTERANCES. Tbe Rev. W. Burgess, of Rome, superintendent of Wesleyan Methodist Mission io Italy, has sent to the Methodist Times the following translated extracts of sermons by prominent German divines, the reports of which have recently appeared in some of the German newspapers; As Mr. Burgess
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  • 54 7 Feb. 18.—Moonlight Band Esplanade, 9 p.ra. 19.—P.L.R.C. Open Shoot. 20.—“ Pinang Gazette Sports, St. Xavier’s Ground. M 29.—Leap Year Dance, E. O. Hotel. 29.—Penang Chamber of Commerce, A. G. M. 3 p.m. March 3.—Penang Volunteers “B Co., Concert and Dance, Drill Hall 8 p.m. March 22.—Meeting Licensing Justices,
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  • 444 7 At 4 p.m. to-day a very large gathering honoured tbe remains of Tunku Besar, one of the daughters of H H tbe Sultan of Trengganu, who had been ill for some time and who expired this morning, writes a S.T," Trengganu correspondent on February 11. There were
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  • 144 7 Libut. Watson Killkd: Colonel Chichester Wounded. The 28th Punjabis, formerly in garrison at Colombo, on arrival in Mesopotamia, appear to have lost no time in going into action, and they must have been in the thick of the recent fighting, to judge from tbe fact
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  • 64 7 The following are the latest quotations in our share list t Yesterday. To-day. 2 m Shares. 5 U s n so aw Mining. Deebook 14/- 16/- 14/6 16/K. Pulai ss| $6 ss* $6 Tongkab H. sl3> sl4| $l4 sl4| Gtntral. M. Collieries s2| dis s2| dis s2.2sdis
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  • 240 7 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Kut Sang, Brit., 3111, Bradley, Feb IS, S’pore, gen., B. A Co. Ban Fo Soon, Dut., 230, Koenig, Feb 18, T. Anson, gen., E. S. Co Hellas, Nor., 349, Berg, Feb 17, Bombay, gen., H.B. Co. Hok Canton, Brit., 287, Mathews, Feb 17, S’pore, gen., E. S.
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  • 94 7 Pinang, February 18, 1916. 8. P. Tapioca $7.30 sales. M. P. Tapioca $7.70 sales. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers. Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $34.00 nominal. Trang Pepper $26 buyers. Mace JHO nom Mace Pickings S6O sellers. Cloves 531 stlie
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  • 233 7 Good Advice for Thiw Folks. The trouble with most thin folks who wish to gain weight is tbat they insist on dtu.ging their s'omach or stuffing it with greasy foeds; rubbing on useless flesh cre«ms,” or followin' some foolish physical culture stunt, while the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 51 7 P. MOIR CRANES’ Cylinder Oil. S»ndilands. Buttery Co. We have no intention whatever of curtailing our advertising on account of the war. We do not believe that it is ever wise to cease reminding customers of our existence.—Charles Churchill and Co.. Ltd. “‘“WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT "behtad 5 Wood? vs- wwrusrrs
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2658 8 P. 0.-B. 1.-APCAR N.Y.KJEv K. P. M. fej mail and passenger services. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. KONI n^^y S E c Jappi j VAART (i 7 n T atii> in o< "sag?! <« <„ Homeward (for Europe). Outward (for China and Japan). /vL (Ifoyal Packet S. N. Company). Companies'
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