Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 February 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 511 1 YL>U wait to BHIP. I 0R BELL MV S > OR T® 1 forward qoom m wmo AiUii DEHHYS Ca, I DAI BUTSU I CANADA a I I (Formerly Nikko Branch) I I ~O OT «*»■>» OILERS, MM F Amateurs Work Promptly Executed. during K«_M4 «<5 -Bn Sm ll size
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    • 65 1 BooaoM aaaDOio a na a a a a d g FOK SSO g g «an bava th* Piuang g' B X Qaaatt*" posted every day q far a «bate year to yocr addre**. a (LOCAL WIKNIPTWH, 527). B Paayartioual* Quarterly and HaW yM»iy rate*. o g taUeripttaoa ar* payable in
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 130 2 [Hbutbr’B Telegram*.] AMERICA’S QUERY. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Washington, February 16. It is understood the United States will shortly ask Austria and Germany how they intend tcf determine whether merchantmen are unarmed, before sinking them without warning. It is explained that the American memorandum to
      [Hbutbr’B Telegram*.]  -  130 words
    • 96 2 PART OF CARGO REMOVED. London, February 16. The steamer Ceylon, from Christiania for India, was chased in the North Sea, by a German cruiser, and taken to a German port. A quantity of steel rails were removed from the ship, which was released. She resumed her
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    • 53 2 GERMANY’S NEW BROOM. London, February 16. The opinion is expressed that the recent liveliness of the German Fleet is due to the appointment of a new Commander-in Chief in succession to Admiral Pohl and the commissioning of new vessels. There was similar activity last spring when Admiral
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    • 607 2 The German High Sea Fleet can choose the day, the hour of the day, and the place of battle, if it will only come out and fight.” Th s declaration of one of the young British naval officers, whom I met at a naval base somewhere in
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    • 16 2 London, February 15. The casualties on the Arethusa were eight wounded and twelve missing.
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  • General News.
    • 54 2 INCENDIARISM. Ottawa, February 16. At the investigation into the cause of the fire at the Parliament buildings, the Chief of the Fire Brigade said he was of opinion it had incendiary origin. ExSpeaker Sproule, who concurred with this view mentioned that warnings against incendiarism were received
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    • 564 2 Whatever the inspiration of the plotters, a Washington correspondent of the New York World notes that the activity of the Federal authorities, through the Secret Service and the Department of Justice, is almost completely putting an end to their ventures. The Department of Justice’s investigation, we read,
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  • 52 2 THE LATEST DIVIDENDS. (P. G. Special). London, February 16. The following rubber company dividends are announced: Ge iong (Perak) Rubber Estate Ltd., 12| per cent. Escot Rubber Co., 10 per cent. Bukit Cloh Rubber Co. Ltd., 6£ per cent, (interim). Suma’ra Para Rubber Co. Ltd., 12| per
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  • 52 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, February 17. At the Singapore rubber auctions there were offered 353 tons sold 236 tons. The market was strong and prices $2O to $24 higher. Later, the prices declined $lO. Fine Pale $197 Ribbed smoked 197 Uusmoked 175 Other grades were at
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  • 56 2 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, February 17. The prospectus is issued of Scudai Rubber Co Ltd., with a capital of $BOO,OOO, in $5 shares. The Estate comprises 2,793 acres in Johore, near the railway. The total planted area is 1873 acres. The present output is 7,000
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  • 64 2 The following are the latest quotations in our share list t Yesterday. To day. EE EE Shares. g, 5 S pj 02 n tn Mining. Deebook 13/- 14/6 14/- 16/K. Kamunting 35/- 36/- 36/- 37/Kamunting... 29/- 30/- 30/- 31/P. Bhaiu 60c 750 70c $1 Rubber (Dollar). Glenealy
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  • 18 2 OUTPUTS FOR JANUARY. The following are additional rubber outputs for January Lower Perak lbs. 8,700 Trafalgar 3,036
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  • 73 2 For the period from 18th to 24th February, 1916, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at three shillings and fourpence one half penny per lb., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis
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  • 244 2 PENANG WOMEN WORKERS. Amount previously acknowledged $1,227 00 Mrs. HeahSwee Lee 100.00 Miss Mahler’s Doll 75 00 Mrs. Presgrave 5.00 S. H. (sth Don.) 2.00 Total $1,409.00 Hospital garments for soldiers ready cut out for workers will be given out at the Town Hall, every Friday
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  • 646 2 the annual meeting The annuil general meeting o f th t Society was held in the Town Hall ab ?9 day evening. Mr. O. V. Thom as yeBter, over a small attendance. Those included Mesdames Haines and Miss Harding, Messrs. E T n Biggs, Hall, Harvey, Houston
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  • 61 2 LADIES’ SPOON FOB FEBRUARYThe play for this competition resulted M follows Miss Barnett 1 Mrs J Brown 4 Mrs Tomaon J Mrs Armstrong Mrs SFB Martin 2 Mrs May 2 Miss Mahler u rg Mrs Duxbury, Mrs Hoefeld an Macintyre also played but retur C Miss Barnett
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  • 125 2 Johannesburg, February 16 It is proposed to re-form tiie Mounted Brigade, under Gene which was famous for its exploi raland.—Reuter. JtaD»® Nothing exciting has occurre lately except that the a.arm ff ho some few nights back by t ie said that a ghost had entere Search
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 724 2 Uy A A DVERTISER, Scotch (30) 6 years NLW AV V 1101/Ml/ »1 1 *>• xx Assam planting experience as Manai ■—ger and Assistant. Good education, know* JAMWS MOTORBIKE FOR SALE, ledge of engineering. Just left the Indian AMES MOTOR BlKtt run Reserve of Officers after 14 months on y
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  • 878 3 FOR PLAINTIFF. rtje hearing ▼'a concluded, after--1 ji tae a<e a which Mr H. A. I°°“’ Ler, Architect and Surveyor, claimed from Mr. Gan N<oh Bee, a uerchanC and house and land owner, <’ 125. iae for professional 3e iUin r weB rendered and wort done. r
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  • 681 3 PRESIDENT WILSON’S POLICY. [T’o tfa Editor aj tha Pinang G^zatt-, ,r Sib.—Tn his recent speech, when Presiient Wilson said that the United Sra'es must have a navy which could aefy any navy in the world he exposed his true character. Since the great war oegan he □ns pursued a
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  • 267 3 The Handeisvereeniging (Trade Association) of Sourabaya has addressed a petition to the Minis*er for the Co'onies on the subject of establishing a wireless communication oetween the Netherlands and Netherlands India. The petitioners say they consiier a speedy establishment of a wireless communication between the mother country
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  • 354 3 NEW PROJECT AT 3AMARANG. (From Our Jara Carr^spandonL) A special meeting in connection wish this projected new school was held in the premises of the Semarang Chamber of Commerce. Towkay C. W. Tay, (better known aa Tuan Tenh Choon Whye> presided. The Chairman said that the new
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  • 158 3 Revenue dguree to hand from the Du”ch East I.idles show that ux the ***** ten months of 1915. the import and export duties and excise in Java and Madura realised an amount of d. 31,586.916. as agiinst i 22,171.684 in the corresponding perioi
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  • 311 3 IxsTALLATIOH OT TOTALISATOa. Calcutta. February 3.—lt is understood from an authoritative source toat all licensed bookmakers, ten in number, recently doing business at Barrsckpore Gymkhana races hav» withdrawn from any furtner mt-e ing «nee they allege it is not worth their wmle to continue they consider business
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  • 808 3 FINE HAUL BY RUSSIAN RAIDERS. The swampy basin of the Pripec affords an excellent theatre for guerilla warfare, witn cavalry and infantry, which is Tarried on in these regions by raiding parties of Russian troops. Attention aas been irawu to this sector of the front, where operations
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 14 3 Bovril develops big reserves of strength IT MUST BT BOVRIL BRiT’.S:-» TO THE BAC<BCNE
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    • 348 3 I Tjbe First Dose Benefits J If you surfer frcni Neurasthenia. Nervous Debility, JP’- Dyspepsia, la rmia Insomnia, are tec easily ever- S® sgg tired, or convalescent from Maiarml Fever, etc.. every dose ot VITAFER you take w 11 help you a Ss ra good step on the read to
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  • 1374 4 To the Ptuasiaus, who have forced on the German nation a rigid system of discipline, resalting in a docile people yielding unquestioning obedience to authority, the British way of claiming men to State service rather than calling them is an evidence of weakness. It is to
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  • 1047 4 A Punch carboon shows the two Kaisers and King Ferdinand before the defences of Salonika and the Emperor William inviting the monarch of Bulgaria to the place of honour or, in other words, endeavouring to persuade him to essay the attack. The latter finds the prospect the
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  • 66 4 The outward mail by the Tara is ex pected to arrive here to-morrow afternooo* The homeward mail closes at 6 on Saturday. P< 5.8. Sardinia is expected to arrive here on Saturday afternoon, and to sail at 9 p the same day. 5.8. Arabia arrived at Marseilles oq
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  • 34 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $BB.OO per picul, buyers no sellers—a decrease of 90 c-nts. Tin is quot-d in London to-dny at £lB2 spot, and £lB2 three months.
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  • 492 4 The output of the Katoo Deebook (No Liability) for the first fortnight of January was 130 piculs. The output of Deebook Dredging (No Liability) for the first fortnight of February was 191 piculs. The sale by public auction of Sepang Estate and Tanah Merah Estate has now been
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 171 4 L < ENGLISH acetic acid Guaranteed ©GVsV. chscooh In Earthenware Jars containing 45 lbs. Commercial SULPHURIC ACID In Earthenware Jars containing V/ 2 gallons. THE DISPENSARY (PENANG} Ltd.. 2, BISHOP STREET, PENANG. Telegraphic Address: CHEMOPTIST. Telephone 398. IMO tejHO) THE DISTILLERS Co., Ltd.. EDINBURGH. SHERRY IB AN EXCELLENT DRINK AT
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    • 39 4 LEAP YEAR DANCE AFTKB A SPECIAL DINNER AT THE E. O. HOTEL On Tuesday, 29th Feb., 1916. E. Ac O. Orchestra and Town Band. Successful Proposals will have the privilege of a free week's Honeymoon AT THE CRAG HOTEL.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 255 5 ERZERUM forts taken. LORD KITCHENER’S REVIEW. U S. AND ARMED MERCHANTMEN. restriction of imports. Tbe British troops in the salient south-east c f Ypres have been engaged in what must have been a fairly extensive battle. The Germans attacked, after a heavy bombardment, over the whole front
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 285 5 Reutrk’s Telegrams.] BIG GERMAN OFFENSIVE. London, February 16. Genera! Haig reports that last night, •Iter a heavy bombardment, over the whole front in the Ypres salient south of Hooge, th# enemy made several infantry •ttacks, and broke into our front »tench on a front of 600 between
      Reutrk’s Telegrams.]  -  285 words
    • 157 5 TRAINING FOR VICTORY. London, February 16. Renter’s special correspondent at thp British Headquarters in France writes Without attempting to indicate the figures, I may definitely state that along our leagues of front we substantiallv outweigh the enemy iu man powe r and new drafts still come. These
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    • 424 5 The German airmen captured ou che Russian front declare that the enemy possess a new type of defensive aeroplane which is far beyond anything so far produced by the Allies, and upon which the greater hopes are pliced by tbe German high command Although communicative enough in
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    • 394 5 review of operations. I London, February 16. In the House of Lords, Lord Kitchener, in reviewing the operations, announced that although the Indians had been withdrawn from France, the British had been materially increased by eight divisions of the New Army. Adequate preparations had been made against the
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    • 292 5 OPTIMISTIC DECLARATION. London, February 16. In the House of Commons, continuing his speech, Mr. Asquith said Britain’s responsibilities were more varied and more complex than those of the Adies. He mentioned as an example the Navy, which was the most powerful and most diverse combination of fleets
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    • 377 5 The overwhelming majority in the House of Commons for the Compulsory Service Bill has caused ue easiness in Germany, where the measure has been feared for sometime. Tbe Socialist Vorwarts” says the possibility of a lengthening of the war has been greatly increased, but tbe Hamburger
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    • 247 5 In a recent interview the President of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha declared bis conviction that the war will not be finished in 1916, and that consequently the shipping boom will exceed that of last year. There will be higher and ever higher freights and bigger prices for old steamers.
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    • 176 5 A REMARKABLE YEAR. Ottawa, February 16. The Hon. Mr. White, Minister of Finance, presented his Budget, which shows the remarkably favourable condition of Canadian finances, as a result of increased revenues and economies. There had been tbe largest aggregate of trade in the history of the Dominion. Tbe
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    • 117 5 A LENGTHY LIST. London, February 15. It is officially announced that the restriction of imports of fruit to Britain does not apply to the Dominions. A proclamation prohibits the importation, except under license, of paper cardboard, pulp, and other materials for paper-making, periodicals exceeding sixteen pages, except
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    • 370 5 A good deal is being heard nowadays about prohibition of the import of paper pulp and tbe consequent decrease of supplies of paper for printing on, but there are possibly very many who little realize what a large business printing paper implies. The countries most concerned before
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    • 51 5 ITALY’S ARRANGEMENTS. Paris, February 16. M. Thomas, French Minister of Munitions, on his return from Rome,said be bad reached a complete understanding with tbe Italians, similar to that with Great Britain, for pooling the supply of munitions. General Dallolio will henceforth participate in periodical meetings with Mr. Lloyd
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    • 26 5 London, February 16. Lord Murray of Elibank has resigned the post of Honorary Director-General of Munitions and Recruiting on account of ill-health.
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    • 30 5 London, February 16. Kent Territorial officers who signed for home service are officially informed that they must undertake the obligation of foreign sei vice, or resign their commissions.
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  • 61 5 GRANT TO SHIPS’ CREWS. London, February 16. An Order-in-Council grants a daily, climate allowance of three shillings to commissioned officers, one shilling to warrant officers, and sixpence to tbe ship’s company of vessels employed more than ten days in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, between
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 78 5 EIGHT MORE FORTS TAKEN. Petrograd, February 16. After artillery preparation, the Russians stormed another of the Erzerum forts, and took over 20 guns, and a number of prisoners. Later. Seven more Erzerum forts have bees captured. The Outer Forts. Petrograd, February 16. Tbe forts captured by the
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    • 30 5 TROUBLE IN GER VIAN CAMP. Petrograd, February 15. Violent disturbances h<ve broken oub among the Germans at Vilns, A Lieutenant was killed. Forty officers and many soldiers were court-martialled.
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    • 411 5 Petrograd, Jan. B,—Following up their successes on the extreme left of the southwest front the Russian armies have scored heavily on tbe right of the same front. The Germans have been forced back as far as Kokhotska Volia, a point about halfway between the Styr aud th?
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  • 33 5 THE ENEMY’S STRENGTH. Salonika, February 16. According to reliable information from Monastir, tbe enemy’s forces in that region do not exce d 10,000, of whom 3,000 are Germans and the rest Bulgarians.
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  • 38 5 Vicenza February 15. Enemy aeroplanes bombed Schio. Six were killed and some injured. Austrian Morning Raid. Rome, February 16. Enemy aeroplanes bombed Rimini, at four in tbe morning, doing slight damage. Two civilians were wounded.
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  • 1101 6 The useful price sheet of the Rubber Association, showing the results for the past year, has been published. Study of it brings the conviction that the movement has within it the possibility of Singapore in course of time, if not superseding, certainly hitting the London market very
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  • 243 6 A cablegram from the Givernment to the Malay States Information Agency gives the exports of plantation rubber from the Federated Malay States for the month of December, and renders it possible to make some interesting comparisons on the export of rubber from this
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  • 187 6 A bulletin of the United States department of agriculture points out that it has been necessary to augment the American crop, which is insufficient to supply domestic demands, by importing large quantities from abroad. As a result the competition between home-grown r.ce and certain grades of
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  • 46 6 The following undelivered cables! lie at the office of the Eastern Extension ‘Telegraph Co.:— 10th, from Madras to Aleef; 15th, from Amoy to Teck Ching; 15th, from Amoy, Sinluseng; 15th, from Tavoy to Jap; 15th, from Madras to 8. M, Company Chnlia Street.
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  • 234 6 Each of u* has a certain sapply of nervous energy. Every set, even every thought u-e B up some part of this energy. Dur-* ing re*t and sleep the supply is increased by the blood which gets the needed element* from the air ws breathe and the food
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  • 421 6 Manar*. James F. Hatton <fc Co, Ltd., writing on January 13, report. Liverpool Cotton. Last Week. Mid-American—Spot 8,17 8.28 Mid-American, Current Month 7.96 j 8.06 F.G.F. Egyptian—Spot 10.95 10.6 F.G.F. Egyptian, Current Month 10.88 10.6< New York Cotton. Yesterday. Last week. Spot—Cents. 12.50 12.45 Current Month 12.32
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  • 300 6 In the Penang Municipality for the week ended January 29, there were 55 deaths —45 males and 10 females, equal to a death-rate of 27.33 per mille per annum, compared with 28.32 in the preceding week, and with 31.45 in the corresponding week of last year. The following
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  • 318 6 Captain or Kut Sang Hbavilt Fired. At Singapore on Thursday morning, before Mr. R. Scott, Capt. R. C. Bradle, of the steamer Kut Sang, was called upon to answer a charge to the effect that his vessel was used for the importation of 50 ounces of cocaine, valued
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  • 140 6 Mr. I. E lision of Singapore has received the following letter H.M.S. Iron Duke, Jannary 4, 1916. Dear Sir, —I shall be glad if you will convey to the mercantile and professional residents of Singapore the hearty thanks of the Fleet for having again sent, through the
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  • 318 6 Thk Monkey and the Rent. A suit of some interest w-is decided recently by Mr B C Mitra, a Jaige of the Calcutta Small Causes Court in which Mr J Hamilton was sued for Rs 40, being a month’s rent payable in advance to hi? landlord.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 597 6 BANKS, CHARTERED BANK OF INDI/ AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1,200,0c Reserve Fund £1,800,00 Reeerve Liability of Proprietora... £1,200,00' Hiad Ojtici 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, N.C Aaaxoiaa and Branch»*. Amritsar Hongkong Peking Bangkok Iloilo Penang Bataria Ipoh Puket Bombay Karachi Rangoon Calcutta Klang Saigon Canton Kobe Serembar
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    • 14 6 pAIMLER®! I Motor Carriages I Commercial Vehicles 2 B Agricultural Tractors 5 DAIMLER COMPANY
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    • 376 6 «^i n E ng l m<i fy r w J earj. Cockle's Pili s Cockle's Piii s common ailments of everyda? such as y ‘‘ie, acidity, INDIGESTION, BILIOUSNESS, sick headache disordered liver These famous pills cleanse and ate the whole system, leaving i from all impurities. They Cflr r J
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  • 883 7 p r G'enny has returned to Kuala itrnpur from Capt R- F. arrived in Egypt about tbe middle of last month. p a. Satow, Assistant Warden of r Kesri Sembilan, resumed the duties J his appointment on Jan. 22nd. E Mr* A- Fearson, who was expec- d
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  • 1133 7 CARDINAL MERCIER’S CHALLENGE. 1 he Belgian Episcopate has taken a s*ep in defence of the honour of the Belgian people and clergy that deserves to be widely known. On November 24, 1915, Cardinal Mercier, Archbishop of Maline», the Bishop of Ghent, the Bishop of Bruges, the Bishop
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  • 232 7 By Laurence Binyon. The rains of yesterday are flown, And I'ght is on the farthest hills. The homeliest rough grass by the stone With radiance thrills And the wet bank above the ditch, Trailing its thorny bramble, shows Soft apparitions, clustered rich, Of the pure primrose. The
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  • 366 7 The following were the results of the ties played yesterday: Championshio.—E H Everest beat R E Prentis by 5 —6, 12—10, 6—2. Singles Handicap B E J Bennett walkover J J L Harvey. Singles Handicap C.- K A Davies —.15) beat P. Carmichael (scr) by 6—3, 6—3,
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  • 189 7 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Hebe, Brit., 346, Scott, Feb 17, T. Ac son, gen., Adamson Gilfillan Co. Pangkor, Brit., 94, Caswell, Feb 17, Bindings, gen., E. S. Co. CLEARANCES! To-DAT. Priam for Durban and London. Indraghiri for Port Swettenham, Singapore and China. Perak, (E. S. Co for Deli. Calypso for Tongkah.
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  • 131 7 Pinang, February 17, 1916. (5y Courtesy of tho Ohnrt«r«d Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 7/32 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 7/8 M 3 Documentary ...2/4 29/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 H 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 Moulmein Demand Bank 173
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  • 55 7 Feb. 16,—Penang Choral Society A. G. M. Town Hall, 6.30 p.m. 18.—Moonlight Band Esplanade, 9 p.m. 19.—P.L.R.C. Open Shoot. 20.—“ Pinang Gazette Sports, St. Xavier’s Ground. 29.—Leap Year Dance, E. O. Hotel. March 3.—Penang Volunteers “B Co., Concert and Dance, Drill Hall 8 p m. March 22.—Meeting Licensing
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  • 233 7 Pknang, February 17, 1916. 8; P. Tapioca 37.30 sales. M. P. Tapioca 37-70 sales. Gold leaf 564.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $34.00 nominal Trang Pepper 326 buyers. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings sellers. Cloves $3! s lie
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 193 7 PETER WALKER BEER. L WALKER ML 5® JOHN BULL: Here’s to you my lads in good English Ale. LITTLE PETED: It’s Peter Walker Cheero. agcmts.- SELLAR, MURRAY Co., Penang SHE TAI SENG Motor Repairing Co., 61 Barmah Road and Phone No. 208. The Famoas Aatemahilc Hospital. The only ropair ohop
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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