Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 February 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 888 1 f tf -jx3i3UDnaaaH3Enc y tou WART TO &H!P. 9UY O* BELL HUB B E R f fo/rWMD*aooot „un run vm» ULEN MNHYS Co, M»M mUSH SUN LIFE □□□nnnnnnnnnnnnunnnnnnnnnnnn I XENKENT S| I The finest Whisky I I PILSENER BEER. I Scotland Produces XXino»/' tr.1 15 mrniZ a n I /-T-KHERE
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    • 61 1 ■oaoawowaaoonwDD' I"' ’TOB’iso I X7OU «M bar® the 2. B A GtewsUe" posted every day o 5 for a wboio war to your addreea B S a (local wsscßirnoM. sar). > PieportMoate Quarterly and t a Half yearly rates. 0 OubocriptioM are payable in wieamea awd remittances should g ba
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  • 2293 2 ARCHITECT SUES LANDOWNER. The bearing of the suit brought by Mr. H. A. Neubronner, Architect and Surveyor, Penang, against Mr. Gan Ngoh Bee, in which the plaint iff claims $1,125 as fees for professional services rendered, and work done as an architect, was resumed in the Supreme Court,
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  • 168 2 The R sident of Pahang has appointed the fallowing Committee to discharge the duties imposed on such Committee by The Reserve Force and Civil Guard Enactment, 1915” and by any regulations made thereunder he G O C Troops in the Colony (or an officer deputed by him);
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  • 37 2 SHlir’S CAPTAIN FINED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, February 16, Captain Bradley, Master of the IndoChina S. N. Co.’s steamer Kut Sang was fined $250 for allowing his vessel to be used for smuggling cocaine.
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  • 151 2 Colombo, February 4. —ln view of the statements made recently about the uncertainty of the export of wood pulp from Scandinavia tc England, experiments are now in progress iu Ceylon with a view to the exploitation of forest reserves, in order to determine to what extent
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  • 137 2 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 till 7 this evening:— 1. Selection Hibernia ...Gready 2. Two Step Grizzly Bear Rag Botoford 3. Waltz Vision D' Amour. Joyce 4. Galop Champagne ...Lumbye 5. March The Stars and Stripes Jor ever
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  • 759 2 Mr. J. R- Nicholson, c M.G., returned to Singapore by the s.s. Klang, last evening. Dr. C. E. Durrant, of Port Dickson, is in medical charge of a brigade of the R. F A. in training at Home. Mr. G. H. E. Rippju, of Jemeatah Estate, has
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  • 24 2 Pbnang :—The E. AO. Hotel, The Crag Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Norman, Singapore:—Raffles Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel. Java.—Hotel Beau Sejour Lem bang,
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  • 409 2 DEATH OF MR. F .H. HAWKINS. We deeply regret to an DoUnce at his residence in An about five o’clock last N Mr- Francis Henry Hawk-" 118 o| doyen of the Penang Free from which he retired last year aft years’ service. He had been* for some mouths, suffering f,
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  • 265 2 Meeting of Council. At the Council meeting held on the 31st January, the following were present:— Mr R P Brash (President) in the Chair, Mr E J Vallentine (Vice-President), the Hon Mr Eu Tong Sen, Messrs L G Attenborough, A H Flowerdew, J Dessraqnes
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  • 78 2 A Vienna firm has requested the Rotterdam police to make an the disappearance of 1,851 kilog ra rubber, which, packed in 30 ?aL g. been loaded in a Rhine vessel an after disappeared. The skipper vessel says he threw the rubber r fearing to be involved in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 724 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertiser, scotch (30) 6 years Assam planting experience as Manager and Assistant. Good education, knowledge of engineering. Just left the Indian Army Reserve of Officers after 14 months service as unfit for riding and active service, on account of slight complaint, desires planting or other billet. Good references
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    • 54 2 To Correct Constipation and Biliousness, clear the of blemishes and sweeten the b use the dainty laxative EEO3S®; They gently assist naturo T but help to keep you well, thorough, do not grip Of chemists, 50 ent /wiiHar o9 or post free from thO D <in a p O re.
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  • 620 3 PUNISHMENTS FOR SPYING. Delhi, February 4 —The GovernorGeneral in-Council directs that the following amendment shall be made in the Defence of India (Consolidation) Ru’es, 1915, namely after Rule 25 of the said rules the following rules shall be inserted namely. 25 A. (1) —No person shall
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  • 376 3 What International Law Says on the Subject. The Hague Correspondence Bureau learns I from a reliable source that the West Indian I mail on board the as. Otanje Nassau, I was taken off in Britain. The impression I conveyed however, is that the British I authorities
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  • 768 3 I HIS DAUGHTER’S PILGRIMAGE. i I I Mrs. Livingstone Wilson, only surviving I child of Dr. David Livingstone, the exploI rer, lectured at the Parochial Hall, Forest I Gate, on the subject of her recent journey Ito Old Chitambo, where her father’s heart I was
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  • 152 3 Egypt is following closely in the footsteps of England, Since the reorganisation of the Headquarters Staff, lady typists and precis writers have been taken on and now the Ministry of Education has appointed a lady clerk in its administration at a salary of £EI2O per annum. It
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  • 403 3 TENDERS are hereby invited for the purchase of the sole right to cut and remove Bakau (Mangrove) and all other trees growing on the areas mentioned hereunder for a period extending from 6th March, 1916 to sth March, 1917. The tenders will be received up to noon on
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 479 3 WANTED, Experienced salesman for provision and General Store. ly with copies of testimonials to No. 143, c/o Pinang Gazette. 156-21- 2 WANTED. A CAPABLE and willing WAREHOUSEMAN, one with a knowledge f stores preferred. Most be British. Apply b y letter with copieB of teBtimonialB to No. 140, c/o Pinang
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    • 186 3 W *rjh| iMI r growing activities of our second year’s hostilities find Avon T yres in increased demand for H.M. Transport. Trred and proven in the fierce flame of War, as they have been tried in every sort rf civilian service, Avens emerge as Seascned Campaigners worthy of the highest
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    • 431 3 Central Sales Room. insurance. to“ZZl7ld the corporation of the By Public Action, 80YAL EXCHANCE ASSURANCE Royal Exchange, London On Saturday, 19th February, 1916, at 11 on A TW /’COMMENCED business in a.d. 1717 and was Incorporated by Royal Charter In At the above Sales Room, A 1710 and is her
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  • 35 4 Kellie Smith.—On 14th February, at Hobart, Tasmania, the wife of Wm. Kellie Smith, of Perak, of a son. Heron.—On February 11, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Mr. and Mis G. Heron, a son.
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  • 42 4 Cunliffe—Ker.—On February 14th, 1916, at the Church cf St. Mary the Virgin, Kuaia Lumpur, Federated Malay States, by the Rt. Rev. the Bishop cf Singapore, Percy Cunliffe of Singapore and Darley Dale to Edith Blanche Well wood Ker, also of Singapore.
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  • 800 4 There is la general concensus of opinion among Britons and the Allies that commercial relations with Germany after the war cannot be allowed to revert to the pre-war conditions. There are important movements at work in England for promoting the federation and consolidation of the British Empire
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  • 314 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $BB 90 per picul business done—an increase of $1.40 Tin is quoted in London to-day at £lB2 10s. spot, and £lB2 10s. three months. February 16th, 1871, marked the termination of the Frauco-Prusslan war. Prai Railway Station is being
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  • 1315 4 While not agreeing with the more violent of the earlier tirades of the Duly Mail in connection with compulsion, and a dozen and one subjects which that journal has discussed with unfailing regularity and frankness from the beginning of the war, it must ba confessed that the
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  • 373 4 The outward mail by the Tara, is expected to arrive here on Friday afternoon. The homeward mail closes at 6 p.m. on Saturday. The P. O. Company’s steamer Malwa. with the outward mails of the 23th ultimo, passed Suez at 10 p.m. on the 6th instant, The Preanger
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 39 4 LEAP YEAR DANCE AFTBR A SPECIAL DINNER AT THE E. O. HOTEL On Tuesday, 29th Feb., 1916. E. Ac O. Orchestra and Town Band. Successful Proposals will have the privilege of a free week's Honeymoon AT THE CRAG HOTEL.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 189 5 POSITION IN MESOPOTAMIA FIGHTING in EAST AFRICA. FRANCE AND MUNITIONS. PQ3T-WAR PROBLEMS. Speaker read the King’s Speech when toe House of Commons again assembled. The address, in reply, was moved by Mr. Ji I, Macpherson (Ross and Cromarty) w d seconded by Lieut.-Colonel the Hon. F. S- Jackson
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 239 5 Rectkb's Tklkqrams.] ENEMY’S ACTIVITY. London, February 15. General Haig reports that the enemy were very active in mining south of the La Ba?see Canal. They exploded seven mines in 24 hcu r s. South of Fosse 8, there were mine explosions. preceded by a heavy bombard* meat,
      Rectkb's Tklkqrams.]  -  239 words
    • 49 5 LORD FRENCH’S APPOINTMENT. London, February 15. It is understood t >at the Government, for the present, has decided against forming a Ministry of the Air, and has approved a scheme for placing air defence in the bands of Field Marshal Lord French, under the War Office.
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    • 69 5 GIFT OF MILLION STERLING. London, February 15. Reuter’s learns that the Ceylon Government recently paid the Imperial Government the first annual instalment of £lOO.OOO of the colony’s contribution of a million sterling towards the cist of the war. It is proposed to use the contribution for the redemption
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    • 72 5 Paris, February 15. M. Briand and M. Bourgeois have arrived here, on their return from Italy. A Fruitful Visit. Paris, February 15. M. Briand, in an interview, said he was delighted at his visit to Italy, the results of which were exce len* Italians to Visit Paris.
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    • 99 5 BRITISH MISSION’S REPORT. London, February 15. The report of a British mission, sent to France by the Ministry of Munition®, ascribes the enormous inc r ease in the output in France to the fact that the one idea animating all the men and women alike is to
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    • 28 5 London. February 15. With a view to increasing the supply of alcohol for high explosives, the Ministry of Munitions has taken over the patent still distilleries.
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    • 26 5 VISCOUNT WEYMOUTH. London, February 15. It is announced that 2nd Lieutenant Viscount Weymou h (R>ya. Scots Greys) has been killed in action.
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    • 40 5 Amsterdam, February 15. A B'Usse’s telegram states that a waiter was executed for the murder of the son of a Belgian officer named Keels. The execution is apparently connected with the murder of Nurse Cave l’s betrayer.
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    • 21 5 London, February 15. It is stated that between January Uth and January 27th, 114,000 unmarried men were recruited.
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    • 21 5 London, February 15, The following are gazetted MajorGenerals in the Indian Army BrigadierGenerals W. A. Watson, Wadeson and Shore.
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    • 22 5 London, February 15. The Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson, Minister of Education, has been re-elected Chairman of the Labour Party.
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    • 558 5 ALLIES’ UNITY AND AIM. London, February 15. The King’s Speech at the re-opening of Parliament says: The spirit of my Allies and my people, who are united in this conflict by everstrengthening ties of sympathy and understanding, remains steadfast in the resolve to secure reparation for the
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  • 31 5 London, F-bruary 15. The late Lieut-General Sir Henry Moore’ bequeathed 6,500 rupees to the Ripon Hospital, Simla, for the erection of a ward for hillmen and women.
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  • 18 5 London, February 15. Sir Henry Lucy Toby M.P.”) is resigning from the staff of Punch.
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  • 43 5 Batavia, February 15. General Michiehen, Commanding the Troops in Java, was killed by the fall of an aerophne in which he was a passenger. The pilot was severely injured. The aeroplane was a former American hydroplane which had been rebuilt.
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 33 5 NO CHANGE. London, February 15. General Aylmer reports that the weather has cleared, and the situation is unchanged. General Townshend reports that an aeroplane dropped two bombs ou Kut, doing no damage.
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    • 23 5 London, February 15. A Constantinople telegram says the Porte has introduced a bill extending military compulsory service to men of fifty
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    • 28 5 London, February 15. The Figaro state* that before the end of March, 50,000 Serbians from Corfu will be sent to reinforce the Allies at Salonika.
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    • 159 5 Afrer many days of fierce fighting, comparative calm, according to latest advices from Petrograd, prevails in the neighbourhood of Czernowi z. The AustroGermans, having lost thousands of men and exhausted by their useless efforts to stem the Russian tide, are apparently trying
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  • Naval Operatioris.
    • 35 5 AMERICA’S PREDICAMENT. Washington, February 15. The Government is awaiting developments before deciding upon action in regard to the Austro-German submarine memorandum. The officials admit that the Government is in a delicate position.
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    • 418 5 Messrs. Henry Clews and Co., the New York bankers, in their annual review, just to hand, weigh up the losses and gains of rhe Unite! States through the war and the probable turn of events when peace comes, they do this with more discrimination than
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    • 43 5 London, February 15. At a City meeting. Lord Devonport presiding, a resolution was passed, expressing grave alarm at the enormous quantity of commodities which is reaching the enemy through the No*th Sea, and urging fuller use of our sea power.
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    • 25 5 London, February 15. Mr. Archibald Hurd, the naval writer, states that Germany has built a fleet of submarine monitors, each with powerful guns.
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  • Italy's Campaign
    • 57 5 ITALIAN TOWNS ATTACKED. Rome, February 15. Enemy aeroplanes bombed Triviglio and Bergamo, without doing damage, also Monza, where one pe’son was killed and five injured. A bomb fell in the enclosure of the King Humbert Memorial Chapel. Six aeroplanes appeared over the suburbs of Brescia. The anti-aircraft
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  • General News.
    • 141 5 IMPORTANT CONFERENCE. London, February 15. Mr. McKenna and Mr. Bonar Law will attend a conference of the Association of Chambers of Commerce, on February 29th, in London, on post-war trade problems, at which 120 resolutions will be submitted by various Chambers. The principal resolution declares that
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    • 72 5 POST-WAR PROBLEMS. London, February 15. Mr. Walter Long, President of the Local Government Board, in an interview regarding the problems after the war, said the Parliamentary system will have to undergo a change. Apart from gratitude to the Dominions for enormous sacrifices for the Motherland, there
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    • 47 5 BELGIANS HEAVILY ENGAGED. London, February 15. Reuter states that a Belgian wireless message says the Belgians invading East Africa attacked the Germans in Lake Kwa region capturing their trenches, which were afterwards re-taken by the enemy. Heavy losses were suffered by both sides. Fighting continues.
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    • 18 5 Loudon, February 15. King Lewanika of Barotseland, a steadfast ally of the British, is dead.
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    • 25 5 London, February 15. The death is announced of Sir William Turner, k.c b Principal and Vice-Chan-cellor of Edinburgh University, aged 83.
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  • 71 5 "BLAZING” SHARE MARKET. THE LATEST DIVIDENDS. (P. G. Special Cable.) London, February 15. The share market is blazing.” Vai D’Or Rubber Co. Ltd. reports a profit of £lO,OOO. No dividend will be paid Debentures will be redeemed. Divideads. Sangei Buloh Rubber Co. 20 per cent, (interim). Malaysia
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  • 50 5 OWNERS’ CONTENTION. London, February 15. It appears that the differences existing between Government and shipowners regarding the completion of vessels ready for launching are not yet settled. The shipowners consider that the Government ought to pay the difference between the cost before the war and the current cost Reuter.
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  • 397 5 Shipbuilding in America was practically normal until the end of May, 1915, but from that time onwards contracts were placed at a steadily increasing rate until about the end of July, when there was a distinct increase in the number of orders booked. The principal causes contributing
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  • 131 5 A Record Round Trip. Steamers generally sail from Singapore to Bangkok and do the return voyage from Bangkok to Singapore, or what is known in shipping circles as the round-trip, in from nine to twelve days. The Norwegian s.s. Diva, C*pt Jorgensen, which has a speed of
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  • 31 5 Obituary. VISCOUNT RIDLEY. London, February 15. The death has occurred of Matthew White Ridley, 2nd Viscount Ridley, formerly Unionist M.P. for Stalybridge, and Chairman of the Tariff Reform League, aged 41.
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    • 214 6 Rumania's Entry Near London, February 7,—Various Rome telegrams indicate that the Teutons have officially expressed discontent with the Rumanian attitude. Germany is particularly aggrieved at the sale of wheat to droat Britain, and the candidature of two Transylvanian Irredentists for Galatz and Caracula. Bucharest has replied
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    • 158 6 The Rumanian correspondent of the Daily Chronicle,” writing on 29th Janwary, says the Russians now hold a line undulating across the broken ceuntry within nine miles of Czernowitz, bending eastwards, where the Austrians retain the sorry ruins of Bojan, and swinging west along the north bank of the
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    • 164 6 London, February 8: The “Times’” Petrograd correspondent says that the fighting in the Uscieczko region has been of a most sanguinary character. The Russians are almost sickened by their own bayonet work. The enemy Usually holds out until he has lost a third of bis number. His
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    • 141 6 London, February 9.—The military correspondent of the Times gives a careful and conservative estimate of German manpower. He rejects previous estimates as too optimistic and puts the monthly average permanent reduction of German effectives at 150,000; which is 50,000 below the estimate accepted in France. He calculates that
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    • 43 6 London, February 7 The Times” Melbourne correspondent says tfeat the Broken Hill Company have produced from their own iron, munition steel which has passed searching tests, and that 500 tons of this steel have been shipped during the present month.
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    • 188 6 London, February B.—-The Central News Rome correspondent says the letters from the front confirm the official view of the recent Austrian offensive on the Isonzo, that it was a complete failure, and left the Austrians weakened and dispirited. The temporary success at Oslavia was nullified ths following
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  • 216 6 Speaking recently at the annual meeting of the Calcutta Trades Association the Master Mr. Andrew Gibb said Volunteer Forces in India was another interesting matter which was discussed by your Committe 0 The question of the present system of Volunteering in India, its defects, and the urgent
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  • 201 6 Calcutta, February 9th. —The Calcutta Missionary Conference assembled last evening to hear a statement by the Rev. J. H. Brown, b.d concerning the effects which the recently received instructions of the London Missionary Society’s Board will have upon tbe local work, if they are carried out.
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  • 147 6 Bombay, February B.—Lord Hardinge will arrive in Bombay on April 2nd, and leave these shores the same day for England by mail steamer. It will be extremely disappointing to many public bodies that wished to give a farewell entertainment to His Excellency that he will be unable
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  • 109 6 Madras, February Bth A sensation has been created at the General Post Office by the disappearance of a bag containing registered and injured letters, which should have been in the mail bag sent from Madura on the 3rd instant by the Railway Mail Service at Madura. The
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  • 1767 6 THE DIVIDEND. The seventh ordinary general meeting of Pantai, Limited, was held on Saturday, at Gresham House, Singapore, the Chairman, Mr W L Watkins, presiding. Others present were Messrs A W Bean, F 0 Peck, W M Sime, F Adam, F H M Goode, A Cook, F M
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 145 6 AUK’S Trad e M rk I Pure Burton Pilsener fir 838 l MALT and HOPS. I The invigorating and tonic properties of best English Malt and Hops as brought out by scientific brewing cannot be too strongly emphasised. Under the Great Auk’s Head label we offer the Perfect Pilsener bottled
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 109 6 TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHTi t the ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE Co, LYCEUM THEATRE. ARGYLL ROAD. Present Special Latest Pathe Production IN THE GRIP OF THE SPIES 3 Parts Parts 3 A highly sensational drama depicting the exploits of the great detective Steele For thrill, excitement and ingenuity you could not desire for a
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  • 570 7 )CB neglect of education. ..flections oo tie siun« of the Som wfre made by Sir Oliver Lodge, tl eS il of Birmingham University, adfriueip' con f er ence of educational asdre9’!io g ns at the London University. f 0C P 1 yatism, he said,
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    • 26 7 Johannesburg, February 16. It is proposed to re-form the Second ounted Brigade, under General Biits, waa famous for its exploits in Damanlind.
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    • 16 7 Vicenza Febmary 15. Enemy aeroplanes bombed Scbio. Six (rt killed and some injured.
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    • 40 7 TROUBLE in german camp. Petrograd, February 15. disturbances have broken out W 1 u-^ ermanB at Vilna. A Lieutesold;J R 8 “ided. Forty officers and many w ere court-martialled. Jk ESSSSS Hofa tbe belligerents is that and kno it
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  • 417 7 ACTION IN BURMA. Rangoon, February 3.—At the annual general meeting of the Rangoon Trades’ Association this afternoon, the Hon Mr F F Goodliff, in the course of his presidential address, referred to the number of subjects dealt with in the course of the year. In speaking
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  • 109 7 Mr. Runciman, replying to Sir John Lonsdale in the House of Common», stated that over £99,000 of the £lOO,OOO capital of the firm of Bayer and Co., Ltd., the original makers of Aspirin was held in Germany. Before the outbreak of the war, tbe company accepted
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  • 120 7 A serious fire broke out in the Bulak quarter of Cairo on the river bank. It started in Messrs. Cook and Son’s shipyard and resulted in the loss of three of their tourist steamers, one of which broke from her mornings and sank in the river.
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  • 270 7 We have received tbe following. It is by William David Pollock Shades of the millions Dead in the trenches While over the nations The cry of their pleadings Rolls as an anthem of grief and despair Shudder the millions Not in the trenches Breathing not only
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  • 72 7 The following are the latest quotations in our share list Yesterday. To-day. Sharks .2 a a Mining. Deebook 14/- 13/- 14/6 K. Kamunting 35/- 36/Tongkab H. sl3s sl3s sl4* SsnsreL Shell Transport 90/- 95/- 95/- £5 Rubber (Sterling.) K. Kubu 1/3 1/6 1/6 1/9 N’borough 1/3 1/6
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  • 88 7 Messrs. Allen Dennys <fc Co. advise that tbe under-mentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them at their 171st Auction Sale yesterday (105,300 lbs. offered, 84.000 lbs sold); Smoked ribbed sheet $l7O to $lBO plain 166 167 No. 2 smoked sheet diamond 163 168 Unsmoked sheet
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  • 17 7 OUTPUTS FOR JANUARY. The following are rubber outputs for Janusry Taiping lbs. 11,500 Malacca Plantation 308,200
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  • 54 7 The following was the output for the first half of February 1916. No 1 Dredge, hours run 260, cubic yards treated 43,000, tin oxide produced piculs 323 55, realised on sale $17,701.42. No. 2 dredge has started to open out but no tin oxide from it
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  • 174 7 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Kedah, Brit. 94, Manus, Feb 16, T. Anson, gen., E. S. Co. Jin Ho, Brit., 93, Harding, Feb 16, Asahan, gen., E.B. <t Co. Calypso, Brit., 338, Shepherd, Feb 15, T’kah, gen., Adamson Gilfillan <fc Co. Trang, Brit, 73, William Pithie, Feb 15, Trang, gen E. S.
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  • 132 7 Pinang, February 16, 1916. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 7/32 4 months* sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 ,t 3 Credit 7/8 3 Documentary ...2/4 29/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 H 3 days* sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 Moulmein Demand Bank 173 3
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  • 234 7 Puma mg, February 16, 1916. 8; P. Tapioca $7.35 sales. M. P. Tapioca 57 50 sales. Gold leaf 564.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $34.00 sd'ers. Trang Pepper on t of season. Mace $llO non. Mace Pickings $6O
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  • 55 7 Feb. 16.—Penang Choral Society A. G. M. Town Hall, 6.30 p.m. 18.—Moonlight Band Esplanade, 9 p.m. 19.—P.L.R.C. Open Shoot. 20.—“Pinang Gazette” Sports, St. Xavier’s Ground. M 29.—Leap Year Dance, E. O. Hotel. March 3.—Penang Volunteers “B Co., Concert and Dance, Drill Hall 8 p m. March 22.—Meeting Licensing
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 377 7 BUCHANAN’S “RED SEAL” “BLACK WHITE” “ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" SCOTCH WHISKIES Janes Buchanan Co., Ltd. (London, Glasgow, etc J have the most extensive Bonded Warehouse in Scotland, and hold, with their subsidiary companies, the largest stocks of Whisky maturing in Bond. They are thus able to guarantee the continued excellence of these
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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