Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 14 February 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 815 1 WAW! TO BHIP. OK BELL hi 0 B B E R X rt *9 OOOO* i/n F'ATT <* YtftLD ULSh MMHYS Co, J 9*99» r •‘THE PINANG "GAZETTE." nunnnnnnuaunaaDnnnnnnnnnHnnnnn! OfFIOEAND PRESS n in >■--,- g BntlSlY S I The Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., write as follows: SUBSCRIPTION. Qp J
      815 words
    • 56 1 ■aoamomaoaoanm oc rvj r »aaaau» S POK S3U 5 VTOU «M bare th« Pn.snx a a X OnMdte” posted every day a for «bol» jMtr to your t4ir*Br (VOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, 527). S° Piepostionato Quarterly and j ÜBBf IpUuui are payable tn 3 adMBM ami re—fttanew ahouk! S mHmmsJl to g
      56 words

  • 1435 2  -  R W. DEATH THE REVEXLER. A few minutes ago my chum died, shot through the head, writes the Senior Sub.” He was jast an o-dinary dean upright youug Englishman, with no very great insight into the deeper matters of life, although his views on religion were clear and
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  • 437 2 Indian Chambers of Commerce have all round done good work during the past eighteen months and there has been a close association and interchange of ideas between the Government and the European mercantile community ever since the war broke our. Every variety of subject connected with the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1386 2 WANITFD T7XPERIENCED British Sumatran IISItCS IOF (East Coast) Planter seeks immediate e employment, with good prospects, on RubArlvol*tlCofnofltC A and w n B WARE- ggtate j n F.M.S. or S.S. Testimonials V&SUai AQVCI USCmCniSe /4 HOUSEMAN, one with a knowledge aod re f erencea 0Q application to of stores preferred.
      1,386 words
    • 614 2 banks. 1 CH AUSTRALIA BA am K F AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA i I«eorporat«d_byßo yal Ctl te Psid-up Capital > Reserve Fund |3 00,00j Reserve Liability of Proprietorscj® oo Hxad Owi Cl ll a °o>ooo > 38, BIBHOPBGATE, LONDON Bn Agsmcis. and Branch., t A.mritsar Hongkong p/.. Bangkok Hoik p! kln
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  • Article, Illustration
    1109 3 [BY A ARTIST CORRESPONDENT.] 13th January. Surprising the Turks. The complete withdrawal of British and French troops from Gallipoli has been a great surprise to the Tu'ks, who were altogether unprepared for 30 bri'liant an operation. General Monro attributes it, in hia dispatch, to Generals Birdwood and Davies,
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  • 348 3 British Navy Men’s Admiration. The visit of the four officers and fifty ratings from the Giand Fleet con eluded with a tour of the heavy gun positions. One of the officers stated that the chief impre-ston he would carry away was the remarkable efficiency of our artillery
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  • 613 3 > GREAT INCREASES. The returns of Imports and Exports for the 4th Quarter of 1915 give the following figures Imports (4th Qr.) 1914. 1915. Singapore $66,693 950 $97,343,037 Penang 21,143,282 24,710,464 Malacca 2,554,875 3,027,762 Totals $90,39*2,137 $125,081,263 £10,545,749 14,592,814 Thus the total increase over the corresponding quarter of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 168 3 It’s a Bad Sign When you have that obs’inate, lingering cough which will not be shaken cff. There is no cough at any s ag“, whethr old or young, but what i e-ds attentio A cough soon wrecks a strong constitute, -oon makes one helplet’, in fact a cough a
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    • 483 3 j mm ira I 3 frfr incur mx y Wincarnis. B Hr «Sa m wfti I W I ‘Wincarnis’ brings New Health gg to the Weak and Ailing. |p Health? New health—glorious, vigorous health—is yours to command. What a blessing to be free from that Weakness, Anaemia, Nerviness, and that
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  • General News.
    • 145 4 [Rbutbb's Sbbticbs]. WEAK FOREIGN POLICY THE BEASON. New York, February 13. Mr. Garrisor.’s resignation of the post of Secretary for War was due to his disagreement with President Wilson regarding the foreign policy of the United States, which he considers lacking in vigour, and disapproval of the
      [Rbutbb's Sbbticbs].  -  145 words
    • 54 4 New York, January B.—The opinion is gaining ground in Washington circles that President Wilson will not be able to carry his programme for American preparedness through Congress. It is believed that he will probably be compelled seriously to reduce the extent of his projects for a largely
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    • 27 4 61 INDICTMENTS IS CALIFORNIA San Francisco, February 11. The Federal Grand Jury returned 61 indictments in connection with alleged German conspiracies to violate American neutrality.
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    • 83 4 London, February 13. The War Office announces that an agreement has been made whereby Italy will release a quantity of heavy Italian hides weekly for the production of British Army boots, in return for the prohibition of export, except under licence, of Dacca kips, under eight
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    • 30 4 GENERAL AYLMER ENGAGED. London, February 11. A Turkish communique reports two violent battles with General Aylmer on the right bank of the Tigris, but reports no change near Kut.
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    • 13 4 Stockholm, February 11. A Ford peace conference has opened here.
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    • 41 4 A LONDON CEREMONY. London, February 11. The marriage of Sir Ali Imam and Miss Marie Saupien was performed by Abdul Aziz, barrister of Peshawar, to-day, at the Langham Hotel. The party is proceeding to India in March.
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  • 89 4 QUESTION OF DIVIDEND. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, February 14. Mr. Watkins presided at the annual meeting of Pantai Rubber Co. In a discussion on the report, Mr. Adam and others stated that they thought the Company ought not to pay a 10 per cent, dividend. There
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  • 20 4 CHUNKING CAPTURED. London, February 13. Chungking has been capture 1 by the rebels, and Government troops have gone there.
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  • 19 4 Tokio, February 13, Mr. Ijuiii, formerly Japanese Minister in Peking, has been appointed Ambassador to Rome.
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  • 73 4 THE AFRICAN COAST. Madrid, February 12, A striking statement of Spanish policy in Africa was made by the ex-Minister Senor Hontaria, who said it was indispensable for Spain to occupy the coast opposite the Canary Islands as well as Infi, and join up with Tangier Spanish territory, in
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  • 27 4 Madrid, February 11. German soldiers, for internment in Spain, from the Cameroons now number 2,600, and with their famines the total is over 4,000.
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  • 101 4 BELGIAN MINISTER’S SPEECH. London, February 12. M.Renkin, the Belgian Colonial Minister, at a banquet in his honour, made a notable speech. He said Belgium sacrificed herself for her plighted word. The responsibilities for hostilities in Central Africa rested entirely with Germany, who dreamt of creating a vast
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  • 35 4 GENERAL SMUTS' APPOINTMENT. Cape Town, February 13. The appointment of General Smuts to the East African command is warmly appreciated in South Africa, although the circumstances rendering General SmithDorrien’s participation impossible is regretted.
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  • 193 4 General Smuts, the Minister for Defence, at Potchefstroom recently inspected a large body of men ready for the front In an address he referred to the fact th-it many of them had taken part in the campaign in German South-West Africa. The infantry had camplained
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  • 73 4 RENONG TIN DREDGING. [P. G. Special Cable London, February 12. Tin shares are strong, owing to a great demand for metal, which is expected to go up to £2OO per ton. Renong Output. Renong Tin Dredging Co.’s output for January was 1,434 piculs, and for the seven
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  • 68 4 Germany and Japan. Count Okuma states that Germany has taken steps to find out Japan’s attitude towards peace. Count Okuma says that Japan will never negotiate for peace on any basis, without the consent and full knowledge of Great Britain. The “Times” learns that 17 German divisions
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  • 45 4 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 till 7 this evening:— 1. Selection La Dame Blanche ...Boeldieu 2. Javanese Patrol,,, 3. Waltz The Eternal ...Leo Fall 4. Intermezzo Anona Grey 5. March Gallmt Knights Leipziger
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  • 1780 4 The following leave is gazetted-—Mr C Baker, twelve months from January 20. Mr E Gordon Wilson is appointed to act as Superintendent, Government Monopolies. Auctioneer licenses in Singapore have been granted to Messrs. H. Sibbelee and Sam Tomlinson. Mr F M Baddeley is promoted to Class I,
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  • 150 4 The Annual Meeting, The annual general meeting of the Penang Ministering Children’s League, was held on Thursday at St. George’s Home. The sixth annual report was read and passed, and also the following statement of receipts and payments for the year ending December 31st, 1915, certified by
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  • 182 4 Mr. Alma Baker, who is now on s visit to Penang, has almost completed his patrio task of raising funds for the provision oi an aerial squadron from Malaya. So far 14 aeroplanes have been P r se ed, the fifteenth is partially subscribe an opp >rtunity is
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 518 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. NEW HUDSON CYCLIETTE 2| H.P. Two stroke. Self lubricating. Little used, in perfect running order. Complete. $250 or nearest offer. Apply No. 142, c/o Pinang Gazette. NOTICE. CHAP-GOH-MEH. ON the 16th, 17th and 18th February, 1916, from 5 p.m. carriages and rickshas will be allowed to
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  • 601 5 targe proportion direct L from the east. a correspondent sends the S T.” the nif figures extracted from the India n hbe'r Worid,” relating to arrivals of B !hpr at the port of New York for the r months June to November, 1915, pound» To- arrival», .11
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  • 380 5 Fi NAL dividend OF 15 PER CENT, lhe directors’ report and statement of Ltd Q f tS ,Be ew Serendah Rubber Co., ]gi? Or year ended December 31st, Rene’ i° r P re ?entat i°o at the sixth annual v. t/ a of shareholders to be held
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  • 307 5 i.— ‘*L. 4 C. K.” There has been a certain amount of loose and irresponsible chatter indulged in certain uninformed spheres respecting the increase in the price of rubber. The upward movement is attributed to the machinations of an imaginary ring, either in or emanating from the United
    i.—‘*L. 4 C. K.”  -  307 words
  • 331 5 Kuala Kubu. —lnt divd 5 p.c. Selangor River. —Second int divd 10 p.c. Batu Tiga. —Further int divd 2s per share. Serrmban.— Second int divd 3 p.c. Total so far, 6 p.c. Bukit Meet a jam —lnt divd 10 p.c. (actual) on account of the financial
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  • 26 5 Penang The E. <fc O. Hotel, The Crag Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Norman, Singapore:—* Raffles Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel. Java. Hotel Beau Sejour Lembang.
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  • TIN.
    • 435 5 The improvement in the December statistics, together with the loss of 300 tons of tin through the sinking of the Glengyle, in the Mediterranean, has caused an improvement in price?, although the advance has not been so large as was expected, says The Ironmonger of January Bth.
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  • 285 5 Contributions By Malay States. The Secretary of State for the Colonies forwards the following notice for publication The Federal Council of the Federated Malay States have voted the payment to a local committee for the relief of those wounded or disabled by sickness in
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  • 620 5 THE SINGAPORE OUTBREAK. On January 4, Mr. Gerehom Slewart asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies, whether he had official information to the effect that the Governor of the Straits Settlements has admitted in a public speech that the local authorities were aware for
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  • 278 5 Revised Instructions Issued. We 8. T. aie very pleased to see that the Government, having had the matter of military pay under consideration, as we mentioned recently, has issued new iust'actions which wo have no doubt will give very great satisfaction to all volunteers who are Government servants.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 90 5 Harah Salts and Castor Oil, are old fashioned remedies more drastic than safe. the tiny laxatives ensure the same results, but in a perfectly natural manner. They do not upset the stomach, nor gripe, but gently assist nature. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr.
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    • 404 5 TRY HEINEKEN’S LAGER BEER BREWED IN HOLLAND. Obtainable Everywhere. SOLE IMPORTERS BOELEhI CO., PENANG. I. Grown on British owned plantations in the British West Indian Island of Montserrat. m Shipped in British vessels. M B Montserrat i Lime Juice J The finest health beverage. Warranted B by a British firm
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  • 32 6 Dakeyne— Selbt Lowndes,—On the 14th February, 1916, at St. George’s Church, Penang, by the Rev. F. W. Haines, b.a Colonial Chaplain, Norman Henry Dakeyne, Planter, Selangor, F.M.S. to Doris Selby Lowndes
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  • 929 6 The mail papers contain full reports of the important Parliamentary debase initiated by Mr. W. A. S. Hewins, the Unionist member for Hereford, who moved a resolution in favour of a consultation with the Governments of the Dominions in order, with their aid, to bring the whole
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  • 30 6 To-day's quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $BB.lO per picul, business done. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £lBl spot, ani £lBO 15s three months.
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  • 241 6 The output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co. (No Liability) for the week ending 12 th inst., was 18 tons. The ss. Klang w ll leave here for Port Swettenham and Singapore at 5-30 pm-to-morrow. The Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board has decided that the cost of uniforms
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  • 1854 6 The battle for the possession of that much disputed Bukovina city, Czernowitz, is rapidly developing, and, says a Reuter message, it is causing the Germans and the Austrians the utmost anxiety. Since the Russians took the initiative, they have done very well. They have inflicted heavy losses
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 541 6 I f not, *t 1 s a sure sign nj I v that either your nervous B 1 yj ’t or digestive system is out of SB I Should these conditions obtain, T**'* take a course of VITAFER. S j&v VITAFER is not a drug nor a stimulant R 1
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    • 39 6 LEAP YEAR DANCE AFTBR A SPECIAL DINNER AT THE E. O. HOTEL On Tuesday, 29th Feb., 1916. E. ac O. Orchestra and Town Band. Successful Proposals will have the privilege of a free week's Honeymoon AT THE CRAG HOTEL.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 322 7 GERMAN bank failures. THE RUSSIAN PRESSURE. NEW ALLIED COUNCIL. famous flier injured. (jermon desiroyer 9 sank oue of four British mine-sweepers off the Dogger Bank, the other three escaping, one of them picking up three officers and 21 men. The French auxiliary cruiser Admiral’ Charner (4,000 tons) is
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 524 7 [Bbutkr’s Telegrams.] mines and shells. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) London, February 12 Beoeral Sir Douglas Haig reports that British sprang three mines north of rQ °y> and another south of Fosse 8. enemy sprang a mine south-we 9 t of Hohenzollern redoubt.” We bad no casu•ities.
      [Bbutkr’s Telegrams.]  -  524 words
    • 41 7 DISASTROUS GRENADE ACCIDENT. Paris, February 13. Flight-Commander Claude GrahamWhite has been seriously wounded, as the result of an accident. The officer was teaching bombing, near Haz-brouck, when a grenade exploded in his hand. Five were killed and 24 injured.
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    • 21 7 London, February 13. The British aviator Rainham fell 2,000 feet at Brooklands. He was unconscious and taken to hospital.
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    • 60 7 NO REPRISALS. London, February 13. Lord Buckmaster, the Lord Chancellor, speaking at Keighley, protested against the idea of reprisals for the Zeppelin raids, if that meant murdering German women and children in cold blood. He said there could be no greater tragedy than that when we had
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    • 19 7 London, February 12. It is suggested that Lord Curzon will possibly be appointed Minister of Aviation.
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    • 199 7 Borne, February 12. M. Briand, the French Premier, and Cardinal Mercier, had a cordial conversation here. M. Briand’s Statement. At banquets in Rome most cordial speeches were deliver» d by M. Briand, Signor Salandra, and Baron Sonnino, emphasising the necessity for unity of action. M. Briand, after his
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    • 66 7 London, February 13. It is stated that a Proclamation will be issued this week, calling up all the remaining Derby groups of bachelors, also the compulsorily enlisted men under the Military Act. It is understood that only a small percentage of men were obtained by the calling
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    • 253 7 Nowhere can the figures showing the results of the Derby scheme have been scanned and criticised more eargerly than along the British front in France. The munitions problem is regarded as successfully solved. At any rate, the gunners are getting plenty of high-explosive
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    • 55 7 HUGE LIABILITIES. London, February 12. The Gazette de Lausanne states that two of the largest banks in southern Germany a r e in liquidation, with liabilities of £25,000.000. Thousands of depositors are ruined. German Business Failures. Monte Video, February 13. Four German firms have failed in Uruguay,
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    • 17 7 London, February 12. The Ministry of Munitions announces that there are now 2,834 controlled establishments.
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    • 35 7 A DANISH PROTEST. Copenhagen, February 13. Much surprise was occasioned by a German seaplane twice circling the city, and disappearing over the Navy Yard. The Government has sent a protest to Berlin.
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 137 7 FRENCH RECONNAISSANCES. Paris, February 12. French war correspondents at Salonika state that the enemy still exhibit no offensive tactics, but the French have advanced. They crossed the Vardar, installed themselves on the right bank of the river, in the important regions of Yenitso and Verria, and immediately constructed defence
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    • 41 7 WAR MINISTER’S STATEMENT. Amsterdam, Februay 11. The Bulgarian War Minister, in an inter, view, emphasises that Bulgaria is fighting only for herself. He declared that as soon as the Salonika campaign was fini-hed the war would be over for Bulgaria.
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    • 155 7 KING FERDINAND’S NERVES. The King of Bulgaria, according to Balkan advices, has an exaggerated fear of aeroplane». When he learned that Eng* lish and French ait men were co-operating with the Serbian Army be became very anxious, and was reduced to a state of terror on hearing that aircraft had
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 148 7 IMPORTANT OPERATIONS. Loudon, February 12. The battle at Czernowitz, in which the Russians are showing strong initiative, is daily increasing in importance, and causing the utmost anxiety to the Austrians and Germans. Railway communication betwen Russia and Rumania in interrupted, owing to troop movements in Bessarabia. This,
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    • 37 7 Petrograd, February 12. There is a heavy artillery duel on the Riga front. German attacks were repulsed elsewhere. Turkish Coast Shelled. Russian torpedo boats continue to bombard the Turkish coast in the Black Sea.
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  • Italy's Campaign
    • 52 7 FIFTEEN KILLED. Rome, February 13. Enemy aeroplanes bombed Codigero in the province of Ferrara and Boteruhe, in the province of R »vigo, and also Ravenna. Fifteen were killed, including women and children, and a number injured. A Bed Cro=s station and the Basilica Santo Appolinare at Ravenna
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  • Naval Operatiotis.
    • 68 7 RAID BY GERMAN DESTROYERS. London, February 12. A German destroyer flotilla attacked four British mine-sweepers off the Dogger Bank, last night, and sank one, the Arabi?, and attempted to torpedo another, which rescued three British officers and 21 men. A Berlin communique attempts to devise a great victory
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    • 89 7 INSPECTION BY JOURNALISTS. London. February 12. The editors of twenty French provincial papers, and a number of distinguished neutral journalists, visited the British Battle Cruiser Fleet. The visiters were deeply impressed by the might of the British Navy, the world’s greatest concentration of speed, combined with
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    • 66 7 CONFIDENCE IN PRESENT REGIME. London, February 12. The retired Admirals, Sir Gerard Noel, Sir Arthur Moore and Sir George Atkin-son-Wille9 write to the Morning Post supporting its protests against the intrigue to bring Lord Fisher back to the Admiralty. The Admirals declare that the majority of naval men
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    • 373 7 Anyone who has talked much with naval officers on the very short leave that the Fleet and their own inclination efford them must have been struck by the difference between their attitude and that of military men towards their commanders. This is not a difference in discipline,
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    • 42 7 A SUBMARINE VICTIM. Paris, February 13. A French communique says some uneasiness exists regarding the 4,000 ton auxilliary cruiser Admiral Charner, which has been missing since February Bth, when a German submarine claimed to have sunk a French cruiser.
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    • 34 7 NO WARNING GIVEN. Malta, February 13. The British steamer Springwell, on a voyage to India, was torpedoed, without warning. The officers and crew, numbering 73, were picked up, and landed here.
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    • 87 7 London, February 12. The Norwegian steamer Vaarli was mined off Terschelling. The Captain, Chief Engineer, and Second Mate were drowned. Another Norwegian Victim. London, February 13. The Norwegian steamer Alabama was sunk. The crew were saved. Belgian Steamer Lost, The Belgian steamer Aduatick was sunk. Two were
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    • 154 7 U.S. ATTITUDE ANTICIPATED. Washington, February 11. The Austrian and German memoranda regarding merchantmen are expected to lead to the American Government warning Americans that they will travel on armed merchantmen at their own risk, thus reversing the previous policy that merchantmen were allowed to carry guns
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    • 47 7 ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE. Rio de Janeiro, February 13. The German 5,000 ton steamer Asuncion made a dash to escape from the harbour of Belem. Two Brazilian warship» had to shell her for some time before she returned to port. An inquiry has been opened*
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    • 102 7 GERMAN METHODS WITH A NEUTRAL. London, February 13. It transpires that 36 Chinese were on board the Dutch tank steamer Artemis, which a German tot pedo boat sank off the Dutch Coast, upon the baseless pretext of a breach of orders. The crew of the Artemis were given
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  • 49 7 NEW TONNAGE. London, February 12. It ia stated in Glasgow that the Government has decided to grant facilities to shipbuilders to finish 500,000 tons of mercantile shipping, which is nearing the launching stage, with a view to relieving the freights situation. (Other Telegrams on Page 4)
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  • 929 8 BY A STUDENT OF WAR. The distribution of the army is not to be discussed in any detail even if all the information were available, but in its broad outline is well known. Six months ago, probably rather more than three-quarters of our army engaged with the
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  • 2436 8 SIR lAN HAMILTON’S DISPATCH. General Sir lan Hamilton’s report to Lord Kitchener on the great offensive in Gallipoli in connection with the landing at Suvla Bay, in August of last year, makes it clear that Mr. Winston Churchill was fully justified when he declared that the Dardanelles
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 125 8 UNION S. S. CO. OF NEW ZEALAND Ld., INCORPORATED IN NEW ZEALAND. Auckland. Wellington, Lyttleton and Dunedin ALBO CALLING AT Samarang and Fiji (if inducement offers). The Company’s Steamers maintains a regular four-monthly service between Singapore and New Zealand. Approximate Dates of Sailing from Singapore :3 For Sailings apply to
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    • 266 9 V OFFICERS AND N. C. O’S. v. F V THE REST, picket match w*s played on the EsA cr afternoon between Gristing of Penang Volunteer c d N C. O’s. and “The Rest o® cerB n bat ted first and put up 194 runs The of 6 wickets, when
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    • 211 9 The fortnightly handicap shoot took place on Sunday morning at 7 a.m., the conditions being a sighting shot and 10 counting shots at 300 and 600 yards at N.R A. targets— H.P.S. 100. Pte Everest with H’cap -60 made 91.60 Mrs A E Murray *44 87.68
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    • 295 9 The following ties have been fixed for Wednesday: Singles Handicap C.—Carmichael v bavieg (1). Singles Handicap B—E J Bennett v J J L Harvey (6). Championship.— E H Everest v R E rrentis (4). Mixed Doubles A.—Mr and Mrs E e ;j“ann vMr and Mrs R 0
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  • 1933 9 PROSPECTUS ESTIMATES REALISED. The second annual general meeting of Kamunting Tin Dredging Ltd., was held on January 10, at the Cannon-street Hotel, E C, Sir Ernest W Birch, K 0 M G, presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen—l am sorry that our Chairman is not able to
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  • 204 9 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Klang, Brit., 732 Fawcus, Feb 14, S’pore, gen., A. G. Co. Pangkor, Brit,, 94, Caswell, Feb 14, Bindings, gen., E. S. Co. Lai Sang, Brit.. 2224, Mooney, Feb 14, S’pore, gen., B. Co. Fook Sang, Brit, 1987, Mitchell, Feb 14, Calcutta, gen., Boustead Co. Hebe, Brit., 346,
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  • 131 9 Penang, February 14, 1916. (By Oourt«ty of tho Ohartorod Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 7/32 4 months' sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 7/8 3 Documentary ...2/4 29/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 H 3 days' sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 Moulmeio Demand Bank n 173
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  • 244 9 Penang, February 14, 1916. S.* P. Tapioca 57.35 sales. M. P. Tapioca 57.50 sales. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $34.00 sillers. Trang Pepper out of season. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $6O sellers. Cloves $3l
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  • 43 9 Feb. 14.—Penang Volunteers Parade 5.15 p.m. Esplanade. 16.—Penang Choral Society A.G. M. Town Hall, 6.30 p.m. 19.—P.L.R.C. Open Shoot. 20.—“ Pinang Gazette Sports, St Xavier's Ground. 29. —Leap Year Dance, E. O. Hotel. March 22.—Meeting Licensing Justices, District Court, 2.15 p.m.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 208 9 “Stelastic” Tyres Stelastic Tyres fflve Greatest Mileage and most satisfaction. Please call or write a,1( l tor copies of imonials. Stelastic Tyres hold the record R.A.C. Certificate of 5,000 miles without cuts or punctures. PENAiXG STOCKISTS: TIANG LEE Co Beach Street. I Solelmporters: INTERNATIONAL TRADING Co., Singapore. ELLERMAN LINE. FOR3LON.DON
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    • 416 10 ~\To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette."} Sih, —The boys, with some assistance from their friends and old boys, of over 80 Public Schools represented at the Head Masters’ Conference, have raised a fund for the maintenance of the Public Schools Hospital for officers
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  • 372 10 Annual Meeting. In very much larger numbers than usual the members of the Straits Branch (Royal Asiatic Society) attended the annual meeting at the Raffles Museum, Singapore The Rev. Dr. Sheilabear took the chair and there were present the hon’bles C J Siundersand W G
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  • 1017 10 SCHEME FOR A TEUTONIC UNION. There can be little doubb as to the seriousness of the movement towards a Central Europe which was started by Herr Naumann’s book of the same title. The other day the Frankfurter Zeitung published a long article from its Vienna correspondent, beginning with
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  • 602 10 First hand evidence that the Germans make no bones about confiscating the businesies carried on by merchants belonging to the Allied countries is contained in a striking letter from Mr. Frederick W. Hanson, lately a prisoner at Ruhlebeu. When war broke out he was trading in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 74 10 A Reputation of over 100 years. Cockle’s ANTIBILIOUS Pills are recommended for biliousness, sick headache, depression, and all indispositions arising from a sluggish liver or disorder?..! digestion. They are recommended because they were originate 1 by a fully-qualified medical man—Dr. James Cockle —and no specific acting more promptly, gently, or
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    • 462 10 I Never a doubt. I '■'T IS PLEASANT to know that every bottle S lof our whisky does its share towards maintain- S A ing our reputation of 135 years. Never a bottle S leaves our Edinburgh stores with any doubts or mis- g S givings attached to it. s
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  • 988 11 IS PANAMA CANAL A FAILURE WARNINGS IGNORED. A striking article by Mr. Ignatius Pbayre, an American, entitled Is the Panama Canal a Failure?’ appears in the Outlook.” After referring to the recent landslide and the report that the Canal would not be open again before January, Mr. Phavre says: January
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 631 11 GUARANTEED UNDER the pure food and drugs act. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. On every bottle of Dr Morse’s Indian Root Pills sold in the United States of America there is placed an extra label, bearing a number and the "Guaranteed which denotes that the proprietors of Dr. Morse’s Indian Pills
      631 words
    • 267 11 JEFFREY’S —BEER— I I I |g||| “CHOP KOTA” SOLE AGENTS ADAMSON, GILFILLAN Co., Ltd., (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG, SINGAPORE AND MALACCA. USEFUL BOOKS. Price. Post Free. Planter’s Medical Guide By E. N. Graham, F.R.C.S., (Edin.) Medical Officer, Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited $2.00 2.50 Contains very valuable advice for Estate Managers
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    • 2105 12 P. 0.-B. 1.-APCAR N.Y. K. P. M. MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. J ipifl Mill Steamship Co. Ld. PAKETVAART P ENI NSU L AR AND oriental S A ILINOS iscoepoeated in japan. N. Company 1 SL’S 111. jST 1 I H Companies' steam»,r« Homeward (for Europe). Outward (for China and Japan).
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