Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 9 February 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 687 1 wamt to SHIP. nUY OH B£LL ;RUBB ®z R CHI TO 1 GOOD* „*n hw jiiTh DENNYS A Ca, V. uwsws OWMS®- “THE PINANG GAZETTE. ■ksh w, PRESS 1 J STRAITS SETTLEMENTS fittM fIF W SUBSCRIPTION. |TW For Daily Iwwie, ,n Town. BMh| 1171 A $27 per annum or $3O
      687 words
    • 60 1 MMNoaKaMonaur-a s sub g FOB ISO 2 X7OXJ ean have the “Pmen< I Chsitti poetod every day o for a whole year to your addre«a. (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, 527). 0 ProportMMiata Quarterly and 2 o Half-ywariy ratea. g Bobocriptfaxw aro payable in adunaeo and remittances should 9 bo odtasoed to 3
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  • 51 2 THE BUILDING CAPACITY. Washington, February 8. The House of Representative’, at the request of Mr. Daniele, Secretary of the Navy, authorised the expenditure of $500,000, to equip Mare Island Navy Yard I California) to build Dreadnoughts. The Government plans to soon have five yards capable of building
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  • 585 2 The New York Herald’s naval correspondent writes from London. The end of 1915 shows no material change in the naval situation, and the events of the last twelve months leave unshaken the control of the sea communications which the Allies asserted at the beginning
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  • 183 2 The following were the results of the ties played yesterday Single Handicap A.—Hall —.4) beat Syer —.4) by 6—2, 6—3. Single Handicap B.—Blackford walkover Fell; Stewart —15.4) beat Goatly (—.4) by 6—4, 6—2. Single Handicap C.—Moxon walk over McK. Young; Tryner (—l5) beat Hay (—l5)
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  • 358 2 DOGS AND MILK. A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners of George Town was held in the Municip 1 Offices, yesterday afternoon. The following were present;—Messrs. W. Peel (President) A. F. Giodrich, J. Mitchell, P. T. Allen and Yeoh Guan Seok, with Mr. L. A. C. Biggs (Secretary)
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  • 183 2 Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Tuesday, the 25th January, 1916. Prksbnt:—Messrs. W. Peel (President), A. F. Goodrich, Quah Beng Kee, John Mitchell and Y-oh Guan Seok. Absent :—Messrs. P. T. Allen and Lira Eow 1. The Minutes of the last meeting are
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  • 248 2 Bulletin No. 57 of the Pusa Research Institute is entitled, The detection of added water in milk in India” by Dr. J. W. Leather, the Imperial Agricultural Chemist. The English method of detection of added water is practically useless in India. In England the percentage of solids
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  • 410 2 ALTERCATION AT ABATTOIRS. The hearing of the charges against Mutu and Ramsamy, coolies in the Abattoirs, f»r voluntarily causing hurt and Mr. H. C. Rice, Asst. Superintendent, for attempting to use criminal force to a Chinese pork butcher’s coolie name Low Khoon, were resumed in the Second
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  • 137 2 Before Mr E E Colman, in the Second Court, Penang, to-day, seven Chinese of the Ong and Ng clans pleaded guilty to committing an affray at Penang Road on January 26 l»st. Inspector Frayne intimated that there had been disturbances between the two clans in Singapo e
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  • 103 2 Khoo Tiong, a young Chinese Baba appeared before Mr. Coleman on the charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of jewellery valued at $2,720 committed on January 21st. Mr. C. D. D. Hogan, who appeared for accused, in applying for a postponement and bail, stated
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  • 109 2 Oovinden, a Tamil, was charged by another Tamil named Murugan with the robbery of a gold ring from the person of a young child on the 29th of last month. The case was withdrawn by request of the SolicitorGeneral. Court Inspector Nicol informed the Magistrate that the
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  • 48 2 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 till 7 this evening 1. Selection Simon Bocanegra Virdi 2. Two Step... Laughing Waler ...Hager 3. Waltz Merry Night ...Wood 4. Gavotte Dulcinea Villapol 5 March The Absent Minded Beggar ...Hume
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  • 728 2 Mr and Mrs H C Barnard have left Kuala Lumpur for Home. Mr. A. W. Robertson, of Sua Betong Estate, left for Home on Saturday. Mr. W. W. Astor, who figured in the New Year honour’s list, will take the title of Baron Astor of Hever Castle
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  • 43 2 The following .re the l.te,t 0U( in our share list:— 1” Yesterday. 93 ■> Shares 5 ©8 =3 Mining. 50 Cheuderiang 10/6 11/6 Kamunting... 28/6 29/6 2 q' JJI’ Tronoh S I',* Bubber (Dollar). Lunas $4 s4| Mergui $3.20 $3.40 $3.39
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  • 46 2 OUTPUTS FOR JANUARY January”— WiDg at P ut loTen y 6,381 Danan Sabatang 0,800 MS 157,000 £“““8 19,700 T 127,000 p r ta gi! Il» Pelepah Valley 20.000 S'B‘ n n B 5 600 lebrau >ee gn nw. Tanjong Malim 75 00 J Yarak 5,400
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  • 85 2 Messrs. Allen Dennys Co. advise that the under-mentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them by auction yesterday (88,300 lbs. offered, 62,600 lbs. add).* Smoked ribbed sheet $156 to $164 plain 150 157 No. 2 smoked sheet diamond 149 151 Unsmoked sheet 150 155 No. 2
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  • 178 2 As a result of investigations mads by the managing director (Mr J Malcolm Newman), who has recently returned from a visit to the property of the Larut Tin Dredging Co. in Malaya, certain alterations are being made to the dredge under construction in Melbourne. The area of
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  • 53 2 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following list of farther contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on Feb 7 $1,340.14 Mr and Mrs P Mi’ford, monthly subscription O B Pike, 13th contribution 25.00 Balance on Feb 8 1,390.14 Amount previously acknowledged
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  • 209 2 Messrs. Kennedy and Co., as Secretaries to the Malay Peninsula Agriculture 8 sociation inform us that they have rece ve the following subscriptions, which have ee forwarded to the Central Fund Bukit Mertajam Estate staff 'L EM R Callard Parit Estate Chersonese Estate, staff
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 487 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Consulate for the Netherlands. NOTICE. ON Saturday the 19th February 1916, at 10 a.m. the Assistant Resident of Bengkalis at Bengkalis will receive tenders for the following farms a. The right to import and sell salt and to levy taxes on troeboek-roe, dried troeboek and tengirifish on the
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    • 162 2 A Cure that Cures There ere men and women in every locality who are being racked to death with Rheumatism. Many of them have tried electricity, liniment*, Turkish and mineral baths, massage, etc., while others have been doctored until they have lost all dope and patience. Little’S Orlen tel Balm
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    • 136 3 Sir E. Grey and Blockade. London, January 28. ..gtateumm” cable states In conclud- hi« speech on the blockade question Sir rJ srd Grey 88id Despite all efforts at B ef ul gettlement war was forced on Cope because Prussian militarism would J „0 other settlement. It
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    • 53 3 London, February I.—French superior officers con-ider that last week’s operations represent the maximum German effort in tbe north. The Germans sacrificed the better part of a division. The ground in tbe Neuville region was so hotly disputed that the dead were unburied, and many German wounded were
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    • 29 3 London, February I.—The “Daily Mail’s” correspondent at Vienna says 70,000 Austrians were blinded during the last two months by rock splinters resulting from Italian high explosives.
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    • 33 3 London, January 29—An address to King Constantine surreptitiously placarded in Salonika declares that the army and the people will not tolerate any invasion of the country by his enemies.
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    • 278 3 London, January 26. The Rotterdam correspondent of the Daily Telegraph says that a recent meeting of representatives of all great German banking institutions arrived at the conclusion that the continuance of the war after August next, would involve Germany in bankruptcy and irretrievable ruin. The financial
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    • 247 3 Berlin, January 24.—The Deutsche reports The Federal Countil has issued a new order concerning selland buying foreign currency of all kmas, i, e., coin, paper money, transfers, checks and shortsight drafts against mer'■hsndise. All these transactions in future only be effected by a certain number of &D ks
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    • 122 3 London, January 29.—Petrograd correspondents agree that the enemy on the Bukovina front have recently withdrawn men, but where to, is still a mystery. They have largely increased their material, notably machine guns, and the story is told of the arrival of 21-iuchers for which steel concrete platforms are
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    • 86 3 London, January 29.—The Turks routed in the Caucasus consisted of three army corps, whereof one was annihilated and two are defending positions on a 26-mile perimeter around Erzerum, the successful defence of which requires a numerous garrison, and thrice the number of guns known to be
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    • 262 3 Allahabad, January 30: The Pioneer’s Cairo correspondent writes Further details are now to hand with regard to the fighting on the western frontier. It appears the enemy's losses on Christmas Day'were far heavier than at first reported. His position and camp were both occupied by our troops,
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  • 284 3 The Bangkok Times says :—The establishment of the new service between Bangkok and Saigon has induced a Saigon paper to revive a proposal for a ship canal connecting the Gulf with the China Sea. The waterway exists already, with one outlet in the port of Saigon
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  • 135 3 It may be recalled that a few months back the Ho Hong Steamship Company, Ltd., of South Canal Road, Singapore, secured the old P. and O. liner Oriental which had been running to the Far East for many years, for trade between the Straits and China. The
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  • 1992 3 LADY PASSENGER’S THRILLING NARRATIVE. Tbe following article describing the sinking of the Persia, the voyage in an open boat io tbe Mediterranean and the landing of the survivors at Alexandria, is furnished by a lady passenger of the vessel who arrived in Bombay in the Medina
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 12 3 At times of crisis it must be Bovril BRITISH TO THE BACKBONE.
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    • 241 3 THE Eastern Produce Exchange In offering their services to the public beg to announce that they also undertake to negotiate Loans, do General Agency business and act as Brokers and Auctioneers of Landed and Moveable Properties. AUCTION DAYS: Every Monday and Thursday. NOTICE. Tbe management is authorised to notify the
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  • 50 4 Dillon—Fercrbois.—On Saturday, February stb, at Sr. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, by the Rev. Archdeacon F. G. Swindell, Bishop Percival Dillon, of Jin Seng Estate, Bagan Serai, Perak, youngest son of W. H. Dillon, Plymouth, England, to Peggy Cecile Nora, youngest daughter of Monsieur and Madame D. E. Percebois, Swatow, China.
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  • 1181 4 Germans who have been relying on the possibility of Russia making a separate peace, or of influencing the Allies to accept, at this stage, terms likely to be offered by Berlin, will derive small satisfaction from the interview which General Polivanofl has given to a journalist at Petrograd.
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  • 1391 4 There is much outspoken criticism in the references to his experiences which Mr. Charles P. Smith (special war correspondent of the Argus,” Melbourne) makes io an interview granted to the Australian Press on his return from Gallipoli and the Balkan?; He was fortunate enough to see war
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  • 18 4 Tin is quoted in London to-day at £179 15s. spot, and £179 10s. three months.
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  • 14 4 The output for January of Ipoh Tin Dredging, Ltd., was 450 piculs.
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  • 32 4 The Perak tin export for the month of January, 1916, excluding Upper Perak figures, was Block Tin 1,843 picuh 14 katiea Tin Ore 41,611 piculs 82 katies Duty $461,283.75.
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  • 242 4 The P. O. Royal Mail steamer Nankin, having left Colombo is expected to arrive here at 5 p.m. on Saturday, and will leave for Singapore, China and Japan at 9 p.m« the same day. The homeward mail closes at 6 p.mon Saturday. The P. O. steamer Mongolia, with
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 109 4 we are SOLE AGENTS for PERRIER WATER Ts/Je Qfjampagne of Viable Waters." CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, 31. BEACH STREET. PENANG. I BEEsfcof v op RACMdaS MT'o>^7cr*< |VV^i J 9 LAPOSTOLLE, Fondateur 1827 Vv PRODUCE OF FRANCE Cordon l~ s t E -iy. p RTE Rs- Cordon n
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    • 38 4 LEAP YEAR DANCE AFTBR A SPECIAL DINNER AT THE E. O. HOTEL On Tuesday, 29th Feb., 1916. E. O. Orchestra and Town Band. Successful Proposals will have the privilege of a free week’s Honeymoon AT THE CRAG HOTEL.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 258 5 ALLIES BELGIUM. AN APPAM MYSTERY. THE ADVANCE TO KOT. HIJSSIAN MINISTER S STATEMENT. KAISER’S SON WOUNDED. ybe Entente Powers declined a proposal by the Pope to open negotiations for the restoration of Belgium, as ench a step —a not desired till Germany bad been defeated. A second Rome message states
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 185 5 [Reutsr’s Telegrams.] ALLIES DECLINE POPE’S SUGGESTION. [Copyright Tblegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph). Rome, February 7. The Pope recently proposed that the Entente Powers open negotiations, with a new to the restoration of Belgium. The Entente courteously but firmly declined, “ying that such a step was undesirable Oa ‘i Germany
      [Reutsr’s Telegrams.]  -  185 words
    • 71 5 german WARNINGS. Copenhagen, February 8. The Kiel authorities warn the inhabitants agairst crowding into the streets during air raids. Admiralty Denial. London, February 8. The Admiralty exposes the German lie that a Zeppelin sank the cruuer Caroline in the Humber with great loss of life. The
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    • 22 5 Paris, February 7. French Cabinet Ministers and other distinguished personages attended a most impressive funeral of th»* Zeppelin victims
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    • 31 5 Amsterdam, February 8 An official Berlin telegram says the Kaiser’s son. Prince Oscar, was wounded in the head and thigh, by shell splinters, io the Eastern war theatre.
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    • 68 5 Loudon, February 5. The Gazette announces that Colonel Maxwell (2nd Lancers, Indian Army) is appointed Brigadier-Genera*. Frederick Fulton and Alexander Dallas Supply and Transport C >rpa, are appointed temporary Colonels, while Deputy Directors of Supplies and Transport. Capt. Hay (Guides, Indian Army) Major Muspratt (30:h Lancers, Inoian
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    • 21 5 London, February 8 M. Ribot, the French Minister if Fin ance, had a conference with Mr. McKenna yesterday.
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    • 22 5 Paris. February 8* The French Pr mier, M. Briand. is going on an important mission to Italy.
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    • 27 5 Copenhagen, February 8. Despite the transmission by Germany of 11,000,000 marks r f gold to Denmark the price of the mark has again fallen.
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    • 346 5 A Comparison with that of ths Allies In spite of the beast of the German Finance Minister, the comparisons between the national loans of the enemy and of the Entente are very significant. The Economist gives the following interesting figures, showing the decline of credit among the
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    • 17 5 London, February 8. Sir Edward Carson’s doctor has ordered him a complete rest cure.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 118 5 MINOR RUSSIAN GAINS. Petrograd, Feb-nary 8. There is an intense artillery duel on the Riga front. Russian scouting parties successfully explored parts of the region of Jacobstadt. Going beyond the enemy’s wire entanglements they repulsed the enemy. The Russians exploded a mine, north of Bojana, wrecking enemy
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    • 54 5 A VALOROUS DEED. Petrograd, February 8. A Russian communique records a remarkable story of valour by Corporal Glushensko, who curns out to be a young girl. She volunteered to pere'rate the enemy’s entang'ements and carried out her mission, despite a serious wound iu the leg, and returned
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    • 103 5 REVOLUTION IN METHODS. Petrograd, February 8. The Russian War Minister, General Polivanoff, in an inteivlew, admits the trag'c lack of munitions in 1915, Tut states that the crisis ended in immediate inflexible measures, which revolutionised Russia’s national and indu-trial activity. The development in munitions was prodigious and
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    • 40 5 SEQUEL TO A FIRE. Petrograd, February 7. The Germans fined th a population of Vilna 7,500 marks owing to the recent great fire, which reached the German Headquarters. The Germans piofess to believe the fire was started deliberately.
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    • 13 5 Petrograd, February 8. The Duma has been summoned for February 22nd.
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 28 5 Corfu, February 7. The Crown Prince of Serbia las arrived here on a French torpedo boat. His Royal Highness bad a g-eat ovation.
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    • 345 5 The pathos of King Petei’s situation is brougi t out by the special correspondent of the Journal at Valona, who saw the broken Monarch and talked wi’h him just before bis departure for Brindisi. The King arrived at Durszzo from Tirana in such a state of weakness
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    • 35 5 THE IMPORTANCE OF KUT. Delhi, February 8. A communique states that General Townshend holds Kut, owing to its strategical importance, and that General Aylmer’s operations are intended to support him. No withdrawal is contemplated.
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    • 683 5 Delhi, Jany. 31—The following message, dated 28th January, 1916, has been received from Eye- Witness” in Mesopotamia. The rise of the river has inundated the Turkish position at Kut. The enemy have evacuated the entire length of trenches on General Townshend’s north-west front, falling back some 2,000
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  • 23 5 Lisbon, February 8. The National Workers’ Union declares that it is not concerned in the recent disturbances. All is now quiet.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 96 5 BRITISH FIGHTING MEN MISSING; London, February 7. There is much concern regarding the fate of 28 naval and military men. who were passengers on the Appam. No prisoners are on board the raider. Vessel’s Status Unsettled. London, February 8. Reuter learns that the latest information received by the
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    • 56 5 JELLICOE’S TELEGRAM. London, February 7. Admiral Sir John Jellicoe has telegraphed to the owners of the Clan MacTavish staring that the Grand Fleet is tided with admiration at the magnificent fight put up by that s’earner against the Appam’s captor, and expressing deep sympathy with the relatives
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    • 168 5 ‘‘PRACTICALLY SETTLED.” Washington, February 7. The officials declare that mere words will not be permitted to stand in the way of the success of the Lusitania negotiations* The United States will not insist upon the words "illegal” and “disavowal.” The Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, after a
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    • 46 5 A GERMAN WARSHIP Copenhagen, February 8. A large vessel, believed to be a German warship, foundered in the Kattegat. Distress calls were received, but they suddenly ceased. Wireless apparatus and other wreckage were found on the shores of Sweden, opposi e An bolt.
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    • 99 5 BOARD OF TRADE MEASURES. London, February 8. In view of the numerous suspicious cases of fire by explosion on board ships carrying British cargoes, the Boa r d of Trade advises shipowners and merchants to satisfy them* selves that no firm with which any enemy is connected
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  • General News.
    • 45 5 FIGHT NEAR SUIFU. Peking, February 8. It is officially announced that Chinese Government troops defeated the rebels sixteen miles north-east of Suifu, captur* ing important positions, and killing, or taking prisoners,- 300 of the rebels. The Government troops are marching on Suifu.
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    • 191 5 IRELAND’S MESSAGE. London, February 7. Mr. John Redmond has telegraphed to Sir R. L. Borden, stating that Ireland ia most indignant at the brutal outrage on the Parliament buildings, and deeply sympathises with Canadians. The latest cutrages have resulted in increased vigilance. Alleged Incendiaries Arrested. Ottawa,
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    • 27 5 THOUSAND INTERNED GERMANS. Madrid, February 7. The Spanish mail boat Catalonia*? is proceeding to Muni, to embark l,OOOLGermans from the Cameroons for internment in Spain.
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    • 40 5 Peking, February 8. The "Times says it is understood that the Japanese Loan of £5,000,000 to Russia is an accomp'ished fact and that the issue will be made iu Yokohama. It will ease the exchange situation.
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    • 17 5 St. Johns, February 8. The Government has decided to double Newfoundland’s military and naval contingents.
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    • 42 5 IMPORTANT PROPOSALS. Loudon, February 7. A Government Committee recommends a comprehensive scheme of Small Holdings for discharged soldiers, co operative buying and marketinc, and the establishment of Agricultural Credit Banks, and also a grant of £3,000,000 to inaugurate the scheme.
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    • 43 5 Ottawa, February 8. 1 At the request of the Government, the International Nickel Company has undertaken to refine nickel iu Canada and secure to Britain and Canada all the finished nickel they require. Hitherto the United States has done the refining.
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    • 24 5 Zurich, February 8. Austria has confiscated al] leather, which will have a disastrous effect on one of Austria’s most profitable industries.
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    • 22 5 London, February 5. British trade increases are imports £7,701,850, and exports £8,409,575 The increase in cotton exports i» £1,590,993.
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    • 22 5 London, February 8. It is officially stated that the King will not be present at the opening of Parliament.
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    • 92 5 London, February 8. The Queen will unveil a memorial to Florence Nightingale in St. Paul’s on February 14th. The following telegram has been addressed by the Government of India to the Liners’ Conference in Calcutta —The Secretary of State for India has asked the Government of India
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  • 21 5 Obituary. EARL OF KINNOULL. London, February 7. The death has occurred of Archibald Fitzroy George Hay, Earl of Kinnoull, aged 60.
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  • 1397 6 THE RAVAGES OF WHITE ANTS. An extremely interesting lecture on what •re commonly known as white ants was de* livered by Mr Phillip B Richards, Acting Entomologist, F.M.B. under the auspices of the Central Perak Planters Association, at the offices of the Association, Hale Street, Ipoh on
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  • 322 6 Two Prisoners Die Through Negligence. Laheria Sarai, January 23.—Mr C C Mukherjee, Deputy Magistrate, Durlchanga, delivered judgment yesterday in the sensational criminal case in which Moulvi Hasanu Tauhid, late sub assistant surgeon, attached to the local Jail Hospital, stood charged under section 304 with causing the death of
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  • 855 6 ITALIAN SKETCH IN THE BALKANS. In the Corriere della Sera” (Milan appears an account of the British camp at Doiran. Our army, together with the French, has left Doiran since and retired farther south. Signor Fraccaroli writes Doiran on the lake has been English since the
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  • 25 6 Penang The E. AO. Hotel, The Crag Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Norman, Singapore: —Raffles Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel. Java.— Hotel Beau Sejour Lembang.
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  • 547 6 INDIA’S QUERIES. India is concerned over the question of the detention of Europeans in England from India on leave. The protest recently made by the Bengal Chamber of Commerce against the detention in England of commercial assistants of military age on leave from India, has been sent
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  • 184 6 Profit Carried Forward. The annual meeting of the above Company was held in the Religious Institution Rooms, Glasgow, under the Chairmanship of Sir Andrew H. L. Fraser. In the report it was stated that the sales of .rubber had resulted in a profit of £1,114. To this was
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  • 62 6 Two hundred and two officers and men of the Burma Military Police have volunteered for active service. His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor inspected the men, consisting of two Indian officers, 100 Sikhs and 100 Punjabi Mussulmans, The officers are Jemadar Dulla Singh, Mandalay Bn.; and Jemadar
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 34 6 NO LAXATIVES are so gentle and effective as PINKETTES that’s why children can safely take them. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Dept. 6c, Singapore.
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    • 487 6 I Guaranteed to be I fully matured. I "V AT E ARE ABLE to guarantee the age of S our Whiskies because we mature every S V V drop in our own old casks. Every year S ffi we lay down a sufficient quantity to provide for our S S
      487 words

  • 933 7 BENEFITS of liquor ban. remarkable statement; was recently t, General Polivanoff, Russian War, setting forth the reasons the results from the prohibition for The War Minister said pol ic y in o f the universal prohibition :h n pa ,Tof the sale of whisky and wine, iDB
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  • 745 7 DETAILS OF THE BATTLEFIELD. Discussing in “Laud and Water” the exposed sector of the defence of Salonika by the Allied troops, Mr. Hilaire Belloc says:— From the elements of defence analysed from the Vardar eastwards, it is fairly c ear that the attack upon the entrenched camp
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  • 230 7 Moulmeim, 29th January—At 3-20 this morning an attendant in Fillis’s Circus on the maidan discovered the tent on fire. He gave the alarm. Rougal, the w*ll known ‘animal trainer, sleeping mar his newly bought tigers, rushed ou\ cut the guides from the menagerie tent and saved the
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  • 37 7 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Trang, Brit., 73, William Pithie, Feb 8, Trang, gen, E. 8. Co. Branclan, Dnt., 170, Esser, Feb 8, Asa han, gen., K.P.M. Pali tana, Brit, 1934, Fisher, Feb. 8, Rangoon, gen., H. L. Co.
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  • 28 7 To-day. Ban Lee for Langsa. Ban Fo Soon for Bagan Datoh Teluk Anson. Mambang for Setul. Flying Dragon for Portweld and Taiping. Chunsang for Calcutta A Durban.
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  • 56 7 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close. Yen Jit Seng 7 a.m. Rangoon, Calcutta and Durban Colombo Maru 2-30 p.m. Friday. Colombo Yaugtsze 4 p.m. Rangoon Hauroto 4 p.m. Durban and London Yangtsze 5 p.m. Saturday. Madras, taking mails Gregory Apcar 6 p.m. for Europe, etc., vid
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  • 129 7 Fbnang, February 9, 1916. (By Courtesy of CAs Chartered Bank}.' London Demand Bank ...2/4 7/32 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 7/8 3 Documentary ...2/4 29/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 Moulmein Demand Bank 173 M 3
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  • 261 7 Prnang, February 9, 1916. 8; P. Tapioca 56.50 buyers* M. P. Tapioca S 7 00 buyers. Gold leaf 564.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 os). $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $34.00 sdierv. Trang Pepper out of season. Mace SHO nom. Mace Pickings SOO sellers.
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  • 46 7 Feb. 10.—Meeting Church Workers’ Association, St. George’s Girls Home, 10 a.m. 11.—Ministering Children’s League, 4.30 p.m. Free School. 12.—Penang Club, Club Night 8 p.m. 14.—Penang Volunteers Parade 5.15 p.m. Esplanade. M 16.—Penang Choral Society A. G. M. Town Hall, 6.30 p.m. 19.—P.L.R.C. Open Shoot.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 758 7 IIKVALUABLE for your Plain Crutbs i healths,sake. |MmH■H jn the .object of Health are the only acceptable pronouncement*. Eiap A S W I 1 2 Berated statements end by coniine. Ins no one—rather dm they create son- mu r>_. new laMseam picion, and give rise to doubt. But ESSCDCC OF
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2538 8 P. 8 0.-B. 1.-APCAR N.Y. KliKx K. P. M. lEa,o«" mail J.H.MaaSte.m S hi»C..U, i»®B oh-na Z M PENiNSVLAB AND ORIENTAL. SAILINGS. ZJrJAFdX D I CVZ™m„) MAIL SERVICES. X .A fjß<)ya PV oL, In" Homeward (for Europe). Outward (for China and Japan). Z Iwtumbu» to Sail. Bmim. homeward for London
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