Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 5 February 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 747 1 f|, TOU WANT TO SHIP, SUV OB BELX 'RUBBER i OB TO I fMWAKD eoooe I w AXf w «1 WORLD i liUEh DENNYS Ca, J i. vaaov m SUN LIFE nannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnr- < CANADA. TENHENT’S I <WTF*XPDHS I j .sFNrn rfi-b I Buloeis in force Dec. 31st, 1914 U A-/
      747 words
    • 64 1 ■tKrauoavaaoaoi a d f~-a ■adoo a» g FOB SBO o n q 5 Vf OU esn havw th» Pinang q X Gamtt» po»t»d every day g for wAmlb year to your addreae. M a (LOCAL SVBSCRIPTION. *271. a Proportionate Quarterly and g Half-yearly rate». g Bobooriptiooo aro payable in adraaoo
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  • 1021 2 A RECORD ATTENDANCE. Taking advantage of the Chinese New Year holidays, Penang Volunteers, with a number of the Cadets, are now undergoing their annual period of training in camp. The weather, so far, has been propitious. The camp, which is at the Race Course, opened at
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  • 136 2 The result of the census taken on October 16th, 1915, shows that there are in the In’ernational Settlement and French Concession, Shanghai, 787,920 residents. Since 1910, therefore, the population has increased by 170,433. In the International Settlement there are 18,519 foreigners and 620,401 Chinese in the French Concession,
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  • 59 2 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the fol. lowing list of farther contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on Jan 27 $678.10 Kanapathy Pillay 20.00 R B Osborne, Feb subn 25.00 Staff of Messrs Hottenbach Bros A Co 36.80 Chief Post
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  • 57 2 No. 14 PRESENTED. (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, February 2. Mr. E. T. C. Garland, head of the firm of Messrs. Aylesbury and Garland and Mr. Ashworth Hope, of Messrs. Gibb and Hope have presented a Reconnaissance Aeroplane to the Malayan Aircraft Fund. The machine will
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  • 81 2 London, January 24.—The Committee of the Ceylon Association in London entertained Sir John Anderson to an informal luncheon at the Carlton Hotel on Friday, January 21st. There were forty present, including Mr. Bonar Law, Secretary of State for the Colonies, Lord Elphinstone, Sir Edward Roslinr, Sir William
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  • 45 2 The following undelivered cables lie at the office of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co.:— 29th January from Paris to Marine a Commandant Torpilleur Pistolet; 30th January from Calcutta to Noorani; 30th January from Trichnopoly to Subbianaidu 31st January from Calcutta to Noorani.
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  • 72 2 For the period from the 4th to 10th February, 1916, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at three shillings and four pence per lb., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in
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  • 320 2 german submarine sunk. {Specially Translated.) Tha French mail steamer La Plata sank with gun fire, a submarine, that fired a torpedo at her. Germany’s Troubles. In Dusseldorf and several other German towns disturbances amongst women were put down by the police and military forces. Dutch families are
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  • 126 2 A Council in Pabis. Paris, December 28.—An Allied interparliamentary commercial conference, which will be attended by delegates of all the Allied Parliaments, will meet here on March 6. The British delegation will include the High Commissioner* of the Dominions. The subjects of discussion are questions
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  • 75 2 The homeward mail closes at 7 p.m. to-day. The P. A O. Royal Mail steamer Kashmir, having left Singapore will leave for Colombo, Marseilles and London at midnight. The Maloja arrived at Marseilles on Ist instant. The connecting steamer from the Straits (e.s. Nankin) left here on 7th
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  • 95 2 The Straits Cinema have the usual matinee at five o’clock to-day. For to-night the management are showing a sensational detective drama in six parts, Protea 111 (The Queen of Spies). The Universal Weekly and Love and Lunch,” a Farce Comedy help to make a strong bill. At the
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  • 64 2 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Golf Club from 5—45 till 7—15 this evening 1. Selection Maritana ...Wallace 2. Till the Boys Come Home Song Novello 3. Selection Le Barbier de Seville ...Rossini 4. Waltz Lije oj Mine ...Nonato 5 Three Dances
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  • 233 2 DISCUSSION AT ipoh (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ip'’h, February 5 A paper on “Club Life in the East- read by the Rev. E. L. D 4Q O d Seremk’ 48 at the Sanitary Board Offices Wednesday, in connection with th e 01«? cal Conference. eri
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  • 363 2 One of the troubles of the new recruit is how and when to salute. When you learn the art on the parade ground a cane stuck in the ground stands for the holder of the King’s commission, and tbe squad is m ar ched up and down practising the
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    • 204 2 [2’o the Editor oj the Pinang Gazette."] Sir,—Kindly allow me a small space in your valuable paper to give my v i® wa ia connection with the question How can we be a source of help to suflerera in t ia terrible war To
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 908 2 IIKW AnVI?DTICVIfI?NT€ XX7ANTED by Scotsman 25 year» of NLW Av VtKllOl/MI/ri 10. VV age BILLET in healthy district 1 111 g F. M. S. near Siam preferred. 2| years FIRE INSURANCE. No. 137, c/o Pinang Gazette. THE undersigned having been appointed Agents for The Union Insurance 109—1 5 8 10-2
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    • 15 2 Bovril develops big reserves of strength IT MUST BE BOVR il BRITISH TO THE BACKBONE
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  • 2327 3 THE JOHORE MEETING. meeting of the Planters’ Association f Malay» was held at the Johore Club on a small attendance being presided M by Mr. W. Duncan, with Mr. H. C. E. •< Secretary. Brfore the commencement of business Chairman referred to the death of f H
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  • 439 3 The annual meeting of the Johore Planters’ Association was held on Monday at the Club, Johore Bahru, Mr. W. N. Gawler chairman, presided The accounts, subject to the usual audit, were adopted. The budget for 1916 showed an estimated deficit of $304 23 and as to how,
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  • 225 3 LATEST DIVIDENDS. [P. G. Special Cable London, February 2. The following dividend is announced Ampat Rubber Co. Ltd. 10 per cent. Interim dividends are declared as follows Hidden Streams 7.V per cent Padang Jawa 6| per cent THE WEEKLY RUBBER REPORT. Messrs. Guthrie <fc Co., Ltd. report
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  • 113 3 OUTPUTS FOR JANUARY. The following are rubber outputs for January Ayer Kuning (F MS) lbs. 50,400 Bradwall >, 41,5*20 Batak Rabit 24,500 Bagan Serai 29,500 Batu Matang 13,100 Bakap Plantations 37,000 Chersonese 63,492 Dennistown 55,150 Highlands Lowlands 116,212 Juru 11,582 Jong Landor 54,447 Klabang 18,793 Kwong Lee (Perak) 1,100
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  • 101 3 Mr Alma Baker informs us that the presentation by the members of the F M S Service of a Battleplane Fighter to the Empire has been completed, and tho sum required $19,300, cabled to the War Office. The "Fighter was over-subscribed by
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 134 3 DQ you Suffe_ with Rheumatism Has this terrible, nerve-racking, painful ailment fastened itself upon you? Don’t lose hope. Here’s auccour for you. Little's Oriental Balm has cured thousands of inveterate ebronie cases of Rheumatism—among them hundreds of cases that were pronounced hopeless by doctors. Through this wonderful remedy sufferers have
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    • 212 3 h FISK S TYRES r SER “America’s Best.” B FISK Red-top Tyree look good and they are J* as good as they look Nothing adds to the r r appearance oj your Car so much as the substantial looking FISK Red-top Tyres. L price is most reasonable—the wear, rer y
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  • 1066 4 Recent utterances of President Wilson seem to point to the fact that he has reached a definite decision regarding American policy which may, at any moment, be translated into actions that will see the end of neutrality so far as the United States is concerned. It might be
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  • 1158 4 By far the most important and exciting story telegraphed by Reuter during the holidays is that of the Appam, which has arrived at a United States port with a German prize crew on board, and her passengers safe, after an interrupted voyage which may without the slightest
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  • 18 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in. in Penang was $87.50 per picul, buyers, no sellers.
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  • 69 4 The output of the Tongkah Harbour Tic Dredging Co. (No Liability) for January was 126 tons. The Ayer Weng (Rahman) Development and Prospecting Co., Ltd.’s, output for the month of January was 160 piculs. The output of Deebook Dredging (No Liability) for January was Dredge No. 1, cubic
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  • 410 4 London, February 4.* The following is the rubber quotation for to-day Plantation Ist Latex Crepe 3/2. [♦By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead <fc Co." Messrs. Cash Chemists, Ltd., Penang, send us an artistic Wall Calendar. The P. <fc O. homeward intermediate s.s. Nellore is expected to sail on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 160 4 Notice of Removal. Messrs. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR Coy., Wine and Spirit Merchants, HAVE REMOVED TO 31, BEACH STREET. ARRIVING BY S.S. GLENSTRAE." F. I. A. T. CARS 5*7 seaters. 20 H.P. Model 1916. Apply to AMBROSOLI STOPPANI Co., Beach Street, Penang, Agents. Pritchard Co., Ltd. PENANG AND IPOH. CHINESENEW YEAR. New
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    • 218 4 LEAP YEAR DANCE AFTBB A SPECIAL DINNER AT THE E. O. HOTEL On Tuesday, 29th Feb., 1916. E. O. Orchestra and Town Band. Successful Proposals will have the privilege of a free week's Honeymoon AT THE CRAG HOTEL. ORCHARDING IN TASMANIA BADLIEK KNIGHT Orchard Agents and Attorneys, LAUNCESTON, TASMANIA. We
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 37 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for tomorrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. 7- a.m. 1 05 a.m. 8- p.m. 1-48 p.m. 8 23 a.m. 1-41 a m. 8 36 p.m. 2 22 p.m.
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  • 49 4 DEATH. Lrsslar.—On February 4, at 7 Ceylon Lane, Penang, Emily Mildred, wife of Robert Lesslar, age 40. The funeral took place this morning. Obituary. LT.-COLONEL SHOWERS. London, February 5. The death has occurred of Lieut-Col onel Herbert L Showers, c s.i, c.i.i., of the Indian Army, aged 54 years.
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  • 340 5 I. S. AND THE APPAM. THE clan mactavishs fight. incidents on dussian front. CANADA’S HOUSE OF COMMONS PARTIALLY DESTROYED. A Zeppelin was seen by two vessels in the North Sea. in a sinking condition. One of these, a Grimsby trawler, was request* e( j by the crew of
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 126 5 [Rbutbr's Bbrvio«s]. ENEMY OFFENSIVE FAILS. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph). Paris, February 4. The Germans attempted an offensive on the Aisoe after artillery preparation. They *ere stopped by a curtain of fire, and fusillades. French Mining Activity. Paris, February 4. Enemy trenches and marching troops, north of
      [Rbutbr's Bbrvio«s].  -  126 words
    • 155 5 NARRATIVE. P London, February 4. he eUters corr espondent at the British a quarters, describing a night raid on the trenches south of Ypres, briefly »L a a a British communique, says was dark and misty. *e space of 150 yards and wire enG er V
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    • 346 5 ROSEBERY AND REPRISALSLondon, February 5. It is understood that the Government departments concerned are very active as the result of the latest Zeppelin raids. The War Office at present controls the defences of London and the Admiralty the rest of England. This division is not likely to
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    • 22 5 OPERATION OF THE ACT. London, February 4. A Proclamation brings the Compulsory Military Service Act into force from February 10 th.
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    • 52 5 London, February 4. Messrs. Montagu’s report says the under tone of the silver market is good and the movement of price narrow. American operations are bullish. Indian bazaars are chary of buying, but the reduced stock at Bombay indicates the necessity of purchases. The continent continues an
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    • 346 5 The Bulletin des Armees published the following New Year’s Mess age addressed by General Joffre, the French Commander-in Chief, to his armies in the field Soldiers of the Republic, Now that this year of war is drawing to a clos a you can look
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 365 5 ALLIED AIR RAID. Salonika, February 4. Bomba to the number of 181 were dropped cn Petritch, causing 26 fires. All the machines returns. Zeppelin Near Salonika. Salonika, February 4. A Z ppelin again approached last night, but stopped. It is believed it was hit by the British batteries. A
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    • 54 5 NEW HEIR’S LEANINGS. Paris, February 4. General Cherif Pasha, in an interview, asserted that \uisuf Izzadin, the late heir to the Ottoman Throne, was assassinated because he opposed the Young lurks. His successor Vahideddin is also anti-Young Turk and the General said he dared not prophesy a
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  • Italy’s Campaign
    • 33 5 BY AUSTRIAN WARSHIPS. Rome, February 5. An enemy cruiser and four torpedo boats bombarded San Vito Cbreto and Ortona, doing slight damage. The coast batteries compelled the squadron to withdraw.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 105 5 ADVANCE IN THE CAUCASUS. Petrograd, February 4. The Russians, who continue to advance in the Caucasus, found 300 frozen bodies of Turks at one position. Russian scouts, in the Riga region, by great daring, crossed the entanglements and fired on enemy working parties. An armoured motor car dashed
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    • 289 5 Deli, Jan. 19. The following message, dated the 16ch instant, has been received from an Eye-Witness in Mesopotamia: After the Turks abandoned the position at Shaikh Saad, a force a> tacked the enemy’s new positions five miles above Shaikh Saad, on the left bank of the river, The Turks
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 336 5 Sir E. M. Merewether's Statement. Norfolk, February 4. Sir E M. in an interview, said the raider flew a distress signal. He paid a tribute to the courtesy of Captain Berg and the prize crew of the Appam. There was less than £20,000 in bullion on the Appam,
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    • 57 5 Rotterdam, February 4. The Dutch motor vessel Artemus was torpedoed, near the Lightship Nord Hinder. Amsterdam, February 3. The Artemus has arrived at the Hook of Holland in a leaking condition. She reported having been attacked by a German submarine. The Germans boarded the ve s B°l
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    • 19 5 Lond >n, February 4. The British steamer Bel le-of France was sunk. Nineteen lascars are missing.
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    • 20 5 London, February 4. The fire on the Anchor Line steamer Sc in dis, at Gibraltar, has been extinguished.
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    • 436 5 London, January 2.—With a view to ascertaining the British view on the question of the seizure and examination of mails on neutral and belligerent merchant ships, a New York Herald correspondent yesterday sought the opinion of a high Government official in Whitehall. Discussing
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  • General News.
    • 359 5 PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS ON FIRE. Ottawa, February 3. The Parliament buildings are on fire, and it is believed they are doomed. The members were sitting, and narrowly escaped, though two are m’ssing. Two nieces of the Speaker were killed. It is believed the fire was due to the
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    • 202 5 An explosion, followed by a fire which spread with suspicious rapidity, destroyed the Norwegian steamship Aztec recently» She was in dry dock in Brooklyn. Twenty lives are believed to have been lost as the result of the explosion. Only one body has been recovered so f»r, as it
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    • 28 5 St. Louis, February 4. President Wilson, in a speech, said the United States should build the greatest Navy in the world, and wou’d then be unconquerable.
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    • 54 5 AMERICA’S SOVEREIGNTY. Washington, February 3. The American Senate passed, by the President’s casting vote, an amendment to the Philippines Bill, withdrawing the sovereignty of the United States, within not less than two, and no more than four years. The amendment, which President Wilson favours, has not come before
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    • 28 5 London, February 4. At an investiture at Buckingham Palace, Lord Montagu of Beauleau, a survivor of the Persia, received the Companionship of the Star of India.
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    • 132 5 Cape Town, February 4. Bills are published providing for the establishment of new University headquarters at Pretoria, comprising all .the universities, except the South African College (Cape Town) and Victoria College (Stellenbosch) which are' constituted ’aa separate universities. The Standing Committee of the Planters’ Association of Malaya
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  • 457 6 OVER TWO THOUSAND PRISONERS BROUGHT OUT. A fire broke out »t the Nagoya prison, •on January 6th, which destroyed almost all the prison buildings and resulted in injuries to a number of prisoners, though fortunately, loss of life was averted. It appears that the
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  • 188 6 A Germab Boast. A Berlin telegram says that at a sitting of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce its President, Herr Alfred Lohmann, according to the Lokalanzeiger, said, with regard to the cutting-off of Germany’s supply of raw materials The placing of cotton on the list of
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  • 170 6 Calcutta, January 14.—Particulars of recent imports of motor cars and parts into India are published by the Department of Statistics. During the eight months April to November 1915, 1,117 cars, valued at Rs. 26| lakhs, were imported from the United States and 565 cars valued
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  • 638 6 YUAN THE MERCIFUL. The Sinwanpao reports a story from Peking which for stern dramatic qualities equals the tales of old Rome. Yuan Ing occupies the highly important position of Chief Inspector of the Metropolitan Police. He is the eldest son of Yuan Nai-kuan, Chief of the Military
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  • 186 6 The following despatches are from the Eastern News Agency (Japanese)Peking. January IT.—The Mongolian troubles near Kweibuacheng are becoming serious and the Ist Division of the army at Kalgan, which is under orders to proceed to the South, cannot leave for the present. Net only have all the
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  • 313 6 Tokio, January 22—The Government has been telegraphically informed by Mr Hioki, the Japanese Minister in Peking, that the Chinese Government has officially proclaimed a postponement of the establishment of the monarchy, on account of the disturbances in the Interior necessitating a change in the original plan to proclaim
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  • 86 6 Peking, January 20—According to to-day’s Peking Daily News,” Mr. F. A. Aglen, Inspector-General of the Chinese Maritime Customs, will be received in audience this week by President Ynan Shih K’ai, on recommendation of Liang Shih-yi, Chief of the Shui-wu-chu. Mr. Aglen will report to the President on the
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  • 141 6 A definite clue has been discovered to the robbery at Whiteaway, Laidlaw and Company’s, Shanghai, when about $4,000 was taken. The box in which the money was kept together with orders and checks were found in the store. None of the money was recovered. Mr. A.
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  • 245 6 The “3.T.” Bangkok correspondent writes: On January 15 a number of German women and children who had, since the outbreak of the war, been living on board the Deli were turned out of their abode by orders, it is stated, of the Bremen directorate of the
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  • 160 6 A Reporters’ Ring. Calcutta, Jan. 25.—An interesting case to newspapers was decided at the Small Cause Court yesterday. A man named Swinton, who was Police Reporter to the Indian Daily News,” sued that paper for one mouth’s pay in lieu of notice. The man was dismissed because
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 244 6 THIN FOLKS WHO WOULD BE FAT. INCREASE IN WEIGHT TEN POUNDS OR MORE. A Fhyaiciaa’a Advice. I’d certainly give most anything to be able to fat up a few pounds and stay that way,” declares every excessively thin man or woman. Such a result is not impossible, despite past failures.
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    • 464 6 Bidld up after Illness by taking ANGierßhiision W of *ll Chemist* and Baiaus. Angler’s Emulsion is both healing and proper tone to the digestive functions a <• strengthening. Soothing to the entire for building up health and strength aft mucous tract —throat, lungs, stomach and illness or when run down.
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  • 1639 7 Mr, S. C. Raffles has obtained his captaincy. Lieut, T. 8. Dumb reck of Selangor, wa*. when the mail left, recruiting at Berwick-on-Tweed. Better news has been received of Major Elliott-Cooper, who is progressing as favourably as can be expected. Lieut. R L is with the 23rd
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  • 116 7 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Suwa Marti, Jap., 6864, Sekino, Feb 4, Y’hama, gen., Boustead Co. Ipoh, Brit., 628, Lawrie, Feb 4, S’pore, gen., Adamson G. Co. Jin Ho, Brit., 93, Harding, Feb 5, Asahan, gen., E.S. <fc Co. CLEARANCESi To- DAT. Hok Canton for Singapore. Ban Fo Soon for Bagan Datoh
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  • 128 7 PINANG, February 5, 1916. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank}. London Demand Bank ...2/4 7/32 4 months' sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 7/8 3 Documentary ...2/4 29/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 Moulmein Demand Bank 173 3 days’sight
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  • 149 7 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6. Church of England. St. George’s Church.—Fifth Sunday after Epiphany; Matins, 8 a.m No celebration of the Holy Communion Chinese Service 10.30 a m.; Children’s Service, 5 p.m Evensong and Sermon, 6 p.m. Roman Catholic. Church of the Assumption.—Low Mass, 6.15 High Mass and Sermon 8
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 210 7 me 100 Used Bumps of your Country end fxchangb I will give you PfCTU KE POST CARDS EeiDoui London Viewa, British ScHijery, etc. MUt M -1.. Floreses Villas, Haras Hill. Lon4on. England. Debility enfeebled nerves, poor health and weakened blood —these are troubles that can be overcome. SCOTT’S Emulsion never
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    • 224 7 YOUR GIRL’S APPETITE. When your growing daughter’s appetite becomes fickle and she shows a desire for sour, starchy or obalky articles look after the condition of her blood. If she is pale aud languid, nervous, without ambition and irritable, her blood is unable to meet tbe demands made upon it.
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    • 484 7 o£3PR I J- s LAPOSTOLLE. Fom.UU. 1627 f‘SS®>AAZ’' 7«“ PRODUCE OF FRANCE "Cordon I importers. “Cordon HIBBERT. WOODROFFE C 9 LT? K.OUGE. (Incorporated in England.) aJAUNE. A Happy and Prosperous New Year to Our Chinese Patrons. “O, Protea’s Like a red, red Rose, that’s newly sprung in June.” NEW PROTEA!
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2244 8 p. 0.-b. I.— apcar N. Y. K. fca K. P. M. o Sl y« A mail «gSSS&.m. J.H.M.ilSmmtoUU.LggBB «««««T I(A lEl> PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS, I C V Cnmnanu} teartu ra at. matt QFPVirFq ZvV (Boyal Packet b. DI. company). 1 from Liverpool outwards for the 8t ,<3 MAIL SERVICES.
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