Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 January 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 64 1 ■aaaaoaam>Dmmoar43naticra«rungr S FOK »80 2 ean have the Pin* ng g J I O—stts" posted every day q’ for a whoia year to your address a (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION. »271. D q Pioportiooate Quarterly an<l w O Half-yearly rates. g g Robecriptioos are payable in d atawwoo and remittances should m
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  • 1422 2 THE YUNNAN DECLARATION. The Peking Gazette of December 28, contains the following interesting discussion of the Yunnan situation There are five principal issues dealt with in the original telegrams from Yunnan. First, the senders claim that the change will invite foreign intervention and thus bring disgrace on
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  • 299 2 Experiences in Mediterranean. Madras, January 12.—Among the paasengers who arrived in Colombo by the Bibby liner Herefordshire, on Monday, was Mr. R. C. Cannon of Colombo, who two months ago left Ceylon as 4th engineer of the Andrew Weir liner Ort-ric. This was the vessel which was
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  • 546 2 A REPLY TO KING CONSTANTINE. Lord Robert Cecil told the House of Commons that it would not be proper for him to discuss the relations between the King of Greece and his Ministers, which is a purely domestic affair.” I ventu e with great respect to differ from
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  • 382 2 Villagers’ Exciting Time. On Sundav, says the Rangoon Times of 4th inst. three Burmans, named Mg. Po Hnit, Mg. Kyaw Yu and Mg. Tun Aung, of Tugyl village, in the In?ein district, arrived at the hospital covered with wounds which they said were the result of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 978 2 wanted THE BODEGA FOR Estate in Lower Perak a young, the RENDEZVOUS OF PENANG smart TAMIL CLERK, able to typewrite. Apply with copies of recent (Opposite the Chartered Bank), testimonials, and state wages expected to If you want to find your friend look in No. 124, c/o Pinang Gazette, afc
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    • 116 2 Driven Out Whenever Lit tie’s Oriental Balm enters a home t e headaches are driven out. By simply rubbing in a little of this sure-acting remedy the meet stubborn ache or pain is soon brought to ertns. When you apply LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM i/on san Jtel the pain goin-t away.
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    • 571 2 banks. CHARTERED BANK OF iNDiA AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA Incorporated by R oy& Charter. Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund ~/'2oo,opq R.«rr. Li.bilit, ot Propriotor,.'." H Head Ornes 38, BISHOPBGATE, LONDON |n Agsncies and Bramohs. Amritsar Hongkong Pfin n Bangkok Iloilo Pub*? 1 Batavia I po h p^ e Bombay Karachi sr SDelhi
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  • 655 3 STORY OF THE DISASTER. The following are copies of telegrams exchanged between Messrs. Worms <fc Co., port Said, and Captain Yamawaki of the s.s. Yasaka Mara, and the President of the Nippon Yasen Kaisha, Tokyo, giving details of the sinking of the vessel in the Mediterranean on
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  • 683 3 The new Maritimes mail «earner, the Andre Lebon, arrived alongside the West Wharf, at 8.30 yesterday afternoon, says the “B.F. P. °f Wednesday, having on board all the crew and nr arly all the passen«era from the ill-fated Yasaka Maru, fhich was torpedoed between 2.30
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  • 426 3 Colombo, January 11.—Some survivors of the Yasaka Maru have been landed in Colombo. The Hon. Dewan Buhaaur Raja Gopd Chari, statutory civilian of Madra-», said the Ya«aks, after leuvine Marseilles kept out of the usual course. The torpedoing took place about 3in the afternoon without any notice.
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  • 98 3 Messrs. Carson Co. Ltd., Colombo Agents, have received a telegram advising them that the Miyazaki Maru, that sailed from London on 22nd December, 1915, a> rived safely at Marseilles and left the latter port on the 2nd instant, and is now coming out via the Cape
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  • 168 3 The King’s Regret. Two Federated Malay States “Government Gazettes Extraordinary are issued as follows His Excellency the High Commissioner has received from the Secretary of State the following telegram dated the 15ch January, 1916. and directs that it be published for the information of all persons in
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  • 183 3 The Chinese New Year Meeting. From the strong support promised for the forthcoming races on Feb. 3rd and sth next the meeting should prove to be one of the most successful held by the Club for some years. Tl e following horses and ponies are expected to
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  • 108 3 The first of the Swinging Ceremony processions took place at Bangkok and as usual large crowds thronged the roads in the neighbourhood of the square where the great swing stands. Phya Rajanakal, Under Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior, is the Mock King this year, and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 217 3 YOUR GIRL’S APPETITE. When your growing daughter’s appetite becomes fick e and she shows a desire for sour, starchy or chalky articles look after the condition of her blood. If t-he is pale and languid, nervous, without ambition and irritable, her blood is unable to meet the demands made upon
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    • 680 3 ♦nnnonnnnnnnnnnnnnaannnnannnannnnnnnnnoHnnn. I $2,130 I n e rr 13 U Model 83 Touring Car n n Electric Lights AU p, Electric Starter. Roadster (Price) q r a n V n a rufIMAW n i 'IKS—□ n x n A Beautiful Car g Abounding in Comfort and Conveniences. n This newest Overland
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  • Italy's Campaign
    • 86 4 [Reuter’s Services]. [Copyright Telegrams,] (By Submarine Telegraph). Rome, January 20. A communique says after severe fighting the Italians recap'ured all the trenches north-west of Gorizia which were lost on Saturday, thus re-establishing the old lines. Counter Artillery Duels. Rome, January 20. The Austrians bombarded Cimego and Borgo,
      [Reuter’s Services].  -  86 words
  • Naval Operations.
    • 34 4 GERMANY’S ADMISSION. Wilmington, January 19. The U nited States Ambassador at Berlin reports that there was no German submarine in the Mediterranean, but admits the responsibility for the destruction of the Persia.
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    • 27 4 London, January 20. Lord Montagu of Beaulieu has reached his home in England. He is still suffering from the effects of his experiences.
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    • 54 4 ASSISTED TO GRAVESEND. London, January 19. The Dutch liner Rindjani, of the Rotterdamsche Lloyd (4,762 tons), on a voyage to Rotterdam is proceeding to Gravesend to-night, with her bows down, and assisted by tugs. All the passengers are safe. Three stokers were killed and four injured. The
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    • 31 4 Copenhagen. January 19. TheJGerman auxiliary vessel mentioned on the 18th as having been sunk off the Danish coast, was the torpedo boat Ander, whicti was completely broken'up.
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    • 17 4 London, January 20. The British steamer Marere was sunk. The crew were picked up.
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    • 20 4 London, January 20 The court-martial at Chatham and trial of certain survivors of the cruiser Natal is private.
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    • 44 4 OTHER VIEWS, Lindon, January 20. The Daily News and the Daily Chronicle declare that the Morning Post figures of exports to neutrals are misleading, because Holland and Scandinavia were merely importing from America and Great Britain what they formerly received from Germany.
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  • General News.
    • 110 4 BOARD OF TRADE STATEMENT. London, January 20. In the House of Commons, Mr. Walter Runciman, President of the Board of Trade, reviewing the shipping problem, said the Government had considered the question of commandeering the whole of the British tonnage, but decided that this would only aggravate
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    • 25 4 London, January 19. The papers regarding Captain von Papen, the German ex-Attacbe, will shortly be issued as a White Paper by Britain.
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    • 324 4 PLAIN WORDS IN REICHSTAG. Amsterdam, January 21. In the Reichstag, a lively debate took place on the question of the censorship. Herr Dittmann, a Socialist, said the rights of ths people were trampled upon despite labour’s renunciation by which there were no strikes during the war, and despite
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    • 215 4 New York, December 6.—Simulaneously with Mr. Bryan’s public appeal to President Wilson to mediate now between the warring nati >ns, America has been regaled with a new version of Germany’s terms of peace. This new version is furnished by a German long resident in America, but in
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    • 27 4 Ottawa January 19. In the Commons, the Minister of Finance announced rha h Canada is entirely defraying the cost of the Canadian Expeditionary Force.
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    • 35 4 Petrograd, January 19. It is stated that the Russian Cabinet has decided to create a Higher Council of Ministers to consider the economic, commercial, and industrial position in respect of the war.
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    • 29 4 Petrograd, January 20. It is stated that a Japanese Prince will visit Russia and England in April on an important political mission.
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    • 59 4 STR E. GREY’S STATEMENT. London, January 19. Tn the House of Commons, Sir Edward Grey said he had no knowledge of the note said to have been addre«s°d to the diplomats at Peking by the Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs, requesting their co-opera-tion with the Chinese Government
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    • 142 4 Tokio, January 20. The Japanese Minister at Peking has been in<tructei to inform Yuan-Shi-Kai that J «pan is unable at present to receive a congra ulitory mission on the occasion of the Japanese Coronation. Britain and China’s Monarchy. In the H'»use of Commons, Lord Robert Cecil,
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    • 325 4 Troops on the Move. Troop- have beau moving during the fortnigh w-.rds the, Yunnan frontier Although i- is not yet publicly known what plan of per.tioos 'he General Staff has adopted w th regard to the campaign, the general m veme it of troops throughout the
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    • 81 4 The “Asiatic Daity News”:—The Nanking authori-1> c ns-r all private letters ad-dress-d t Yui.nan, or from Yunnan. The Ministry of Interior has given orders to the provinces that the planting of opium b entirely forbidden at end of June his \ear. The Eastern Times” :—Martial law has
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    • 70 4 London, January 20. In th* H us-s of Commons a question was «iked vln her Great Britain had requeite -Lov n prohibit the export of beau» and n oil from Dalny to neutral count ie Sir Eiwari Grey said the matter whs ii-cu-sed and prohibition was
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  • 67 4 ms n be some misapprehension in reg-rd cable codes recently sanctioned B ey’s has been in use for many m i hs. The additional code authorised iron h 18th inst. is Broomhills Imperial 1 > ination Code, Rubber Edition The mice? f ursome monthly golf compel ion
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  • 53 4 INDIAN CASES. London, January 20. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, which resumed its sittings on Jan. 18th, will hear 21 Indian appeals, six from Bengal, four from Madras, three from the North-West Provinces, three from Lower Burma, two from Bombay, two from Oudh, and one
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  • 45 4 NO POLITICAL MOTIVES. London, January 20. In the House of Commons Mr. Austin Chamberlain said he had received a report regarding the murder of Mr. Prjestly at Lahore wherein the opinion is expressed that the brutal crime was not committed from political motives.
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  • 96 4 The following are the latest quotations in our share list:— Wednesday. To-day. QC SO Am Im SHABRS. 3 3 ”5 S 3 02 M U 2 Mining. K. Kamunting 30/6 31/6 31/- 32/<Jeneral. E. Smelting (0r.'... $6 90 $7 $7 S7| Straits T. $49 s49| $49 $5O
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  • 85 4 {From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, January 20. At the rubber auctions 330 tons were offered and 256 «old at advanced prices. Fine pale $195 fine ribbed $l9l, plain smoked $lB3, unsmoked $l7O. Rubber and Tin Reports. The Glenealy rubbsr report shows a profit of $77,726 and announces
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  • 358 4 The total exports for the vear 1915 were 76,4 3,866 lb«, against 41,050,000 in 1914, and 26,35,599 in 1913. The greatest increase has been to the United States which last year took 43 millions, against 11$ millions in 1914, and 5$ millions in 1913. The shipments to
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  • 630 4 The Hon. R. S. Haynes and his have left the F.M.S. for Calcutta. Mr. and Mrs. J.R.O. Aidworth have returned to Kuala Lumpur from India. Mr A G Macdonald, of the Mines De partment, F.M.S. has been granted leave. Mr. A. P. Robinson, of Messrs. Drew ann
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  • 53 4 The Band will play the following pr°‘ gramme of music at the Esplanade from 6 till 7 p.m. this evening:— 1. Selection Majorie ...Miller 2. Two Step The Palm ...Estella 3. Quadrille The Sultan oj Mocha ...Riviere 4. Waltz Incognito ...Ivanovice 5. March Hail to the Spirit
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 416 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. SECOND HAND MOTOR CYCLE. Good condition essential. Apply No. 130, c/o Pinang Gazette. WANTED. A JUNIOR CLERK, knowledge of typing essential. Apply to No. 129, c/o Pinang Gazette. WANTED. FITTER, capable of looking after Oil Engine and Rubber Machinery. Good salary to competent man. Apply with testimonials.
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    • 39 4 one nrrei, t,r-arg ot of living hav- you .<> 'hink 'hat the prices UMxts a« ever a toed nsta d—the advertised v ur bottle of ssucw with name—are all just as aa years ago—and no! improvfd m.ct often ■*n -aieii.
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  • 2209 5 DIRECTORS’ AND MANAGING DIRECTOR'S REPORTS. The Directors in submitting their halfyearly report ami audited statement of accounts as at August 31st, 1915, and a cash summary of receipts and payments in Sydney from that date to December l(hh, accompanied by a report from the Managing Director,
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  • 139 5 Some talk of big battalions, And some of firework toys, But what are guns and galleons Without the fighting boys And in all the world s great armies Pat Murphy has no peers, For sheer delight in a hard clean fight It’s the Irish Fusiliers. When Krivalak
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  • 253 5 In the Penang Municipality for the week ended January 1, there were 67 deaths —49 males and 18 females, equal no a death-rate of 33 45 per mille per annum, compared with 37.94 in the preceding week, and with 24.64 in the corresponding week of last year. The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 325 5 WHLEEAWAY, LAU t GO. LTD. PENANG. People may wonder how it is we are able to REDUCE our MOSQUITO NETS *«■> NETTINGS t at a time when there is a great shortage of cotton, and prices are rising by leaps and bounds. Our explanation r to this query; is that
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    • 34 5 Your Morning Headache will disappear after a dose of the tiny laxatives which do not gripe. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Dept. sc, Singapore.
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  • 1173 6 While the war has brought into play many new and terrible inventions of science it has also witnessed a reversion to most primitive methods. Trenches, for example, carry us back to the days of the bows and arrows. In the olden days adversaries dug a ditch into
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  • 82 6 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in in Penang was $B6 12| per picul, business done. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £177 ss. spot, and 177 10s. three months. A coolie was taken by a tiger on the old Damansara Road, Kuala Lumpur, one day last
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  • 1766 6 Australian newspapers which arrived yesterday bring news from home by maij up till December 23rd. (The last paper a received from London were dated the 15th ult). They report au instructive debate in the House of Lords on enemy trade and the use of sea power, which
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 238 6 fF-r-r.. M 'lfcW'M l j i:^^^R n lißßlaiaiM. //NjSiy iA|f > A iv/ 4 /ywttßL \—\\l I r-m--~ry V I 1 1 1 1 I I i. i w^yi i I A l/ z \WOik t 11*1. ".■liiiiligS Special Extra Heavy Studded Pattern 26 X2U to fit 26 X2f rim
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    • 35 6 Spend Your Chinese New Year Holidays AT THE CRAG HOTEL AND AT A SPECIAL RATE From Thursday Evening, 3rd February, to Monday Morning, 7th February. THREE AND A <? 4Z> HALF DAYS BOOK YOUR ROOMS NOW.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 35 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for tomorrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. 0-40 a.m. 7-39 a.m. 1-25 p.m. 7-39 p.m. 1-10 a.m. 8- 4 a m. 1-50 p.m. 8- 4 p.m.
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  • 261 7 MONTENEGRO RESUMES THE FIGHT. GENERAL AYLMER NEAR KUT. TURKS RETREAT IN CAUCASUS. A REICHSTAG DEBATE. The negotiations legarding terms for a separate peace between Montenegro and Austria have been broken off, and hostilities resumed on all the fronts. Enemy communiques record a successful Russian attack south-east of
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 73 7 [Keuter’s Telegrams.] MINE EXPLOSION AND ARTILLERY FIRE. (By Submarine Telegraph.) [Copyright Telegrams.] London, January 20. A communique says: “We exploded a mine yesterday near Fricourt, destroying a large portion of the enemy’s parapets. The enemy suffered considerably, both from the explosion and our artillery fire folic wing it.
      [Keuter’s Telegrams.]  -  73 words
    • 332 7 active again. London, January 20. A Paris communique says Between the Oise and the Aisne our batteries wreck. ®d German trenches, at Moulin Touvent. The French artillery were active against sensitive points on the enemy s front in Champagne and Woevre. An enemy bat twy in the Vosges
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    • 20 7 Amsterdam. January 20. The Echo Beige «ays two Zeppelins were wrecked and a third severely damaged in Belgium.
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    • 50 7 BRITISH OFFICIAL ESTIMATE. London, January 20. In the House of Commons, Mr. Harold Tennant, Under-Secretary for War, stated that the German casualties “as far as they were available till the end of the year were as follows Killed 588,986 Died 24.080 Wounded 1,566.549 Missing 356,153 Total 2,535,768
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    • 59 7 NEW LEGISLATION. Loudon, January 20. The text of the Government bill to amend the law of t ading with the enemy, empowers the Board of Trade to m-ke an order against any business in the United Kingdom connected wi»h the enemy, prohibiting the carrying on of
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    • 71 7 At the conclusion of the mee’ing of the Federal Cabinet, the Australian Prime Minister announced that it had been decided to place the Remington Typewriting firm on the enemy list, and that instructions were being given to the various Government departments not to purchase any more
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    • 135 7 THE NEWLY MARRIED MEN. London, January 19. As the result of yesterday’s debate on the Compulsory Military Service Bill it has been decided that men married after November 2nd, 1915, will be treated as single for the purposes of the Ac r The date originally fixed was
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    • 450 7 ADMIRALTY*'» CALL ON MEN. London, January 20. In the House of Commons the Labour members accepted the Government amendment to the Compulsion Bill designed to prevent industrial conscription. The Government accepted an amendment providing that the Admiralty i-hali have first call on the men sec red under the measure.
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    • 111 7 FINE TRIBUTE TO KITCHENER. London, January 20. The debate was notable for the maiden speech of Sir George Reid, who said Aos traliaua thought the only possible question now was not what our rights were hundreds of years ago but what they were likely to be
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    • 104 7 The Ministei f r Defence, Melbourne, received the following able message from ex-Senator Colonel C. St. Ciair Cameron, C. B Called on Lord K;che»er today, and referring to h's visi' t Aus'raliana in the trenches at Anzac, he a. d, Tell Pearce I have seen the
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    • 203 7 L > ut in, January 20. M. Briand, the Er u< h Premier, arrived in London la»t ev n ng. The Allied Ministers will meet in London to day. General Position Discussed. L i>don, January 20. Reuter learns H*t the Allied War Council, held to-day,
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 342 7 TURKS’ PUNISHMENT. Petrograd, January 20. An official mes ft tho Russian offensive is devei< p»ug favourably in Persia and the Caucasus, the Russians capturing strong Turkish positions with relatively slight loss and taking from the enemy twelve guns, huge quantities of munitions and numerous prisoners. Some Turkish
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 664 7 NEGOTIATIONS BROKEN OFF. Rome, January 18. It is stated that the terms of the AustroMontenegrin arrangement are that Montenegro cedes Lovtchen in exchange for an Adriatic port and her independence. King N'cholas has issued a Proclamation stating that it was surrender or ruin. Paris, January 20. The Montinegrin Consulate
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    • 81 7 Renter sends a correction of a telegram from Athens, published on Tuesday last, which should read Reports of entry or departure of ships in the harbour (Corfu) is prohibited. An Allied transport with Serbian troops from Albania has arrived. The Greek authorities, in agreement with the Allied
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    • 26 7 Athens, January 20. Representatives of Trade Unions petitioned King Constantine against the exorbitant prices of necessaries and the unscrupulous speculation of traders.
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    • 182 7 London, January 20. Mr. Austin Chamberlain, in the House of Commons, stated that the advance to Baghdad was undertaken with the concurrence of the military advisers of the Home Government. The Ctesiphon Battle. In the House of Commons Mr. Chamberlain said he had not yet received the despatch
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    • 261 7 Now that Sir Percy Lake’s appointment to succeed General Nixon in Mesopotamia has been announced by Mr. Chamberlain, there can be no harm in saying, states the Pioneer,” that the sole cause of the change in command is the state of General Nixon’s health. In no theatre
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  • 43 7 New York, January 20. The spy Treb’usch Lincoln while on the way to Court in connection with his appeal gainst extradition escaped from custodyon the pretext of going to the lavatory or restaurant and disappeared. (Other Telegrams on Page 4)
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  • 414 8 Stringent Regulations. Following the Home Office order to stop the emigration of eligible young men from the United Kingdom an Order io Council requires that every person leaving the United Kingdom, except by special permission of the Secretary of Stare or the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland,
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  • 283 8 A R.A.M.C. officer now in London tells the following story to illustrate the enormous vitality and healthiness as well as the bravery of the modern soldier. An infantryman lay between the German and the British trenches in terrible weather, and owing to the enemy's fire, it was
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  • 142 8 The following is a translation of a telegram from the Governor General of IndoChina to the French Legation at Bangkok 11 1 have the satisfaction to inform you that our troops, after a rapid campaign lasting for a month, have put a successful check to the depredations
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  • 475 8 Work Begun on Empress of Russia and Empress of Asia. Now that Captain E. Beetham, r.n.r. marine superintendent of the C.P.R. transpacific service ha* arrived in the Orient, it is anticipated by officials of the liue that the work of refitting the liners Empress of Russia, aud
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 522 8 A Great Success! /'Wa f NEW yjffi LEVER VW POCKET W SELF-FILLING \1 Waterman’s 1' (Ideal) I FountaijiPen I te Raise lever, dip nib aa, m ink, lower lever—the JF pen is filled. A( .JOI Jl|;| !'l Showing the little lever device B■, fur easy ‘’Hing. When closed it yE
      522 words
    • 16 8 DAIMLER M 1 Motor Carriages > Commercial Vehicles 5 3 Agricultural Tractors c 5 vw<DAIMLER NTRY> ENCL
      16 words
    • 291 8 WHAT TO DO TO GET FAT AND INCREASE WEIGHT. THE REAL CAUSE OF THINNESS. A Physician's Advice. Most thio people eat from four to B'x pounds of good solid fat-making food every day and still do not increase in weight one ounce, while on the other hand many of the
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    • 556 8 teigh your car, front and back axles separately, with all ordinary luggage, accessories, &c., aboard, with all seats occupied, and all water and petrol tanks full. If your tyres are insufficient for the weight borne, that is to say. if the weight per axle exceeds: 16 cwt. for 90 section
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 85 8 THE TIDES. Penang—January, 1916. Penang Standard Times—Heights referred to Datum of Soundings in Admiralty Charts:— High Water. Low Water. h m ft. t h m ft. F 21 m 0,40 6.6 7 12a 18 k a 5.9 S 2L m 739 0.4 s 22 m/1 I<H $8 >7 39 a
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    • 91 9 WATERS STILL RISING. Amsterdam, January 21. King George has wired to Queen WilDimina, expressing his sympathy with Holland» in the floods. Wilhelmina continued her inspection of the flooded districts. fhp waters are still rising, and the floois gre spreading. The Dutch Government, while appreciating foreign sympathy,
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    • 19 9 ARRIVAL IN EGYPT. Pretoria, January 20. Tne first South African Infantry Brigade ha* arrived in Egypt.
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    • 32 9 Ottawa, January 20. Sir R. L. Borden, the Premier, an. oounced io the Canadian House of Commons that there were 155,000 enlistments in Canada during the first fortnight of Janaary.
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    • 23 9 London, January 20 The Dutch liner Rindjani is ashore near Gravesend. The passe igers are mo-tly Americans. None Were injured.—Reuter.
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  • 250 9 A prize handicap shoot took place veaterday morning, the conditions being a a and 10 counting shots each at 300 and 60u yards The «boot resulted as under Corp! Nicholas with H’cap 66 made 94 56 Pte Paaday ‘6O 89.60 Pte Forrest 67 89.44 Pte Bennett
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  • 2361 9 THE SHOOTING TRAGEDY. The charge against Donald Pengelly, of B Company of Penang Volunteer?, who is accused of murder, by causing the death of Robert Richard Nelligau. on November 25th, by shooting him with a service rifle, was re-umed after lunch on Wednesdty afternoon, before Mr. Justice Ebden
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  • 339 9 The homeward mail close’ at 7 p.m. to-morrow. Registration till 5 p.m. The outward P. AO. Packet Namu’ is expected to arrive here from Colombo about the 26’h instant. We are informed that R. M.S. Mooltan (Homewards) and R.M.S. Mongolia (Outwards) arrived at Marseilles on the morning of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 98 9 EUROPEAN AGENCY. WHOLESALE buying agencies under- taken for all British and Contigoods, including Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chemicals and Druggists* Sundries, China, Earthenware and Glassware, Cycles, Motor Cars and Accessories, Drapery, Millinery and Piece Goods, Fancy Goods and Perfumery, Hardware, Machinery and Metals, Jewellery, Plate and Watches,
      98 words
    • 884 9 a r? s H no it is a stire sign that either your nervous 9 •IT M or digestive system is out of g Should these conditions obtain, s then take a course of VITAFER, B VITAFER is not a drug nor a stimulant B It makes good red blood,
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  • 726 10 S.T.” APPLICATION BY LIQUIDATOR OF GERMAN FIRM. Oo Wednesday morning in the Supreme Court, Singapore, Mr. Justice Earnshaw gave judgment io the action, heard by him the previous day in which Mr. C. C. Dunman, as liquidator for the enemy firm of the Bremen Chaircane Manufacturing
    —“ S.T.”  -  726 words
  • 229 10 Bombay. January 6.—The West of India Angling Association have been providing fishing tackle for the troops in Mesopotamia. Their Hon. Secretary, with money subscribed by various gentlemen in Bombay, has been able to send 100 outfits of rod and tackle, the rod chosen being that
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  • 92 10 CLEARANCES! To-day. Fooksang for Calcutta and Durban. Pin Seng for Port Swettenhara Singapore. Pangkor for Bindings Sitiawan and Bagan Datoh. Un Peng for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis Setul. Hebe for Teluk Anson. Flying Dragon for Portweld and Taiping Atjeh for Langsa Edi, T. Semawe, Segli and Olehleh. MAILS CLOSE AT
    92 words
  • 124 10 Pbnang, January 21, 1916. (By OmtrlMy of the Chartered Bank}. London Demand Bank ...2/4 7/32 4 months' sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 7/8 3 Documentary ...2/4 29/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174, 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 Moulmein Demand Bank 173 3 days’sight
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 350 10 ii iSj Variety of Uses. i The uses to which LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE can be put are innumerable. At Luncheon, Dinner or Supper, it is the ideal sauce for Roast Meats, Fish, Game, Cheese, Salad, etc. In the Kitchen, it is indispensable to the IX cook for flavouring Soups, Stews,
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    • 238 10 I The Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., write as follows: I Aflltis an unfailing source of satisfaction to us as U a Company to reflect that Avon Tyres are mobi- I lised with all arms of H.M. Service in the National R cause. You will find them on naval and
      238 words
    • 183 10 THE EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY I Which has now borne the Stamp of Public Approval for I OVER FORTY YEARS t ENO’S ‘FRUIT SALT’ Pleasant to Take, Refreshing and Invigorating. IT IS VERY BENEFICIAL IN ALL CASES OF Biliousness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Errors in Diet—Eating or Drinking, Thirst, i Giddiness,
      183 words

  • 545 11 BITTER SUFFERING OF SERBS UNDER GERMAN HEEL. Three Dutch nurse* who formed part of a Dutch ambulance in Serbia have just arrived home. They were stationed at KragujevatE, the town which is famous as the chief arsenal of Serbia. They were there when the town was
    545 words
  • 190 11 There is a quality in a perfect thing which so sets it free from all material bonds that neither stone walls nor iron bars nor desolation can destroy it. Such is that which follows. Tennyson wrote something to the same point, the Buffalo News reminds u«, and Sarah
    190 words
  • 26 11 Penang The E. <fc O. Hotel, The Crag Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Norman, Singapore: —Raffles Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel. Java —Hotel Beau >ur Lembang.
    26 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 282 11 r BUCHANAN’S “RED SEAL" “BLACK WHITE’* i “ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" SCOTCH WHISKIES U uu wr J 'X Xx I'. Or Janes Buchanan Co., Ltd. (London, Glasgow, etc.) have the most extensive Bonded Warehouse in Scotland, and hold, with their subsidiary companies, the largest stocks of Whisky maturing in Bond. They are
      282 words
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    • 2039 12 p. &O. 8.1. APCAR N.Y. KJtarx K. P. M. SI! S X ZZSS=X m h art E.r. M MAIL SERVI Hor cm. ..a ap..., (Rayal Paeiet sN Companv) ""I y \X X homeward for London every f O rtni-k. Due Penang I Steamer. Connecting with Due Penang. Steamer. Connecting
      2,039 words