Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 December 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 54 1 S VOU MH hav. the Pfaapg f g I GMrtto” port'd 4* S for a wholo you M yo«r (local suascmraoM. »an g g Proportionate Quarterly and a HalMaariy rate*. g S JMaoriptiona ara pafabla In E I afcamaa and romittaneoa «hart* S‘’ SbaaddruModto g S 1 g POUIrt OAgETTK
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  • 904 2 VIVID PEN PICTURE BY A FRENCH ARTIST. In the Paris Journal (says the Standard the famous caricaturist and revue writer, M. Sem, gives a striking and vivid picture of the spectacle presented by the front at night. Although it is not possible to render full justice in
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  • 743 2 WARNINGS ABOUT THE WAR. Lord Haldane, in an address on National Education at the Hampstead Garden Suburb Institute, on November 17, defended himself against the charge of not having warned the country of the danger of war with Germany. He said :I am here to-night
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1055 2 THERE is a Vacancy f° r a third man Federated Malay States Railways, io a quiet Me 88 an Logan Road. « and stable,. CHRISTMAS DAY, Saturday, the Apply No. 108, c/o Pinang Gazette. 25th Decembprf 1915> the train a—service will be the same as on Sundays. JUNIOR ASSISTANT p.
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    • 208 2 HEALTH INSURANCE. Some people are naturally thin. There is also a natural pallor but most people who are both thin and pale are far from well aud they need a tonic. Many people neglect to take a tonic until they get so sick that a tonic is not sufficient just
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    • 964 2 notice. BANKS. ADVERTISEMENTS on tram cars. chartered bank of 7n07 The PINANG GAZETTE PRESS, AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA, Ltd. having acquired from the Penang Agency Co. all the interests Incorporated by Royal Charter, and exclusive rights of the Municipal Contract for advertising on and in the U P Il P £I<2OO,OOQ
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  • 485 3 authentic account of the TRAGEDY. December B.The Times of Ceylon publishes a fully authenticated account of the tragedy which took place on Nagahatenne Estate, Elpitiya, when Mrs H W Gavin was shot dead and Mr Gavin, the Manager of the estate, and Mr Gwynn, bis assistant, were
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  • 299 3 Mrst drastic are the regulations relating to the confiscation of rubber in AustriaHungary. The confiscation began on October 15. and applies to rubber both in its manufactured and unmanufactured state. In their appeal to the people justifying this messure, the Imperial Government points out that since the
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  • 126 3 German Goods in New Zealand. In the last four years, the trade of New Zea'and with the United States has greatly increased, but commercial relations with the Americans will not be encouraged by the discovery that German goods imported to the States are being marked there as
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  • 404 3 HAMBURG-AMERICA PLOT. The opening speech of the counsel for prosecution in the trial of officials of the Hamburg-America Line for infringement of neutrality, at once tended to implicate the German Embassy, for almost in bis first words the Government Attorney charged Captain Boy-Ed, the German Naval Attache,
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  • 235 3 Soon after the outbreak of war Archangel emerged from its aforetime obscurity, and we know it as the port from which had been exported large numbers of Russian troops who were afterwards seen at Wigan, Crewe and other places on their way to Flanders. Now it is a place
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  • 208 3 Mr. C. R. S. Carew as Member for Tiverton. Mr. C. R. S. Carew, proprietary planter, of West Fas-ifern, Dimbul, who ha* taken his seat in the House of Commons as Member for Tiverton, belonged to the older generation of planters in Ceylon. He part-owned
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    • 258 3 London, November 29.—-A meeting ot members of the recent session of the Women’s Social and Political Union has issued a manifesto, emphasizing the necessity of safeguarding the female suffrage cause from political intrigues. It declares that Mrs. Pankhurst, without asking the members’ consent, has used the Union’s
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    • 151 3 The Empire Partne r ship. London, November 29.The well-known wiiters on Naval and Imperial affairs, Messrs Percy and Archibald Hurd, have published a book entitled The New Empiie Partnership.” The authors contend that there must be one single Navy for the British Empire. They op pose separate Canadian, Australian, and
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    • 94 3 Amsterdam. Nov. 28 The Vorwaerts” the leading socialist newspaper in Germany, draws attention to Dr. George Irmer’s pamphlet, admitting German)s iole as a Colonial Power in the Pacific is ended, and declaring it will be difficult for her to get Kiao Chau from the Japanese, and be
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    • 41 3 Copenhagen, Nov. 24 The Kaiser, when inspecting Von Woyrsch’s army yes’erday, addressed the troops, «nd asked them to send their enemies back with bloody heads until they were on their knees, which, he declaied promised to be soon.
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    • 46 3 Tokio, Nov. 24. Baron Ishii, Minister for Foreign Affairs, when interviewed yesterday, saw that only one-third of the mobilised Russian forces were armed, but by next month the remaining two thirds would be completely armed, owing in a large measure to Japan’s assistance.
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  • 140 3 Rome, November 19.A despatch from the correspondent of the Idea Nazionale” at Scutari states that anarchy is reigning throughout Albania, with the exception of Vailoua. Authority is non-existent. The Serbians have abandoned the Albanian territory which they occupied a few mouths ago. The Mirdtle Prince, Bid-Doda, is
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  • 674 3 SCENES IN THE CHAMBER. Allahabad, Dec. 8 The Pioneer’s Cairo correspondent writes :By all accounts, there is a decided foundation of truth in the recent rumour that matters were not altogether satisfactory at Constantinople, and details of the opening meeting of the Ottoman Parliament that have just reached
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  • 202 3 The Committee which was appointed at the last meeting of the Ceylon Branch of the British Medical Association to enquire how many doctors in the Island were willing to offer themselves for war service have now received about 15 applications. Dr R L Spittel, Secretary of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 219 3 o S o I co™ Ay "fl Wpx PRODUC/ OF FRANCE Cordon I Cordon HIBBERT. WO3DROFFE C9LTP ROUGE. (Incorporated in England.) JAUNE. BOOT’S PURE Malt Extract Cod Liver OU the very IrlßlrO m food in its 1115? E MOST PALATABLE form no OILY” FLAVOUR. I ml Large Size Bottles 65
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 29 4 [Rbotbr’s Sbrviobs]. [Copyright Tblegramn.] (By Submarine Telegraph). Athens, December 22. A British submarine sank the German steamer Heros and other craft in the Sea of Marmora.
      [Rbotbr’s Sbrviobs].  -  29 words
    • 21 4 London, December 22. The British steamers Huntley and Belford were sunk. The crew of the latter were saved.
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    • 20 4 Christiania, December 22. The Norwegian steamer Greenland was captured by a German submarine and taken to Swinemuende.
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  • General News.
    • 162 4 REVELATIONS IN AMERICA. London, December 22. Elaborate schemes to smuggle rubber into Germany from America have been discovered. The latest, which is revealed in a New York telegram, reporting the seizure of 3,500 lbs. of raw rubber, which was about to be shipped without declaration has
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    • 68 4 THE SECOND NOTE. Washington, December 22. The second United States Note to Austria is of the briefest description. It declares that the admission by the Austrian Admiralty that the liner was torpedoed after she had stopped and while passengers were aboard alone justifies the American demands, and
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    • 31 4 London, December 22, The Parliament Bill extending the life of the present Parliament by eight months was given a third reading by House of Commons, without a division.
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    • 255 4 London, November 28.The election of Mr. Stanton to the Merthyr-Tydvil seat, held by the late Mr. Keir Hardi- 1 is regarded as of the greatest significance. Merthyr was the stronghold of the Independent Labour Party, and was well organised. Mr. Keir Hardie’s followers were determined that the
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    • 99 4 FREIGHT PROSPECTS. London, December 22. The Times thinks that freights may still rise higher if the Government’s pres°nt heavy demands on the Mercantile Marine recur. The regular lines are daily refusing ofiers of freight. It is estimated that the total amount of British shipping now in Government
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    • 225 4 A thousand million francs thrown into the sea.” That is how the Government re port on the high rate of freight strikes Monsieur Georges Prade. The German submarines can never equal it." concludes the official document in question and there in lies more food for r flective argument.
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    • 56 4 Johannesburg, December 22. Forty-five prisoners convicted of hightreason are still in prison. Their cases will be considered later. Holland and De Wet. London, December 22. The release of De Wet and his followers has created a favourable impression in Holland, where the British policy of magnanimity
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    • 23 4 NEWSPAPER ARRANGEMENTS. London, December 22. No newspapers will be published in Britain ou Christmas Day, and no evening papers on Monday.
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    • 18 4 London, December 22 Madame Sarah Bernhardt, the famous actress is reported to be dangerously ill.
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  • 229 4 There was excitement and some degree of danger in a situation that developed at the Municipal Destruc or Depot, at Sungei Pinang last night, when a force of Chinese workmen struck woik, and adopted a threatening attitude. The origin of the trouble, we understand, was that a
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  • 53 4 The Straits Cinema, in accordance with the new arrangement, change the programme to-night, when Driven by Fate,” Where the Trail Led,” Foundlings of Father Time and an Official War Gazette will be the chief items. For the matinee at 5 o’clock on Christmas Day there will be a
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  • 1053 4 Mr. K. A. Currie, of Kerilla Estate, Kelantan, is now Lieutenant in the High, land L ght Infantry and is serving in the Dardanelles. The passengers to Penang this morning per the Alma were Mr. and Mrs. Thomson and 2 children, Mr. D. B. Ross, Mr. E.
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  • 263 4 LICENSING JUSTICES. The last quarterly mee» mg of the Board of Licensing Justices was held in the District Court, yesterday afte r noon. The following members were present: Messrs. R Scott (Chairman), W. Peel, D. A. M. Brown, A S. Anthony and Quad Beng Kee, with Mr. P.
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  • 203 4 BELGIAN COAST BOMBARDED. (Specially Translated.) A Berlin message states that the British Fleet has again bombarded Westeude. On the Belgian front a heavy artillery battle has been in opera’ion. German Taubes bombarded the Allied outposts at Poperinghe. The disembarkation of Italian troops is proceeding rapidly in Albania*
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  • 821 4 VIEWS OF LIEUT. GENERA! M UNTHE. In the Aftenposten,” Christiania, o f 10th ulto. is published an extract from letter from General Munthe, Peking to on® of his relatives. The following i 8 8Q abridged rendering of same My chief and friend, President Yuan will
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  • 77 4 On Saturday morning last, the K.P.M Hospital was opened at Djati Baroi Meltevreden. The Director M.C. Konig congratulated the Architect Heer F. J L. Ghijels on the success of his labour. The hospital has accommodation for 150 beds and was built at a cost of 378,000 guilders.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 514 4 MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. SHORTHAND TYPIST for European Firm. Apply to No. 116, c/o Pinang Gazette. BOOK-KEEPER WANTED, Ist January, 1916. VACANCY FILLED. APPLICANTS THANKED. GATTEY Co. WANTED, FITTER, capable or taking charge of gas engine and rubber machinery. Apply with testimonials, and giving full particulars of experience to No. 114,
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  • 531 5 INQUEST ON A CHINAMAN. A few days a«o we reported a fight behind No. 153, Hutton Lane, between a Chinaman and two Malays, during which one of the latter, it was alleged, hit the former on the temple with a pair of iron tongs, as a result
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  • 319 5 The programme for the Moonlight Band To-night (1 hureday), at the Esplanade from 9 till 11 p.m. is as follows :j 1. Overture Zampa ...Herold. 2. Oue Step The Policemans Holiday ...Ewing. 3. Selection Les Cloches de Corneville ...Planquette. 4. Waltz The C’Aorisiersßetford.; 5. Reminiscences Of Wales ...Godfrey.
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  • 361 5 EXCITING ADVENTURE. Bombay, Dec. B.The Ellerman liner, City of Marseilles, which arrived at Bombay to-day with many passengers, had an exciting adventure with a submarine, an adventure, however, which was fraught with no serious consequences, for the vessel met a German submarine in the Mediterranean, was pursued,
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  • 432 5 At the American Luncheon Club, Mr. Price Bell, London correspondent of the Chicago Daily News,” delivered an attack on the British Censorship, which, he said, had been a calamitous libel on the British nation, and which, he further qualified, among other adjectives, as chaotic, destructive, ludicrous, incompetent
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 349 5 Made in England for over 100 years. Cockle’s Pills Cockle’s Pills A tried and trusted family medicine, prescribed by medical men for the common ailments of everyday life, such as ACIDITY, INDIGESTION. BILIOUSNESS. SICK HEADACHE. DISORDERED LIVER. These famous pills cleanse and regulate the whole system, leaving it free from
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    • 434 5 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co. Ld., PENANG. 4 T OUR STOCK OF CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES is now complete. The largest and most varied collection of BRITISH-MADE Cards, Crackers, Dolls, Games, j Puzzles, Blocks, Masks, etc., etc. YOUR ENQUIRIES WILL BE ESTEEMED. < I SPECIAL OFFER To Clubs, Schools and Other Christmas Charities. We
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  • 36 6 Bookrr-Hill.On December 16, at Ootacamund, the wife of A. C. Booker-Hili, Bukit Asahan, Malacca, of a son. Towill.On December 20, at Colonsay,” Grange Road, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. C B. Towill, a sun (stillborn).
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  • 14 6 RobertsonStork,On December 18, at Kuala Lumpur, Archibald Bruce Robertson to Ethel May Stork.
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  • 1049 6 It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good” and the war, so far, has wafted immense profits into the pockets of America and other neutral countries. From a New York despatch dated November 6 we gather that in the week ending October 23 the exports totalled almost
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  • 1513 6 In the House of Lords on November 18, Lord Lansdowne, replying to Lord Ribblesdale, who asked if General Sir C. C. Monro had not then made a report in favour of the evacuation of the Gallipoli Peninsula, said General Monro’s report and the arguments upon which it
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  • 34 6 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $Bl.lO per picul, buyers, no sellersa decrease of 15 cents. Tm is quoted in London to-day at £166 spot, and £167 three months.
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  • 204 6 S. F. P.” There will be no of the Pinang Gazette on Christmas Day. The paper will be published early on Monday. His Highness the Suhan of Kedah has presented a Cup to the Penang Turf Club for Race 4 (New Year Stakes). The Barca Tim Mines produced
    S. F. P.”  -  204 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 123 6 it vmmnrr to his iuestt dm oeome v. i w 5 in I I ,2 fir I I 58 f K tF W I RliJl*fe& feu I s B vMry? v*4 I 2 z o v* |ci *j J* o Motor, Motor Cycle, Solid Cycle Tyres. A PATRIOTIC DUTY. The
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    • 57 6 E. 0. HOTEL. A SPECIAL XMAS EVE DINNER Will be served at 8 p.m. Covers should be booked in advance. THE TOWN BAND will play daring Dinner and for DANCING afterwards. THE Resident Councillor will be At Home at The Residency on Wednesday, the sth January, from 5 p.m. No
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 35 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for tomorrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. 0 45 a.m. 7-48 a.m. 1.28 p.m. 7 42 p.m. 1- a.m. 8-16 a.m. 2- 0 p.m. 8-11 p.m.
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  • 40 6 DEATH. Angus.On December 17, at 4, Rastel! Avenue, Streatham Hill, London, Harriett?, wife of Gilbert Angus. Obituary. SIR THOMAS JACKSON. London, December 22. The death is announced of Sir Thomas Jackson, formerly Chief Manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank.
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  • 274 7 STAFF APPOINTMENTS. MR. ASQUITH’S SPEECH. RUSSIANS AT VARNA. TERRIBLE EXPLOSION IN GERMANY. General Sir Charles Monro has been appointed to General Sir Douglas Haig's recent command of the First Army in France, General Sir Archibald Murray becoming commander of the British forces in the Near East. The post
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 203 7 Reuter’s Telegrams. ARTILLERY ACTIONS. Copybight Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) London, December 22. The Press Bureau issues a statement from headquarters that there were bombing engagements, yesterday evening, about the quarries north of Loos, and a considerable enemy fusillade opposite Armentieres, where some mine craters are being disputed,
      Reuter’s Telegrams.  -  203 words
    • 230 7 ENEMY’S FAILURE. Loudon, December 22. Reuter’s correspondent at the British Headquarters, describing the German f iluie on Sunday, north-east of Ypres, states that it is clear the Germans hoped to surprise the British, at least, colour is lent to this view by the failure to press
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    • 88 7 London December 11.Sir John French’s reference to a bombing enterprise southward of Arras is fallowed by Headquarteis correspondents’ descriptions of similar incidents slightly to the northward of Carnoy. The only Carnoy is in the latitude of A'bert, 20 miles south of Arras. The British right after the
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    • 468 7 So far as the Western front is concerned, Germany is beaten. This declaration was made by Mr. John Redmond in a speech delivered at Queen’s Hall within an hour or two of his return from a week’s tour at the front. He said I have
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    • 1025 7 OUR INCREASING ARMY. London, December 22. The House of Commons was animated when Mr. Asquith moved the estimate for a million additional men. He announced that at the end of sixteen months they had a fighting force of 1,250,000 in the various theatres. He emphasised that the
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    • 538 7 Lord Murray of Elibank, who recently accepted the post of Director of Recruiting for Munitions Work, has given the following interview to a correspondent of the New York Times Some of my American friends tell me that the efforts of Great Britain to equip herself for war have
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    • 34 7 Amsterdam, December 23 A Berlin official telegram says the Kaiaer has postponed his journey to the Western front, owing to slight inflammation of the cellular tissue, which confines him to bis room.
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    • 104 7 GENERAL MONRO’S NEW POST. London, December 22. The War Office announces that General Sir Charles Monro, commander of the British forces in the Near East, succeeds General Sir Douglas Haig in command of the First Army in France. General Sir Archibald Murray, Chief of the Imperia) General Staff,
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    • 47 7 M. Constant, in the French Chamber, asked for an explanation of General Joffre’s new appointment M. Briand, refusing to run the risks to which public debate might lead, made the question one of confidence and obtained a majority of 345 in a House of 541.
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    • 180 7 SOCIALISTS AND WAR CREDITS. Amsterdam, December 22. The Reichstag passed the third reading of the new German War Credit of £500,000,000, a number of Socialists voting against ir. The Reichstag adjourned till January 11th. In the course of the debate, a statement on behalf of the Socialist
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    • 62 7 A MISSION TO EUROPE. Washington, December 22. It is announced that Colonel House, a friend of President Wilson, will shortly proceed to Europe, at Pr sident Wilson’s request, to deliver to certain American Ambassadors information regarding the Government’s attitude on various questions which are pending. It is denied
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    • 55 7 GREAT LOSS OF LIFE. Amsterdam, December 22. A great explosion occurred at the Muenster Munition Works, in Westphalia. A huge amount of damage was done in the town, and the railways were interrupted. A later message from Amsterdam states that 300 women were killed out of 600
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    • 42 7 Amsterdam, December 21. A Berlin telegram states that owing to the absence, through illness, of the Prince of Reuss, Consul-General Vassel, who is at present diplomatic representative at the German headquarters at Baghdad, be comes German Minister at Teheran.
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    • 14 7 London, December 22. Heer Schroeder, editor of the Telegraaf,” has been released.
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    • 41 7 London, December 22. An invitation to sell or lend to the Government, American securities is gazetted. The wording appears to indicate that the amount at present required is already largely assured by the tenders of Insurance and Trust companies.
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    • 16 7 The House of Commons passed the third reading of the Bill regarding American securities.
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    • 21 7 Paris, December 22. The French War Loan returns are still incomplete, but the subscriptions are estimated at £560,000,000.
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  • Turkey and the Near East.
    • 67 7 A RUSSIAN LANDING. London, December 22. The Daily Chronicle correspondent at Athens wires that the Russians have landed at Varna, after razing the town. The garrison lost heavily and did not interfere with the landing of the Russians. Bulgarian Port Bombarded. Athens, December 22. From diplomatic sources it
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    • 25 7 BULGARS CROSS FRONTIER. Athens, December 22. The entry of Bulgarians into Greek Macedonia, with Germans, is forming the> subject of diplomatic pourparler
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    • 75 7 A RUSSIAN VICTORY. Petrograd, December 22. The Russians have occupied Kam, a stronghold of German agents, after a great battle, in which the enemy were completelydefeated. The Captured Britishers. London, December 22. Lord Robert Cecil, in reply to Sir E. A. Cornwall, said it had been decided to leavethe
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    • 123 7 PREMIER’S STATEMENT- Melbourne, December 23 The withdrawal from Anz*c has not shaken the Australians in their determination to see the war through. The Premier, the H'>n. Mr. W.M. Hughes,, savs: Australia will be in the war till victory is final, complete and overwhelming for the Allies.
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    • 128 7 The Commonwealth Defence authorities are awaiting an answer from the Imperial Government before deciding up< n the composition of Australia’s new army of 50,000 men. The general belief in military circles is that the War Office will ask for infantry unit", and an increa-ed supply of reinforcements.
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    • 145 7 Opening a bazaar at Moreland the Commonwealth Minister for Defence (Senator Pearce) said that the men of Australia had responded magnificently. No fewer than 170,000 bad sprung to arms, offering their lives, if need be, for the Empire and the freedom of the people. They had heard the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 940 8 CLAIMED BY TWO FAMILIES. There are rival claimants to a soldier with a lost memory who has now been a patient in the Keighley Military Hospital for over a fortnight. It was at first thought that he had been identified as Private James Bolton, 2nd
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  • 741 8 S.T.” Some little time ago we had the pleasure of noting the fonnarion of a Chinese British Association in Singapore. More recently the Chinese of Malacca met together and took steps in the same direction, and in Penang an enthusiastic move menc is in progress to form the
    S.T.”  -  741 words
  • 90 8 Lady Richmond, wife of Sir W. B. Richmond, A. R. A., was killed by an automobile at Hammersmith, where she resided. Owing to the darkened streets there have been several similar casualties in London recently. Lady Richmond was a daughter of Mr. William Richards, of
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  • 104 8 The Criminal Court, Bangkok, passed sent-nce of death on Nai John Meyer, who pleaded guilty to killing Nai Ram on the 18th October lasb. The murder was of a very daring nature, having been committed in the Amarindr Police Station. It appeared that the accused and
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  • 266 8 In the Penang Municipality for the week ended December 4, there were 58 deaths 3B males and 20 females, equal to a death-rate of 28 95 per mille per annum, compared with 30.95 in the preceding week, and with 35.21 in the corresponding week of last year. The
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  • 254 8 An important deputation of members of the London Chamb-r of Commerce and representatives of Australian merchants and organisations in London waited upon Mr. Bonar Law aud Mr. Runciman on November 24, and asked that Government assistance should be given to the smelting industry by granting a bonus
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  • 62 8 Tk«r«<s«' Deember 23 Empire Theatre. Penang Road Electric Polyscope Co., Argyle Road. Band, Golf Club, t> p.m. Fridsv. December 24. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Bat«r<iay, December 25. Band, <4olf Club, 6 p.m. Sunday December 26 Church Services. Monday, December 27 Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Tuesday, December 28
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  • 17 8 Jan. 6.Penang Races. Jan. B. Penang Races. Feb. 4.P. A. M. Meeting at Johore Bahru.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 275 8 w v MI Put all your eggs in one basket and then watch that basket. (Carnbcik.) Many people can do several things fairly well, but nobody can do many things superlatively well. This is what Michelin recognises, and it is why WC concentrate the whole of our attention upon the
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    • 207 8 I INSURANCE. THE CORPORATION OF THE NYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE Royal Exchange, London Commenced business in a.d. 1717 tod was Incorporated by Royal Charter in l' D and is therefore one of the oldest Companies in existence. It has granted the benefit. o( o the p^ lio period exceeding 190 years.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 101 8 THE TIDES. PenakgDecember, 1915. Penang Standard Times—Heights referred to Datum of Soundings in Admiralty Charts High Water. Low Water. Standard Standard Date. rp. H»> Date m Ht. lime Time. h m f r h m ft. Th 23 m 0 45 6.7 23 m 48 0.8 1 28a 5 6
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    • 146 8 Special Change of Programme at THE STRAITS CINEMA. 'Phone No. 628. EMPIRE HALL. PENANG ROAD. TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT! A Thrilling Photo Play featuring Violet Mersereau and Wm. Garwood io the 1 j- n 1 *< 1 n leading role 3 R-eMmp.Melo-Drama. 2 Reels Where the Trail Led 2 Reels A
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  • Article, Illustration
    1187 9 [BY AN ARTIST CORRESPONDENT.] November 27th. The Crisis in Greece. The situation in the Balkans made it necessary for the Allies to bring pressure on the King of Greece to declare his decision one way or the other. Accordingly steps were taken which had the effect of suspending
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  • 93 9 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the fol. lowing list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on Dec 20 ...$43,968 05 Municipal staff 14th instalment 384.97 Penang Band 12th instalment 18.90 EW J 100.00 Balance on
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  • 36 9 The following undelivered cable lies at the office of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co.: 20-12-15 Gawbpoo c/o Hkoonyou Liloontan St from Tavoy 21-12-15 Walker Co from Tandjongbalei 21-12-15 Taeh Wan Cheang from Osaka.
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  • 385 9 Subadar-Major Fateh Singh,writing from Amritsar, a*ks us to publish the following When I left the F.M.S. there was a certain amount of anxiety felt by the Northern Indian population of the F.M.S. and the Straits with regard to restrictions placed on those who
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  • 282 9 P.M.G.” With rubber at 3s 4d per lb, as against 2s at the end of last year, the share market is naturally receiving a good deal of attention. The decision of the Stock Exchange Committee to do away with the necessity of the seller supplying distinctive
    P.M.G.”  -  282 words
  • 466 9 THE STANDARD MARKET. Operations on this market, says the Ironmonger of November 20, continue to be quite brisk, and ths general position is very strong, as the American interest is well maintained and there does not appear to be much improvement in the freight situation. There is, of course,
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  • 306 9 L. C. Express In the early part of the period since our last issue there were several strenuous dsys in the Rubber Share market, but with a slight relapse in the quotation of the raw material there came a re-action. When everything has to be done
    L. & C. Express  -  306 words
    • 138 9 [To the Editor of the Plnang Gazette.”] Sir,The Indians feel greatly obliged to you for permitting them to use your columns in their advocacy of the formation of a Company. It is needless to say that the Indians have shown their loyalty to their KingEmperor, and ar* 1
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    • 108 9 Calcutta, December 11 H E the Viceroy at Lahore yesterday, in the presence of a distinguished gathering, opened the King Edward Memorial College and Hospital. The Memorial is an imposing building, with porticoes, domes and pillars, balconies, etc, a mixture of Hindu, Saracenic and modern
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    • 119 9 Calcutta, December 11.A military event of unique interest takes place in Calcutta on January 2nd, a day which has been set apart with the King’s approval for the holding of war intercessory services. Arrangements have been made to assemble all the troops in the garrison,
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    • 67 9 Calcutt?., December 10.The homewardbound mail steamer Salsette, which sailed from Bombay on Sunday evening, carried a particularly heavy Christmas mail for the United Kingdom and the Continent. The mail bags despatched for all India numbered 1,065 as against 915 this time last year, showing an increase
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    • 57 9 Calcutta, December 9.The sinking by a submarine of the merchant steamer Colenso, lately reported by Reuter, is of particular interest io Bombay, because that ship had aboard her a quantity of most important plant required in connection with the Municipal scheme for the expansion and
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    • 51 9 Calcutta, Dec. 10.It is reported that four prisoners of war, three Germans and one Austrian, deserted from the prisoners-of-war camp at Ahmednagar on the night of December 4th. Their descriptions are published in the Government Gazette.” Their names are: Ringelholtz (24), Politzer (32), Carl Martmz (27) and Moller
      51 words
    • 57 9 Calcutta, December 13 Elaborate precautions were taken for the safety of the Special Tribunal du r ing the h-sring of the Krishnagar dacoity case. 150 Gurkha soldiers keep guard over the Court house, Police officers, and accused. No one was allowed to enter the Court room
      57 words
    • 30 9 Calcutta, December 10.The Viceroy yesterday opened the Upper Jhelum Canal at Lahore in the presence of a large gathering. The cost is estimated at 447 lakhs.
      30 words
    • 29 9 Calcutta, December 10.The B. I. steamer Katoria, arrived at Rangoon on Wednesday from Calcutta, the master reporting seven deaths on the voyage from suspected cholera.
      29 words
    • 33 9 Calcutta, Dec. 13.An explosion like that of a bomb occurred on Thursday afternoon at a millwright’s shop of the BengalNagpur Rsilwav, injuring two workmen. No other damage is reported.
      33 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 221 9 rfF IT FITS YOU, WEAR THIS CAP. Advertising isn’t a cruicible with which la»y, bigoted and incapable merchants can turn incompetency into successbut one into which braini and tenacity and courage can be poured and changed into dollars. It is only a short cut across the fields not a moving
      221 words
    • 101 9 Are You Crumpled Up with rhoamatism Then these words are yoar salvation. Perhaps you have boon told that yoa cannot be eared. There are thoasaads who have boon told that before yoa. They tried LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM rabbed it 9Q to the aehiog parts, the swellings, the twitching drawn op
      101 words

  • 386 10 Ex. Canton, Dec 10.—After receiving news concerning the revolutionary occupation of the cruiser Chaoho, at Shanghai, H. E. General Lung immediately issued urgent orders for precautionary measures to be taken throughout the city, lest a similar occurrence phculd take place in Canton. A circular proclamation was
    Ex.  -  386 words
  • 131 10 Four nurses, three wounded soldiers, and a woman residing in the district were drowned on November 21, in an ice accident on a pond in the grounds of the David Lewis Manchester Epileptic Colony at Warford, Cheshire, which is being used as a war hospital. A
    131 words
  • 121 10 Mr. Theodore Roosevelt denies the report that he is about to join the Canadian forces, and will command a division of American recruits. The rumour in question originated in Ottawa. Colonel Roosevelt,” it was declared. will shortly offer his services to the
    121 words
  • 179 10 The Evening News states tha* Tod Sloan, the erstwhile jockey, and a French actress, were arrested oa a deportation order by the Home Secretary, Sloan is being deported ta America and left for Liverpool. The woman is bsing sent to France. The order was issued
    179 words
  • 60 10 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Alma, Brit., 459, Bell, Dec 23, Deli, gen., E.S. Co. Pangkor, Brit., 94, Caswell, Dec 23, Dindings, gen., E. S. Co. Para, Brit., 3051, Sinclair, Dec 23, Madras, gen., H. L. Co. Will-o-the-wisp, Brit., 148, Sampson, Dec 22, Deli, gen., G. R. Slot Co. M. Austin, Brit.,
    60 words
  • 64 10 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morkow. For Per Close. Yen Jit Seng 7 a.m. Deli and Asahan Brandan 10 a m. Calcutta and Durban Lvisang 3 p.m. Singapore, China and Japan Kutrang 3 p.m Teluk Anson Hebe 4 p.m. Ceylon, Australasia, x India, Aden, Mauri- I Namur 7 p.m.
    64 words
  • 38 10 To-day. Kawachi Maru for Singapore, China Japan. Calypso for Tongkah. Carlyle for Singapore. Alma for Deli. Tara for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Kedah for Dindings, Sitiawan Bagan Datob and Teluk Anson. Will o’ the Wisp for Deli.
    38 words
  • 123 10 Pbnanq, Dicember 23, 1915 (By Courtesy of ths Charted s an4) London Demand Bank nu 7132 4 months’ sight Bank ou 3 Credit t2/4 2?/32 Documentary Calcutta Demand Bank n. I's 3 days’ sight Private 1?7 Bombay Demand Bank n Lio Moulraein Demand Bank it 174 i 3 days’sight
    123 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 325 10 II The Signature. I To distinguish the original and WJL gf genuine Worcestershire Sauce from the many imitations, see that the signature of LEA PERRINS appears in White across the Red label on every bottle. «mK Wggjy No other sauce has such an exquisitely Faw V-WG delicate flavour, or such
      325 words
    • 182 10 The principle we follow is, Haphazard, spasmodic advertising, usually pays no one,” so that we are going on much the same as usual.John Walsh, Ltd., Sheffield. Seven pages are filled in the current issue of The Advertising World with the testimonies of leading general advertisers whom the war has not
      182 words

  • 917 11 January Meeting, 1916. (UNDER S. R. A. RULES OF RACING.) RACE DAYS: FIRST DAY Thursday, 6th January, 1916. SECOND DAY... Saturday, Bth January, 1916. FIRST DAY. Thursday, 6th January, 1916. 5 THE GEORGE TOWN PLATE and PURSE. Value $350 each. A Handicap for all ponies 14.2 and
    917 words
  • 544 11 AS FRIENDLY EYES SEE US. England was innocent of the war; and she went to war in innocency of spirit. She had never fought Germany she had no idea of her methods of warfare, says M. Andre Chevrillon. War for her was a noble game, dangerous and exciting,
    544 words
  • 339 11 There is a delusion in some quarters that the Germans organise everything better than we do. They do not appear to have been more economical in regard to war contracts, at any rate, for one after another the companies so engaged are showing increased profits,
    339 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 74 11 John Kidd Co. Ltd. Printing Ink Manufacturers, LONDON, ENGLAND, announce that they have appointed The Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd. PENANG, Agents for the sale of their well-known and popular Printing Inks and J K'* Roller Composition in the Straits Settlement* (except Singapore), the Federated Malay State*, the State of Kedah,
      74 words
      413 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2335 12 P. 0.-B. I.—APGAR N.Y. K.|Wrv K. P. M. |E| MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Jjpafl Mail Steamship Co. Id. Wk KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART ano PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAATSCHAPPIJ CH,N MUTUAL STEAM NAV. GO., LIB. MAIL SERVICES. ,n tn i. o at r> *T*HE Companies' «teamen are desnaeck Homeward (for Europe). Out
      2,335 words