Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 December 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 886 1 mnr-rrr—w i >« P i.F TOO WANT Tq Qhi i P a C BUY Oft SELL J R U B B ER ;l OB TO FOjBTWAIFD <9OOOO I OT PART <V tbb VtftLD I AUL£h DENNYS Co, n >• vmM bsmbeb. THE PINANG GAZETTE.” nunnnnnnnnnnaaannnnnnnnnniionnn JUST TO HAND ~,E M
      886 words
    • 60 1 g FOR S3O g U X7OU can have the Pinaa* g g X G—tte posted every day q for a whole year te your address. n (LOCAL SUBSCaiFTION, $27). O g Proportionate Quarterly and jj. B Half-yearly rates. g Bnbecriptions are payable in b advanoe and remittances showM g be
      60 words

  • 1372 2 THE EX-KHBDIVE. Cairo, November B.—From time to time and at somewhat irregular intervals we get news of the ex-Khedive, who although he has taken a furnished villa at Geneva spends a good deal of his time travelling to and from Berlin and Vienna. It appears that when be
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  • 472 2 GERMANY’S AVAILABLE FORCES. Commen’ing on the German operations in the Balkans, the military correspondent of the Maasbode says :Many people are inclined to exaggerate the importance of the Balkans. The other theatres of war, more particularly in the West, are still the most
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1370 2 ITTVIOR ASSISTANT HERE is ft Vacancy for a third man Bates for JUAILUK AWIBIAiII I iQ a quiet Mesa io Logan Road. Wanted for Rubber Estate in Johore Garage and stables. Casual Advertisements. Apply in writ ,^T Apply No lo8 c/ Pinang No. 110, c/o Pinang Gazette. RAWING to the
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    • 588 2 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INuiA AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1,200,G0® Reserve Fund £1,800,00® Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200 000 Head Offiob 38, BIBHOPBGATK, LONDON, 1.0 ASENGIEa AND BranOHßi, Amritsar Hongkong Penang Bangkok Iloilo Puket Batavia Ipoh Rangoon Bombay Karachi Baigon Jaloutta Klang Seretnban Janton Kobe
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  • 955 3 REAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE GERMAN DEMAND. Tbe above words are pat between inverted commas becauseas often used of late they make up a mere phrase intended to cover aud hide the real aim of those who use it. When Germans cry out for the freedom of
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  • 391 3 ITALY WATCHFUL. The Ideo Naziouale (Rome) states according to news from Mostar tbe fights at Visegrad and Troglav, in which the Austrians were beaten back by the Montenegrins, were only the opening phase of an offensive on a large scale which the Austrians and tht-ir ally
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  • 379 3 Large Orders to Japan. The Pioneer’s” Tokio correspondent writes -.—Japan cominues to participate enormously and piofitably in providing war supplies for the Allies. Orders and enquiries come in daily. Most of them continue to be from Russia, though some are from England and France. A large
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  • 250 3 The following is the sixth yearly report of tbe Directors to be presented at the annual meeting on December 22nd. Tbe net profit for the period amounts to $215,121 52. which it subject to the following deductions :Manager’s Bonus in accordance with his agreement $2,700. Directors’ Fees, 5
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  • 214 3 Messrs. Guthrie Co. L‘d., in their weekly report dated Thursday, 16th iust., says: A record quantity of 420 tons was catalogued this week and it was again found impossible to complete the Auction on one day. Bidding was very slow at times aud only 155 tons changed
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  • 256 3 In the course of his address to the Fabian Society, Lieutenant Commander Wedgwood, M. P., said that he is not perturbed at the prospect of the Germans getting to Constantinople or even farther east. Predecessors of the German Emperor who have tone east before found it very easy to
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  • 86 3 Yale Kecerd. Reported Request to Leave China. It is reported that the Chinese Government has ordered Major Dinkelmann, who took part in the dtferce of Tsingtao and has since occupied in Peking the post of military adviser to the Chinese Government on a salary of $l,OOO per month,
    Yale Kecerd.  -  86 words
  • 388 3 At the last committee meeting of the North Borneo Chamber of Commerce the following letter was read in reply to the representations made to the PostmasterGeneral of Hongkong on the subj ct of Hongkong-Borneo mai'sl have tbe honour to acknonlelge with thanks the receipt of your letter dated
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  • 303 3 The Bi itish Consul at Dairen (Mr H G Parlett) in a recent report says, that in 1913, a heavy blow at the future prosperity of Dairen was threatened in the probable extension of a system of reduced freights for the benefit of goods passing beyond the
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  • 223 3 The Pioneer’s” Cairo correspondent writes :ln a speech recently made, Sir Henry Macmahon stated that no less than a thousand Rsd Cross auxiliary hospitals, accommodating 35,000 men, nave been accepted in England by the War Office. In France the work of Red Cross commences just behind
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 605 3 Will you Jh’ZZ deal with an enemy whose vicious countrymen are killing our brave comrades bjp asphyxiating gases? Sanaphos improves upon and displaces the product of an alien enemy. The King-Emperor has excluded German-made goods from his palaces, and from the use of his household. In this His Majesty sets
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  • General News.
    • 141 4 [Reuter’s Telegram*.] PASSENGERS BURNED TO DEATH London, December 18. A terrible railway accident oc jarred «t South Shields, a passenger train, pilotengine and empty workmen’s train all eoliiding in a fog. It is reported that several coaches of the passenger train were alight and ?ome of the
      [Reuter’s Telegram*.]  -  141 words
    • 53 4 A LARGE SEIZURE. London, December 19. The Foreign Office announces that of three hundred bags of parcel mails seized on board the Swedish steamer Helligolav, 109 contained nothing but rubber, the estimated weight being 8,000 lbs. The rubber was all consigned to a well-known enemy forwarding
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    • 260 4 An American Finantier's Report. New York, November 11.A wellknown Ameiican financial authority, who has juit returned from Germany, where be has been studying conditions for several months, said that the German crops this year were only 60 per cent of the normal This, however, is not generally
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    • 87 4 FINANCE MINISTER’S OPINION. Toronto, December 17. Mr. White, Finance Minister, in a speech said, The greatest financial problem at present facing Canada is the establishment of some form of Canadian credit which will relieve Britain from the necessity of shipping gold for pavment of war
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    • 20 4 London, December 18Mr. Charles Beatty, Deputy InspectorGeneral of Police in Belgaum (British India) committed suicide at Cheltenham.
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    • 63 4 THE LAI ESC NOTE. London, December 19. New York, December 19. A fo ecast of the second Note to Austria regarding the Ancona reiterates that ths American demands are based on an admission by the Austrian Admiralty aad leave no doubt that Austria will have to >eply promptly,
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    • 55 4 LORD DERBY’S STATEMENT. London, December 17. Lord Derby, speaking on Sunday afternoon at a meeting in London, said he wa* convinced that the forthcoming statement regarding the rejults of recruiting would show that the coun ry was absolutely right Probably, he said, the end of the war would come
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    • 22 4 Reuser. Amsterdam, December 19. A German communique states that hostile airmen bombarded Motz on Saturday night, doing damage to property.
      Reuser.  -  22 words
  • 111 4 REMARKABLE ALLEGATIONS. London, December 18. Mrs. A'-quith, wife of the Premier, is suing the Globe” to restrain the publication of alleged libels. Her counsel seated that she has been persecuted by accu-ations of want of loyalty and association with German prisoners at Donington Hall, She w*s also described
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  • 33 4 Wash'ngt o December 19. President Wilson hai been married to Mrs. Galt. The ceremony was a very simple one The newly-wedded pair left for a fortnight's honevmoon in the south.
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  • 358 4 Washington, October B.Colonel House, the president’s most intimate friend, who recently returned from a peace mission to Europe for President Wilson will be best man. Who is Mrs. Norman R Galt These questions are amply answered by an article taken from the St. Louis Republic” writ
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  • 49 4 Loudon, December 18. The rumour that Mr. Reginald McKenna, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, will sue ceed Lord Hardinge as Viceroy is officially declared to be without foundation. A new Minister for the Penang Presbyterian Chut ch has been appointed and he is expected to arrive in February.
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  • 1798 4 SUCCESSFUL PENANG MEETING. The popularity of the movement for the formation of a Chinese Company of the Penang Volunteers, and the wisdom of the step taken by the Government io sanctioning such a Company, were sp’endidly evidenced on Saturday afternoon, when a rally of the Straits-boru Chinese of
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  • 824 4 INTERESTING FIELD OPERATIONS. Another very successful morning’s work was done yesterday by the various Companies of the Penang Volunteers, with the Cadets, and a force of Sikh Police, when field operations which proved most instructive were engaged io. There was an excellent turnout, the numbers on parade totalling
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  • 728 4 LA rRWIATA.” The Italian Opera Company, after a visit to Sumatra which was a great success from every point of view, has returned, and on Saturday night, at the Town Hall, they presented La Traviata before a Penan» audience. The performance was marked by sympathetic and artistic treatment,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 77 4 A Reputation of over 100 yeart. Cockle’s ANTIBILIOUS Pills are to-day one of the most useful remedies that the family medicine chest contains. For sudden attacks of biliousness, sick headache or the depression arising when you are "out-of-sorts,” Cockle’s Pills give you prompt relief without any weakening effect afterwards. Two
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  • 100 4 Obituary. EARL DE LA WARR. London, December 17. The death has occurred at Messina from rheumatic fever and pneumonia, of Gilbert George Reginald Sackville, Earl De la Warr, aged 46. RT. HON. SIR JOHN RHYS. London, December 18The death has occurred of the Rt. Hon. Sir John Rhys. Oxford Professor,
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  • 715 5 A DEFENCE. Ao interview has been given by Mr C J van Aalst, President of the Netherlands Oversea Trust, to the Deutsche Wochenzeituog fur die Niederlande und Belgien in connection with complaints brought against that body from the German side Referring to these that the Trust was
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  • 179 5 Colombo, November 30.Dr. L. Fadian Hirst, who spent a number of months in Serbia in fighting the typhoid epidemic prior to the invasion of the country by the Austro-German and Bulgarian forces, lectured at Colombo before a crowded house on Friday. He said the Germans
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  • 461 5 A GERMAN WITNESS. The Berliner Tageblatt” has arranged to publish a series of articles by a subject of a neutral State, but of German extraction, named Dr. Hans Vorst, who was permitted to travel freely in Great Britain and France. The first of these articles
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  • 290 5 Mr. Frederick Palmer’s Prophecy. New York, November 14.Mr. Frederick Palmer, the American war correspondent who for more than a year has been attached to the British army on the Western battle front gave a brief outline of his impressions of the war from a neutral observer’s
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  • 132 5 The great boom in shares, says the "Japan Chronicle,” has naturally made the gos-ip-mongers busy speculating as to who are the most successful operators in the market. According to Japanese journals Mr. Kanda Raizs, of Tokio, is popularly credited with being the most successful man so
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  • 799 5 THE RUBBER MARKET. The market during the week recovered from the depression of the last week end, and has since been very active, say^,the S. F. P." correspondent, writing from Weltevreden on December 11. First standard grades were being freely offered for at f 195 to 200 per
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  • 61 5 CLEARANCES) To-day. Tong Chay Un for Alor Star (Kedah). Perak, (E. S. Co for Port Swettenham Port Dickson and Malacca. Van Riebeeck for Deli, T. Semawe, Segli Sabang Olehleh etc., Padang. Alma for Deli. Kedah for Dindings, Sitiawan Bagan Datol and Teluk Anson. Un Peng for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis
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  • 46 5 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morkow. For Per Close. Deii and Batu Bahra Indraghiri 10 a.m. Rangoon Hauroto 1 p.m. Teluk Anson Hebe 4 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Klang 4-30 p.m. Wednesday. Yen Jit Seng 7 a.m. Deli Wil! o’ the Wisp 1 p.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 556 5 M Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co. Ld., PENANG. OUR STOCK OF CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES is now complete. The largest and most '♦l varied collection of BRITISH-MADE Cards, Crackers, Dolls, Games, Puzzles, Blocks, Masks, etc., etc. YOUR ENQUIRIES WILL BE ESTEEMED. SPECIAL OFFER To Clubs, Schools and Other Christmas Charities. We offer a SPECIAL
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  • 1122 6 The reality of the Baltic blockade is significantly demonstrated by a couple of items in to-day’s cables. which show that both in the Military and economic spheres Germany is being badly hit by the activities of our navy. The sinking of a German cruiser and a torpedo
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  • 1425 6 To-day’s obituaries. George Reginald Stockville, Bth Earl de la Warr, dl., j.p. for Sussex, was a large landowner in that county. He served with Bethune’s Horse in South Africa, and had since been closely associated with Bexhill, the watering place which publishes an interesting municipal journal advertising
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  • 358 6 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $83.25 per picul, bmiuesA done. Tin is quoted in London to-day st £167 10s. spot, and £l6B 10 9 three months. We understand that the quantity of rubber destroyed in the fire at Gedong Estate, on Friday morning, was
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 552 6 Stimulates an J k Vad illness, and I B h 3 i while there is ll’x C 'z Still a lack of vitality, VltaiCrip >n 7 OU need more and better j nourishment than at other times. InZ*'s*,X does not mean a greater quantity of 7 j food, but food
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    • 31 6 E. 0. HOTEL. A SPECIAL XMAS EVE DINNER Will be served at 8 p.m. Covers should be booked in advance* THE TOWN BAND will play during Dinner and for DANCING afterwards.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 34 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for tomorrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water, 11-45 a.m. 6 10 a m. 11-34 p.m. 5-56 p.m. 0-21 a.m 6-44 a.m. 6 36 p m.
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  • 290 7 BRITISH NAVY’S CAPTURE. GERMAN WARSHIPS SUNK GBEECE AND SALONIKA. NEW NOTE TO AUSTRIA. -je atest victims of the Allied submarines in the Baltic are the G*-rmao light cruiser Bremen and a destroyer. A German teiegram states that a considerable portion of the crews were saved. The Bremen
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 67 7 Rirrm Sbrvtcss’ ALLIED SUPERIORITY. Copybight Telegrams.’ By Submarine Teieg-aph). Amsterdam, December 18. The latest German report is that the Germans are concentrating at saint Mihiei, but there is growmg evidence not only that the Germans are active out that undoubtedly the enemy must tn row new force». especially
      Rirrm Sbrvtcss’  -  67 words
    • 269 7 GERMAN TRENCHES BOMBARDED. London. December 18. A Paris cotnmun que says the cannonade is becoming more severe over the whoie front. The Anglo-French artillery, acting concertedlv. successfu y bombarded enemy trenches in Belgium. Several German batteries in Champagne were si enced. Two aeroplanes dropped twenty heavy bernos
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    • 138 7 ANTICIPATING THE PREMIER.” London, December 18. Numerous M.P Unionist. Libera, and Labour adke. exp>ew re?e«ituv-nt at fo'tv an .-compulsion Members waiting on Mr Asqui h. They c nsider it was an ou rageous breacn of privilege. especially after the Premier had giv-n hs w ird ti married men.
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    • 44 7 CALLING OUT UNMARRIED MEN. Louaon. December 18. An important step was taxen to-day Lord Derbv s scheme Bills w-re pos’ed ca. ;ing out groups two, three, four and five on January 20. Thete wi.l be unmarried men from 19 to 22.
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    • 254 7 London. Novemn-r 10 Several passen gers arriving at Liverpool this wetk per the Paciiic iner Orcnsa. went direct to the recruiting office. navi, g maoe a 12,000 mile voyage from South America in order to enlist. One had never been co England before. Recruits are still roiling in,
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    • 67 7 London, Decemoer 18 Messrs;. Montagu s silver report says rhe robust appearance of the market has been somewhat belied by the s»ies on account of China. Furchas-s ar- still being made for home coinage, but th-re is a 'u T, probably sho’t, in Con’inen r ai demand.
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    • 39 7 London, December 19. The changed conditions ar the Universities i attested bv 'he examin-rs in I eland for the Craven Scholarships declining to award them. Rrjam P Dutt is honouraoly mentioned for worx in H’e examination.
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    • 17 7 Du ban. December 18 A contingent of Indian amculance men ha- left fur Europe.
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    • 289 7 FAREWELL TO FIGHTING COMRADES. London, December 19. Fieii Marshal Viscount French, in a message of fai ewell, on relinquishing the command of the British A r my in France says I wish to express to the officers, no n commissioned officers and men, with whom I have
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    • 180 7 ARRIVAL AT CHRISTIANIA. London, Decemoer 18. Ford’s peace ship left Kirxwail for Chri-- tiania. Mr. Faro Interviewed. Cbristianssaad, December 19 The Ford peace pilgrims have arrived. There was no official or other reception. Press men went on board the vessel, and Mr. Ford said that she
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    • 48 7 New York, Novemo-r 26 Henry F >rd, the manufacturer of automobiles, has ma i** the statement tha he possesses signed declarations from h’gh otficia.s in the government of both rhe Allies and the Central powers, in which they state that they are ready for peace.
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    • 20 7 Amsterdam, December 18 The Public Prosecutor appealed for the acquittal of the editor of the Telegraaf (Heer Schroeder).
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 69 7 London, December 18 There is reliable news that the Russians are also preparing a oew offensive. Russian SuccessesPetrograd, December 13. A communique reports engagements resulting in favour of the Russians northward of Lake Drisviaty, and northward of Dubno. Minor Engagements. Petrograd, December 19 A Russian commun
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    • 54 7 STATE MONOPOLIES. Petrograd, December 18. The Russian thousand million roubles war loan is an assured success. The Minister of F.nance has drawn up a new fiscal scriem- which is exoeeted to produce auanuu-1 -urpiua >f 361 million roubles. Stare mon pol es of tea. c fi-e
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 37 7 A SOLID DEFENSIVE.” Par». December 18. The Allies in Greece are prepared for a solid defensive. German heavy guns do not seem to have arrived, doubtless accoun'ing for the enemy not crossing the frontier.”
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    • 116 7 PREMIER’S STATEMENT. L ndon, Dtcem>er 18. Tha Times Athena correspondent telegraphs Ghat the German Minister, replying to Greek objections to the entry of Au=tro-German ti oops into Greece declared that the fortifications which the Allies are constructing at Salonika compel Germany Go take action in Greeic territory
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    • 222 7 A MASTERLY OPERATION London, December 18. Reuter ®ays Headquarters in the Balkans describes the final phase of the French retreat as masterly A new bridgehead was established at Grader, where there was severe fighting, while an enormous accumulation of stores md rolling stock. heavy a ms.
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    • 48 7 GREEK PROTEST. London, December 19. Reuter is informed that Greece has addressed to the Entente a formal protest against the fortification of Salonika* Macedonia and Dardanelles. Later. There is nothing noteworrhv in Macedonia and the Dardanelles. The organisation of the entrenched camp at Salonika continues.
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    • 153 7 The Telegraaf. commenting on Greece’s attitude, writes King Constantine has achieved another victory, which, however, is not like yto increase the respect in which he is held by he Entente and neutral Sta’es For the second time he has acted against the majority of the Chamb-r. The
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    • 519 7 Mr. M. Muyatovich, formerly Serbian Vlini-ter in L >udon. speaking a" a meeting of the New Constitutional Society for Suffrage in London on Ncvrmber 16. said that «Ithough the whole of Serbia might be occupied by the enemy be was not afraid that the Serbian
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    • 102 7 Ber'in. Dec. 6. Field Marshal Mackensen has addresser! a manifesto to the Serbian population, stating tha* Serbia's invasi< n by the allied German. AuatroHangarian and Bulgarian troops has been caused by the hostile attitude of the King of Serbia. The invading armies fight against the Serbian army only
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    • 109 7 THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. London. December 13. It is reported at Teheran that owing to the advance of th* l Russians the Persian Government committee at Kum have ded to Ispahan. Petrograd, December 18. The Russians have occupied Hamadao, aada. e approaching Kum. The British and Russian Consuls are stared
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    • 34 7 KURDS DRIVEN TO THE MOUNTAINS. Perrograd. December 18. Hundreds of Kurds were *-n aged on 'he north eastern extremity of Laxe Vxa and driven to the moua ains, leaving 5 J iea-i
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 57 7 TORPEDOED IN THE BALTIC. Amsti-raam, December 19. A Berlin official message states that the small German cruiaer Bremen, and an accompanying torpedo boat were ->unk by a submarine in the eastern portion of the Baltic. A considerable portion of the crews were rescued. (Brhmkn. 3.620 tons, completed
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    • 61 7 Pans Decemoer 19. A Naval communique says a torpedo boat pursued two hj dro planes resting ou the water near Oatrated Bans. One escaped but the other was mt. In c'.psiz-d and waa captured, with two Naval officials. Ousrated Ban< is off Nieuport. A Frooch cruiser bombarded
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    • 28 7 London. December 13 The It .«Han steamer Porto Sa d and the British steamer Lcvacpoo! were aunk’ The crew of the latter w re rescued.
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    • 19 7 London, December 19. The Norwegian steamer Nico was sunk Eleven survivors am- the pilot weie landed.
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    • 429 7 THE AUSTRIAN REPLY Washington, December 18. A hurr’ed meeting of the Cabinet discussed the Austrian Note and dispersed without any announcement. The position is regarded as very grave. Mr Lansing sail the text of the Note wouid not oe puniisned till it had been thoroughly studied. Washington Insistent.
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  • 890 8 THE KAISER’S PART. We are getting u*ed to the deeds of Germany. Hangings and shootings and massacres in Belgium, Northern France, and Poland still call aloud for vengeance. But that is not all, as we are reminded by Mr. Arnold Toynbee’s little pamphlet Armenian Atrocities The
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  • 824 8 RUSSIAN PRINCESS’S PEACE PREDICTION. The Russian Princess, Catherine Radzi will, in her new book, Sovereigns and Statesmti. of Europe” (Cassell and Co., Limited, 10s. 6d. net) just published not only entertains with brilliant, intimate pen pictures of the rulers and Ministers to whom may soon f*ll the task
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  • 907 8 January Meeting, 1916. (UNDER S. R. A. RULES OF RACING.) RACE DAYS: FIRST DAY Thursday, 6th January, 1916. SECOND DAY... Saturday, Bth January, 1916. FIRST DAY. Thursday, 6th January, 1916. 1 5 THE GEORGE TOWN PLATE and PURSE. Value $350 each. A Handicap for all ponies 14.2
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 143 8 i &fSSP%gRi* is 1 wFi< u 'iViViffiE < *y I o MiiP |V\<, <•. VS< I J- B. LAPOSTOLLE. Fondatlur 1827 Vx/ PRODUCE OF FRANCE Cordon soue por .t "Cordon HIBBERT.WOODROFFE C°LTP ROUGE. (Incorporated in England.) JAUNE. 4 o «»<• V ><* -X< <* l t»*’*'\v‘* e k 3 X
      143 words
    • 53 8 To Correct Constipation and Biliousness, clear the complexion of blemishes and sweeten the breath, use the dainty laxative They gently assist nature and will help to keep you well. Tiny but thorough, do not gripe. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co.,
      53 words
    • 114 8 Baking costs less because fewer eggs and less butter are neededif you have it done at home, j with the help of Paisley Flour.” O n e part to eight of ordinary flour, HUI mixed well, drythat’s the secret of the wk b est home baking. T7V There are all
      114 words

  • 1192 9 damage to the railway. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singora, December 13 I am now in a position to give you further particula’s respecting the damage to the railway by the recent unprecedented Joods. la the first place the branch line from Siogora to Ootapao, 28 kilometres, is
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  • 211 9 FORTNIGHTLY "HANDICAP SHOOT. This competition took place on Saturday Hfternoon and resulted as follows. Ranges 200, 500 and 600 yard»: BQMB Murray with H’cap nil made 95 00 Pte Kinder .63 92.42 Pte Forrest 65 92.40 Pte Robertson -70 92 40 Pte Everest -67 90.81 Corp!
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  • 185 9 The Rev. G.H. Donald, in a letter to the congregation of the West Parish Church, Aberdeen, published in the Aberdeen Free Press'” says I was walking up a trench for the first timd with the signalling officer, and as we trudged along sniffing the air I
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  • 203 9 Boston Transcript,” The Fiat Automobile Company, of Turin, the largest of the Italian motor manufacturing compmie®, has had so great a time that it is making large extensions, increasing the capital from the equivalent of £680,000 to £1,020,000, and bringing joy to the shareholders by making
    Boston Transcript,”  -  203 words
  • 1229 9 Mr. F. W. Collins is appointed a Muni cipal Commissioner for Malacca, vice Mr E. E. Smith. Mr. C. Waller, who was wounded in the leg, is progressing favourably, and may come out East again before long. Dr. C. Lane Sansom, Principal Medical Officer, F.M.S., is spending
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  • 108 9 By Klang (December 20) from Singa pore, Mr and Mrs A Sarkies, Mr and Mrs E A Barbour, Mrs F Vaz, Mrs Carapiet, Miss Ena Sarkies, Miss M Manook, Miss Allan, Mr H S Sarkies, Mr J R Cockburn and Master Erskine from Malacca, Bro Claude; from Port Swettenham,
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  • 50 9 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 till 7 p.m. this evening: 1. Overture The Children ob the Mist ...Bishop 2. Polka Cuckoo ...Pnilipp 3. Waltz Love's Labours TFon ...Vollstedt 4. Lincers Trial by Jury ...Albert 5. March Trasburgo ...Bintura
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  • 26 9 OUTPUTS FOR NOVEMBER. The following are rubber outputs for November Clovelly lbs. 4,543 Durian Sabatang 2,800 Kota Tinggi 9,500 Pelepah Valley 15,000 Siginting It 4,000
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  • 20 9 The output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co, Ltd., for the week ending'lBtb inst wa? 15 tons.
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  • 864 9 ATTACK ON SHANGHAI ARSENAL. The first serious outbreak of the promised protest against the monarchy programme has come, says the China Press” of Dec. 7. It began on Sunday evening at 6 o’clock when a party of rebels captured the cruiser Chaoho at anchor off the Kiangnari
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 307 9 THE GONSALEZ BROTHERS Italian Grand Opera COMPANY, TOWN HALL, PENANG, FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY, At 9.15 p.m. prompt. TO-NIGHT, Monday, 20th Deo. FAUST” (Gounod) In 5 Acts. ADMISSION: $3, $2 and $l. Booking at Robinson’s for $3 and $2 only. W WO jSlii I I IrVS HF 11 THE BEST
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  • 757 10 GERMAN UNEASINESS. Calm and confident as is the tone of the German press, yet they do not disguise the fact that the pinch of hunger is being felt, and that many in Berlin are suffering from lack of food. Whether this is due to a shortage of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 271 10 *1 BUCHANAN’S RED SEAL” BLACK WHITE” ROYAL HOUSEHOLD” SCOTCH WHISKIES I’ j !> W®Sf®¥ s i Wnr XaLfi: IIM Il W 11 <s/ r W i I fames Buchanan Co., Ltd. (London, Glasgow, etc.) have the most extensive Bonded Warehouse in Scotland, and hold, with their subsidiary companies, the largest
      271 words
    • 102 10 Haunted by Pain? Are your waking and sleeping houi t haunted by th® awful dread or the wor.e reality of bodily pain Headache, backache, toothache, neuralgi». sciatica, rheumatism, sore throat, ano other external aches and pains are quicklv soothed and cured by Little’s Oriental Balm Simply rub it in where
      102 words
    • 129 10 Safety First ®X® X X wwr /I t>. S h mm H -«S’ 8 (yiMir HMD j <i3 x I I X iftfOk HI Ji T. I h I 1 There is an active Safety First juljllvj iuh |v I 3 itYWk IRI II principle in every inch of Wf
      129 words

  • 927 11 AN AMERICAN SURVEY. The successful placing of the AngloFrench loan in America had led a writer in The Wall Street Journal to present some interesting figures as to the debt of Great Britain in relation to her wealth and income, and more particularly to show how present
    927 words
  • 24 11 Fenang :The E. O. Hotel, The Crag Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Norman. Singapore:Raffles Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel. Java Hot Beau Sejour Lemban®.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 862 11 XMAS 1915 XMAS NIKKO HAS A STOCK OF CHOICE BEAUTIFUL Japanese Xmas New Year Cards, ALSO WITH LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS. Cards made with own Portrait at $5 per dozen. Post Cards made at $4.50 per dozen. TELEPHONE No. 579. 21, PENANG ROAD. K. S. OKANIWA, Proprietor. g If it is
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    • 2130 12 P. 0.-B. 1.-APCAR N. Y. K. Wv K. P. M. J?« A mail AND passenger seryices. spaß Mail Steamship Co. Ld. koninklijke paketvaart V PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL sailings. MAATSCHAPPIJ CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAV. 80. tfe MAIL SERVICES. j r» zv > 1 '■HE Companies’ steamers are cU. Homeward (for Europe).
      2,130 words