Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 December 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 954 1 (if you want to &fiip J BUY O» SELL n RUBBERS OB TO 3 FORWARD GOOOS J W ANY MAT or THH WORLD j ALLEK DENNYS A C&, T. nroosr tnuaer. 3 4 THE PINANG GAZETTE.” rggß~ just to hand hmhmmmmmvmmmmmmnmmmwhbbmhwmhk OFFICE AND PRESS: wwwmiwx r z> Latest Xmas Novelties
      954 words
    • 63 1 aciaaaa aooaoaa a a a aa g FOR $BO g u VyOU can have the Pinang g g I Oanett. posted every day q for a whole year to your address. a (LOCAL SUBSCRimON, $27). O 2 Proportionate Quarterly and D Half-yearly rates. g B Bnbscriptions are payable in B
      63 words

  • 1644 2 AIRMEN’S HIDE AND SSEK WITH DEATH. Mr. Philip Gibbs writing from the British General Headquarters, says Our aviators are the eyes of the army, and it is mainly due to their audacious vigilance that we are able to obtain quick information of the enemy’s movement of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1310 2 fisitCS for ANTED. Penang Volunteer Ambulance Coy. Casual Advertisements. C 0 T H VS m Tao Z, °nXTp’.Zg“r. 100. ld“" FOR SALE. TO LET. SITUATIONS VACANT. ETC. No. 103, c/o Pinang Gazette. g w g AMILTON 1161—16 23-12 1187—? Minimum Charge $2.00 For 1 insertion 1.20 per inch. M*TWn RAWING
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    • 228 2 BANKRUPT NERVES. Each of u« has a certain supply of nervous energy. Every act, even every thought, usee up some part of this energy. During rest and sleep the supply is increased by the blood which gets the needed elements from the air we breathe and the food we eat.
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    • 592 2 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDu AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £i, 2()o POfi Reserve Fund £l,Ba o O oq Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,300 Cno Head Ornos: 38, BISHOPBGATK, LONDON, B.c «■MOIES AJTD BkaMOHKS. Amritsar Hongkong Penang Bangkok Iloilo Puket Batavia Ipoh Rangoon Bombay Karachi Saigon
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  • 1217 3 WHY ITALY STOOD OUT. An Eastern Resident writing to the Rome Press at the middle of Nov., before the news was circulated of the landing of ft n Italian Army in Albania, said Reviewing the pre-ent aspect of the war from the standpoint of the relations between
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  • 640 3 There is no doubt but that the instiution of Stipendiary Stewards under the Indian Turf Cluos hag bem a very beneficent measure where the appointment has not been given as a sinecure as has been done in the pa<t in three insta> ces. Th Stipendiary
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  • 1171 3 COMPARISON WITH GERMAN METHODS. An interview with Mr. Walter Runciman, President of the Board of Trade, appeared in the Chicago Daily News.” It was sent by Mr. Edward Price Bell, the London correspondent of that journal, who called the attention of Mr. Runciman to the assertion of certain
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  • 270 3 OFFICIAL MINUTES. Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Tuesday, the 30th November, 1915. Present :Messrs. W. Peel (President), P. T. Allen, Quah Beng Kee and Ye -h Guan Seok. Absent :Messrs. A. F. Goodrich, John Mitchell and Lim Eow Hong. 1. The minutes of
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  • 251 3 Big Indent From Sir John Nixon. Delhi, November 29.The Indian Council of St. John Ambulance Association received from the General Officer Commanding in Mesopotamia on 16th October,. 1915, an emergent indent for the following articles :Rezais (British), 3,200; rezaie(lndian),9,9oo; cardigan jackets,lBo6; warm undervests, 8,553 warm drawers
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 611 3 I a M Mother and Child. 1 Owil Babmonths. g B Baby I Fed from birth on the'AUenbnrfs' Foods. g S T T T’HAT a marked difference there is B between the fretful, puny, ailing infant, I v V anc j t fr e child w hese face always bears
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  • Italy’s Campaign.
    • 42 4 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE ISONZO LINE. Copybight Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Rome, December 15. Apart from a prolonged Austrian bombardment of the Italian positions on. the Isonzo front, to which the Italians effectively replied, nothing of importance has occur red.
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  42 words
  • Naval Operations.
    • 52 4 SUPPRESSING SUBMARINES. Malta, December 15. The measures adopted by the British, French, and Italian Admiralties for dealing with the submarine menace in the Mediterranean have apparently been effective. Not a single mishap to shipping has been reported in the last ten days, although the sailings and arrivals have
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    • 18 4 CHINESE KILLED. London, December 14. The British steamer Orteric was sunk, two Chinese being killed.
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  • General News.
    • 40 4 U.S. NOTE TO FRANCE. Washington, December 15. A note has been despatched by the United States Government to Fiance, dealing with the alleged removal of non-combatant Germans from American steamers bound for Puerto Rico, and demanding their release.
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    • 86 4 London, December 14. In the House of Commons, Mr. Bonar Law said the question of the desirability of removing alien enemies interned at Hongkong was being considered most carefully. The Secretary of State was corresponding by telegraph with Hongkong on the subject. Enemy Firms in Hongkong. Regarding
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    • 83 4 TRANSFER TO HONGKONG. London, December 14. An extraordinary general meeting of the Indo-China Steam Navigation Company unanimously approved an alteration in the articles providing for the transfer of the Head Office and Board of Directors from London to Hongkong. Mr. H. Keswick, M.P., who presided, said it
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    • 60 4 Malta, December 1.5 The Greek Government has commandeered all Greek vessels above 1,500 tons, at Cardiff, and ordered them to proceed to Hampton Roads for cargoes of foodstuffs. Greek Vessels Released. Malta, December 1 5 It is understood that fresh instructions have been receive 1, sanctioning the release
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    • 39 4 London, December 14. In the House of Commons, at question time, Lord Robert Cecil said he had no information whether the Chinese Government was contemplating the engagement of German Reserve Officers to train the Chinese Army.
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    • 29 4 London, December 14. The Times says the Hon. Cecil Atkin son has been selected as Puisne Judge of the High Court of Behar and Orissa.
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    • 40 4 THE BRITISH COMMANDER. London, December 15. Io the House of Commons, Mr. H. J. Tennant, the Under Secretary for War, announced that General Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien is now in command of the British forces in East Africa.
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    • 19 4 ALLIES RECOGNISE CARRANZA. Washington, December 15. The Entente Powers have agreed to recognise the Carranza Government in Mexico.
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  • 43 4 COMPANY DIVIDENDS. [P. G. Special Cable London, December 15. The following dividends of rubber companies are announced Highlands and Lowlands Para 5 per cent. Scmbilan Estate’, 6 cpnt. Glen Bervie, 12} per cent. Taipiog Plantations, (final) 9 j per cent.
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  • 54 4 [Front Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, December 16. At Singapore rubber auctions, 420 rons were offered The sale is unfinished. The demand was good, but prices were irregular. Fine ribbed smoked, and fine pale fetched $2OO, the average being $lB6 to $193. Fine brown crepe $166 to $lB2.
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  • 31 4 {From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, December 16. An Advisory Board of Planters has been formed in connection with the Agricultural Department. The first meeting was held yesterday.
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  • 26 4 [From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, December 16. The Directors of Utan Simpan Rubber Co. announce an interim dividend of 10 per cent.
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  • 98 4 ADDRESS FROM MOSLEMS. {From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, December 16. There was a very large gathering at a dinner given at Singapore, last evening, by the Moslem Association, to the Hon. Mr. R. J. Wilkinson, c.m g., on his promotion to Sierra Leone. An address
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  • 156 4 The Western Australia Government has purchased the motor ship built to the order of the East Asiatic Co., Ltd., by Messrs. Harland and Wolff, Ltd., which was to have been named Lalandia. Thia vessel was completed about the end of October last and was re-named Kangaroo.
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    • 32 4 Copenhagen,.December 15. It is reported that a new Zeppelin stationed near Hamburg, exploded on November 17, and that another Zeppelin was destroyed at the end of November at Bitterfeld.
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    • 48 4 A MILLION MURDERED. London, December 15. Viscount Bryce has issued further authenticated details regarding the massacres of Armenians, constituting another awful story of murder, torture, and rapine. A competent authority estimates that out of a total of two millions of Armenians, a million have been murdered.
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    • 30 4 ORGANISED FALSEHOOD. London, December 15. A Peking telegram states that a flood of lying pamphlets regarding British oppression” in India have arrived by mail from Holland.
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  • 92 4 The Hon. Treasurer sends as the fol. lowing list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on Dec 13 ...$43,776.30 P Nagalingam 6.00 Amt collected by Lower Perak Club, from F A Sugden, 15th contribution 10.00
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  • 110 4 Balance on Dec 14 $2,783.66 O B Pike, 11th contribution 25.00 Employees of the Caledonia Estate Cum-Sections November subn W B Wilson $5O, W M Miller $28.57, J M Kydd $21.43, G Phillips $2O, K M McLeod $lB. H E Mason $17.86, W H Watson $17.86, L
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  • 191 4 The following are the latest quotations in our share list Yesterday. To-day. 0U SO CB Sharks, S S’® M ao M X Mining. K. Kamunting 28/6 29/3 29/- 30/Rahman Tin $lO $ll $ll sll} Renong 25/- 27/6 Tronoh M. sl2} sl3} sll} sl2} General. E. Smelting (Pr.)
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  • 667 4 Mr. C. W. Neely has gone to France with the Loyal North Lancs. Regiment. Mr. C. J. Allison, of Sempah Estate, Nebong Tebil is going Home on leave on the 25th inst. Mr. P A. Molloi, of the Irrigation Branch, P,W. D, has been transferred to Kuala
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  • 56 4 {From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, December 15. The report of Pajam Rubber Co., shows a nett profit of $215,127. A final dividend of 25 per cent., in < king 65 for the year, is recommended. The sum of $25,000 will be placed to reserve and $64,432 carried forward.
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  • 45 4 Alor Gajah Rubber Go’s reporb states that the nett profit was $66,185. A final dividend of 25 per cent, making 45 per cent, for the year, is recommended. The cost f.o.b. was 38. 75 cents. It is proposed to carrying forward $35,412.
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    • 293 4 Mohamed was charged before Mr p Scott, in the District Court, Penang t day, wi h robbing a money changer named Mohamed Ismail of seven half sovereign, sovereign and an American gold coin to th* total value of $65.70. on the 13th i ns After hearing
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    • 295 4 Chua Hu, boy to Mr. Allen Dennys was charged before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel. this morning, with (1) mischief by shooting a cat valued at $5O, the property of Mr. C. M. Henderson, at Cantonment Road oa the 13th inst., and (2) with being in possession
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    • 116 4 A fatal a’sault case is reported from Hutton Lane It appears that yesterday morning a fight took place at the back of premise» No. 153, Hutton Lane between two Malays and a Chinese. During the progress of the fight one of the Malaya, it is alleged picked
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    • 95 4 At about half past seven this morning while a Chinese coolie was engaged in placing rubber on a hand cart opposite No. 258, Beach Street, was struck on the head with a chopper by another coolie who immediately decamped. It is alleged that both of them had
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    • 112 4 Tbam Kin, the accused in the patent cough pills case, reported by us vesterday, was this morning fined $lO by V. G. Ezechiel. The gentleman who represented the chemists in Great Britain and United States was advised to see Mr. F. T. Eli»» of the Government
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 499 4 MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. PENANG VOLUNTEERS. NOTICE is hereby given that the Government is prepared to sanction the addition of A CHINESE COMPANY to the Penang Volunteers. 2. Applicants for enrolment, who must be Straits-born, should «end in their names and addresses to the Adjutant, Penang Volunteers, Fort Cornwallis, on or
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  • 69 4 Obituary. London, December 14. The death has occurred of Sir William Jardine, aged 50, Major in the 3rd Battalion King’s Own Scottish Borderers. DEATHS. Murray.On Ist December, in England, George Cornyn Murray, of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Beamish On Ist November, suddenly, in London, John Spread Hamilton Beamish,
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  • 781 5 REVIEW OF CAMPAIGN. The preparations for the despatch of a force from South Africa to participate in the operations against German East Africa which are under the direction of General Sir H. L. Smith-Dorrien makes the present R n opportune moment for a short review of the
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  • 391 5 CONDEMNED BY HONGKONG PRIZE COURT. The seizure oi the German cargo steamer, Senegambia by H. M.S. Triumph and the French cruiser Dupteix in the China Sea in the early part of the war «as mentioned in the Full Court at Hongkong sitting in Prize, on the 7th inst.,
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  • 293 5 Towards the end of last mouth a report was received by the Chief Police O ticer, and by the management of Raffles Hotel, that a gold watch and chain bad been lost at the hotel. The report was made by the Rev Leslie L Lease, from
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  • 171 5 Thb Finding of Marine Court of Inquiry. On November 18, the Osaka Marine Court of Inquiry delivered a decision with regard to the collision between the Malay Maru and the Yawata Maru in the Mediterranean on June 26 last, resulting in the sinking of the latter. It appears
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  • 806 5 REMARKABLE DEVELOPMENTS. An article appeared the other day in the Liverpool Journal of* Commerce,” drawing attention to the somewhat remarkable developments which have taken place in Greek shipping. It was then pointed out that in 1900, she had 245,094 tons gross, while in 1915, the figures were 900,000
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • 953 6 Paradoxical as it may appear, the snows of Russia are proving to be of some assistance to the invaders. But the change from autumn to the trying period of winter will ultimately prove to have afforded the enemy but a temporary respite, if, indeed, the German soldier can
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  • 301 6 In our advertisment columns to-day appears an announcement by His Honour the Resident Councillor notifying that the Government has given its sanction co the formation of a Chinese Company to be attached to the Penang Volunteers. An intimation to this effect, which appeared in the second edition of
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  • 1290 6 Among the people mentioned in the telegraphic news to-day is Mr. H. Keswick, M.P., who announces tha the Board of Directors of the ludo-China Steam Navigation Company (which with the head office is being transferred from London to Hongkong) must consist solely of British subjects. Mr. Keswick,
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  • 65 6 The homeward mail wlo'es at 6pm oc Saturday. Registration until 4 p in. The Agents notify that the s.s. Tara, with the outward mail isexpec r ed to leave Negapatam an Saturday and may be expected to reach Penang about Wednesday next. We learn from the Chamber of
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  • 421 6 S.F.P.” To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $82.874 per picul, business done—a decrease of 62| cents. Tin is quoted in London yesterday at £167 10s. spot, and £167 10s. three months. The annual conference of officers of the Forest Department opened in Kuala Lumpur on
    S.F.P.”  -  421 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 217 6 W MW n IB IUESn KM NOME I. 1 v 5 Bl] /sAj\ c-J I .2 f<£ g I sj S Bti J I' Sk f I o 9* MR fe I* r I W4 I f ĕ MMPjO M g SlMrafW O 5* S> 2? 1 s iUHMMH nil
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    • 31 6 E. 0. HOTEL. A SPECIAL XMAS EVE DINNER Wil! be served at 8 p.m. Covers should be booked in advance. THE TOWN BAND will play daring Dinner and for DANCING afterwards.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 33 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for tomorrow, Penang Standard Tinies High Water. Low Water. 8- a.m. 316 a.m. 9- p.m. 2-48 p.m. 9-39 a.m, 4-15 a.m. 9 54 p.m. 3-43 p.m.
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  • 229 7 ALLIES ENTER GREECE. GERMANS RETIRE IN RUSSIA. NEW EAST AFRICAN COMMANDER. M. P.'s AND ELECTION. The Allied troops are now clear of Serbian Macedonia, and the Bulgarians, with whom are some Germans, have not sought to cross the Greek frontier. An Athens telegram states that if the Germans
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 166 7 [Rioter's Services]. A GRENADE ATTACK. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph). London, December 15. The Press Bureau Lsued the following despatch from the British Headquarters; Our artillery to-day bombarded Gommercourt, enemy trenches east of Givenchy, and the village of Le Mesnil. The hostile artillery showed considerable activity against
      [Rioter's Services].  -  166 words
    • 98 7 A BRITISH SUCCESS. London, December 16. The Admiraiity announces that Flight Sub-Lieutenant Graham, with Flight Sub-Lieu'enant Ince as observer, were patrolling the Belgian Coast, yesterday afternoon, when they sighted and chased a large German seaplane. After a severe engagement, the German was hit, fell, and
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    • 155 7 PROBLEMS OF DEMOBILISATION. London, December 15. In the House of Lords, Lord Parker drew attention to post-war problems attending the return of soldiers to industrial pursuits. Lord Crewe said he recognised the s“riousness of the matter, and depreca'ed emigration as a remedy. The limitation of emp’oyment of
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    • 50 7 London, December 14. In the House of Commons, Mr. Asquith said it was impossible to secure the exact recruiting figures this week, consequently the Army vote would would be postponed till December 21et. A supplementary estimate is issued, authorising an increase of the Army to four millions.
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    • 13 7 Amsterdam, December 14. The Prussian losses, till November 26th, were 2,244,248.
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    • 30 7 London, December 14. In the House of Commons, Mr. H, J. Tennant said the total number of German military prisoners in the United Kingdom was 21,205.
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    • 21 7 London, December 15. General Sir Douglas Haig has been elected an honorary fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford.
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    • 72 7 A NEW CREDIT. Amsterdam, December 15. In the Reichstag, Doctor Helfferich made an emphatic appeal to pass the credit of £500,000,000. He said Germany’s existence as a nation and an empire had still to be wrested from her enemies. The war must be prosecuted at all risks. The
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    • 33 7 CHARGED AND ACQUITTED. Amsterdam, Dec. 15. The editor of the Telegraaf will be tried on a second charge of endangering Hollano’s neutrality. Acquitted. Amsterdam, The editor of the Telegraaf” was acquitted.
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    • 76 7 Loudon, December 14. In the House of Commons, Lord Robert Cecil, Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, explaining the Enemy Trading Extension Bill, t-aid its object was to impede trading with the enemy in neutral countries. He instanced South America, where a German firm directly assisted the
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  • 429 7 ATTITUDE TOWARDS PARLIAMENT EXTENSION. London, October 14. The fit st meeting of the Unionist Members of Parliament since the formation of the Coalition Ministrv was held yesterday evening. The Rt. Hon. Henry Chaplin presided. Sixty were present, including Sir Edward Carson. It was decided to oppose the
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  • 405 7 Mr. Bonar Law, as for the Colonies, is naturally anxious to arrest the mischief done in the Oversea Dominions bv the unrestrained outbursts of the antiGovernment Press at home. He has sent the following letter to Sir John McCall, Agent-General for Tasmania, on the alleged political
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 936 7 STIRRING STORIEI. Salonika, December 15. Reuter’s correspondent at Headquarters sends stirring narratives, given by the wounded, which confirm the grand work of the troops during the British retreat, against odds of ten to one in men and guns. When we fell back to the third line, two
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    • 3 7
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    • 574 7 The news clearly indicates that on thsir eastern front the Germans are gradually losing their initiative, whico is inclining more and more to tha Russian side. The change came in a very decisive hour, as it must have a very direct influence in theBalkan theatre of war. Russia,
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    • 28 7 STRONG BOMBARDMENTS. Paris, December 14. There is great artillery activity at the Dardanelles. Supplementary reports show that our bombardment on Sunday severely damaged the Turkish defences.
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    • 32 7 Cairo, December 14. It is officially announced that the British routed a hostile Arab force in the western desert. The British casualties were only sixteen killed, and eighteen wounded.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 23 7 DVINSK TRENCHES/’EVACUATED. Petrograd, December 15. F The||Ger mans have’ evacuatedj[their advancedj’trenches in Jthe Dvinsk region/in order to take up winter quarters.J
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    • 37 7 London,fDec. 15. The MontenegrinjGeneral, Martinovitc, whol'has beenVfattachedfrtopthe Russian command for four*Jmonths,**when passing through Rome,Jen route* for Cetinje, said Russia’would resume the ifleneive in the Spring, with 4,000,000 fresh troops. (Other Telegrams on page 4
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  • 827 8 Sovereign Lord of Utility.W. A. W. in the S.F.P.” A COUNTRY UNDER A CURSE. A great hunter bat confessed himself loth to kill an elephant. It seemed to him presumptuous to destroy life on so large a scale. Something of the same thought passes through the mind
    Sovereign Lord of Utility.W. A. W. in the S.F.P.”  -  827 words
  • 318 8 OR THE LONG VIEW. By Harold Begbib. When the Pressimist is roaring of the ruin that must come If the Government refuses to resign, And the Whimperer is striking every poor old woman dumb Wi h the dreadful daily wailing of his whine, Let us gratefully remember, for
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  • 182 8 Siam Observer.” Fohmkk Bangkok Skipper Starts a Line in Norway. Capt. Jens Folkmann has purchased the steamer Vmdeggen, of about 4,000 tons, and with her hai started at Skien, as the head office, a steamship business under the name and style of Jens Folkmann’s Steamship Co., Ltd.”
    Siam Observer.”  -  182 words
  • 175 8 A Peking telegram of the 6th inst. states :An official statement has been issued which says that, ar about 5 p.m. on Sunday a number of disreputable characters in Shanghai hired from the Settlement a launch, on the bow of which they hoisted a blue
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  • 137 8 Madras, December 6.ln the Small Cause Court, Mr. E. F Greatorex, agent for Mr. and Mrs Brill, filed a suit for the recovery of a sum of Rs. 801 from Dr. A. A. Mix, dental surgeon, being the rent due to Mr. and Mrs. B ill,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 290 8 A Reputation of over 100 year». Cockle’s' ANTIBILIOUS Pills ENSURE GOOD DIGESTION and a HEALTHY, ACTIVE LIVER. Of Chemists throughout the world. Prices in England, 1/li and 2/9. lames Cockle A Co., 4 Groat Ormond It., London,W.<. 111 e'*’ 'V I3 A Cooling and Refreshing Drink. 'M The trying Climate
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    • 74 8 Ton personally cannot see all the poods u ade and sold in this world. You cannot visit all the factories, or go gazing into all the shop windows. Apart from the fatigue of such an adventure, time and your lack of mobility prevent it. But the advertiser can and does
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    • 353 8 teigh your car, front and back axle* separately, with all ordinary luggage, accessories. &c„ aboard, with all seats occupied, and all water and petrol tanks full. If your tyres are insufficient for the weight borne, that is to say, if the weight per axle exceeds: 16 cwt. for 90 section
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  • 787 9 IMPROVING TRADE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, December 15. Whatever yon may think of things in Penang there is a very decided opinion here that trade is improving. Certainly the signs are not very obvious yet, bat there is undoubtedly an undercurrent that «peaks well of the
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  • 110 9 PERAK'S LIBERALITY. Mrs. John Mitchell forwards us a large iet of names of subscribers to a special fund for the supply of Christmas presents to the Wivts and Children of the Belgian sol diers now fighting at the front. We regret hat demands on spice do
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  • 882 9 TO OBTAIN TRADE. Mr. Poultney-Bu.e'ow writes to the New York Times in reply to Dr. Ernest Johann Spaeth’s defence of the atrocious deed of the Lusitania. The German professor had said that the massacre was perperated by a government hitherto hum ane and enlightened.” Further, he
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  • 914 9 S.T IMPRESSIVE GATHERING AT BIDADARI CEMETERY. The gathering of m urners at Bidadari Cemetery on Monday afternoon, a gathering representative of well nigh every interest he had in life, expressed as no words can do the popularity of the late Mr. P. F.
    S.T  -  914 words
  • 47 9 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Inverclyde, Brit, 3241, Adcock, Dec 15, Vladivostok, gen., Boustead Co. On Sang, Brit., 1787, Tough, Dec 15, H’kong, gen., Boustead Co. Tosa Maru, Jap., 3502, Takano, Dec 16, Kobe, gen., P.S Co. Hebe, Brit., 346, Scott, Dec 16, T. Anson, gen., Adamson Gilfillan Co.
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  • 36 9 To-day. Carlyle for Tongkah. Alma for Deli. Tosa Marn for Rangoon, Calcutta Durban. Kedah for Dindings, Sitiawan Bagan Datob and Teluk Anson. Trang for Trang. Glenfalloch for Singapore and China. Onsang for Calcutta and Durban.
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  • 65 9 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close Alor Star (Kedah) Aing Thye 10 a.m. Deli and Asahan Brandan 10 a.m. Teluk Anson Hebe 4 p.m. Rangoon, Calcutta and Durban Japan 4 p.m. Saturday. Ten Jit Seng 7 a.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Ipoh 4 p.m. Madras, taking
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  • 133 9 Pbnang, December 16, 1915. (Bp Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 7/32 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 9/16 3 Credit ...2/4 27/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 7/8 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 175 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bombay Demand Bank 175 Moul mein Demand Bank 174 3
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 33 9 It is our intention to continue to advertise our various specialities with unabated vigour, and our appropriationsare already planned for extensive campaigns. It pays to advertise, advertise, advertise.”The North British Rubber Co., Ltd.
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    • 189 9 NOTICE. Mr. K. TAKETOMI begs to announce that be has removed his Hair Dressing Saloon From Login’s Buildings to THE BODEGA," No. 2a Beach Street and solicits th* continuance of the support of bis customers. 48 Hours only from Singapore TO The Unsurpassed Health Resort Hotel Beau Sejour LEMBANG. JAVA.
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    • 351 9 Another Pen-triumph for the makers of Waterman’s Ideal The New Lever Pocket Filled in an fSBr RUhf instant Simply raise <_■ lev® dip AV IQeal JOFFouritainHen filled. We explain here how simple it is to fill this new jTTyjg type of a world-celebrated pen. But only use of the P
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  • 464 10 Ex. Some interesting charts or graphs illustrating certain well-Known truths as to the relationship between rainfall ayd rubber yields in the plantation zone are issued by the Rub-ber-Growers’ Association. The necessary data hare been furnished by a number of representative estates in Ceylon and Malaya, and
    Ex.  -  464 words
  • 490 10 THE STANDARD MARKET. Excepting for the lapse at the end of last week caused by a spell of bear selling and an easing in the East, the tin market has continued to pain strength, and the general situation at the moment is distinctly promising. says the Ironmonger of November
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  • 28 10 Penang :The E. O. Hotel, The Crag Runny med e Hotel, Hotel Norman, Singapore: Raffles Hotel. Rangoon >trand Hotel. Java. Hot B?au Sej ur Lembani.
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  • 438 10 Messrs. James F. Hatton Co., 1} td writing on November 18, report:— Liverpool Cotton. To-day. Last Week. Mid-AmericanSpot 6.97 6.88 Mid-American, Current Month 6.79 6.73 j F.G.F. EgyptianSpot 9.55 9.50 F.G.F. Egyptian, Current Month 9.25 9.19 New York Cotton. Yesterday. Last week SpotCents. 11.70 11.75 Current Month
    438 words
  • 248 10 In the Penang Municipality for the week ended November 27, there were 62 deaths 37 males and 25 females, equal to a death-rate of 30.95 per mille per annum, compared with 27.46 in the preceding week, and with 30.18 in the corresponding week of last year. The following
    248 words
  • 943 10 January Meeting, 1916. (UNDER S. R. A. RULES OF RACING.) RACE DAYS: FIRST DAY Thursday, 6th January, 1916 SECOND DAY... Saturday, Bth January, 1916. FIRST DAY. Thursday, 6th January, 1916. 1 5 THE GEORGE TOWN PLATE and PURSE. Value $350 each. A Handicap for all ponies 14.2
    943 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 221 10 Quality. H W With LEA PERRINS’SAUCE, JT eggt a few drops sprinkled over the meat, ppfc SjO fish or cheese, &c., are all that is required to impart the most delicious j 5! Or piquancy and flavour. Mb Igl The QUALITY and concentration of its Rj I vi ui ingredients
      221 words
    • 23 10 DAIMLER 5 sotor Carriages i 5 Commercial Vehicles d 3 Agricultural Tractors c S ««DAIMLER COMPANY t’j S 5 COVENTRY, ENGLAND. [/«TYYYV-rkV'r—_rmrzYYW J
      23 words
    • 17 10 Brother, T lette for A mfort he A Gold or W l-plated cases everywhere. W -AND. A
      17 words

  • 674 11 VAST ORGANISATION IN THE STATES. Spurred on, as the pub’ic believes, by criticism directed agains* the Administration for the indifference with which it has treated German and Austrian plotters in the United States, the Government is now showing the greatest activity, and it is semi-officially announced that
    674 words
  • 62 11 Thursday, Decmber 16 Rand, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Empire Theatre, Penang Road Electric Polyscope Co,, Argyle Road. Friday, December 17. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Saturday. December 18. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Sunday. December 19 Church Services. Monday. December 20 Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Tuesday, December 21.
    62 words
  • 26 11 Dec. 22.Meeting Board of Licensing Justices, District Court, 2-15 p.m. Jan. 6.Penang Races. Jan. B.Penang Races. Feb. 4,—P. A. M. Meeting at Johore Bahru.
    26 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 498 11 -rm- i—i «nw-»: ««ruwrnwmranrm....,^.. yrr. mm L L .»m— maaa winu—rauirw mu j'.-wiaiim mi nwumHuimia «aaaaiMMaanmw From the same tin of Benger’s z Food you can maintain a healthy I g man or feed a baby.” J Benger’s Food, prepared with fresh new milk, |i I a combines all the
      498 words
      350 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2258 12 P. o.—B. I.—APGAR In. Y. K. hrv K. P. M. J?«** MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. apin Mail Steamship Co. Ld. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART Z PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. I jMIk MAATSCHAPPIJ CH,N MUTUAL STEAM NAV. co., ltb. «....ward <-r Europe,” AIL S^ RVI «or Ch!., .ad m Due Sparer. couneode. *->»
      2,258 words