Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 December 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 854 1 1 IT XOU WANT TO SHIP. BUY OB BELL I’RUBB ER OB TO a FORWARD GOODS TO AffY FA*T or TBB wosu> n ALLEN DENNYS Co., WW3OV raUQKT. 1 THE PINANG GAZETTE.” I l/ Bkß I ftji just to hand mmmhmmhmmmmmhmmmmmmmmummhmhuhm OTOE ««0 PRESS: M I lj| IM O J
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    • 65 1 aacaaa aaaaas a r-ac o aaa <W g FOK S3O g. u X7OU can have the Pinang g g X n—tt« posted every day S for a whole year te your address. S (LOCAL SUSSCSIPTIOH. 527). O g Proportionate Quarterly and S o Half-yearly rates. g g r übecriptions are
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  • 402 2 SEQUEL TO CORONER’S INQUEST. As a sequel to tne Coroner’s inquest last month into the death of an infant 9 days old by opium poisoning after being given patent cough pills, Tham Kim, the proprietor of the shop from which the pills were obtained, appeared before Mr.
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  • 117 2 A SUCCESSFUL YEAR. Messrs. Fraser and Co., Managers of the Eastern Smelting Company, Limited, have been advised by cable that the Annual Report and Accounts of this C inpany for the year ending August 31st, 1915, will be issued in London to-day. There is a net
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  • 69 2 At the Electric Polyscope His Wife's Sacrifice,” The Chinese Vase and a copy of Pathe Animated Gazette will be shown to-night, and a series of comedy films. The Straits Cinema will to-night show a five-reel film from the late Mr. Justus Miles Forman’s The Garden of Lies," and,
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  • 40 2 Members are reminded that the next Club Handicap Shoot takes place on Saturday next, the 18th inst., at 3.30 p.m. Ranges 200, 500 «nd 6bo yards. Ammunition will be supplied on the Range at Club rates.
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  • 20 2 By Alma (D cemb«r 15) from Deli: Mr H Holgate and Mr S Carpi (of the Italian Opera Co.)
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  • 22 2 OUTPUTS FOR NOVEMBER. The following are rubber outputs for November Benar lbs. 6,038 Bujong 15,304 Glugor, S. Patani 4,632 Taiping 10,300
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  • 18 2 The output of the Ulu Piah Mine for the month of November was 360 picul 4
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  • 15 2 The homeward mail close* at 6 p.m. on Saturday. Registration until 4 p.m.
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  • 1517 2 Mrs. Lisbon and Mias Mahler expect to go Home in February. Dr. Bright and Dr. Webster are both with the British forces landed at Salonika. The Bishop of Singapore and Mrs. Fer-guson-Davie arrived in Singapore by the Novara. Mr. J. Rigby, Registrar of Vehicles Perak, has been
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    • 425 2 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette"} Sir,I shall be greatly obliged if you will be so kind as to publish the enclosed two letters as space and opportunity occurs. It is owing to my absence from the Straits that they were not sent to you as
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  • 52 2 The Hon. Treasure, -end» us the following list of farther contrihuions to the above Fund, forwarded to the CnartereJ Bank, Penang. Balance on Dec 11 $2,733.66 Mr and Mrs P Mitford, Nov and Dec subn 50.00 Balance on Dec 14 $2,783 66 Amount previously acknowleged ...$18,558 21
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  • 206 2 PENANG WOMEV WORKERS. Mrs. Jamieson a»R u? to acknow\Js,c the fo.lowing subscriptions Previously acknowledged $855 Mrs Cleaver (2n 1 don) $lO, Mrs Heim (3rd doo) $5, Mrs Trengrove (4th don) $5 Total $875 A box containing the last month’s work was despatched by 88. Katori Maru,
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  • 138 2 As Australian Invention. As a result of successful experiments carried out by the Commonwealth military officers, it i>, most likely that Australian soldiers will in future be provided with a much more effective means of using their rifles in trench warfare. A periscopic attachment for rifles has been
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  • 89 2 CHINESE COMPANY SANJTIONK b In view of our advocacy of a Chi Company of the local Volunteers 6 particularly glad to learn officially that th e Government has given its sanction f or addition of such a Company to the Pen Volunteers. The applicants fur enrolment mast q,
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  • 400 2 Without a single dissentient voice the Russian Army acclaims the choice of General Alexeieff as the Tsar's Chief of Staff, says a Petrograd correspondent. It could not well be otherwise. He is a soldier in the fullest and truest sense of the word. The son
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  • 84 2 London, Dec. I.A writer in the sew York World says since February 2ud the British have c«prured or sunk 58 submarines and 20 mo e are Ks'ed as probably destroyed. British in the Baltic include captured Gei nun German patrols allowed them to pass rouno, not
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  • 253 2 Madras, November 30.Lord Pen* a u at Trichinopoly said: It is pe ria P s sufficient to say that if the war has demonstrated the immense power and efficisoey 1 German military organisation it has pro? with no le 4 B force the inexhaustible re
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 448 2 MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THERE is a Vacancy for a third man io a quiet Mess in L<og»n Road. AJarage and stables. Apply No. 108, c/o Pinang Gazette. WANTED, SOUND SERVICEABLE HACK, about 14 hands. Also saddle and bridle complete. No. 109, c/o Pinang Gazette. EASTERN SMELTING Co.. Ltd, (Incorporated in England).
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  • 787 3 THE ANNUAL MEETING. The annual general meeting of the members of the Penang Ladies* Rifle Club was held at 21 Northarm Road, yesterday evening. Mrs. Liston, the President of the Club, occupied the chair, the others present being Mrs. Wright-Motion, Mrs Sproule, Mrs. F. Hulme Sharp,
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  • 556 3 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET. A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners of George Town was held in the Municipal Offices, Penkng, yesterday afternoon. TherO were present Messrs. W. Peel (President), J. Mitchell, Quah Beng Kee, Lim Eow Hong, with Mr. L. M. Bell (Engineer) and Mr. L. A. C. Biggs (Secretary).
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  • 188 3 The Preanger Bode has received news from a Borneo sourcs that the Dyaks of Dutch Borneo have broken out again. The Controleur of Boeloengan, the paper states, reports that many outrages have occurred in the districts of Sesajah and Sembakoeng. Eight Ponan natives from Ulu Matarong have
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  • 24 3 Penang :—The E. O. Hotel, The Crag Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Norman, Singapore:Raffles Hotel. Rangoon :Strand Hotel. Java.Hot Beau Sej mr Lembang.
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    • 208 3 Paris, Dec. I.General Gallieni, in an interview with an American journalist, states that the Central Powers are in a vice struggling desperately to escape. The attack on the Yser, the anti-Russian offensive’ and the Balkan campaign are the convulsions of a beast at bay. I recognise their
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    • 102 3 London, December I.Lord Haldane, addressing the Fabian Society, declined to outline peace terms since it was necessary to consider our obligations to our Allies and it was impossible to discuss terms with the German nation. A century ago the Allies were ready to make peace with
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    • 90 3 The Times Lausanne correspondent, referring to a Berlin story of an interview with the Pope, says that from dependable information from Berlin, the German staff expected the Allies’ September offensive to succeed. The staff papers in Brussels remained three days packed in motors ready for instant flight.
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    • 94 3 London, December I.The "Tribunas” Bucharest correspondent says it is reported that Rumania will send an ultimatum to Austria when the Allies have half a million men in the Balkans. The Morning Po a t’s Bucharest correspondent says that Rustchuk is preparing to accommodate 50,000 Teuton troops.
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    • 68 3 London, Dec. 3.The Central News correspondent at Amsterdam says that Count Mensdorff, formerly Austrian Am bassador in London, has gone to Bucharest from Sofia. The Daily Chronicle’s correspondent at Athens says the Teutons offered M. Bratiano a tempting territorial bait to abandon neutrality. The Geneva Tribune” says
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    • 82 3 A Central News message from Zurich says it is believed that Austrian Cabinet changes foreshadow a process of Germanization similar to that which the army has undergone. According to the Daily News’ Rome correspondent the Kaiser went to Vienna to dissuade the Emperor from concluding a separate
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    • 40 3 Lonion, December 5.A Salonika report published in Germany states that the Tsar telegraphed to M. Pashitch he would not tolerate the disappearance of Serbia or ef Serbian independence. Russia had already made plans to save Serbia.
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  • 552 3 S.F.P.” The Singapore friends of Mr. W. H C. Coates, the former Secretary of the Polo Club, may like to hear that he is at present stationed at Norwich, having had leave from his firm for the period of the war. He writes rather critically of
    S.F.P.”  -  552 words
  • 308 3 The figures given concerning the schools under the control of the Ministry of Public Instruction are of decided interest as showing the scope of the direct steps taken by the State towards the education of the children in the country, says the Bangkok Daily Mail. Three
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 333 3 BOOK-KEEPER WANTED Ist January, 1916. THE Straits Motor Gtrage require a First Class BOOK-KEEPER. None but competent men need apply. Salary $lOO to $l5O according to ability. Applications should be made in candidates’ own hand-writing, accompanied by copies of recent testimonials and sent to GATTEY Co., French Bank Buildings, Singapore.
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    • 47 3 A Clear Head a hearty appetite, sound sleep and good digestion are sure to follow an occasional dose of the tiny laxatives. Gentle as nature. Do not gripe. Of all chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Dept. Ic, Singapore.
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    • 486 3 to the war MADAME CECILE will make considerable reductions in all her Millinery »nd kindly solicits an inspection of same at the E. O. Hotel, Room No. 36. NOTICE. A LIST of applications for public house licences for the year 1916, to be considered at the Meeting of the Board
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  • 68 4 McCullaghJohnstone On Saturday, 11th December, at the Wesley Church, Singapore, W. D. McCullagh, of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, to Muriel, elder daughter of the late W. J. Johnstone and Mrs, Johnstone, of Belfast. LoganWood.—Ou December 11, at St. Andrew’s Cat bed, al, Singapore, S.S., Stewart, younger son
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  • 1104 4 The commonly accepted notion that after the war Germany will remain a protectionist country receives rather a set back, in view of some interesting deductions made by the well-known politician and professor Dr. Hans Delbruck. Writing in the November number of the Preiissische Johrbucher on The German
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  • 1115 4 Reference has been made to the extraordinary quantities of opium seized in China ports and in Singapore during 1915. What is the meaning of it Shipping and E rgineering refers to the fact that the recent seizures have been almost wholly,on home ships. This' is the point
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  • 675 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penaug was $83.50 per picul, buyers no sellersan increase of $2 25. Tin is quoted in London yesterday £l6B spot, and £167 1 ss. three months Particulars of the enemy subjects deported ou the steamer Golconda f oru Madras and Calcutta
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 167 4 HUMPHREY TAYLOR’S QUADECANTER OF LIQUEURSContaining in four separate SECTIONS:Creme de Menthe Starboard Light.” Apricot Brandy Pricota.” Peach Brandy Pescarine.” Curacoa Orange. JUNORA.” JUNORA, The Wine of Health,” is a marvellous nerve and brain builder and a potent revitalizer. JUNORA is a light delicate dry wine to which has old-fashioned appetising
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    • 31 4 E. 0. HOTEL. A SPECIAL XMAS EVE DINNER Will be served at 8 p.m. Covers should be booked In advance. THE TOWN BAND will play daring Dinner and for DANCING afterwards.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 34 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for tomorrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. 7- a.m 1-44 a.m. 8- p.m. 138 p m. 8- a.m. 3 16 a.m. 9- p.m. 2-48 p.m.
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  • 22 4 DEATH. LloydOn December 13, at Cairnhill College, Singapore, Patrick Francis Lloyd, son of Mr. J. T. Lloyd, Singapore, aged 25 years. R.I.P.
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  • 303 5 THE ALLIES’ NEW LINE. TURKS HELD AT KUT. BRITISH RECRUITING SUCCESS. disastrous explosion near HAVRE. A portion of the Allied forces in Macedonia have cros-ed to the south of the Greek frontier, the right of the line now testing on Kilindir, in Greece, about four miles from the
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 168 5 [Reuter’s Services]. ALLIES’ GUNS ACTIVE. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph). London, December 14. An official dispatch from the Headquarters in France says Last night we blew up a mine in front of Givenchy and occupied the crater. To-day there was considerable activity at various points o'f the front.
      [Reuter’s Services].  -  168 words
    • 103 5 AN UNQUALIFIED SUCCESS. London, D»cemler 13 The reci uiting auth< rities, this afternoon, deciare that Lord Derby’s scheme has been beyond all quettion an unqualified succes They are now devoting their energies to direct enlistment. Mr, Asquith’s Statement. London, December 13. Mr. Asquith, in the House of Commons,
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    • 384 5 Loi don, Nov. 17.1 n the House of Commons yesterday, Mr. J H. Thomas (Labour) denied that Mr. Asquith’s statement cf Novembr 2 inferred that conscription would operate after the 30th if the voluntary svet*-m failed, as this would be a violation of the agreement between
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    • 79 5 MANS' BELGIANS KILLED. Havre, Dec. ll’h (delayed). A terrible explosion occurred on the morning of December Uth, at the Belgian Government’s Powder Works, at Graville, a suburb of Havre, while work was in full swing. Besides the factory buildings, adjacent hutments for men were also destroyed.
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    • 86 5 London, December 14. The King’s doctors have issued the following bulletin: The King is sufficiently recovered to resume work, with certain limitations. His Majesty has lost seriously in weight, and until normal health is attained, it is essential to avoid fatigue. It has been necessary, on medical
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    • 43 5 London, December 13. In the House of Commons, Mr. H. J. Tennant, Under Sec-etary for War, said the London Anti-Aircraft Corps had been transferred to the control <f the War Office. Admiral Sir Percy Sco't was no longer in charge.
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    • 165 5 CHANCELLOR’S STATEMENT. London, December 14. In the House if Commons, Mr. McKenna the Chancellor cf the Exchequer, said he did not anticipate any difficulty in raising he nccesfaiy lost s cn voluntary terms. Government and Economy. Mr. Asquith said the Government did not intend to propose an
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 207 5 A GERMAN QUERY. Salonika, December 13. As the result of an agreement between the Greek and the Allied Staff-, the Greek troops have withdrawn, giving the Al ies freedom of movement in the SalonikaDoiran zone. The Greek division at Langaza has been removed to Serres. The Allied
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    • 53 5 ALLIES’ ASSISTANCE. London December 14. In the House of Commons, Lord Robert Cecil, Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, said the Allied Governments were collecting ample supplies for the Serbian refugees. There are great difficulties to surmount-, but it was believed the numbers of refugees were less than
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    • 591 5 The Greek paper Parris publi a hes an interesting open letter from a prominent Serbian personality,” evidently in Athens, which in substance is as follows At the present moment the Serbians look with much bitterness towards Greece, not onlv because she has failed to take her
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    • 356 5 TURKISH ATTACKS AT KUT. London, December 14. It is officially announced that General Townshend reports that his position whs shelled all day on December Bth, and again on the 9th, when the enemy made desultory attacks on all sides. On the 10th, the enemy again heavily bombarded Kut-el-Amara, and
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    • 493 5 The dangerous intrigues of German and Austrian agents in Persia have been frequently commented upon and even now in »pite of the action taken by the Teheran Government the mischief that is being done is considerable. The central authority cannot exert its full power in the
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    • 48 5 TWO MINES EXPLODED. Paris, December 14. There was a sharp cannonade at the Dardanelles, on Saturday and Sunday. The explosion of two mines, on Sunday, badly damaged the Turkish defences, our heavy guns subsequently severely punishing the enemy’s reserves, which were sent to man the defences.
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  • 65 5 APPEAL TO THE F.M.S. I From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, December 15. Sir E. L. Brockman has received a telegram from Sir William Taylor stating that Mr. Malcolm Cumming is raising funds to provide rubber knee boots for the troops. The sum of £1,200 has
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  • 43 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, December 15. The report of Simpan Valley Tin Co., shows a nett profit of $20,730. A dividend of five per cent, on A” class shares is suggested. The sum of $14,730 will be carried forward.
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  • 113 5 Rangoon, Dec. 2.This evening before a very large gathering, including the Lieutenant-Governor, the Rangoon St. Leger race (of the value of Rs. 3,350) was run in excellent weather. Mr. Bu j >rjee, who has distinguished himself by winning Ihe Civil Service Cup, India, for many years,
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  • 575 5 GERMANY ALSACE-LORRAINE. (Specially Translated.) In the Reichstag, the Imperial Chancellor, Dr. vun Bethmaud-Hollweg, declared that under no condition wou d Germany ever give up Al*ace and Lorraine. He refused to enum rate the terms on which Germany would be willing to agree to peacewith the Allies, but
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  • 209 5 On Monday morning at 11 o’clock Miss Helena Enthoven, the daughter of the Heer Enthoven, a Director of Handel Maatschappy Hutteubach it Co., Medan, laid the the foundation stone of their new offices and godown. A goodly number of spectators had gathered! Heer Metz, who is the architect,
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  • 787 6 LESSONS OF CHAMPAGNE. The New York United Press" publishes the following artic e from its Paris cotres pondent, Mr. Willi.m Philip Simms, wh > had on November 14 just returned from a tour of the Champagne battlefield Can the two armies now face to face
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  • 445 6 S.T.” UNEXPECTED END BROUGHT ABOUT BY HEART FAILURE. It is with the deepest regret that we announce the death, from heart failure, of Mr Patrick F Lloyd, which occurred at the residence of hia father, Mr J T Lloyd, in Cairnhill Road, Singapore, shortly after
    S.T.”  -  445 words
  • 215 6 Dramatic Incident in Court. London, November 21 Miss Annesley Kenealy has proceeded against the well known booksellers, Smith and Son, for placing her novel on the library black list 'has characterising it as immoral. Miss Kenealy, who is a handsome woman, conducted her own case, dressed in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 543 6 MKB THE TAI SENG I P |ai Crulbs I M 3ii the subject of Health are the only 5 acceptable pronouncements. Emg* 11 «4- AM 121 Rerated statements end by convinc- W NIOLOr KCDalllUf» W»> j. do they create sus- T "O pieion, and give rise to doubt. But Cl
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    • 112 6 There is Nothing to Joke about in a backache. It may be serious, parties* larly with women. In all events it is sure to handicap to your activities, at work or at play. There is no need to suffer. Speedy relief is found in Little’s Oriental Balm The sovereign cure
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    • 334 6 II householTeconomy. 1 a Now that food stuffs are becoming dearer, the attention of tnc Public S s drawn to Skimmed Milk. 9 J THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS I sr' r- Budapest in 1909 and at Berne in T 914 recognised that S !hWHeIHSE| s *c™r^ ,L I I WHOLESOME AND
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 202 6 THE STRAITS CINEMA. "Phone No. 628. EMPIRE HALL. PENANG ROAD. TO-NIGHT f Five-Reel Broadway U. Feature. TO-NIGHT I I The Garden of Lies The five-reel feature was dramatized by Louis Reeves Harrison from the novt-1 by Justus Miles Korman, who went down with the Lusitania when that ship was torpedoed
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  • 774 7 JOURNEY OF NAVAL CONTINGENTS. A Times” telegram from Vodena (Greece), on November 15, says I have just srrived from Monastir, where last niuht the Serbian authorities and foreign Consuls were preparing to evacuate the town in the event of the nearer approach of the Bulgarians, who
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  • 845 7 LONDON COMMENTS. The Financial Editor of the Daily Despatch writing from London on Nov. 16th say#: The best that can be said of the rise in rubber shares is that it is making liquid many investments which for months past have been almost unsaleable, thus enabling
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  • 87 7 Messrs. Allen Dennys Co. advise that the undermentioned prices were realised for robber sold by them by auction yesterday 197,730 lbs offered, 184.400 lbs gold. Smoked ribbed sheet $lB3 to $l9O plain 146 180 No. 2 smoked sheet diamond 162 183 Unsmoked sheet 160 173 No. 2
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  • 216 7 Sialang. lnt divd 6 p c Last year 4 pc. Blkit Cloh. Second int divd Ijd per share. East Java. lnt divd p c tax free. Last year no int divd. Insulin i»e. Divd 10 p c for year to June 30 last. This is the
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  • 165 7 T.0.M.” Chinaman’s Leap From a Tkain. Mr. Justice Farrer-Mauby concluded the hearing of a case at the Ipoh Assize» on Tuesday in which a Chinaman named Ng Fuh was charged with the theft of $4OO and a number of cheques from another Chinaman in a train between Teluk
    T.0.M.”  -  165 words
  • 261 7 A preliminary inves igation was opened in the Ipoh Police Court, on Tuesday, into a charge against a Chinaman, Cheong Chen, in connection with the alleged murder of a Chinese woman at Teluk Kurin on the 6th inst. Inspector Gowland, referring to the arrest of
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  • 248 7 Most of Shanghai’s 8,000 rikisha coolies went on strike on December 2, and began rioting when a 10 cent increase was made in the rent of the vehicles by the rikisha companies. The increase was instituted on Dec 1. The trouble is a result of the determination
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  • 61 7 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Nam Sang, Brit., 2591, Gilroy, Dec 14, C’cutta, gen., Boustead Co. Will-o-the-wisp, Brit., 148, Sampson, Dec 14, Deli, gen., G. H. Slot Co. Hok Canton, Brit., 287, Mathews, Dec 14, S’pore, gen., E. S. Co. Alma, Brit., 459, 8011, Dec 15, Deli, gen., E. S. Co. Kedah,
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  • 49 7 To-day. Atjeh for Langsa Edi, T. Semawe, Segli and Olehleh. Hok Canton for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Will o’ the Wisp for Deli. Cornelia for Bagan Datoh Teluk Anson. Onsang for Calcutta and Durban. Pangkor tor Dindings and Sitiawan. Mambang for Setul. Flying Dragon for Portweld and Taiping.
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  • 57 7 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close. Yen Jit Seng 7 a.m. Tongkah Carlyle 11 a.m. Rangoon and Calcutta Tosa Maru 3 p.m. Singapore and China Glenfalloch 3 p.m. Friday. Rangoon, Calcutta and Durban Japan 4 p.m. Saturday. Madras, taking mails Fazilka 6 p.m. for Europe, etc.,
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  • 122 7 Penang, December 15 1915. {By Oourltsy of th» Chartor«fi BanhY London Demand Bank ...2/4 7/32 4 months’sight Bank ...2/4 9/16 3 Credit ...2/4 27/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 7/8 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 175 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bombay Demand Bank 175 Bloulmein Demand Bank 174 3 days’sight Private
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 350 7 ASK FOR Bensdorp’s Royal Dutch Cocoa. Sanders’ Eau-De-Cologne. Imported by: 6 BOELEN Co./ 9 BE P A E C N H A^ REET I ELLERMAN LINE. FOR LIVERPOOL. FOR LONDON AND HULL. 8 8. KIOTO” due Singapore about 30th December. For Rates of Freight and passage apply to McAlister co.,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2528 8 p.&0.-B. 1.-APCAR N. Y. K. P. M. tex mail AND passenger servi Steamship Co. Ld. j IWn koninklijke paketvaart peninsular AND oriental sailings. apau mOll Oitainsiiip v. L Mk MAATSCHAPPIJ OHINA MUTU L BTUM «V. 00., LTB. MAIL SERVICES. II T *T HE Companies’ steamers are desnafni. > Homeward (for
      2,528 words