Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 December 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 784 1 LF YOU WANT TO QHIP. r BUY OB BELL {rubber L FOdPWAJtO GOOD* S ro ANT FAM* or m worn I ALLEN DENNYS A U, I f. uoiaoa arun. CZI lIM I IFF nnnnnnnnnnnnaaannnnnnnHnnnnnnn JUSI TO H ND OVM of g a Latest Xmas Novelties official |M /V JK 5
      784 words
    • 61 1 g FOR S3O g N X7OU mb hava the Pinang g g I Gaaatto poated every day c for a wbote year to your addreao, g S (local ouoacoirnoM. san. g g Proportionate Quarterly and a Half>yearly rateo. g g Subscription* ara payable in g afeunoa and raaaittanoea should g
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  • General News.
    • 246 2 [Rbdter’s Sbrvicbs]. PRESIDENT WILSON’S MESSAGE. Washington, Dec. 7. The feature of Presid-ent Wilson’s message to Congress is a scathing denunciation of the plots and conspiracies. President Wilson does not accuse the Germans explicitly, though he obviously refers to the Teutonic outrages. He declares that grave as the
      [Rbdter’s Sbrvicbs].  -  246 words
    • 127 2 REPUBLICAN POLICY. London, December 7 A number of New York newspapers, headed by the Tribune are urging the Republicans,at the Congress,to demand that President Wilson should suspend relations with Germany, till the Lusitania crime is disavowed. New Charges Against Germans. New York, December 7. Five additional indictments
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    • 144 2 GERMANY A*KS WHY. .Washington, December 7. Count Bernstorff has presented a communication to the State Department,asking reasons for the request to withdraw Captains Boyed and von Papen, the German Attaches. Another Request. The State Department has received another enquiry on the subject of the reasons for
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    • 41 2 HUGE APPROPRIATION. Washington, December 7. Congress has opened. The total appropriations demanded total $1,285,858,000, ov< r $170,000,000 in excess of the appropriations for 1914. The increase is mainly due to the administration’s plans for naval and military preparedness.
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    • 388 2 THE LATE SIR P. M. MHHTA. London, December 7. Presiding at a meeting at the Caxton Hall, a resolution of regret at the loss India has sustained by the death of Sir Phirozsbah Merwanji Mehta, K c.l e., was proposed by Lord Harris, and carried unanimously. The Aga
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    • 111 2 THE DRINK QUESTION. London, December 7. Mr Herbert Samuel, who is seeking re-elec’ion for the Cleveland division, on bis appointment as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, is being opposed b\ Mr. Reginald Knight a Business Government candidate, who condemns the drink restrictions. Mr. Samuel, in a
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    • 24 2 London, Dec. 7. Colonel FMI-WJJlter, in consequence of his stud gift to the nation, is compelled to seek re election for Widnes.
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    • 81 2 GENERAL SMUTS’ STATEMENT. Cape Town, December 7. General Smuts, Minister of Defence, in a splendid statement in the Assembly, said the last fortnight's recruiting had been successful bevond the best expectations, enabling the Union to despatch the necrs sary forces to East Africa, and also reinforcements. He
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    • 26 2 Wellington, December 7. New Zealand’s National Register shows that 109,683 more men have volunteered to fight. The Premier considers the result highly satisfactory
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  • 58 2 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on Dec 6 ...$43,094.81 Hon A R Adams, monthly subn. 100 00 Balance on Dec 7 ...$43,194 81 Remitted to London
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  • 1585 2 Dr. Smith, late of Seremban and recently of Singapore, has developed lung trouble and been obliged to leave immediately for Europe. His Excellency the High Commissioner has approved the promotion of Sergeant F. J. Ayris, MS VR, to the rank of second lieutenant, with effsot from November
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  • 586 2 SERIOUS DAMAGE. (From a Correspondent.) Singora, November 29 The N.E. Monsoon burst with unm aa violence, we had 9 days continuous rain and high winds night and day without ceasim, from the 17th to 26th, during which time the Consular rain guage measured 3fj On the
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  • 95 2 PENANG WOMEN WORKERS SUBSCRIPTION LIST. Amount previously acknowledged $826 Mrs Wright-Motion $5, Collected by Mrs Wilson. (Caledonia) $7, Mr F C Marples (sale of Limes) $5, Mrs Jamieson $lO, M essrs Wassiamull Assomull $2. Total $855 Garments will be distributed as usual at the Town Hall
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  • 21 2 By Alma (D cember 8) from Deli, Mr and Mrs Lam Looking anil Mr Gonsalez of the Italian Opera Co.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 526 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RAWING to the war MADAME CECILE wiH make considerable reductions in all her Millinery kindly solicits an inspection of same at the E. O. Hotel, Room No. 36. WANTED. SECOND HAND MOTOR CYCLE with speeds fit for Side-Car work. Twin preferred mast stand expert inspection. Reply in first
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    • 112 2 There is Nothing; to Joke about in a backache. It may be serious, partioi* larly with woman. In all event» it is sore io handicap to your activities, at work or at play. There is no need te eater. Speedy relief is found in Little’s Oriental Balm The sovereign cure
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  • 1688 3 Boston Transcript. THORNY PATH OF A NEUTRAL STATE IN WARTIME. The Orange Book just presented to the States-General by the Dutch Minister for Foreign Affairs is of particu’ar importance, and interest on the present occasion as giving a review of the general questions and special matters connected
    Boston Transcript.  -  1,688 words
  • 60 3 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Alma, Brit., 459, Bell, Dec 8, Deli, gen., E. S. Co. Jin Ho, Brit., 93, Harding, Dec 8, Asahan, gen., E.S. Co. M. Austin, Brit., 97, Cowary, Dec 8, P. Dickson, gen., E. 8. Co. Kedah, Brit. 94, Manus, Dec 8, T. Anson, gen., E. S. Co.
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  • 63 3 To-day. Hok Canton for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Will o’ the Wisp for Deli. Cornelia for Bagan Datoh <fe Teluk Anson. Jin Ho for Asahan. Suisang for Calcutta and Durban. Mambang for Setul. Maetsuijcker for Sabang, Olehleh &c., Padang. Flying Dragon for Portweld and Taiping. Ban Lee for Langsa.
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  • 55 3 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close 7 Alor Star (Kedah) Aing Thye 7 a.m. Tongkah Calypso 1 p‘m. Friday. Yen Jit Seng 7 a,m Saturday. Ceylon, Australasia, x India, Aden, Mauri- I Sardinia 8 a.m. tius, Egypt and MOthinst. (Friday) Europe, I Reg- P to 6
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 929 3 WANTED. Mr H LAZARUS, a SITUATION as ESTATE MANA- Consulting-Optician, GER by a planter of many years’ experience, possessing fall knowledge of rubber cultivation and manufacturing, book-keeping, and general administration.Apply No. 104, c/o Pinang Gazette 116 7—13-12 WANTED. or CHIN CHEW to g to annonnce to the Public that he
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    • 56 3 T. NAGATA, JAPANESE DENTIST. NEXT DOOR OF THE DISPENSARY, From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sodium Bisulphite In y 2 cwfc an( i*l cwfc Drums. JWercury Perchloride In 28 lb. and 56 lb. Jars. Sulphur (Sticks and Powder). White Arsenic. PRICES ON APPLICATION. THE DISPENSARY (Penang) Ltd. Telegraphic Address!- 2,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 370 3 War! War! War! For the most powerful modern Dramas and astounding mysteries go to THE STRAITS CINEMA. Phone No. 628. EMPIRE HALL. PENANG ROAD. Sons of France The most powerful modern War Drama in 3 Parts, replete with active War Scenes, such as French Warfare, Mineblowing etc. etc. inciting Patriotism.
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  • 1205 4 The report that the Germans in Serbia are preparing to deliver a smashing blow on the British and French troops now in Serbia may point to an a'tempt by Berlin to put to the test the stability or otherwise of the arrangements that have been made,
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  • 1453 4 If the U. S. Government succeeds in routing out the nest of German conspirators in the States, and Reuter assures us that it is determined to essay it, it will be fortunate, and will deserve congratulations. Several hauls have been made in the course of a few
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  • 344 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $80.65 per picul, buyers no sellers—an increase of 45 cents. Tin is quoted in London yesterday at £165 10s. spot, and £165 three months 1160 coolies arrived by the ss. Fazilks to-day and 445 go to Pulau Jerajak for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 215 4 HUMPHREY TAYLOR’S QUADECANTER OF LIQUEURS. CONTAINING IN FOUR SEPARATE SECTIONS:Creme de Menthe Starboard Light.” Apricot Brandy Pricota.” Peach Brandy Pescarine.*’ Curacoa Orange. JUNORA." JUNORA, The Wine of Health,” is a marvellous nerve and brain builder and a potent revitalizer. JUNORA is a light delicate dry wine to which has been
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 32 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for tomorrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. 0-44 a.m. 7-40 a.m. 1-27 p.m. 7-36 p.m. 1- a.m, 8-25 a.m. 2- p.m. 8-22 p.m.
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  • 253 5 LATEST PEACE TALK. GREEK KING’S PROPOSAL. IN MESOPOTAMIA. UNITED STATES AND GERMANS. While the negotiations continue between Greece and the Entente, interviews which the King of Greece has given to Press representatives are telegraphed. His Majesty reiterates the promise that Gieece will not attack the Allied troops, nor
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  • Franee and Belgium.
    • 306 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE ATTACK ON DON. Copyright Telegrams.J (By Submarine Telegraph.) London, December 7. Field-Marshal Sir John French telegraphs that in the air raid on December 2nd, against Don Station, an ammunition store was blown up, and the railway hit, fires being observed in Don. All
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  306 words
    • 103 5 FURTHER ARRANGEMENTS. London, November 7. In the House of Commons, Mr. A c quith made the important announcement that arrangements for closer military co-opera-tion had been completed regarding France, and are under c insideration in connection with the other Allies. The Premier said it would not at present
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    • 161 5 DURHAM PRIVATE’S FEAT. London, December 7. The award of two Victoria Crosses is gazetted Private Thomas Kenny, Durham Light Infantry, at La Houssoie, on November 13th, was patrolling in a fog when his Lieutenant was shot in the thighs. He crawled for an hour with the officer
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    • 74 5 London, December 7. A military hospital containing eighty beds has been established at Blackmore End (Herts) under Captain Freer, formerly Senior Medical Officer of Selangor. The necessary funds will be provided by the public of the Malay States. Mr. W. F. Nutt, Hon. Secretary of the F.
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    • 33 5 London, December 7. The Government is considering the question of the establishment of a Board of Control, to scru'iuise war expenditure, and has asked the War Office and Admiralty to co-operate.
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    • 54 5 London, December 7. In the House of Commons. Mr. McKenna stated that the amount of gold coin in British Banks was £82.000.000 on June 30th, 1914, and £100,000,000 on J one 30th, 1915 (Cheers). He estimated that the gold coin held by the public at these dates were
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    • 23 5 London, December 7. It is stated that a section of the Cabinet are strongly opposed to a reduction of Ministers’ salaries.
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    • 16 5 London, December 7. Reports of a p-ojected forced loan are authoritatively described as inaccurate.
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    • 142 5 APPEAL TO BOTH SIDES. Rome, December 7. The Pope, in his allocution, said the way to secure peace was that which had already been satisfactorily tried in similar circumstances, namely, by an exchange of ideas, based on goodwill end calm deliberation Both sides must make concessions
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    • 187 5 AMERICAN EFFORTS. London, December 7. Mr. Ford’s p°ace party have wirelessed that they are determined to enter Germanr, and that they are confident the Germans will bow before the dove of peace. A telegram from New York states tha" Mr. W. J. Bryan, in a manifesto, urges
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    • 491 5 In the French Chamber, M. Briaud said the moment would come when the question of peace could be discussed. That raiment was far off; they must have the courage to say so to the country, which would have the courage to hear it. It would come when
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    • 246 5 Zurich, November 3.-—Public opinion in Switzerland is impressed by the peristenoy of the measuresechoes of which have doubtless reached Englandthat an informal unofficial exchange of views between highly placed foreign diplomatists upon the possibilities of peace is now taking place at the Hotel National, Lucerne. Prince
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 565 5 NEGOTIATIONS ADVANCED. Ashen?, December 7. It is announced that the latest communication made by the Entente diplomatists to the Greek Government regarding the Macedonian an! military questions contains bases of understanding. The Greek Government proposes to despatch Entente and Greek military Commissions to Salonika, to formulate the respective demands,
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    • 232 5 BACK TO KUT-EL-AMARA. London, December 7. The Press Bureau announces that General Townshend’s force has reached Kut-el-Amara, without further fighting. General Townshend’s Force* London, December 7. In the House of Lords, Viscount Bryce drew attention to the position at the Persian Gulf* He emphasised that the situation in Persia
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    • 28 5 AIR AND GUN ACTIVITY. Paris, December 7. Great artillery activity by both sides is reported from the Dardanelles on 4th December. Our aeroplanes bombed Turkish camps.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 40 5 Petrograd, December 7. The assembly of the Duma has been further postponed, until the Budget for 1916 is ready. The financial commissions, owing to the war conditions, have been unable to complete their labours within the legal time.
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    • 15 5 Petrograd, December 7. Russia has called out the 1917 recruits for 19 6.
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    • 15 5 Petrograd, December 7. M. Khvostoff has been appointed Minister of the Interior.
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  • Italy’s Campaign
    • 32 5 Rome, December 7. Attempts to break into the Italian lines, under cover of fog, were everywhere repulsed. Short dashing advanced by the Italian infantry won further advantages on Carso.
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  • 65 5 SEQUEL TO DARKENED STREETS. Loudon, December 7. The Rt. Hon. Sir Samuel Evans, President of the Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Courts, was leaving the Courts when he was knocked down by a motor bus, sustaining a broken leg. Sir Samuel Evans has recently been verybusy
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 84 5 A LONG CHASE. London, December 7. The Press Bureau announces that the Newcastle steamer Japanese Prince, with a large crew and a considerable number of passengers, recently encountered a German submarine. She struggled for five-and-a-half hours to get clear, being shelled the greater part of the time.
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    • 71 5 52 MISSING. London, December 7. The British India steamer Umeta is reported to have been sunk. 49 survivors have been landed, while 5 officers and 47 lascars are missing. [The Umeta was a steel screw steamer of 5,312 tons, built in 1914 by A. Stephen and
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    • 30 5 San Diego, December 7. The Northern Steamship Co’s liner Minnesota (20,718 tons) with 6,500 tons ef foodstuffs abroad, is lying helpless twenty-five miles south-west of the Coronado Islands.
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  • 35 5 SIX VESSELS WRECKED. London, December 8. Storms have swept over Great Britain for two days. Six vessels were wrecked on the East Coast. There were exciting rescues. Fifteen lives have been lost.
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  • 42 5 Halifax, N. S. December 7. A fire was discovered, on Saturday, on board the steamer Carleton, from New York for Queenstown, with a cargo of sugar. The Captain proceeded to Halifax and reported the matter to the Admiralty.
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  • 150 5 SHANGHAI ABSENAL ATTACKEDShanghai, December 5. The crew of the cruiser Chao Ho mutinied and opened fire on Shanghai Arsenal. Two other warships were watching the Chao Ho, but they did not attack her, for fear of damaging the Se'tlement. Simultaneously a body of rebels, with guns,
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  • 44 5 PURELY PRECAUTIONARY. [From Our Own Correspondent,] Singapore, November 8. A system of alarm signals, calling women and children to fixed points, is published, with a note that the publication is purely precautionary and the local outlook does not call for alarm.”
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  • 54 5 THE IRISMERE BADLY DAMAGED (Fiom Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, December 8. The steamer City of Colombo, of the Ellerman Lisoe,while entering the wet dock, rammed the steamer Irismere lying alongs'de the wharf. The Irismere sank in 30 feet of wate r There was heavy damage, bat
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  • 1961 6 ENEMY OWNED SHARES. The annual general meeting of the Palau Bulang Rubber and Produce Company, Ltd., was held on Saturday at. the registered offices, French Bank Buildings, Singapore. There were present Messrs W H Macgregor (chairman), J W van de Stadt, A D Allan (directors), D Y Perkins,
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    • 671 6 L. C. E." Toe excess profits tax has continued to excite considerable discussion amongst ruboer shareholders. Mr. McKenna has thrown some light on the situation. He is reported as saying If a rubber company were brought out wi h a prospect of paying only 6 percent, nobody
      L. & C. E."  -  671 words
    • 146 6 A telegram from Christiansund to the Shipping Gazette states that the case of the Swedish steamer Hugo, arrested recently on suspicion that it was involved in the smuggling of a cargo of rubber valued at £150,000, has been investigated by a Court there and that after
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    • 131 6 London November 24.Mr. Donohoe, who is now at Athens, claims to know something of what passed at Lord Kitchener’s interview with King Constantine and M. Scouloudis. Lord Kitchener presented the King in a businesslike way with certain definite proposals. Lord Kitchener was impressed and gratified by
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    • 79 6 London, Nov. 22.The Daily Chronicle’s New York correspondent states that die Hamburg-America Directors plead guilty to deceiving American shipping and supplying Ocean-raiders at the beginning of the war. They plead that such deception was incidental to the deception of the Allies and therefore not criminal.
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    • 82 6 London, November 24.—Herr Wiegand has sent to New York an account of the position at Gorz from the enemy’s point of view. He admits that Cadorna is sparing the town as much as possible, but its destruction is threatened. The Italian encirclement is tightening, The Italians are
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    • 64 6 London, November 22.The Hetisinghors Dagblad” thus explains the reports of the naval movement* in Cattegat. It says British Dreadnought-*, cruisers, torpedo boats and submarines passed the Skaw, whereabouts the large ships stopped. Torpedoboats and submarines continued and the latter safely entered the Baltic. German cruisers and
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    • 73 6 London, November 22.—The Messageros Malta correspondent states that British, French and Italian destroyers are chasing submarines in the Mediterranean It is stated that their efforts are not unrewarded. Reuter’s Petrograd correspondent says Russian aeroplanes near Dvinsk cut off an Albatross, which failing to escape, descended on frozen
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 245 6 I Now that food stuffs are becoming dearer, the attention af tae Publte B is drawn to Skimmed Milk. B THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS B i iSISHI M S rfET SK LK I J J I» WHOLESOME AND CHEAP FOOD B I* BL g I* ESPECIALLY FOR ADULTS B I 'fk.
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    • 33 6 o“*\ Obtainable &t V* -Si if \T al/ Hotels 'rf I* v.o*‘ V **<'«!*» anrf D^lers cl’ also B. T. REID, Co., Penang. A. C. HARPER Co., All Branches. THE BORNEO Co., Ltd., Singapore.
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  • 254 7 (Specially Translated.} A German communique admits that the Kussiau B captured the commander of a German division to the south of Pinsk. A Hague message states that the new Belgian Ministry will order all Belgians uuder the age of 35 years to be placed under arms. It
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  • 87 7 Mes’rs. Allen Dennys Co. advise that the undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them bv auction yesterday; 141,300 lbs. offered, 121,300 lbs. sold. Smoked ribbed sheet $157 to $163 plain 142 152 No. 2 smoked sheet ribbed 139 156 Unsmoked sheet 140 151 No. 2
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  • 54 7 OUTPUTS FOR NOVEMBER. The following are rubber outputs for November Bakap lbs. 26,260 Batu Matang 11,903 Foothills Malaya 6,649 Jong Lauder 42,136 Kedah 38,769 Kurau 26,300 Merchiston 3,203 Malakoff 42,000 Malakoff Plantation 7,300 Parit (Perak) 4,550 S. 8. Bertam 87,600 Sungei Batu (Malaya) 16,861 Vai D’or 21,518 Windsor F.
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  • 176 7 Calcutta, Nov. 26,—Nothing is known in heat informed circles in Delhi regarding the various rumours in circulation about either an extension for Lord Hardinge or the appointment of his successor, and it may be tn ken that nothing has yet been settled. The s.s. Alma will leave
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  • 854 7 Ex. A FISHERMAN’S LOSS. A curious case of criminal breach of trust ewe came up for hearing before Mr. E E Colman, in the Second Court, Penang, to-day. Prosecutor is a fisherman of Bukit Mertajam, named Kechil, and accused, a Tamil porter, named Nada s en,
    Ex.  -  854 words
  • 377 7 CHINESE VOLUNTEERS. [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette"] Sir Your article in yesterday’s issue has been read with the greatest interest by many Chinese in Penang and will, no doubt, be perused by hundreds of Chinese in Province Wellesley and the F.M.S. to-day. The only correct and just
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  • 349 7 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS. The directors in submitting to the shar. holders the account of the Company for the year ending 30th June, 1915. state: The period under review incudes the results of working of Nos. 1 and 2 Dredges for twelve months and No. 2
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  • 52 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 till 7 p.m. this evening: 1. Selection Crown Diamonds ...Auber 2. Quadrille The Yeomen of the Guard, Bacalossi 3. Waltz Gloriana ...Williams 4. Polka Letts, due Susse Maus ...Morse 5. Regimental Two\ 1
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  • 1039 7 PICTURES OF THE GREAT RE TREAT. Palanka, October 21.—The Germans have advanced during the night. Tney have reached Asania, where we dined last nigh*. Enemy cavalry patrols have been seen an hour since ab >ut three miles to the east. o f this town on the other
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  • 146 7 On biard the new M. M. steamer Athos which has left Singapore f>r Saigon were several officers going to Tonkin, most of them severely wounded. They included Captain of Artillery Gateau, who had one of his legs taken off during the Rheims bombardments; Commandant Noel 'aptain
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  • 93 7 At the Straits Empire Hall, the change of programme for to-night will be strong in war film’. Besides two Official War Gazettes, Sons of France a war drama in three reels will be shown, and of other items Thou shalt mt lie,” a double reel melo-drama, should prove
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  • 123 7 Penang, December 8, 1915. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank}. London Demand Bank ...2/4 3/16 4 months’eight Bank ...2/4 9/16 3 Credit ...2/4 27/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 7 8 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 175 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bombay Demand Bank 175 Moulmein Demand Bank 174 3 days’sight
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 90 7 At times of crisis it must be Bovril BRITISH TO THE BACKBONE. °“WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE would prove to you its solid worth as a preventive medicine that should be in every family Sold all over.the world, its popularity are increasing every year, and as you will know it is
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    • 535 7 Shattered Nerves and IndigMtion completely cured by Dr. Cassell's Tablets, ttie World-Famous Medicine. fMrs. Bpencer. of Wood Lawn. 124, Cold-harbour-lane, Camberwell. London, England, says:l was dreadfully run down when 1 commented taking Dr. Cassell’s Tablets neryes all on edge, and so weak.that it 'U? 1 Iz,'l*1 z, 'l* AW was
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2626 8 p. o.—B. i. N. Y. K-tes. K. PM. E| APCAR LINE .h> StaaAie Co. Id. |W aketvaart MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES 1 C^ r ,n,). PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. /A L— J Obma, and Japabere, w<»k, U MAIL LINES. S y OK Iwtbndbd TO Sai%. Sxhambr. homeward for London
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