Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 December 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 332 1 cccuaaoKaauEiaMMQ S for S3O a X7OU ean have tbe 3 X Gaoette" posted every for a whuki year te your address. a (LOCAL SUBSCBirriON, $271. g g Proportionate Quarterly and g Half-yk&rly rates. ,a. g Bobocriptions are payable Tn g' «tamos and remittances should S bo addressed to g g
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  • 908 2 SCOPE OF THE FUND EXTENDED. A public meeting in connection with the local Prince of Wales’s Relief Fund was held in the Town Hall yesterday afternoon, the Hon. Robert Young presiding. The others present were Messrs, the Hon. A. R. Adams, Rev. F. W. Haines, W. Peel,
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  • 201 2 $l,OOO WORTH OB' ’JEWELLERY. A robbery with violence is reported to have occurred at premises No. 66, Love Lane, Penang, yesterday afternoon, the victim being an old Chinese womin. She was first seen by the neighbours near the door covered- with blood and calling for help. The police
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  • 258 2 Prevalence op Gang Robbery. The Criminal Assiz-s opened before Mr. Justice, Farrer Manby in the Supreme Court, Ipoh on M mday. The Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr. J. Me C. Reay, in opening the first case, pointed out that there were seven cases for hearing, including three for robbery
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  • 66 2 The following are the latest quotations in our share list t Yesterday. Today. 93 0C S 3 3Q Sharks, B. B, 33 ac 33 x Mining. Cheuderiang 13/- J 3Kamunting... 26/6 28/- 27/- 28/Menglembu 30c 25c 30c tJeneral. 8. Steamship $315 $320 $320 $330 Rubber (Dollar). A.
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  • 23 2 OUTPUTS FOR NOVEMBER. The following are rubber outputs for November Henrietta lbs. 21,757 Laras (Sumatra) 4,156 LubohKiah 5,529 Sungei Matang 13,3' 8
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  • 45 2 of the United States has authorized the interned German auxiliary cruiser K'onprinz Wilhelm to be classed again as a transatlaotique liner, but she will be detained until the end of the war. The crew will be transferred to the Prinz Eitel Friedrich.
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  • 55 2 had its first real smash on November 21, when two trains going different ways tried to pass one another on the same line at a place some 40 miles from Bangkok. Four persons were seriously injured, and some damage was done to the rolling stock, but
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  • 96 2 the President of the Indian Recreation Club, was entertained by the members of the Club on the eve of his departure to India, whither he has proceeded on furlough for 3 months. A short concert was subiequentlv held in the Clubhou-e, Messrs. Gabriel, K. Veerappen and
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  • 593 2 THE RICE TRADE. {From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, December 6. The Royal Dutch Coy. notify that the s.s. de Weer will open a regular service between Rangoon and Deli, as from Ist January next. This is the second attempt on the part of the KPM to establish this
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  • 128 2 As a result of the Bazaar held recently under the auspices of the Ministering Children’s League $3,000 was realized for the British Red Cross Society in addition to a small sum that was given to the Belgian Red Cross Fund. The committee of the M.C.L are desirous
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  • 16 2 Saxon Minister of War, has been place 1 in command of a German army.
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  • 41 2 the brilliant com- mander who played such a prominent part in the victory of the Marne, and who, last March, was seriously wounded while inspecting a trench, has neen appointed to succeed General Gallieni as Military Governor of Paris.
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  • 1530 2 BY SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE. In our heart of hearts we are as certain of victory as that to-morrow’s sun will come, and a dispassionate survey will satisfy any student of history that no great war in which our country has ever been engaged has
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  • 403 2 A DISAPPOINTING YEAR. The report of the directors for the year ended June 30, 1915, submitted at the annual meeting in London on November 11th, says During the year 1,006,740 cubic yards we r e treated and 5,054 piculs or 301 tons of tin ore were recovered.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 472 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED, Conductor for rubber estate with knowledge of tapping and •uring and estate management. State experience and salary expected. Apply No. 105, c/o Pinang Gazette, WANTED. A EUROPEAN NURSE for boy nearly 3 years of age. Healthy estate in Province Welleahy. State experience, age and salary required Reply
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    • 26 2 INSPECT THE NEW STOCKS at W ass iamu 11 Assomull Ccx’s Just arrived, Silk Piece Goods, Kimonoes, Jackets and Silk Stockings. 20, 22, Beach Strut. 1148—15-12
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  • 395 3 INSPECTION BY THE QUEEN. Calcutta, November 27.—The Governor of Bengal has received the following telegram, dated November 25th, from the Secretary of State:—To-day, Sir John Hewett and the committee presented to the Queen at Buckingham Palace 25 of the ambulance cars provided by the inhabitants of Calcutta in
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  • 291 3 A Swiss Critic’s View. A striking article on the relation of the Dardanelles campaign to the situation in Serbia is published in Journal de Geneve by Colonel Feyler, a Swiss military critic. The Dardanelles campaign has, he says, become unite secondary. Let us admit for the
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  • 99 3 New York, November 19 —Telegrams from El Paso state that fighting is still going on in various parts of Mexico together with indiscriminate looting. Carranza is fairly quiet, but it is reported that a fierce battle is going on between General Villa and his forces against the
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  • 27 3 —Customer. Gee, this is a rotten cigar Shopkeeper,—“ Well, don’t complain. You’ve only got one of them-—l’ve got ten thousand of the darn things.”— Lije.
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  • 516 3 SPLENDID RESPONSE TO THE CALL. That the great West is doing more than its full share in tha matter of recruits and is prepared to do as much more as may be necessary was emphasized in speeches made at a. luncheon, given at Winnipeg, for the visiting Parliamentarians
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  • 91 3 Loss on the Working. Colombo, November 25.—The Times of Ceylon London correspondent cables:— The chairman of the South Indian Railway Company has announced that the IndoCeyJon connection is running at a considerable loss. Proposals have been submitted to the Ceylon Government suggesting they might have to discontinue
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1011 3 WANTED. MADAME CECILE ONE Turning and Screw cutting T T AVING arrived from London LATHE, size 7or 7| inch centre. M with ft large aud moBt aeleco Reply to No. 101, c/o Pinang Gazette, consignment of 2 51 ~1 HATS, WANTED. i solicits an inspection of same. Mw COMPRADORE or
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    • 240 3 AN EASY WAY TO GET FAT AND BE STRONG. The trouble with most thin folks who wish to gain weight is that they insist on drugging their stomach or stuffing it with greasv foods; rubbing on useless flesh creams," or following some foolish physical culture stunt, while the real cause
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    • 769 3 njebility f B When you feel limp and washed out, weary R f and fatigued with no inclination for exertion— U f your body is in a run-down condition—you are A 8 debilitated. You need something to put fresh g go" into you —you need a fortnight's Iron Jelloids’ g
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  • 1035 4 Last evening’s strong parade £of the Penang Volunteers on the Esplanade, followed by a route march through some of’the most densely populated parts of the town, could hardly have failed to impre«a beholders with a- sense of confidence in the forces that are available for purposes of local
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  • 15 4 will leave here for Port Swetteubam and Singapore at noon to-morrow.
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  • 17 4 have declined to permit the American pacifist, Ford, to establish headquarters in Dutch territory.
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  • 38 4 states that a conference will shortly take place between the Kings of Serbia and Montenegro and Essad Pasha at Scutari in order to discuss a scheme for the defence of Albania against German and Austiian attacks.
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  • 49 4 who, along with two others, was stabbed, at 14 Acheeu Street, on Sunday morning, died in the General Hospital soon after ten o'clock last night. This makes the second death, the third man being still in Hospital. A Chinese is in custody in connection with the tragedy.
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  • 1360 4 A familiar comment on German peace feelers was that the economic situation in Germany was becoming desperate. One got tired of hearing it, for it is an argument as ancient as the battle of the Marne. Writers even then were beginning to talk of a famished Fatherland,
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  • 34 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $80.20 per picul, business done—a decrease of $2 5. Tin is quoted in London yesterday at £166 spot, and £l6-5 ss. three months.
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  • 42 4 The gg. Sardinia is expected to sail for Home at TO ».m. on Saturday, 11th instant. The R M.S. Khyber arrived at London on the afternoon of Saturday last, 4th instant. Tire connecting steamer Malta left here on October 30th.
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  • 21 4 Mayor of Avant-les-Ponts, Alsaee, has been sentenced by court-martial at Mulhausen to three months’ imprisonment for having spoken French.
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  • 23 4 have petitioned the authorities of Moscow to allow them to become Russian subjests, among, them the entire Bulgarian oolony of Saratov.
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  • 34 4 in the Hmse of Com- mons said that there are 5,477 male and 5,252 female Gormans uninrerael in the Metropolitan and City police areas, exclusive of British born wives of Germans.
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  • 30 4 formally denies the rumours of a separate peace with Italy. Austria,” says the official Note, in accord with Germany, will not make any territorial concession to Italy.”
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  • 41 4 in the obituary columns of the Times are recorded the deaths of five widows of great age, one being within three weeks of her 102nd birthday, and the ages of the others being 97, 94, Bo>, and 79.
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  • 29 4 a widow, of Albany-road, Rochester, England, celebrated her 100th birthday recently. She was born at Launceston, Cornwall. Miss Emmeline Draper also celebrated her 100th birthday at Worthing.
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  • 40 4 of toe British Consulate- General at Smyrna were seized hy the Ottoman authorities. This is believed to result from the fact than the Vali, having been accused of bsing the Anglophile, desired to give proof to the contrary.
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  • 47 4 stated that the British Government has called the attention of the U. S. State Department to the fact that there is a private wireless station operating at Portland, Maine, which is in communi" cation with vessels and is also sending messages across the Atlantic.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 215 4 gMB 0 amSgSEUa Sq<y)q p 7 vV; W V/- 1 J. B. LAPOSTOLLE. Fondate.-ur 1827 VV'''”-W| L PRODUCE OF FRANCE, f SOLE importe s s 4*’&)RDoet j HIBBERT. WOODROfFE&C? 13. 1 RO.UGE? in England.» 'J AU ME. ■MRBHBWMMMMMHMUMHMMMMRMMMMMRAH the I Onoda Portland Cement COMPANY, LIMITED, g[ JJ DAIREN (Manchuria) MO
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 32 4 THE TIDES. Q.Tbe following are the tides for tomorrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. T....... Low Water. 0-36 6-53 a.m. 6 48 p.m. 0-44 a.m. 7-40 a.m. 1-27 p.m. 7-36 p.m.
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  • 236 5 [Rbutbr's Services]. LORD DERBY’S SCHEME. TURKISH DESTROYER SUNK. THE SERBIAN OPERATIONS. THE GREEK NEGOTIATIONS, There is no further news of the main Serbian Army, and Italian messages express doubts as to its safety. There does not appear to be reason for pessimism, in view of the statements that
    [Rbutbr's Services].  -  236 words
  • France and Belgium.
    • 166 5 MUNITION STORE EXPLODED. Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) London, December 6. A. stirring British aeroplane raid, on December 2nd, is described by Reuters correspondent at the British Headquarters Nineteen machines bombed Don Station, which is an important enemy railway junction. Don was similarly attacked before the battles
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    • 298 5 THE ALLIES’ ANSWER. Loudon, December 6. There has been recently a recrudescence of German peace talk These feelers receive short shrift from the English Pres®, which points out Italy's adherence to the Convention of London regarding the question of no separate peace, and emphasises the Allies’ unbroken
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    • 64 5 Rome, December 6. For the first time since his election, rhe Pope personally conducted a Secret Consistory, surrounded by the usual historical pomp. Prominent in the Hall were the Cardinals representing the belligerents. The Pope from the Throne, broke the silence by intoning a prayer. His Holiness
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    • 267 5 M. Briand, the French Premier, in the Chamber laid bare the real causes of the German diversion in rhe Balkans. It betrays the failure of Germany’s efforts in the principal fields of operations. She is attempting this diversion because her offensive has been paralyzed on the
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    • 37 5 Amsterdam, December 6. Fifteen persons were ccurt-martiailed in Brussels, and sentenced from 2| to fifteen years for war treason, namely, hiding French airmen, and supplying the enemy with men liable for military service.”
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    • 84 5 LORD DERBY’S STATEMENT. Rome, December 6. Mr. J. H. Thomas, the Labour M.P. for Derby, addressing the railwaymen at Long Eaton, said he talked yesterday to Lord Derby, the Chief Recruiter, who said the recruiting scheme had not been so successful as he bad anticipated or was entitled to
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    • 31 5 Lord Derby, speaking recently at the Stock Exchange, said men were enro’ling in very large numbers, but very much larger num .ers were necessary to make voluntaryism unassailable.
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    • 70 5 WAR ECONOMY. London, December 6. The “Daily Telegraph” has reason to believe that the Government is contemplating a reduction cf their ewn salaries, Members of Parliament, and poli’ical pensioners, by a third. Mr. Augustine Birred, Chief Secre'ary for Ireland, speaking at Bristol, said, he thought
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    • 49 5 London, D°cember 6. Sir John Simon, the Home Secretary, will shortly introduce 'he Parliament and Registration Bill, which, it is believed, embodies a compromise, extending the present Parliament for a year, with a guarantee that electoral reform will be undertaken before the appeal to the country.
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    • 97 5 TWO CHARGES. London, December 6. A sensation was crea'ed at Amsterdam on the arrest of Heer Schroeder, the chief editor of the Telegraaf,” following a prosecution in whicn a sentence of six months was demanded, because of the publication of an article declaring that there “is a
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 248 5 REPORTS BY REFUGEES. London, December 6 Italian despatches state that the fate of the Serbian Army is uncertain. Reports that 150,000 have reached the Albanian frontier are not confirmed. Refugees from Ni®h and Kraljevo, who trudged through the mountains for weeks and reached Scutari, coming thence to
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    • 244 5 The German claim, that all the Serbian parts of the Danube are occupied by Bulgarian troops,” raises the interesting question of the use of the Danube in relation to the transport of men and munitions from north to south* (the main direction of the river immediately
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    • 140 5 NEGOTIATIONS WITH ALLIES. Athens, December 6. Diplomatic pourparlers continue. Both the Entente Powers and the Greek Government are holding their ground, but details are unobtainable at present. There is no indication of a prompt solution of the questions at issue, though it is hoped that a modus vivendi will
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    • 341 5 For some time, the Hellenic community in Egypt has shown distinct restlessness and dissatisfaction with the part which its country is playing in the Balkan drama. Its feelings obtained forcible expression when a mass meeting of the members of the community was held in Cairo under the
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    • 27 5 THE BRITISH RETIREMENT. Amsterdam, December 6. The latest Turkish communique indicates that the British retirement on Kut-el-Amara has been successfully continuedThe communique makes very small claims.
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    • 50 5 NAVAL SHELLS AND GRENADES. Amsterdam, December 6. A Turkish communique says there has been lively naval activity by the Allies at the Dardanelles, arid fierce grenade fighting. The communique admits, in tbe south zone, vigorous bomb encounters, the British firing numerous aerial torpedoes against our centre and left.”
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 86 5 BRITISH SUBMARINE’S VICTIMS. London, December 6. The Admiralty announces that one of the British submarines operating in the Sea of Marmora damaged a train on the Ismid railway on December 2od and torpedoed and sank the Turkish destroyer Yorkhissar on December 3rd. The submarine picked up two
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    • 27 5 London, December 6. The Star Line steamer Star of New Zealand (4,417 tons) has been wrecked on Molene. The crew of forty-six were saved.
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    • 163 5 Calcutta, November 27th.— The City of York left Birkenhead on Saturday, October 23rd, and arrived safely at Calcutta on Wednesday, November 24th, after experiencing fair weather throughout the ultimately successful but nevertheless eventful voyage. Despite rum n u r s of submarines the voyage was without event
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    • 54 5 RETURN TO PORT. San Francisco, December 6. The Great Northern Steamship Co.’s liner Minnesota (20,718 tons), on her first trip from Seattle to London, is returning in a crippled condition, believed to be the result of an explosion in the engine room. Three men are suspected
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    • 111 5 New York, November 15 :—The American authorities are investigating four big fires that occurred the same day it is suspected that they were all due to German instigation. M. Goricar, formerly consul for Austria at San Francisco, has made a statement in which he declares
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  • General News.
    • 37 5 London, December 6. The Queen, Princess Mary, and Prince Albert inspected, at Frampton’s studio, a statue of the Queen, which has been finished, for Delhi. Her Majesty expressed the greatest pleasure and approval.
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    • 35 5 London, December 6. The Carnegie Trustees have decided to sell their holdings in the United States Steel Corporation, and invest the proceeds in British Exchequer Bonds. The amount is about £5,C00,000.
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    • 125 5 London, December 4. The Secretary of State for India hu addressed a letter to all Indian Civil Servants on leave in England, reminding them that they are liable, in case of necessity, to be recalled immediately to duty in India, unless they are medically unfit. Itr
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    • 94 5 LAM HOR YIN v. HEW LYE HEONG. This suit which was brought by Lam Hor Yin, as Administrtor of the Estate of his deceased father, Lim Ah Heng, against Hew Lye Heong, representing the estate of her deceased husband, Lam Foong Chi, and in which the plaintiff
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    • 62 5 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Golf Club from 5-45 till 7-15 p m. this evening 1. Selection The Gaiety ...Rappey 2. Two Step The Jolly Negroes Wedding ...Vollstedt 3. Selection The Market Girl Offenbach 4. Waltz Frau Luna ...Lincke 5. Polka
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  • 25 5 Loudon, December 6 The following is the rubber quotation for to-day Plantation Ist Latex Crepe 3/4f. [•By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co.]
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  • 38 5 the American Postmaster-General, Mr. Burleson, has ordered the holding up of postcards and envelopes bearing mottoes or illustrations caleulated to arouse ill-feeling, such as Gott Strafe England," invariably stamped on letters from Germany.
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  • 43 5 will take place in December between Mr. George Foster Earle, son of Mr. J. Hudson Ear'e, of Cottingham, Yorkshire, and Miss George Daphne FitzUeorge, second daughter of the late Colonel Fitz-George, 20th Hussars, and granddaughter of the late Duke of Cambridge.
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  • 51 5 is informed that by making grand viziers of the Sheik of the Senussi and the Sheik of the Yemen the Sultan of Turkey has won the favour of the heads of these North African tribes. The newspaper suggests that these tribes will now become a menace for
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  • 53 5 has been issued in Germany reminding women that the wearing of bracelets made out of the material of exploded shells is liable to punishment. Nevertheless, there is a way out. By giving to the military authorities an equal amount of copper, brass or lead, women may still enjoy
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  • 79 5 of the elec- tions in America was the almost total disappearance of the Progressives, who have practically ceased to exist as an independent party and have now returned to the Republicans. It was their support of the Republican candidate in Massachusetts that made his election possiblp, and
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  • 94 5 was narrated at a meeting of the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce by the secretary, Mr. Shaw, who stated that he had attended a meeting of men, all or most of whom were over the recruiting age, addressed by the E<rl of Derby. Lord Derby informed them
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  • 1295 6 WISDOM AFTER THE EVENT. It has been left to an American to tell <•& all about the Dardanelles—why we failed and the full measure of our failure. 'Captain Granville Fortescue, formerly of the U.S.A. Cavalry, and Aide-de-Camp to President Roosevelt, has put down the results of bis
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  • 122 6 Melbourne, October 29.—Mr. Hughes, the new Premier, questioned in the House of Representatives to-day, as to whether Parliament should object to the sending of further men to the Dardanelles, flatly and indignantly declined to discuss any such problem, or to consider Mr. AshmeadBartleti’s pessimistic
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  • 120 6 The Commonwealth Premier, Mr. Hughes, has been completely successful in his prolonged negotiation to secure the necessary shipping for the transit of Australian wheat to Europe at the coming harvest under Federal control. It is officially announced to-uight that the following are the wheat and flour flat
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  • 145 6 A letter which the publishing house of Harrap has received from Mr. Willard Clary, a very well-known American authority on modern languages, illustrates the curious attitude of the German mind, as the war is revealing it. Mr. Clary says: In one of our medical museums, I
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  • 187 6 Mr. A. H. Pollen, lecturing at Essex Hall, Strand, recently, week told the story of the escape of the Queen Mary at the battle of the Bight of Heligoland. Captain W. R. Hall, he said, was on the bridge of his ship when he saw the torpedo
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  • 342 6 EII’ s ADVENTURES. How She Sank A Transport. A thrilling account of the deeds of the British submarines in the Sea of Marmora ia given by the American correspondent Mr. Granville Fortescue in his Russia, the Balkans, and the Dardanelles (published by, Melrose), a book which is of peculiar value
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  • 173 6 Mr. Lloyd George’ s Message to Merchant Seamen. Mr. Lloyd George sent the following message to the men of the mercantile marine through the medium of the Syren and Shipping on the occasion of the publication of its one-thousandth issue The country owes a great debt t > its mercantile
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  • 121 6 The War Office announced that on and after Saturday, November 6, newspapers, magazines, books, and other printed publications (other than trade circulars) will not be sent forward to neutral European countries unless posted direct from the office of publishers or newsagents who have obtained
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  • 331 6 London, November 2.—Rubber plantation companies are still in a state of uncertainty as to how tney stand in relation to the new excess-profit tax. Few would admit that the industry has derived any material benefit from the war, but the terms of the new legislation indicate that
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  • 197 6 An interesting find, which may lead to other important discoveries, was made last week at Sidi Gaber, on° of the suburbs of Alexandria. Some workmen were sinking a well when they sud ienly exposed the roof of what turned out to be a tomb. The
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  • 165 6 Karachi, November 26 :—The Jacobabad correspondent of the Daily Gazette” reports that a prisoner in Sibi Jail asked to see the daroga to make a complaint, and took advantage of the door being half open to rush through. Other prisoners instantly followed suit, and the rush through
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 217 6 SOUR STOMACH. When vegetable food ferments it causes sour rising in the throat, the formation of gas in the stomach which distends it and causes pain often extending to the region of the heart and arousing a fear of heart disease. This condition is called acid dyspepsia. Heartburn, a name
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    • 682 6 BUCHANAN’S “RED SEAL” “BLACK WHITE” “ROYAL HOUSEHOLD” SCOTCH WHISKIES i i r ’aw Janes Buckanan Co., Ltd. (London, Glasgow, etc.) have the most extensive Bonded Warehouse in Scotland, and hold, with their subsidiary companies, the largest stocks of Whisky maturing in Bond. They are thus able to guarantee the continued
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  • 375 7 Malaya No 1 Cr*ft (Scout).—“ The Eu Tong Sen presented by the Honourable Mr. Eu Tong Sen, Kampar, Perak, F.M.S. Malaya No. 2 Craft (Scout). The Kinta,” presented by the people of Kinta, Perak, F.M.S. Malaya No. 3 Craft (Scout). The Alma Baker,” presented by the organiser,
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  • 66 7 THE PRINCE OF WALES’ S WAR RELIEF FUND. The Hon. Treasurer seals us the following list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to tae Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on Dec 4 ...$43,044 81 W H Threlfail. monthly sabo 10,00 Employee’s of United Engineers Ltd monthly subn 40 00
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  • 32 7 Balance on Dec 2 $2,608.4 3 M Maude 13th contribution 15.00 Teoh Cheow Cheang 2.00 Balance on Dec 6 $2,625 43 Amount previously acknowled g ed ...$18,558.21 Total $21,183.64
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  • 188 7 There will be a competition shoot on exactly the same 'in-s aa the one held on the 27rh alto, at Kamporg Bharu on Saturday afternoon next, the 11th in’t., at 3.30, to which all men are invited. The ranges to be fired at will be the
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    • 56 7 Cornelia, Brit., 197, Ogier, Dec 7, T. Anson, gen., E. S Co, Hok Canton, Brit., 287, Mathews. Dec 7, S’pore, gen., E. S. Co. Calypso, Brit., 338, Shepherd, Dec 7, T'kah, gen., Adamson Gilfillan Co. Van Swoll, Dut., 1131, Winkel, Dec 6, Batavia, gen., K.P.M. Indragiri, Dut., 160,
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    • 67 7 To-day. Indragiri for Deli and Batu Bahra. Poh Ann for Port Swettenham Singapore. Maras for Singapore. Perlis for Trang, Tongkah and Pang Nga. Fazilka for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Ban Whatt Soon for Langkat and Pangkalan B randan. Hebe for Teluk Anson. Trang for Trang. Pangkor tor Bindings and
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    • 29 7 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close Deli Will o’ the Wisp 1 p.ra. Sabang Olehleh &c., Padang Maetsuijcker 4 p.m. Thursday. Tongkah Calypso 1 p.m.
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  • 127 7 Penang, December 7, 1915. (By Courtesy of tfa Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 3/16 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 9/16 3 Credit ...2/4 27/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 718 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 175 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bombay Demand Bank 175 Moulmein Demand Bank 174 3 days’sight
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  • 209 7 Pbnakg, December 7, 1915. 8; P. Tapioca $6.10 buyers. M. P. Tapioca $6l buyers. Gold leaf $64.4" Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). sl/> 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Poppe» J3l sellers Trang Pepper out of season. Mace 1110I 1 10 nom. Mace Pickings $5B j
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 247 7 ALLEN DENNYS Co., PENANG, RUBBER BROKERS, P*O/»mffTO4*B OP The Penang* Rubber Auction Rooms. Sales Held Every Tuesday Rubber Bought or Boid by Public Auction or Private lender. Forward Bales Arranged. Rubber Transhipped and Insured to any Port st Minimum Rates. RUBBER MLB ROW» at No. 7, Union Street. RUNNYMEDE HOTEL,
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    • 187 7 THE TAI SEN 6 Motor Repairing Co., 61 Barmah Road and Phone No. 268. The Famous Aatomobile Hospital. The only repair shop that pesseem the proper repairing plants worked throughout by electricity. Only experienced mscbanls employed. AH works carried out under our expert personal supervision and guaranteed. Ail accessories stocked
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1289 8 p o— b. i. |n. y. k. APGAR LINE apaa Mail Steamship Co. Ld. MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. a a PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. MAIL LINES. J Homeward (for Europe). Outward (for China and Japan). yr —VL Due Penang Steamer. Due Penan o-| Steamer. I B 1 /ft v£\ Dec.
      1,289 words
    • 948 8 K P M. ilsk Ocean W.B V STEAM SHIP t»„ IM ISljßmr |ft KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART and MAATSCHAPPIJ BHIN MUTUAL STEAM HAV. CO., it», (Royal Packet S. N. Company). T H ?ro°m Li^^un“^.”'?b.‘ p s h e I'. P hln nIJ J «P ,n "««k, «nd Iron, j,," Fog Iwtbmbbd to
      948 words