Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 4 December 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 896 1 !iy Xpv WAMT TO SH/F, BUY OB BELL. rubber: OB TO Li FORWARO GOaO9 TO AMY PART 0» TBB VOOLD n AJJ.LEN DENNYS A Co, N V. vmoa BTBSBX. 1 nX ir-MW 81l -n Bg BT-TtA THE PINANG GAZETTE.” «■■■■■mmmmmmmmmmmmmmimj ,< ..-=j CARLSBERG BEER; CtaTEIXPPESS H For Daily Issue, in
      896 words
    • 54 1 YiaaoaQoaaaaaaMuu. FOB $BO OU can have the Pinang o Gaaette posted every day c i for a wteolo year to your addreea. I (LOCAL SUBSCBimON, 527). O Proportionate Quarterly and y I Half-yearly rate*. Boboeriptione are payable in q I advwDoa and remittances should boaddroMedto g I DOUNO OAZKTTt MH»»
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  • General News.
    • 120 2 [Reutbr’s Telegrams.] PRO-GERMAN ASCENDANCY. Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Zurich, December 3. The names of the new Austrian Ministers indicate that Germany’s control over Austria, militarily, has extended to internal administration. Prince Hohenlohe Schillingfuerst, the new Minister of the Interior, is a member of a pro-German aristocratic
      [Reutbr’s Telegrams.]  -  120 words
    • 40 2 FOUR OFFICIALS FOUND GUILTY. New York, Oct. 3. The jury returned a verdict of guilty against four of the Hamburg-Amerika officials, who were charged with supplying German warships from United States ports. Sentence will bo announced to-day.
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    • 439 2 New York, October 26. Another arrest has been made in connection with the newly discovered German plot to blow up ships carrying munitions. Paul Daeche was arrested this mornirg at his house in Jersey City. He is expected by the detectives to prove a valuable witness in
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    • 65 2 London, December 3. In the Hou’e of Commons, Sir R. A. Cornwall (LBethnal Green) suggested that the expenditure on the new city of Delhi, this year, be reduced. Mr. Austen Chamberlain said the provision made was stated to be the lowest amount required to carry on the
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    • 52 2 STEAMER COLLIDES WITH BANK. Loudon, December 2. The British steamer Lincolnshire, from Calcutta for New York and Boston, which has arrived at Port Said, struck the Suez Canal bank, and has eleven feet of water in number one hold, the cargo of which it is necessary
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    • 114 2 GOVERNMENT AND HORSEBREEDING. London, Dec. 3. The Government has accepted the offer of Colonel W. Hall-Walker, Unionist M.P. for Widnes. to present his famous racing stud, including the well known stallions White Eagle and Royal Realm, free to the nation, on condition that tbe Government purchases the
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  • 32 2 [From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, December 4. Messrs. Fraser <fc Co’s share circular states that the share market tendency is good, with plenty of money available for good bargains.
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  • 220 2 A public meeting of Ceylon Tamils resident in Telok Aunon, held under the presidency of Mi. J C Tnamathoran on Thursday, at the Anglo Chinese School, passed the following resolution proposed by Mr. S. M. Saravanamtuhu and seconded by Mr. A. Thiruchelvam. That this meeting of
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  • 61 2 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded "to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on Dec 2 ...$42,864.81 Sek Tong Seah, Cheah Hock Haw Kong Kongsi monthly subscription 100. CO Balance on Dec 3 ~.$42,964.81
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  • 202 2 M.M." The Band will play the following programme of music at the Golf Club from 5-45 till 7-15 p m. this evening 1. Overture Popular Georgia Medley ...Boettger 2. Two Step La Machiche ...Clerc 3. Selection Leslie Stuart's Songs ...Godfrey 4. Waltz Venus on Earth Lincke 5.
    M.M."  -  202 words
  • 282 2 THE RUSSIAN PREPARATIONS. \Specially Translated.'] A telegram to the Statesman reports preparations for a coming offensive in the East on a colossal scale. The Russians hope to put seven million men in the field, of whom one million will ba cavalry. England, France, America and Japan are
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  • 208 2 A Soerabaya messHge states that the German steamer Offenbach has been bought by the Stoomvaart Maatschappy Nederland. A new illustrated p?p a r entitled Het Coen in Nederlands Indie will shortly make its appearance from the Java Bode Office. Ir. will be edited by Mevrouw G C van
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  • 205 2 Training for the January 1916, meeting is going ahead, but there are very few horses in work. In the horse class there are but six in training, and in the pony class only four. Sador, looking well, went round the course twice slow! v. Lady Jean came
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  • 1180 2 Reuter sends what is belated news: Sir Pertab Singh has left for India. Mr. G B Stratt »n, late of Tampin, is now a captain in the Berkshire Regiment. A detachment of the MSV R, under the command of Cant Sydney Smith 'is at present camping at
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  • 414 2 THE NEW FORMATIONS. The following is from the Orders for December by Major the Hon. A. R. Adams Field operations will be held on December 19th. His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to approve of the following appointments and promotions in the Penang Volunteers Lieut. J. S.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 523 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mr. E. Lees. P. P. C. TO LET. HOUSES No. 9 Clove Hall Road and 14b Barrack Road. Apply E. O. Mathieu, 5 Arratoon Road. NOTICE. A LIST of applications for public house licences for the year 1916, to be oneidered at the Meeting of the Board of
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    • 14 2 Bovril develops big reserves of strength IT MUST BE BOVRIL BRITISH TO THE BACKBONE
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  • 29 2 Obituary. RT. HON. SIR S. PONSONBY-KANE London. December 3. The death is announced of the Rt, Hon. Sir Spencer Cecil Brabszon PonsonbyFane, P. 0., g.0.b., i. 5.0., aged 91.
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  • 2026 3 THE BISHOP OF SINGAPORE AT ST. PAUL’S. THE MURDER OF NURSE CAVELL. Bishop Ferguson-Davie, preaching at St. Paul’s Cathedral, on the morning of October 24, the Sunday after details had been received of the execution of Miss Cavell, took bis text from Hosea VI, 1, Come
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 884 3 WANTED. LOST. ONE Taming and Screw cutting St. Andrew’s Night a Silver LATHE, size 7or 7| inch centre. L/ Paste Hair Pin. Finder will be rewarded on returning to District Court. Reply to No. 101, c/o Pinang Gazette. 1151-11-12 1147—6-12 GOVERNMENT OF KEDAH. NOTICE. Public Works Department, Kedah. PRINCE OF
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    • 309 3 IBUiBiIHIiM mu 5 Your Baby is growing i 1 te every day That is why his food is all lg[ important. |gr A week of wrong feeding results in indigestion and a loss of weight and vitality gr; which takes weeks of proper Heeding to put right. J Baby should.
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  • 24 4 Kbymer.—On December 2nd, at the Maternitv Hospital, Penang, the wife of Mr. A. E. Kaymer. Shipyard Manager, Eastern Shipping Co., Ltd., a son.
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  • 1314 4 The war is more than a series of naval and military operation*. It is a terrific upheaval which has shaken the whole fabric of humanity. It will alter the aspect of the world not merely in the matter of maps, but in all kinds of ways,
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  • 1293 4 Italy hai determined that she will not conclude a separate peace. Thus Baron Sonnino, the Foreign Minister, speaking in the Italian Chamber. The announcement had been awaited for a considerable period,not that there was much fear that the Government would decline to commit itself to the compact
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  • 101 4 ADMINISTRATOR OF NIGERIA APPOINTED. We are indebted to the Resident Councillor, the Hon. A. T. B yant, for the information that he has received a telegram from the Private Secretary to His Excellency the Governor informing him that a telegram has been received from the Secretary of
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  • 34 4 To-day's quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $B2 25 oer picul, business done—an increase of $1 60. Tin is quoted in London yesterday at £l6B spot, and £167 three months.
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  • 225 4 British North Borneo Herald.’ The output of the Ayer Weng Mine for the month of November was 75 piculs. The Directors of the Rahman Tin Co.» Ltd., have declared a first interim dividend of 10 per cent., (less tux) in respect of the year ended March 31st, 1916, payable
    British North Borneo Herald.’  -  225 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 33 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for tomorrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. 9-52 a.m. 4-19 a.m. 10-24 p.m. 4-11 p.m. 10- a.m. 5-13 a.m. 11- p.m. 5- 6 p.m.
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  • 231 5 THE SERBIAN RESISTANCE. ITALY AND SERBIA. CASUALTIES IN THE WEST. THE SUBMARINE CAMPAIGN. The occupation by the enemy of the Serbian town of Monastir is reported from Athens and Salonika. It is stated that the Austrians and Germans were the first to enter the town. All the fighting
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 188 5 [Rruter’s Services] MINING INCIDENTS. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph). London, December 2. A despatch from the British Headquarters in France says We successfully bombarded the hostile trenches, strong point?, and gun positions, during the past four days, inflicting considerable damage. The reply of the enemy’s artillery
      [Rruter’s Services]  -  188 words
    • 40 5 ON THE WAR COUNCIL. London, December 3. Tn the Hou°e of Commons, Mr. Asquith announced that Lord Kitchener had resumed his duties at the War Office, and that the War Minister was a member of the War Conncil.
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    • 54 5 London, December 3. Mr. John Redmond, speaking at Waterford, stated that Lord Kitchener said to him at the beginning of the war that if he (Mr. Redmond) could guarantee 5,000 men from Ireland, he would say, you,” and if 12,000 I am deeply obliged.” Mr. Redmond said Ireland
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    • 33 5 Paris, December 3. General Joffre has been appointed Com-mander-in-Chief of the National Armies of France. This includes the Balkans, indeed, all the French forces, except those under the Colonial Office.
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    • 17 5 Loudon, December 3. General Sir Horace L. Smith-Dorrien was received in audience by the King.
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    • 25 5 London, December 3 Mr. Lloyd George is indisposed, and was unable to attend meetings uf the War Council and the Cabinet
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    • 43 5 LonHoti, December 3. Mr. H. J. Tennant, Under Secretary for War, said the British casualties in the last three months, at Loos and its vicinity, were 95,000, including Indians and Canadians, while the Austra'ians in Gallipoli had altogether bad 25,000 losses.
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    • 40 5 London, December 3. The Queen, on behalf of the King, inspected the South African Contingent, at Bordon Camp, who go to the front next week. Her Majesty was greatly pleased at the fine appearance of the Contingent.
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    • 48 5 London, Dceember 3. With reference to the Government War Obligations Bill, Mr. McKenna said one of the matters to be dealt with was an arrangement to enable American securities owned in this country to be placed temporarily or otherwise in the hands of the Government.
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    • 40 5 Ottawa, December 3. The Hen. Mr. W. T. White, the Minister of Finance, stated that during the first eight months of the current year the revenue of Canada increased by $14,000,000, and the expenditure was reduced by $13,000,000.
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    • 30 5 Melbourne, December 3. The Statist estimates the Victorian wheat crop at 50,500,000 bushels. The Banks are financing the Government wheat-marketing scheme, at 5 per cent. Prices are firmer.
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    • 52 5 Copenhagen, December 3. Germany has stopped all cattle from Denmark and from Scandinavia for Austria. It is surmised that this action is a result of an Austro German agreement by which Austria will now take her supplies from the Balkans, leaving Germany the sole right of provisioning
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    • 10 5 London, December 3. Another spy has been shot.
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    • 94 5 London, December 3. Montagu’s Weekly Report says the reaction in the silver market was mainly due to profit-taking by the Indian bazaars, also the lull in the demand from the continent. There seems little reason to anticipate much of a set-back, for supplies will pro ably be
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    • 233 5 GERMANY AND LINSEED OIL. London, December 3. In the Elouse of Commons, on a motion for aojournment, Sir Henry Dalz el. (L, Kirkcaldy Burghs) said notwithstanding the so-called blockade, commodities were reaching Germany through neutral», especially linseed oil through Holland. He said linseed oil was essential
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    • 25 5 London, December 3 The House of Commons passed the second reading of the bill to fix maximum House Rents in different areas.
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    • 246 5 There was consideraole excitement in the L izells district of Birmingham, where a large number of tenants have refused to pay the increased rent demanded. Rent collectors were accompanied by police officers, but their services were not required. The amount of the old rent (75.) was
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    • 304 5 The formation of a Tenants’ Defence Association was proceeding rapidly a month ago in the hands of the Executive Committee of the Manchester and Salford Trades Council. In an interview Mr. Charles Kean, president of the Trade Council and the mover of the resolution to form
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 120 5 SEVERE FIGHTING NEAR CITY. London, December 3. The Times correspondent at Athens states that Monastir has fallen. Austro-Cermans re the City. Salonika, December 3. From a reliable source it is stated that the Austrians and Germans have entered Monastir, and hoisted the Austrian flag, i It was expected that
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    • 221 5 SERBIANS’ FIERCE RESISTANCE. Paris, December 3. A Salonika telegram says wounded Serbian officers from Monastir state that on November 25th and 26bh, in the direction of Prilep and Dalenci, the Bulgarians and Serbians fought for forty hours with unparalleled fierceness. Despite their numerical superiority, the Bulgarians
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    • 197 5 ASSISTANCE FROM ITALY. Rome, December 3. > In the Italian Chamber, Baron Sonnino, the Foreign Minist r, announced that Italy had joined the other Allies in the agreement not to conclude a separate peace. Baron Sonnino said there was every reason for believing that a satisfactory Settlement would
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    • 25 5 ARTILLERY ACTIVITY. Paris, December 4. Considerable artillery duel; are reported from the Dardanelles, where the weather is milder. Turkish works were severely damaged.
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    • 280 5 POSITION OF SWEDISH OFFICERS*. London, December 3. In a written reply to Sir J. D. Rees, who asked under what leaders the Persian Gendarmerie, at Shiraz, were acting, Lord Robert Cecil said he had received no further information or details, except that the Persian Government had recalled the
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  • Italy’s Campaign.
    • 33 5 AUSTRIAN REPULSES. Rome, December 3. An Italian communique records fog and incessant rain,which are hindering the operations on the Isonzo front. The enemy attempted surprise attacks, but were immediately repulsed.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 53 5 KINGSWAY’S CREW ALL SAVED. London, December 2, The British steamers Colenso and Orange Prince were sunk. The crew of the Colenso have been saved. The five men missing from the steamer Kingsway have been saved. An Austrian Submarine. Malta, December 3. An Austrian submarine sank the Colenso
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    • 16 5 London, December 3. The Greek steamer Garifis was sunk. The crew were saved.
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    • 40 5 GOVERNMENT PURCHASE. Paris, December 3. The French Government is introducing a scheme to purchase a fleet of fifty carge steamers in view of the dearness of freights. A number will be employed in carrying v frozen meat.
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    • 53 5 London, December 3. It is reported that the Admiralty ha» intimated to a number of shipbuilding companies that they may complete the construction of ordinary mercantile tonnage, which had been left unfinished. This is regarded as an indication that the programme of new warship construction has reached
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    • 353 5 The Frankfurter Z-dtung of October 21, contains a most interesting account of the system of nets which the British Admiralty has drawn across the Narrow Seas in order to guard the transport service against German submarines, and also to keep the submarines out of
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    • 98 5 During October, the Board of Trade received report? of the loss of 22 sailing ships, of a net tonnage of 2,879, the number of lives lost being 37 also of 33 steamers, tonnage 39,092, with a loss of 64 lives. The sailing vessels included one of
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  • 31 5 London, December 3. The Wilson liner Marengo, from New York for Hull, is ashore on the Goodwin Sands. Refloated. The Marengo has been refloated, and proceeded to Hull.
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  • 36 5 RELATIONS WITH ALLIES. Tokio, December 3. In a speech from the*Throne,| at the opening of the Diet, the Emperor of’Japan said the Alliance with Great Britain,Vand the entente with Russia and France, were being strengthened,
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  • 16 5 Tokio, December 3. The Empress of Japan has given birth to a son.
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  • 47 5 Lisbon, December 3. The new Portuguese Government met the members of Parliament, and announced that it would abstain from party politics. The Government would follow a purely, national policy and always give the assistance necessary for victory for the Allies. (Oz/ter TeZegrams on page 2.)
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  • 1842 6 30,000 KURDS FROM THE HILLS. About b fortnight ago I arrived at thia Id Persian town, which daring the last ight months has probably suffered more from war, panic, and massacre than any ether parts of the Middle East, writes Mr. M. Philips Price from
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  • 1004 6 THE NEW GOVERNOK-GENERAL. Sourabaya, November 25.1 f the new Governor-General sails for Java in the steamer Insulinde, he will be the first to break a long standing tradition which has ever given the Maatschappij Nederland the honour of conveying the local ruler outwards or homewards, says the
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  • 80 6 This comes from Dublin, signed by the Garrison Adjutant. 4. Garrison Order No. 199 is hereby cancelled, and the following substituted :ln future officers when in uniform may wear trousers when not on duty. Belts will invariably be worn When officers appear wearing trousers, brown ankle
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 388 6 YOUR GIRL’S APPETITE. When your growing daughter’s appetite becomes fickte and she shows a desire for sour, starchy or chalky articles look after the condition of her blood. If she ia pale and languid, nervous, without ambition and irritable, her blood is unable to meet the demands made upon it.
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    • 185 6 Fight Against Consumption Angier’s Emulsion is now universally in a normal healthy condition, and builds qj recognised as a standard approved treatment health and strength. Angier’s Emulsion i» for coughs, bronchitis, consumption and all largely used in hospitals and sanatoria for chest and lung affections. Not only does it consumptives.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 159 6 THE TIDES. PrnakgDecember, 1915. Penang Standard TimesHeights referred to Datum of Soundings in Admiralty Charts High Water. Low Water. Standard IT TA Standard IT Date. rp. Hr Dace m Ht. lime. Time. h m ft. h m ft. s 4m9 52 58 4 11 a 1.5 10 34a 7.1 5
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    • 314 6 TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT the ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE Co., LYCEUM THEATRE, ARGYLL ROAD. THANHOUSER’S FASCINATING SERIAL THE MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY IN 46 PARTS 46 9 Miles of Thrills, Romance and Adventure. Continued Keels No. XXXI-XXXIV. The Hand of Horror A tensational drama in two reels of absorbing interest by the Edison Co.
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  • 436 7 ACCUSED COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. The preliminary enquiry in the cage against Pt*. D. Peogelly of B Company, Penang Volunteers, for causing the death of Robert Nelligan on the 25th November, was resumed in the Second Court, before Mr. E E. Colman, yeserday afternoon. Mr J Crabb-Watt, appeared
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  • 98 7 A football match between the Taiping Recreation Club and the Indians, played on the Perak Club Padang yesterday, ended in a goalless draw, Both eides played a stift game, and though the Recreation forwards pressed hard on several occasions, the c ever tactics of the Indian custodian
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  • 164 7 It is learned from a most reliable source, that the two assassins of the late Admiral Tseng, Wong Sho-fong and Wong Mingsau, have confessed details of the plot, involving Ho Haiming and Li Lieh-chun, who are said to be hiding in Frenchtown, and the Nanking authorities have wired
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  • 75 7 Two more episodes of The Million Dollar Mystery,” will be shown to-night at the Electric Polyscope, followed by The Hand of Horror,” From Out of the Flood,” both 2 reelers. and the latest edition of the Gaumont War Graphic. At the Straits Empire Hall, to-night, Pauline will brave
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  • 19 7 By Alma (December 4) from Deli, Mr A E Keynier, Mr Karl Solberg and Mr Cheong Yong Thye.
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  • 33 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, December 4. The meeting of the Legislative Council, yesterday, was a quiet on». The Enemy Trading (Amendment) and Volunteer Service (Amendment) were passed through all stages.
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  • 101 7 The Trading with the Enemy Amendment Ordinance (No. 3) 1915, has, as its principal objects, the following: (a) to extend the range of payments which have, under the Trading with rhe Enemy (Amendment) Ordinance, 1915, to be made to the custodian of enemy property, and of
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  • 329 7 Exportation and Importation of Articles. The draft of an important new war measure to bs introduced into the Legilative Council is published in a Government Gazette issued on Wednesday. In the objects and reasons appended to the bill, the Attorney-General explains the legislation is based on the
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  • 112 7 San Francisco, Nov. 9.A sensation has been caused h°re by the arrset of Captain E. Rice, of the former Pacific Mail liner Mongolia, Chief Engineer Paul, and the latter’s assistant, Mr. Scott, in connection with the smuggling of Chinese into the United States. The three officers
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  • 100 7 OUTPUTS FOR NOVEMBER. The following are rubber outputs for November Ayer Kuning (F.M.S.). lbs. 51,000 Bradwall 35,914 Bukit Jelutong 2,672 Consolidated 22.692 Chersonese 56,130 Dennistown 46,279 F.M.S. 124,000 Gula Kalumpong 102,899 High. Lowlands 114,195 Kuang 17,600 Klabang 14,378 Karan 10,893 K. M. S. 8,545 K. L. 112,000 Krian Plant.
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  • 303 7 The position of tin has lately become more interesting. In contrast to the big rise in the value of mist other metals this year, the price of tin has remained at a comparatively low level, although the underlying conditions have been kenerally pretty sound. Tbe outlook
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  • 205 7 On Nov. 4 the United States steamers Act will take effect in the case of American ships, although as to foreign vessels it will not be operative until March. Presi dent Wilson may secure a modification of the navigation laws of the Republic before March, but in
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  • 220 7 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd., in their weekly report dated Singapore, Thursday, 2nd inst. s*ys The action held yesterday and continued to-day easily established a fresh record as regards quantity offered, 375 tons being catalogued 240 tons of which changed hands. London advices during tbe past few
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  • 47 7 Saturday, December 4. Band, Golf Chib, 6 p.m. Empire Theatre, Penang Road Electric Polyscope Co,, Argyle Road. Sunday, December 5 Homeward Mail Closes 11 a.m. Church Services. Monday, December 6. Public Meeting, Prince of Wales's Fund, Town Hall, 4-30 p.m. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m.
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  • 92 7 CLEARANCES! To-DAT. Tong Chay Un for Alor Star (Kedah). Pungah for Batu Bahra. Ban Lee for Langsa. D* van Twist for Langsa, T Semawe, Segli, Olehleh, Sabang, Padang, etc., Batavia. Atjeh for Langsa Edi, T. Semawe, Segli and Olehleh. Cornelia for Bagan Datoh Teluk Anson. Rotorua for Tongkah and
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  • 43 7 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morkow. For Per Close. Madras, taking mails A Tara 11 a.m. for Europe, etc., vid > 4th inst. (Saturday) Bombay J Regtr. up to 4 p.m. Monday. Yen Jit Seng 7 a.m. Singapore and China Glenogle 3 p.m.
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  • 232 7 Pbnang, December 4, 1915. 8; P. Tapioca $6.10 buyers. M. P. Tapioca s6| buyers. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers. Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $3l sellers. Trang Pepper out of season. Mace l lO nona. Mace Pickings $5Bl sales. Cloves
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  • 158 7 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5. Church of Enflaad. St. George’s Church.2nd Sunday irt Advent; Matins, 8 a.m; Holy Communion, 8.30 a.m.; Children’s Service, 5 p.m Evensong and Sermon, 6 p.m. Hymn 217. Thy Kingdom come O Lord.” Psalm XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, Foster, Magnificat Attwood 46, Nunc Dimittis Gosa 61. Anthem
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  • 129 7 Penang, December 4, 1915. (By Courtesy of ths Chartered Bank}. London Demand Bank ...2/4 3/16 4 months’sight Bank ...2/1 9/16 3 Credit ...2/4 27/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 7/8 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 175 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bombay Demand Bank 175 Moulmein Demand Bank 174 3 days’sight Private
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 274 7 THE TAI SENG Motor Repairing Co., 61 Bonnah Roathaitf Phone No. 208» The Fibom Aatcmobih The only repair ahoy that peoeessei the proper repairing plant» worked ihroogboet by electricity. Only experienced mechanic employed. AU works serried owl under oar expert personal supervision and gaeranteeA All accessories stacked work done the
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    • 100 7 The following are obtainable from us. Christies Tapping Gouges and Knives, Sodium’Bisulphite, Box Strapping 5/8", Momi Chests, Coal Tar, Acetic Acid 99/100°/, Cotton Waste,etc., etc., etc. L. Y. SWEE Co., KUALA LUMPUR PENANG. 951.tu th a 4-1 Stelastic” Tyres. THE only PNEUMATIC TYRES which are PUNCTURE PROOF. SOLE AGENTS: INTERNATIONAL
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2450 8 P *Q BL |N.Y.K'grv K. P. M. APCAR LINE >P“ Mail Steamship Co. Ld. j KOm NSS«cH?p? TAART chin» mutual steam m M lle MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Company) FlX&Sfc* PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. Into».» VO Sa». 8»am». mew“d MAIL LINES. VK =r-. One outward .«earner etch month -S k
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