Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 2 December 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 978 1 ii rotr WAiir to SHIP, BUY OB SELL Q« TO I IK FCMWAHO QOODB AFTY PAj&T of thb woau> n ALLEN DENNYS Co, r. wws rnuorx. THE PINANG GAZETTE.” HiiMMimiimMiiiMMiiMaini SUN LIFE If—- s OFFICE AND PRESS: 5 S buch sweet, pimw. BmmimiHiEiiTs DC C D OFFICIAL subscription. UAKLoDtKb Dll.ii
      978 words
    • 57 1 laaauoaiacaaaiaaDnniDaaoaa B FOR SBO g Q «an bare tho Pinanf g g I Ctamtta posted every day c for a wtaob year to your addraea. a aocAL lUHCiirnoH, san. 0 g Proportionate Quarterly and a Half-yearly rates. g 2 gubacriptioM are payable in adroaoo and remittances should bo addneaad to
      57 words

  • 1384 2 A WAR WHO’S WHO.” Who and what id Reventlow What manner of man is Harden Whence came von Wiegand Who are Theodor Wolfi, Major Moraht, Captain Persius, Georg Bernhard, Hans Delbruck, Colonel Gaedke Eugen Zimmermann What is the Wolff Agency What are we to understand by German
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  • 21 2 The following undelivered cable lies at the office of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co 25-1 Mccansland from Sherborne.
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  • 25 2 Penang :The E. O. Hotel, The Crag Ruanymede Hotel, Hotel Norman, Singapore: Raffles Hotel. Rangi on :Strand Hotel. Java.Hot Beau Sejour Lembang.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 858 2 GOVERNMENT OF KEDAH. NOTICE. Public Works Department, Kedah. m 4 PDINCE OF WALES’ BELIEF WANTED two European Assistant Engineers for the Public Works FUND Department, KeJah; Salary $350/- per easem with free quarters and th» nsua. Xli-t, be able to produce A PUBLIC MEETING satisfactory evidence of their training ana
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    • 990 2 Perak and Penang Aerated BANKS Water Factory chartered bank of indi? IPENANG BRANCH) AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA REMOVED TO II 18, LEITH STREET. ncortionted by Royal Chart». Phone No. 570. Paid-up Capital £l, aO n 0(1 Reserve Fund go-L 1136—2-12 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... jßl’joo'onHead Otficr v 3B, BISHOPBGATE, LONDON, K.q
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  • 1891 3 ITS FEATURES AND DIFFICULTIES. The Allies’ occupation of a strip of the Gallipoli Peninsula has immensely weakened Turkey’s powers of offensive both in the Caucasus and in rhe fourth theatre of action Mesopotamia, says Sir Thomas Holdich. What may have been the original inten tion of the military
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  • 886 3 WHERE IT CAN BE DELIVERED Foresight and resolution would doubtless have enabled us a month ago to prevent the Austro-Germans crossing the Danube, except at a totally prohibitive, for we must not forget that in spite of the new types of siege artillery, the fortress of
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  • 465 3 A GERMAN PROCLAMATION AT WINDHUK. The Nene Zurcher Zeitang of October 15, re-prints from the Sudwest,’’ a paper which was formerly issued at Windhuk, the following German proclamation to the inhabitants of the town, date! May 3 No more poignant comment on the conduct of the German
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  • 396 3 Mekran is the name given to that stretch of waste which extenca from the mouth of the sacred Indus, to the bosom of which the Hindoo woman is prone tc intrust her child, to the Persian Gulf 700 miles to the west. Parched by a tropic sun, scorned by
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 37 3 ADVERTISING. There is only one way to succeed in business. That is by constantly and persistently advertising your goods. Drive the thought of them into people’s heads, so that they will remember you when considering their requirements.
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    • 695 3 Ilk Mother and Child. Baby 6% months. Special afc-jy Appeal 1 Fed from birth on the Allenburys’ Foods. r on Behalf of Baby Naturally a Healthy Mother I should feed her own child, and no cause, save inability, I y should prevent her doing so. But there are many y
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  • 782 4 Mr. H. C. Atkin-Berry of Kuala Lumpur was in Flanders at the end of October. Mr. J M. Anthony, the honorary ViceConsul for Portugal at Penang, is on a short visit to Singapore. Mr. A. P. Hann, lare of Kuala Lumpur, who was on the Triumph when
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  • 826 4 ANNUAL REPORT. The following is the annual report of the Penang Ladies’ Rifle Club, to be presented at the annual general meeting, which is to be held on December 14th, at 4.30 p.m. at 21, Northam Road, Penang: Membership.At the commencement of the year the Club
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  • 1078 4 FRENCH SOLDIER'S VIVID NARRATIVE. The following striking account of the experiences of a French soldier who was in the first line of the recent French offens ve in Champagne was written to his god-mother, a lady of high social position in France: Before daybreak endless columns of
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  • 84 4 THE LATEST DIVIDENDS. [P. G. Special Cable.] London, December 1. The following dividends are announced Interim Dividends. Madingley (Malay) Rubber Estates, Ltd., 3 per cent. Ulu Rantau Rubber Estates, Co., Ltd 7| per cent. Kapar Para Rubber Estate, Co., Ltd., 15 per cent. Kurau Rubber Es’ate, L'd.,
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  • 54 4 The following are the latest quotations in our share list t Yesterday. To day. 30 00 an ts Sharks. J? M M Mining. Deebook 18/6 19/6 18/- 18/9 K. Kamunting 26/6 27/6 27/6 28/6 C. Pulai $5 ss| P. Bhaiu 85c 95c 60c 75c 'General. Straits T.
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  • 72 4 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following list of farther contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on Nov 25 ...$42,562 92 W J M Muirhead 120.00 R Scott, monthly subscription 25 00 Staff of Messrs Brown, Phillips
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  • 34 4 Balance on Nov 29 $2,528.23 W H Thomsen, 14th contribution 10.00 M Isaac .20 H W Rickeard, monthly subn... 20.00 Balance on Dec 1 $2,558.43 Amount previously acknowledged ...$18,558.21 Total $21,116.64
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  • 77 4 Thursday, Deetnber 2 Rand, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Empire Theatre. Penang Road Electric Polyscope Co,, Argyle Road. Fridav, December 3. Band, Esplanade. 6 p.m. Saturday, December 4. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Sunday, December 5. Homeward Mail Closes 11 a.m. Church Services. Monday, December 6. Public Meeting,
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  • 41 4 Dec. 10.P.C.C. Annual Meeting, 6 p.m. Dec. 13.Meeting, Justices of Peace, Governor’s Office, Penang, noon. Dec. 22.Meeting Board of Licensing Justices, District Court, 2-15 p.m. Jan. 6.Penang Races. Jan. B.Penang Races. Feb. 4.P. A. M. Meeting at Johore Bahru.
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  • 832 4 THE CHENDERIANG FLOTATION. Ths second annual general meeting of the shareholders of F.M S Timah Limited, was held on October 26. at the Cannon Street Hotel, E C., Mr John I Philips (the chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said You Wil* observe that the net
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  • 75 4 PENANG WOMEN WORKERS. Amount previously acknowledged $794 Mrs W G Peter $lO, Mrs Ebden $lO, Mrs G H Pritchard (2nd donation) $5, B T D $2, Mrs S C G Fox, Taiping (3rd donation) $2, A Well Wisher, Taiping $2, Mrs C B Mills, Taiping $l.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 318 4 A Reputation of over 100 years. Cockle’s ANTIBILIOUS Pills FOR BILIOUSNESS. INDIGESTION, HEADACHE, DEPRESSION. Of Chemists throughout the world. Prices in England 1/14 and 2/9. James Cockle 4 Co., 4 Great Ormond St., Lendon,W.& NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LOST. ON St. Andrew’s Night a Silver Paste Hair Pin. Finder will be rewarded
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  • 1499 5 MR. BARTLETT’S CRITICISM. Mr. Ellia Ashme&d Btrtlett, who has been the official representative of the British Press, in the Dardanelles, gave a lecture at Queen’s Hall, in which he described the operations in the Near Eastern theatre of war. Mr Bartlett said that the scheme to force
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  • 409 5 Home Government’s New Move. From enquires made in Calcutta it would appear that considerable speculation has been aroused in shipping and mercantile circles as to the exact meaning of the Renter’s telegram, regarding the Government’s intention to regulate shipping in cases where an emergency of national importance
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  • 309 5 NEUTRAL AND BRITISH PROFITS. To the recent testimony of Herr Heineken, managing director of the North German Lloyd, as to the bad outlook for German shipping and the results of the British fleet’s power and vigilance is now added that of Herr Huldermann, the manager of
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  • 256 5 British shipowners whose vessels run to the west coast cf the Americas, the Far East, and Australia via Panama have, says a London correspondent every reason to be seriously concerned about the block in the canal. In all likelihood .it will be c osed much longer than
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  • 162 5 An Amusing Ceylon Case. Colombo, November 15.An interesting case for damages resulting from a telegram sent by way of a joke on the ls“. April, came up for trial before the District Judge of Ka'atara The parties were all Sinhalese. The cause of action, it was alleged,
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  • 98 5 Result of the Voting. Peking, Nov. Btn.Of the two thousand representa f ives of the whole nation 1,239 hove voted in favour of a monarchy as against the present form of Government, «nd of these ninety-four belong to Kwangtung. A Mandate appoints Mr. Tung Hong as chairman of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 306 5 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., LIMITED, Offer Special Value in Table Damask. Special Mercerised Cotton Damask Table Cloth. No. 4049. No. 4050. Bleached White Datna.k Table Cloth. A Small quantity only O Ue WHt D iUask C M|| v to be cleared at very Ue9l^ D low rates. All cloths Serviceable Quality
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  • 1212 6 The most interesting of the Colonial Office announcements telegraphed by Reuter is that of the appointment of Sir John Anderson. Permanent Under Secretary for the Colonie», as Governor of Ceylon. Sir John Anderson is succeeded by Sir George Fiddes. The latter was at
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  • 1502 6 Tha official career of Sir E. M. Merewether in the F.M.S. and the Straits is not perhaps known to the younger generation, and we may therefore give the details as they appear in the Colonial Office List and the local Civil Service List. He came to thia
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  • 34 6 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin ir< Penang was $80.40 per picul, buyers, ni sellers—-a decrease of $l.lO. Tin is quoted in London yesterday at £i66 spot, and £165 ss. three months
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  • 105 6 The Menglembu Lode output for last month was 360 piculs, value $16,8C0. The output of Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Limited, during the month of November was 590 piculs. The Output of the Rahman Tin Co., Ltd., during the month of November was 930 picul». (Pls. 385.27 Mill pls 545
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  • 51 6 By Alma (December 1) from Deli, M r and Mrs Tan Sin Loo, Mr W T Gallaphee and Ooi Chin Tuan. The P. O. intermediate steame. Nagoya is expected to arrive here from Port Swettennam to-morrow morn ns, an will leave for Colombo and Europe 6 p.m. the same
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 131 6 H ifNMBT n MIS UlEtlT DM seome t I til ,I’l Si firi i*l I Ki < tew I > > .-I cs J s’ .2 g B’ <s to jO c/> Motor, Motor Cycle, Solid Cycle Tyres. A PATRIOTIC DUTY. The Duty of the Buying Public is plain. They
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    • 13 6 E. &> O.” MOTOR GARAGE. CARS ON HIRE $4 AN HOUR. TELEPHONE No. 322.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 34 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for tomorrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. 7- a.m. 2- 6 a.m. 8- p.m. 2- 6 p.m. 8- a.m 3-20 a.m. 9- p.m, 312 p.m.
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  • 27 6 DEATH. Alexander.On October 29, at Mellifont Abbey, Wookey, suddenly, Edward Matthew, eon of the late John Alexander of Glasgow, late of the Straits Trading Company, Limited, Singapore
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  • 185 7 ALBANIA REACHED. GREEK GOVERNMENTS REPLY. AUSTRIAN MINISTERS RESIGN. THE ITALIAN OFFENSIVE. Nothing of consequence is reported from the Western and Russian fronts. It is stated from Holland that a British squadron shelled the Belgian coast from Zeebrugge to Ostend. The Bulgarians claim to have taken the Serbian town
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 88 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] FATE OF SUBMARINE. London, December 1. The Admiralty announces that it was Flight Sub-Lieutenant Biney, accompanied by a French officer, who, while patrolling the Belgian coast, on Sunday, bombed a German submarine, which sank in a few minutes with her back broken. Flight Lieutenant Ferrand,
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  88 words
    • 335 7 A corrrespondent at the British Headquarters in France described in 11 The Times” of October 18, the capture of two German airplanes. An officer at the front now writes that while one of the airplanes was an Albatross the other was an L.V.G.,” not an Aviatik
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    • 60 7 SHELLS AND GRENADES Pans, December 1. The day was snowy and foggy, with a thaw in Champagne. Wi’h the exception of the usual cannonade over the whole front, only grenade fighting is reported in Artois, in the region of L'ios, and in Alsace. Nothing to Chronicle. Paris,
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    • 880 7 In some parts of the Briti-h battle-front the experiment has been tried of serving out to the men in the fire trenches ste»-l helmets similar to those introduced by the French, writes Mr. G. Valentine Williams. The British helmet is perfectly plan, not decorative like the French,
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    • 264 7 CONFIDENCE IN VICTORY. Loudon, December 1. Mr. A. Bonar Law, Secretary of State for the Colonies, at a banquet of the Scottish Corporation, referring to enemy assertions that Britain was not doing her share, asked whether anyone at the outbreak of war could have imagined that we
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    • 25 7 London, December 1. The King, in a bath chair, spent some time in the garden, His Majesty’s first outing since his accident occurred.
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    • 17 7 London, December 1. General Sir lan Hamilton was received in audience by the King.
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    • 83 7 GERMANY INVINCIBLE.” Amsterdam, December 1. When the Reichstag opened, the President, in a *-peech, bombastically claimed that Germany was invincible on the battlefield. Germany’s enemies were wrong in thinking they could destroy Germany economically. He admitted that scarcity was causing hardships among the German poor, but he declared
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    • 60 7 Ottava, December 1. It is offieially announced that 320 firms in Canada are engaged in munitionmaking, employing 100,000 skilled workers Among the permanent benefits accruing to Canada will be the refining of copper and zinc, and manufacture of brass, all carried on abroad hitherto. The orders placed
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    • 69 7 London, December 1. In the House of Commons, Colonel H. G. Henderson (Unionis’ Abingdon) asked whether Captains of the Indian Army serving with the Expeditionary Forces, who were doing the work of field officers, might be temporarily promoted Majors. Mr. H J. Tennant said the proposals for
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 23 7 REPORTED BULGARIAN SUCCESS. Amsterdam, December 1. A Berlin communique says the Bulgarians have captured Prizrend, with 3,000 prisoners and eight guns.
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    • 121 7 PLIGHT OF REFUGEES. London, December 1. A Salonika telegram says deep snow has fallen there. A party in charge of the British Vice-Consul at Nish arrived at Salonika on November 29th, after a trying journey through Albania. Owing to lack of conveyance, the party, including ladies,
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    • 110 7 THE QUESTION OF SALONIKA. London, December 1. The Greek reply to the Entente declares that Greece will maintain her neutrality so long as her sovereign-rights are not infringed and no restrictions of a military character are imposed. Greece contends that with Salonika and its railway connec ions
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    • 128 7 THE POLITICAL SITUATION. Amsterdam, December 1. It is officially announced from Vienna that the resignations of the Ministers of th* Interior, Commerce, and Finance have been accepted. The new appointments include Prince Hobenlohe Schillingsfuerst Dracoman, exGovernor of Trieste, as Minister of the Interior. The changes are regarded
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    • 3 7
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    • 142 7 RECEPTION AT DARDANELLES. London, December 1. R-uter’s sp°cial correspondent at the Dardanelles says Lord Kitchener visited Mudros, Helles, and Anzac, and conferred with General Sir Charles Munro. The War Minister’s visits were a surprise, but the news spread like wildfire a- d the soldiers rushed from their dugouts
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    • 68 7 A LLIES’ NEGOTIATIONS. London, December 1. In the House of Commons, at question time, Lord Robert Cecil said Britain and Russia were amicably negotiating with Persia, with a view to placing the latter in a position to maintain order and discharge her duties as a neutral State. Until the
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  • Italy's Campaign
    • 150 7 TERRIFIC FIGHLING ON ISONZO. Amsterdam, December 1. Terrific fighting on the Italian front is again reported. An Austrian commnnique says it is becoming clear that the Italians wish to force a victory on the Isonz" 1 if possible near Gorizia The communique speaks of bloody attacks,and
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 30 7 THE CAUCASUS. jTetrograd, December 1. A Russian communique records desultory fighting in the regions of Riga, Pinsk, and the Styr. Slight activity is reported from the Caucasus.
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    • 39 7 SVEN HEDIN’S BOOK. Copenhagen, December 1. A new book by Sven Hedin, entitled The War Against Russia,’’ which is full of appeals to Sweden to abandon her neutrality, has received an unfriendly reception from the Swedish Press.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 14 7 London, December 1. The Cork steamer Dotterel (1,596 tons) was sunk.
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    • 384 7 How to beat off British submarines in the Baltic is the problem now absorbing the auxious attention of the German Navy, says Frederic William Wile. The principal Hun naval experts, Reventlow. of the Deutsche Tageszeitung,” and Kahlwetter, of the LokaLAnzeiger,” commenting on the loss of the Prince Adalbert,
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  • General News.
    • 95 7 CEYLON’S NEW GOVERNOR. London, December 1. Sir John Andersen. oc M 0., k.c.b. k c m.g., Permanent Under Secretary for the Colonies, has been appointed Governor of Ceylon, on Sir Robert. Chalmers, k c b., resuming the Permanent Secretaryship of the Trea’ury. Sir George Fiddes, K.c m.g., c.b
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    • 91 7 ADVICE FROM CHANCELLOR. London, December 1. A thousand delegates, representing over four millions of organised workers, attended a conference at Westminster on the question of war finance, Mr. Arthur Henderson, Minister for Education, presiding. Mr. Asquith, Mr. McKenna and Mr. Runciman were accorded cordial receptions. Mr McKenna
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    • 29 7 London, December 1. In the House of Commons, Mr. H. J, Tennant announced that the number of British military prisoners in Germany was 32,000, and Naval 1,050.
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    • 22 7 London, December 1. Heavy subscriptions in the French War Loan are being received in London from important investing interests.
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  • 87 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, December 2. At Singapore Rubber Auctions, there were offered 250 tons. The market opened flat but improved. Prices showed a marked decline Fine Ribbed Fine Pale $163, Fine Brown Crepe $144 to $l5O, Brown Dark $ll7 to $l4O. The names of the
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  • 1195 8 "IF ONLY PEACE WOULD RETURN A curicus and deeply pathetic collection of letters, postcards, and other documents found in the possession of German soldiers who had killed on the Western front is in the possession of the Chronicle.” There is evidence to show that the dead men
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  • 161 8 No Morr Executions of Women. The Telegraaf learns from the frontier that some 125 fugitives from Antwerp and the neighoou» hood, the majority of the f irmer being soldiers, succeeded in crossing the Dutch frontier, because they reached to report them-elves to the German authorities for registration.
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  • 384 8 Mr. Arthur Henderson, President of the Board of Education, !n‘a circular letter, To my colleagues in the national service of education,” says he feels that the duty now lies upon him to offer to them his consider d opi >ion, that the need now paramount
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 258 8 A Double Safeguard. I When buying Worcestershire Sauce, always look for the signature in Wkite L /1 MH/fiMn' RH ei v f |f| p on the Red label, and see also that the name LEA PERRINS is embossed in raised letters on the glass bottle. LEA PERRINS’ label and bottle
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    • 23 8 DAIMLER < Motor carriages s Commercial Vehicles- d Agbiceltiirm, Tractors e S DAIML E R COMPA NY vu COVENTRY, ENCLAN&. C LTVDfYYVY'V'V’V'm ru- J
      23 words
    • 360 8 BENGER’S is Natural kagaj Food Bp? entirely free from any V chemical substance k I' whatsoever. Z. It is different from all i other foods in being 7 J scientifically combined with natural digestive y I principles. is prepared for child, invalid, or aged person, with fresh new milk, and
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  • 803 9 S.F.P.” A GOOD REPORT. The fifth annual ge ieral meeting of Malaka Pinda Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at the regi-tered offices. 191 Cecil Street, Singapore. There were present :Messrs. Tan Cheng Lock, (Chairman) Chan Kang Swi, Tan Wi Yan, Ch >a Eng Wan, Chi Kang Cheng,
    S.F.P.”  -  803 words
  • 156 9 Private Albert Sepple, of Guildford, who enlisted in the 2nd and was a member of the Indian Expeditionary Force, was wounded at Ypres on June 6, and has died in a Norwegian hospital; He had 12 fragments of shrapnel embodied in his brain, and lived for
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  • 37 9 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Pangkor, Brit., 94, Caswell, Dec 2, Bindings, gen., E. S. Co. Jin Ho, Brit, 93, Harding, Dec 2, Asahan, gen., E.S. Co. Hebe, Brit., 346, Scott, Dec 2, T. Anson, gen., Adamson Gilfillan Co.
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  • 20 9 To-day. Calypso for Tongkah. Alma for Deli. Kedah for Bindings, Sitiawan Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson. Trang for Trang.
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  • 87 9 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close Deli and Asahan Brandan 10 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah) Aing Thye 11 a.m. Teluk Anson Hebe 4 p.m. Saturday. Calcutta and Durban Kutsang 9a m. Laugsa, T Semawe, Segli, Olehl e h, i n Sabang, Padang etc., D Van Twist
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  • 124 9 Pbnang, December 2, 1915. (By Courtesy of ths Chartered Bank}. London Demand Bank ...2/4 3/16 4 months’sight Bank ...2/4 9/16 3 Credit ...2/4 27/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 7/8 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 175 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bombay Demand Bank 175 Moulmein Demand Bank 174 3 days’sight Private
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  • 258 9 Penang, December 2, 1915. S; P. Tapioca $6.10 buyers M. P. Tapioca $6 J buyers. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper 531 sellers. Trang Pepper out of season. Mace J’lo nnm Mace Pickings ssB} sales. Cloves
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 308 9 USEFUL BOOKS. Price. Pest Free. Planter’s Medical Guide By E. N. Graham, F.R.C.S., (Edin.) Medical Officer, Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited $2.00 2.50 Contains very valuable advice for Estate Managers on Plantations situated some distance from a Doctor, and in case of emergency when delay in waiting for the arrival of
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    • 112 9 We have no intention whatever of curtailing our advertising on account of the war. We do not believe that it is ever wise to cease reminding customers of our existence.Charles Churchill and Co., Ltd. We are proposing to carry out a large and vigorous campaign for the coming year in
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    • 204 9 Hb 9-1 o o PRQDUCE 0F FRANCE Cordon sol E| importcZ7 l*"Cordon HIBBERT.WOODROFFE C9LT9 JvOUGE/ (Incorporated in England.)* 5 'aJAIJNE. Something Special! Big Opportunities for the Public SEE AT THE STRAITS CINEMA. Phone No. 628. EMPIRE HALL. PENANG ROAD. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT 11 Will present the u liversal fevure LAWKANCE D’ORSAY.
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  • 938 10 January Meeting, 1916. (UNDER S. R. A. RULES OF RACING.) RACE DAYS: FIRST DAY Thursday, 6th January, 1916. SECOND DAY... Saturday, Bth January, 1916. FIRST DAY. Thursday, 6th January, 1916. 1 5 THE GEORGE TOWN PLATE and PURSE. Value $350 each. A Handicap for all ponies 14
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  • 753 10 An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners of George Town was held on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. W. Peel (President) occupied the chair, the others present being Messrs. P. T. Allen, Quah Beng Kee, and Yeoh Guan Seok, with Mr. L. M. Bell (Municipal Engineer) and Mr. L. A.
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  • 461 10 PRESIDENT WILSON’S PROCLAMATION. Mr. Woodrow Wilson, the American President issued the following on Oct. 20th It has long been an honoured custom of our people to turn in their fruitful autumn of the year in praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God for his many blessings and mercies to us
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  • 248 10 In the Penang Municipalitv for the week ended November 20, there were 55 deaths 36 males and 19 females, equal to a death-rate of 27.46 per mille per annum, compared with 32.95 in the preceding week, and with 44.76 in the corresponding week of last year. The following
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 72 10 Bave Yourself. I sis the man who can’t Y iry day! Let him get a A ifety Razor and the keen w Hades—let him lather well J 11 find his beard slips off A every day, without the W irritation. British made. J ard Sets. One Guinea.Sold Everywhere. d and
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    • 457 10 During the last few years, Michelin has, by successive stages, lowered the prices of his tyres by nearly 50 per cent. There is nothing abnormal about these reductions; they result partly from the present price of rubber, but more especially from the increased production of the three enormous Michelin factories.
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    • 310 11 Some interesting notes on the recent political crisis at Athens have been supplied to the Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant by its correspondent in the Greek capital One might say, as indeed his opponents do, that M. Venezelos fell through his own fault. One may go much farther.
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    • 257 11 The Messagero ci’Athenes,” in an article, which is regarded as interpreting Government opinion, writes The intervention of the Powers in the relations of Greece with Serbia cannot but cause surprise, for the Treaty only concerns the contracting parties. The Greco-Serbian Treaty was entered into without the
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  • 228 11 Preventive Measures in Calcutta. Calcutta, November 10.To-day the Calcutta Corporation at their monthly meeting considered the Health Special Committee’s report and Major S. R. Christophers’ memorandum on the measures advisable with respect to the yellow fever germ or stegomyia fasciata in Calcutta. Dr. Haridhone Dntta
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  • 563 11 VLADIVOSTOCK. The Economist” quotes a Paris paper to prove how vital to Russia has been the supply of arms and munitions through Archangel and Vladivostock, the ports to which access from outside has been possible owing to the supremacy of the Allies at sea. A correspondent of the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 517 11 N. Y. K span Mail Steamship Co. Id. \7vY EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained bfween Yokohama via ports to MarseiJet London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the imperial Japanese Government, the New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining i.his service have been specially designed and .•cnstructed and are fitted with
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    • 228 11 BANKRUPT NERVES. Each of us has a certain supply of nervous energy. Every act, even every thought, uses up some part of this energy. During rest and sleep the supply is increased by the blood which gets the needed elements from the air we breathe and the food we eat.
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    • 388 11 Safety First J®7 saw*/ it rWfr J toil jk x BIMMER' vJIJOu ja I H I v flYVtfk I^ll m I utlWßj iHil S I 1 There is an active Safety First tnSnSs r h S j 3 principle in every inch of X W/ 'GOODRICH Safety Zread x W
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 107 11 THE TIDES. PenangDecember, 1915. Penang Standard TimesHeights referred to Datum of Soundings in Admiralty Charts High Water. Low Water. Standard Standard Date. rp. H*. Date Ht. Lime. Time. h m ft. h m ft. Th 2 m 7 15 5.3 2 6 a 2.1 8 46 a 6.2 3 m
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2084 12 P. &O. P O B I IL INTENDED SAILINGS. OcEAN Steam Navigation Co. 8 W, AND D 8 |||||> RrITISH INDIA P® sm MSBiPt lM Wiretea» Telegraphy fitted on all A P R I F* Wdlltf* a OM. MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. r STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LTD. FREE of Charge
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