Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 9 November 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 809 1 m r nr; 19 YOU WANT TO BW/P, BUY OR SELL |RUB B E R y FORWARD QOOD9 S' ANY PART or TUB WORLD n ALLEN DENNYS U, J v. «mem mor. iruncn nun >inUHMAKniHnin»MHHNn< the— A > japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. H Northam House Photographic Studio. <** JL
      809 words
    • 70 1 naoaDawaoDtimniaßDCDwaDßDUß IfOK $BO g H X7OU ean have the Pinang g X Gmmfite” poeted everyday Be foe a whole year to year addrem. 8 a «LOCAL SUOSCniPHOM, tanL M O B Pieporttonate Quarterly aid; 2 o Half yearly rat**. r v*‘ g MMriftteoe ace payable dA gl* HB OWB9O MBC
      70 words

  • 1834 2 THE DEPOT OF THE BALKANS. They same to Thensalunica, where was a synagogue of the Jewj. And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three sabbath days reasoned wi'b them out of tbe Scriptures.” So the author of the Acts of the Apostles informs us, and
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    • 134 2 London, October 26.—The Times,” Balkan correspondent now at Bucharest says the Austrians crossed the Dmube at Orsova will have a free passage to Bulgaria for fifty munition-laden steamers. Lighters are waiting there, the Serbians having withdrawn from the Danube. Plainly any large Serbian force on
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    • 62 2 London, Oct. 27.Various items of news help to mitigate the effect of Lord Lansdowne's speech. The chief of these are the official statement thkt Kuprulu has been recaptured, and a Paris telegram to the Daily Chronicie to the effect that Russia, not contented with naval action, will send
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    • 105 2 Attention is now mainly directed to the apparent attempt of the Bulgarians to push westward through Uskub and join tbe Austrians who crossed the Drina near Vishegrad cutting off the Serbians from tbe south. The Daily Chronicle's Paris correspondent suggests that since the force from Salonika is able
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    • 37 2 The Petit Journal’s Salonika correspondent says the Allies are expected to make good their advance on Istib on the heights of which the Bulgars are entrenched. Skirmishes at Tirteli and Krivolak favoured the French.
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    • 99 2 London, October 30— The Central News Petrograd correspondent says that according to prisoners she relations between von Hindenburg and the Kaiser are strained on account of the latter’s iH-sucoess before Dvinsk. A German officer said that the recent German attacks had been remarkably lacking in system,
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    • 81 2 October 29th.General Botha is suing one Muonik for an election slander concernthe alleged disappearance of bar gold belonging to the Republican Government De Wet is to be brought from prison to give evidence. Muonik stated that when war was imminent 153 cases of British gold,
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    • 133 2 Berlin, October 22.At the annual meeting of the Hamburg ship-owners, Herr Ballin, Director-General of the Hamburg-America Line, spoke about the liberty on the ocean aud reminded his hearers of the British menace that the German fleet would be sent to the bottom of the ocean before
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  • 33 2 Niw Appointmbnt. Peking, October 25.—Dr. Wellington Koo, who was recently appointed Minister to Mexico, has been appointed Minister to Washington. Hai Hai Fu has been recalled for another appointment.
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  • 27 2 Peking, October 28.President Yuan Shih Kai’s fifth son was married to-day to a daughter of Tuan Fang, formerly a Viceroy of Nanking.
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  • 639 2 The Japanese Cabinet will be in Kioto between 6th and 16th November, while H. M. the Emperor is in Kioto for the Coronation. The youngest son of Mr. O. N. Barnei, M.P., Second Lieutenant Barnes (26), of the Seaforth Highlanders, has been killed in action in France.
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  • 224 2 The name of Varna, which is being watched by a strong Russian Black Sea squadron, must strike a curious note in the memories of many military familie»i for it was our Black Sea base during the Crimean War. And in proof of the fact that armies change little in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 970 2 WANTED NOTICE. FOR an Estate io Perak a good ESTATE CARPENTER, Sinhalese preferred 125/-per mensem. KEE YEW of No. 71 Sdegte t r, Road, Singapore, now staying at the Apply No. 90, c/o Anan? Gazette. E Q fiotel (and goQ in aw of Choo Eng Chooo of Singapore) informs the
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    • 301 3 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazelle.” Sib,— -I hare received for publication the following highly important communication from the War Office, through Sir Erne** Birch. In the case of every Aeroplane pre--8» nted to the War Office, the name will be perpetuated." This is to
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  • 298 3 The Port Dickson-Lukut (F. M. S.) Rubber Estates Company was formed in April, 1911, and in that month it acquired 1,065 acres of land from Linggi Plantations, Limited, for £19,000 in shares. Other purchases have brought up its holding to 4,165 acres, and it has now an
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  • 118 3 The following circular has been sent to shareholders in the above company by the Secretaries and General Managers (Messrs K N Truman and Co.):— The Chairman, in his speech at the last annual meeting informed yon, that should an opportunity occur, the Directors proposed
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  • 91 3 The Captain of the Mayo brought into Cebu from Portabello, near Ormoc and Leyte, a great water Mei on and proudly showed it round to bis many friends and acquaintances in the >eity. He maintained that it was the largest water-melon ever grown in these islands
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  • 482 3 NEARLY ALL CREW SAVED. A Hakodate dispatch to the Jiji reports that the Captain and other members of the crew of the British steamer Rufford Hall, arrived at Hakodate on the evening of the 9th October. It is stated that the only member of the crew still
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  • 703 3 EXPERIENCES AT LOOS. I shall never forget the night of September 25 at Loos, says a correspondent. One enters the village by a narrow road joininz the great L«n* Bethune road, encumbered by troops and convovs. Behind the hill, the Cit- S*. Auguste is on fire.
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  • 144 3 What Australia Pays fob Watching "War Nkws.” An Australian paper states that the payment of the war censorship staff in Australia runs into a pretty big sum. At the Headquarters (Melbourne) the Deputy Chief Censor receives £750, one censor £5OO, and one senior assistant censor £550 per
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  • 29 3 Washington, Octobar 18 :—A report has reached here that General Villa of Mexico has been assaaainated. No confirmation ef the report has yet been received.
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  • 380 3 Tsnth Anniversary or Great Natal Change. Commenting upon the fact that October 2, was the tenth anniversary of the building of the Dreadnought, a naval writer points out the curious fact that although the war has lasted all thi« while, none of the Dreadnoughts has had a r*»»l chance
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  • 28 3 Pinang :The E. de O. Hotel, The Crag, Runny mode Hotel, Hotel Norman, Sirgapou: Raffles Hotel. Rangoon >— strand Hotel. Java. Hot Beau Sejoer Lem bang.
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  • 267 3 Exicution at Shanghai. I find that judgment of death was duly executed by hanging," pronounced Mr. G. W. King, the British Coroner, on October 23, and that was the last chapter in the tragedy of August 16, when John Macfarlane, a warder at the Municipal Jail, returning from
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  • 134 3 Cleveland, September 14.Francis Thwing, son of the President of Western Reserve University, has renounced his allegiance to the United States in order that he may fight for Great Britain. That was the announcement contained in a letter received from the twenty-four-year?-old Cleveland boynow
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  • 124 3 Sino Japanmn Battle in Seattle. A San Francisco dispatch to the Asahi reports a sanguinary fight between Japanese and Chinese on board the Minnesota at Seattle on the 11th ulto. The Chinese, who numbered about 100 strong, fought the Japanese crew, who were of nearly
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  • 101 3 Mr. St. John Gaffney, who has been relieved of the American Consulate at Munich, has since the war been conducting himself as a thinly-disguised Germanagent. For that purpose he went to Ireland to meet the Sinn Feiaers, and he tried hard to get himsejf appointed au
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  • 76 3 The Toyo Kisen Kaisha having obtained official sanction from the Government for its South American liners to call at San Francisco, bo’h on the outward an I homeward voyages, says the "Japan Gazette, telegraphically instructed the Anyo-maru, which left Yokohama on the 24th ult. to call
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  • 76 3 San Francisco, October 21 The race feeling on the Texas-Mexican border has become terribly bitter. It has been further inflamed bv the Brownsville train outrage, as it is now known that the Mexican bandits robbed the dead. A number of Texan posses are out and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 338 3 issitude I of weariness, depression, fatigue, h cts equally men, women and child- 1 is most important that these signs lown condition be not neglected. y easily lead to more serious ailments. F you are feeling exhausted, slack and S’ Dn't delay, start taking Iron 'Jelloids' to-day Jp s' enrich
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  • 691 4 No neutral nation, especially a small one, that has so far contrived to keep out of the war, having before its eyes all the carnage, suffering, and devastation that it has brought to little countries like Belgium and Serbia, can be blamed for hesitating about taking the fateful
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  • 496 4 CHINESE SAMPAN MAN KILLED. We have to record yet another accident which occurred in Penang Harbour this morning shortly after the arrival of the 8.1. Apcar line seamer Muttra, resulting in the death of a Chinese sampan wallah. It appears that the sampan man was alongside
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  • 956 4 One frequently has to rely on American or French newspapers for news concerning our Army or Navy the more important the news is the greater the dependence on foreign sources. While the London journals have been floundering about in a bog hunting for the elusive facts regarding
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  • 159 4 PRELIMINARY ENQUIRY. The preliminary enquiry into the charge of attempted murder brought against a Hindu convert named Abdul Rahman was held in the Second Court to-day by Mr. V. G. Ezechie), Third Magistrate. The complainant is an Indian Mohammedan woman named Kulsom Bee. She and accused lived
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  • 142 4 Mr. Alma Baker has received the following letter: War Office, London S.W. Sir,I am commanded by the Army Council to acquaint you with reference to your cablegram of the 10th instant, that the B. E, 2c, Aeroplane Malaya 1 presented by Eu Tong Sen Esq,
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  • 49 4 The following are the latest quotations in our share list Yesterday. To-day. co as sn Bhabes S' 3 3* M ao a Mining. eebook 17/6 18/6 18/- 19/SungeiGau... s9| s9* S9j J9| Rubber (Dollar}. A. Panas ss| ss| s<> Ghangkat ss| ss| s6} Lunas s3| s3|
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  • 57 4 (From Our Own Corrttpondenl.) Singapore, November 9. The report of Pulao Bulang Robber Co., Ltd., states that 30,050 unpaid c»H’ are still due by German and Austrian shareholders. The estimate of expenditure on development account for 1916 will not exceed $284,310. The area now planted in rubber
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  • 33 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was 379.15 per picul, business done—-an increase of 50 cents. Tin is quoted in London to-day st £162 Spot, and £162 three months.
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  • 60 4 The Band will play the following pro* gramme of music at the Golf Club from 5-45 to 7-15 p.m. this evening 1 Overture Light Cavalry ...Soppe 2. Everybody's Doing it Now ...Berlin 3. Selection Boeaccio ...dupP® 4 Waltz Mon Treoor ...Becneci 5. The Picadiily Picadillo Ono Step
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  • 57 4 THE SYDNEY CUP. The following are the players left in the semi-finals as a result of the play on Sunday. R. B. Osborne who beat J. Sellar 2up W. 8. Goldie do T. A. Martin 7up 6 D. A. M. Brown do T. Winfield 3 ep-M J.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 164 4 CLAYMORE" WHISKY. SOLE AGENTS: HIBBERT, WOODROFFE Co., LIMITED. (Incorporated in England). IRiaak >»■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ FRESH STOCK JUST RECEIVED. ACETIC ACID? 99/100Z PUKE GLACIAL. Genuine Momi Wood Cases j J 19" by 19" by 24". White Porcelain Rubber Cups, TUMBLER SHAPE. J JJ Price on Application. J The Eastern Trading Co., PENANG
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    • 14 4 Er.'6* O.” MOTOR GARAGE. CARS ON HIRE S 4 AH HOUR. TELEPHONE No. 322.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 33 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for tomorrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. 0-54 a.m. 7-38 a.m. 1-23 p.m. 7-38 p.m. 1-34 a.m. 8-22 a.m. 2 -9 p.m. 8-20 p.m.
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  • 592 5 ENEMY'S GREAT EFFORTS. allied gains in south. GREEK PREMIER S DECLARATION. GERMAN CRUISER SUNK. KAISER AND WESTERN FRONT. The Germans and Austrians, in their advance into Serbia, have occupied the town of Kruchevatz, fully 80 miles south of the Danube, 35 miles south-east of Kragujevatz, and 35
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 101 5 [Reuters Services]. IMPORTANCE OF THE WEST. [Copybight Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) London, November 8. A telegram from Northe r n France spates that the Kaiser, in an address to fifty thousand troops, at Thielt, spoke bitterly in regard to Britain, and, by inference, betrayed some une’sines* regarding the
      [Reuters Services].  -  101 words
  • Russian Campaign.
    • 206 5 RUSSIANS’ SUCCESSFUL TACTICS. Phtrograd, November 8. A telegram from Petrograd states that the tactics employed by the Russians, on the occasion of th--ir latest victory on the Strypa, were typical of those now adopted by both sides on the Eastern front, namely, short, sharp dashes, with rapidly
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 207 5 ALLIES REPULSE BULGARIANS. Salonika, November 8. With reference to the operations on the line from Gradsko to a point north of Lake Doiran, where the British are fighting, the French General Staff states that an action is continuing northeast of Strumnpza. The French are advancing towards
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    • 75 5 KRUCHEVATZ OCCUPIED. Amsterdam, November 8. A Berlin communique reports that the Austrians and Germans have entered Kruchevatz, 30 miles north-west of Nish. Thus, important Austrian and German and Bulgarian forces are almost meeting Captures at Kruchevatz. Amsterdam, November 5. A Berlin communique claims that the invaders
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    • 60 5 London, November 8. Montenegrin official reports state that desperate fighting occurred on November sth on the Herzgovina frontier. The enemy attacked repeatedly, but were repulsed, with heavy losses, the Montenegrins capturing four guns, a quantity of rifles, *nd ammunition, besides other valuable stores. The Montenegrin army operating in
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    • 150 5 FRENCH SATISFACTION London, November 8. The French Press welcomes Earl Kitchenera visit to the East, as indicating that Britain and France are considering measures, in order that their enemies will also find the Allies barring the road in the Balkans. Bound for Salonika. A telegram from Paris states
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    • 108 5 BENEVOLENT 10 ENTENTE. Athens, November 8. M. SkouLudis, the uew Gree<c Premier, in an interview, said he proposed to observe very benevolent attitude towards the Entente, Strong Supporter of Allies. London, November 8. M. Skou'oudis, the new Greek Premier, is a veteran statesman, who i< respected for his
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  • 18 5 Kruchevatz, between Kragujevatz and Nish, taken by the Austrians and is marked with a cross.
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  • 364 5 Th? phrase benevolent neutrality,” which the new Greek Government is reported to be inclined to adopt, may very ea-ily give rise to misunderstandings perhaps premature hopes. It is as well, therefore, to point out that the SerboGreek defensive alliance only applies to such cases when the attacking party
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  • 372 5 Sir lan Hamilton and theAustralasians. Simla, October, 27 I'h« following full text of the Special Order by General Sir lan Hamilton, Commander-in Chief, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, after the battle of Sari Bair, has now reached India The C<-mmander-in-Chief, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, desires formally to record
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 47 5 BY SUBMARINE IN BALTIC. Ainste daiu, November 7. A Berlin official message states that the Gtidw bght Undine, while patrolling off the coas' of south Sweden, was -uok by wo t >ip)d<<es fr< m a submarine. Ahno.-t al. of the crew were sived.
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    • 38 5 TN THE MEDITERRANEAN. London, November 9. The Admiralty announces that the armed naval tender Tara was attacke i by two enemy submarines in the Eastern Mediterranean and sank. Thirty four nf the crew are missing.
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    • 149 5 In the Commons in mail Week, Commander C. Bellairs (UMaidstone) asked the Secretary to the Admiralty whether, in view of announcements in Russian newspapers, he could make any statement as to the work done by our submarine*, and give the name of the commanding officer of the submarine
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    • 153 5 PRESS ON AMERICAN NOTE. London, November 8. The Press takes a strong line regarding the long-expected American note, which was presented to Britain during the week-end, objecting to Britain’s methods of dealing with neutral shipping, refusing to accept the blockade as ineffective and indefensible, and complaining of
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  • General News.
    • 119 5 THE POSITION OF RUBBER London, November 8. A welcome feature of the trade returns for October is that the balance of trade against the United Kingdom has been reduced by £1,750,000, compared with the preceding month. Grain imports fell £500,000 in value, largely owing to the shortage
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  • 61 5 RAID AT SINGAPORE. [A’ron* Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, November 9. A search of the Blue Funnel liner Cyclops resulted in the discovery of nearly two tons of opium and cbandu, in 130 tins, which were stowed away in the aft peak tank, and amongst the cargo.
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  • 105 5 A Urge haul of raw Persian opium, valued at many th uoands of dollars, was discovered bv rhe Revenue Officers at H oFigk< ng on board the Blue Funnel steamer Mentor, lying alongside one of the wharves A record seizure of nearly two tons nf opium
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  • 71 5 Preventive office»a at Calcutta s? zed a bundle, on hoard the s.s. Baising, which was bo k<d By a CMt'aman for d-livery at Hongkong. This bundle, on being opened, vas found to conta n 3| man nd* of opium valued at Rs 11,200. This is considered to
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  • 27 5 f ondon. Novemb'r 8 The following is the rubber quotation for to-day Plantation* let Latex Crepe 2/7|. [•By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead 4 Co]
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  • 459 5 COMMITTEE MEETING AT PENANG. A meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee was held at Penang on the Bth November. There were present: The Controller of Labour (Mr, J.R.O. Aid worth,) The Principal Medical Officer, F.M.S. (Dr. C. L. Sanson), the Hon’ble Mr. Robert Young, and Mr. W. Duncan,
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  • 239 5 A wounded English officer tells of an interesting incident which occurred on the battlefield after the great advance I had picked my way amongst heaps of German corpses when I was arrested by a voice which seemed rather familiar. Looking a few yards to my
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 38 5 Central Sales Room. TO BE SOLD By Public Auction, At 21, Beach Street, On Thursday, 11th Nor., 1915, AT 11-30 A.M. Rubber Tyre, Dost Cart, Horse and Harness Complete. Perms :—Ca«h Before Delivery. CUNNINGHAM, CLARK Co., Licensed Auctioneers»
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  • 718 6 YUAN’S DAUGHTER NOT TO WED YOUNG MANCHU EX-EMPEROR. Peking, October 20.The polities! air has been cleared considerably by the publication of the views of the President in regard to the monarchical movement. While re-affirming his personal desire that the republican form of government might be retainedthough not
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  • 37 6 Tokio, October 23.A preliminary agreement has been signed between the Rus-iau and the Japanese Governments aboun military supplies to be made by Japan for Russia to a total cost of about Yen 150,000 000.
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  • 34 6 Washington, Oct ber 20.—The PanAmerican States, namely, the United State*. Argentine, Brazil, Chili, Guatemala, and Uruguay have officially and formally rrcogr.ised General Carranza as the President of the Mexican Republic.
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  • 1625 6 A NEW RELIGION AFTER THE WAR. The writer of this remarkable article, the Rev A J Waldron, Vicar of Brixton, is well known throughout England. He deals with the great opportunity the Churches have before them, and bis words are certain to be read with
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  • 217 6 When vegetable food ferments it causes sour rising in the throat, the formation of gas in the stomach which distends it and causes pain often extending to the region of the heart and arousing a fear of heart disease. This condition is called acid dyspepsia. Heartburn, a name
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  • 49 6 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Cornelia, Brit, 197, Ogier, Nov 9, T. Anson, gen., E. S Co. Hok Canton, Brit., 287, Mathews Nov 9, S’pore, gen., E. S. Co. Calypso, Brit., 338, Shepherd, Nov 9, Tkah, gen., Adamson Gilfillan Co. Yat Shing, Brit., 1424. xlnderson, Nov 9, C’cv.tta, gen., B. Co.
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  • 48 6 To-day. Indragiri for Doli and Batu Bahra. Trang for Trang. Hobo for Teluk Anson. Mambang for Setul. Pangkor tor Dindings and Sitiawan. Glaucus for Singapore, China and Japan. Muttra for Rangoon, Calcutta and Durban. Klang for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Hong Wan I for Singapore and China.
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  • 71 6 TweaAay, November 9 Band, Golf dub, H p.m. Empire Theatre, Penang Road Electric Polyscope Co,, Argyle Road. Wadveaday. November 10. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Thwrtday. November II Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Fridav. November 12. Homeward Mail Closes 6 p.m. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Satarday. November 13.
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  • 31 6 Nov. 17.Penang Turf Club, Annual General Meeting, 4-30 p.m. Chamber of Commerce. Nov. 21.Penang Volunteers, Field operations. Nov. 29.P. A. M. Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, Penang, 10 a m.
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  • 57 6 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close, Yen Jit Seng 7am. Deli Will o’ the Wisp 1 p.m. Thursday. Negapatarn, Madras and Durban Tara noon. Tongkah Calypso 1 p.m Friday. Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauri- Novara 6 p.m. tius, Egypt and V Reg. up to 4 p.m.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 358 6 «■■Ttrinr rrwyrru mu nrm h irmrrif i nth I== DRINK "CHOP KOTA" i a §B S I wSw o I le. \O w ii° gP T rv. i i I g The Most Popular Brand in the Market. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL STORES. g 0 SOLE AGENTS FOR STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. F.M.S.
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  • 720 7 HOW ENEMY’S FLEET HAS INCREASED Save in one particular class of vessel, the German Fleet is stronger to-day than it was a year ago, wrote Mr. Fred T. Jane some week» ago When war broke out Germany had four capital ahips building, of which three were »uper-Dreadnoughts
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  • 596 7 We now know the German submarines a P to U 51 that is to say, twenty-one boat» added for certain and already complete. For the rest, there w naturally a good deal of conjecture. For example, we do not know how many German rubmurines have been sunk by the
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  • 276 7 A Night-Time Episode at the Front. The instalment in the October Blackwood of The First Hundred Thousand,” a series narrating the experiences of a regiment of the New Army at the front, concludes with an excellent incident excellently told. Officers are talking in an adv nee
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  • 250 7 Eminent people in France have been discussing the question of the German language, and, as might have been expected from men like M. and M. Reinafob, they have concluded that a knowledge of German wi l be more than ever essential after the war, if
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  • 108 7 The Hon. Treasurer eends us the following list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded t» the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on Nov 4 ...$40,763.01 Employees’ of United Engineers* Ltd, monthly »übn 40.00 Subordinate staff of Messrs Presgrave and Matthews, October subscription
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  • 126 7 Lens, which has figured, and is likely to figure, prominently in the news from the Western front, holds a noteworthy p isition in military annah. During the Thirty Years’ War between France and Spain during the seventeenth century its neighbourhood was the scene of a celebrated victory by the
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  • 144 7 OUTPUTS FOR OCTOBER. The following are rubber outputs for October Asahan lbs. 20,468 Ampat 11,473 Anglo-Sumatra 66,622 Bah Lias 10,971 Glugor, S. Pataui 3,956 Investment Trust 12,032 Mendaris 1,793 Rubber Trust Tea 148,465 Sialang 78,951 Sungei Kari 27,000 Tandjong 98,825 Tanah Datar 9,537 United Serdang 254,176 A Swiss journalist
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  • 232 7 Penang, November 9, 1915. 8. P. Tapioca $5.15 buyers. M. P. Tapioca $5.40 buyers’ Gold leaf $64.40 Pspper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyer* Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers White Pepper $30.25 sales T-Jing Pepper out of seasonMace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $5B buyers. Cloves $45 sellers.
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  • 217 7 Washington, October 18.—The details of the Defence Bill have been given out to the Press by the government. The army is to be increased as follows There will be ten more regiments of infantry four compa iie» of field artillery; 52 companies of coast artillery; 15
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  • 184 7 Washington, October 21.Secretary fur the Navy Daniels has announced that the government will build one hundred submarines of the latest and moat advanced type uuder the new naval program. The artillery of Bulgaria is supposed to be armed with Creuzot and Krupp guns in about equal propor'ion and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 446 7 ADVERTISERS WHO ARE NOT DOWNHEARTED. Seven pages are tilled in the current issue of The Advertising World with the testimonis of leading general advertisers whom the war has not sufficed either to paralyse or to dismay. Here are a few sentences culled from the letters published Advertising is more than
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    • 114 7 HOTEL NORMAN. Penang's Select Residential Hotel. ENGLISH PROPRIETORSHIP ENGLISH CUISINE. ENGLISH TREATMENT. Large Airy Rooms facing the Sea. Under the patronage of H. M. Judges, Medical Officers, Colokial Secretaries, Magistrates, <ko. Terms Moderate and Inclusive. Cables Normans.” Telephone 329 T. NAGATA, JAPANESE DENTIST. NEXT DOOR OF THE DISPENSARY, From 9
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 368 7 Insist on seeing Universal Features AT THE Kuala Kanpa Road Theatre, (Under the management of the 8 raits Cinema Co.) TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT 11 Universal Feature HER ESCAPE Rex 2 Reel Melo-dram a featuring Pauline Bush of the Universal Stars. The Shaughraun 3 Parts 3 Parts A powerful and thrilling Drama,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2086 8 p. S’ o. intended sailings. Straits Steam Ship Co., Ltd. Ocean Ueam Navigation Co. EJ U|qp a I |k| I A I For Intended to I Steamer. ir< $TtA sh| p tn., <-.. «T a A «*m a n IIKMK&bfcV 111 I I fort Bwettenftam and Singapore. Every Tuesday, at
      2,086 words