Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 September 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1171 1 oq n-~HT7xr• rinc=]nLjoL2jr» ttt d LT YOU WANT TO QHIP, BUY OR SELL L “RUBBER; aj OB TO P FORWARD GOODS to ANY PAST or th. WORLD f 0 ALLES DENNYS Co., I r t. mocn. r NV KF" SUN LIFE -lU-UI 1 THE LATEST FORD japan Mail Steamship Co.
      1,171 words
    • 64 1 ■aoaooo■□□□□□■□ g FOR SBO g U V7OU can have the Pinang g B X Gawtte” posted every day q '5 for a whole year t* your addr®M. El (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). jg n Proportionate Quarterly and h g Half-yearly g q Subscription® -are payable in n advance and remittances should
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  • 2279 2 The Rev. Keppel Garnier, acting Colonf al Chaplain, Malacca, has gone on a visit I to Bangkok. Mr. R. W. Barrat*, of Manila, after! being wounded and a prisoner in Fianders, j succumbed to his wounds on July 10th. Mr. A. J. Mackintosh Shaw of Sh&ngha', having
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  • 129 2 The Norwegian steamer Agga, which arrived to-day, says the “Bangkok Daily Mail” of the Ist inst., on her last trip took down to Singapore six hundred and twenty four bags of rice belonging to Messrs Markwald and Co., L'd, the Ijcal millers. It is presumed that this was
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  • 603 2 AN EXCELLENT DISPLAY. The annual exhibition of the Penang Impressionists at the Engineers’ Institute yesterday afternoon is a credit to those concerned. The object is one deserving all support—financial aid to the National Institute for the Blind. Not all the pictures were for sale, of course, but the
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  • 83 2 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Rotorua, Brit., 555, Gully, Sept 9, Renong, gen., E. S. Co. Demodocus, Brit., 4269, Dodd, Sept 9, B'head, gen., W.M. Co. Pin Seng, Brit., 378, Davidson, Sept 9, S pore, gen., E. S. Co. Ellora, Brit., 2566, Bignol Sept 10, Calcutta, gen., Huttenbach Liebert Co. Ipoh, Brit.,
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  • 45 2 To-DAT. Brandan for Deli and Asahan. Padang for Batu Bahra. Pin Seng for Port Swettenham and Singapore Pangkor for Dindings Sitiawan and Bagan. Datoh. Un Peng for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis Setul. Hebe for Teluk Anson. Flying Dragon for Portweld and Taiping. Kamor for Rangoon.
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  • 634 2 CLAIM AGAINST CRITERION PRESS LTD. PLAINTIFF’S CROSS-EXAMINATION The hearing of the suit |i n w }u cb Tan Siew Kim, a merchant of Rangoon claiming $lO,OOO as damages agai Q t ’J 3 Lim Seng Hooi and the Criterion p re Ltd., for publishing an article alleged T
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  • 52 2 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade fro 6 to 7 p.m. this evening 1. Selection Marjorie ...Miller 2. Two Step The Palm ...Eatell* 3. Quadrille The Sultan oj Mocha ...Rwiere 4. Waltz Incognito ...Ivanevwe 5. March Hail to the Spirit oj
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 377 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED BY an Englishman, of five year* planting experience, BILLET as SENIOR ASSISTANT on Rubber Estate. Fluent Malay and working knowledge of Tamil language. Malay, Javanese, Chinese and Tamil labour well handled. Apply No. 73, c/o Pinang Gazette. town hall, PENANG. THE Phillips Howitt Dramatic Co. WILL PRODUCE
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    • 120 2 Shake Off the Clutch of rheumatism, the greatest enemy to t peace of man. You can do it. con* As evidence of this you have bn. aider any one of the thousands o that hare been effected by the use o LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM. Many of those cured were told
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  • 1812 3 WHERE THE GERMANS GOT THEIR IDEA FROM? Did the Germans borrow their idea of poisonous gases from England An article in the current number of Mr. Gibson Bowles’s Candid Quarterly Review argues that they did, and that it came to them through the tactless publication of Admiral Lord
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1229 3 book-keeper wanted. tenders INVITED. REQUIRED immediately (on probation for three months to be followed by Federated Malay States Railways, agreement) a thoroughly capable European Book-keeper for import Rubber Estate?. Mu-t have a thorough knowledge of I TENDERS FOR COAL. Double Entry Book-keeping and be a good orzauitser. Good prospects to
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    • 761 3 municipal notice. Government of Johore. I S HE Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Peoaog, hereby invite tenders REVENUE FARMS for the following for one year from the Ist day of January, 1916 for the years SUPPLY OF UNIFORMS. 1916—1917. Full particulars can be obtained at the Municipal office. As a
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  • 991 4 Notwithstanding the war people must Jive food stuffs must be produced and the very fact that so many millions of men have been taken away from productive employment lends additional importance to matters connec‘ed with agriculture, to improvements in the cultivation and conservation of crops, and to
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  • 1148 4 The intention lately expressed by the Attorney-General of the Commonwealth in regard to the metal trade is welcomed by the Press and the public of Australia, as a necessary attempt to make an end of German dominance, but the refusal of Mr; Hughes to grant a Royal
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  • 108 4 The homeward mail closes at 10 a.m on Sunday; Registration up till 6p m "on Saturday. The s.B. Ekma, with the mails from Europe, left Negapatam at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, and may be expected to arrive here on Saturday morning. The Managing Directors of the P. 0,
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  • 30 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $74.90 per picul, business done. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £152 10s. Spot, and £154 three months.
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  • 27 4 SECOND INTERIM DIVIDEND. The Directors of the Kamunting Tic Dredging, .Ltd., have declared a second interim dividend ofl/ per share pajable 18th September.
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  • 56 4 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penacg. Balance on Sept 7 ~.$35,018.30' Brown, Phillips, and Stewart’s Staff, monthly subscription 70.00 Balance on Sept 9 ...$35,088.30 Remitted to London £lO,OOO
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  • 28 4 Balance on Sept 7 $1,490.67 Over plus of a cable Bertam Estate Staff Balance on Sept 7 $1,540 67 Amount previously acknowleged .„$16,859.10 Total ...$18,399.77
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  • 43 4 Arrivals. By Ipoh (September 10) from Singapore, Dr J Ando, Messrs Gan Teong Tek, L Daines, Cheah Poh Cheng, W Hontson, 8 W Hart, Francis J Coales and Curransharp from Port Swettenham, Messrs A L Lee, Matthews, Goh Hock Huat ani Gilman.
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  • 73 4 OUTPUTS FOR AUGUST. The following are rubber outputs Lr August Clovelly lbs. Durian Sabatang o KotaTingffl Pelepah Valley I J;;’”’ Siginting o 1 The Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board, at the last meeting, ral9 r the question of motors using through traffic, and suggested that it s
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 143 4 THE POPULAR PETER WALKER PETER WALKER 0 LAGER fl! v I K rwJ I J I LL I PETF.B FROM ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS, or SELLAR, MURRAY Co., n»™> [acetic GLACIAL 99/7002 1 i" Guaranteed free from Copper. lAPin WIU NOW IN STOCK. 1 BOELEN Co., 49 Beach Street, Penang. I
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    • 80 4 “E/. O-” MOTOR GARAGE. GARS ON HIRE $4 AN HOUR. TELEPHONE No. 322. NOTICE. TO SUBSCRIBERS TO THE “PINANG GAZETTE.” The accounts of the Pinang Gazette,” having been issued, subscribers are reminded that all subscriptions are PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Owing to heavy outgoings, contingent on the war, the manage, ment
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 37 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for today and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. 0-40 a.m. 7- 2 a.m. 0-44 p.m. 7-22 p.m. 1-12 a.m. 7-33 a.m. 1-1 G p.m. 7 51 p.m.
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  • 40 4 DEATH. Brown. —On Thursday, 9th Septembe: at Nibong Tebal, Province Wellesley» Straits Settlements, Edmund Augustus Blundell Brown, youngest son of the late Forbes Scott Brown of G'ugor, Penang, Straits Settlements, and Lung foi uiacus, Duns, N. B Aged 55 yeais.
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  • 389 5 RUSSIAN VICTORIES IN GALICIA. NEW ZEPPELIN BAIDS. BEBNHABDI IN THE FIELD. CROWN PRINCE’S OFFENSIVE. A break in the artillery monotony on the Western front is reported, the Crown Prince’s Army having adopted another offensive in Western Argonne, no fewer than two divisions being sent forward to the attack
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 113 5 [Belter’s Telegrams.' LARGE FORCES ENGAGED. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, Sep‘ember 9. A French communique says: The artillery struggle continues active around Arras and Roye, between the Oise and the Aisiie, and in Champagne. The Germans, after an intense bombardment, with an enormous number of
      [Belter’s Telegrams.'  -  113 words
    • 103 5 London, September 8. Tuesday n’ght’s air raid was the nineteenth. The total casualties from German air raids are 102 killed and 270 wounded. Zeppelin Over Holland. Amsterdam, September 9. One of the returning Zeppelins apparently went astray, as it was seen near Amsterdam. Various Dutch forts
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    • 149 5 GERMANY’S BID FOR BRITISH NEUTRALITY. Amsterdam, September 9. Another long statement appears in the semi-official Nord Deutsche on Viscount Haldane’s mission to Germany, and the Anglo-German negotiations in 1912. The statement is remarkable for a sentence which illuminates Germany’s designs. Summing up in regard to the
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    • 215 5 London, September I.—The Daily Chronicle has published extracts from tha new Belgian Grey Book, showing the Belgian Minister at Berlin wrote to bis Government on 26th July, 1914, the opin ion that the ultimatum to Serbia was a coup, prepared in Berlin and executed by Vienna, the real
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    • 109 5 CABINET AND CONSCRIPTION. London, September 9. It is officially announced that Lord Lansdowne’s Committee on the utilisation of the National Register for war purposes has agreed to procedure which will have the tff-ct of indicating, approximately, the classes which, in the public interest, should not be approached
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    • 104 5 Hints at a Unionist Conference. A cable from London on August 23rd states: Lord Derby, who has often been described as the “champion recruiter,” presided on 21st August at a meeting in Manchester of the representatives of the Unionist Associations throughout the country. A resolution was unanimously
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    • 120 5 BRITISH SOCIALISTS’ VIEWS. London, September 9. A meeting of the Socialist National Defence Committee, at Bristol, passed a resolution, repudiating the disloyal intrigues of a small, unrepresentative group of schemers and pacifist fanatics, and protesting against the ratification of any terms of peace which failed to
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    • 180 5 PATRIOTIC RESOLUTIONS. London, September 9, After a number of vigorous speeches, denouncing German oppression, militarism, and brutality, the Trades Union Congress adopted a resolution, opposing militarism, but expressing belief in the righteousness of the Allies’ cause, condemning the Austro-German atrocities, and pledging itself to assist the
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 630 5 11,700 PRISONERS AND 33 GUNS. Petrograd, September 9. The Russians have gained a great success near Tarnopol, in Galicia, defeating the 3rd German Guards Division and the 48th Reserve Division, with an Austrian Brigade, and capturing 8,000 prisoners, 30 guns, besides quickfirers. Russians Pursue Enemy. Petrograd, September
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    • 106 5 RUSSIAN PRESS VIEW. Petrograd, September 9. Tne Novoe Vremya,” commenting on the Tsar’s assumption of the supreme command of the Russian Armies, says his Majesty’s action scatters the dust of German hopes of peace. No illusion is possible regarding tie Russian Army laying down its arms before it
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    • 178 5 London, August 28 —Professor Pares, recently official British Press representative with the Russian Armies, in an article published to-day, says the crisis is past. The idea of the conquest of Russia was from the start ridiculous. It is impossible to force Russia to make peace. Poland was
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 127 5 London, September 8. The Russian steamer Rhea has been sunk, without warning. The Captain, 2 women, and 16 of the crew were saved by a Spanish steamer. The Ellerman liner Douro has also been sunk. The crew were saved. The 6,000 ton steamer Guatemala has been torpedoed. The
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    • 201 5 Dissensions in Germany.. London, August 30 —The Berlin correspondent of the American United Press states that the Berlin Foreign Office is unalterably opposed to submarine activity, and it was on its initiative assurances were given Mr. Gerard. Herr von Jagow and Dr. von Bfcthmann-Hollweg are anxious to
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    • 46 5 London, September 9. A Berlin communique, to-night, says enemy warships bombarded Westende and Ostend, and makes ihe s ame remark as at the time of the destructive bombardment of Zeetrugge The Fleet withdrew before our coast batteries. Two were killed and one injured.”
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    • 30 5 NEW DIRECTOR. London, September 9. Owing to the rapid expansion of the Naval Air Service, a Flag Officer has been appointed Director, Rear-Admiral Vaughan Lee being selected.
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  • General News.
    • 19 5 London, September 9. General Bernbardi has been appointed commander of the sth Corps on the Eastern front.
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    • 41 5 London, September 8. Prince Ranjitsinhji, who was injured in a shooting accident, in a letter to the newspapers, thanks sympathisers in all parts of the Empire, and says he hopes to return to the front some time next month.
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  • 42 5 KEPONG INTERIM DIVIDEND. THE MARKETS. (P. G. Special London, September 9. Kepong Rubber Co., Ltd., will pay an interim dividend of 10 per cent. The Share market is firm. The Rubber market is dull, the commodity selling at 2/4.J-.
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  • 30 5 London, September 9 The following is the rubber quotation ‘or to-day Plantation Ist Latex Crepe 2/4|. Para to arrive Oct.-Dec. 2/4. •By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co].
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  • 71 5 AUXILIARY HOSPITAL. (From Our Own Oorresp indent.) Kuala Lumpur, September 9. In connection with the F.M.S. War Relief Fund, Sir William Taylor cables to the effect that the War Office has approved of the house at Blachmore End,” Wheathamstead, Herts, for an auxiliary hospital. The house has
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  • 42 5 The Bulgarian press is discussing the eventual outbreak of war with Turkey as an outcome of national feeling. A communique confirms the report that the British forces have mad? progress in the northern theatre of action at the Datdanelles.
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  • 628 5 MATERNITY HOSPITAL. The Maternity Hospital in McAlister Road, a memorial to the late King Edward VII, will be formally opened by the Hon, A. T. Bryant, Resident Councillor, tomorrow afternoon at 5 o’clock. Mr. Peel announced at the last meeting of the Municipal Commissioners that there
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  • 187 5 The Chinese Press reports state the amended Anglo-Chinese Opium Agreement contains the following clauses :—Opium shall be entirely prohibited in China in the 6th year of the Republic of China, i.e., in 1917. If China entirely prohibited opium in her Provinces, then the British Government engages not
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  • 17 5 To-morrow, Saturday, Hutton Lane meet Tanjong Tokong, at Dato Kramat Gardens. On Sunday, Crescent play Mejlis.
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  • 698 6 COPRA SHIPMENTS TO EUROPEWriting from Siurabaya, on September 2, the correspondent of the S.T.” says The Ned. Overxeetrn t Maatsohappij has, says a Hague wire of August 30, established a Copra Bureau in Amsterdam, and consent will hare to be obtained from the same for Qopra shipments
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  • 137 6 A telegram from Geneva relates that recently a Swiss sentry, noticing the singular gait of a woman coming from the direction of Goeschenen, stopped that person, and after a few questions extracted a confession that it was a man in disguise. The disguised man was no
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  • 496 6 YUAN-SHTH-KAI ON THE MONARCHICAL PROPOSALS. Mr. Hoo Wei Yen, Consul-General for China, Singapore, writes to the local Press as follows The following te’egram from our Ministry of Foreign Affiirs at Peking was received by me at 7 o’clock this morning, the 7th inst The President’s message, conveyed by
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  • 401 6 The movement; started in Peking in favour of the restitution of the monarchy has aroused tremendous interest in Shanghai. Although there is general reluctance to express opinions publicly, there has been a vast amount of discussion ancl considerable criticism. The Shanghai Press has dealt with tlve subject
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  • 1108 6 LLOYD GEORQE AND THE TRADE UNION. I Mr. Herbert N. Casson, the writer of the following article, is the noted London business efficiency expert. A master of epigram ana a man of great vigour and directness, his words will bd read with interest by all, especially in
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  • 299 6 S.F.P.” The return of imports and exports for the quarter ended June of this year has been published. The grand total figures show imports valued at $108,346,757 compared with $115,217,679 in the same quarter of last year. The figures of Imports for the various Settlements were, Singapore $80,703,023.
    —“ S.F.P.”  -  299 words
  • 166 6 Appial for Peace Only Words.” Commenting on the Pope’s letter, addressed to the heads of the peoples of the warring nations, the “Messaggero says it would be better if the Head of the Church had directed the observations solely to those who have been responsible for the horrible
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  • 92 6 A New System. A minute by the Resident on the subject of naming roads was read at a recent meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board. The Board considered it would be useful if in future a system could be adopted for giving names to streets which would
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 53 6 IN THE TROPICS Constipation is the forerunner of most ills. The surest way to keep the bowels gently moving is by an occasional dose of the little pink laxative pills. Gentle as Nature—Do not gripe. Of Chemists, 50 cents a phial, or post free, from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co.,
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    • 103 6 MARGARINE. “Maypole” Brand, 50 cents per lb. The above has just been, received from England and will be found most suitable for cooking purposes. Singapore Cold Storage COMPANY, LIMITED, PENANG. Telegrams: STORAGE, Penang. Telephone No. 602. nr in rm in rr i r n n in \ni> -sAtU W-» e»
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  • 419 7 DISASTER to THE IRISH MAIL. A broken engine crank on a train from Birmingham to London caused the derailment of the Irish Mail from Euston between Weedon and Blisworth on the London and North Western main line ten o’clock on Saturday morning Augast 14, with the
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  • 254 7 Allahabad, September s.—“ The Pioneer’s Tokio correspondent writes. One question uppermost in the mind of Japan at present is how much she is going to get out of the war. According to the trend of opininn in Japan for the past few months, her next move wi'l
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  • 33 7 Lahore, August 30.—The billeting allowances are being reduced by 25 per cent, from September Ist. The present allowance is too high, and in some districts produced uoexampted prosperity, leading to extravagance.
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  • 27 7 It is confirmed from French sources that the Germans have little more than three million men under arms and are suffering from equipment difficulties.
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  • 39 7 A Civil and Military Gazette cable quotes the Secolo's correspondent at Zurich that Rumanian officers in Switzerland were recalled on the 25th, those unable to start in three days being ordered to take the Brindisi route
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  • 222 7 London, August 20th.—English bankers in London considered the urgent question of what is called the American Exchange.” Great Britain having bought an enormous quantity of foodstuff?, munitions and war materials from the United States owes America a disproportionate deal of money, and consequently the demand for money
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  • 188 7 One of the last order? which have been sent from Constantinople to Beyrout is The Turkish language must be the principal tongue in all schools.” The American College was accordingly ordered to teach medicine and other subject? in Turkish. This Dr. Howard Bli-s, the Principal, declined
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  • 87 7 London, August 28.—Seven arrests have been made in New York in connection witn the theft of £20,000 worth of sugar from ships loading for the Allies. It is alleged the thieves also placed incendiary bomb? with a view to firing the ships in mid-ocean. Mysterious fires occurred
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  • 58 7 London, September Ist.—General Sir lan Hamilton in a recent order mentions that the East Lancashire division had been continuously in the firing line without relief and had taken part in three big attacks throughout the period the division displayed dash in attack, determination and endurance worthy
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  • 175 7 If printer’s ink induces men to join the armv, whv not utilize it to make them stop drinking Following the example of the War Office in conducting its recruiting campaign by means of adverthi >g, temperance advocates purpose to correct the effect of the drink evil
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    • 87 7 [Reuter’s Services.] GERMAN ANXIETY. Paris, September 9. An official French telegram says there is great satisfaction at the Russian victory at Tarnopol, which i? regarded as an excellent augury for the future development of tbe Russian operations. Surprise and anxiety prevail in Berlin at the Russian resistance
      [Reuter’s Services.]  -  87 words
    • 59 7 LONDON, NORWICH, AND 3 MIDDLESBROUGH. Amsterdam, September 9. A Berlin Admiralty commuu’que says Our Naval air hips, last night, attacked, with good results, the West City of London, great factories near Norwich also harbour works and iron work? at Middlesbrough. Heavy explosions aud numerous fire? were observed.
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    • 37 7 Paris, September 10. A French communique says: The artillery duel continues around Arras, in the region of Roye, in Woevre, in Champagne and in the Argonne The enemy attack? in the Argonne were not renewed.
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    • 98 7 APPEAL TO THE WORKERS. London, September 9. Mr. Lloyd George, addressing the Trades Union Congress, at Bristol, emphasised that Britain was making a prodigious effort to increase the output of war ma*erial, and asked them to assist to the utmost. He declared that Britain required 80,000 more
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  • 170 7 The following are the latest quotations in our share list Yesterday. To-day. x sc ac Shares -2 > 4 s'© Mining. Kamunting... 28/- 30/- 29/- 31/K. Pulai 56 s6j ssf 56 SungeiGau... 59| 5 0 s9j S9J Tronch M. 513 $l4 sl3| sl3| Ulu Piah 51.2-5 $1.40
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  • 33 7 ADVERTISING The most success'tu i. rt r’ ••m--phaticaily agree that coiitiir-’tv in advertising is atuol .teiy necet,.-» rv Haphazard, spasm> ic auv?r.i»iug usually pays no one. To secure results advertise intelligently and consistently.
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  • 222 7 WEEKLY EDITION. The following are the principal content? of the current issue of our Weakly Mail Edition, which will be published on Saturday afternoon, price 40 cents. Editorial? Page. Tha Cass for National Service 1265 The Fight for Victory 1266 The Police and the
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  • 79 7 Friday, September 10. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Empire Theatre. Penang Road Electric Polyscope Co,, Argyle Road. Saturday, September 11. Outward Mail arrives, morning. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Opening of new Maternity Hospital by the Hon. the Resident Councillor, 5 p.m. Sunday. September 12. Homeward Mail Closes
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  • 223 7 r- Penang, September 10, 1915. 3. P. Tapioca $5.50 buyers. M. P. Tapioca $5.90 buyers. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers. Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $28.00 sales Trang Pepper out of season. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $55 buyers. Clove?
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 532 7 P. l>O.S. N.CO. insurance. THE CORPORATION OF THE f »OYAL EXCHANGE ASSiiHAIiCE lyl I I AC Royal Exchange, London COMMENCED business in a.d. 1717 an<> was Incorporated by Royal Charter in A,D> and is therefore one of the oldest /7 </1 I I Companies in existence. It has granted the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2583 8 P. &o. intended sailings. Straits Steam Ship Co., Ltd. Ocean Sfaam Navigation Co. ITI W I M I I For Intended to B iL l Bt mM STEAM SHIP EX II I lls Wl/A Port bwettenham and Singapore. Every Tuesday, at 5-30 p.nL Klang. a\ Wireless Telegraphy fitted on >ll
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