Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 August 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 58 1 g FOB $BO U VfOU can have the “Pinang g X Gaeette posted every day g for a whole year to your address. (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, S2H- Ci n Proportionate Quarterly and g Half-yearly rates. n D Subscriptions are payable in advance and remittances should q be addressed to a a
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  • 883 2 TRYING CONDITIONS. The British reoccupation of Shaikh•thman, in the Aden Hinterland, is probably a preliminary to the expulsion of the Turks fr?m the neighbourhood of the town of Lahej, where the enemy is report© 1 to be suffering disease. The Aden Camel Corps, which was reinforced by the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1312 2 JAT SIKHS. ITHE DESERVE FORCE* AMD CIVIL Hates ror guard ordinance, 1915. I 1 J -X’ 4« riNE HUNDRED JAT. BIKHB re- Casual Advertise me DIS. V 7 quired for the Kelantan Police:— REGISTRATION. RATES OF PAY. min SITUATIONS VACANT, ETC. Constables $l6B-8192 per annum. T J NDER the above
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    • 386 2 eaww—— 9 Appropriate, always. y|l|g With certain dishes, such as Gamt, LEA u v Ig* PERRINS' SAUCE is always appropriate. It is the recognised sauce for such use. In fact, for everything with which a sauce jffiS can be used, LEA PERRINS’ is invariably the BEST. It has a refinement
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  • 685 3 agriculture and railways. This year the rainfall in Siam, writes the Bangkok of the Straits Times has been peculiarly irregular, a fact that does not promise a good rice crop this year. Whereas in some districts the padi is doing veil erough, in others the young plants
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  • 234 3 A change in the Belgian Ministry is rnLounced by the Figaro’s corresponoent at Sainte-Adrease, the preserTt seat of ’he exiled Government, who states that M. Bavignon has resigned and is succeeded as Minister of Foreign Affairs by Baron Beyens, who was formerly the Belgian Minister in
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  • 911 3 WHERE HER SYMPATHIES ARE. Writing in the M.M.” Mr. E. Roatadcs of Gali, Raub, Pahang, says:—My attention wa’ drawn recently to an article headed The voice of the tempter in which the “Vossische Z itung” is reported to have said that the iuteres s of Sweden and Germany
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  • 442 3 8 A STARTLING ADMISSION. It is interesting to find an artic'e in the 1 “Tag,” entitled Fiasco of our Commercial s Intelliger.ce,” after all that has been wirtten j and said about the perfection of German T organisation. The writer insists that the war has proved
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  • 153 3 By Lord Crewe. He e is ore of the simplest and most moving of all the elegies which thia war has produced. Its dignity and austerity give it a beauty worthy of its high theme. We take it from the unpretentious pages of The Harrovian.” Here
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  • 98 3 Advice on how to manage a wife was given by Mr. Fordham, the magistrate, at West London, to a young man who applied for a separation order agsinst his wife, complaining that she draf.k, and on Sunday would no' prepare any mt-als. Try coaxing her,”
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  • 95 3 Whilst waiting for their trains at a railway station two of cur entered into conversation as follows First Tommy Hello, matey, what regiment have you joined Second Tommy The 2nd First Tommy What’s the red ribbon round your arm for?’ Secocd Tommy I’ve been vaccinated in
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  • 691 3 A DUTCHMAN’S VIEW. The question of the shower of pessimism that is passing over Britain is worth discussing, writes the London correspondent of the Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant.” To begin with, it will be well nob to take tbe Times and Daily Mail as a standard Instead of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 222 3 EATING BETWEEN MEALS. 8 Do you know that the stomach need rest regularly and that eating between meal is a common cause of indigestion? Do you know what happens when you eat more than you can digest, and what relation biliousness has to ove'reating Do you know that when the
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    • 309 3 Strike them out and write— e. “Paisley Flour whenever you see the words fA tl Cream of Tartar,” or Baking Soda, or I “Baking Powdter” in a recipe for any kind ca^ce or b rea d- Q \a “Paisley Flour b X The SURE raising powder makes bread and cakes
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  • 1154 4 TdE BRITISH VICTORY. t B imb'-y, Aug. 9.—An ext emely interesting account of the rece t brilliant victory in Mesopotamia ia published by the Tim of India.” Tiie writer in the course of the narrative says The iprrationa uu<?er General Gorringe, which culminated towards th, end of
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  • 347 4 There was a sensational affair at the Ministry of Justice this morning saja the Bangkok Daily Mail of the 19 inst., when an Army officer sued for divorce by a police inspector drew a revolver and shot plaintiff and a woman in front of the image of
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  • 345 4 “S.F.P.” Tire construction of tne new harbouwork# at Sjeribaj has been entrusted to ths Holland Be; on Maatschappij. It i« expected that operations will shortly be commenced, as negotiations are now proceeding for procuring certa’-n land required for building dykes. The appointment of Mr W M Mitchell as
    “S.F.P.”  -  345 words
  • 1483 4 THE GERMANS. The Mwgnituie of E .gland’s accomplishment iu creating fmm her civil population an army of nearly four milliops in less than a year’s time is «Lowly comprehended. Perhaps one reason why we have b Q eu slow to tike it in is th* our eyes
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  • 137 4 A curious and valuable find was made by a farmer at C nstantia, near Cape Town, recently. It wa* decided to clear and plough a p rtion of the farm and while watching his men at work the farmer noticed, among the stones they
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  • 77 4 Messrs. Cunningham Clark Co., advise us that the under-meutioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them by auction and private tender ye’terday Diamond smoked sheet $ll9 to 130 Plain do 116 123 Plain unsmoked sheet 116 120 D amond do No. 2 120 Pale Crepe No. 2
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  • 18 4 Tin is quoted in London to-day at £153 ss. Spot, and £154 10s. three months.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 580 4 NOTICE. History of the War NOW ON SALE AT Owing' to Late Arrival ALL book-stalls OS THE SPECIAL s. s. GOLGONDA, ILLUSTRATED THE BANDMANN ’“i" GAIETY CO., pmAtlG GAZmL A Column in Tamil Lanjuasf PERFORMANCE «-“■■guage. “ALL FRENCH” W,CE F,yg WILL TAKE PLACE 1 TENDERS FOR TODDY ama a J
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 73 4 THE TIDES. Penakg—July, 1915. Penang Standard Times— Heights referred to Datum of Soundings in Admiralty Charts:— High Water. Low Water. Standard n Standard Dat Time. H Da,e Time. Ht h m ft. h m ft. Tn 26 m 1 8 7.2 26 m 7 21 1.1 1 3 a 7.7
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    • 236 4 l£ S@<Bn IF YOU HAVE NOT, YOU 'VE MISSED THE OPPORTUNITY OF BEING ALWAYS TO THE FRONT AT THE THE STRAITS CINEMA, Phone No. 628. EMPIRE HALL, PENANG ROAD. Commencing Wednesday, the 25th August, 1915, following two days. GRAND EXHIBITION OF JUJITSU The Art of self-defence, the vital importance of
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  • 1094 5 REUNION OF THE RACE IN THE NEAR EAST. With the return of M. Venizeloa to power and the news of progress of the Allies at the Dardanelles, attention is once more directed to what is assuredly not the least interesting aspect of the Near Eastern question—the
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  • 235 5 In the Penang Municipality for the week ended July 31, there were 56 deaths —4O males and 16 females, equal to a death-rate of 27.96 per mille per apnum, compared with 25.96 in the preceding week and with 33.70 in the corresponding week of last year. Tbe following
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  • 367 5 Alleged Failure to Accept Cargo. Karachi, August 4.—An interesting test law-suit arising out of circumstanc e connected with the war has just b en filed in the Court of the Judicial Commissioner of Sind by Messrs. Sanday Patrick and Co of Karachi against the local agtnts
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 407 5 To enrich the blood To strengthen muscles, bones, nerves and brain—you cannot do better than take SCOTT’S Emulsion, in every part of the world this valued food tonic has proved its worth as the purest and best of all forms of cod liver oil treatment and the richest strength-maker for
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    • 409 5 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd. PEMANG. GREAT SALE Prices Cut on Everything. of L o d uX~ DCMNAMT Gr^' s«b of ntiniiANl Ladies Blouses £ancy Neckwear j Hosiery. j fl If Great Sale of 11 11 If Ladies Shoes j I Dressing* Gowns I Skirts. f I Great Sasle of Gentiemen’s
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  • 1071 6 It comes as a welcome mental relief, from a close study of the great war, to turn to events that are happening in one of the most interesting communities in the world, the Republic of Haiti—a place where negroes rule any white men who may elect
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  • 1618 6 No-one will dispute the statement that the Germans at the end of July had in the field a total of 3,200,000 men, for the very good reason that there is no means of proving the correctness or otherwise of the numbers. But in regard to the total
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  • 240 6 The Golconda with the outward mails left Negipatam at 2 p.m. yesterday, and is expected to arrive on Monday morn ng. The homeward mail closes at 10 a m. on Sunday. Registration up to 6 pm- 0E Saturday. No mails from the Straits were on boaro the White
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 164 6 ■A'’"' "'T* -—I W irnimUlT T# KB KUESH UM BEORSE V. w Motor, Motor-cycle, solid and Cycle Tyres. No interruption of supplies. No alteration in prices. The Dunlop Company is in a position to meet any demands which may be made upon it. It is to your best interest, at
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    • 81 6 “E. O.” MOTOR GARAGE. CARS ON HIRE $4 AN HOUR. TELEPHONE No. 322. NOTICE, TO SUBSCRIBERS TO THE “PINANG GAZETTE.” The accounts of the “Pinang Gazette,” having been issued, subscribers are reminded that all subscriptions are PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Owing to heavy outgoings, con. tingent on the war, the manage,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 40 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for today and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. 1- 8 a. tn. 7-21 a. tn. 1- 3 p.m. 7-42 p.m. 1-37 a.m. 7 53 a.m. 1-32 p.m. 8- 9 p.m.
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  • 219 7 the ENEMY'S LOSSES. BERLIN AND THE ARABIC. RUSSIANS DESTROY TRANSPORTS. BRITISH HEROES DECORATED. Arti hry activity in the northern sectors of the Western front, and continuous grenade and artillery actions in Champagne and in the Argonne are reported from Paris. The stations of Noyon and Tergnier, between St.
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 82 7 [Reuter’s Services], FRENCH AIR ATTACK. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, August 25. A French communique says There has teen marked artillery activity from Belgium to the Oise. French artillery silenced German batteries bombarding Mont Didier. There has been almost incessant grenade fighting, supported by artillery, at several
      [Reuter’s Services],  -  82 words
    • 248 7 THREE LANCASHIRE FUSILIERS. London, August 25. The Victoria Cross has been awarded to the following Captain R. R. Willis, Sergeant Alfred Richards, and Private William Keneally all of the let Lancashire Fusiliers. On April 25th three companies of the Lancashire Fusiliers in effecting a landing on Gallipoli,
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    • 305 7 NUMBERS IN THE FiELD. L mdon, August 25. A matter of m st vital interest since the outbreak of war Las be?n the strength of the German Army. There has been much controv ry in regard to it, and many most inaccurate estimates hazarded. Router now learns
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    • 483 7 Under the heading. “Great News for British—the Carper to be Confounded Mr A G Hales the well-known war correspondent contributes a remarkable article to John Bull.” He says The hour is pregnant with great news. It will not be long before our land will ring from coast
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    • 90 7 FRENCH MINISTER’S SPEECH. Pads, August 25. Addressing an audjence of munition workers, the French Munitions Minister, M. Thomas sai i The resuls have been enormous and very satisfactory, but they must be multiplied tenfold. France knows that her great iudustiies will answer her appeals. We speak to-day of
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 70 7 GERMANS EAST OF BIELSK. Petrograd, August 25. A Russian communique says no change has occurred in the Riga destrict. The Russians continue to hold the enemy between Kovno and Vilna. The Ru»sians, prior to their withdrawal frem Oseowiecs, exploded all the fortifications. 'I he Russians repulsed furious
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    • 39 7 Petrograd, August 25. A meeting of the Russian leaders of all parties discussed the possibility of changes in the composition of the Government, also in regard to a Coalition Cabinet or a Cabinet of National Defence.
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  • Italy's Campaign
    • 33 7 SUCCESSFULLY COUNTERED. Rome, August 25. An Italian communique says the Italians have successfully countered Austrian artillery bomba: dments on various fronts, and have also repulsed repeated attacks with quickfirers and bombs.
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 104 7 PESSIMISM IN CONSTANTINOPLE. Sofia, August 25. Information from Constantinople goes to show that the population considers the situation grave. There has been violent fighting in Ga'lipoli during the pa-t week. Every day thousands of wourded are arriving at Constantinople, and fresh tro p? going to the
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    • 47 7 SIGNS OF AGREEMENT. London, August 23. The utmost reticence is maintained concerning the negotiations affecting the Balkan States, but there is some reason to believe that Serbia has shown a conciliatory disposition, which may be the beginning of a wider agreement, embracing Bulgaria and Greece.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 284 7 GERMAN TRANSPORTS SUNK. Petrograd, August 24. How the German landing at Pernau, on the eastern side of the Gulf of Riga, ignominiously failed, is told to-day by the Novo Vremya.” Deadly Russian Artillery. Three large German transports filled with troops approached the shore, under cover of a
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    • 281 7 COUNT BERNSTORFF’S PLEA. Wabhington, August 25. The tone of Count Bernstorff*# plea for suspension of judgment regarding the Arabic Is almost abject, and a startling contrast to the truculence of former German notes. Count Bernstorff trusts the United States will give Germany a chance to be heard. If
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    • 17 7 London, August 25. The steamer Sylvia of Liverpool was sunk. The crew were saved.
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  • General News.
    • 21 7 London, August 25. The Foreign Office has notified Lloyd’s that cholera is prevalent in numerous districts of Germany.
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    • 25 7 London, August 25. France has arranged a loan of 25,000,000 dollars in the United States in order to pay for exports.
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    • 32 7 Cape Town, August 25. It is reported that the Imperial Government has accepted a contingent of Indians from the Union for ambulance service with the Overseas Force».
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    • 22 7 London, August 25. Major-General the Hon. Sam Hughes, the Canadian Minister of Militia,has received the honour of Knighthood.
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    • 65 7 SERIOUS DISCREPANCIES. London, August 25. At the annual meeting of Lipton, Ltd., the Chairman announced that through serious discrepancies, revealed in stocktaking, and extremely unsatisfactory speculations by the la’e General Manager, there was a shortage of capital amounting to a quarter of a million sterling. Sir Thomas L’pton,
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    • 32 7 ULTIMATUM FROM U. S. Washington, August 25. The United States has sent an ultimatum to Haiti to accept an agreement for the cow’rol by America of the Republic’s finances.
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    • 94 7 NEW MINISTER’S STATEMENT. Paris, August 25. Ambassador Ihii, who h’-s been appointed Japanese Foreign Minister in the new Cabinet, in an interview in Paris, said his first care would be to draw still closer the ies binding Japan and the Triple Entente. He said the lo&
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  • 64 7 SINGAPORE’S NEW FORCES. [JVom Our Own Correspondent.'] Singapore, August 26. A Government Gazette announces that His Excellency the Governor autherises the estab'ishment of the Singapore Reserve Force and Civil Guard. Apart from the officials, the following are appointed on the Committee to consider exemptions etc Sir Evelyn
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  • 56 7 (From Our Own Correspondetn Singapore, August 26. At Singapore Rubber Actions there were offered 246 tone; sold 149 tons. The demand was poor. Large quantities were bought in at first) but there was an improvement later. Fine Ribbed Smoked Sheet to brought $125- to $l2B, Fine Pale
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  • 172 7 The following were the resuits of the ties played yesterday Mixed Doubles Handicap—Mrs Adam son and Swan beat Miss Pritchard and G Savage by 6—l, 6-3. Singles Handicap B—L O Hargrave beat A W Hanies by 6—3, 7—5 ;F C Gregson walk-over E H Syer. Championship— E
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  • 285 7 The following was the result of the tie pLyed yesterday Championship Singles (Final)—G M Terzano beat Capt R Owen 21—16. The following tio das been fixed for tb-morrow t Singles Handicap—G M Terzano v R H Reid (2) (Final.) Messrs. Sel’a’ 1 Murray and Co., are advertising
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  • 217 7 READY BY JANUARY. Except that the mast is 50 feet shorter, we understand that the new wire-le-8 station at Penang will be identical with that which has jmt been completed at Singapore, and should give equally good results a* regards communication with ships at sea, for which
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    • 145 7 [To the Editor o/ the Pinang Gazette. Sir, —I beg to inform you of the receipt of the following further contributions to tl e Serbian Relief Fund up to date Pieviously acknowledged $3,431 33 Mr. R. Scotr, Penang 25 CO Staff of F.M.S Rubber Co, (July supscription)
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  • 65 7 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following liat of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penaog. Balance on August 24 ...$32,965,88 Staff of Messrs R Young, August subscription ICO.OO Messrs Pritchard Co Ltd weighing machine 3.55 Balance on
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  • 25 7 Balance on August 23 907.20 Pritchard Co Ltd weighing machine 8.38 Balance on August 24 915.58 Amount previously acknowleged ...$16,859.10 Total ...$17,774.68
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  • 122 7 Mr. P. Duneriu, formerly manager of the Banque de LTndo-Chine in Singapore, who is now at the front in France, writes inter alia Our most ardent wish is that the Germaps will take the iff nsive It would haaten things. Let the Buches attack and we shall
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  • 566 8 THE OUTPUT O» MEDALS. In hia report on the inspection of mines in British India for the year, 1914, Mr. G. F. Adams, Inst, C.E., the Chief Inspector, points out that s of production of all minerals are published annual y in the records of the Geological
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  • 189 8 Melbourne, July 19.—Shortly after 10 o’clock to night Professor George W. L Marshall Hall died in St. Evin’s Private Hospital. On Wednesday last be underwent a critical operation for appendicitis, and fiom the ou set his condition was such ato cause grave concern among his
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  • 81 8 Thia amusing story is told by The Indiaman Ata matriculation exam'nation of the Punjab University the question was asked: 11 What purposes do latitude and longitude serve?” This bewildered a candidate, but his native wit came to his aid, and he wrote down: “Latitude and longitude are
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  • 416 8 Messrs. James F. Hatton <fc Co, Ltd, writing on July 28, report:— Liverpool Cott u. To-day. Last Week. Mid-American —Spot 5,20 5.19 Mid-American, Current Month 5.07| 5.061 F.G.F. Egyptian—Spot 7.20 7.20 F.G.F. Egyptian, Current Month 7.14 7.10 New York Cotton. Yesterday. Last week Spot—Cents. 9.10 9.25 Current
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  • 245 8 The K.P.M. have recently decided that none of their vessels on the Australian run shall in future call at Port Darwin, (Thursday Island) due no doubt to the various mishaps met with in recent times by quite a number of their vessels. The local Government have undertaken to
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  • 76 8 The 16th Service Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers publish a paper called the ‘Growler” to keep them merry and bright. Here is one of the Growler’s quips (Scene. A. Tent. Time, 9.30 p.m., May 20th, 1915 Plaintive Boy. Orderly 1 Orderly Orderly (skepily) Well Plaintive Boy I’ve lost my tent. I
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  • 115 8 It is a matter of surprise that, so far, no submarine attack has been made on the Oikney and Sh't’aud steamers plying regularly the danger zone of the North Sea. The Shetlanders say they know the reason why their islands are ioviolate and their trade
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  • 48 8 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Pangkor. Rrit., 94, Caswell, Aug 26, Bindings, gen., E. 8. Co. Hebe, Brit., 346, Scott, Aug 26, T. Anson, gen., Adamson Gil Allan Co. Atjeh, Dut., 800, Boers. Aug 25, Olehleh, gen., K.P.M. Menggala, Brit., 164, Esser, Aug 25, Asahan, gen., K. P. M. Co.
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  • 30 8 To-day. Note for Singapore, China and Japan. Perak, (E. S. Co for Pert Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Alma for Deli. Trang for Trang. Glenogle for Singapore and China.
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  • 108 8 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close. Aior Star (Kedah) Lian Choo 7 Alor Star (Kedah) Aing Thye 7 a.m. Tongkah Malacca 10 a.m. Rangoon, Calcutta and Durban Eda vans 3 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Pin Seng 3 p.m. Bindings, Sitiawan and Bagan Datoh Pangkor
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  • 133 8 Penang, August 26, 1915. (By Ccurlesy o/ Iht Chartered Bank}. London Demand Bank ...2/4 1/8 4 months'sight Bank ...2/4 7/16 3 M Credit ...2/4 13/16 3 Documentary ...2/4 27/82 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 176 3 days' sight Private „17 8 J Bombay Demand Bank 176 Moulmein Demand Bank n
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  • 264 8 Penang, August 26, 1915. B; P. Tapioca $5.50 sellers. M. P. Tapioca $5.70 sellers Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $28.50 sellers Trang Pepper out of season. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $59 sellers. Cloves 145
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  • 212 8 Penang, August 26. Beef— cti. Soup per catty 18 Roast 26 Steaks 26 Stew or Curry Meat 20 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail each 50 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart 40 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catty 36 Pig's Head 22 Feet 26 Tongue 36 Mutton
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  • 38 8 Thursday, August 26 Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Empire Theatre, Penang Road Electric Polyscope Co,, Argyle Road George Town Cinema. Friday, August 27. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m, Saturday, Augst 2s. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m.
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  • 10 8 August 30 —The Bandamaun Gaiety Co,, Town Hall,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 242 8 I Deodorant I Disinfectant xi Antiseptic. I fl SV gtff UNEQUALLED 9 FOR USE IN THE H Coolie Lines, Hospitals, Bathfl rooms, Servant’s I Quarters, Drains. I For General Deodorizing and) ..SrpXm son Disinfecting purposes. J of water. H SOLE AGENTS I yF SELLAR, MURRAY I CO., PENANG Anniversary of
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  • 2290 9 T| I i i spi ui. r»i<iup. «X oivia.o4.- M.».- 5 s 11 1 S 29 W O' at r I 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 M| M I N j 1«U MOO 000 «ROOOO I SO 000 1 1 Ayer Weng /Rahmaa/ DA P. Go. 40c 45a
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  • 740 9 Mr. G. Payne leaves Ipoh for Home co Sept. 4. Mr. A. B. Cro=6, Solicitor, has obtained a co says the M. M.” Dr. and Mrs. Hennessy retarned to Penang by the P. O. steamer Nore to-day from Colombo. 1 'r”— Mr. J. R. Crawford has arrived
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  • 69 9 A Moonlight Band performance will given to-night at the Esplanade at 9 p.m. The following is the programme, 1. Selection A Waltz Dream ...Scrau-s 2. Two Step What th*. Girls are So fond oj ...Gilbert 3. Waite S-ptemker ...Godin 4. Selection H.M.S. Pinafore Sullivan 5. Polk* Wot Cher
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  • 1170 9 DIVIDEND INCREASED—ADDITION TO RESERVE. The ninth annual ordinary general meeting of the Perak Rubber Plantations, Ltd., was bold on 16th July at 4, Lloyd’s avenue,* E C., Mr. Montagu J. Battye (Chairman of the Company) presiding. The Chairman said: Before we enter upon the business of the
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  • 526 9 South Bend Tribune.” Henrietta —lot divd 7| pc.Selangor United.— p o for year ended M arch 3 1. Juru.—Net profit.' £5 4*ll proposed £4,000 to reserve, £1,411 forward. Tel'gored jo United—Pcufic £5,550» and £22,324 brought in, making £27,824, which is carried forward. Tali Ayer—Crop to April 30
    “ South Bend Tribune.”  -  526 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 52 9 TOWN HALL, PENANG. Monday, August 3Otb* 9-15 P.M., THE BARDMANN GAIETY Co., The Brilliant London Revues. FROCKS AND FRILLS AND ALL FRENCH. New Scenery, New Costumes, New Effects, New Dances, New Songs, New Everything. PKICKS $4, $2 and PLAN NOW OPEN AT THE ROBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd.. Becu'h, SlroeL tu
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  • 1754 10 Mr. Justice Davar, on August 11, heard a suit filed by Mr. Barfoot, late third officer of the steamer Khosru, against the Bombay and Persian Steam Navigation Co Ltd., whose agents are Messrs Turner Morrison <k Co, to recover Rs 120 for one month’s salary and Ijls 20,000
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  • 26 10 EeXang :—The E. O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Normae, Falmouth House (Boarding.) Singapore: —Raffles Hotel. Rangoon :-—Strand Hotel.' Ceylon :—Nuwara Ellya.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 591 10 banks. tSHMTERED BANK OF INDIA AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund f MOO, 00 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,300,1». Hiad Offici 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, 1.0 AoINCIX» AND B#KNCFB>. /mritaar Hongkong Pen&n? Bangkok Iloilo r iktl «atari» Jpoh Rango*® JBombay Karachi Saigor Calcutta Klang Serenahat Carton
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    • 391 10 ?J IT MI EBMBBf* WHY ARH Tyres (the famous French make) ((k\CS— 50 ye* so Arable? x —C ZjJ because They are macfe of the best matirials. They are the result of years of study. -***s They arc the work of experienced workmen. That is what places Michelin Tyres above
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  • 1741 11 SATISFACTORY OUTLOOK. The report of th 3 Directors for presentation at the fourth annual general meeting of shareholders to be held at No. 1, Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday 28th August 1915, at 12 noon, is as follows Directors: J H M Robson, AKE Hampshire, E Macfadysn,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 499 11 N.Y.K. hpan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. \//W EUROPEAN LINE. Fortnightly service is maintained beween Yokohama via ports to Marseilles London and Antwerp, under mail contract wth the Imperial Japanese Government rke New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and sonstructed, and are fitted with all the lateer
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    • 286 11 DRINK I JEFFREY’S “CHOP KOTA” B 1B S 8 Ef T I |sa Q g /'IS IMff p iSf 8 R. T. 4 s S The Most Popular Brand in the Market. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL STORES. 8’ SOLE AGENTS FOR STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, F.M.S. <£ SIAM I 8 ADAMSON, GILFILLAN Co.,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2020 12 Ph &O. intended sailings. Straits Steam Ship Co., Ltd. Ocean .‘'Steam Navigation Co« Dpi TISH INDIA ?or I intended tosm. «t..™., steam ship c»„ ll( -> Wi,e,< T^. ,i n STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LTD. i ITS All Cabins are fitted with E ectnc Fam Taluk Anson. Friday,at 5 p.m. Hebe.
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