Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 August 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 61 1 g FOB SBO g H X7OU can have the “Pinang g 3 I Gaoette" posted every day n for a whole year to your address. (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, S37J. 3 Proportionate Quarterly and g Half-yearly rates. O B Subscriptions are payable in advance and remittances should 3 ba addressed to g
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  • 658 2 ST. GEORGE’S SUBSCRIBERS’ MEETING. A meeting of the subscribers to the St. George’s Ball War Relief Fund was held last evening at the Cricket Club, Penang, The Hon. A. R. Adams was voted to the chair and others present were The Hon. R. Young, Mes*ra. Peel, F.
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  • 107 2 The American Ambassador at Berlin has reported to the Commercial Department at Washington that certain German firms attach slips to their letters to aid in a movement nr>w popular in German busine-*!» quarters to suppress all unnecessa’y terms of politeness in their business corresp ndence, such as the
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  • 95 2 A statement by the Secretary f r the Colonies Lsu d by the Pre<-s Bureau shows that the total contributions of the Government and people of New South Wales to various war charities from the beginning of the war to mid-July exceeds £1,029,000.
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  • 31 2 Mein Gott, it is too much Ain’t it enough dot I fight for der Vaterland Now der Emperor says we should marry before leaving for der front.”—* 1 Life.”
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    • 278 2 The following were the results of the shooting in the Open and Handicap Aggregate Cups Open Aggregate Cup. S o o o J? O O o M «-M ca CO E-t Mrs Hulme-Sharp 33 28 31 92 Mrs Liston 33 27 31 91 Miss Sellers 24
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    • 133 2 The competition for the Presgrave Cup for August resulted as follows C G May 2 down J Crabb Watt 2 do J Sellar 4 do W S Goldie 4 do CR A Goatly 5 do Messrs R D Action, P T Allen, T S Narh, R R
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    • 148 2 The following ties have been fix'd for to-morrow Championship—H Waugh v M K Whitlock (4); A W Harries v C C Rogers (5). Mixed Doubles Handicap—-Miss M Pritchard and C S wage v Mr and Mrs J P Souter (3) Mrs Dennys and R T Reid v
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    • 25 2 The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow Singles Handicap—W S Dunn v R H Reid (1); AR Adams v Terzsno (2).
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  • 152 2 Private letters which are reaching this country from Singapore a r e very outspoken in alleging the supineness of the local Government as a contributing factor to the dangerous revolt of a native regiment, savg a home piper. Proper steps, it is said, were not taken to
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  • 83 2 The Hon Treasurer sends us the following list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on August 12 ...$31,528 03 So c i eta Italiana Extremo Oriente monthly subn in addition to contribution at home 15
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  • 197 2 Complete Break with old Loam Tradition. The War Loan, which is a record in the amount received, marked an innovation in the way in which it was brought before the public. For the first time an issue was advertised in the Press in a popular way. Mr. McKenna
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  • 245 2 The Zoological Society has acquired a number of pheasants which formed the collection of the late Dr Pearson, one of the victims of the Lusitania outrage and amongst them are three examples of the rare Lophura vieilloti or rufa,’ the Malayan or Virillot’s fireback, a species which
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  • 153 2 Your number’s up When we drew up at a garage to obtain petrol (writes a correspondent) it was apparent, as our chauffeur said, that there was something up.” There was a man in overalls applying a handkerchief to his face, while a woman retreated backward? along the pavement,
    “ Your number’s up !”  -  153 words
  • 59 2 ly a perfect explanation. Christian Register.” Prince Herbert Bismarck at a royal reception bumped roughly against an Italian prelate, who looked at him indignantly. You evidently don’t know who I am,” said the prince, haughtily. I am Herbert Bismarck.” Oh,” answered the prelate, “if thut doesn’t amount to
    ly a perfect explanation. —“ Christian Register.”  -  59 words
    • 77 2 [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, August 16. There have been intermittent cannonades at various points. The explosion of a mine in an enemy’s position between Burnhaupt and Amurtzwiller permitted the Frenchmen to make prisoners and capture two bomb-throwers. —Reuter. The plan opens on Thursday at
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  • 28 2 London, August 17.* The following is the rubber quotation for to-day Plantation Ist Latex Crepe 2/4|. Oct.-Dec. 2/4 J. •By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co.]
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 330 2 TOWN HALL, PENANG. Friday Saturday, August 27th 28th, 9.15 P.M., THE BANDMANN GAIETY Co., The Brilliant London Revues. FROCKS AND FRILLS AND ALL FRENCH. New Scenery, New Costumes, New Effects, New Dances, New Songs, New Everything. PRICES: $4, $2 and $l. Plan open Thursday, August 19th at 9 a,m. THE
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    • 414 2 NOTICE. DAlLY—Breakfasts, Tiffins and Dinners. SATURDAYS—SpeciaI Tiffins. The Public are cordially requested to give us a trial TRAVELLERS HOTEL, 31, Bishop Street. 749-31-8 NOTICE. LABOUR CODE. 1912, F.M.S. "INDIAN IMMIGRATION FUND ORDINANCE 1911." EMPLOYERS of Indian labour are hereby reminded that assessment returns for the preceding quarter must be sent
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    • 409 2 INSURANCE. HiE COAPOKATIO** OF THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE Royal Exchange, London Commenced business a.d. 1717 and was Incorporated by Royal Charter in a.d. 1710 and is therefore one of the oldest Companies in existence. It has granted the benefits of Assurance to the Public for a period exceeding 190 years.
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  • 1286 3 The Field.” Dreamco’e is no isolated remnant of Arcady. It ii much like other villages which you may find by the thousand all over the country. The broad sweep of the p*rk, its grass only a degree less inviting than’ that of the wide lawns
    —“ The Field.”  -  1,286 words
  • 359 3 The first meeting of creditors was held recently at Bankruptcy Buildings, London, under the receiving order made against Mr. Harry William Gray, a professional billiard player. Mr WP Bowyer, Official Receiver, presided and Mr. Lewis Stroud, solicitor, appeared for the debtor. The Official Receiver said
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  • 242 3 The Second Chamber has given way, says the Gazette de Hollande.” The Minister for the Navy has obtained his credit of f 1.28,000,000,.28,000,000, or the fi st instalment of f 1.6,000,000,.6,000,000, of which half is borne by Netherlands India. He made the matter a question
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  • 28 3 Penawg I The E. AO. Hotel, The Crag, Runny mede Hotel, Hotel Norman, Falmouth House (Boarding.) Singapore: —Raffles Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel. Ciylon Nuwara Elly*.
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  • 907 3 INTERVIEW WITH EX-PRESIDENT LOU BET’S SON. A Colombo message, dated the 6th instant states Captain P. L Loubet, nephew of the former President of the French Republic and a French Officer for a time attached to the Staff of General Joffre at the front, is
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  • 241 3 What ths Kaiser Said to his Tbsops, Some interesting notes taken from German officers who have been made prisoners are sent by the Morning Post’s” Petrograd correspondent. It is stated that the Fourth and Twenty-first German Army Corps have been practically annihilated in the Galician fighting. The
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  • 211 3 In concluding his final speech for the prosecution in the Lahore conspiracy case, before the Special Tribunal, Mr. Bevan Petman, the Government Advocate, remarked that the accus d were charged with the most serious crimes imaginable. Bad enough as this would be in normal times the absolute
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  • 195 3 Harpers Weekly.” Germany’s latest contribution to the accusatory literature of the war compels sympathy. Says the White Paper The Belgian civil population, of every rank, age, and sex, with the greatest fury and rage, took part in the fights Even priests and women and children were caught with arms
    “ Harpers Weekly.”  -  195 words
  • 179 3 We have always believed that Secretary Bryan’s oft-quoted What is so mysterious as an egg was the last word in appreciation of the queen of the breakfast foods. His tribute has been surpassed, however, by that of an old coloured philosopher of our acquaintance.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 589 3 Weakness Debility IRON ‘JELLOIDS,’ the reliable tonic, strengthen your blood and fortify your system against climatic effects. After a course of Iron ‘Jelloids,’ the blood is enriched, appetite is restored, vitality increased, Weakness and Debility disappear, and your system is enabled to combat attacks of Malaria and other diseases. Iron
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  • 1137 4 M. Stephen Pichon, formerly Minister for Foreign Affairs, writing in the 11 Petit Journal on the ceaseless activities of German agents in London and Paris as well as in neutral countries, described them as German charlatans, reptiles and oorruptors.” That these strong epithets are thoroughly deserved, the revelations
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  • 1142 4 There is now a possibility that the reports suggesting that the artificial unity of German militarists and the German people may result in an explosion are not wholly unfounded. From accounts from many sources one concludes that behind all these significant German protestations and the blasts of
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  • 30 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $74.25 per picu), businew done. Tin is quoted in London to-dav «t £l5l Spot, and £153 three months. 7
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  • 45 4 The output of the Katoo Deebook (N.L.) for the first fortnight in August was 139 piculs. The output of Deebook Dredging (N. L for the first fortnight of the month was 138 piculs. No. 2 dredge started opening up on August 9th. 8
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  • 494 4 The following are the latest quotations in our share list Yesterday. To-day. Z 33 x Shabes o S’ s 5 O 5 0 -J2 Mining. K.Kamunting 21/6 22/6 22/- 24/General. Shell Transport 85/- 87/6 87/6 92/6 Rubber (Dollar). Vallambrosa. 10/9 11/3 13/3 14/3 Malakoff $3 s3} The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 145 4 ff WOTTOEIT TO HIS IUUESn DM BEOHBE Motor, Motor-cycle, solid and Cycle Tyres. No interruption of supplies. No alteration in prices. The Dunlop Company is in a position to meet any demands which may be made upon it. It is to your best interest, at this time especially, to SUPPORT
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 35 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for today and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. 3-38 a.m. 9-57 a.m. 3- p.'m. 10- 6 p.m. 4- a.m. 10-48 a.m. 4-12 p.m. 10-48 p.m.
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  • 136 5 EXPOSURE OF GERMANY. KAISER AND HIS CHANCELLOR. DARDANELLES OPERATIONS. THE POLAND FIGHTING. A Turkish telegram shows that the British, following the recent landing at Suvla Bay, in Gallipoli, are pushing forward in the region north-west of Sari Bair. The Russian communique indicates heavy fighting in the
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 139 5 [Reuter’s Services.] THE DARDANELLES OPERATIONS. Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Petrograd, August 16. An excellent effect has been produced by the publication, by the British Ambassador, of a statement, showing the extent of British naval and military participation in the war. The Ambassador states that
      [Reuter’s Services.]  -  139 words
    • 527 5 "NEW ARMY IN THE FIELD. British Headquarters, France, July 21 The formation and training of the New Army” has been followed with the keenest interest by the troops at the front, and speculation was rife as to how the new soldiers would stand the trying conditions in which this war
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    • 92 5 BETHMANN HOLLWEG’s RESIGNATION FORESHADOWED. Amsterdam, August 16. Information comes from a good source that the relations between the Kaiser and Dr. von Bethmann-Hollwez, the Imperial Chancellor, are less cordial than foimer’y It is said that the res guation of BethmaunHollweg is imminent. It is probable that his
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 69 5 ACTIVITY IN POLAND. Petrograd, August 16. A Russian communique says uo c'uanie has occurred in the Riga revion, but more severe fighting took place in the Dvinsk district. Persistent German attacks between the Narew and the Bug were repuls d. The Russians checked attacks at the
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    • 56 5 R me, August 16. An Italian communiqu- ?aysenemy cured trains attacked the railway a;> of Serravalle, in the valley o. the <•. *.e, »u i the Italian positions south oi falcone, and were repulsed. The Italians advanced con* tierabh in the valley of Sixten and in t
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  • Turkey and the Near East.
    • 67 5 A TURKISH COMMUNIQUE. London, Au»,u c i 6. A Turkish communique indicates hat the British are progressing h ecent landing at Ari Buruu, u U i as it says the Turkish artillery, ou Fn v, dispersed a battalion of in mt on Ai* forta plain, while it claims
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  • General News.
    • 385 5 AMERICAN REVELATIDNS. London, August 16. The “New York World devotes three pages to the exposure of German intrigues in the United States, based on correspondence of representatives of the German Government, including Dr. von BethmannHollweg, the Imperial Chancellor, with its agents in the United States, including the fomenting
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    • 369 5 Albany, N.Y, July 10.—Governor Whitman last night asked the District Attorney of Nassau County, where Mineola *aol is located, for a report ou the circumstances of the death of Erich Muenter (alias Holt), the man who shot Mr Pierpout Morgan. Toe aged keeper who was in charge of
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  • 2338 5 HALF YEARLY MEETING. The half yearly general m°eting of the members of the Penang Chamber of Commerce was held in the Chamber yesterday afternoon. Mr. John Mitchel (F. W Barker Co.) Chairman, presided, and the others present were Messrs, the Hon. A. R. Adams, the Hon. Robert
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  • 334 5 The Full Court of appeal, consisting of the Hon Mr Justice JAS Bucknill, Acting Chief Justice, Mr Justice A Earnshaw and Mr Justice R C Edmonds, commenced its sittings in Penang to-day, and will probably last till the end of the month. There are altogether nine
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  • 726 6 RAILWAY REFORMS. The Sinwanpao report?:—Owing to the discredit which was caused by the impeachment of high officials in five Railway concerns, foreign financiers in Peking held a meeting to investigate into the accounts of these concerns. The Chinese Government has ordered the responsible Department to give their
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  • 570 6 STATEMENT BY THE GOVERNOR. Colombo, August 6. —At Ceylon Legislative Council to-day, the Governor made a lengthy reference te the recent Ceylon riots, which he described as a great calamity. He said :—The essential fact which nothing can obscure is that one section of His Majesty’s subjects
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  • 124 6 Sir Marcus Samuel, chairman of the above company, presiding at the am ual general meeting, said that in Egypt they were confronted with geological features differing in almost every particular from conditions in other fields, and they had not been able to arrive at any definite opinion as
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  • 67 6 Norman S. T»ber, a former Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, has created a new world’s record for the mile. His time, says a Reuter telegram from Boston, was 4 min. 12 3-ssec. Taber thus beats W. G. George’s world’s record of 4 min. 12f<ec., made at
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  • 61 6 Proposed Economic Entente, It is understood that the Belgian Government has Bugg*st< d that a conference should be h*ld in Pari<, attended by delegates representing France, England, Russia. Italy, Serbia, and Belgium, with a view to discussing means for establishing, after the war, an economic entente between
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  • 671 6 ENEMY TRADING IN CHINA. A letter has been received by the secretary of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce confirming that the Biard of Trade will consider goods handed to inland carrier for shipment before July 26 comply with the terms of the Proclamation. “It is not
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 231 6 THE PAIN OF NEURALGIA. People think of neuralgia as a pain in the head or face, but neuralgia may affect any nerve of the body. Different names are given to it when it affects certain nerves. Thus neuralgia of the sciatic nerve is called sciatica, but the character of the
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    • 275 6 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd. Annual Jh I Proceeding Clearance Daily. THE WHOLE OF OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF Thousands >) CM. Exceptionof Pairs. DOOTS V wIiOCS al Mees. I ALL MARKED DOWN THIS SALE AT VERY TEMPTING PRICES. DON'T MISS THE SAMPLE PAIRS. -«g IW.C— BUGI —Mil Uli il > 111
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  • 499 7 It is announced that the three large petroleum companies of Germany, the I)eut«che Petroleum Verkauf-gesellscbaft, the Olex,” and the Deu scbe-Amerikanis-che Petroleum Aktiengetellschaft, have undertaken until Sept. 1 to sell no petroleim to traders or other private buyers. According to the Berliner Tageblatt,” the intention i, to economise
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  • 295 7 Russian Statesman’s Scathing Words. The well-known Russian publicist, M. Stolypin, writing in the Novoye Vremja,” of Petrograd, gives an indignant answer to German peace aivances to Russia. "The enemy pres*,” he says, "is full of impatient talk of a separate peace with Russia, of suggestions of offering us
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  • 84 7 A very stout lady at the zoological ga<d n? was seeing the lions fed for the hrst time, and was rather surprised by the -irnited amount of meat that was given them. seems to me to be a very small piece of meat fur the lions,” she said
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  • 492 7 PEACE IN NOVEMBER. So far, only military critics belonging to one or other of the belligerent nations seem to have attracted public attention. Therefore, the conclusions recently arrived at by Colonel Harrison, a distinguished officer in the United States Army, as re gards the probable course
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  • 413 7 The following story of a dual with a German is told by a private in the Royal Sc >ts Fusiliers Thank Heaven I’m back from the hottest corner of Hell. Talk of adventure Well, I reckon any lad that’s been at the front since Christmas
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  • 49 7 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Malacca, Brit, 404, Dun, Aug. 17, Tongkah, gen., Adamson Gilfillan Co. Hok Canton, Brit., 278, Bergwitz, Aug. 17, T. Anson, gen., E. 8. Co. Glenifier, Brit, 6021, McGregor, Aug. 17, London, gen., B Co. Hakata Maru, Jap., 3647, Kawashima, Aug 16, Calcutta, gen., P. S. Co.
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  • 38 7 To-day. Indragiri for Deli and Batu Bahra. Padang for Batu Bahra. Trang for Trang. Ban Whatt Soon for Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan. Hebe for Teluk Anson. Pangkor for Dindings and Sitiawan. Klang for Port Swettenham and Singapore.
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  • 61 7 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close. Ten Jit Seng 7 a.m. Deli Will o’ the Wisp 11 a.m. Rangoon, Calcutta and Durban Colombo Maru 3 p.m. Thursday. Langsa Edi, T. Serna we, Segli and Olehleh Atjeh 8 a.m. Negapatam, Madras and Durban Tara 11 am. Victoria
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  • 15 7 Gleniffer, London, August 18, B Co. Benalder, London, August 25, S BA Co.
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  • 128 7 Penang, August 17, 1915. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 1/16 4 months'sight Bank ...2/4 3/8 3 Credit ...2/4 3/4 3 Documentary ...2/4 25/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 175} 3 days’sight Private „17 7 j Bombay Demand Bank 17f»} Moulmein Demand Bank 175 3 days*
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  • 262 7 Penang, August 17, 1915. 8; P. Tapioca $5.70 sellers. M. P. Tapioca $6.00 sales. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $29 j buyers Trang Pepper out of season. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $6O sellers. Cloves
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 53 7 X.-u juttge vne biiiuo »»> v* u) the hail-n ark The sincerity of an advertisement may be est'mated by the consistency of its appearance. If advertisements appear persistently in the press, it is evident they art honest and worth your while to reply to. If they were not, they could
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    • 206 7 S!,fely First ®X® X X .-<4fr z 3 J»' l'sB S& aggiSlby T JHKr l> Sim I H >.amMnirriiH""iTi ■■■iiagßwrrwniin n i iwg—gso—EKggEaßEmMiMi 3€ lulftfl U I if itllWßj IHI Il 1 here is an active Safety First u¥Wfk rM I I principle in every inch of X tw GOOPRICH
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 418 7 EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION! Presentation Day! A GOLD MEDAL Presentation Day! is to be presented to WINCHESTER K. CARSON by the Proprietors of THE STRAITS CINEMA Co. 'Phone No. 628. EMPIRE HALL, PENANG ROAD. TO-NIGHTI TO-NIGHT 11 Henry Ainley and Jane Gail In Goldsmith’s Immortal Comedy in 3 Part o SHE STOOPS
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2382 8 P o. tr- intended sailings. straits Steam Ship Co., Ltd. Ocean Sjgim Navigation Co. RriTISH INDIA For Intended to Sail. Steamer. I STEAM SHIP LK, IX Fort Bwettenham and Singapore. Every Tuesday, at 5-30 p.m. Klang. AND Wireless Telegraphy fitted on all Do. Do. Every Saturday> at 5.00 pm> Ipoh.
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