Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 14 August 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 994 1 gnn —nn. —k h v m !nr~> J 1J you want Ju SHIP. J 81/V OR SELL RUBBER b OB TO R forward goods k n A3T PART or ihi WORLD f i co to r ALLEL DENNYS Co., L 1. CMIOK STMn. H fep-M >» ..-T1» H THE PINANG
      994 words
    • 62 1 ■ouaaao■aaauunaddo■daa g FOB SBO g can have the “Pinang g q x GaacUe n posted every day a for a whole year te your address. (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). q Proportionate Quarterly and g Half>yearly rate.. a D Subscriptions are payable in advance and remittance, should a be addressed to q
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  • 515 2 THE ALLIES “TO SUBMET BY NOVEMBER.” A vivid idea of the extraordinary confidence in Germany since the fall of Lemberg is given in a personal letter from a German business friend to Mr. Stanley Unwin, the Locdon publisher. “We believe here,” writes this gentleman, that the war will
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  • 228 2 In view of the British coal and iron company results and the effect which enlistments have up >n them, it is interesting to see how Germ n undertakings bsvfared under conscription. A correspondent states that the reports now being issued by the Ge’man coal companies
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1461 2 IT T OST between the Golf Club, Western 11 SItCS IO!* IIV 1 IvyEj* JLrf Road, Race Coarse, Macalister, Amon, Laru*, Nottham Roads, Farquhar Casual Advertisements. wanted. streeto and Fort Skin Purse containing notes, £2 ster- ling and 2 farthing 4, Motor-cycle driver’s A PATROL OFFICER for Marine De* licence
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    • 102 2 Neuralgia Kills Kills comfort, kills pleasure, kills energy, kills auibi ion, kills nerve force, wears out the vital forces and wrecks tie life of th? sufferer. Little’s Oriental Balm SAVES tl e sufferer, stops th 1 pain, stops the irritation, soothes the jangled nerve r< scores the normal, natural condition
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    • 819 2 In the Matter of the Alien Enemies BANKS. (Winding=Up) Ordinance 1914. AND chartered bank of indik In the Matter of BEHN MEYER A STBAI -lA. AND china. Company Limited, an Enemy Incorporated by Royal Charter. Company within the meaning of the paid-up Capital £i 2fln said Ordinance «SooJ sain uruinanvu.
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  • Article, Illustration
    1334 3 [BY AN ARTIST CORRESPONDENT.] 21st July, 1915. London and the Strike. The metropolis followed with anxious concern, but always with confidence of an early settlement, the serious problem of the trouble in the South Wales coalfields. The majority of people refused to attempt any discussion of the technical
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  • 149 3 The Free School Magazine Penang, says A c’amour has arisen recently among our boys for the introduction of Chinese into the curriculum of the school. The time has come when the teaching of Chinese in schools where Chinese students predominate becomes too important to be overlooked.
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  • 573 3 INTERVIEW WITH GERMAN COMMANDER On the day the news of General Botha’s great victory was given to English readers, the Morning Post received two letters tent to relatives in England by members of the British Force serving in German Sou h-West Africa. The first is from a
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  • 304 3 The “Morning Post prints a statement from a corre-pondent respecting the Singapore outbreak in February last. Ha says that people who for business or financial reasons are in constant touch with the Far Eastern parts of the Empire have plenty of evidence of a widespread feeling of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 619 3 As you love your Baby Is you must protect him against Summer Diarrhoea, which ifj becomes epidemic in hot weather and carries off thousands g of infants in a few weeks. |g| The Medical Officer of Health for Manchester reports that during the past week 4B deaths of children were
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 775 4 [Reuter’s Services], ENEMY THROWN B4CK. (By Submarine Telegraph.) [Copyright Telegrams.] Petrograd, August 12. A Russian communique says The Germans, on Monday night and Tuesday, renewel their desperate assaults on the western fortifications of Kovno. Counterattacks by the garrison wiped out three battalions, taking 100 prisoners, and a
      [Reuter’s Services],  -  775 words
    • 68 4 Petrograd, July 18—General Wordoff, Head of the Russian Red Cross in the North Western area, reports that two Russian battalions evacuated their trenches owing to the enemy’s asphyxiating gas, leaving» 100 seriously wounded. When the Russians recaptured the trenches they found that the whole of the hundred
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    • 122 4 RUSSIAN STOCK PRICES. London, August 12. Russian Stocks show an unexpected brightness and prominence to-night, a circumstance which is attributed to the favourable Dardanelles position, or a surprise stroke by the Grand Duke Nicholas. The former is the more likely, as Black Sea Oils are a feature.
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    • 44 4 Petrograd, July 18.—The Minister of Agriculture announces prospects of a magnificent harvest, with reserves of foodstuff. Russia will be ready to continue th» struggle for years and will be able also to provide the necessary reserves for the armies of the Allie*.
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  • Italy’s Campaign.
    • 92 4 AUSTRIAN ATTACKS. Rome. August 13. The lull continue on Carso Plateau, but there is a stiff fight in the region of glaci e rs and lofty peaks at the head of Adda Valley. The communique says the Austrians, on Sunday night, crossed the Forno glacier, and
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  • 56 4 Pretoria, August 12. The Hon. F. S. Malan, Minister of Mines, Industries, and Education, reviewed, and Mrs Butha presented Colours to the Nyasalaud Imperial Service Contingent, prior to their departure. The response to the call was most enthusiastic. The contingent could have been recruited thrice
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  • 47 4 Paris, August 12. It is announced here that an ord r quashing the proceedings taken against the American, Swoboda, who was charged, in April, with setting fire to the liner La Touraine, will be shortly signed, an 1 that he will be liberated
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  • 29 4 [From Our Own Correspondent."] Singapore, August 14 The Singapore Cricket Club report shows a membership of 762. The Club has given $3,862 to the War Fund.
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  • 203 4 ENEMY FIRMS. DEFENCE BILL PASSES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 14. In the Legislative Council, Sir Evelyn Ellis withdrew his motion, asking for the closing of the Medical Hall and Singapore Oil Mills. In doing so, he said he put down the motion because it offended the
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  • 64 4 The following are the latest quotations in our share list Yesterday. To-day. ■0 30 00 33 Sharks s S 3 02 S 3 M Mining. Gopeng C. 27/- 29/- 25/- 27/6 Kamunting... 27/6 30/- 28/- 30/Serandah $1.33 sl} $1 sl} Tronoh M. sl2} $l3 $l3 sl3} Osneral.
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  • 406 4 [From Our Own Correspondent:] Singapore, August 13. Malakoff Rubber Co., L*d., announce an interim dividend of 10 per ceat. The Ipoh Schools re- pen on Monday after the m d-summer holidays. Choo Ah Pon. who is serving his sentence of 14 years’ rigorous imprisonment iu Kedah, is
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  • 761 4 The Hon. Mr. R. G. Watson hat returned Taiping. Mr. H. C. Bowen is with King Edward’s Horse in France. Mr?, and the Misses Graham are coming down from Penang H>ll on Monday. Mr. A. Grant Mackiahas been appointed to a seat oa the Board of Lahat
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    • 180 4 In the charge sheet before Mr v Ezechie). in the Third Court, Pen.™ to-'ti.. contained a case in which a Chinese n Cheng Leong was accused of attemptin’ murder one Ui Ah Mi. When H the g was called Inspector McLernon intima that he wished to withdraw
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    • 73 4 Tan Chai Lim, a Chinese rikisha p Q er was charged in tho Third Court with assaulting a European. After the charge bad been read cut the Inspector in charge of the case mentioned that he had sent for the complainant; but be had sent word
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    • 602 4 Another batch of five Chinese damsels was before Mr. Ezechie! to-day charged with playing in a common gaming house on Thursday afternoon. From information received A. S P. Mr B. W. Allen, accompanied by a posse of constables, raided premises No. 372 Penarg Road and arrested all
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 382 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DIVISIONAL ASSISTANT. THE Vacancy on Merliman Estate has been filled applicants thanked. COMPETENT CHINESE DISPENSER REQUIRED. APP7 “CASH CHEMISTS”, LTD., .52, 54 Beach Street, Penang' WANTED. BOOK-KEEPER. Apply with copies of testimonials in own hand writing to Managkr, Changkat Serdang Estates, Ltd., Taiping. NOTICE. NO TICE Is hereby
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  • 915 5 CURTAILMENT IN VOLUME OF BUSINESS. A summary of a report by H. M. Commercial Attache at Yokohama on the trade of Japan in 1914 appears in the Board of Trade Journal” Naturally the war, says the report, has affected Japanese trade very seriously, and there has been a
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  • 651 5 M. M.” ACCUSED’S EVIDENCE. In tbe Kuala Lumpur Police Court, on Wednesday, before Mr. McCelland, the case was continued in which Mr. E. H. Scott, planter, stands charged with criminal breach of trust with respset to $lOO. Mr. A S. Bailey is for the prosecution and Mr. H.
    “ M. M.”  -  651 words
  • 25 5 Kuala Lumpur, August 14, [from Our Own Correspondent,] In the case in which Mr. E. H. Scott was charged, the accu-ed wss acquitted.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 251 5 but you will have no more labour or trouble to secure a glorious show of flowers, or a M rich crop of fine vegetables, from Ryders P.P. Seeds than from seeds you may buy at M much higher prices. To put it quite plainly, H Ryders Seeds are the finest
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    • 216 5 A NON-ALCOHOLIC TONIC. Many people need a tonic at this time of year, old folks, weak folks, thin people, and people who are run-down from too much work. Nervous people also need a tonic, but cannot safely take alcohol. A non-alc >holic tonic that will build up the blocd and
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  • 14 6 Flbtcher—Hillman—-July 7, at Keresley, W. Fletcher, m.d., of Kuala Lumpur, to Beatrice Hillman.
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  • 1181 6 After the illuminating article from an American expert, which we reproduced in our columns on Wednesday, it is unnecessary to expatiate on the important part ployed in modern warfare by cotton, which constitutes the basis of the gun powder used by all the armies. Mr, Bertram Blount,
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  • 1093 6 The Civil Service Gazette gives a few interesting details regard» g Eastern Cadetships. In the list of subjects languages, according to this journal, take a high place, but the highest marks are given for mathematics. From a list of 38 subjects the candidate, with certain restrictions, is
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  • 657 6 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $73.50 per picul, s.leg —a decrease of $2. Tin ia qu-ted in London to-day at £149 10s. Spot,and £l5l 15a. three months. 1,445 coo’ies arrived by the s.s Tara to-day. 555 proceed to Palau Jerejak for quarantine. The balance
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 147 6 DFUNK ALLSOPP'S ji /1 BRITISH fl PILSENER BEER. J I' 1 f 1 Brewed and Bottled at BURTON-ON-TRENT. CONTREXEVILLE WATER FROM THE PAVILLON SPRING IN The Valley of the Vosges. This tasteless water is recognised the world over as a cure for all Uric Acid troubles so common in
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 41 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to* day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. 2- 7 a.m. 8-22 2* 3 p.m. 8 42 p m. 2-35 a.m. 8 48 a.m. 2-30 p.m. 9- 7 p.m.
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  • 30 6 DEATHS. Eisenberg.—At 3*54, Dato Kramat Road, the wife of I. Eisenberg, of United Engineers, Ltd. Bowen July 17, at Sheffield, Margaret, wife of Lambert Bowen, of the F.M.S. aged 34.
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  • 376 7 MANY VESSELS SUNK. CROWN PRINCE DEFEATED. THE EASTERN CAMPAIGN. GERMANY AND PEACE, Although there has been some activity east of St. Mihiel, and a German attack in the Vosges, which was disposed of, the principal efforts of the enemy have oeen directed against the French positions in the
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 221 7 Reiter’s Services.’ SĔYERE FIGHTING Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Pari”, August 12. French communique says There were artillery actions north of Arras. The bombardment in the Argonne was redoubled, with an extensive employment of asphyxiating shells. It was followed at dawn by a very violent German
      Reiter’s Services.’  -  221 words
    • 161 7 OFFICER'S DESCRIPTION. London, August 13. An officer, who was present at Hooge, when the Germans made their attack with liquid fire, vividly describes the German devilry. Everything for yards seemed to be wreathed in flame. We were so thirsty that we could have drunk the sea
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    • 111 7 The troops on service, Regular, New Army and Territ rial, have reached an extraordinary degree of effici-ncy. At home, the new troops who have had a year to train are very sound. According to German newspapers the rise of the new armies in Britain is regarded
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    • 61 7 London, July 18. —The “Daily Mail’s” Flanders correspondent reports that French soldiers are being armed with short knives, it having been found that fixed bayonets are too long for the rough work in narrow trenches when finishing off the Germans after bombing them. It is
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    • 36 7 BRITISH PREPARATIONS. Wellington. August 12. The Imperial Government is ordering sheepskin coats for the troops in France. The New Zealand troops in Gallipoli will be provided with winter coats of tanned sheep-skin.
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    • 73 7 MR. LLOYD GEORGE’S STATEMENT. London, August 12, Mr. Lloyd George, Minister of Munitions, announces to-night, tha' there are already 345 controll-d establishments, the profits from which are limited, and the surplm is going to the Exchequer. Thus the sacrifices of the workmen are made for the nation. The
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    • 29 7 London, August 12. The Gazette” states that the King of the Belgians has been appointed Colonel-in-Chief of the sth (Princess Charlotte of Wales’s) Dragoon Guards.
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    • 36 7 London, August 12. The King has given sixty rams for the use of French farmers in the devastated districts. The Duke of Richmond, and others, will also give rams to France.
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    • 29 7 London, August 12. The Gazette announces that MajorGeneral A. W. Hunter Weston is made a Knight Commander of the Bath for distinguished services »n the field.
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    • 24 7 London, August 13. Lieutenant-General Sir Herbert Plumer has been gazetted Temporary-General. [General Plumer is in command in the Ypres region
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    • 153 7 ALLIED AVIATORS’ ATTACKS. Dunkirk, August 12. Some details are available in regard to destruction of a Z ppe’.in by Allied aviators. The Zeppelin, which was of great size, was near Ostend Harbour, where it.was imp fl-ible to bide it from the pursuing Allied aeroplanes. Short y after
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    • 63 7 Paris, July 28.—“ Le Ma in’s” correspondent in the Dardanelles relates that a French aviator observed a submerged submarine approaching a British tarnspor» fi led with troops. The aviator descended to within 300 feet and dropped bombs missing the submarine but compelling it to plunge A
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    • 41 7 AMERICAN AVIATORS FOR FRANCE. London, August 13. The “New York World” states that 1,000 American aeroplanes, which will be officered by American aviators, have been subscribed by Americans, nnd will be presented to the French Army.
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    • 22 7 London, August 14. Colonel Neville Manders of the Royal Army Medical Corps has been killed at the front.
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    • 55 7 The Twelfth.” GROUSE FOR THE WOUNDED. London, August 13. The grou-e shooting has opened. Birds are plentiful, and there have been heavy bags, which will be sent to the War Hospitals. Convalescent officers are invited to the moors. Many of the shootings are unlet, the shooting being done by gamekeepers,
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    • 114 7 MEETING IN LONDON. London, August 12. At a meeting in the Queen’s Hall, London, presided over by Sir C. W. Macara, it was resolved to continue urging the Government to declare cotton contraband cf war. Speakers' Belief. London, August 13. The meeting at tha Queen’s Hall, yesterday
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    • 33 7 London, August 13 The first bale of the new cotton crop was sold at Liverpool, yesterday, at the record price of £2lO. The money goes to the Red Cross Fund.
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    • 180 7 London, July 18.—Mr. J. M. Robertson, M.P., speaking at Middlebrough predicted that Germany wculd be bankrupt within six months. It would be impossible to over-rate the importance of the financial side of the struggle, but he did not believe that the War would last as long as
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    • 113 7 appeal to the pope. Loudon, August 12. “The Times corespondent at Milan tel-graphs that a competent Vatican source says that Germany is engaged in preliminary overtures to ob a.n the mediation of the Pope for the discussion of peace, -on the basis of the restitution of Belgium.
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    • 212 7 —Reuter. WHAT GERMANY MUST HAVE.” Paris, August 12. German intellectuals, headed by the Professors, have issued a new manifesto, stating that Germany rose in order to safeguard Kultur against barbarians. Naturally we do not want to dominate the world, but ws demand the possibility of extending Kultur and
      —Reuter.  -  212 words
    • 259 7 Harper’s Weekly.” We recognize, all of us. that Germany can ultimately form us in if she wishes to go so far as to commit against us undeniable and persistent ac’s of war. The German people still believe in victory. The German rule r s know
      ,—“ Harper’s Weekly.”  -  259 words
  • 141 7 ANTIDOTE TO SPOTTED FEVER. Mt lb urre, August 12. Doctor Bull, of Melbourne University, has discovered that eucalyptus kills the germ of cerebro-spinal meningitis. Cerebro-spinal meningitis for Spotted fever,” is an infectious disease, first recognised in 1805. In 1846 it showed itself in Ireland, where it was
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  • 20 7 FRANK BRAMLEY. London, August 13. The death is anncunced of Frank Rram,ey, R.A., A R.A, the well known artist.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 226 7 BRITISH AND GERMAN VICTIMS. London, Augu t 12. The Admiralty announces that the small British patrol boat Ramsey, commanded by Lieutenant H. Raoy, was sunk by the German auxiliary cruiser Meteor, on August 8:b, in the North Sea. Four officers and thirty-nine men were saved. The Meteor
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    • 183 7 London, August 13. The Admiralty announces that the auxiliary cruiser Inoia, while engaged on patrol duty, in tne North Sea, on Angus l Bth, was torpedeed and sunk. 22 officers and 119 men were saved. Sailors Buried in Norway. London, August 12. A telegram from Christiania
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    • 44 7 London, August 11. German submarines sank seven British trawlers, a Norwegian baique, the Norwegian steamer Geiranger, a Russian barque, and the British steamer Oakwood. The large British steamer Rosalie was attacked but was beached. It is be’ieved all the crews were saved.
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    • 25 7 London, August 13. The Admiralty announces that two British steamers, and seventeen fishing craft were sunk during the week ending August 11th.
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    • 39 7 London, August 11. The Press Bureau announces that Mr. Asquith and Mr. McKenna visited the Grand Fleet as guests of Admiral Jellicoe. Mr. Asquith addressed the officers and men, in words of congratulation and confidence
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    • 17 7 London, August 13. Acting Vice Admiral Sir David Beatty has been promoted Vice-Admiral.
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    • 33 7 BY ITALIAN SUBMARINE. Rome, Auguet 12. It is officially announced that an Italian submarine, in the Upper Adriatic, torpedoed and sank an Austrian submarine, the crew of which were lost.
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    • 68 7 BRITISH SUBMARINES’ WORK. London, August 12. Vice-Admiral ds Robecs, ft the Dardanelle», reports that one of the British submarine?, operating in thece waters, on August Son, at the entrance to the Bea of Marmora, sank the Turkish battleship Khe.r ed Din Barbarous. Thg gunhoar B rk ia
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    • 26 7 London, Augu'.t 19. The Russians on Saturday sank a German steamer fl nd three Turkish steamer?, laden with coal, in the Blau Sea.
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    • 41 7 London. August 13. German squadron-,, cn Tues’ay. s'ma!taneously bombarded the lighthouses at rhe entrance to the Gulf of Rina, and on the Aland Hinds, but fl d from toe fire of the Ru'sian warship?, and the shore batteries.
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 182 7 AUSTRLIANi ENGAGED. London, August 12. General Sir lan Hamilton reports, to-night, that severe fighting continued, yesterday, in Gallipoli, mainly in the Australa-iana' zone, and the zone to the north. he sa's the positions occupied by the troops elightlyvaried in places, but as a gen-ral result the
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    • 91 7 o fi*, August 12. The return of t ie Turkish Heir-Appaie it from t e Dardanelles synchr->ni«es wi»h an even deeper wave of dtp e-sicn at Cou« stantinopie. Pet sistent reports nre in circulation of the seriousness of the splits between thĕ Germans and Turks, ard tha-
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    • 77 7 THE RUSSIAN SUCCESS. Pet .grad, August 13. The Russian victory in the Cauucsus is teaching big dimensions. One Russian column alone, cn the Euphrates, in purcuit cl the Tu'ks lias taken, during the pa»t few days, 19 officers and 1,172 m c n, besides huadr d« of* waggons,
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    • 41 7 London, August 12. Salonika despatches declare that Germany is hastening preparations for an invasion of Serbia It is estimated that already two Army Corps have been concentrated in the district of Orsjvo, near the Serbian and Rumanian frontiers.
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    • 25 7 Athens, Aagtst 14. It is officially announced that-the Greek Parliament will meet on Monday. M. Venizelos returned to the capital to-day. t
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  • 36 7 APPEAL FOR PEACE. New York, August 11. A conference of Latin and American representatives has ssued an appeal to the Mexican faction», ask ng to thorn to compose their differences. [Othbb Telegrams on Facie 4.]
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  • 660 8 THE CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL. For a vaiiety of reasons the S.C.C, lawn tennis tournament, now, to all intends and purposes, concluded, has not aroused so much interest as in previous yea s, and when L. E. Gaunt and M. J. Upcott turned out to play the championship match
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  • 27 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 14. In the S.C C. Tennis Championship Final Gaunt beat Upcott, 4—6, 6—3, 6— 4, after a fair game.
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  • 178 8 getting terribly bunked.—“ Chicago Daily News.” Everywhere, in Upper Sarawak, the natives are collecting gutta percha haves for which a market has suddenly been f und Judging by the vast quantities being sent down to Kuching from this district and by a few remarks mide by
    getting terribly bunked.—“ Chicago Daily News.”  -  178 words
  • 634 8 GERMAN COLONIES. (July 14.) Mr. Bonar Law, in reply to Mr. Watt, stated that the German colonies before the war occupied between 1,100,000 and 1,200,000 square miles. Of that ares about 450,000 square miles had been con* quered by the Allies. The conquered territory included
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  • 69 8 Movement inJKuala Lumpur. A public meeting is to be held at the Town Hall, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday, August 21st, pres'ded over by the Hon. Eric Macfadyen, fur the purpose of forming a Civil Guard on the lines of that in Singapore. All Europeans who are not
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  • 105 8 For the period from the 13th to 19th August, 1915, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubbir is fixed at two shillings and five pence halfpenny per lb., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem ba
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  • 350 8 SUNDAY, AUGUST 15. Cherek of England. St. George's Church.—llth Sunday after Trinity; Matins 8 a.m; Hoty Com* munion, 8.30 a.m.; Holy (Tdmmhnion (Tamil), 9.15 a.m.; Sunday School, 5 p.m Evensong and Sermon, 6 p.m. Hymn 270 Soldiers of Christ a-ise Psalm LXXVIII Oakeley Magnificat Nunc Ditnittis Bunnett in
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  • 198 8 Penang, August 14. Bmp— Soup per catty 18 26 Steaks 26 Stew or Curry Meat 20 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail each 50 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart 40 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catty 36 Pig’s Head 22 Feet 26 Tongue 36 Mutton per lb.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 774 8 INSURANCE. Just Received from London hi AN ASSORTMENT OF the cobporatiom of the Beautiful Gem Rings, ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE Many set with Pure White Brilliants Royal Exchange, London ALBO COMMENCED business in a.d. 1717 and Fancy 18 carat was Incorporated by Royal Charter Ir a.d. 1710 and is therefore one
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    • 139 8 HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY. S Now that food staffs are becoming dearer, the attention of the Bublic is drawn to Skimmed Milk. THE INTERNATIONAL CO NQ R ESQ At Budapest in 1909 and at Berne in 1914 recognised that EF SKIMMED MILK CONSTITUTES A WHOLESOME AND CHEAP FOOD ESPECIALLY FOR ADULTS and
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 133 8 THE TIDES. Penavg—July, 1915. Penang Standard Times—Heights referred to Datum of Soundings in Admiral y Charts:— High Water. Low Water. n Standard Standard Date. T me Date Time h m ft. h m ft--8 14 m 2 7 6 9 14 m 822 1 2 3 a 7.6 8 42
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  • 1084 9 THE WAY TO WIN. (Contributed.) The time is rap’dly approaching for the threatened transfer of large bodies of •enemy troops from the East to the West. The great offensive movement by the enemy on the Western f.ont to reach their main objective, Calai-, must be now looked for
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  • 110 9 CHINESE GIVE AEROPLANE. (From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, August 14. Three Chinese, Tan Wi Yan, Sin Cheng Mea, and Tan Kim Wab, have given an aeroplane to the local Aeroplane Fund. Mr. Alma Baker, of Batu G jah telegraphs as follows 14 Malayan Air Fleet. Another aircraft added
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  • 76 9 The Hon. Treasurer rends us the fol. lowing list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on August 10 ...$31,190 71 Lim Kongsi 7th monthly instalment 30 00 Penang Choral S jcie*y,Proceeds of H M S
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  • 37 9 Balance on August 10 $3,527 47 The European staff, Chinese and Tamil Clerks, and Mechanics employed in the Caledonia Group of Estates 536.87 Balance on August 12 $4,064.34 Amount previously acknowledged ...$13,457.11 Total $17,521.45
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  • 78 9 Drafts amounting to a total of £1,300 have been received from the Hongkong and Shanghai and Chartered Banks for the Prince of Wales fund and will be remitted home in due course. This is the sixth instalment contributed by the various British communities in Siam. The previous
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  • 53 9 Diafts for R. 700, will shortly be remitted to India a° a 4 h in-talment contributed by the various British Communities in Siam to the Vice oy of India Fund. Former instalments amounted to Rs. 5,600, the last remittance bringing the total amount contributed by Siam
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  • 187 9 The Strai's Cinema have a new programme which is Crrtain to draw big houses The Great Canons will repeat their wonderful eha- pshootiog ac* The adven tures in Paris of the ex-champion boxer, Jack Johnson, wid be exhibited, while the Goldsmith Comedy, She Stoops to Conquer,” in which Henry
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  • 242 9 i S.F.P.” Mr. Justice Earnshaw reserved judgment in the action heard by him in the Supreme Court, Singapore, in which Sim Boon Kwang, a merchant, of 977, Upper Serangoon Road, was the plaintiff, with H. 8. Arathoon and Thaddeus Paul (the latter at present in Europe) the
    i “ S.F.P.”  -  242 words
  • 182 9 Messrs. Guthrie and Co. Ltd in their weekly report dated Singapore, Wednesday August 11, say: The record quantity of 296 tons catalogued for the Auction held met with a fairly steady demand, about 160 tons changing hands. Fine Pale Crepe was again wanted, the op price
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  • 78 9 Arrivals. By Ipoh (August 13) from Singapore, Mr Justice Ebden, Mrs Ebden, Mrs Nicholson and son, Mrs and Miss Gusch, Mr H H Hoeden ard Mr R S Fra er from Port Swettenham, Mr J Marshall and Mr G J M Keulemans. By Alma (August 14) from Del', Messrs
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  • 59 9 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Golf Club from 5-45 to 7-15 p.m. this evening 1. Selection La Fille du Regiment ...Doniz?t-i 2. Quaint Dance Les Folies Bergeres ...Morten 3. Selection Welsh ...Hare 4. Waltz D' Amour... Hartmann 5. Serenade La
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  • 160 9 The export cf rice and paddy from Bangkok during Ju’y totalled 1,794,330 piculs. Of this total over 75,010 piculs of paddy went to Singapore. The s.s A’m» will leave for Deli at 4 p.m. on Monday. The explanation is that Germany torpedoes vessels because they try to
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  • 379 9 OUTPUT FOR JULY. The following are rubber outputs for July Asahan lbs. 15,068 Ampat 9,54 1 Alma 21,000 Alor-Pongsu 21,026 Anglo-Sumatra 69,682 Ayer Kuning (F.M.8.). 38,483 Ayer Tawah 18,500 Ayer Hitam 25.699 Bradwall 20,023 Benar 5,6 9 Bujong 9,400 Brieh j, 12,391 Beverlac 16,099 Blackwater 12,127 Bukit Cloh 22,000
    379 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 566 9 TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT I THE ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE Co., LYCEUM THEATRE, ARGYLL ROAD, WILL PRESENT khQbk 30 PARTS 30 A FURTHER THREE SERIES 21 REELS 26 6 PARTS 6 After 50 Years An absorbing Ambrosio Drama full of life and interest in 2 Part*. Latest Gaumont War Graphic A 75 m/m
      566 words

  • 2502 10 S i 2* a x 3 5 x Number of 1 Taras Dividend» Name o® 1 capital. Paid np. Bhareß Value. 2 uiT.aacu» 2 mo 1911 1918 1913 1914 1915 MINI W eft i m Ayup Wonc DAP* Or > 300 400 BIS »100.000 tW.OOO 80,000 1 m 5
    2,502 words
  • 267 10 For Malaya. In the Singapore Diocesan Magazine 0 we read Letter received from the Bishop of Singa pore and Mrs; Ferguson-Davie speak of the improvement in health and strength thorough the Bishop has not yet recovered his moral vigour. He was able to fill most of his
    267 words
  • 413 10 The m'lita-y correspondent of the BarlinecJßprsen Courier publishes some iuteresting figures in connection with this war, An army corps, 'he say®, numbers 41,000 treo, 14,000 horses and 24,G00 vehicles, including the gun®. Of these. 36,000 men, 9,000 horses and 1,200 vehicles are used for ac’ive service. The
    413 words
  • 254 10 Mr. R. N. Lyne, Director of Agriculture, speaking in reference to the rubber-paving experiments in front of the F.M.S. Infor mation Agency Offices, 88, Cannon Street, E. C, said that to make the paving of roads practicable a vast sum of money would have to be spent,
    254 words
  • 117 10 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Tara, Brit., 3651, Hamlyn, Aug 14, Madras, gen., H. L. Co. Alma, Brit., 459, Bell, August 14, Deli, gen., E. S. Co. Omapere, Brit., 340, Lyons, Aug 13, Tavoy, gen., E. S. Co. M. Austin, Brit., 97, Cowary, Aug 13, Asahan, gen., E. S. Co. Will-o-tbe-wisp, Brit.,
    117 words
  • 68 10 To-day. Mary Austin for Asahan. Pungah f or Asahan and Batu Bahra. Reael for Langsa, T Semawe, Segli Olehleb, Sabang, Padang, etc., Batavia. Tara for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Glenfalloch for Singapore and Hongkong. Hok Canton for Bagan Datoh Teluk Anson Ipoh for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Kamor for
    68 words
  • 36 10 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Mobbow. for Per, Close. Madras, taking mails Arankola 10 a.m. for Europe, etc., vid > 14th inst. (Saturday) Bombay Regtr. up to 6 p.m. Monday. Calcutta and Durban Kumsang 11 a.m.
    36 words
  • 23 10 Fnngking, S’pore, August 14, G H S Co. Gleniffer, London, August 18, B Co. Benalder, London, August 25, S B Co.
    23 words
  • 125 10 Pbnang, Avgust 14, 1913. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank}. London Demand Bank ...2/4 1/16 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 3/8 3 Credit ...2/4 3/4 3 Documentary ...2/4 25/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 175i| 3 days’sight Private 177 i Bombay Demand Bank 176i| M online in Demand Bank 17
    125 words
  • 265 10 Penang, August 14, 1915. 8. P. Tapioca $5.70 sellers. M. P. Tapioca $6.00 sales. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper s29s buyers Trang Pepper out of season. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $6O sellers. Cloves $45
    265 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 434 10 N. Y. K. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld My' EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained be ween Yokohama via ports to Marseille» London and Antwerp, under mail contract vtth the Imperial Japanese Government" The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining his service have been specially designed and lonstructed, and are fitted
      434 words

  • 908 11 BELGIUM’S ANNEXATION FEARED Holland is hard hit and anxious. The war has placed upon her a greater burden than that borne by any other neutral nation. Her immense carrying-trade has been ruined by the b'oekade of Germany proclaimed by the Allies the presence of the Germans
    908 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 109 11 □□□□ol it h h ii h w ii ii ii ■■■■■ni w n h sw ff rw irrTirinnwww I== DRINK JEFFREY’S I “CHOP KOTA" iB S I :E- WWW O E OOH ij R. T. J The Most Popular Brand in the Market. 8 OBTAINABLE FROM ALL STORES. g SOLE
      109 words
    • 128 11 FACTS ARE I ELOQUENT. I I THERE is nothing to be said in favour of the I Business Man who neglects to Advertise, I for if he does not keep the public well informed I of the arrival of New Goods, current prices, etc., I his business will soon become
      128 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1985 12 p, &O. g intended sailings. Straits Steam Ship Co», Ltd. Ocean ?feam Navigation Co. Rife* Dditiqm IhlftlA ror 1 —I steam ship t# II I I II w msw I Port fewettennam and Singapore. Every Tuesday, at 5-30 p.m. Klang. uq, Do. Do. Every Saturday, at 5-00 p.m. Ipoh. and
      1,985 words