Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 9 August 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 567 1 E UP YOU WANT IO SHIP, L 8UP OR SELL ?RUB B E R OB TO ft |tWW*?D ***** ft r r. 4nl i*A£T or thb WORLD [1 ©O TO H ALLEfc DENNYS Co., L 7. VIIOM STRUCT. P u nr-n i. < THE PINANG GAZETTE." I" 1 V 1,1
      567 words
    • 329 1 MnnnnoPBnP n nn«ononaBnnnoog g FOR S30 g u X70U can have the “Pinang g g X Gasette posted every day for a whole year to your address. (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION. $27). g Proportionate Quarterly and g Half-yearly rates. n g Subscriptions are payable in n advance and remittances should g be
      329 words

  • 914 2 STRANGEST CONCERT TOUR IN HISTORY. BY LENA ASHWELL. I have ju«t come back to London from a three weeks’ tour in the North of France wi h the concert party sent out by the Three Arts Club Employment Bureau, who work in conjunction with the ladies’ committee
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  • 553 2 COUNT REVENTLOW AND GERMANY’S OBJECTIVE Count Reventlow fiuds occasion to explain in very plain language, in the Deutsche Tageszaitung,” the importance and meaning of Calais as the German objective in the West and as the key to the des:ruction of the British Empire. A summary of
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  • 293 2 The return jus-, issued by the Government of Bombay showing the measures taken to exterminate wild animals and snakes c mtains some very interesting statistics, remarks the Times of India.” Considering that during the year under review the mortality among human beings from snakebi e rose from 1,406
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1449 2 Rates for 'GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE. T H^K. K.t Casual Advertisements. foreman printer. I contracted by my wife Alice Maude T„_ Belton who baa left, mv care and proHE Government Lave a vacancy for a tect j on Foreman Printer capable of taking R up. tqv FOR SALE. TO LET. SITUATIONS
      1,449 words
    • 26 2 Where to Stay. Fenanq The E. AO. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymedo Hotel, Hotel Norman, Falmouth House (Boarding.) Singapore:— Raffles Hotel. Rangoon •—strand Hotel. Cstxon Nuwara Eilya,
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    • 572 2 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INj|a AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA Incorporated by Royal Charts; Paid-up Capital £l ao Reserve Fund £1 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £i2o ft ‘.7? Ha ad Omoi 38, BI8HOP8GATK, LONDON 8 c Agencies and Branches.' Amritsar Hongkong Penang Bangkok Iloilo Puket Batavia Ipoh Rangoon Bombay Karachi Saigon Calcutta
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  • Article, Illustration
    1163 3 [BY AN ARTIST CORRESPONDENT.] 17th July, 1915. Bravo Botha, There was, great jubilation in the Empire Capital, over the announcement of General Botha’s final and complete routs of the Germans in South-West Africa. Colonials in town were tremendously enthusiastic, and their delight is fully shared by all who
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  • 234 3 Rikishamen on the War Path The rikisha pullers of Klang are having things entirely their own way these days, writes a correspondent of the U M. M.,” and causing much vexation and annoyance to the long suffering public by their highhanded and daring methods. At noon on
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  • 56 3 Been bought up by would-be recruits, I suppose said the customer. No, sir,” replied the bookseller. It’s middle-aged gentlemen mostly. They like to lie on the floor and twist their legs round in circles, and then go down to
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  • 661 3 A |.ublic meeting of British subjects io Malacca was held in the Malacca Club od Wednesday for the purpcse of pissing the following resolution That on the anniveisary of the declaration of a righteous war, this meeting of the citizens of Malacca, records i s inflexib’e
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  • 145 3 The following letter was ieceived by the Hon. Mr A Payne-Gallwey, as Chairman of the Ipoh Anniversary Demonstration, from the European Warders of Taiping gaol: In answer to your invitation of the 24th ultimo, we regret that none of us are able to attend the meeting owing
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  • 132 3 Sometimes,” confided Mrs. Longwed to her intimate friend, “I think my busband is the patientest, gentlest, pes*-natured soul that ever lived, and s metimes I think it’s mere laziness."—“ Christian Regster.” The ingenious parent thought of two ways of saving his country. He promised his children a penny
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 172 3 I Beware of I Hirano Imitations. I Substitutes are now being 9 U offered in this market, so I insist upon having .r REYNELL’S HIRANO The only HIRANO bottled from the original Ta d a I Spring at Hirano. SOLE AGENTS for the original HIRANO: i GUTHRIE Co., Ltd., PENANG.
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 235 4 [Rbuter’s Services]. NEGOTIATIONS WITH ALLIES. Nish, August 7. The Allies are conducting important negotiations in the Balkans, with a view to an agreement of the Balkan States and then an entente between the Balkans and the Allies. The latter sent a collective demarche to the Serbian Premier,
      [Rbuter’s Services].  -  235 words
    • 84 4 Sofia, August, 7. The German versions of a TurooBu’garian en'ente, implying the settlement of the Dedeagatcb railway question, are not confirmed. In authoritative quarters it is declared that no progress has been made owing to the latent exorbitant pretensions of the Turks in consequence of the German
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    • 29 4 Rome, August 8 The Italo-Turkish tension is becoming daily more acute. Italy has asked categoric explanations, and reparations, as Constantinople continues its usual policy of postponement.
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    • 81 4 NEW FRENCH COMMANDER. Copybight Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, August 6. The Paris Gazette states that the famous French General, Sarrail, has been appointed Communuer-in Chief of the French forces at the Dardanelles. General Sarrail distinguished himself in the battle of the Marne by his defence of Troyon
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  • Italy’s Campaign
    • 74 4 "former driven off. Rome, August 7. An Italian communique says There is nothing important on any front, but the Italians have progressed somewhat on Carso, taking 160 prisoners. An Italian airship dropped bombs on Austrian camps around Lake Doberdo. Another bombarded Opcina railway, and when returning was
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    • 106 4 Rome, August 8. An Italian dirigible, which was attacking Pola, where, recently, there have been many successful raids, was brought down by gun fire. The crew of six were captured. Italians Take Prisoners. Rome, August 8. The battle on Carso Plateau was still very stubborn yesterday,
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 39 4 CREW’S EXPERIENCER. London, August 7. The British steamer Midland Queen was sunk. The crew were 73 boars in open boats, without food, before being rescued. They included the Engineer’s wife and child of only eighteen months.
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    • 27 4 London, August 8. A telegram from Athens states that a German submarine, completely disabled, was towed to the Golden Horn by a Turkish destroyer.
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    • 19 4 Lisbon, August 7. Dr. Bernardino Machado, the Premier has been e’ected President of the Portuguese Republic.
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    • 24 4 Petrograd, August 8 A Japanese Volunteer named Ykashimy has arrived at Vilna with both ears cut off by the Germans.
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    • 63 4 London, August 6. A tire, originating in the bunkers, broke out on the steamer Khyber, from Bombay, which arrived yesterday at Tilbury. 1 ugs and fire brigades are pumping water into the bunkers. Later. The fire on the Khyber has been got under control. Ic
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  • 357 4 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. The Koninkljke Netherlands Steamship Company will commence a new run on the 31st August via the Panama Canal to the West Coast of South America. Allied airmen have bombed the Smyrna gasworks and a petroleum installation. Both the latter were destroyed. A Rome
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  • 143 4 THE STRAITS. Lieut.-Commander B. A. Cator, R.N., Deputy Master Attendant, Singapore, has been appointed to act as Master Attend ant, Straits Settlements, with effect from the 1st inst It is notified in the Government Gazette that the Governor has appointed Friday, the 13th inst., to be a
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  • 123 4 CABARET AT THE “E. O.” Our readers are reminded of the performance to be given on Wednesday next at the E. <fc O by those clever artistes, the Misses Aileen and Doris Woods. They have given the public of Penang very great pleasure daring their stay here, and this will
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  • 95 4 The business for the meeting of Penang Municipal Commission to be held tomorrow is as follows 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. To pass the set of Building By-laws with suggested amendments. Business for Ordinary Meeting. 1. Any special business the President
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  • 57 4 in the leaves upon the small rubber properties in Selangor, muny of which are now changing bands in ten, twenty and thirty acre blocks in bearing at about $500 an acre. Let us hope that this is the precursor of a strong breeze of general
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  • 786 4 Mr. Oscar 8. Dawbarn, Manager o f Lahat Mines, intends leaving for shortly. Mr. H. A. Cartwright of Messrs; Edward Lloyd, Ltd., London, was a passenger by the homeward Mail yesterday. A letter from a Ceylon man, fighting i Q France, shows that the British are using
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 705 4 WANTED FOR BAfiAN LUAR Q OIL INSTALLATION. OHII Hp 110 S CHINESE CLERK with knowledge of simple book-keeping and type-writing. Apply in person to the iJlHi lUlU Mamas», Asiatic Petroleum (S.S.) Ltd., gy you what WANTED. Physical FOREST RANGERS. k 0 =L. Weariness Malays or persons of European extract- m
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  • 1852 5 REMARKABLE REVELATIONS. Tribich-Lincoln, who has been arrested in New York, anct will likely be brought to England on a charge of forgery, is an extraordinary personality. His own s’ory of his careerijtn Britain and Germany js almost unbelievably but there is confirm ation for the
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  • 125 5 Wor. Bro T O Mayhew has b?en elected Wor Master of Edaljee Khorv .Lodge of Mark Master Masons, No 436, E C, and was installed to the chair by Wor Bro 0 W Spriggs at a meeting at Freemasons’ Ha l, Singapore. His officers for the ensuing
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 728 5 r THE GENUINE ALL-BRITSSH POLISH. "IMUBIAN |Bb I Q W LIQUID WAISRPRCOF S s-9if-po!ishin4. iBiL Ar2§4liMG I NO Bruehae required. > 15so in BRO.VN far Drown taets shoes, etc. «fef3®aa|hi S** 4; with -nonce attached to thee >rk Gives an i-.stietaneotis brilliant I I an I,. ia'.ticpoh‘!>. lasts a
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    • 311 5 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd. PENANG. GREAT SALE CONTINUES DAILY THROUGHOUT AUGUST. Bargains in All Departments. vSgfcle» of I Ladies Millinery Woollen Coats. SOCClcll Great of Ladies Blouses Fancy Neckwear Great Sale of Window Ladies Shoes Dressing Gowns Skirts. Great Sale of OlQnlflV Gentlemen’s Hosiery AIO A-F A wA Shirts, Pyjamas
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  • 1162 6 In this pregnant phrase, appearing in a cabled despatch to-day, is summed up Warsaw as the Germans found it after three months of the bloodiest battles in history. No wonder that we are told the German military experts are not too enthusiastic,” and that Major Moraht should
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  • 24 6 will pass the third reading at a special meeting of Council on Thursday, says our Singapore correspondent.
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  • 44 6 Sergeant-Major Frederick Barter, N. will not forget his welcome to Cardiff. He was publicly kissed by a young woman at the Exchange, and a box of chocolates thrown at him as tribute to his gallantry took the skin off t£e bridge of his nose.
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  • 1105 6 If there is anything substantial in the rumours of Swedish “restlessness,” the latest developments in Poland many exercise an influence on the Scandinavian Power’s attitude—usually one of suspicion and distrust—towards Russia, but the reports that have found their way into the prints in certain neutral countries, may
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  • 140 6 Before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel, to-day a Chinese named Chu Ah Kow, an ex-detect, ive claimed to be tried on being charged with being in po’se-sion of a dagger on the night of the 7th instant at Chulia Lane. D.P.C. 558 and Sergeant No. 7 of Ipoh
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  • 90 6 Chu Ah Pow, the notorious gang robber, who was reported to have escaped from Alor Star Gaol is still there peacefully grinding padi into rice. Dr. Hoops has no intention of allowing him to escape again. He escaped once from custody and a huge reward—$1,000—was offered for his
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  • 67 6 Abbivals. By Klang (August 9) from Singapore, Hon C W DarbsLire, Mrs A E MacDonald and infant, Mrs A Jack, Messrs Khoo Bong Cheang, Khoo Choon Tong, Khoo Loon Teik, H W Bray, H Scully, PM Robinson and three Chinese ladies and 2 •hildren from Port Swettenham, Mr and
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  • 51 6 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 to 7 p.m. this evening 1. Selection Moses in Egypt ...Rossini 2. Schottische Queen oj the fall Ernsh 3. Waltz Queen oj ths Heart Weldteufel 4. Japanese ...Moret 5. March Regimental Two Step
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  • 20 6 To-day’s quotation for tin in Penang was $73.50 per picul, buyers, no sellers—a decrease of 25 cents.
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  • 184 6 of Burmah Road, Penang has received a letter dated 15th July, 1915, from his son Captain Michael Foley, B.A., 10th Battalion Middlesex «Regiment, which Was then stationed at Bedford. His battalion and other battalions were to leave England on 18th a y» for the Dardanelles. Captain
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 164 6 CRAND-MARNIER. I M "€0 RD 0N ROUGE," I JIL “CORDON JAUNE.” I The Perfect After-Dinner Liqueur. H 1 H H SOLE IMPORTERS: Hibbert, Woodroffe Co., Ltd., j (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). S Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii» A Kingly Drink I aiiy /wBw I History of- the War I Title— WMW j NOW ON SALE
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    • 29 6 E. 0. HOTEL. In aid of the War Belief Funds. Wednesday, 11th August, 10 p.m., “American Cabaret” By the Misses WOODS. ADMISSION FREE. A Note Collection during the performance.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 33 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to* day and to*morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. 11-23 a.m. 5-52 a.m. 6-28 p.m. 0-14 a.m. 6-27 a.m. 0-13 p.m. 6*56 p.m.
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  • 289 7 GERMANS BAULKED. BIG BATTLES FARTHER NORTH. BALKAN NEGOTIATIONS. KAISER SEEKS PEACE. All the activity is again reported from the right of the French line, the Germans having made further attacks in the Argonne, on the heights of the Meuse, and in the Vosges. The fighting in practically every sector
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 315 7 ALL ATTACKS‘BEATEN,. Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph,) Paris, August 6. The Germans have shown considerable activity, being evidently desirous of keeping the French busy in different sections. All the German movements were easily repuked. The Crown Prince’s Army, in the Argonne, developed intense hand-grenade actions, supported by
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    • 107 7 London, August 8. Details of the heroic death of Captain Smart, supplied by com ades, show that he volunteert d as a bomb thrower at Festubert, and advanced coolly, heedless of showers of shells and shrapnel, which shattered his right hand. He did not falter, but
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    • 163 7 Paris, July 12,—-The Germans operating in the Souchez labyrinth sometimes burrow 60 feet, and there is a regular system of socalled communications in the bowels of the earth. There has been a great concentration of heavy artillery on the slopes of hills near Angres and Boie-de-Folie. Much fighting
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    • 52 7 Amsterdam, August 6. The German Government is negotiating with the political leaders for the passage of a bill calling to the colours men up to fifty. Such a decision will produce the most profound effect throughout Germany but there is little doubt it will be adopted by
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    • 30 7 London, August 8. Subscriptions are being raised throughout South Africa to supply the Overseas Contingent with machine guns. Funds for 140 have been collected within five days.
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    • 21 7 Wellington, August 6. The New Zealand National Ministry includes Mr. Myers, as Minister of Munitions and Supplies.
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    • 170 7 RUSSIA REJECTS OFFER. Petrograd, August 8. The Bourse Gazette states that it has information from an unimpeachable source that the Kaiser made a peace offer to Russia last week, through the King of Denmark. The answer sent by Russia was that there could be no question
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    • 34 7 London, August 7. The Daily Telegraph correspondent at Rome says the Pope is about to take a new step in faveur of peace, invoking specially the cooperation of the neutral countries.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 2111 7 GERMAN VERSION. Amsterdam, August 8 > Further particulars from< Warsaw, are given in to-night's Berlin communique, which says After the Russians were expelled from the outer and inner lines of fortifications, without any damage to the city, they retreated to Praga, a suburb of Warsaw, on the
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    • 588 7 Mr. B. P. Kadomtzeff, Russian Consul at Colombo, in an interview with the Timas of Ceylon says The nature of the country north of Warsaw up to the fortress Kovno can be characterised as a fist country with many swamps, large and small rivers, and enormous forests.
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    • 242 7 London, July 11.— A Times correspondent, after a visit to the Russian army holding Zlotalipa, states They fought one of the most remarkable rearguard actions in history. Despite an overwhelming concentration of German and Austrian forces, the Russians, in withdrawing, during six weeks, from the Strye to
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  • 135 8 RUBBER OUTPUTS FOR JULY. The following are the outputs for July:— Ayer Tawah ~J. lbs. 18,500 Ayer Hitam 25.699 Beverlac 16,099 Blackwater 12,127 Bukit Cloh 22,000 Bukit Selangor 6,913 Bukit Mertajam 49,106 Bern am-Perak 18,300 Bruas-Perak 1.570 Chota 12,582 Cicely 28,480 Clovelly 5,242 Dusun Durian 31,740 Durian Sabatang 2.219
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  • 197 8 Messrs. Guthrie i Co., L d. in -their weekly report date Singapore, Wednesday 4th, say A good general dema d characterised the Rubber A'sociation aucti n he’d to-day, and of 237 toua catalogued 146 tons changed hands. Fine Pale Crepe was u Ranged on the week, ail
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  • 125 8 London, July 15.—In the House o f Commons yesterday, Mr. Ronald McNeill gave notice of his intention to ask the Government why the news that the German-* had recapture! Hill 60 in France on May 5 officially concealed for two months. Lord Weardale, in the H< use
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  • 116 8 From the Turkish theatre of war there is a report that practically the whole Armenian population h*s been ma-sacred by the Turks and the Kurds. The news from Persia is better, and the Russian troops have occupied Lake Van. The town of Van was relieved only ju«t>
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 420 8 miniww SKIN DISEASES I Overcome by the Wonderful Blood Purifying Properties I of Dr. MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT PILLS. I A person suffering from eruptions of the skin has much to endure. It is g not merely the discomfiture and irritation and painful sensation, but life is made miserable by depression
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    • 70 8 Just as men and women read of a Royal progress in the newspaper, because distance prevents them from seei» g the actual event so advert sements, read in the same way, enable people to see consider, and appraise hundreds <>f useful artichs which in the ordinary wav they would never
      70 words
    • 252 8 piW Did you get r -W HOUTENS COCOA? Of course I did Mums I dont'Hear like any other kind Ari dont forget it when you make the Chocs this time I I «1—1 -I- I II I lUl llJDUUDDaanMlsg I DRINK g JEFFREY'S! i “CHOP KOTA” g g tl I
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    • 635 9 < To the Editor oj the Pinang Gazette"] .g IB —Once again, I observe, is this worthy Corporation of Musicians” dragged up from its familiar and peaceful attitudes cn local various “pi ches,” dign fied by the uame of bandstands, and thrust rudely and boldly forth as
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    • 134 9 CORRESPONDENCE. [To the Editor oj the Pinang Gazette.”] Sir, —I quite agree with Ex-Soldier and may add fur the benefit of the Mr. Charles Basil Whitehead the following In or about the year 1901 the then Superintendent of Police in Malacca com
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    • 302 9 [To the Editor oj the Pinang Gazette.”] Sir. —On Saturday I received the following letter signed Hindus Committee but w th no other means of identifying the writer. I “We have the honour to inform you that “on the 4th. instant the Government had “been advertised in
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  • 409 9 By Yuan Shi Kai. President Wilson was at one time accredited with the authorship of an excellent limerick, but he hastened to disclaim the honour. There is a nation, however, which has a poet for President and that nation is China. Yuan Shi Kai has written a soldiers'
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  • 39 9 Judge—“ Have you anything to say before sentence is passed Burglar—“ The only thing I'm kicking about i« bein’ identified by a man that kep’ his head under the bedclothes the whole time. That’s wrong Philadelphia Evening Ledger.”
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  • 22 9 danger at this moment would se'tn to be that Germany and Austria may wear themselves completely out licking Russia.— Chicago.”
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  • 41 9 Mr. Clarence Heccke r late Manager of Eraser and Chalmers, Ltd., Singapore, has been ajpointed Manager of a Rubber Estate near Teluk Anson, and will be leaving Penang with his family in a few days to take up his new duties.
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  • 557 9 SECOND DAY’S ENQUIRY. The preliminary enquiry into the charge of alleged murder brought against Tan Kim Hoe, an Assistant Master of St. Xavier’s Institution, by causing the death of a boarder named Chin Kim Shin, on the morning of the 19th July, was continued in the Second
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  • 68 9 A FATAL FALL. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 8. A Chinese cook in Peta'ing Street Club Kuala Lumpur, in the early hours of Saturday morning ran amok with two choppers. He dangerously wounded two Chinese, then fl d to a roof from which he jumped
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  • 214 9 A list of wounded in France and Flanders contains the name of MajorGeneral T. D. Pilcher, who succeeded Lieut.-General Sir Robt. Scallon in the Burma Command. Last October MajorGeneral Pilcher left for Home to take command of a Division in Kitchener’s New Army, being succeeded in the Burma Command by
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    • 100 9 GERMAN LOSSES. London, August 3,—The Daily Chronicle draws attention to the evidence of the German casualty lists to show that 35 of Mackensen’s best battalions lost in May and June an average of two-fifths of their strength, and points out that this is an important oflset
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    • 68 9 London, August 3,—-From Copenhagen Reuter’s correspondent says The Danish Press, commenting on the year’s war, declares that victory is a matter of endurance. The Vortland recalls Herr von Jagow’s statement at the beginning of the war that speed was Germany’s greatest asset, while the enemy’s was endurance.
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    • 65 9 London, Joly 14.—Mr. Walter Runciman announced in the House of Commons that the Government had arranged a State system of insurance for damage done by aircraft, existing companies acting as agents. The premium on private houses would be 2s. per cent., with an extra shilling to cover bombardments.
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    • 64 9 London, July 28.—Overseas operations are progressing well, especially in the Cauaeroons, where the natives are all in favour of the Allie*. Sweeping operations are rounding up all the small posts, and the campaign promises to be a splendid counterpart to the South African operations. Progress in East
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    • 62 9 London, August 2.—The Daily Telegraph’s correspondent says according to a special message from Berlin the German Army has been increased by about a million men, especially youths of 17 and 18. They will be traiued very quickly and the majority sent to the Eastern Front. The German
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    • 48 9 London, August 3.—-The Daily Chronicle’s Turin correspondent, describing the Italian plan of campaign, states, whether the Tarvis group of fortifications, or those of Tolmino and Gorizia fall, the result will be the samp, namely, the collapse of the whole Austrian defence from Carnia to the Adriatic.
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    • 39 9 London, August 3.—The Daily Telegraph's Rotterdam correspondent says: From the 2nd of August all textile factories in Westphalia are to be worked under State control, in order to ensure an equal division of the available cotton.
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    • 36 9 London, August 3.—The Grand Duke has ordered that property in Warsaw must be destroyed only if it is necessary for military reasons. Specific routes are indicated for inhabitants voluntarily leaving the city.
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    • 34 9 London, July 29.—An Athens correspondent foretells that an offensive on the Serbian front will be the enemy’s next move and will probably begin in August with the object of helping Turkey.
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    • 18 9 London, July 28.—The Russian official account states that during the Narew fighting a Zeppelin was captured.
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  • 71 9 The secret sitting of the First Chamber of the Dutch Parliament, which considered the question of national defence and the ircrease of the Landsturm, lasted n'nety minutes. Both the Premier, M. Cort Van der Linden, and M. Bnsboom. the Minis'er for War, made speeches explaining the
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  • 180 9 fcThe Hon. Treasurer eends us the following list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on August 4 ...$28,699.69 A F Richards, P Bunter 10.00 Subn. by the subordinate staff of Messrs Presgrave and Matthews, July
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  • 75 9 Balance on August 3 2’..« $2,737.05 H de Z Lancaster 25.00 F C Ebbels, monthly sub 15,00 9 B Pike Tth contribution 25 00 Balance on August 5 $2,802 05 Half Proceeds of sale of Race Horse, The Milky Way 125.00 Amt collected by the Ladies’ of
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  • 76 9 The following are the latest quotations in our share list > Saturday. Today. 2 2 8 E Shares, ffl m M Si Mining. Deebook 17/- 17,9 17/3 18/3 K. Deebook 1/6 dis 2/- dis Pahang C. 6,9 7,3 6/3 6/9 General. E. Smelting (Or.)... $6.90 $7f $6}
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  • 20 9 The outrul of Tongkah Harbour Tin Dradging Co., Ltd., fjt the week ending 7tb injt, was 28 tons.
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    • 95 9 Hebe, Brit., 346, Scott, Aug 8, T. Anson, gen., Adamson Gilfillan Co. Egremot Castle, Brit., 3342.——Aug 8, S’poM, gen, Paterson Simons Co. M. Austin, Brit., 97, Cowary, Aug 8, Asahan, gen., E. S. Co. Ban Watt Soon, Brit., 199, Taylor, Aug 9, Langkat, gen., E. 8. Co. Klang,
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    • 35 9 To-day. Pungah <or Asahan and Batu Bahra. Alma for Deli. Fooksang for Calcutta and Durban. Kedah for Dindings, Sitiawan Began Datoh and Teluk Anson. Flying Dragon for Portweld and Taiping Mary Austin for Asahan.
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    • 35 9 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close. Yen Jit Seng 7 a.m. Singapore, Hongkong and Amoy Japan 3 pm. Teluk Anson Hebe 4 p m. Port Swettenhara and Singapore Klang 4-30 p.m.
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    • 124 9 Pbnang, August 9, 1915. (By Courtesy O/ ths Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2>'4 4 months'sight Bank ...2/4 5/16 3 Credit ...2/4 21/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 11/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 3 days’sight Private 17 7 j Bombay Demand Bank 1751 Moulmein Demand Bank 175 3days’ sight Private 177
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 65 9 THE WEEK’S EVENTS Monday, August 9. Empire Theatre, Penang Road Electric Polyscope Co., Argyle Road George Town Cinema. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Tuesday, August 10. Band, Golf Olah, 6 p.m. Wednesday, August II. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Thursday, August 12 Band, Golf Olub, 6 p.m. Friday, August 13. Band, Esplanade,
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    • 241 9 H Put real fruit into your Jellies. Jellies made from the juice of stewed fresh fruits z are much richer in flavour, W and more who'.esomc than Zz j. Hies prepared from arti/Z iicially flavoured powders. A yy Delicious, natural fruit S jellies can be quite easily \\V made by
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 142 9 THE TIDES. Pbwaeg—July, 1915. Penang Standard Times—He ghts referred to Datum of Soundings in Admiralty Charts High Water. Low Water. DM., d H,. O. t St T 7 m d d Ht. h m ft. b m ft. M 9 m 11 18 6 5 6 28a 1.2 Tu 10
      142 words

  • 4293 10 THE AUSTRO-SERBIAN QUARREL. JUNE 28,1914.—The Archduke Francis Feidinand, heir to the throne of AustriaHungary, and his morgana’ic wife, the JDuchess of Hohenb°rg, assassinated in Strajevo, Bosnia, by a Seibiau student. JULY 23 —Austria sends an ultimatum to Serbia. 24.—Serbia requests an extension of time for consideration
    4,293 words

  • 1010 11 AN AMERICAN’S PHILOSOPHY. I have no intention, writes Mr. George Clarke Cox, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Dartmouth College, of playing Devil’s Advocate, and my sympathies in this war will be sufficiently plain but I am amazed at the absence of theoretic justice to Germany’s position. We are unduly
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 1070 12 p Q. W INTENDED SAILINGS. Sftam Navigation Co. |R|||> DritiSH InDIA Wireless Tclerranhv fitted on nil Steamers. e F steam navigation company, ltd. All Cabins are fitted with Electric Fane FREE of Charge and each berth ie furnished wkhan Electric Reading Lamp. *>* to Sail. SraAM.a. .1PECTED ARRIVALS AND HPARTBRBS.
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    • 922 12 Straits Steam-Ship Co., Ltd, Ocean For Intended to Sail. Steamer. STEAM SHIP (f* fort awettennam and diugapore. Every Tuesday, at 5-30 >m’ i D 0 Do. Every Saturday, at 5-00 p.m. Ipoh. from the Wnarf OHIHA MUTUAL STEAM NAV. CO. |j B T.inWn.nn Every Tuesday, at 5 p.m. Hebe. HE
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