Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 August 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 932 1 3T3XTO j, >r YOU *if<xN£ lu QHiP, BUY OK SELL t ■■< U B B E> R OR TO R FO VAJvD GOODS U rt AM PART of rm WU2LD r |MtL Eh DENNYS Co., F V. VMJOF ITRHT. f r~rM~ii ii lEKira n M Y K NORTHAM HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHIC
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    • 64 1 BaaDaaDaaauaaacar-naMaaaca* 3 FOR $BO g 9 X7OU oan have the “Pinang g n X Gasette w posted every day for a whole year to your address. (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, 527). c’ n Proportionate Quarterly and u Halfi-yearly rates. a n Subscriptions are payable in q advance and remittances should g be
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  • 212 2 [Reuter’s Sbrvices]. CANADA AND AUSIHAUA. Copyright Telegrims (By Submarine Telegraph.) London, August 6. Reuter’s correspondent telegraphs that most impressive anniversary Services were held throughout Canada, in the churches of »11 denominations. The Duke and Duchess and Princess of Patricia of Connaught attended service at Ottawa. Various ciu?s passed
    [Reuter’s Sbrvices].  -  212 words
  • 52 2 A DEMAND TO LEADERS. London, August 6. A c inference at Washington between Mr Lansing. Stc*e‘ary of State, and representatives of all the South and Central American Republics, resolved to send a joint message to the Mexican military leaders, demanding the restoration of peace and the formation of a
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  • 35 2 LATEST DIVIDENDS. (P. G. Special) London, August 6. Jugra Lani and Rubber Estates, Ltd will pay 10 per cent. Bukit Cloh Robber Co. will pay a quarterly dividend of 6| per cent.
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  • 42 2 (.From Our Oivu Correspondent.} Singapore, August 7. The report of Nyi.-is Rubber Ci. Ltd., shows a net profit of $26,947. A dividend of 6 per cent, is propo el. The all in cost was .3}d and ths p-ofit per lb.
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  • 45 2 AEROPLANE IN SERVICE. [Prom Our Own Batu Gaj h, August 7. Mr. Alma Baker, Ba’u Gijah. wires us as follows “Cable rec-ived from War Office, the craft presented by tbe H m’ble Eu Tong Sen, has left for the front
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  • 127 2 How Germany cav Obtain Pe\ce. Amsterdam, July 9.—The Soci dist Volk-izeitun? Mai? e publishes an article by Mr. Dav d, the Socialist leider, entitled O .ly One Way to Peace,” He acknowledges that Germany is beginning to get tired of the war. The p ospect of another
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  • 2398 2 THE COMPANY’S POSITION. The postponed extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Menglembu Lode Syndicate, Ltd., was held in the Regiatered Offices of the Company No. 1, Downing Scree*, Penang, yesterday afternoon, to receive a report from the Directors as to the present financial position of the Company,
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  • 133 2 Chinese Planter Killed. A motor accident occurred on Tbarsiay morning when a Chinese planter met with a sad death on the road to Selama 1 It appears that the planter hired a car from Ulu Selama to take him back to Taiping with a quantity of rubber
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  • 148 2 The Hague, August 4 —ln the Temps’ and “Figaro” Clemenceau again urg a Japan to send auxiliary troops to Europe. A military writer in the Fortnig tly Review” argss that Holland will have to j in the A lies for her own sake. He urges it is now
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  • 111 2 Ti e Strait? C n mi who have a spe-ia ■?how this < vening, at five o’clo k, aun uac» for to-night The Great Carsons, remarkable Sharpshooting Actj entire' “PasTm*B of the Prairie” Ins drawn splendid houses t) the Penang L' l theatre. The Trey O’ Hearts (Epboies
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  • 85 2 The Band will play the following p ro irtrame of music at the Iu > 5-45 to 7-15 p.m. this evening: 1. Selection From Ballet Qirl ...Retford 2. Two Step The Washington Post ...Scusa 3. Selection Gaiety .-K a PP ey 4 Waltz Habanera ...Waldt^ e 5.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 933 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. liu»t mghtn T hippodrome Furnished bungalow near Golf PinPIIC C üb. Electric Light. I Apply No. 60, c/o Pinang Gazette. Vllt V V Location Magazine Road. FOR SALE. Matiaee 4 p.m. Saturday Night, 7th AVONDALE,” situate at Butterworth August, 1915. facing the sea. Apply to Messrs. Hoqan Ivkns,
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  • 13 2 Obituary. Loadon, August 6 The death of the novelist, Marten Maarcens, is announced.
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  • 521 3 A PERFECTLY HUMAN MAN. Lord Kitchener,” Fays Mr. Harold Begbie in his book Kitchener Organiser of Victory,” published in America, begins by assuring us, “is neither the machine nor the ogre of popular imagination; He is perfectly human. There is, indeed, something frank, boyish, and roughhumoured in his
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  • 26 3 Penang :—The E. <k O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Normar, Falmouth House (Boarding.) Singapore:—Raffles Hotel. Rangoon —Strand Hotel. Ckvlos >—Nuwsra Elly*.
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  • 381 3 FOUR MONTHS ON THE WAY TO KABUL Reuter’s Agency has received information of an exploit on the part of Indian troop? that will stand out as one of the most remarkable incidents of the war. Not on'y is it an example of great endurance
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  • 233 3 Would Sooner Retire to Englanb. A remarkable interview between President Yuan Shih-kat and General Feng Ku cbang, commanding the forces in the Liwer Yangtse, is fi ling the Peking press. Referring to tho many rumours afloat to the effect that the titles of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 172 3 I”' 5 Beware of Hirano Imitations. Substitutes are now being offered in this market, so insist upon having REYNEII’S HIiIANO The only HIRANO bottled g from the original Tad a E Spring at Hirano. SOLE AGENTS for the original HIRANO: I GUTHRIE Co., Ltd., PENANG. I 171 rx < >IT
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    • 254 3 THE GREEKS AND MALARIA. Malaria is now believed to have had more to do with the decline and fall of Greece than the swords of the Romans and invasions of barbarian hordes”, says a wellknown writer. Introduced into that great country over twenty four centuries ago, it weakened the constitution
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    • 404 3 ■hhuhm hi I Summer Diarrhoea I I 9 m U No epidemic kills babies with such J g appalling swiftness and in such great H q JC numbers as this dreaded complaint. J H ii According to reports, this infant scourge is again with us, aS H| and the rapid
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  • 18 4 Sewell. —On August 3rd, an Sungei Patan', Kedah, to Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Sewell, a son.
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  • 1000 4 Our correspondent Explosive states that “Retrenchment is the order Ci" the day throughout the Empire/’ We are entirely at one with him in tbiilluhg that this should be so in a general way, even if there are some exceptions. Moreover, he is on solid ground in stating
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  • 923 4 Mr. Maarten Maarteus Marius Van der Poorten-SchwarU) had a reputation which went beyond Amsterdam and Utrecht, and England knew him wall. We notice that ha was an hoo. member of the Authors’ Club, but this was the least of his accomplishments. The Authors’ Club, to the best
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  • 335 4 WOMEN TRY TO ESCAPE BY TKf ROOF L In the Third Court, Penang, to-day before Mr. V. G. Ez chiel, fiv Q Chinese women—Lira Su Kim, Lim Sa K’, Ku T ln Ku Fu Lot and Mali Stng-were charoed with gaming at Peh Bin at No.
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    • 247 4 \To the Editor Oj the Ptnang Gazette j Sir,— The pub'ic of Penang, particularly Club members, have, during the past few years, been reminded in many wavs fiom time to time, of the existence a* what is called the Penang Band. When the Municipality iefused to maintain the Band
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  • 44 4 Third Reading on Thursday We are officially informed that there w be a meeting of the Legislative Counc.l on Thursday, the 12ch instant, at which the Reserve Force Bill will be passed througi the Committee Stage and read a third time
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  • 32 4 To-day’s quotation for unrhfined tin in Penang was $73.25 per picul, buyers no sellers. Tin is quoted in London to-day ft! £l5l 10s. Spot, and £153 ss. three months
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  • 54 4 Tbe output of the Ulu Pish Mine t the month of July w is 400 piculs Ano’her Cabaret enrertainruen by Misses Woods is announced for Weluts next ?t the E. 0., when the au iiencv be invited to a srit t' ,p War hurzl? I c tribui Lu
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 100 4 DRINK ALLSOPP’S /B BRITISH f® FILSEN ER BEER. KafejS' Brewed and Bottled at fft'J fit BURTON-ON-TRENT. CONTREXEVILLE WATER FROM THE PAVILION SPRING IN The Valley of the Vosges. This tasteless water is recognised the world over as a cure for all Uric Acid troubles so common in the Tropics. SOLE
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    • 94 4 E.& In aid of the War Belief Funds. Wednesday, 11th August, 10 p.m., “American Cabaret” By the Misses WOODS. ADMISSION FREE. A Note Collection during the performance. NOTICE. TO SUBSCRIBERS TO THE PINANG GAZETTE,” The accounts of the “Pinang Gazette,” having been issued, subscribers are reminded that all subscriptions are
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 37 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for today and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. 10- a.m. 4-18 a.m. 11- p.m. 5-28 p.m. 10 51 a.m. 5-10 a.m. 11 38 p.m. 5 59 p.m.
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  • 228 5 battle north-east of WARSAW. THE ADVANCE ON HIGA. BOTHA AND S.W. AFRICA. HONOURS FOR NAVAL MEN. There have been more desperate engage* meats in the Vosges, with the usual result, the repu’se of the German eflforts. Some fighting with bombs is reported in the Argonne, where the German
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 178 5 [Reuter’s Services.] ENEMY EEPULSED. Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, August 6. A French communique says: There has b?en moderate artillery activity in the West. Fights, with bombs, occurred in the Argonne, and very desperate actions in the Vosges, on the heights dominating the Fecht.The enemy
      [Reuter’s Services.]  -  178 words
    • 137 5 IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. Paris, August 6. Two French scientists have made the great discovery of an ideal antiseptic for destroying septic agents, in wounds without damaging the tissues. The French Government, in co-operation with the Rockefeller Institute, have established a huge hospital at Compeigne, where untiring research
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    • 179 5 THE SOUL OF RUSSIA. London, Aogust 6. Mr. Lloyd George, addressing a treating attended by 10,000 people at Bangor, ■aid he had no anxiety as to the ulimate issue of the terrible conflict (Cheers). Dark clouds in the east I view with anxiety, not dread* I see
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    • 511 5 London, July 13.—An Eye-Witness with the Canadians in France narrates After the battle of Langemarck the Canadians rested until May 14. They then moved to the southern section of the British line. The following is an examp’e of the result of a citizen army not keeping to drill-book
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    • 118 5 London, July 11.—At a conference of local authorities yesterday, the President of the Local Government Beard (Mr Walter Long) said some people believed that the Government’s hands were tied as regarded compulsory service by Mr Asquith’s answer to Mr Alden, in which the Prime Minister said that
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  • Russian Campaign..
    • 529 5 BATTLES ON THE NAREW. Petrograd, August 6. Tl e Russian communique does not mention the fall of Warsaw, and says south of Blonie, and on the road west of the city, the Russians, on August 4, repulsed German attacks. The enemy, who lost enormously, advanced close
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    • 730 5 THREE MONTHS’ BATTLE. Londcn, August 6. After the failure of four previous attacks, the first of which began in October, the Germans have at length succeeded in capturing Warsaw, but a three months’ battle was recessary to achieve this result, which not merely cost them stupendous
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    • 74 5 Paris July 13.—The Temps states that a neutral correspondent recently in Germany narrates that General von Hindenburg told the Kaiser that the war had reached a point where Germany could not obtain any further advantage, and advised him to find a means of stopping needless
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  • Italy’s Campaign
    • 81 5 CONTINUOUS FIGHTING. Rome, August 6. The Italian offensive being vigorously maintained in the various sectors. The Austrians violently counter-attacked the Italian centre on the Carso Plateau, hoping to arrest the advance. The communique says the Italians withstood the shock, and then attacked the enemy. The Italians fiercely
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    • 140 5 Rime, July 11.—The “Giornsle d’ltalia” states that an Italian warship caught a steamer belonging to a Balkan neutral state laden with benzine and naphtha. The captain of the veesel confessed tba~ he was waiting to deliver the cargo to a German submarine. The Italian commander manned the
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  • Turkey and the Near East.
    • 60 5 BY FRENCH WARSHIPS. Paris, August 4. A French communique says: A French battleship, and two cruisers, accompanied by destroyers, mine-sweepers, and an aeroplane ship bombarded Sighadjik and Scalanova, on the of Anatolia, on August 3rd and 4th, destroying the Customs and fortifications. A crui-er destroyed the village
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    • 71 5 ATTACKS AT CONSTANTINOPLE. Loudon, August 5. Correspondence published at Athens says that Constantinople is panic-stricken as the result cf the activities of British submarines. The correspondent describes the torpedoing of the Mudani mentioned iu the Admiralty communique on June 3rd, and says a steamer was sunk at the
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 186 5 WORK OF PATROL CRUISERS. London, August 6. Many officers and men of the patrol cruisers are honoured in to-night’s Gazette.” The Distingci'hed Service Order is awarded to Captains H Heard, G Trewby, H Edwards, Commander E Oaty, Lieut.Commanders F Main, H P B Smith, H Bacon, and
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    • 23 5 Lotdon. Au;ust G. The Admiralty states that six merchantmen and ten fishing craft were sunk during tie week ending August.
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    • 32 5 London, August 6. The British steamer Costello was sunk. One man was drowned and one is missing. The Liverpool steamer Portia was sunk. The crew of fourteen were saved.
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    • 25 5 AMERICA’S ATTITUDE. Washington, August 5. The officials are apparently willing to ultimately submit the questions involved by the British blockade to arbitration.
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    • 40 5 London, August 6. The American Government is preparing a protest to France on the subject of th» Daoia, which will make a test case of the right of a neutral to grant registry to a belligerent owned merchantmen.
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    • 33 5 London, August 6. Germany's latest note to America is an unyielding refusal to agree that the sinking of the William P. Frye vio'ated American rights under the PrussianAmerican treaty.
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  • General News.
    • 254 5 FUTURE OF 8. W. AFRICA. London, August 5, General Botha and General Smuts have arrived at Johannesburg, where they were received with immense enthusiasm. General Botha, in a speech, said the journey to Cape Town and Pretoria, onhis return from the front, had bean a revelation. At
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    • 58 5 London, August 6. The ex-Member of the Hou a e of Commons, Tribitsch Lincoln, who on June 12th published various statements in New York,, declaring that he had been an active German spy, while in London, during the war, has been arrested in New York charged
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    • 58 5 London, August 6. The Press Bureau emphasises the importance of economy in the use of gold. Coin payments by notes should be made whenever possible, so as to strengthen the gold reserves for exchange purpose?. The public are requested to pay gold to Post Offices, and the Banks
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 38 5 History of the War I I NOW ON SALE AT g ALL BOOK-STALLS SPECIAL ILLUSTRATED WAR ANNIVERSARY EDITION OF THE Ipinang gazette.. I? g A Column in Tamil Language, g price five cents. l iii»niU' «iii i rFS
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  • 954 6 reduction in freights. a private wire? has this week reached the Batavia Freight Conference from their Director in Holland that, with a view to the present state of the Netherlands’ trade being very much handicapped, a reduciou in rates of freight for almost all products, wi h the
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  • 877 6 S.T.” SIR EVELYN ELLIS’S SPEECH. The Hon Sir Evelyn Ellis, speaking on the occasion of the war anniversary, in Singapore, said We have not been without our small share of this in Singapore unhappily, but we do not seek te shirk our responsibility on to less fortunate shoulder
    ,“ S.T.”  -  877 words
  • 808 6 OUR ARMY CONFIDENT AND RESOLUTE. An important and carefully weighed article, describing the probable new German offensive in the Western theatre, the elaborate preparations that are b<i”g made for it, its possible chances of success, and the resolute spirit with which our Army views the
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  • 133 6 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Alma, Brit., 459, Bell, August 7, Deli, gen., E. S. Co. Trang, Brit., 73, William Pithie, Augt 6, Trang, gen., E. 8. Co. Will-o-the-wisp, Brit., 148, Sampson, Augt 6, Deli, gen., G. H. Slot Co. Agapenoa, Brit., 4799, Tellotsou, Augt 6, L’pool, gen., W. M. Co. Kashima
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  • 37 6 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morbow. For Per Close. Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Msturi- I Kashgar 9 a.m. tius, Egypt and \7th inst. (Saturday) Europe, I Reg. up to 6 p.m. etc. I Parcels 4 p.m.
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  • 322 6 SUNDAI, AUGUST 8. Church of England. St. George’s Church.—loth Sunday 'after Trinity; Matins (Choral), 8 a.m; Holy Communion, 8.30 a.m.; Holy Communion Chinese Service, 9.15 a.m.; Sunday School, 5 p.m Evensong and Sermon, 6 pm. Hymn 269 Christian seek not yet repose Psalm 41 Nares 42 43 Turle,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 Fortify yourself with Bovril IT MUST BE BOVRIL BRITISH TO THE BACKBONE
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    • 431 6 Mission Chapel, Farquhar Street. i i IM 'MT TH English Services: Lord’s Supper 8-30 a.m.; Vi~rll IU OuY Sunday School and Bible Class, 4-30 PFSTASE of s. Oh Me leX”?. «<* "I" 1 1« op- 419 Dato Kramat Road, Tamil Services wards. Feud what you &nd ’9a m„ Rev. T.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 127 6 THE TIDES. Penang—July, 1915. Penang Standard Times—Heights referred to Datum of Soundings in Admiralty Charts High Water. Low Water. Standard rr„ r. Standard u D,te Tia.e. H Date Time. Ht h m fr. h m ft. s 7 m 10 8 5.5 5 28 a 2 4 11 3 a
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  • 809 7 Mr. J. D. Kemp has a commission in the 3rd/Bth Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Mr. G. S. Hope, Act-ng Superintendent of Chandu, Ipoh, goes up Taiping Hills on Monday for a week. Mr. A. E. Rambaut, of the F.M S. Forests Department, haa obtained a cjmmission
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  • 484 7 THE PROGRAMME. The following is the programme for the At Home to be held at the Rifle Range, Kampong Bnhru, on Saturday nex“, 14. h inst., at 3 p.m. Event 5, which is for men only, will begin the shooting at 3 p.m. and
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  • 452 7 Deliberate Firing. an oo tn -O -0 *O -O o o o 2 2 H Mrs Lisbon 27 31 27 31 116 Miss Mathieu 25 31 27 31 1 14 Mrs W.-Motion... 31 30 23 30 114 Mrs Hulme-Sharp 28 29 32 25 114 Miss Smith
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  • 105 7 Arrivals. By Novara (August 7.) from London, Mr and Mrs Wilson, Mrs W Draycott, Mrs KelUr, Messrs G H Garnet, Lim Keng Chuan and Lim Ejw Teng from Marseilles, Mr H Y D Potter. By Alma (August 7) from Deli, Messrs H E Mason, C Williams, E van Engel,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 346 7 nYDERS SEEDS point the way to true enabling you to save cost without sacrific' ing quality. Ryders flower and vegetable seeds have a world-wide reputation for quality. Illustrated CATALOGUE FREE To Anyone Anywhere. Whatever seeds you require you 9 will find listed in Ryders free catalogue, which will be sent
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    • 278 7 The Bankruptcy Ordinance, 1888. la the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements. SETTLEMENT OF PENANG. In Bankruptcy. No. 19 of 1912. Re Thb Pknang Motor Garage (Chop “Seng Huat”) separate Estate of Low Weng Poh, a partner. Notice is hereby given that a First and Final Dividend, of $lOO-00 per
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    • 54 7 M c ■■nine l>ll 111 iMQi’lf ALLEN DENNYS Co„ penanc, rubber brokers, PROPRIETORS OF The Penang Rybber Auction Rooms. Sales Held Every Tuesday Rubber Bought <w Boidjty Pub ic Auction or Private 'lender. Forward Sale» Arranged Rubber Transhipped «nd Inaured to any Port at Minimum Nat**. RUBBER SXI.K BOOMS at
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 531 7 DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY AT THE THE STRAITS CINEMA Co., EMPIRE HALL, PENANG ROAD. Phone No. 623. The Counterfeit Rose, 2 Reels Episode 8 2 Reels As the Crow Flies, 2 Reels Episode 9 2 Reels Serials to the Transatlantic Sensational Film-Piay. THE TREY O’HEARTS, The
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2320 8 p, &O. r intended sailings. Straits Steam-Ship Co., Ltd. Ocean Sfc&fil HwViiatiOft Co. DdITICLI ImTMA F r j Intended to 8.11. St,am<>r STEAM. SHIP Co Ij, 111 Fl llm U I ±*ors owetieuHam and «Singapore. Every Tuesday, at 5-30 p.m. Klang. 116, I nmwnk Do. Do. Every Saturday, at 5-00
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