Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 5 August 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 61 1 FOB $BO g U X7OU can have the “Pinang g g X Gaaette" posted every day S for a whole ydhr to your address. (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, 527). Q g Proportionate Quarterly and g Half-yearly rates. D q Subscriptions are payable in 8 advance and remittances should g be addressed to
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  • 347 2 A Remarkabl« Defence. At the Hongkong Magistracy on July 16th before Mr. J. R. Wood, Maurice Vidillies was charged with beiog in possession of 6,674 taels of opium, worth about 1150,000. He was also charged with importing the same. Revenue Officer J. C. Wilden told the Magistrate that
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  • 268 2 America’s Munition Contracts. The circular issued by the banking house 'of Henry Clews and Co., and New York, states “It now appears that war contracts are being accepted (in the United States) on a much vaster scale than ever supposed. Instead of the
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  • 229 2 Behn Meyer Co. Tne head office of Behn Meyer and Co., Ltd., in Singapore and their branch in Penang being in compulsory liquidation under the Alien Enemies (Winding Up) Ordinance 1914, their Bangkok branch has also experienced difficulties in carrying on business, as they practically ceased to be here a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1223 2 Rates for GOVERNMENT -OF JOHORE. NOTICE. Casual Advertisements. foreman printer. the MENGLEMBU THE Government have a vacancy for a LODE SYNDICATE, LIMITED, FuBBMAN Printkr capable of taking FOR SALE. TO LET. SITUATIONS VAGAN I. charge of and managing the Government (Incorporated in the Strait* Settlements.) Printing Office. Minimum charaa MOO
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    • 472 2 I I FREE BY RETURN MAIL. I I I I 1 OUR GRAWIAPHONE j RECORD CATALOGUE K.— DROP A POSTCARD FOR ONE TO-DAY. The Robinson Piano Co., Ltd., PENANG. NO USE TRYING to persuade yourself that you are getting anything better by paying higher prices for Guinness’s Extra Foreign Stout
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  • 1598 3 JUDGE’S REMARKABLE SUMMINGUP. n he bridee-in-i he-baths trial ended on July 1 at the Central Criminl Court, wi h a verdict of wilful murder against George Joseph Smith, who for nine days tad stood his trial for the murder of Mi s Bes-ie Mundy, at Herne
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  • 228 3 A Dutchmannamed Adolph Tops, in the third court Singapore on Thursday morning, before Mr. Mudie pleaded guilty to charges of theft and cheating by impersonation. The man came from Java last week by the steamer Senang, of which veesel Mr. G. Boudewijns is chief engineer, snd
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 267 3 f They’re nicer baked at home. Have your bread and cakes baked at *1 I home. Then you can know for certain l| 'll what they are made of, and by whom. W vl A. I Baking at home is really quite easy, if your I /X co<jk uses »37
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    • 251 3 IM Variety of Uses. The uses to which LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE can be put are innumerable. i 1 At Luncheon, Dinner or Supper, it is the ideal sauce for Roast Meats, Fish, Game, Cheese, Salad, etc. !In the Kitchen, it is indispensable to the cook for flavouring Soups, Slews, Gravies,
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  • 2311 4 DECLARATION DAY DEMONSTRATIONS. GREAT MASS MEETING AT PENANG. ENTHUSIASTIC PROCEEDINGS. The observance of tin Anniversary of the Declaration of War by the cit’z ns of Penang and Province Welb sky, which took the form of a great mass meeting on the Padang, Penang, yesterday evenirg, will long
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  • 77 4 The midday se;v ce at St. George’s Church yesterday w*S largely attended prefaced by a brief and appropriate address on the subject of the War bv the Colonial Chaplain, the Rev F. W. Haines, The special intercession al service was reverently|entered into and the respon-es of
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  • 138 4 A meeting was ht Id in the Penang Free School yesterday to celebrate the anniver. sary of the declaration of war between Great Britain and Germany. The following gave speeches to a very large attendance of boys —Mr. Cheeseman (Chairman), Cheah Toon Lok on The C-uses
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  • 63 4 CHURCH SERVICES AND PUBLIC MEETING. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Augu-t 5. The services in the Anglican and Roman Catholic Cathedrals were crowded At St. Andiew’s Cathedral, the Bishop of Labuan and six c ergy were present, including Nonconformist Ministers. The Rev, F. G. Swindell delivered a brief
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  • 275 4 (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, August 5. The public meeting in the theatre was the largest meeting of the pub ic ever held in Singapore. There was also a crowd outside. His Excellency the Governor Sir Arthur Young, Vice Admiral Sir T. Martijn Jerram, Brigadier General Dudley
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  • 129 4 (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, August 4. There w-s an euorm m crowd on the Padang, Kuala Lumpur, at the War Anniversiry demonstration. A’l nationalities were represented, and those present induded His Highness th« Sultan of Selangor, and the Hon. E. G Broadrick, the British
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  • 129 4 GREAT CROWD AT IPOH. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, August 4. Perak’s demons'rat’on ontha anniversary of the Declaration of War was held on the Padang at Ipoh. There was a large crowd of all nationalities. The Hon. Payne Gallwey, Member of the Federal Council, presided, and he moved
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  • 485 4 KING AND QUEEN AT ST. PAUL’S. London, August 4. Under a dull sky, with occasional gleams of sunshine, their Majesties the King and Queen, and Queen Alexandra, drove to the Prayer Service at Saint Paul's on the anniversary cf the dechratk n of war. The very simplicity of
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  • 60 4 —Reute-. London, August 4. There were enthusiastic scenes at Buckingham Palace, where the King present'd Colours to the new regiment of Welsh Guards. Queen Mary, Queen Alexandra, and other members of the royal family, with Lord Kitchener, watched th a ceremony. Great cheering crowds also witn-ssed
    —Reute-.  -  60 words
  • 231 4 The shoot in the Ridgway Challenge Trophy on Tuesday resulted as follows ■2 M «0 *73 *"O S-g 3 >2 O S’ aS S*° Qoi P 5 ft r< Mrs Liston* 33 29 29 91 Mrs Durege* 25 33 28 86 Miss Smith* 29 33 28
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  • 31 4 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, August 5. At Singapore rubber auctions there were offered 237 tons; sold 164 tons. The demand was good prices being near last week’s.
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    • 476 4 [To the Editor of the Pinang Str,—Your caustic remark re BahBill in your *cc >unb cf the first racing is neither fact nor j mt criticism a 'i your remarks re the final event be taken rs an aspersion on the rm n i ae 7 the horse
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  • 247 4 Son Strangled for Cursing His Mothkr. A correspondent of the “N. C. Daily News,” writing from Suchien, eays We have just had an unusual execu i n in the city, a young yamen runner 10-irg his life for want of filial respect. He had been
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 50 4 WANTED TO BUY A LOT OF Second-hand Motor Cars OF VARIOUS MAKER 3 Owners, desiring to dispose of their ar are requested to make their offers at t lowest fixed price to the MANAGING DIRECTOR, CHIN SENG 4 Co., Ltd., Motor-Car Establishment, Northam Road and Farquhar Penang. W s 26-10
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  • 355 5 COLONIAL OFFICE WITHOUT INFORMATION. The Lordon correspondent of the S'raits Tim?s writing from the House of Commons, July 5 b says. The loy Colonial Secretary, Mr. Bonar Law, was again qu stioned i his afternoon as to the Government’s knowledge of the institution of a
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  • 400 5 NO AMALGAMATION. Tok io, July 15.—Regarding the proposed amalgamation between the Toyo Risen Kaisha and the Nippon Yusen Eaisha, it is now reported in the vernacular pre?B that the scheme has again ended in failure. The Chugai Shogyo reports that on Tuesday aftemon, Baron Shibusawa and Mr
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 302 5 I Shave Yourself. I A man has got to have some Y A care for his comfort and appearance, A w before the Gillette shave can seem w j worth while to him. More than Y A seven million Gillette Safety Razor A W users in 1914—nearly a million new
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    • 70 5 Insure Yourself against all sorts of aches and pams—‘headache, toothache, backache, sore throat, sprains, strains and bruises—by keeping close at h*nd a b »ttle -of Oriental Balm. It stops the pain. Stops it quickly. Just rub it. in when, the pain, ache or soreness is, and see how s on
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    • 284 5 If You Value Your Hard-Earned Dollars, > DON’T FAIL TO ATTEND The Greatest Sale of the Season. nnnnnnnnnnnnunnnnnnEinnnnnnannnnn< n n Value Leader, I You n White “IMPERIAL” Aw"° n wM n Can 5 Dinner 2 n «7 Save h Ware n n as illastratioo. DoIISIS DINNER SERVICE DINNER SERVICE g
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  • 917 6 The organizing Committee of the Declaration Day demonstration in Penang have cause for congratulation on the success which attended their efforts to afford the citizens of the Settlement an opportunity to express, in common with the millions of fellow subjects of the King-' Emperor, the feelings that
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  • 1204 6 Argentine, Brazil, Chile, Guatemab, Bolivia and Uruguay and President Wilson are going to settle the Mexican troubles. Reuter says so, and it must be so. It will be instructive to observe how they do it, for the orgy of blood is as bad as ever. Foreigners have
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  • 83 6 The following ties have been fixed for to-morrow Ladies’ Double Handicap—Mrs Shepard and Mrs Sinclair v Mrs Adamson and Mrs Kinder Mrs Low and Mrs Dennys v Mrs Ebden and Mrs Everest; Miss Pritcha r d and Miss M Pritchard v Mrs S F B Martin and
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  • 397 6 The outward mail is exp?cted at daylight on Saturday. The homeward mail closes at 9 a.m, on Sunday, The death, took place at the European Hospital in Kuala Lumpur on August Is", of Mr. D. Hall, at the age of 37. The deceased gentleman, who was formerly assistant
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 139 6 «r manor n his «übh nn georse Motor, Motor-cycle, solid and Cycle Tyres. No interruption of supplies. No alteration in prices. The Dunlop Company is in a position to meet any demands which may be made upon it. It is to your best interest, at this time especially, to SUPPORT
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    • 79 6 “E. O.” MOTOR GARAGE. CARS ON HIRE $4 AN HOUR. TELEPHONE No. 322. NOTICE. TO SUBSCRIBERS TO THE PINANG GAZETTE.” The accounts of the “Pinanjf Gazette,” having: been Issued, subscribers are reminded that all subscriptions are PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Owing; to heavy outgoings, contingent on the wap, the management cannot
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 37 6 THE TIDES. I .1 The following are the tides for today and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. 7-36 a.hl 4- 6 a.m. 9- 0 p.m. 9-10 a.m. 0-49 a.m. 10-22 p.m. 4 53 p.m.
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  • 241 7 RUSSIANS’ SUCCESSFUL EFFORTS. the BALKAN NEUTRALS. ACTIVITY IN FRANCE. AUSTRALASIAN SUCCESS. The Germane continue to make great efforts on the Narew line, north* east of Warsaw, and although they are making slight progress at isolated points the enemy are suffering enormous losses. The tone of the Berlin communique
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 167 7 [Reuter’s Services], BATTLE IN THE ARGONNE. Paris, August 3. The grenade battle continues in the Arras region. The communique adds that the struggle in the Argonne continues unabated. The Germans launched several attacks, but were unable to debouch. The French defeated four violent attacks in the Vosges.
      [Reuter’s Services],  -  167 words
    • 41 7 Paris, August 4. President Poincare visited the Belgian front, where he pinned the French War Cross on the breast of the King of the Belgian s, saying, The Belgian cause is indissolubly allied to that of France.”
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    • 67 7 BELGIAN REVELATIONS. Havre, Augut 4. Germany, four months before the war proposed to France the partition of the Belgian Congi, and the suppression of Belgium from the list of independent nations. This striking revelation is contained in a Belgian official Grey Bjok published to-day. A letter from the
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    • 43 7 Wellington, August 4. The New Zealand National Ministry has been form» d, consisting of five members of the Government, and five of the Opposition. Sir Joseph Ward is Minister of Finance, and the Hon. J. Allen, Minister of Defence.
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    • 55 7 SATISFACTORY TREATMENT. Lone on, August 4. A Report by a representative of the American Embassy in Berlin, upon the Indian prisoners of war, in camp at Z issen, gives a highly satisfactory account of their condition as to health and treatment. The various races occupy separate barracks.
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    • 35 7 The New Zealand House of Representatives passed the third reading of the Persians bill, giving allowances to totally disabled soldiers, ranging from 35/- weekly to bachelors, and 72/6 weekly to married men.
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    • 26 7 London, Augu t 4. The London Gazette announcer that the exportation of coal from Britain is prohibited except to British possessions and protectorates.
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    • 28 7 Rome, August 4. It is authoritatively stated from a German source that the losses of Germany on the Eastern front, during May and June, were 270,000.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 783 7 ACTIVITY IN BALTIC PROVINCE. Petrograd, August 4. A Russian communique describes the continuance of desperate figh ing round Warsaw. The Germans have only progressed at the cost of enormous losses. The enemy, on the Narew front, delivered repented attacks at the mouth of the Schkva, where the
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    • 308 7 London, August 4. M Sazonoff, speaking in the Duma, spoke warmly of Japan’s services in the war. He said the experiences of the last decacbe had proved that the frienlly neighbourliness of Russia and J »pan was perfectly possible and was reciprocally advantageous. Our relations wish
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  • Turkey and, the Near East.
    • Article, Illustration
      165 7 AUSTRALASIANS ADVANCE. London, August 3. General Sir lan Hamilton reports that on August 2nd a successful attack was made on a network of Turkish trenches*, on the right of the Australian and New Zealand Corps, after a bombardment, and the explosion of three mines. These sections were immediately
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    • 95 7 HIGH CIRCLES AT LOGGERHEADS. London, August 3. The Times correspon ent wires that advices from Constant irople received at Mytilene state that Enver Pasha gave a dinner, attended by all the Turkish Ministers, at which it is believed impottant decisions were reached, unfavourable to Germany, as
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    • 159 7 DIPLOMATIC CONTEST. London, August 4. The diplomatic contest in the Balkans, between Germany and the Allies, continues. Ministers of the Allies, at Athens, yesterday evening, called upon the Greek Premier, and made a collective demarche, the nature of which is not stated. Enver Pasha. Athens, August 4.
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  • 30 7 Washington, August 4. Argentine, Brazil, Chile, Guatemala, Bolivia, and Uruguay have accepted an invitation of President Wilson to a conference, with the view to settling the Mexican troubles.
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  • Italy’s Campaign.
    • 127 7 ITALIAN PROGRESS. Rome, August 4. An Italian communique says -Austrian attempts to recapture Mount Medetta, and other positions in Carnia, and on Mount Seibusi, on the Carso Plateau, were repulsed with heavy loss. The Italians, on Carso, continue to make tslow but steady progress, and took 345 prisoners
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 351 7 CORRESPONDENCE WITH AMERICA. London, August 4. Tbe correspondence between Great Britain and America, regarding the British blockade, is published to-night. The latest ph sec is that the United States does not recognise the validity of the British Prize Court, under restraint of Municipal Law, aud also the
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    • 30 7 Petrograd, August 3. Destroyers of the Black Sea Fleet raided the whole of the Anatolian coast and destroyed 450 Turkish sailing craft, and four Naval yards.
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    • 47 7 Petrograd, August 4; The Russians are very active afloat. Seaplanes attacked a German gunboat near Windau, iu the Baltic, and forced it to run ashoae. They also put to flight a Zeppelin and two aeroplanes, one of which was brought down by the Russians.
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  • 80 7 Messrs. Cunningham Clark <k Co, advise us that the under-mentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them by auction and private tender yesterday: Diamond smoked sheet $129 to 133 Do do No. 2 127 Plain smoked sheet 125 126 Diamond unsmoked sheet 123 Plain do 117 123
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 987 8 The Indiamau.” A warrior prince. Among the miny Indian celebrities of the day few occupy such a unique position as Major General Ms’ araja Dhiraj Sir Pratap Singh. Whatevpr standpoint one takes, whatever the standard one goes by, the conclusion is irresistible that Sir Pratap is a
    —“ The Indiamau.”  -  987 words
  • 216 8 Penang, Atgust 5 Beep—• cfs. Soup per catty 18 Roast 26 Steaks 26 Stew or Carry Meat 20 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail each 50 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart 40 Liver per catty 35 Fork— Pork per catty 36 Pig’s Head 22 Feet 26 Tongue 36 Mutton
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 597 8 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDP AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1,800,00 Reserve Fund £1,800,00 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,800,00 Hsad Orrros: 38, BISHOPBGATE, LONDON, 1.0 Agrncirs and Bbanohrs. Amritsar Hongkong Penang Bangkok Iloilo Puket Batavia Ipoh Rangoon Bombay Karachi Saigon □aloutta Klang Serembar Oanton Kobe Shanghai
      597 words
    • 28 8 Where to Stay. F enang :—The E. A O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Norman, Falmouth House (Boarding.) Singapore: —Raffles Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel. Cetlon :—Nuwara Ellya.
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    • 371 8 1 1) r I) Jh The Law of Quality is as attractive as the law of gravity. Gravity keeps you on the earth, and Quality ensures that you are on firm ground in the matter of value. I Michelin Tyres, I MADE IN ONE QUALITY ONLY, I THE BEST, I
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 176 8 THE TIDES. Prnafg—July, 1915. Penang Standard He ghts referred to Datum of Soundings in Admiralty Charts High Water. Low Water. Standard rr. n Standard u DMe H Time. Ht h m fr. h m ft. Th 5 m 7 36 495 m 4 6a 3 6 9 0a 3 7
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  • 1372 9 J*! ae Mama. 5 -go Vxlue. s y a y o* Ml N I N O. 1 1 Ayer Weng /’Rahman/ Dh P« 00. 300 4°o M 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Oo 2J «3 c i £1 Cbenderlang Tin Dredging Co 16/6 1 £1 Deehook Dredging N. L.
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  • 475 9 VESSEL FILLING UP. Whatever hopes were entertained of towing the Nubia off have bean dispelled, for the weather in Colombo during the pas: two days has been most unpropitious for the stranded vessel says a Ceylon paper of July 22. It blew almost a gale on Saturday
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  • 95 9 The special correspondent of the “Morning Post” in Northern France, says The shrapnel that the enemy is using is filled with the mo-t extraordinary collection of scraps of everything likely to hu' t. From one cf the Festubert wounded was taken a gramophone needle. Nuts, bolts, scraps
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  • 65 9 CLEARANCES. To-DAT. Ban Lee for Alor Star (Kedah). Lian Choo fo Alor Star (Kedah). Perak, (E. S. Co for Part Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Alma for Deli. Avagyee for Bindings, Sitiawan Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson. Malacca for Tongkah. Benvenue for Port Swettenham. Yatshing for Calcutta and Durban.
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  • 73 9 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close. Negapatam, Madras and Durban Ekma 11 a.m Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy Bulimba 1 p.m. Telnk Anson Hebe 4 p.m, Saturday. Port Swettenham and Singapore Ipoh 4 p.m. Singapore, China and J apan Novara 4 p.m, Sunday Ceylon, Australasia, >
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  • 35 9 To-day’a quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $75 50 per picul, business done—-a decrease of $1.25. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £156 ss. Spot, and £157 15s. three months.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 309 9 WHY WOMEN COMPLAIN. Nature’s best handiwork never was intended to be handicapped by illnes 0 as so many women are. Nature’s intention never was that women should be more harassed than men. Yet how frequently young gir's, business women, Louseswives and mothers complain of feeliog unfit.” What m kes tin
      309 words
    • 687 9 Weakness Debility IRON ‘JELLOIDS/ the reliable tonic, strengthen 1 your blood and fortify your system against climatic effects. After a course of Iron ‘Jelloids,’ the blood is 1 enriched, appetite is restored, vitality increased, Weakness and Debility disappear, and your system is enabled to combat attacks of Malaria and other
      687 words

    • 117 10 Attack on the Orduna. London July 26.—The American Note nob only does not mention the case of the Orduna, but by reference to the receut German n<.val action ignores it. However, the “Wa-hington EvenirgTelegram” states that Germany will I e asked to explain why a vessel
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    • 18 10 London, Jti-y 24.—Mr. Donohoe wires to the Chronic’e Both Gorz and Tolmein are prsc ically surrounded.
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    • 119 10 London, July 26.—Geneial Botha, sp aking at Cape Town, said that maps were discovered in German sou’h-West Africa, showing the who’e of Africa South of the equa' or rta' ked Greater Germany with the exception of a minute fragment labelled B<'er Reserve.” General Botha said if there
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    • 85 10 Locdon, July 28th.—General Botha told a Cape Town demonstration that Maritz on the outbreak of hostilities asked the Germans to p ovide him with munit’om, and enquired how far the independence of the new Republic was guaranteed. The Kaieei’s reply was: “I shall not only acknowledge the
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    • 47 10 London, July 24.—The usual July holidays in the G'asgow works' ops and shipyards were riduced, and the men were requested to resume ou Wednesday. Many s arted, but seeing there were a uumbsr of ab entees they ceased work. About half the men worked yesterday.
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    • 71 10 London, July 27.—The Perograd correspondent says the Russians have found a method of dealing wi h the German gas clouds. They dig a gutter before their position? and fi 1 it with dry material, iho moment the preparations of turning on the gas are reported the gutter is
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    • 61 10 London, July 24.—According to a message from Athens the Greek Government has sent a note of protest to Constantinople on the subject of the persecution of Greeks. The Greek G .vernment has also asked Austria and Germany to intervene. The Governments of the latter countries have
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    • 111 10 London, July 26.—Prisoners taken in the Carso fight give interesting accounts of the eff.ct of the fire of 500 massed guns. The “Telegraph’s” Milan correspondent quotes a h’gh officer as stating that the enemy thought they had gatl ered sufficient fore? to drive the Italians back
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    • 71 10 London, July 28.—The Russian resistance to the powerful attacks of the whole line has evoked the unqualified admiration of the Allies. They have prolonged the operations so that the real battle of Warsaw has scarcely begun, and have compelled the Germans to employ men and guns largely
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 365 10 Benger’s w Natural iMFjS& Food— |SjB jB entirely free from any fF chemical substance j? 8 j whatsoever. Z. It is different from all r other foods in being 7 T-yj/r- -1 7* scientifically combined I principles. >i« m ifJ^n*i a is prepared for child, invalid, or aged person, with
      365 words
    • 634 10 BAD LIVERS. Not only is the Liver the largest but one of the most important organs in the humafc body, and when I deranged it becomes the source of endless suffering. When the Liver is clogged Vy the inactivity of I the kidneys and bowels, it becomes torpid, and fails
      634 words

  • 667 11 THE GEBMAN3OBJECIIVES. Count Reventlow finds occasion to explain in the Deutsche Tsgeszeitung” the importance and meaning of Calais as the German objective in the West and as the key to the destruction of the British Empire. Dr. E*nst Jaeckb, in au article called Calais or Suez,” had
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  • 549 11 Major G. W. R*dway. in an article in the Standard,” remarks that the d partinent of the Master-General of Ordnance must be peifectly well aware of the normal demands of modern war, and the fact that our new armies are equipped on a scile iwhich does not
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 879 11 NJGJK. WOOD MILNF Japan Mail Steamship Co. Id. TYRES. Triumph of British Skill a °d Enterprise. x The never ending testimony in favour of WOOD-MILNE TYRES is unique EUROPEAN LINE. j n itg s i mp oj B t rong abatement of fact. A Fortnightly service is maintained be* ween
      879 words
    • 254 11 Safeiy First is g ftnw te/i ffifM ft ykUij J m i 111 011 I* There is an active Safety First itul Bit l>rincip!e in every inch of 55 WMf GOODRICH I IH—lll.lll INIII ■Wl.rffWHiniMllMMl— gg Safety Zread x W TYRES w SOLE AGENTS: X The Adamson, Gilfillan Co., x
      254 words
    • 104 11 VI-CASEIN. TONIC, INVIGORATING, and N ERVE-RESTOR ATiVE. SOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG: THE DISPENSARY (PENAN6) EM., 2 A 6, BISHOP STREET. BRANCH: 26, Campbell Street Telephones 398 and 568. John Kidd Co. Ltd. Printing Ink Manufacturers, LONDON, ENGLAND. A announce that they have appointed The Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd. PENANG, Agents
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1906 12 P, &o. fL intended sailings. straits Steam Ship Co., Ltd. Ocean -twin Navigation Co. lndia ,w I Bt.. m »r. STEAM SHIP n«, Wircle.. TT COMPANY I Tft CHINA MUTUAL BT«M NAV. co.. L TII Steamer.. SIMM NAVIUAIIUN VUMrANI, LIU. Tu at B Hebo. TPHE Oompani..'ctemner. d p
      1,906 words