Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 4 August 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 996 1 ft WANT TO SHIP, BUY OB SELL fiRUB B E R E OB TO a t FORWARD GOODS J= to ANY PAST or tub WORLD ALLEN DENNYS Co., T, VMIOI4 ITBIZT. KT nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnHnnnnnnnnnnn SUN LIFE I I 8 British i CANADA. WEARNE BROS. Ltd., A A, S Expanded Metal g
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    • 65 1 a FOB *3O g H X/OU can have the “Pinang g n X Genette n posted every day for a whole year to your address. D (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, 127). n Proportionate Quarterly and g g Half-yearly rates. g q Subscriptions are payable in a advance and remittances should be addressed
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  • 215 2 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. A privately own~d Dutch ambulance will shortly set out for ser vice in France. A German submarine sunk an armed trawler near Esbierg. Three of the crew were drowned and one severely wounded. Three were made prisoners and 24 rescued by a lifeboat. Airmen dropped
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  • 104 2 -Reuter. ELEVEN LIVES LOST. Paris, August 3. The survivors of the British steamer Clintonia state that one man was killed, and fifteen woun led. The boats were lowered very speedily, and the injured put on board, and the boats rowed off, but the Clintonia, when sinking, dragged
    -Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 55 2 The following are the latest quotations in our share list t Yesterday. To day. OC 80 80 K Sharks. K tn a. Mining. Chenderiang 17/- 16/6 K. Deebook 1/- dis 1/6 dis p ahang O. 7/- 7/6 6'9 7/3 Serandah $1.30 $1.60 $1.33 sl| Rubber (Dollar). N.
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  • 303 2 London, August 3*. The following is the rubber quotation for to-day Plantation Ist Latex Crepe 2/5 Para to arrive Oct.-Dec 2/4|. [•By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead <k Co.] The well known Japaue-e aviation officers Vaka, Duki and Saito have offered their services to the Russian Army. Much
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  • 423 2 PRELIMINARY ENQUIRY. The preliminary enquiry into the charge of murder against the St. Xavier’s Institution ass’stant teacher, Tan Kim Hoe, by causing the death of a pupil name! Chiu Kim Shiu was commenced before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel yesterday afternoon. Mr. Wright Motion appeared for the presecution
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  • 110 2 The Italo-Austrian Campaign. L ndon, July 17.—The Daily Chronicle’s correspondent in Northern Italy, describing the attack on the p'-sses of Venerocolo and Brizic, says that the Austrians crossed, in ten hoars, a s a of ice seven miles wide. They hoped to surprise the Italians and
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  • 69 2 The New York He r ald commenting on the attack on the Ordunu, said that if some person had hitherto been unconvinced that Germany is trifling with America it cannot see how they could continue to doubt. The paper describes the attack as deliberate defiance, particularly
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  • 224 2 The King of Italy has given the Prince of Wales the O der of Annunziata as a celebration of his majority. A number of the smaller German and Austrisn towns, unable to m a et the war exoenditure, have adopted a heavy tax ou unmarred peop'e
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  • 627 2 The following is the text of the Imperial Rescript addressed to the Russian Premier, M. Goremykine, and transmitted from Petrograd, through Reuter From all parts of the country I have received appeals testifying to the firm determination of the Russian peoples to devote their
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  • 255 2 THE OPENING SHOW. Although the attendance at the first performance, at Magazine Station ground, was a somewhat unsatisfactory one, the merit of the entertainment provided by the large number of European artistes of the Hippodrome Circus should ensure improved business to-night, and during the rest of the short
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  • 77 2 An entire change is announced at the Electric Polyscope to-night, when the following will be shown, “Victory or Death,” a detective drama in 4 parts, Private Hector Gentleman,” in 2 reels, together with two latest Warwick War Chronicles and in addi ion The Heroes of Hill 60,” with
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  • 105 2 The Hon Treasurer sends us the following list of farther contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on July 27 ...$28,063,19 B Powell 9th monthly sub 10.00 Cb ef Post Office Penang, 7th instalment 50.20 Eastern Smelting Co
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  • 25 2 Balance on July 23 $2,712.05 Mr and Mrs F monthly 25.00 Balmceon Angus* 3 $2 737.05 Amount previously acknowleged ...$13,457.11 Total ...$16,194.16
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  • 161 2 Kinta Craft No 2a Fund. The following additional subscriptions have been received on account of the above Previously acknowledged $545.48 Mr W N Payton 10 Mr ETC Garland 500 Mrs Alma B iker’s Dollar Fund 100 C Hannigan 10 $1,165.48 Penang Craft Fund. Previ usly
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 503 2 WANTED. CONDUCTOR for an Estate near Kulim, Kedah. Oaly experienced men need apply- Reply stating salary required to No. 57, c/o Pinang Gazette. 717—28, 30, 4-8 GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE. foreman printer. THE Government have a vacancy for a FußßMan Printer capable of taking charge of and managing the Government Printing
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    • 438 2 Sanaphos puts into you what Anxiety takes out. Not a drug.—Not a false stimulant.—Just a real food.—lt goes direct to the nerve-centres.—lt builds up strength.—lt* flavour is pleasant.— Of all Chemists.—See hpw it will help YOU. Anniversary of the Declaration of War. A Mass Meeting WILL BE HELD ON THE
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  • 2250 3 AN EYE-WITNESS ON E Il’S EXPLOITS. TURKISH EXHAUSTION IN DARDANELLES. We give below a translation nearly in full of a long and interesting message that appeared in the Italian journal Strnapa on June 20 from its hte special correspondent in Constantinople, Signor Carlo Scarfoglio. The detailed
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  • 447 3 The cry is still heard in various quarters that this war will end war, or that we are fighting it to make wsr impossible, or that it is a war against war. To say that we are fighting against militarism is true enough; but militarism is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 681 3 WANTED TO BUY A LOT OF Second-hand Motor Cars OF VARIOUS MAKERS. Owners, desiring to dispose of their Cars, are requested to mske their offers at the lowest fixed price to the MANAGING DIRECTOR, CHIN SENG Co., Ltd., Motor-Car Establishment, Northam Road and Farquhar Street, Penang. w s 26-10 FREE
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    • 83 3 FALMOUTH HOUSE PRIVATE BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT. FARQUHAR STREET Situated on the Sea Front. TERMS MODERATE. Daily or Monthly Rates. ’Phone 485. Mrs. TRENGOVE. 475—m wf uc MARTIN’S A French Remedy for all Irresrulartties. Thousand» of Ladies keep a box of Martin Pills in the house, to that on the first sign
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    • 412 3 111 II Hil iIP I i ml h HI i 141 h 'B B f 1 -life J g Don’t mix Milk with Baby’s Food A NY Baby Food that requires the same cow, varies to a remarkable Sig jTx addition of milk is obviously not degree. Because Glaxo it
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  • 1336 4 After a year of war, nothing decisive has happened to render it easier to form an opinion as to the manner of its ending, or the period which may elapse before it it possible to talk of prace. The Allies nave no cause for despondency or doubt
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  • 983 4 There are a number of interes’ing articles on the war in the July magazines. In one of them, The Nineteenth Century,” the writer, Mr. W. 8. Lilly, pleads for vengeance on the “enemy of civilisation,” Germany, who must be paid that she has deserved. The utter destruction
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  • 35 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefinei ti in Penang was $76.75 per picul, bnyp? no sellers—a decrease of $1 85. 1 Tin is quoted in London to-dav £156 15s, Spot, and £l5B three months
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  • 66 4 The output of the New Tambun Mi Qe3 Ltd., for the month of July amounted tc 32 piculs and 7 catties. The output of the Ayer Weng (Rahman Development aiffl Prospecting Co., Ltd during the month of July was 151 pi’ cu g The output of Rahman Tin
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  • 604 4 The F. O. Royal Mail steamer Novara ex Colombo, is expected to arrive here at daylight on Saturday, 7tb inst. and will leave for Singapore and China at 5 p.m. the same day. The P. and O. R.M.B. Kashgar will leave Singapore on Friday at 4 pm. and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 175 4 ORCHARDING IN TASMANIA. Messrs, sadleir knight, Orchard Agents and Attorneys, Launceston, Tasmania, have pleasure in. advising that their Mr. C. ff. Pears (formerly General Manager, Sembilan Estates Co., Ltd Rantan, F. Malay States) will be visiting the F. Malay States, S. Settlements and Sumatra, arriving about last week in August.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 37 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for today and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times:— High Water. Low Water. 5 13 a.m. 11-52 a.m. 4-24 p.m. 11 26 p m. 7-36 a.m. 4.- 6 a.m. 9- 0 p.m.
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  • 42 4 DEATH. Hall.—On August 1, at the European Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Day Hall, of Suugei Rengam Estate, Bitu Tiga, Selangor, eldest eon of David Hall, Esq and of Mrs. Hall, of Lowlands, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and nephew of Sir John Woon, K.C B. Deeply regretted.
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  • 356 5 ENEMY SHIPS SUNK. BLACK SEA DESTROYERS ACTIVETERRIBLE GERMAN ATROCITIES. ITALY’S NORTHERN CAMPAIGN. No fuither figl.tir g has been reported from the British front, but the French have been engaged in dealing with Ge man attacks in the Argonne, and have also gained more trenches in the Vosges. In
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 102 5 [Reuter’s Services]. FRENCH SUCCESS IN VOSGES. Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, August 3. A French communique says Sharp infantry actions occurred in the Argonne. The Germans, early on Monday morning, captured a trench, which a French counterattack partially retook. Subsequently the Germans, using burning liquids,
      [Reuter’s Services].  -  102 words
    • 111 5 Northern France, July 2.—Fierce fighting is proceeding in the Argonne, where the army of the German C own Prince is still bartering itself against the French defemes in an endeavour to pierce our Allies’ lines. Prisoner* say that the Crown Prince has promis» d Berlin the complete
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    • 176 5 BRITISH SURPRISED. London, August 2. Reuter’s correspondent at the British Headquarters describes the German attack, in which they used burning liquid, at Hooge. There were also three attacks on British positions south of Hooge. All were repulsed. The German attack, just before dawn, was preceded by
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    • 39 5 Paris, July 3.—According to the Petit Journal,” the Germans are accumulating near the front a large quantity of broken glasses and fragments of bottles, which will be used as obstacles against infantry and cavahy.
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    • 279 5 FRENCH WOUNDED BURNED TO DEATH. Paris, August 3, A French Foreign Office Report deals exhaustively with German acts of treachery, and barbarism against combatant», based on evidence by victims, and German prisoners. The Report states that the Germans frequently used their prisoners, as well as civilians, as shields
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 868 5 DESPERATE BATTLES. Petrograd, August 3. A Russian communique records that hard fighting was general on Sunday. The Russians, east of Poneviesz, which is south-east of Shavli, continued to prets the enemy’s advance guards, cap'uring 500 prisoners and six maxims. The Germans brought up their main body and
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  • Italy’s Campaign
    • 294 5 ITALIANS FINALLY SUCCESSFUL Rome, August 3. After a ten days’ fight for the Carnia vallrys, the Austrians l ave at length been dispersed. The Italians renewed their furious cannonade, aiming at the demolition of the barrier of foits in Upper Cordovole, Boite, Landroe and Sexten, and the
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 88 5 BY BRITISH SUBMARINE. London, August 2. A German torpedo b. at has been sunk, apparently a ves:el of the G 196 class. Victim of Submarine, London, August 3. The Admiralty announces that a British submarine sank a German destroyer off the German coast on July 26th. German
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    • 23 5 Petrograd, August 3. It is c fficially announced that a, British submarine sank a large German transport in the Baltic.
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    • 71 5 London, August 2. A laconic Admiralty announcement in regard to the exploit of a British submarine in the Sr a of Maimora reveals that it was a splendid performance, since all the places mentioned are in the vicinity of Constantinople. The bombardment of the railway bv the
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    • 68 5 TRANSPORT SUNK. London, August 3. An Admiralty official message says The Vice-Admiral (de Robeck) Commanding in the Eastern Mediterranean reports that a British submarine, operating in the Sea of Marmora, torpedoed a steamer of 3,000, tons. Torpedoes were also fired against lighters alongside the Arsenal
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    • 40 5 BUILDING YARDS DESTROYED. London, August 3. Russian destroyers in the Black Sea continue to harass the Turkish coal supply ships, aud sank 210 sailing craft laden with coal. They also destroyed three yards constructing such cra't.
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  • 1317 5 THE ANNUAL MEETING. The annual general meeting of the members of Penang Automobile Club was held yesterday, at noon, in the Chamber of Commerce, Penang, the Hon. Robert Young, the President of the Club, in the chair. The others present were Messrs C G. May. R. P.
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  • 60 5 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 to 7 p.m. this evening 1. Overture Light Cavalry ...Suppa 2. Two Step Alexander' 8 Ragtime ...Berlin 3. Selection H.M.S. Finajore Sullivan 4. Waltz La Barcarolle ...Fetras 5. Song It's A Long Long
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 47 5 I History of the War I I OUT TO-DAY I I SPECIAL I I ILLUSTRATED I g g WAR ANNIVERSARY I EDITION OF THE 2 Ipinang gazette. I i i i A Column in Tamil Language. i S 1 PRICE FIVE CENTS. g s iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiunniiMiNi MavimmuaiMMuait
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  • 1822 6 THE VIVATM LAST MOMENTS. The enquiry into the cause of the collision between the steamers Brisbane and the Vivat, with the resultant loss of the latter, was continued throughout Tuesday in the Marine Court Singapore before a bench consisting of Mr E L Talma, president, and Commander B
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  • 60 6 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Alma, Brit., 459, Bell, August 4, Deli gen., E. S. Co. Bangala, Brit., 1935, Carre, Aug. 3, S’pore, gen., Huttenbach L. Co. Perak, Brit., 254, Glenday, August 3, Malacca, gen., E. S. Co. Hok Canton, Brit., 278, Bergwitz Aug. 3, T. Anson, gen., E. S. Co. Malacca,
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  • 51 6 To-day. Tong Chay Un for Alor Star (Kedah). Hong Wan I for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Edavana for Port Swettenham and Singapore Hok Canton for Bagan Datoh Teluk Anson. Mambang for Setul. Sanuki Maru for Singapore, China Japan. Flying Dragon for Portweld and Taiping. Pyrrhur for Colombo London
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  • 61 6 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close. Alor Star (Kedah) Ban Lee 10 a m. ▲lor Star (Kedah) Lian Choo 11 a.m. Port Swettenham, Port Dickson, and > Perak (E.S. Co) 2 p.m. Malacca J Deli Alma 2 p.m. Dindings, Sitiawan Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson Avagyee
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  • 266 6 Penang, August 4, 1915. 8; P. Tapioca $5.70 sellers. M. P. Tapiooa $6.00 sales. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers. Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $29 j buyers Trang Pepper out of season. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $6O sellers. Cloves
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  • 139 6 Penang, August 4, 1915. {By Oourteßy of thi Ghartani Bink). L ondon Demand Bank ...2/4 n 4 months’sight Bank ...2/4 5/16 3 Credit ...2/4 21/32 n 3 H Documentary ...2/4 11 16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 1751 ii 3 days’sight Private 17 71 Bombay Demand Bank 17n| Moulmein Demand
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 260 6 ■■EEHEEKEEEHHEHMEEINKEEEMHE K I Plain Crutbs JJ on the subject of Health are the only 5 acceptable pronouncements. Eiag- J g gerated statements end by convino n ing no one—rather do they create bus- k picion, and give rise to doubt. But you may safely listen to universal opinion. The public
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    • 199 6 SALE ONCE A YEAR. Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd. PENANG. SALE NOW PROCEEDING'I r Extraordinary Bargains —in all Departments.— Write for Book of g I Mail Orders Promptly Despatched. I 8 1 Ĕ HOUSEHOLD_ECONOMY. m Now that food staff’s are beooming dearer, the attention of the Public is drawn to Skimmed'
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  • 1139 7 MEETING OF CEYLON TAMILS. [From A Correspondent.'] Alor Star, July 31. In pursuance of a notice, iasued by Messrs. Nagalingam Chief Clerk, State Engineers’ Office, Veerakatty, Senior Dresser, and Subramanian, contractor of Alor Star, the Ceylon Tamils of Kedah assembled at the Alor Star English School, on
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  • 61 7 RUBBER OUTPUTS FOR JULY. The following are the outputs for July:— Batak Rabit lbs. 19,250 Bagan Serai 23,500 Bukit Jelutong 2,110 Consolidated 21,102 Gula Kalumpong 92,210 Karan 12,183 K. M. S. 7,471 New Columbia 28,041 Padang 21,000 Penang 149,700 Padang Jawa 17,508 Rubana 43.000 R. E. of Krian 29,900
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  • 78 7 Messrs. Allen Dennys <fc Co. advise us that the undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them by auction and private tender yesterday, 32,000 lbs. sold Diamond Stacked Sheet $129 to $134 No. 2 119 126 Plain 125 Unsmoked Sheet 118 123 Fine Pale Crepe 134
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  • 28 7 Arrivals. By Alma ugust 4) from Deli, Miss Schaap, Messrs G Kortman, C B Pratt, J Prat*-, W J D Trengrove, W H Millard and H Gee.
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  • 112 7 Attempted Assassination. Hongong, July 18.—A bomb was thrown at Lung Chai-kwong, the GovernorGeneral of Canton, on bis return from a visit to his brother. It is reported that two of his bodyguard were killed. The bomb-thrower has been arrested The Governor-General was slightly wounded in the knee,
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  • 514 7 The suggestion made to the people of Canada not to clothe in sombre black mourning for the brave men who have fallen on the field of battle is being widely acted on. Naturally, the near relatives and friends of the fallen do not feel in the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 396 7 jn the matter of the Alien Enemies (Winding-Up) Ordinance 1914 AND Jn the Matter of BEHN MEYER Company Limited, an enemy Company within the meaning of the said,Ordinancenotice of sale OF Freehold and Leasehold Lands and Premises SITUATE AT Mac Alister Road and Sungei Pinang, PENANG. To be Sold by
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    • 12 7 At times of crisis it must be Bovril BRITISH TO THE BACKBONE.
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    • 30 7 NURSING HOME. MADAME mTTnTONESCU, MIDWIFE (DIPLOMA) SICK NURSE, 350, DATO KRAMAT ROAD, HAS RE-ESTABLISHED A PRIVATE NURSING HOME. Maternity cases specially catered for. Patients’ own Doctors may attend. Moderate Terms.
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    • 298 7 <</"\RDERS are now being booked for ’’ff' M E/ Para Rubber Seeds f rom seventeen years old tiees, with a guarantee BW ■ll BBBb Hk BB B BJB B. of 75 per cent germination. BB B IP B-PBB BB Be B B ilrß F Price $1.50 per 1000 packed in
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 379 7 TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT 11 An Entire Change off Programme Detective! War I! Detective!!! THE ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE Co., LYCEUM THEATRE, ARGYLL ROAD. 4 Reels Victory or Death 4 Parts A most thrilling detective drama featuring the popular artiste Misi Berta Nelson. It is replete with sensational incident, with aeroplanes fights and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2348 8 P. &O. intended sailings. Straits Steam Ship Co., Ltd. Ocean Steam Navigation Co. I "I" ILJ I I I For Intended to Sail. Steamer, STEAM SHIP l!(1 I Port ftwettenham and Binsfaooro. Every Tuesday, at 5-30 p.m. Klang. 4Kjn Wireless Telegraphy fitted on all Do. Do. Every Saturday> at 5.00
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