Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 April 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 880 1 ■lk n—im—nr—Him— «T rrn IF YOU WANT TO SHIP. K BUY OR SELL 0 RUBB ERr I OB TO H i FORWARD GOODS If© ANT PART OF TH« WOULD n GO TO ALLEK DENNYS Co., D f. VMIOM ITBKKT. =1 iril IIITI ir-TiH N. K. AC'lTT'Tr’’' ACID” keep the flag
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    • 60 1 jOTDorn# yn’-r’nfirir n-.-jcoc 9 3 j FOE f»<> VTOU can hnv* th« Pin *04 r I G—«tta potted •vwy ■ic f O tar a yr<r co yonr add-ma t I (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION. 527) Z Proportion and IlaJf-paarly rates. Bobaertptiona ara pav*hk in sMmbgS sad remittance* ahoale* ba addroaoad to c
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  • 563 2 AIRMENS’ WONDERFUL WORK. The following let’er, dated 23rd February» which Mr. Alma Baker received from an officer with the Expeditionary Forc=, has been kindly placed at oar disposal for publication Expeditionary Force, 23rd Feb., 1915. Dear Bakeb,— l expect you have been wondering what has happened
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  • 403 2 Writing of what has been done in Europe by America, Lord Bryce this to say I doubt whether we in England have yet fully realized either the magnitude of the service which the United States Government and its representatives abroad have rendered in the protection of
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  • 374 2 BRITAIN'S RECORD. An interestng correspondence ensued upon the publication in the “Nederlander of the recent articles on the subject of •‘Britain aud the Small States.” In the course of his ieply to this the writer in question says We admit the selfish mo ives of Britain.
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  • 172 2 A Winterwjk correspondent reports that the goods traffic between the Netherlands and Germany in the course of Feb uary shows very favourable figures. Although February was three days shorter than January, the total number of empty *nd leaded t u?ks to and from Germany was 263
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  • 161 2 It was announced that on March 16 the British Government having declared copra aud palm oil conditional contraband and paraffine absolute contraband, it will not be possible for the Netherland S eamship Co. aud the other lines concerned to carry these articles to Holland unless consigned to
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  • 171 2 A number of Dutch women have set a movement on foot to obtain the signatures of Dutch and Flemish women to an address in behalf of General Christiaan de Wet. It will be recalled that two societies and one or two individuals in Holland have already
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  • 457 2 A FINE FORCE. The vast maj >rity of the mm who fill the ranks of the Territorial forces are drawn from a different class to those who enlist in the R 3 gul*r Army or who j >in it from the Special Reserve, Th sir occupa tions in
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  • 463 2 I have often heard the question asked, Will these men, some of whom do not belong to the old fighting stock from whom we have drawn our best officers in the past, lead their men into action in the same selfsacrificing devotion We can only judge by what
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  • 442 2 CORRECT GRIPS. The foundation of a good style i 3 c < r grip, writes a well known lady t player, and this should be one that i 3 fort able to the pl «yer, and one from w it is easy to play the ball at practically
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  • 385 2 GOVERNMENT BUY UP MOiT OF THE CROP. In order to mitigate the effects of the shortage of Indigo for dyeing purposes caused by the present war, aud also to prevent any speculative holding-up of natural indigo our Government, it is officially announced, have acquired the greater part
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 747 2 ~.T v I r-gjwwrn» w-w»»""» 1 1 Bates for EOW SENGS FOR SfILE Casual Advertisements. £soo. Apply to FOR SALE, TO LET. SITUATIONS VACANT, ETC, No 13 Pinan 9 OaiMt. Minimum Charge $2.00 un^eri i*B (1) Thatha Meah, For 1 insertion 1.20 per inch. W managing partner of the firm
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    • 46 2 You judge the sincerity of ail'er J the hall-mark. The sincerity of an may be estimated by the conai of it* appearance. nIf advertisements appear P e ld in the press, it Is evident t honest aud worth your while to.», »h.T oontiaoe to appear-
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  • 1189 3 HOW IT TRANSFORMED ENGLAND. Miracles do happen This time last year my Lady was a moon of change rip* pling wi'h gems, bowing before her Sovereign in cloth of gold with a car out* side that cost a fortune—a wheeled palace in miniature, all brocade and
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  • 329 3 Successful Ruse of a Dbcot Ship. From a private letter, dated from England, March 3, the M North China Daily NeWs” (Shanghai) reproduces the following extracts, the information coming from an exceptionally well-informed source The Chief topic in the House of Commons last week was our capture
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  • 199 3 The report for presentation to the shareholders at tbe twenty-sixth ordinary general meeting to be held at the Offices of the Company, St, George’s Building. Hongkong, on Saturday, 10th inst. was as follows: The Board of Directors have now to lay before the shareholders
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  • 31 3 Pbnamg i— The E. A O. Hotel, The Crag, Runny med e Hotel, Hotel Norman, British Hotel. Biwgaporb: —Raffles Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel. C nylon j— Nuwara Ellya.
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  • 1381 3 A SURPRISE TO ALL THE EXPERTS. Did the attempt to force the Dardanelles an attempt characterised by remarkable and unexpected methods such as the attack on the Narrows by indirect fire from the open sea—originate in the brain of an Englishman In a wonderfully interesting lecture on tbe
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  • 262 3 The usual monthly field operations were carried out yesterday by C Coy, of the Penang Volunteers, under Capt Mann. The idea on this occasion was a novel one. Two parties landed from a launch at the Kuala Prai, below Sungei Nyiur, with the intention of advancing on Butterworth.
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  • 182 3 To the Editor, Rangoon Gazette.” Sir,—On behalf of the officers, noncommissioned officers and men of this Battalion I wish to tender our most hearty thanks to our many friends here for tbe great kindness and hospitality shown to all of us during our stay in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 561 3 Weakness Debility IRON ’JELLOIDS,’ the reliable tonic, strengthen your blood and fortify your system against climatic 4 effects. After a course of Iron ‘Jelloids,’ the blood is y enriched, appetite is restored, vitality increased, Weakness and Debility disappear, and your system is enabled to combat attacks of Malaria and other
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  • 686 4 The Kaiset’s plans for a great PanGerman scheme of a sphere of extending through the Balkan States to Constantinople and thence through Asia Minor to the Persian Golf are rapidly coming to naught. The neutral nations concerned are now fully awake to the fact that
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  • 355 4 “H.M.S. PINAFORE.” It is requested tl at all who are willing to take part in the foithcoming production of this opera, particularly in the chorus, will make a special point of attending to night’s rehearsal in the Town Hall, at 915 o’clock punctually. The performance will be
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  • 984 4 The Censor has permitted t' e British people !o know something about Neuve Chap&lle, not a great de J, but enough to make them realise that wh.n Field Marshal French intimated that modern warfate must take a very heavy toll, he was preparing the country for a
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  • 441 4 CALYPSO-AVAGYEE COLLISION Further evidence was taken in the abcase yesterday, after which the furi'. hearing was postponed to Monday There are three more witnesses f Of t d’ Avagyee. fl 6 Senawi bin Eusoof, quarter master 3 Avagyee, stated that ha went to' th Quarantine Station on the
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  • 173 4 Deliberate Firing 300 Yards. Miss Mathieu 28 Mrs Wright-Motion 26 Miss Sellers 26 Mrs Webb Mrs Hardinge Mis Sharp Miss Smith Mrs Duroge Deliberate Firing 150 Yabds. Mrs Sharp Mrs Wrightr-Motion Mrs Webb 29 Miss Sellers 28 Miss Smith Mrs Durege 2 Miss Mathieu Mrs Hardinge
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 144 4 BY APPOINTMENT TO H IS MAJESTY K!XG GEORGE V. fc JS. x-.** 1 V* •^'^sE^^’..Js< V Aj fts-aftK. .> I fe jj| '.3£y Motor, Motor-cycle, solid and Cycle Tyres. No interruption of supplies. No alteration in prices. The Dunlop Company is in a position to meet any demands which may
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    • 33 4 THE CRAG HOTEL, SANATORIUM PENANG HILL Completely Renovated. An hour and 10 minutes from the E. 0. HOTEL. Chairs and Coolies always in readiness at the foot of the Hill. Sarkies Brothers Proprietors.
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  • 280 5 Router’s Services.] NEGOTIATIONS BROKEN OFF, CLRMANY’S REPLY TO HOLLAND BRITISH REGIMENTS FIERCE CHARGES. THE CARPATHIAN OPERATIONS. The attack on the Dardanelles forts wa« resumed on Saturday. Mr. Churchhill announces that since Mai ch 16th no general bombardment of the fvrts of the Dardanelles has taken place, nor has
    Router’s Services.]  -  280 words
  • France and Belgium.
    • 146 5 FRENCH PROGRESS IN ALSACE. [Reuter’s Sbrviceb]. [Copyright Telegrams.] Paris, April 19. A French communique says The British carried 200 metres of German trenches in Belgium, near Zvartelen, and maintained ar.d consolidated the ground won, despite counter-attacks. We made an appreciable a ivance in Alsace on
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    • 478 5 HOW THE REGIMENTS FARED. London, April 19. The Times gives a description of the battle of Neuve Chapelle, detailing the work of the various regiments. It says the Lincolns and Berkshires vere first off the mark, having been ordered to capture the first trenches. The
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    • 123 5 The heaviest losses in officers at Neuve Chapelle in the first list published were in the following regiments Cameronians (Scottish Rifles}: Killed, 14; wounded, 8. Sherwood Foresters: Killed, 6; died of wounds, 2 wounded, 5. Seaforth Highlanders (Territorials): Killed, 1; died of wounds, 4 wounded,
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    • 37 5 London, April 19. An English aviator bombed the station of Hakioten and destroyed 100 yards of the railway. He flew up the Rhine in the direction of Mulhausen, escaping the fire of the forts.
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    • 35 5 Pari?, April 19. Prince Arthur of Connaught, on behalf of the King, decorated General Manoury who was recently wounded, with the Order of the Grand Cross of St. Michael and St. George
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 270 5 HUGE ENEMY FORCES HURLED BACK. Petrograd, April 19. A Russian official message says At the bpginning of March (old style) the only portion of the principal chain of the Carpathians in possession of the Russians was in the region of the Dukla Passes. All other passes
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    • 588 5 NEGOTIATIONS FAIL Rome, April 19 It is authoritatively smouncei that n twithstandmg German efforts to secure an agreement beiween Italy and Austria on the lines of territorial concessions the negotiations have failed. Conversations Broken Off. Fari a April 17. Rome telegrams confi r m that Italy hss
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    • 416 5 The stoppage of the outside supply of copper to Germany as bearing on her capacity to continue the war is weighed carefully in all its aspect! by a well-informed writer in The Times.” Hs takes first the use of the metal in war material in cases where
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 120 5 TURKISH AEROPLANE CHASED Athens, April 19. The bombardment of the forts of the Dardanelles was resumed on Saturday. A Turkish aeroplane dropped bombs, but missed warship! off Tenedos. It was pursued by Allied seaplanes, but escaped. Mr. Churchill's Statement. London, April 19. Mr. Churchill Las handed a statement
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    • 96 5 GOEBEN OFFICERS ON BOARD. Lcndon, April 19. The Times correspondent at Chios says th? stranded Turkish torpedo b at is the Demirkapu. Seven Germans on b< ard, «11 of them Goeben cfficers. They told the Governor that the torpedo boat e»caped fre m the Dardanelles a
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    • 68 5 GERMANY’S REPLY. Amsterdam, April 19. In reply to the Dutch protes*-, Germany says she had no intention of attacking a Du ch vessel, but it was possibly owing to an unfortunate accident that the Katwijk was torpedoed by a German submarine. If this can be proved
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  • General News.
    • 137 5 TRAGIC SEQUEL TO WIFE’S DEATH. London, April 19. Reuter deeplv regrets to announce that Baron Herbert de Reuter, Managing Director of Reuter’s, was yesterday found b dead at his residence near Reigate. A revolver, which had been discharged, wa? found there. If. app°nrs that there is
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    • 481 5 Baron Auguste Julius Clemens Herbert de Reuter was managing director of Reuter's Telegram Co. Born in the eldest son of Baron de Reuter he sneceedod Lis father ir. 1899 and married in 1876. Edith, daughter of the late Robert Campbell of Buscot Park, Berkshire. The heir
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    • 30 5 x London, April 19. It is officially announced that there will be no Cup or League football next season unless the war is ended before then.
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    • 155 5 ANNUAL MEETING. [From Owr Own Correspondent!] Singapore, April 20. At the annual meeting of Singapore Chamber of Commerce, the Hon. C. W. DarbLhire, the President, in the course of a long speech, said trade was in a much better state than might have been expected. Referring
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  • 25 5 London, April 20.* The following is the rubber quotation for to-day implantation Ist Latex Crepe 2/4 July-December courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co.]
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  • 190 5 The following will represent the Single on Sa‘urday 24tb on the Esplanade at 2 30 p.m. sharp R T Reid, C H Mackay, R B Beattie, V G Ezechiel. G E Wright-Motion Jr, R E Prentis, Dr S F Nicholas, Lt Rotherham R N, A W Harries, P T
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    • 127 5 The man Has-aa who was arrested by a detective early on the m?rning of tha 12th instant wi h a Aris in his possession while coming out from a house in Perak Road which had bs n broke into the night previous aid who petcl d guilty
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    • 118 5 Padan, a Boyanese, pleaded guilty iu the Third Court, this morning, to bringing 17 unstamped letters into tbe Colony. He said he came from Boyen, in Java, and before he left that place he was requested by three friends there to take and deliver the
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    • 124 5 Wan Chee Merican, who was brought up before Mr. Hamilton last week, altered bi? plea of not guilty to one of guilty to-day for criminal breach of trust in respect of a Singer sewing machine. Court Inspector Nicol said accused was entrusted with the collection of
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    • 94 5 Kartap Singh, who was charged last week with escaping from legal custody in the beginning of February last was to-day sentenced by Mr. Hamilton to pay a fine of $3O or one month. Accused, it may be remembered, was arrested for ti e alleged theft of
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  • 97 5 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following further con'ributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on April 17 ...$15,371.00 Government Servants, District of Balik Pulau 45.09 Mr and Mrs L J C Anderson, monthly subscription 25.00 F B
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  • 43 5 Tbe following are the latest quotations in our share list:— Yesterday. To-day. n S Baaam. 3 o'? m M t mining, Rambutan $9 $lO s9| $lO Rnbber (Sterling). Yam Seng 3/- 3/9 3/3 4/Rubber (Dollar). Malakoff 52.20 $2.50 $2.30 $2.50
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  • 84 5 In connection with the establishment of a Rubber market at Batavia, it may be pointed out that the year 1915 promises to be a very important year for the planting of and commerce iu this article. Ia 1914 the production in Nethelands India amounted to 9,000 tons, whilst
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  • 32 5 To-day’s quotation for rnrefine 1 tin in Penang was $82.80 per picul, business done. Tin is quoted in London t)-day at £167 10s. Sput, and £167 15s. three months.
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  • 938 6 THE STANDARD MARKET. There have not been any violent fluctuations during the past few days, says the Ironmonger of 20th March, although it was expected in some quarters that the declaration of tin to be contraband would have weakened the position materially. Any effect that this declaration would have
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  • 927 6 20 KNOTS ON THE SURFACE? There is not really much mystery surrounding the German submarines even of the latest type, writes Mr. A. P. Chalkley, A.M. Inst. C.E., Editor of the Motor Ship and Motor Boat/ 1 and prior to the outbreak of war it was
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    • 79 6 THE BALKANS. London, March 29th.—Dr Dillon, the ’•Daily Telegraph” correspondent, who is now in Rome, has telegraphed as follows: The chief obstacle in the way of the Balkan League is Bulgaria’s claim to Monastir, in Turkish Macedonia, and Kayalla, Rumelia, which the Serb Greeks decline to
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    • 222 6 Simla, April sth.—The following telegram has been received here from England The Times” military correspondent, reviewing the general situation, says that the situation of the Allies Armies is relatively favourable. The 2,000,000 AustroGermans who opened the great attack upon the Russian Armies in January last and
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    • 52 6 Paris, March 26th.—A girl named Marguerite Schmidt, a native of Thiaucourt, in the extreme east of France, was shot as a spy yesterday in the presence of French troops. She confessed that the Germans had paid her 200 francs for penetrating the French lines and sending information
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    • 164 6 London, March 28th.—An Exchange telegram from Sofia states that General von der Goltz has been commissioned to offer Bulgaria the Eoos-Midia line in exchange for her continued neutrality. Rome, March 28th.—A telegram from Sofia states that General von der Goltz has arrived there. He has admitted that
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    • 65 6 London, March 28th.—The Vienna people and newspapers are very despondent. Tbe Neue Freie Press* states ”We prevented tbe German Empire from being struck at the heart, and have fought valiantly, and with wonderful courage. We still must let Austria’s fate rest in the conflict in the Carpathians.” Other
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    • 66 6 London, March 28th.—The Times,” in emphasising Lord Milner’s warning to the Government against entering upon peace negotiations without consulting the Dominions, states;—•• The Government’s decision to bold no Imperial Conference this year means that it is prepared to run the risk of having to consider peace
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    • 214 6 New York, March 28th.—In an interview granted to an American journalist Sir John French stated that the most crucial moment of the war for the British occurred at Lecsteau during the Mons retreat. He added Tbe Germans’ ambitions was to annihilate us. That might have been realised
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  • 96 6 The boly of Mr. George Clunies Ross, the King of the Cocos Islands, who died at Ventnor five years ago, was on Feb. 11 removed for interment in the Cocoa Islands Mausoleum. The connection of the Ross family with the island in the South Indian Ocean reads
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  • 104 6 War which has upset many things in France, has modified to the social state and civil law. The French Senate on March 18 passed a law allowing greater facilities for tbe marriage of soldiers. From now till the end of the war, on some occasions, and
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  • 62 6 T«cs4ay. April 20« Band, Golf Club, 6 u.m. Empire Theatre. Penang Road Electric Polyscope Co,, Argyle Road. W«4aes4ay, April 2L Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Tk«rs4ay, April 22. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Friday. April 23. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Saturday, April 24. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m.
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  • 7 6 Juno 4 and s.—lpoh Races.
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  • 132 6 Pknang, April 20, 1915. (By CourUty of tho Ohurtorod Bank). London Demand Bank M .2/4 ,i 4 months’ right Bank ...2/4 7/32 3 Credit „.2/4 9/1« n 3 Documentary „.2/4 19/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 j 3 days’ right Private 176| Bombay Demand Bank 174 j ’Moulnein Demand
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  • 38 6 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Hok Canton, Brit., 287, Gully, April 20, T. Anson, gen., E. S. Co. Trang, Brit, 73, William Pithie, April 20, Trang, gen, E. S. Co. Van Riemsdijk, Dut., 1268, Sadisman, April 19, Soerabaya, gen., K.P.T.
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  • 49 6 To-day. Atsuta Mani for Colombo Tuticorin, Marseilles and London. Malacca for Tongkah. Yatshing for Singapore, China 'and Japan. Hebe for Teluk Anson. Pangkor for Bindings and Sitiawan. Klang for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Atjeh for Langsa Edi, T. Semawe, Segli and Olehleh. Dunera for Rangoon, Calcutta and Durban.
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  • 31 6 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Moxxow. For Per Close. Alor Star (Kedah) Leong Ho 9 am. Asahan Jin Ho 11 a.m. Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson Hok Canton 3 p.m.
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  • 12 6 Agaponor, April 21, from Singapore. Ningchow, April 24, from Suez.
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  • 209 6 Pkmaho, Apbil 20, 1915. 8; P. Tapioca 36.40 sales M. P. Tapiooa $7.00 seller. Gold leaf $64.4D Popper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oe). 216 1/2 buyers Black Pepper 218.00 buyers,* White Pepper 235.00 sales Trang Pepper 2241 sellera. Mace 5110 nom. Mace Pickings 266.00 sellers, Olovoo f 45
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 89 6 MentaT^nT^HysicarFatigue.^ Xary f^°is^n ,S el^nced dl uXr the “Allenburys- |g| nW is especially valuable. It is plehsant to take, easily digested and assimilated fnd speedily restorative. Thus it helps the system to recover tone and vigour. The ‘Allenburys- DIET is prepared from pure rich milk and whole wheat-the two vital
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    • 546 6 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. MAATSCHAPPIJ. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Netherlands Trading Society. Esiasliihid 1824. Paid-up Capital Capital f. 50,000,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,00; £4,166,664 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £l,200,00( Reserve Fund f. 8,813,612 Hsad Ornes *bt. 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.O Hsad Ornes nr Amstirdam, Agencies
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  • 1320 7 PROSPECTS. lhe fifth anjanal general meeting of the :Jagan Serai Company, Ltd., was field on March 15th at 38, Eastcheap, E C„ Mr. E. L. Hamilton (the Chairman) presiding. The C hairman sa:d The report and accounts have been in your hands for the ustomary time, and you
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  • 1221 7 DIVIDEND OF 30 PER CENT. DECLARED. OUTLOOK CURRENT YEAR. The sixth annual general meeting of the Kurau Rubber Estate, Ltd was held at 38, Eastchcep, E.C, Mr. E. L. Hamilton (Chairman of the company) presiding. The profit earned during the period covered by the accounts is £12,823
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  • 571 7 Alleged Bogus Transaction in Copra. A sensational case was filed at th*? Colombo Police Court when the curtain was lifted on a series of alleged frauds perpetrated in a well known mercantile firm in Colombo. Mr. Richard Franc's Darby, a partner in the firm of Messrs.
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  • 477 7 April s— Austrian attempt to invade Bessarabia route! by Russians. Steamer City of Bremen sunk off Land’s End. Four drowned. Two steamers mined in Baltic. German steamer sunk in Baltic. 25 drowned. Glasgow steamer Olivine sunk in Channel. April 6 —Cardiff steamer Northlands sunk, Germans seize
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  • 958 7 c o Name, §5 09 5 -P M| N I NO, Ayer Weng /Rabnran/ D A P. Oc. 4Cc 500 Belat Tin Mining Co 24 S 3 Chenderlang Tin Dredging Co 8/" 10/” Deebook Dredging N. L. 23/- 25/Gopeng Consolidated M w 27/6 30/- uom Do part paid —4-
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 62 7 HOTEL NORMAN, Penang’s Select Residential Hotel. ENGLISH PROPRIETORSHIP. N.B.— ln the event of change of proprietorship, the Hotel will not be closed, but will be handed over to the new tenant as a going concern. Large Airy Rooms facing the Sea. Under the patronage of H. M. Judges, Medixal Officers,
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    • 157 7 HOW ALEXANDER UNTIED THE KNOT. Advertising is breeding new giants every year and making them more powerful every hour. Publicity is the sustaining food of a powerful business and the only strengthening nourishment for a weak. The man who delays his entry into advertising must pay the penalty of his
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1875 8 P. &O. t intended sailings. straits Steam Ship Co., Ltd. Ocean Steam Navigation Co. INDIA y or j Intended to Sail. j Steamer. I STEAM SHIP Cf,, Wireless Telegraphy fitted on all All AllV I A POt BwoUenham d Singapore. I E ery tom^w tt a ß r’f 3o pm
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