Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 19 April 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 680 1 rir. ii H-inr— inr—innr—inr mi u ir-i IF YOU WANT TO SHIP, BUY on SELL RUBBER OR TO A FORWARD QOOD3 L ITO ANY PABT OT Ttii WORLD n GC TO ALLEN DENNYS Co., T, vwon ftißEn. r 11 11- u E-L£7rjnaannr h n mrn THE PINANG CMSTTE.” jjy ifTgr
      680 words
    • 65 1 b or» noao■r?•• j wn r c cr’on c o n o ctw FOH J3O 3 can hare the Finan* u y j». jKjated wv*rj c wferL-o ywur to vduf R 4 (I.CC/L SUBSCriPTIOM. SJF). Jl 3 PrGportio’ax* Quarterly and •I HaH>yMriy rate*. "Z SJabacriptiohß are payable io c U
      65 words

  • 1109 2 A SELF CONFESSED HYPOCRITE. A new book haa boon pnbliahed al homo. The Berlin Court Under William IL By Count Axel von Sehwering, London: Cassell and Co. Pp. viii. 349. 16a. net. Thia book, aaya an exchange, ia either one of the moat important and
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  • 193 2 .—Ex. The Government have found out since the outbreak of the war that British prestige in China has suffered considerably from the operations of some companies with German or semi-German or Austrian direct9rates registered in London or in some other part of the Empire. On
    .—Ex.  -  193 words
  • 391 2 A German speaking Dutchman was held up on the frontier by a German office r who challenged his nationality, “If you really are a Netherlander,” he said, speak to m j in Dutch.” Tn that language the L>utchman sail “To perdition with all German doge.” Right,” said the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 759 2 Dates for wanted. Casual Advertisements. or 21 inches together with point* and if FOR SALE TO LIT. SITUATMRS V*G*HT. EM. ■>“““• price. Minimum Charge $2.00 Ml pnrtionUr. and UJ when it can be seen to For 1 insertion L2O per inch. MANAGER, 2 insertions 1.10 M J for Pongsu Estate,
      759 words
    • 75 2 If you want your baby to thrive—feed him on Glaxo, —the food that builds bonny babies.” “Glaxo” is not an artificial food—it is simply a pure milk which has had extra cream and milk sugar added, and by the Glaxo,” process is made germ-free. Glaxo provides an ideal diet for
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    • 979 2 TIPPERARY. BANKS I CHARTERED BANK OF HERE YOU ARE AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA. And all the other Topical ditties incorporated ty Royal Chwrt er> of the Day. E±‘ ap pi 1 30 cents each. BUY NOW. a««tyofPropri.tow... w SB, BIBHOPBGATK, LONDON, 1.0 Its a Lona» Long Way to Aewous m Amritear
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  • 3596 3 TERMINATING ENEMY TRADE IN SINGAPORE. COLONY'S FINANCIAL POSITION. The fir-t meeting of members of the Legislative Council, since December 18, 1914, was held on Friday afternoon, when an interesting discussion on the position of enemy companies in the Colony was forthcoming. There were present H E the Governor
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  • 960 3 THE SCENE OF THE RECENT FIGHTING. Little did I think, when last Christmas I went up the Persian Gulf for a trip of business and pleasure, writes a correspondent of a Calcutta paper, that within ten months there would be hard fighting in the pleasant places
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  • 243 3 An Australian Version. When we’re happy we sing Tipperary,” But we are rather tired of the words. The other day the Riverina bushmen—men from Wagga, Narrsndera Hay, Coolamon, and all along the Murrumhidgee—sang It’s a lung way to Riverina,” and the regimental poet parodied the original. Up to dear
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  • 125 3 (From Puck.”) When every pool in Eden was a mirror That unto Eye her dainty charms proclaimed, She went undraped, without a single fear or Thought that she had need to be ashamed. ’Twas only when she’d eaten the apple That she became inclined to be a prude And
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  • 120 3 Hads*) thou been sitting yet in Lincoln’s chair, A different voice had pealed across the sea, Another hand had struck a deepor key, A larger note had pulsed upon the air. Thou, in whose blood our Scotland hath a share— As once on thine own
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  • 24 3 PkNANGThe E. O. Hotel, The Orag, Ruunymede Hotel, Hotel Norman. British Hotel. Singapore:—Raffles Hotel. Rangoon h—Strand Hotel. Cbylon :—Nuwara Elly a.
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  • 100 4 [Riwnn'a Tklmbxbb London, April IT. “The Timet” correspondent at Mytilena reports that ten battleships approached Enos and that two entered the Bay of Enos and destroyed a Turkish camp. Emos is on the mainland of European Turkey, 50 miles north of the western entrance to the Dardanelles.
    [Riwnn'a Tklmbxbb ]  -  100 words
  • 114 4 Paris, April 17. A French communique says yesterday a French battleship, supported by aeroplane reconnaissance, effectively bombarded enemy works at El Arish, and a concentration of Turki-h troops «here. El Arish is'7o miles east of Port Said, and is on the Mediterranean. Turkish Tents Bombed. London, April
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  • 38 4 Petrograd, April 16. A Russian m a ssige says Russian destroyers in the Black Sea »-ank four Turkish steamers and sev ral sailing vessel?, off the Anatolian coast, nd also attacked Turkish batteries at Zunsouldak.
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  • 97 4 The Hague, April 18. The Dutch Admiralty have learnt that the Greek steamer Ellis Pontos, from Ymuiden for Monte Video, war torpedoed in the North Sea. The crew were saved and are returning to Holland. Torpedoed Twice. Mushing, April 18. Twenty-two of the crew of. the Greek
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  • 24 4 The Hague, April 18. The Government has sent a protest to Germany against the sinking of the Dutch steamer Ka'wijk.
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  • 21 4 London, April 18. German aeroplanes bombed two British trawlers and afterwards fired on them, both without result.
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  • 204 4 Mr. Ward Price in the Daily Mail describes in picturesque language, Tenedos, the first naval base the English schoolboy ever hears of,” and points cut that the shabbiness of this classic island, whose present anomalous political situation is that it is occupied by the Greeks but claimed
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  • 26 4 A BIG INCREASE. Winnipeg, April 18. The Saskatchewan Government reports an increase of three quarters of a million acres in the area under wheat.
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  • 17 4 Cape Town, April 17. The Government has decided to double the Income Tax.
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  • 138 4 INTERVIEW WITH SIR L. 8. JAMESON. London, Ifareh 17. The Rt Hon. Sir Leander Starr Jameson, Presfflent of the British South Africa Company, on returning from h trip to India, in an interview with Reuter, said except for insignificant isolated local raids the whole of India was
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  • 23 4 London, April 17. No telegraphic facilities are afforded for Epsom Races next week. Telegrams will have to be carried a mile.
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  • 21 4 London, April 16. Lord Rothschild’s estate has been provisionally sworn at two and a half millions sterling.
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  • 108 4 London, April 17. Copper £74-10*. Rubber 2/6|; selected £B2-10*. Braziers £92. Spelter £37. Linseeds Argentine. £49 6s April, May, sellers, Bombay, £57. Wheat White Karachi 58/-, June, July, buyers, Rosafe buyers, Guzerat 54/6 value. Barley 35/6 sellers. Hemp buyers. Tamarinds paid, value. Lead £2l Is 41. Tin
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  • 142 4 Britain Germany Battleships Bulwark 15,000 Formidable 15,000 Irresistible 15,000 Ocean 12,950 Cruisers. Good Hope 14,100 Blucher 15,550 Aboukir 12,000 Seharnhorst 11,420 Hogue 12J 00 Gneisenau 11,420 Cressy 12,000 Yorck 9,050 Monmouth 9,800 Friedrich Karl 8,850 Hawke 7,350 Karlsruhe 4,820 Hermes 5,600 Magdeburg 4,500 Amphion 3,440 Kola 4,350
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  • 83 4 Russian Progress ia Carpathians THE RECENT CAPTURES. Petrograd, April 18. A Russian official telegram says after 18 days’ persistent attacks we captured, by April sth, the principal chain, in the Carpathians on the front from Reghetoff to Volossate, 70 miles long. The fighting since that date has
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  • 528 4 CALYPSO-AVAGYEE COLLISION. At the Marine Court of Enquiry this morning the hearing was commenced into the circumstances attending the collision of the Straits Steamship Company’s steamer Calyp’O and the Eastern Shipping Company’s ship Avagyee on the morning of the 3rd instant in Penang harbour, whereby the latter was
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  • 248 4 Germany, despite the cheerful statements of her financial experts as to the adequacy of her gold reserves, has apparently (says the Times”) been compelled to open the secret war chest—the hoard of gold kept for any warlike emergency in the strong rooms of the fortress of
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  • 444 4 Mr. A. E. Bailey, of the Straits Trading Co., being transferred to Singapore, Mr. H. Treacher take® hb place at Gopeng. Mr. B. Lowick, of Measn. Evatt and Co.’e Singapore etaft ia leaving for the front. He aai’a by the a. s. Yasaka Mam. Mr. A Munro,
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  • 137 4 The Rev. Wil iam Cross, M. A., who has ministered to the congregation of Penang Presbyterian Chu-c’i, «dnee January sth, 1913, will preach his farewell sermon on Sunday next, after which he takes charge of the congrega’ion of Singapore Presbyterian Church, Although his departure is greatly regretted,
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  • 68 4 (Brom Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, April 19. On Saturday, four new Mahommedan Justices of the Peace were entertained to dinner. The Hon. Mr. Wilkinson, the Colonial Secretary, and many other distinguished persons, were present. The speeches emphasised the loyalty of Mahommedans, and it was stated that whilst no
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  • 54 4 Arrivals. By Lama (April 19) from Singapore, Mr and Mrs Mathews, Mr and Mrs A C Cutter, Mrs S J Vickery, Miss Boyd, Messrs A Agnew, F V Jennings, A Munro and Jackson from Port Swettenham, Mr and Mrs Henggeler, Mr and Mrs Cantrell, Mrs Wagner, Mrs Lebrooy and
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  • 1361 4 PROMULGATION OF SENTENCES. MUTINEEAS EXECUTE». (From Owr Own Correspondence Singapore, April 19. The execution of three mutineers took place on Saturday, oae of them inside the jail as the prisoner was unable to walk. The others wore carried out outside. A large number of mutineers were sentenced
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  • 49 4 The Hon. Treasurer sends es the following further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on April 14 $555 50 Ladies’ Bridge Book Penang Golf Club, for March 42.00 Balance on April 14 $597.50 Amount previously acknowleged ...111,744.74 Total $12,342 24
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  • 142 4 Previously acknowledged $-521, Collected by Mrs R C M (Feb. and March) Mr Drummond Hay $l, Mrs Haigh $4, Mrs Gough $2, Mrs Schwabe $lO, M«s RC M Kindersley $lO, Collect-d by Mrs Bennett Mrs Macgiegor $2, Collected by Mrs N G eniir Mrs
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  • 37 4 The following are the latest quotations in our share list Saturday. To-day s i J* -r Minxng, Kamunting... 25/- 27/6 27/6 30/fahang C. 7/3 7/9 7/6 8/« RahmanH.... sB‘ Rubber (DollarL Pajam SBJ sB|
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  • 110 4 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 to 7 p.m this evening 1. Selection Strolling Round the Town Godfrey 2. Galop Ta-Ra Ra-Boom-de-Ay ...Meissler 3. Waltz Farewell Don't Be Cross ...Gartn p r 5 Dance Des Sylphes ...Sab«thi> 5. March
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  • 53 4 Obituary. MR. HENRY MATTHEWS. London, April 17. The death has occurred of Mr. Henry Matthews, for 30 years in the Public Works Department of Burmah. RICHARD LEDEKKER. London, April 17. Richard Ledekker is dead. DKATH. Robertson —On Friday, April 16, at Singapore, Emily Berth*, and wife of J. B. Robertson.
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  • 3542 5 S.T.” h. MACGREGOR V. “STRAITS TIMES.” THE CASE FOR THE PLAINTIFF. Considerable progress was made on Friday io the libel suit, brought? by Mr. William Harvey Macgregor, against the Straits Times Press, Ltd., and Mr. Alexander William Still, managing editor of the Straits Times,” which was opened
    —“ S.T.”  -  3,542 words
  • 156 5 An indication of the tremendous effort this country has made iin keeping up the output of war material and of the greater magnitude of the efforts yet to be made was given by Lord Southwark at the annual meeting of the Associated Chambers of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 55 5 Fcra judge the sincerity of silver by the btdi-wark. The sincerity of an advertisement may be est mated by the' consistency of its app 4 arance. If advertisements appear persistently in the press, it is evident they are honest and*worth your while to reply to. If they were not, they
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    • 445 5 I y Shave Yourself. 1 J You. Sir. hating the dfeeomfort J A of your old-fashioned shave more A W every day, should take to heart the y I experience of the Gillette users yo» I A know. Get a Gillette Safety Razor A Y and Gillette Blades. Bsitish made.
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  • 1241 6 There is no mincing of words or half heartedutss when Mr. Theodore Roosevelt takes sides. From the outbreak of the war the ex President of the United States has never lost a chance of exp easing his belief that it is the duty of the powerful
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  • 1229 6 The ’Government has taken a step that may have far-reaching results so far as the status of women workers is concerned. It is compiling a register of all women trained and untrained, who are will 1 ing to do industrial, agricultural, or clerical work, while the war
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  • 205 6 At the Church of the Assumption, on Saturday afternoon, the Rav. Father L. M Duvelle officiating, the marriage was solemnised of Mr. W. Head, of Miri, Sarawak, son of Mr. aud Mrs. J. W. Head of Plymouth to Miss Effie Stewart, youngest daughter of Mrs. P. M.
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  • 247 6 —<■ M. M.“ To-da/s quotation for unrefine I tin in Penang was $81.25 per picul, buyersno sellers, an increase of 25 ceuts. Penang Volunteer Parades for tha week are as follows Tuesday 20th, •«> a.m., Chinese Recreation Ground v 1 mishing). Tuesday 20th, 5.30 ip- 01 Esplanade
    —<■ M. M.“  -  247 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 111 6 THE POPULAR PETER WALKER PETER WALKER* M LAGER fflhv A LITTLE FtTER FROM ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS, or SELLAR, MURRAY Co., ASAHI BEER, s 5 3 GRAND PRIZE J JJ B H Awarded by the Anglo- M S IwO Japan Exhibition, 1910 5 and Tokyo Taisho w IBgk II Exhibition, 1914.
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    • 32 6 THE CRAG HOTEL, “SANATORIUM" PENANG HILL Completely Renovated. An hour and 10 minutes from the a HOTEL Chairs and Coolies always in readiness at the foot of the Hill. Sabkixs Bbothirs Proprietors.
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  • 434 7 TURKISH TORPEDO BOAT DESTROYED. BIG FIGHT HEAR PERSIAN GULF. ACTIVITIES OF ALLIED AIRMEN. BRITISH VICTORY NEAR YPRES The Gertraos admit a defeat by the British troops, south-east of Ypres, on Saturday, and state that the b?.ttle con&gt;inu&lt;s. 'J hey also acknowledge having to fall back in Alsace, near
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 407 7 GERMANS ADMIT DEFEAT. Reuter’s Services.] [Rkutbb’s Sbbvices]. [Copybight Telegrams.] Amsterdam, April 18. A Berlin communique admits a British euccess last night, south-east of Ypres, and says 41 After mine explosions, the British penetrated our position north of the Canal. The battle continues around thiee craters.” The communique
      Reuter’s Services.]; [Rkutbb’s Sbbvices].  -  407 words
    • 524 7 ‘EYEWITNESS’S” REVELATIONS London. April 17. Eye-Witness with the British troops says there has been the usual shelling but no engagement of special importance. The British marksmanship lately has had many succes es. It is claimed that our men Lave dispos°d of 1 8 snipers in three days.
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    • 112 7 EXTENSIVE OPERATIONS IN GERMANY. Paris, April 17. A French evening communique says our aviators have b en most active. They drooped 40 bombs ou the electric station at Maidere*, the supply for Metz power and lighting. Dense smoke was seen rising from the central building. They returned
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    • 78 7 DUEL IN THE AIR. London, April 17. The latest exploit of the famous French aviator, Garros, occurred at Dunkirk yesterday morning. Ou learning that a German aeroplane was in s»ght Garros gave chase, and after much jockeying for position, he swooped down from above and behind, f o&lt;n
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    • 46 7 Amsterdam, April 17. A telegram from Srrassburg states that a hosti e airship dropped twelve bombs and d sappea red to the i.orth. It was seen by the searchlights and bombarded by antiaircraft guns. Two were wounded, and considerable damage was done.
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    • 90 7 PROTEST TO GERMANY. Paris April 17. A French communique says there is nothing to report. It is announced that German airmen again dropped bombs on Swiss territory, nesr Beurnevisin. Swi z rland is seeding a protest to Germany. The German Air Raids. London, April 17. A
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    • 170 7 London, April 16 To-dsvs list of casualties contains 314 names. Killed— G Holman, (Shropshire Light Infantry). Wounded— B Battye, P J Blair, G Bridges, A D Hopkinson, L J Lloyd, H R Martin, C Arder-mn. Unofficially reported Filled—3 B Combe, (Irish Horse). Die» of Wounds—R J
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    • 53 7 JOHN REDMOND’S TRIBUTE. London, April 16. Mr. John Redmond ha* telegraphed, in regard to the death at the front of Mr W. G. C. Gladstone M.P: “The whole Irish people mourn the tragic but heroic end of one who worthily aarried on a great tradition of
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    • 70 7 PROTEST TO GERMANY. London, April 17. Great Britain, through the American Ambassador in Berlin, has protested in the strongest terms against the shooting of tbe British school master, Mr. Hadley, in e train between Berlin and Cologne on August 3, by a German officer, who was afterward*
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    • 166 7 A BIRMINGHAM RESOLUTION. London, April 17. At a Unionist meeting at Birmingham, on the proposal of Mr. Austen Chamberlain, M.P., a resolution was pasted approving of the Unionist leaders supporting tbe Government during the present period of national peril, and ttuving that the war wiil be vigorously
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    • 120 7 UNITED STATES ATTACKED. New York, April 16. Mr. Theodore Roosevelt, replying to a correspondent, vigourously attacks the peace movement in America. The ex-President says it is base and evil to clamour for peace, when silence was kept in regard to th j hideous wrongs done
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    • 92 7 Portland (Maine), April 18. Free use of the seas and an outlet for German trade through Belgium could assure peace.” So wrote Herr Dernburg to a meeting which he was unable to attend, owing to the iilness of his wife. Herr Dernburg added The only alternative
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    • 47 7 London, April 16. Mr. John Dillon, M.P., speaking at G!«s gow, congratulated Irishmen on their patriotism. He ea d to ba neutral to-day was to be hostile or a coward. Recruiting, he said, was now proceeding in Ireland like a house on fire.”
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 130 7 SUCCESSFUL RUSSIAN RUSE Petrograd, April 17. A Russian communique says In the Carpathian*, the Russian*, by noisekssly approaching the enemy’s entanglements, between the village* of Telepo.cza and Zuella, broke through, and after a brief bayonet encounter, eaptured two heights, taking numerous prisoner*. The enemy counter-attaoked. Fighting continues.
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    • 45 7 Petrograd, April 18. An official message announces that the total number of guns captured at Przemysl is 1010. The majority are bronze weapons, which were Austria’s great pride. Th* Tsar. Petrograd, April 17. The Tiar has left for the front.
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    • 30 7 Amsterdam, April 15. The official organ M Fremdenblatt declares that the reports a* to Austria’s intentioa to conclude a separate peace with Bn saia are without foundation.
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    • 171 7 SHOTS EXCHANGED. Paris, April 15. A Rome telegram says Fifteen Austrian soldiers entered Italian territory on Thursday night through the Paes of Loro. They penetrated a distance of two miles and returned to tbe Trentino. Italian Customs official* pursued them but were unable to overtake them.
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    • 20 7 Amsterdam, April 16. The Vosdsche Zeitur.g reports that the Russian Consul at Kermanshah was murdered by Persians.
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  • Turkey and Near East
    • 62 7 RASH POLICY REPROBATED. Paris, April 17. The Temps states that at a Council of the Imperial family at Constantinople, the Sultan, who appeared greatly overcome, said he owed his accession to the Young Turks, but he would have preferred never to have reigned than see the
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    • 238 7 IMPORTANT BRITISH VICTORY. London, April 17. The Press Bureau says the British offensive in Ba ia wss continued on April 14th, in the direction of Zobek, four miles south of Shaiba Fort, and drove the Turks from their advance post. The British then attacked the Turkish
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    • 38 7 London, April 16. A message from Constantinople states that the Turkiah Government has decided to issue six million pounds of small Ex chequer Notes, with a forced currency, redeemable six months after the conclusion of peace
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    • 47 7 POSSIBILITY OF WAR. London, April 17 The Daily Mail Sofia correspondent say* Premier Radoslavoff acknowledged the possibility of Bulgaria joining the Entente, owing to Germany’* refusal to deliver munitions whioh had been paid for, or to make the April loan advance as agreed on.
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    • 42 7 Athens, April 18. A noteworth change ha* taken place in the attitude of the Government Press, under tbe influence of tbe general feeling of the country. It is believed that it foreshadow* a modification of the policy of the Cabinet.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 93 7 IN DARDANELLES. London, April 18. The Pres* Bureau announces that the British submarine Els made a difficult reconnaissance in the Kephc z minefield, in the DaidanelL s. yesterday, and ran ashore. An official Coas auti iople communique says the officers and men were rescued and made prisoners.
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    • 184 7 The sunken submarine, E 15, was one of 18 of its class of fine ocean-going vessels, and the latest additions to the Btitish Flotilla*. With a submerged displacement of 800 tons, 176 feet long, 22| ft. beam, the heavy oil engines of nearly 2.000 H. K give
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    • 394 7 SEQUEL TO ATTACK ON BRITISH TRANSPORT. L«ondon, April 18. The Admiralty announce! that the British transpot Manitou, with Toop*, wa* attacked by a Turkish torpedo-boat in the Aegean Sea to day. The torpedo beat fired three torpedoes, all of which mis ed, and then retired. She
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  • 654 8 ZEPPELINS KEPT FOR “THE DAY.” Another Dew Zeppelin recently left Friedrichshafen for an unknown destination,” wrote a Swiss correspondent. As usual, it had been tested two or three times over the Lake of Constance, some of the torpedo-shaped bombs being dropped on floating targets. Only time can solve
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  • 220 8 Possibly no heavyweight contest of recent times has aroused more interest than the meeting of England’s heavyweight champion, Bombardier Wells, and Frank Moran, of Pittsburg, who were to contest twenty rounds for a purse of £7OO at the I.ondon Opera House on Monday night, March 29.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 512 8 BILIOUSNESS. There are many cause* of this complaint, but they all spring from a disordered liver which does not properly fulfil its functions, especially in a warm climate, when it becomes sluggish in its action. The bile is turned from I its proper channel, and enters the blood, and the
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    • 448 8 Baby WĕO THE 'ALLENBURYS' FOODS being perfectly digestible and closely resem? human milk, give freedom from digestive ailments, promote sound sleep and ensure vigorous health' and development. g «Hllenburgs F®ds fe and the ALLENBUSYS' FEEVER. Simplest and Best. 1 tr rnnn 1 MILK FOOD No. 2. MALTED FOOD No. 3.
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  • 983 9 Nmm. 5 mining. Ayer Wen* /BahmarU D*P. Oh -40 c Sfto Belat Tin Mining Oe St 83 Cbendertang Tin Dredging C» —8- 10/Deeboek Dredging N. L. 23/- 25/Gopeng Consolidated S7/S 30r nom De part paid 4£ M pem Kamuntlng Tin Si/6 30/Kanabo! Katoo Deebook N. L. M l/-yns 2/'P™
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  • 1537 9 DJAMBI CONCESSIONS. As Reuter will have informed you, Bill» have been «übmitted to the Second Chamber approving of contracts to be granted to the Batavia and the South Perlajc Petroleum Companies for exploration of concessions in Djambi, says the Weltevreden correspondent of the “3.F.P.” A Hague wire gives
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  • 263 9 The monthly field operations wei carried out yesterday by C Coy, of the Penang Volunteers, under Capt Maun. The idea on this occasion was a novel one. Two parties landed from a launch at the Kuala Prai, below Sungei Nyiur, with the intention of advancing on Butterworth. The
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  • 660 9 ANNUAL MEBTING. There was a very poor attendance at the 2fth annual general meeting of the Singapore Golf Clab, there being only twenty five m-smbsra present, inclading the President, His Excellency Sir Arthur Young, who took ths chair. The minutes of the last general meeting were confirmed,
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  • 218 9 Nbbd fob Chinbsb Immigration. A general meeting of the Kajang D.P.A. was held in the Kajang Club recently. The minutes of tne last general meeting-, having been confirmed, the following resolution, propsed by Mr. *'R. C. M. Kindersely (chairman) and seconded by Mr. O. P. Dakeyne was carried
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  • 311 9 The Yorkshire Herald publishes a letter from Sir John J-llicoe to Kathleen Torr, a little blind girl of York who knitted and sent to him a woollen scarf, saying in a letter in Braille that she would be the happiest little girl in England if
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 32 9 ENGLISH NURSE WANTED. English nurse or nursery GOVERNESS wanted to take charge of two boys aged 4 and If years. Apply Mrs. Home, United Langkat Plantation® Company, Bindjei, Deli Sumatra (East Coast).
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 172 9 If you are looking for the Largest variety and Best Films. YOU need only call at THE STRAITS CINEMA Co., EMPIRE HALL, PENANC ROAD. The Leading Premier Show in Penang and The People’s Favourite Rendezvous, TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT 11 Thos. A. Edision’s Stupendous Film Serial, What Happened to Mary And Who
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  • 284 10 KUALA LUMFUR FIRM DEFRAUDED We understand says the “M M. that a salesman and a storekeeper recently employed in the firm of Messrs. Paterson, Simon, Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, have absconded after, it is alleged, swindling the firm of goods to the value of about $50,000 or more,
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  • 277 10 Some extracts from the Wall Street Journal” published in the New York Herald show why no one in the United States heeds the small German clique which is wailing that the Allies are strangling American industry and commerce Within the last five months steel
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  • 253 10 Pec pie who reside in the Tropics or in any part where Malaria prevails should avoid going out before the sun has dispelled the morning mists and a’so before they have breakfasted. The leasons for this are y that the vapours which arise from the
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  • 49 10 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Sembilan, Dut.. 3&lt; 2, Bron, April 19, Belawan, gen., K.P.M. Co. M. Austin, Brit., 97, Cowary, April 19, Renong, gen., E. S. Co. Klang, Brit., 732, Fawcus, April 19, S’pore, gen., A. G. Co. Hebe, Brit., 346, Scott, April 18, T. Anson, gen., Adamson Gilfillan Co.
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  • 43 10 To-day. Van Riemsdijk for Singapore. Alma for Deli. Cornelia for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Avagyee.for Bindings, Sitiawan Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson. Un Peng for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis Setul. Flying Dragon for Portwold and Taiping. Sembilan for Deli and Langsa.
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  • 49 10 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. iTo-Morrow. For Per Close. Langsa Edi. T. Semawe, Segli and Olehleh Atjeh noon. Tongkah Malacca 1 p.m. Rangoon, Calcutta and Durban Dunera 1 p.m. Singapore, China and Japan Yatshing 2 p.m. Teluk Anson Hebe 4 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapcre Klang -30 p.m.
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  • 18 10 Atsuta Maru. April 19, from Singapore. Agaponor, April 21, from Singapore Niugchow, April 24, from Suez.
    18 words
  • 125 10 Penang, April 19, 1915. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 4 months'sight Bank ...2/4 7/32 3 Credit ...2/4 9/16 3 Documentary ...2/4 19/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 1743 3 days' sight Private 177 1 Bombay Demand Bank 174} Moulmein Demand Bank 178 j 3 days’sight
    125 words
  • 242 10 Penang, April 19, 1915. S. P. Tapioca 56.40 sales. M. P. Tapioca $7.15 sellers. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $35.00 sellers Trang Pepper s24| sellers. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $66.00 sellers. Cloves $45 sellers.
    242 words
  • 233 10 Penang, April 19. Beef— ct8 Soup per catty 18 Roast &gt;i 26 Steaks Stew or Curry Meat 20 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail each 50 Tongue 50 Feet m 15 Heart &gt;, 40 Liver per catty 35 Pork Pork per catty 36 Pig’s Head 22 Feet 26 Tongue
    233 words
  • 62 10 Monday. April 19 Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Empire Theatre, Penang Road Electric Polyscope Co., Argyle Road. Tuesday, April 20. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 21, Band, Esplanade, 6 p&gt;m. Thursday, April 22. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Friday. April 23. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Saturday.
    62 words
  • 7 10 June 4 and s.—lpoh Races.
    7 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 363 10 &lt; ""the genuine all-britism POLISH. NUBIAN JH&gt; B LIQUID WATERPROOF S«»lf-PoB«hin&lt;. blacking No Bruthco required. BROWN far brown beo'-S shoe*, etc. i._.&gt;.,.,,.rk Gives an instantaneous brilliant Aprliol with sixsnrre wet &lt;i f y wealiter. Mud can be 1 and elastic polish, wh ch las not injure leather nor soil the
      363 words
    • 380 10 1 VANHOUTEN'S W COCOA 5? delic/ous /Javourmy also Lei; Cook use ir nML The Straits Sales Room, MR. G. B. MADDEN begs to inform the general Public of Penang that he has opened business at 60, Beach Street, as Auctioneer, Ship Chandler, General Estate and Commission Agent. He further begs
      380 words

  • 1292 11 Abtilliby, a word used for (1) ti e cannon of an army, with their draught hones and the officers and men who bandied them; (2) the guns The artillery with the British army is made up of two kinds of field guns—the 18-pounder quickfirer gun that Works
    1,292 words
  • 306 11 Union Force tn Valley of Precious Stones. The Durban correspondent of the Centra: News writes The Censor has passed the fallowing story sent by r non-commissioned officer of one of the Union mounted regimen‘s in German S outh west Africa. The regimen 1 has been on an
    306 words
  • 162 11 “We have a little ditty to the tune of A Little Grey Home in the West’ says a letter from the front I’ve a little wet home in a trench, Where the rainstorms continually drench There’s a dead cow close by, With her
    162 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 555 11 N. Y. K. Japan Mail Steamship Co. 14. TUROPEAN LINK. b Tortnigbtly service is maintained bemm Yokohama via porta to ManeUlw London and Antwerp, under mail eontraet •with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining thia service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
      555 words
    • 126 11 Rheumatism Knocked Out Rheumat’sm one of the most terrible foes of suffering humanity, is knockee out,” conquered by that champion of the people, Little’s Oriental Balm. Thd miraculous cures effected by this wonderful remedy have caused astonishment in every land on the face of the earth. In Europe in America,
      126 words
    • 366 11 1"=“= D RHNk" JEFFREY’S "CHOP KOTA” I’ S I£ T 8 'Jw wK\ I J i KT PR M t tas mc I I Q I M Ml ■-I IS 8 n i d 3 g The Most Popular Brand in the Market. T OBTAINABLE FROM ALL STORES. SOLE AGENTS
      366 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1822 12 P. &O. I» intended SAILINGS. straits Steam Ship Co., Ltd.] Octa,?. Navigation Co. RrITISH INDIA y jr .j Intended to Sail. Steamer, I STEAM ShlP (0 m Every Tuesday, at 5-30 p.m. Klang Wireleak Telegraphy fitted on all &gt; .iia i imau MmiMV &lt;Mt Port Swettenham and Singapore. from the
      1,822 words