Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 February 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 898 1 rtJ u n ri—mr u TOU WANT IO SHIP, BUY or sell B B ER OB TO 1 forward goods Iro Ahl PART or th. WORLD SO TO ALLEN DENNYS Co., whom itxxft. 9 “THE PINANG GAZETTE/ jw F*”l BEACH STREET. PENANG. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, p MALTHOID SUBSCRIPTION. Gold Medal Amsterdam
      898 words
    • 61 1 itjnaauD«atwfw«nrz uLScaoca» V a l OH $BO 1 X/OU ear- have the Pinang g I GttK-tt® ;<ost»d “vary day p ter a »i*ote to your a4dra*a. i j n (kOCAL SUBSCRIPTION. 12H. Prctporxior.atn Quarterly «nd P RiH-ytarly rate#. s flnbecriptioi.» ate payable, in I and remittan-tsa abonld I H fr-vtivTßHisrd
      61 words

  • 1395 2 NOTABLE PRIVATE INTERVIEW. A full account of a notable private interview with Bismarck in September, 1867, which has special interest and significance at the present day, appeared in the Daily Telegraph.” It was preceded by a letter from Lord Burnham, in which the writer said In the
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  • 80 2 AT CUXHAVEN AND WILHELMSHAVEN. The Copenhagen correspondent of the Temps learns on the best authority that only old warships, such as the Barbarossa and the Wurtemberg, and a few training ships and six submarines are at present in Kiel Harbour, The whole of the battle fleet,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 852 2 R&tCS for es^ent Councillor will be At Home on Thursday, the Casual Advertisements. 25th February, at 5 p.m. No separate invitations will be FOR SALE, TO LET, SITUATIONS VACANT, ETC. issued. Minimum Charge $2.00 UfANTFn For 1 insertion 1.20 per inch. ASSISTANT WANTED. 2 insertions 1.10 TTUROPEAN Assistant required for
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    • 40 2 CASH Clearance Sale OF Surplus Xmas Bazaar Stock, NOW PROCEEDING. PENANG CONFECTIONERY, 18, LEITH STREET. Ma 1 i They tell me there’s VAN r HOUTENS COCOA 1 ror j Break. fa s t P V i' i pWKou.JsW Lr'* 4.J
      40 words
    • 843 2 EYE SIGHT. Taiping Medical Hall 'ESTABLISHED 1900) N. LAZARUS, 73 1S and 77 K( >TA ROAb TAIPING, PERAK, F M s Opthalmic Optician of Calcutta, IS IN PENANG. Wholesale Direct Importers of AND MAY BE CONSULTED AT Chemica|s Qf Messrs. TIANG LEE 6? Co., Manufacture, No. 53, BEACH STREET. ALSO
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    • 293 3 “THE DIVISIONS OF DEATH.” London, February 4.—Reporta from Petrograd give a graphic account of the fighting at Borzinoff obtained from German prisoners. They say that jeven divisions, known as the divisions of death,” because it was realised that they were doomed to destruction, were hurled against the Russians
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    • 270 3 London, February 4.—A vivid account of the de»tr uction of the Blucher is culled from statements of wounded German sailors. They say the fiist British shells came slowly, falling ahead and astern and raising vast columns of water. They were finding the range, but the
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    • 44 3 Lahore, Feb, 7.—“ The Daily Chronicle’s” Geneva correspondent says that the new bwias Minister to Italy has made a statement to the Rome newspapers indicating that Switzerland would regard the stoppage of her importation of food as a casus belli.
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    • 137 3 Ca'cutta, Feb. B.—A Statesman cable «ays that a Copenhagen paper publishes a remarkable interview with the German Chancellor on the subject of the economic crisis in Germany. England,” said Dr. von Benthmann-Hollweg, I wishes to starve out Germany, but we have food sufficient to last us
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    • 62 3 London February 4—Berlin despatches that the Kaiser has arrived at ilhelmshaven and handed iron crosses to e crew of U2l. He inspected the subttarine which was undergoing minor repays and afterwards visited the fleet and gave a bai quet, a feature of which was the HLgirg of
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    • 266 3 Delhi, Febiuary 6.—The following telegram, dated February sth, has been received from the Secretary of State by the Viceroy In Central Poland the Germans continue to attack with unabated fury, bringing fresh reinforcements and great masses of artillery, including heavy guns, which cease fire neither day
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    • 112 3 A special cab'egram to the “Pioneer,” ated London, Feb 2nd, says There has been a growing belief here for SQme time past that the German movement in Souin-East rfungaiy is ivp? r ted to be in aid of a new invasion of Serbia. It may really
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    • 86 3 New Yoik, Jan, 15—At a dinner given last night at the Aeto Club of America, Government officials announced a plan of the Post Office Department to introduce into the postal service 2,000 airmen, who would carry sacks of first-class mail*. The r outes have already been picked
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    • 58 3 London, January 26.—Details of the deaths of Major Raleigh and Captain Roche which have been received show that both participated in the air raid from Dunkirk—it is believed on Zeebrugge—last Tue-day. When returning, they encountered a fog and Captain Roche became seperated from the others. His
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    • 44 3 Major Raleigh, on Wednesday, started scouting in a biplane, but got in”o difficulties. He tried to land and fell into a few feet of water. He was terribly injured and got caught in quicksands. He was extricated, but died in hospital.
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    • 108 3 Bombay, Feb. 6.—Professor Pares, writing from the Russian firing line, says that everyone feels the winning spirit The men literally rusl ed forward aftc r the last great halt. The impetus was tremendous and the enemy’s losses immense. Trenches were filled with dead. All the Russians emphasise
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    • 74 3 It is reported that large orders for arms and ammunition have been placed in America by the Balkan nations. America is encouraging the development of armament factories owing to the present lack of defensive preparations. The new factories wi'd be utilised after the war to support
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    • 33 3 A German av’atcr has been found dead in the Thames estuary with a bullet in his lung. He is believed to have been the raider on Sheerress at Christmas.
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    • 121 3 Delhi, February 3.—A Pi ess communi que issued by the Commerce Department quotes from the London Gazette a list of German ships which are believed to have 1-inded British cargo at Tsingtau piior to the establishment of the blockade. Lists of British property are being made
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    • 91 3 Allahabad, Feb. 6.—The “Pioneer’s” London correspondent cables The Austrians, backed by German troops, are engaged in a final effort to prevent the invasion of the Hungarian plains It is believed in diplomatic circles that Hungary has presented what practically amounts to an ultimatum to Berlin to the effect
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    • 47 3 A message to the “Daily Chronicle from a correspondent on the German frontier says that besides the published German naval losses eight destroyers and two submarines have been lost in the Channel and North Sea, and the cruiser, Kronprinzessin Cecilie, has been written off.
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    • 41 3 Calcutta, Jau. 29 —lnstead of holding a St. Andrew’s Dinner, the Committee of the Caledonian Society asked the members to make special contributions to War Relief Funds. P 2,239 was realised, now divided among four Funds.
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    • 25 3 Calcutta, Jan. 29.—Sir Arthur Blenr.erhasset, Bart, Chief Secretary to the Government of the Central Provinces, died suddenly at Yeetmal yesterday.
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  • 448 3 BRISK ENGAGEMENTS. The following official telegrams from the British Foreign Office to H.B.M. Legation Bangkok confi m aud supplement Reuter’s cables:— An official statement from Cairo suminariz s the recent attempts by the Turks to force the passage across the Suez Canal. Early on Wednesday morning the
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  • 473 3 3a, Bangkok Times. The eight new bogie carriages which the Southern Line has in nadiness for use between Bangkok and Koh Lak are excellent models of what can now be provided in the way of comfortable travelling accommodation. Built by Craveos, Sheffield, to the Departmem’s
    3a,—“ Bangkok Times.  -  473 words
  • 212 3 —“M.M.” Performance in Kuala Lumpur. The Associated Pipers of Malaya gave a performance on the Padang, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday afternoon when there was a large attendance of Members of the Selangor Club and of the general public. The pipers on this occasion comprised Messrs, Frank
    —“M.M.”  -  212 words
  • 8 3 —Town Topics. 3a,—“ Bangkok Times.
    —Town Topics.  -  8 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 434 3 AIM BMB I/® ‘His Master’s Voice’ /OK New Seasons J 0 Models i j T HE illustrations show > —v one model of each of I the four types of ‘His I. Master’s Voice’ Gramo- U. phone— Horn—Hornless ns Table Grand—Cabinet -4 kJ Horn Model h. e. o. Grand. These
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  • 509 4 HEAVY FIGHTINC. HEAVY FIGHTINC. the evening of Dfc 22, 'hi position at Givenchy was pract cally re est iblished and the 3rd Brigade re occupied the old line of trenches. On the following day the enemy’s activity ceased. Prompt and Ready Help. Sir John French again acknowledges the
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  • 475 4 EXECUTIVE COUNCILS. London, February 17. In the House of Lords, Earl Curzon invite! Lord Crewe to make a statement concerning the proclamation for creating an Executive Council in the United Provinces. He referred to the Government’s despatch of 1908 on the subject of Executive Councils in the
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  • 60 4 THE INDIAN BUDGET, London, February 17. In the House of Commons, Mr. Herbert Roberta said the latest information from India was to the effect that recruiting in all branches of the Indian Army was very good and much above the normal. Mr. A-qnith was unable to
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  • 83 4 Reuter, London, February 16. Replying to Lord Curzon in the House of Lords concerning special communications to India, the Marquess of Crewe said he quite agreed that a continuous flow of news from the front was required in India, in order to make it clear what
    Reuter,  -  83 words
  • 180 4 Ex. Of soma tbit ty British officers who were interned at Groningen, six escaped on a Friday and Saturday recenly, according to a diepat h from that town, A search is b~ing made for them, but it seems to be already known that two of the
    Ex.  -  180 words
  • 122 4 A Trang correspondent, under date Jm. 24, writes that cholera is dangerously prevalent in the district. Hardly a day passes without two or three deaths being chronicled, and it would appear that the medical service is inadequate to cope with the disease. The people are anxious that
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  • 125 4 the other members of his family.—“ Siam Observer.” We regret to chronicle the death from inflammation of the lungs, of Tungku Yousuf, of the Gendarme ie,-which occurred at bis Bangkok residence on Saturday. The funeral took place yesterday according to Mahomedan rites. A son of the
    the other members of his family.—“ Siam Observer.”  -  125 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 791 4 By Order of the Court of Judicial INSURANCE Commissioner, Seremban. TH e CORPORATION ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE Civil Application No. 126 of 1914. Royal Exchange, London Commenced business in ad 1717 was Incorporated by R ova nJ Resident of Negri Sembilan by his dellgate, a.d. 1710 an d is therefore one
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  • 777 5 FIGHTING STRENGTH OF THE NATIONS. Mr. Hilaire Belloc, writing in “Land and Water”, discusses at considerable length the supply of men for the armies of the Allies and the Ecemy. First he deals with the numbers of military age”—from 20 to 45 and points out
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  • 38 5 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Sappho, Brit., 328, Scott, Feb. 18, T. Anson, gen., Adamson Gilfillan Co Fazilka, Brit., 2698, Rose, Feb. 18, S pore, gen., H. L. Co. Kut Sang, Brit., 3109, Bradley, Feb. 17, Hongkong, gen., Boustead Co.
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  • 34 5 To-day. Fazilka for Negapatam, Madras and Dur ban. Jin Ho for Asahan. Mambang for Setul. Alma for Deli. Kedah for Langkat Pungah for Pangkalan Brandan. Avagyee for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca.
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  • 76 5 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close. Deli and Asahan Kalmoa noon. Ceylon, Australasia, x India, Aden, Mauri- I Oriental 1 p.m. tius, Egypt and V Parcels noon. Europe, I Reg. up to 11 am. etc. J Teluk Anson Sappho 4 p.m. Singapore, China and Japan Sardinia
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  • 260 5 Penang, February 18, 1915. 8. P. Tapioca $4.70 buyers. M. P. Tapioca $5.40 buyers Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers. Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $34.35 sales Trang Pepper $19.00 no stock. Mace SHO nom. Mace Pickings $65 sellers. Cloves $4l
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  • 104 5 Tkvrsday, February 18. The Quaints at the Town Hall. Band, Wolf Club, 6 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road Electric Polyscope Co,, Argyle Road. Friday, February 19. Homeward Mail Closes 1 p.m. The Quaints at the Town Hall. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m.
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  • 18 5 March 6.—Swimming Club, Moonlight Fete. March 24.—Licensing Justices Meeting, 2-15 p.rfl. April 3 and s.—lpoh Races.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 710 5 RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO SCIATICA. Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica are three of the most common and most painful complaints and practically arise from the same cause and the names only distinguish the location of the disease. If the arms and legs are affected it is called Rheumatism: if in the Loins, Lumbago
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    • 291 5 ALWAYS GOING STRONG. PETER WALKER LACER fl uttle PETER From all First-class Dealers, Hotels and Restaurants. AGENTS: SELLAR, MURRAY Co. Trtttraffclr AMren: RURMTBEDE," PENARO. Me Li. C sft Ediflm. Tefeyhne No. 543 635. k X z I x PENANG. I A Double Safeguard. When buying Worcestershire Sauce, always look for
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  • 924 6 The news that the Russian loan of ten millions, announced on Saturday and for which the list closed at noon on Monday, had been considerably oversubscribt d and was at half per cent, premium is very gratifying alike to Russia and to Britain. Put to the
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  • 552 6 It is with the deepest regret that we have to announce the death of Mr. Reginald A. P. Hogan, of Messrs Hogan and Iveus, senior member of the Penang Bar, which took place at 9 o’clock last night at his residence, “Galway,” at Tanjong Bungah.
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  • 151 6 Anthony Alix, a servant in the Volunteer Camp canteen, was charged before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel in the second court, to-day, with the theft of 20 cents from the drawer of the bar yesterday afternoon. Lance Corporal Weber, who prosecuted, said that while he was talking to
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  • 169 6 To-day’s quotation for unrefine 1 tin in Penang was $75 75 per picul, bu a iness done, an increase of 75 cents. Tin is quoted in London to-day at <£l76 Spot, and £154 ss. three months. In the Alexandria Prize Court it was decide! that the German
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  • 901 6 The British noUficition that subjects, whether crew or pn 3en vessels entering our principal q.-j’ u ports are liable to removal or <<d° tion,” is welcome. etetb Id will not please those who are Ku to be affected by it, but we have a mright to safeguard
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 307 6 and I Long Troubles j Kl Angier’s Emulsion has been prescribed by the medical profession ||l I|l and used in the hospitals for the last twenty years and is now universally Kg «3 recognised as the standard approved remedy for coughs, bronchitis, ||g asthma, consumption and all forms of lung
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    • 106 6 THE CRAG HOTEL, SANATORIUM" PENANG HILL Completely Renovated. An hour and 10 minutes from the E. 0. HOTEL Chairs and Coolies always in readiness at the foot of the Hill. Sarkies Brothers Proprietors. NOTICE. TO SUBSCRIBERS TO THE “PINANG GAZETTE.” The subscription accounts of the Pinangf Gazette,” for the ensuing
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  • 41 6 DEATH. Hcgan. —On the 17th instant at Tanjong Bungha, Mr. R.A.P Hogan, Senior partner of Messrs. Hogan and Ivens. Obituary. INDIAN MUTINY VETERANS. London, February 17. Colonel Maclver Campbell and Major General James Reid, veterans of the Indian Mutiny, are dead.
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  • 328 7 FORTY MACHINES ATTACK BELGIAN COAST. RUSSIAN REPULSE NEAR EAST PRUSSIAN FRONTIER. FIELD MARSHAL FRENCH’S FIRST BULLETIN. A despatch covering the operations from the middle of November, and the first bi-weekly bulletin from Sir John French are published. The latter shows that the British were engaged at La
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  • Franee and Belgium.
    • 187 7 [Reuter’s Services J QUIET DAY IN FRANCE. (By Submarine Telegraph.) [Copyright Telegram.] Paris, February 16. A French communique says the British troops recaptured two portions of trenches lost on the previous day between Saint Elos and the Ypres Canal. The day passed calmly on the French front.
      [Reuter’s Services J  -  187 words
    • 146 7 SIR JOHN FRENCH’S REPORT. Loudon, Febiuary 16. The Pi ess Bureau to-night published Field Marshal Sir John French’s first Bi-weekly Bulletin. It affirms that since the successes at La Bassee there has been lets activity. Nevertheless further progress at a valuable point was secured without loss on
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    • 53 7 London, February 16. The latest list of casualties includes the following :—Officers killed, L. C. Alban, R. G. Milburn, G. M. Penn, G. M. Sichel Wounded, S. Lingley, W. Dobbs, G. P. Hunt, E. Robertson, (Borderers) Unofficially reported prisoners, G. Body, M. L. Cole, I. Davidson, C.
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    • 45 7 Sluis, February 16. The “Handelsblad’s” correspondent says the recent British air raid destroyed a Zeppelin shed and its contents, the central Electric Works at Zeebrugge, the station, the railway at Blankenberghe and the bridge at Ostend connecting the station with the sea.
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    • 64 7 40 MACHINES ENGAGED. London, February 17. It is officially announced that forty aeroplanes and seaplanes bombarded Ostend, Middelkerke, and Zeebrugge, on Wednesday afternoon. Bombs were dropped on the heavy batteries on both sides of Ostend harbour, on gun positions at Middelkerke, and on the mole at
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    • 37 7 Ottawa, February 17. In the Canadian House of Commons, the Premier, Sir R. L. Borden, read a telegram from Mr. Lewis Harcourt, announcing that the Canadian Contingent had landed safely in France.
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    • 34 7 London, February 16. Hitherto 503 Grenadier Guardsmen have enlisted in the Welsh Guards. Applications are so numerous that a second battalion of the Welsh Guards will probably be formed.
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    • 37 7 AN EXCHANGE AGREED ON. Loudon, February 15. In the House of Commons the Hon. Neil Primrose, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, said arrangements had been made to release civilian British and German prisoners over fifty-five.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 327 7 ENEMY ACTIVE IN CARPATHIANS. Petrograd, February 15. A Russian communique says the fighting on the Niemen-Vistula front was resumed on Saturday almost in the same districts as on Friday. In the Carpathians the Russians made a slight advance on the left bank of the Upper San,
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 37 7 Amsterdam, February 17. The Ottoman Chamber has accepted the Urgency Bill allowing all non-Moslems, trained and untrained, and some classes of untrained Moslems, to purchase exemption from military service on payment of £24.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 99 7 PRESS OPINIONS. London, February 16. The papers are delighted with Mr. Churchill’s statement. It demonstrates that the Navy is at length freed from its shackles. The Morning Post says had Germany not lost her temper she might have remained under the protection of the Declaration of Paris
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    • 338 7 OWNERS APPEAL FOR RELEASE. Washington, February 17. The State D partmeut yesterday sent to the American Ambassador in London evidence submitted by the owners of the Wilhelmina’s cargo for the purpose of proving that the cargo is not subject to seizure. It suggests that unless Britain has
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    • 25 7 London, February 15. The report that Count von Bernstorfl, the German Ambassador in United States, has been summonei to Berlin is untrue.
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    • 46 7 New York, February 17. A British X Ray examination of cotton cargoes on outgoing ships has revealed bales of cotton waste consigned by the Cretic each of which contained four pounds of rubber sheets. The entire consignment of 178 bales was refused.
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    • 114 7 New York, February 17. Admiral von Behncke, Chief of Stafl of the German Navy has made a remarkab'e admission to an American Naval Attache at Gherardi. He said Since the shutting off of the food supplies we have come to a point where Germany has no
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    • 43 7 Glasgow, February 17. Private information received here denies the German claims that raw material is abundant and that mills are working at full time. On tl e contrary, the largest cotton and jute mills in Germany are completely closed down.
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    • 40 7 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Washington, February 17. Great Britain has notified the United States that enemy subjects, whether crew or passengers, on vessels entering her principal Colonial ports, are liable in the future to removal or detention.
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    • 36 7 London, February 17. Lloyds announces that the British steamer Dulwich, bound for Rouen, was blown up off Cafe Antifer by two successive explosions. The crew were uninjured and took to the lifeboat.
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    • 39 7 London, February 15, In the House of Commons Dr. Macnamara, Secretary to the Admiralty, in the House of Commons, announced that the despatches regarding the Falklands and North Sea battles will be published shortly.
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    • 16 7 Amsterdam, February 17. The Emden’s landing party have been awarded Iron Crosses.
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    • 19 7 Cettinge, February 15. The Austrian Fleet has emerged from Cattaro and is now bombarding Antivari, in (Montenegro).
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  • General News.
    • 43 7 OVER SUBSCRIBED IN TWO DAYS. London, February 16. The Russian loan of ten millions was only announced on Saturday, and the list closed at noon on Monday. It was considerably oversubscribed and is now at a half per cent., premium.
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    • 36 7 Bern% February 17. An enquiry has proved that the aeroplane which recently flew over Beurnevesin and was fired at by Swiss troops, was German. The Swiss Federal Government has demanded an apology.
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    • 35 7 New York, February 15. A committee, under the Mayor of New York, recommends an embargo on the exportation of wheat to prevent the price of bread further rising in America.
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    • 80 7 PRODUCE PRICES. London, February 16. Copper £63-17s. 6d. Ironsheets foot teen selected 70s. 3d. Cotton seed £7.125. 6d. sellers. Wheats, white Karachi 60s. Delhi 60jsRasafe 635. paid. Hemp £25 15s. paid. Lead 19£. Tin prompt £lBl. Iron 565. 61. Wheat 61s. stock 11,400,000. Linseed 555. Oil £29
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  • 66 7 MR. LAMPARD’S SON KILLED. [P. G. Special.] London, February 17. A son of Mr. A. Lampard, the wellknown rubber company director, has been killed at the front. He was a private in the Honourable Artillery Company. THE LATEST DIVIDENDS. Shelford Rubber Estate, Limited, will pay an interim
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  • 187 7 The following are the results of Competitions for prizes presented by Mrs J A Brown 18 holes Match play under ordinary handicaps 14 and over. The final was won by Mrs Welham, who beat Miss Barnett 3 and 2. Preliminary Round. Mrs Hoefeld beat Mrs Bright 10
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  • 39 7 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following farther contributions to the above Fond, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance, Feb. 13 ...$86,112.29 Anonymous 50 00 Balance on Feb. 17 ...$86,162 29
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  • 37 7 The following are further contributions which have been received by the selected committee of the Penang Hitidu Sabha. Balance Feb. 11 $326.50 Mr. Ebbles, Manager, Juru Estates 54.85 Balance on Feb. 17 $381.35
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    • 67 7 Toe following are telegrams received from the Private Secretary to H. E. the Governor forwarded to us by the Hon. the Resident Councillor for publication MILITARY DANGER AVERTED. “There are now of the Fif h Native Light Infantry 432 men who have offered assistance, surrendered, or been captured.
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    • 56 7 Copy of tebgram from the Colonial Secretary date! 18-2-15 The following German prisoners are at large Emden’s crew Lieutenant Lantrabach, Boatswain Michule'z, Stoker Leek, Cook Jentscb, Behn M**yer, Diehn, Schenberg, Elmenhorst and O’hers, Merchant sailors Land ndorp, Fischbech, Themsen, Seifarth, and Peters, From Bangkok Reichwein, From Penang
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    • 35 7 The following further communication has reached us from ths Resident Counj cillor’s Office Notice. The Volun’eers have be°n mobilized from Tuesday, the 16th February until further notice. Major Minniken is in command.”
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    • 429 7 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette”] Fir,—In your issue of the 15th inst., there appears a letter above the signatureof Ex-Volunteer,” who states that since this war commenced he has put in some months of milittry service with the Singapore Volunteers. How is it then that he
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  • 59 7 OUTPUTS FOR JANUARY. The following are rubber outputs for January Glugor lbs. 2,352 Kuala Pergau 8,900 Sungei Matang 11,115 George Town Kinema held a large audience when they showed for the first time the great detective .featarea, “The Munroe Manor Mystery and the serial Films The Chronicles of Cleek.”
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  • 1456 8 WARMLY APPRECIATED BY THE WRONG MAN. BUDDING KIPLING'S POEM. [The following is an officer’s letter to a wounded comrade Had a most stunning shock this morning. While down at G.H.Q. orderly came up, saluted, Box for you, sir; just coming off that A.S.C. lorry.” Told him
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 588 8 BANKS, CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1.200,00i Reserve Fund £1,800,001 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,001 Head Office 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.O Agrncixb and Branches. Amritsar Hongkong Penang Bangkok Iloilo Puket Batavia Ipoh Rangoon Bombay Karachi Saigon Calcutta Klang Serembac Canton Kobe Shanghai
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    • 327 8 One of the fallacies—the I have to pay for the Advertisements fallacy. You pay for them just precisely as you pay for the rent of the shop you deal with—no more, no less. A shop in a crowded thoroughfare pays a higher rent than one in a deserted street, but
      327 words
    • 167 8 i llJ—L—Uljm—J—ll I l—llj lI TTHUIISB El HRB Cy,». 4 A chain is no stronger than its weakest link, /> I /X 5 I Your car may have a strong frame, good transmission, and an excellent motor, but if the tyres, which indeed form the very foundation of the car,
      167 words

  • 1307 9 GOVERNOR-GENERAL REVIEWS ECONOMIC FEATURES. The economic condition of Ja r a during the past jeir is surveyed for us in a clear and comprehensive manner by the Gover-nor-General of Netherlands India, in a report which is just published by ths Colonial Department at The Hague,
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  • 211 9 Several Men Blinded. Among the many pitiful sigh's of the present war none is perhaps more heartrending than the convalescent Russian soldiers in Lvof (Lemberg) who have been blinded by the Germans with vitriol. They are to be seen with bandaged faces walking about the town in single
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  • 132 9 The following ties have been fixed for to-day Championship.'—V G Savi v F N Syer (4); R Ĕ Prentis v E H Syer (5). Singles Handicap Class C—R Rule v A W Blackstone (2), Singles Handicap Class D—E J Bennett v A P Candler (3). The following
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  • 281 9 EVEN IS OF A WEEK. February 5 —Turkish attack at Toussoum, Suez Canal, repulsed. Turks lose 3000, including 600 prisoners, in attacks at four points in Suez Canal. Big Battles in Poland and in Carpathians. Tarnow evacuated by Austrians. February 6.—Russians cross the Bzura. Another Australian
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  • 230 9 Penang. February 18. Beef— cts. Soup per catty 18 Roast 26 Steaks 26 Stew or Curry Meat 20 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail each 50 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart 35 Liver per catty 30 Fork Pork per catty 36 Pig’s Head 22 Feet 26 Tongue 36 Mutton
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 318 9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE is hereby given that the powers of Attorney granted by me to Mr. S. O. Saiboo jointly or severally has been revoked as trom the 4th day of February, 1915, and the said S. O. Saiboo is no longer in my employ and has no authority to
      318 words
    • 88 9 HONEY’ BRAND S Bacon Hams. I Sole Proprietors: John White Co.» v Bristol» England I 1 IF NOT ALREADY A SUBSCRIBER TO THE WUV WAT P,NANG GAZETTE WH I 11V I HAVE IT REGULARLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By Post.— Yearly $3O-00, Half-Yearly $l5-00, V Monthly 2-50. Y' 7 Local.— Yearly $27-00,
      88 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 78 9 THE TIDES. Penang—February, 1915. High Water. Low Water. Standard ry. Standard Dftte Time. Hb Date Time. h m ft. h m fb Th 18 m 2 13 6.4 18 m 844 0 2 2 40 a 6 5 9 1 a 1.2 F 19 m 236 6.0 19 m 9
      78 words
    • 257 9 Everybody in Penang now knows that the GEORGE TOWN KINEMA i Has the Best Programme Going. We have the h nour of presenting you in TO-NIGHT’S CHANGE a most c stly Programme. 2 World’s Greatest Detective Features The Munroe Manor Mystery, 3 Parts 3 Reels Cines Capital Sensational Detective Drama.
      257 words

  • 795 10 be prepared for it.—“ Malayan Tin and Rubber Journal.” SOME IMPORTANT FACTORS. THE FAT YEARS AND LEAN YFARS, lhe sharp rise in the price of tin is being well maintained, and it might not be unprofitable to briefly look at the situation, try to dedyce the causes
    be prepared for it.—“ Malayan Tin and Rubber Journal.”  -  795 words
  • 273 10 There has been plenty of business passing in the standard market, and a hopeful tone prevails, based upon the belief that the spring consumption on both sides of the Atlantic will prove to be exceptionally heavy says the Ironmonger of January 16. Th» firmer tone of the
    273 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 486 10 Tjw ORIGINAL and ONLY GENUINE. W Acts like a Charm in checks and arrests W A?3?ARRHOEA, and i. I FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. f 'ss the only Specific in The Best Remedy known for H ■1 Calera and i COUGHS, COLDS, DYSENTERY. I ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. U to only Palliative in NEURALGIA,
      486 words
      286 words

  • 953 11 Passengers and crew of the unfortunate P. O. steamer Nile, which foundered in 30 fathoms of water after striking a rock ofl Iwaijima on January 11, speak very highly of their treatment by the company after lauding aA Kobe. In view of the fact that nothing had been
    953 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 802 11 NY. K GOSNELL’S Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. EAU DE COLOGNE BEST and BRITISH. 35 cts 50 cts $1.50, $5.00 per bottle. EUROPEAN LINE. r l Fortnightly service is maintained be- TPIJI? T Ik Tgl A T J jreen Yokohama via ports to Marseilles ft- ■> I rfl IXI Z>
      802 words
    • 268 11 BMANURES Improve the Growth, Health UAND Yield of all Cutivations. R’S The Ceylon Manure Works-A Baur, COLOMBO. PENANQ. Niiwarfl Eiiija, Cr-ijlon. 6,200 feet aboTv, 3ea Level. I FAMOUS FOR ITS GOLF LINKS. BOTANICAL GARDENS, TENNIS ANO TROUT FISHINB. THF GRAND ar 9^ st appointed hotel in Jfuwara Eliya. Electric Light
      268 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1993 12 P. 9 k— intended sailings. straits Steam Ship Co., Ltd. fete Ocean Steam Navigation Co. INDIA inund.dtos.iL j st..m.r, steam ship c 0„ l(i Wireless Telegraphy fitted on all B—————— Every Tuesday, at 5-30 p.m. Klang, puiui MIITIIAI 9TEFM kill. Steamers. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LTD. Port SwetteDham Wnarf Th™ FREE
      1,993 words