Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 October 1914

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1059 1 s h BUY OR sell RU B B E Rn OB TO A FORWARD GOODS U TO ANY PART or THE WORLD Q GO TO ALLEN DENNYS Co., Q 7. UNION BTBMT. n 1 ———Sai SS^— ■—i i. NV W g nDnnnnnnannnanatrannnnanßnaDn g SUN LIFE NORTHAM HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIOS Y.
      1,059 words
    • 66 1 IuaoauOManDnDManDnoMDDDDS FOR $3O g a TT’OU can have the “Pinang o X Gasette n posted every day d 1 for a whole year co your address. S (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION. 527). D Proportionate Quarterly and o R Half-yearly rates. g S Bubecriptione are payablo in a admoe and remittances should 9
      66 words

  • 555 2 SERIOUS EFFECT ON MINING. The fall of tin to $57 came in the nature of a shock to most people the other day, and caused not a little uneasiness, says the Ipoh correspondent of the Malay Mail on October 18, All were fortified behind the conviction
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  • 207 2 S.F.P.” Correspondence showing the genuine desire of the writers to solve the question of effective service to the State will be welcomed, especially if it is constructive and not destructive. These points may be borne in mind.— Singapore is a fortress, and as a fortress must be
    .—“ S.F.P.”  -  207 words
  • 169 2 8. T.” On Sunday morning the Pontoporos, one of the Emden’s colliers, whose capture off -Sumatra was reported the other day, was brought into Singapore. A group of naval, military and civil officials awaited her arrival and went on board when she came alongside in the
    —“ 8. T.”  -  169 words
  • 1983 2 INCIDENTS OF THE GERMAN RETREAT. A TRIBUTE FROM AN AMERICAN BATTLESHIP. Writing from a point Near Melon, on Sept. 13, a Times” correspondent said There is a hurricane blowing. The rain descends in torrents—rain that lashes the roadways, eating into them and digging deep ruts. Over the
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  • 505 2 .—Ex. None of us in England will make it a grievance against Turkey that she had decided to put an end to the Capitulations. Most of us will be more inclined to say that she is perfectly welcome to do so. The Capsulations are a sot
    .—Ex.  -  505 words
  • 134 2 Paris, October 16,—A communique says: All the successes mentioned yesterday have been confirmed to-day. On our left wing, the action of the Allied forces becomes more and more extensive in the region of Ypres and reaches to the sea. Petrograd On the left bank of the Vistula,
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  • 96 2 The following Hampshire professionals have enliste 1 in the sth Batt. Hampshire Regiment for service abroad C P Mead, J Newman, A Kennedy, E Remnant, W Livesey, J Evans, K Boyes, and F Debden. The following amateurs who have played for the ,eam this year are on
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  • 704 2 THOUSANDS GO FROM LANCASHIRE. It is not unlikely that when the whole of the new army has been brought into existence it will be found that the coalminers have made a larger contribution to it in proportion to their numbers than the workers engaged in any
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  • 230 2 'Cavalry are playing an unexpectedly large part in the war, and the weight carried by cavalry horses in the various armies is of interest. Our cavalry is armed with the short Lee-Enfield rifle, the magazine of which holds ten rounds; the sword, which is carried by
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  • 509 2 ATTACK BY A BRITISH AEROPLANE, [Sir John Franch stated in his despatch that by actually fighting in the air the Royal Flying Corps “have succeeded i Q dsstreyjng five of the enemy’s machines,” Below is ah account of the experience of being attacked by a
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  • 342 2 A Scene of Death in the German Trenches There have been rumours before of the terrible explosive which M Turpon, the inventor of melinite, had placed at the service of France. It had been tried once near Chalons, so it was said, on a flock of sheep.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 72 2 Advertisers cannot make money on ore transaction. Every person- who rep’ks to an advertisement must be given such attention and value that the one sale will pave the way to further sales. Businesses are buiit up upon frier.» ship and trust twixt the buyer and Sidler, for a dissatisfied customer
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  • 1273 3 SOME FINAL DOCUMENTS. We give a final instalment from the hitherto unpublished documents of the Russian Orange-book, the official paper in which the Russian Government collects the despatches of its Ministers and Ambassadors during the negotations before the war. Perhaps the most notable feature in them is the
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  • 335 3 What Sir F. Swettbnham Thinks. Sir Frank Swettenham writes to the “Times”: When Sir Valentine Chirol writes about India the rest of us may well accept the teaching of his great knowledge and experimce. With reference to his admirable letter in the Times’’ of September 12,
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  • 842 3 THE “PINCHBECK NAPOLEON.” Earl Curzon of Kedleston recently addressed a recruiting meeting in the City Hall, Hull. The Lord Mayor (Mr. J. H. Hargreaves) presided, and was supported by many prominent .residents of the city and district. The Lord Mayor evoked a great outburst of
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  • 464 3 WHAT THE KAISER MIGHT BE WILLING TO DO. We are fighting for a worthy purpose and we shall not lay down our arms until that purpose has been fully achieved. —The King’s Speech. From various quarters comes talk of peace, the centre being the United States. According to
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  • 393 3 Private’s Letter to His Mothbb. A Manchester woman has received the following letter from her son, Private J. Carroll, of the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, in which serious allegations are made as to the ill-treatment by Germans of their prisoners— Dear Mother, —I suppose
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 313 3 TO LET. MARBJ E HALL, Northam Road. Apply KENNEDY it Co. 480—u c TO LET, OTTERBURN” by the sea, Butterworth, (partly furnished). Apply to Ottbrburn," c/o Pinang Gazette, 1021—19 21 23-10 TO LET FROM the Ist October, 1914, Compound House, No. 63, Northam Road, lately in the occupation of Capt.
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    • 57 3 Sore throat denotes a weakness in the larynx that has been seize! upon by harmful germs, who, colonising there, are prepared to create serious trouble unless swept away by a dose of Wood’s Great Peppermint Cure, a true germicide, which at the srme time, soothes and heals the tender parts.
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    • 313 3 Ipoh Gymkhana Club. AUTUMN MEETING, 30th 31st OCTOBER, 1914. Entries close Thursday, October 22nd, Inst., at 6-30 p.m. J. BERRY, Hon. Secretary. 1015-22-10 WHISKY FOUR CROWN I H-M.S. gr yaaUMifu nre Utts cflOrjOßM*» Robert Brows Zip GLASGOW A LONDON Schmidt, KOstermahn a C* Sole Importers /of PE NANG. Miracle-Cure Sleepless
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 54 3 Mr. Mrs. G. C. G. MULLER BEG TO ANNOUNCE A cafe Chantant, IN AID OF The Prmce of Wales’ Fund TO BE HELD AT SUNGEI BAKAP HALL, 0)1 Saturday, 24th October, 9-15 p.n». TICKETS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM Mrs. MULLER or Mrs. PALMER, Sungei Bakap. PRICES OF ADMISSION: $2, $1
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  • 595 4 Turkey owes much to Britain, for assistance iu the past, atd Britain is one of the few nations of Europe to steadily pursue a policy which baa for its object the prevention of dismemberment of the Turkish Empire, in the wel er of the Powers’ conflicting interests. Unhappily, so
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  • 539 4 Our London correspondent cabled to us a few days ago the news that the Rubber Growers’ Association is urging the War Office to adopt rubber boots for the winter campaign in Europe. It is unnecessary to point out what an immense amount of benefit would accrue to the
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  • 85 4 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following farther contribution to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance Oct. 19 ...$20,975 26 4 Planters Bagan Serai 200.00 Mrs. R. Weber 25.00 A. O. Cantley 100.00 Balance on Oct. 20 ...$21,300.26 BELGIAN RELIEF
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  • 622 4 M.M.” The Dutch steamer Djokja after leaving Colombo was stopped by ths German cruiser Emden, but after investigation she was allowed to proceed. In Holland everybody is doing his best to help the Belgian refugees and the interned soldiers in fact the whole nation is
    ,—« M.M.”  -  622 words
  • 700 4 ASSISTANT EDITOR CLAIMS DAMAGES. In the District Court, Penang, to dav before Mr. G. A. Hall, the hearing was commenced of a case in which the plaintiff John Stephen Raj* Rao, claims $5OO damages from A. M. Abdul Kader and K. M. Seeni Tamby, Editor and Proprietor of
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  • 130 4 Page 2.—The Fall in Tin A Stricken Host; Colliers at the Front; A Duel in the Air; Volunteering in Singapore Emden’s Collier in Singapore. Page 3.—Russia’s Case; Lord Cu zon on German Methods; Peace Talk India and the War. Page 4,—“ Declined Rubber Boots Prince of Wales’s
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 207 4 WCK —i——W———- "ii BY APPOINTMENT TO HIS NMESIY KIDS GEORGE V. «®if *5 i s Motor, Motor-cycle, solid and Cycle Tyres. No interruption of supplies. No alteration in prices. The Dunlop Company is iu a position to meet any demands which may be made upon it. It is to
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    • 33 4 THE CRAG HOTEL, “SANATORIUM' PENANG HILL Completely Renovated. An hour and 10 minutes from the E. 0. HOTEL Chairs and Coolies always in readiness at the foot of the Hill. Sarkies Brothers, Proprietors.
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    • 526 5 GREECE PREPARES FOR WAR. ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF NAVAL GUNNERY. [Copyright Telegram.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Recd. Oct. 20, 11 p.m. The Daily Mail correspondent in France says the enemy’s crazy attempt to rush to the Straits of Dover is rapidly approaching fruition, namely ignominious failure. Beginning with
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    • 418 5 ’—Reuter. THE DESTROYERS’ BATTLE. FINELY MANOEUVRED RUNNING FIGHT. [Copyright Telegram.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Recd. Oct. 20, 5-30 p.m. The light cruiser Undaunted and the four victorious destroyers entered Harwich yesterday. Swarming crowds gave them a great ovation. The crews said they were astonished after several weeks to
      ’—Reuter.  -  418 words
  • 234 5 GERMANS ATTACKING [Copyright Telegram (By Submarine Telegrap'».) Recd. Oct. 21, 2 35 p m. A Paris communique says: Despite violent attacks, the Belgian army is maintaining its positions along the Yser. Other actions are taking place in the region of Ypree. The enemy continues ti hold
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  • 50 5 [P. G. Special Cable.] [Copyright Telegram.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) London, October 20. Bakap Rubber Plantations, Ltd., may pay a final dividend of 10 per cent., and carry forward £2,700. The United Langkat profits are £49,000, and after adding the balance brought forward, it gives £lOO,OOO for distribution,
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  • 45 5 [From Our Own Corresponded-] Singapore, October 21. Th*-re were on offer 103 tons and 80 tons were sold. Pale crepe was firm at sllo—sll4, an advance of five dollars, smoked sheet 05—5114, Unstnoked sheet $BB, Dark crepe sold at about $5 advance.
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  • 126 5 THE RUBBER ASSOCIATION. At the 53rd auction of the Penang Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association there were offered for sale 242.39 piculs or 32,318£ lbs, of which 128.26 piculs or 17,1011 lbs. were sold. Prices realized Smoked sheet (No. 2) $75 to $9O —l/6.901. plain sheet
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  • 15 5 OUTPUT FOR SEPTEMBER. The following are the output for Sept. Kuala Pergau lbs. 7,500
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  • 295 5 The Rubber Exibition and Congress at Batavia opened on Monday. Owing to the war the event has been deprived of much of its importance and interest. No official delegates from Malaya will be in attendance, but an exhibit has been sent and the P.A.M. are presenting a
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  • 394 5 Signs or Unrest. The following official telegram from the British Foreign Office to H.BM. Legation, Bangkok, dated October 13, appear in the Bangkok papers The following telegram has been received from the Governor General of the Union of South Africa: Since the resignation cf General Beyers
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  • 46 5 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 5-54 till 7-15 p.m. this evening 1. Ooverture Raymond ...Thomas 2 Two Step The Policeman's Holiday ...Ewicg 3. Selection Bocaccio ...Suppe 4. Waltz Incognito ...Ivanovice 5. March St. Andrew ...Andres
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 422 5 WANTED. FOR SALK. SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE from 34 jj.P. HUMBER MOTOR December; CYCLE for sale. Perfect condition. Apply to 818, c/o Pinang Gazette. $3OO. «H. W.” c/o Pinang Gazette' W ANTE D. notice. Gramaphones and records WANTED, in good order. State P. A* M» price, which must be moderate. No.
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  • 910 6 .—Ex HER MESSAGE FOR THE WEST. All the gre%t waves of philosophy which have permanently alte ed the character of human thought and feeling have moved from East to West The Semite and the Arab, the Greek and the Roman, all threw their best and greatest
    .—Ex  -  910 words
  • 816 6 THE PEOPLE ON THE SIDE OF ENGLAND AND FRANCE. Neither the position nor the strength of Spain points to her playing an important part in the present European war says a Spanish correspondent of a Home paper. Things would have been quite different had Italy made
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  • 459 6 ALIEN SHAREHOLDERS. Since the publication in September of a list of the emergency Acts of Parliament passed since the outbreak of hostilities, ten other measures arising out of the of war have been passed, some of them of a far-reaching character. The most important is tbe Trading with
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  • 361 6 The Jaluit or Marshall Islands which have been captured by the Japanese are part of the German possessions in the Pacific. These Islands lie some 2,700 miles east of tbe Philippines and form part of Micronesia (small island) one of the three great divisions of the Oceanic isla
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  • 32 6 Penang :—The E. 4 O. Hotel, Tbe Crag, Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Norman, Carlton Hotel and The New Sea View Hotel. Singaporb Raffles Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel Ceylon Nuwara Eliya.
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  • 519 6 “A HARD ROAD TO TRAVEL.” General Sir Alfred E. Turner writes as follows to the Pall Mall Gazette I have spent much time in Germany, and have been several times attached to a German army corps for manoeuvre-, and feel strongly with you that it is most
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  • 178 6  -  William Watson. The Times.’’ Melinite, lyddite darkenei heaven, But straight at the guns the Lancers rode By the light of the rage that within them glowed— Straight at the guns, the deadly Eleven, That had and shelled them seven times seven. With never a
    “ The Times.’’  -  178 words
  • 259 6 In the Penang Municipality for the week ended Oct. 10, there were 66 deaths —43 males and 23 females, equal to a death-rate of 33.19 per mille per annum, compared with 38.73 in tbe preceding week and with 36.47 in the corresponding week of last year. The following
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  • 178 6 Shortage of food in Germany is probably ac’ing as another ally to us. Hamburg is practically in a state of famine according to the messages’ thit have got to Rome concerning it, traffic having ceased and all factories being clo-ed. All the accumulated stocks of food
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  • 160 6 Private A. Me Gillivray, a Highlander, writes to his mother "Of my company only ten were unhit. I saw a handful of Irishmen throw themselves in front of a regiment of cavalry who were trying to cut off a battery of Horse Artillery. It
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  • 111 6 Wednesday, October 21. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. High Water 1.4 a.m. and 1 26 p.m. Low Water 7.36 a.m. and 7.37 p.m. Tbersday, October 22. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. High Water 1.39 a.m. and 2.6 p.ra. Low Water 8.15 a.m. and 8.13 p.m. Friday, October 25.
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  • 24 6 November 3.—Ministering Children’s League, Bazaar. Nov. 3.—Federal Council meets at Kuala Kangsar. Nov. 30.—St. Andrew’s Society Concert in aid of Prince’s Fund.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 57 6 Ceilings Panels. Beautiful and adaptable to any style of Architecture and to any method of interior finish, are the CRANE wonderful Art Metal Ceilings, cool, clean, white ant and vermin proof for Bungalows, Hotels and Public Buildings. For illustrated catalogue and praticulars write to the Agents The Borneo Coy., Ltd.,
      57 words
    • 115 6 A Mad Elephant crushing out a man’s life with its huge foot, would not be more terrible than the cruel demon Rheumatism—Rheumatism that cripples the limbs, weakens the muscles and crushes all comfort, peace ani hope by its horrible pains. Little’s Oriental Balm cures Rheumatism. Its phenomenal success is a
      115 words
    • 589 6 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA, Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,000 Hbad Omci: 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.C Agenciis and Bbanchki. Amritsar Hongkong Puket Bangkok Iloilo Rangoon Batavia Ipoh Saigon Bombay Karachi Serembax Calcutta Klang Shanghai Canton Kobe Singapore
      589 words

  • 767 7 QFENFS OF A WEEK. Oct. B.—Enemy reported to be in force at Roye, while their strength north of the Aisne appears diminished. Violent German attacks at the Woevre and westward of Apremont failed, while the enemy were forced to fall back north of Arras, where the
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  • 134 7 —Ex. The inauguration of what will undoubtedly prove one of the greatest benefits conferred on Bangkok during the present reign will take place next month when His Majesty the King will pe r sonally proceed to the Pump House of Bangkok’s new water supply and set
    —Ex.  -  134 words
  • 67 7 The following ties have been’fixed for to day Profession P-ura—Neubronner and Hall v Cameron and Oliver (4). Doubles Handicap Class A—Rogers and Reid v Prentis and Bennett (5). Mixed D jubles Handicap Class B—Mrs W-Motion and Cuscaden v Mr and Mrs W E McDonald (1). The following
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 421 7 S plain Crutbs i on the subject of Health are the only JJ acceptable pronouncements. Exng- JJ gerated statements end by convinc- S H ing no one— rather do they create sus- picion, and give rise to doubt. But you may safely listen to universal opinion. The public have for
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    • 364 7 RADIO TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE WITH THE DUTCH EAST INDIES. £6 T 7 4 A Dutch Committee applied in the beginn* WW WjlLjbJ ing of last year for a concession to erect a wireless station on West Java for the purpose of introducing a radio-telegraphic H 1 9 9 connection between the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1117 8 fefe* British |ndia STRAITS STEAM SHIP Co., E 9 S AN mEg; M 1 limited. F** ST hi STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LTD. china mutual steam nay. co.. ltd For Port Swettenham and Singapore. I 'T'HE Companies’ steamers are despatchac A from Liverpool outwards for the Struts For Singapore. Teluk Anson.
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